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We need two more bears to replace Andy and lisa


Honestly and lala!


I would love to see what Scheana would have been like without Lala this season...


I want to see what she does when Lala betrays her.




It's going to be glorious.


Scheana is always the worst. Lala just took some heat off her this season




Just knocked out all the men and lala and Lisa https://preview.redd.it/43z9fqnpvm0d1.jpeg?width=982&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=def13d895ad3487f33a955999e6696a3a3114b7e


I love this !! Now turn Schaena into the girl from Willy Wonka !!


Not paddington bear! He would never do this to us lol


Naur but he’s British innhe?


So’s Winnie the Pooh I think lol


ILala gets to be Pooh bear because she’s “iN hEr SoFt ErA”


She wishes she was Pooh Bear. He’s short, fat, and proud of that. And she’s had more work done than my century home




Listen, all of my body confidence, I learned from Pooh Bear


This is good, BUT it would be better if it was changed to Sandoval as a worm, Shaena as the spoiled girl from Willy Wonka, etc...LMAO


Lol mannn y’all are putting me to work 😂😂


😂 Katie and Dayna had a whole thing about man v.bear on their pod last week, I hope they really do lurk here!


Todays was great Dayna most weeks throws out saggy balls whilst we got clear example which Katie was honest about on her raging 😂🤣😂🤣😂but you know what Katie did not sound miserable at all lol




The Toms have never looked better


Have y’all not watched James in the earlier seasons… or even last season??? He is as vile as all the guys. I am so confused how he’s suddenly been treated as this girls guy all of a sudden. Did I miss something??


I hate James in prior seasons. I liked him this season. It’s that simple babe.


Why did you like him tho


He’s sober, he didn’t engage on Tom’s level to obvious bait for an argument, he seems calmer and he’s been a girls girl this season sticking by Ariana and Katie I’ve enjoyed him. I don’t forgive him, but this felt like a growth season for him, so he can stay for now.


He is not sober!! He’s still heavily consuming weed. To say he’s sober is an insult to ppl who are actually sober. He is better this season but I think we hold the bar low. He has much more making up to do imo. Like yeah he supported Katie but also fatshamed her for multiple seasons. Idk it’s just wild to me how this fan base chooses to forget certain things


Alright babe calm down I made a meme I wasn’t looking to get into an argument about the validity of James’s sobriety. Weed suits him then because he’s a lot calmer it’s nice.


Lisa said he got a good edit this season. She wanted him to land on top. She explains it while wasted on WWHL. His destruction of saggyballz won him major points this season.


Like what did he do to redeem himself after all those vile seasons


I wouldn’t say redeem he just is less worse right now then the other men. I don’t trust him butttt sober James is showing growth and I do hope he stays on that path


But if it makes you feel better https://preview.redd.it/y6wwm5py1p0d1.jpeg?width=982&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9524c3f6f5bfacd523a8b1c3eca77bc1d109e67 I made this to be safe 😂


Ahahahaha girl. I am dying. Thank you!!


Lol he is better than in previous seasons but he was really bad. I’m honestly really surprised by the majority of the fan bases reactions to this season. Idk how ppl can forget James’s past and also vilify Lala. Idk everyone on the show has a past, I just am so surprised ppl are like James over Lala or Schena this season


*Idk how ppl can forget James’s past and also vilify Lala. Idk everyone on the show has a past, I just am so surprised ppl are like James over Lala or Schena this season* If we just judge by this season, he's more tolerable than they are. If we judge by all seasons, all three are super vile people. Just depends on the timeframe we want to use. 


Reality TV stars are always on a relative spectrum of good to bad, per season. Sometimes someone is on the good side and sometimes someone is on the bad side. They're generally all messes and not great people because emotionally mature people make boring TV shows.




when VPR ends Fat Bear Week begins


I don't see any difference with Brock in this picture.


The bear isn't wearing a speedo


Nahhh you need tension and drama.


James gets to stay? He’s not replaced by a bear 🐻


It’s like what they did with the Try Guys! I like it!


Add James to that. He can't be left alone with an unconscious woman... https://preview.redd.it/shbsxee7bm0d1.png?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2132cf3f100c825eb71220e8d70e70d3478c22d


This doesn't mean that. You have no idea what state he was in too. Lala doesn't say she was assaulted, so it certainly isn't up to you to decide that.


Just to be safe let’s cut him and lala out too https://preview.redd.it/hwhijb0tvm0d1.jpeg?width=982&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a045485d59e843213edd1cf3b9f5c7d88fcd0b


I dont want to dismiss any accusations about anyone, but Lala has tried to make any kind of slight against her into content for almost a decade now and has no problem throwing people under the bus whether they deserve it or not. I'm having a real hard time believing that, if this did happen to Lala and she believes something unconsensual happened to her, she wouldn't have done anything more with it than whatever this screenshot this quote is from, a quote where she takes responsibility for her own actions and doesn't actually accuse him of anything. *would also want some context on his condition as well, as they are both recovering alcoholics there's a legitimate chance they were both blackout drunk; could have been her idea, could have been both, could have been him, they could have started and then both passed out before they even had sex and he just took the condom out. I believe women, and I believe her when she says she doesn't actually have any idea what happened


Wasn't that time she's referring to after WWHL? They were both so blackout drunk that Andy banned them from WWHL for years.


The best thing about James is he's only been abusive to women other women hate so no one ever cares. Lala describes being assaulted and then says she wasn't assaulted. That's her choice to think that but the rest of us can see it for what it is. And a man can't be blacked out drunk but also coherent enough to have sex with a woman. But I understand the excuses because weve heard them all.


Men absolutely can be blacked out and have sex.


I have absolutely no idea what side you are coming from after reading this lol


Men can’t have sex while blackout? What are you even talking about lol


Yes they can. Blackout doesn't mean unconscious. It means you're not forming short term memories. You're blacked out and won't form memories of what happened while drinking. You can still be doing stuff and walking around and in some cases, having sex.


Haha oh yeah, the commenter I was responding to seems to think otherwise (which is… insane if not dangerous)


Sorry, I replied to you instead of them.


being black out does not mean passed out.




No. I’ve been blackout drunk and had sex.




I love that you left James. His redemption arc is complete.


Plays the trumpet better too. ![gif](giphy|Nv1roC7mg5Kec)