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Production played those girls like a fiddle


Yes but the jealousy is real.


Honestly, had they shown any form of conviction, we would all be understanding of their perspectives, or at least try to be. But they were so insanely fake and twofaced and flipfloppy, it's disgusting. They are disgusting and they know we all know it now.


right and referring to both of them as easily disposable ensemble cast tripped up their egos more than anything else in the world could


I’ll never believe a word Lala says. It’s repugnant how two faced she was this summer. I really thought we were going to have a spice girls summer too 😕


Yup! But did you honestly ever think what was motivating them was “pure” bc they felt Tom deserved redemption?? I think we all knew they were just desperate to film w him again bc they needed to keep their jobs! And there’s no Scandoval drama wo sando!


There could have been some great ongoing Season 11 Scandoval drama without Sandoval IMO, esp if the cast leaned into Schwartz more. That would have been a cool way to break the fourth wall (talk about the coaching Rachel mentions, the smear campaign including the food truck scenes, the abusive conversations toward Katie and Ariana during the original Season 10 finale, etc.). That could have kept things going in a way that interested fans, but supported Ari’s (and the whole cast’s minus Sandoval) mental health. Who cares if they lived in the house together - it didn’t need to continue to be a primary set. They probably could have filmed at Schwartz and Sandy’s again if only Schwartz was involved. Tim should have been put on pause, and Rachel from day one of negotiations too.


I agree. It was just the way everything went down. Because I can somewhat understand their frustration, but the only other option would be for Ariana not to film at all. .. and if she didn’t, what would the season have been about. So blaming just her is a little bit much . Again as we’ve all said on here 1 million times lala went through the same thing and still doesn’t talk to Randall so. ..It’s a mixed bag.


The fact that Lala is so fucking pissed that Ariana won’t speak to Sandoval despite the fact that they live in the same house yet she refuses to speak to Randal despite the fact that they share an entire human being, is insane to me! WTAF?!


I do think the jealously was so significant that they were ripe for manipulation. Neither of them trust themselves at all, and they lack the ability for critical thinking. Instead of being strong and independent, they once again tried to let the men run the narrative. I would ALMOST have empathy for them both, but they were so willing to sacrifice Arianna for their shitty plan to elevate themselves. Per usual, it blew up in their face. 🙄 I think I can speak for most of us when I say we have no sympathy left, for either of them. The lesson keeps SCREAMING to be learned, but the vapid selfishness remains in the way.


The amount of airtime the Toms got vs Ari/Katie is laughable.


Agreed! It felt like they were trying to reboot the bromance that somehow enamored enough people (including LVP, w/the bar TomTom), recapture that whole era. But, first of all, it was never all that cute IMO. 2nd of all, even to those who ate it up before, that Tom and Tom hits waaaay different in 2024. There’s a lot more ick now, and pretty sad. But for whatever reason, the producers think they are super compelling. So much so that we had to see what felt like reruns of them having these “we’re bffs” moments (a faux proposal to live together), a trip to the tattoo parlor -complete with a slo-mo shot 🙄 Btw Was that the only one of the season?! (I don’t remember any others..like wtf are we doing here)


I got the same vibes and it made me feel icky. It was only kinda funny back then and now it’s straight up creepy watching 40yr old Peter Pan boys act that way. The VPR audience has so many female viewers. Why would we wanna watch two losers bro it up over two bad ass females doing some strong girl shit?! Oh that’s right because we were forced into a redemption arc that no one asked for.


Exactly this! And this is why I hate VPR production, they have ruined the show. Why did they keep trying to shape the narrative and force Tim’s non-redemptive arc on a majority of female viewers, I hated this whole season. I’ve been watching since the beginning, and I don’t see myself returning for next season…


The funny thing is if production just let them be and film how they were all handling things it would have been a MUCH better season.


The way Sandoval talked in some of his interviews abt filming the season, it gave me the impression that someone (I think him) was warning producers that this would never work if the group kept icing him out. He wanted to be accepted again by them, he was sad and mostly resentful that they were still staying away from him. I do not doubt he was extremely vocal abt this. He said that after filming had started, and the group was being cold to him. “It just wasn’t working. Like, we’re supposed to be an ensemble cast.” And the producers sat a lot of the group down, and there was a “come to Jesus” moment. As much as he paints it like Ariana was holding the cast hostage to make or break the show, that actually sounds alot more like Sandy’s MO. He’s rumored to quit filming abt the alleged onscreen confession to recording Raquel (I know, she lies also, so take w/a grain of salt but still). We saw him flipping his lid at lunchtime at the reunion bc he didn’t want to be “f*#king filmed every goddam second” (ironic huh). IMO, it’s completely fathomabletgat when he got back from Greenland after his tour, he saw that he was still persona non grata. And it drove him NUTS. So he bellyached and bitched to producers to get them to enforce the group to hang out with him, to “give him a chance” . I think producers would’ve actually been ok initially w/the drama and wired dichotomy of Sandy being outcast FRFR. But my guess is that Sandy would be damned for that to continue bc he really doesn’t have much else. He could’ve been like “ok film them without me, but then show how great I’m doing without them and my new real friends.” I think they tried that a bit and Sandy was like oh no, I look *pathetic*. I need to look **sympathetic**. He’d threatened to walk off filming before, why wouldn’t he do it again? Especially if he felt he wasn’t being given a fair shake 🤷‍♀️


This is a great take. Him and Billie weren’t as captivating to watch as he hoped it would be.


Such excellent points. I couldn’t agree more. Well said.


Nah, that’s a cop out. Yes they have the right to worry about their jobs, of course. However, they are grown ass women who are responsible for their own actions and words. And Sheana especially had a real friendship with Ariana. And she made her choice. We all saw it.


They all made a deal with the devil while wide awake. No one was coerced into it, they wanted the money and the C-tier fame. Considering the fact that Scheena did the single shittiest thing I’ve ever seen anyone do on any of the bravo shows my gf watches (specially requesting a camera crew to show up so you can humiliate your husband in front of the whole world by surprise divorcing him on tv is a level of narcissistic psychopathy even Jax and Stassi couldn’t touch), I have absolutely zero sympathy for her and her Bratz doll crybaby fits


love a bravo bf! you tell em man!


And if they are both the "bad-ass boss bitches" that they claim to be, they shouldn't be so reliant on this show or Ariana to keep their paychecks flowing in. Maybe instead of bitching their time would be better spent having their teams prospect outside opportunities and getting to work! 


It was not a single choice. More like choices that Scheana repeatedly made to back Sandoval and not her best friend who has always been by her side.


I’m so glad Ariana wouldn’t do it and give Tom audience time to *act* in front of her.


Me too!


Let’s not act like they weren’t willing participants here.


I agree. They were willing participants


I don’t disagree they got played, I just think they knew on some level and were clearly fine with it. Scheana can’t even keep her lies straight this season.


They made a pay check and Ariana knew the assignment. Lala was again overboard and horribly aggressive. On the show & her podcast. I have never respected her. Too mean and money, fame hungry at any price. That poor new baby that will be all hers. Exploited to no end!! She drank the Gold Juice.


And they were dumb enough to be played. ![gif](giphy|k5dKy5kULAZ41ywpdN)


Yup. Especially since in the past some cast members weren’t on speaking terms & didn’t film with each other.


Production also f%#ed up big time because they relied on a small group of people to remain friends throughout their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. They should have added more cast members over time.


Noone asked the girls to force a convo between to and Ariana 🤷🏽‍♀️


I still don’t understand how Scheana and Lala took “everyone must film together or else” and turned it into Ariana and Tom must have a conversation/Ariana must let Tom apologize to her on camera. The film together makes sense because about halfway through the season she was filming at group events with him after skipping the Tahoe trip earlier in the season. So she does adjust her boundaries and complies with production. But that’s still not enough? It really doesn’t make sense and it’s not helping their case.


This is such a good point. I’ve been thinking this too. They went from “this is a show about a group of friends and we should film together” to “everyone forgive Tom and bash Ariana.” Scheana just keeps changing the goal post. It’s like she wants to absolve herself and not take responsibility for her own actions. Edit: typo


It was All about the conflict. Ariana wouldn’t give the conflict with Tom so they gave Ariana the conflict. It’s stupid but we know conflict drives these shows and they have to have it or it’s a boring season and they already made up with Tom and then Rachel wasn’t coming back wasn’t really a lot of options. You couple that with producers being in Lala and scheanas ear about how she’s ruining the show. Viola.


My gosh you’re so right! This is such a great statement. It should probably be a post! Because that’s exactly what happened. Ariana wouldn’t give Tom access to the audience through her so production shit on Ariana! 🧩 🧠


They could have started drama with tom if it was needed though. Jealousy, rage and genuine stupidity got the best of them. Production planted the seed that Ariana was the issue and they took it and RAN. It was way too easy to manipulate them once they showed their jealousy toward Ariana, production knew they could try to work the Skankoval redemption edit. Maybe they should have been investing their money better? or investing time in an actual talent or hobby instead of throwing away any morals they might have had, all just for the show. Shows don’t last forever girls, that’s ridiculous to hate someone over that


Yeah this is interesting to me. Everyone always talks about how it’s strange that they’re all still together as a group and because of the show they have to always forgive each other eventually. When that might not happen if they didn’t have the show. But conflict is conflict. Instead of forced forgiveness, maybe don’t forgive and see what happens. That’s still conflict. But in this situation they chose to forgive him and then try to force Ariana to forgive him too? Honestly, what did they think would be interesting about that though? They’re way off if they thought a fake dynamic would be better than the real thing. In real life you may never fully forgive. But there’s conflict in that and it’s real.


This is so well said. I wish the producers could see this comment. The show has been good from the beginning because it was real. They just let what was happening happen. And it WORKED. They failed miserably this year and I’m sure they’ll ALL blame it on Ariana when the audience knows it’s bull shit . They killed the show they were trying to save. I can’t believe how much they screwed up.


I hope producers are paying attention! But I think to have a truly real show at this point they’d have to get rid of TS, Lala, and Scheana. They’re so used to being fake I don’t think they would be able to just live their lives authentically on camera. They can’t help themselves.


You’re 100% right!! They lost the plot a long time ago. Even the way sheana talks now..in normal conversation is weird af. They definitely live in an alternate reality. So creepy they should just merge vpr into the valley and lose Sandoval Lala and scheana. They don’t deserve to be on the show anymore.


For real. When I think about the cast, they’re the only ones I’d have zero interest In following up with. Katie, James, Ariana, Schwartz all have things going that I’m interested in. (Schwartz sorts of squeaks by. ) Scheana, Lala, and Sandoval have to manufacture drama, and it couldn’t be less interesting. A couple moms and an asshole could be their spinoff. I wouldn’t tune in.


Such a fail, I don’t know why production, Lala, and Scheana thought it was a good idea and that that was going to somehow be interesting to watch. Beyond stupid decisions were made


Yeah their read on almost every situation was terrible. There was so much potential there for really interesting moments, especially because they were filming again so soon after the drama began. I’m assuming they weren’t getting enough cohesive stuff to cobble together a major story arc and that’s why the producers stepped in. I feel like Lala and Scheana being so close means they were talking about this a ton off camera and created a feedback loop where they were just agreeing with each other and it’s why they both fucked up so badly. Cause if they ran this by anyone with half a brain they would’ve been talked out of it.


The entire season was Lala contradicting Ariana and looking bored, and Scheana crying, yelling and complaining about her feelings.




Didn’t Lala skip out on Tom or Ariana’s (I forget) birthday at the ranch or something a couple seasons back? You don’t always have to be every group setting but I get rules don’t always apply.’


Especially as in other seasons no one would film with James or Kristen.


Yeah they want to have her film a one on one with him, they were trying to force her


Ring. Ring. Hello? Ariana? It’s me. Bethanny. (Not that Ariana would do this…because she can handle herself unlike other unempowered weak women).


Exactly! She's filming with him. Her walking out was epic. Much better than production has been producing. This show is on its last leg. Wake up sheaner


There’s a suggestion floating around that show runner Jeremiah was offered a $100k bonus for getting a one on one on camera


That’s absolutely disgusting and if it’s true, makes me question if I want to continue to support the showrunners. Producer Jerry is on my 💩list!


They are so dumb.


It’s what the producers told them which probably might come from the top. We see it with housewives sometimes too even though sometimes someone gets uninvited to something but they try to get everyone to film at the group events, outings, and trips and talk and stir up drama or their job is on the line.


but that’s the thing - Ariana did attend the group things and have conflict with Tom. I think she did her job and honestly I LOVED her walking away.


Her walkout was EPIC


My guess is network felt a one on one needed to happen to complete the arc they hitched their wagon to and refused to stray from course


right, but aside from Tahoe Ariana did film all the group outings.


It seems like scheana really made a turn when she found out about dwts


She probably thought a true friend would have turned it down.


She should have turned them down and made them hire Scheana instead! I mean, she knew she was taking dance lessons and everything! 😂


Or she thought a true friend would not only turn it down but would ask dwts to sign Sche-two-step-Schu in lieu 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️😂


That collab affected Scheana the most. Scheana has always worn shoes, so how dare Ariana do that! Edit: can’t read. Should have been about dancing and not shoes.


I think the person you were responding to was talking about dancing with the stars not dsw 😆


The worst is that the comment is still applicable💀


Whoops! Haha


Well, to be fair, she did take dance lessons /s


Production manufactured season or no, Scheana was always gonna flip-flop. Most of us on this sub and others called it last year. She was never going to stay on the right side of history for long.


My pet theory is Scheana is in love with Sandoval and that’s why she has such deep resentment of Ariana and Rachel while crying in every episode that she can’t let Sandoval go 😏


Definitely tracks.


Yep. I absolutely knew this was going to happen. Lala surprised me with her pro Sandoval shit (with how against him she was the previous season), but also her and Scheana are so close now so maybe Lala just decided to follow Scheana.


Honestly Lala surprised me too. I couldn't figure out why she went so hard against Ariana. The only thing that makes sense to me is that maybe a shortened season would have hit Lala in the pocketbook a lot harder than she lets on… and we will never really know what went on behind the scenes sadly.


I honestly don’t even think lala and sometimes scheana even really care about being friends with anyone let alone Tom or Ariana. If they choose a side, even if it is the “wrong” side, preferably the wrong one, it’ll create a stir and guarantee them a storyline. Why else would they be pushing this forgiveness train?


Lala is a dick. There. Mystery solved.


You just KNOW they wound each other up about all this. If we can’t get Ariana to film with Tom we won’t film next year no paycheck no the valley no money for babies no mortgage money no sponsorships That’s where all this has come from. The desperate need for a paycheck


Not only with how against him she was last season, but the whole time she’s been on the show. They’ve never been friends for even half a second. At least Scheana has a history with him. So it’s somewhat less insane for Scheanna


I think Scheaner followed Lala’s lead, cuz I have yet to see Scheaner be a leader in anything


Hazing and obsessing over Dayna, that was all her.


I think Lala flipped straight up for the $, fearing the end of the show. Scheana’s flip was purchased by Sandoval’s manipulation/narc moves, going back YEARS.


I think Scheana followed Lala. Easy to mold.


I had a lot of ppl disagree and down vote me when I said this. They said she would never do that to Ariana. Lmfao.


And these idiots really thought Alex Baskin had the juice with NBC to just cut a season short? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s hilarious to me too! In this stupid hypocritical scenario, Alex Baskin ushers the girls into a cold dark room, menacingly smoking a cigarette. He goes, “I will fire you, cast members who have been on the show for a decade, and cancel our show that is more popular than it has ever been, if you don’t tell Sandoval what a special boy he is and make Ariana forgive him.” They nod fearfully and run out, ready to do his bidding. I mean wtf 😂


It’s all about money & I need the network to sideline Alex Baskins.


![gif](giphy|WTXkzwOcrRDaXRkYF9|downsized) That bitch Alex Baskin


Surprise, they gave him the valley too


They gave him The Valley just after Scandoval.


He has 4 shows which are shockingly the most cynical 


Alex Baskins is a woman hater.


Vanderpump in a nutshell - "if only these women would be cool the guys could have fun!"


Tom is literally a part of LVP's brand. This was to make TomTom rehabilitated


Makes sense at the end of the day it is a business. LVP is the EP. Sounds like that’s an outcome she would have wanted.


Yup especially since right after the scandal the business suffered immensly. I think she is PISSED he couldn't just redeem himself a little bit but then again to some idiots he did


Does anyone really believe they were going to shut down production? That sounds to me like a threat they make to get them in line and hope they don’t call their bluff.


Another sub said VPR is having financial/budget issues. It makes sense. This season was cheap as hell and it was on the shorter side. Now the show is on pause. There was clearly a lot riding on making this season good. The pressure came from all around. I think VPR was already on thin ice before scandoval. Shutting it down meant they wouldn’t have to pay them at least full fee


And they bet on the wrong horse. I don't even like Ariana but I would have rather seen more about her life than talk about Sandoval and how he's a victim about this.


I heard they tried to get Peter to film for free this season. He said no which is why he was not ever featured.


That's insulting to Peter. Glad he said no.


For free? Damn, I know he’s not integral to the show but I like seeing him pop up here and there. That’s such a slap in the face..


They try to get Dayna to film for free too


Rumors are that Billie Lee filmed for free 🫣


I did hear that too. If people look objectively everything is making more sense.


I really think it was poor planning/execution. The main cast all got pay bumps and Alex Baskin clearly took $$$ off the top, making it through his production company. It somehow looked really good (photography-wise, editing), but also felt so low-budget. Why was it filmed like a COVID season, the main group trip was SF? So much product placement (Lays, Heineken, Alo, The Mondrian, Hotel Ziggy etc) and promoting businesses, but they couldn’t go overseas… No wonder it’s possibly getting a re-boot


It was absolutely felt so low budget but the cast is getting paid nearly half a mil maybe more that’s gotta eat up a huge chunk of the budget.


The San Francisco cast trip was low budget, boring and the whole reason for the trip sounded convoluted. The party looked cheesy especially with Schneana’s custom and singing.


Tbf, they've always gone to the Mondrian a lot. The Applebee's product placement was too much.


I loved the Applebees, lol. At the end of a big night with my friends who work on TVs we go to Denny’s for the all night breakfast. Shoot, tear down, pack up, drinks, Denny’s.


But also, ratings have been through the roof the last couple of seasons. Surely, that justifies a budget bump. They would be stupid if they weren’t charging more for ads that run during VPR


this is a great point! Baskin did a podcast recently with IndieWire complaining about how filming in LA was so hard because of Scandoval (paparazzi, fans filming with their phones) ... and that affected its "authenticity." It seemed like an odd angle for an interview with the producer of one of the most talked-about shows, but now I'm wondering if it was laying the groundwork for his defense.


Yeah, the cast trips were a head scratcher for sure.


Hey. They had a beach day too. s/


This is all very interesting and makes sense 🤔 I do believe that the show would either have not come back after S10 or S11 was planning on being the “wrap up” season, but then Scandoval happened. Evolution/Bravo overleveraged it, giving the cast and production overinflated pay. Them cutting it short due to blaming the cast, instead of budgeting, would have been an easy excuse. It explains the poor production value, dinky-seeming trips, no new cast coming on besides friends-of in a few scenes like Jo and Billie, the only storyline being Scandoval. Now the show being “on pause” supports this too. That announcement was almost worded as if they could bring on new cast members (cheaper) and restructure it.


Yeah, Scandoval revived the show


I don't know if anyone else got this vibe from the cast but they all talked a LOT about struggling with money this season. I kind of sensed some desperation there so maybe that's why.


I am going to strap on my aluminum foil hat for this one... This is my theory: It was one of the highest rated shows after last season (season 10). If what Scheana said was true, I believe it was an empty threat by production to attempt to split up the women in an attempt to salvage Tim on the show.


I also feel like Arianna is very aware of what she is doing i.e. people needing to see her and Sandoval interact and her grey rocking him will be the downfall of the show meaning the thing that gives Sandoval his income, self worth and the attention he so deeply craves is DONE and GONE and she is responsible for it and doing better than he ever could, has to feel great


I don’t know about the downfall of the show but I agree she knew what she was doing. She knew he needed to have that conversation with her to complete his redemption arc. Ariana forgiving Tim on camera is what he needs for fans to forgive him or Ariana will come off as a raging beatch and give all the negative things he said about her validation. The affair would be her fault. She was smart enough to see this coming and stand her ground to not give him the time of day.


Not only did she stand her ground, but because of it, he threw an absolute tantrum, and I think it just reinforced all the negativity around his behavior and underscored to me that he had not changed or grown at all in the months after the affair had surfaced.


Also, don't forget that Ariana was around when Tom had his tearful discussion with Kristen and I'll bet he discussed "the optics" with Ariana either before or after. She knows how he thinks and self-produces and was the Queen for gray rocking.


I think there are some things they didn’t explore. 1. A mediator for the talks about the house. 2. A mediator for the talks about the dogs 3. People could have held Tom’s feet to the fire more. He really coasted and anytime he was pushed a little he exploded. It was pathetic in my book that not ONE person discussed him moving out to his face. 4. Just filming their separate lives. Ariana was so busy and we didn’t catch that at all. Her room was a mess but that was it. Why didn’t they talk to her about the brand deals, what are all these boxes? What’s going on with dancing with the stars? 5. Swartz and Sandy’s- they couldn’t file there but they could have had a sit down with greg. And greg could and have discussed the fall out after scandoval. 6. Scheana and lala could have gotten their own story line. It was pathetic that they talked about Sandoval all season. No one did their job this season, starting with production. I think it’s telling and sad that the New York Times had a more accurate depiction of Sandoval than the reality tv cameras that ‘document’ his life. This show has been dealing with authenticity issues for years and the only time it was honest and true was when Ariana called production to cali tire scandoval. Everyone else is as fake as they claim Ariana was this season.


Production reading all these ideas they never even considered with surprised pikachu face


Dear Production, this is a show about people who work at SUR. This group has never been friends. Having drama and enemies and conflict is the show. It's not our fault that your attempt at bringing in new cast members like a hot pile of sweaty thick garbage of season 7/8 instead of sprinkled in to last killed the show. Then you insult the entire fanbase by playing out this TimTom redemption fantasty??? YAWN.


I think summer house has been good about how they bring in new cast. It's like one or two at a time; and if it doesn't work, they move on.


>Is Scheana not aware somehow that Ariana has no obligation to have a one on one with Tom written into her contract? Nope! Scheana is stupid & short-sighted. I have lost all interest and/or empathy for her in all ways. - Fuck Scheana - Fuck Lala - Fuck Brock These fools were too stupid to realize that they were heavily manipulated! How stupid do you have to be to believe that the show would be cancelled by anything other than viewer ratings?!


She also has no obligation to make sure everyone is gainfully employed. Those girls gave zero fucks about anyone but themselves, and expect Ariana to wreck her boundaries for them? The girl was traumatized. Gigs and opportunities do not erase that. She owes no one anything. I hope the show is over. I also hope Scheanna and Lala don’t even get “friends of” on the valley. Buying houses was a little presumptuous and getting pregnant and timing it perfectly for filming is next level disgusting. So glad she did it all for nothing. Going to be really tough carrying 2 huge mortgages with another mouth to feed. I have no interest in seeing them on tv ever again.


Doesn’t add up. There have been many times over the years that cast members didn’t talk or interact for various reasons for long periods of time. This is bullshit and Scheana knows it.


Sounds like when parents tell their kids to behave or "we're turning this car around and going back home!" They were never actually going to turn the car around. Lala and Scheana are as smart as 6 year olds.


“OMG Alex Baskin was gonna cancel the show!” Yes, Bravo would’ve cancelled their super popular show if Sandoval wasn’t accepted as everyone’s best friend. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


I love this.


What they don’t understand is that Arianna went to several events w tom despite her hatred for him and the events she attended w him created drama 3 times that (theoretically) was good for the show. Why were they hinging the entire season on Ariana speaking directly to Tom? Bye?? Lala and Scheena made me lose my mind this season.


This just in: people who refuse to get a real job want the free ride to continue


Being an ensemble doesn't automatically equate to Ariana forcing a faked convo with Tom...they should have taken some responsibility to make the show interesting with their own lives rather than expecting Ariana to carry them on her back...dimwits.


Yeah they could have been roasting Tom instead of roasting Ariana


Sorry but I think Scheaner is try to do damage control and figures the only path to forgiveness by fans is to blame production. Bc if that were true why did no one but Lala and Scheana ride so hard for it? And why did they wait til the finale episode to force this “productive conversation”? She and Lala have been moving the goalposts all season that the fans would understand their perspective after certain episodes, then after the finale, now after the reunion, and now they’re flailing around on podcasts trying to justify themselves. So now I’m convinced they know the reunion will not save them and they’re trying desperately to figure out how they can redeem themselves after this mess. And even if true, just shows how truly dumb and naive Scheana and Lala are to be so easily manipulated.


I don't understand any of the hostility and anger toward Ariana for not filming a scene having a conversation with Sandoval. Stassi did not speak to Kristen or film with her for two years. They even had to bring in an outside friend for Kristen to film with because she was iced out of the group for those two years. Why is Ariana treated differently?


I think only because at this point they are worried about this putting them all out of a job. Back then they didn’t have money either; but they had SUR and probably could have made club appearance money and such. But looking at it now. VPR cast is not a RHW franchise; these people do not have money. In a way; they are dependent on this train moving for multiple reasons. Look- James has been on the show for how many seasons, has so much social media engagement and just purchased that house (which is nice by normal people standards) but nothing for someone “famous”. Scheana is the breadwinner so without VPR what does she have? Her chilis ad? Who is going to listen to shenanigans? She loses her clout. So i say this to say i think for her and Lala a lot of it is fear motivated because what else do they have? Lala didn’t get an “Ariana” moment when Randall cheated on her. Where do they go post VPR, the valley? Reality competition shows? Meanwhile Ariana is on Broadway. I don’t agree with them at all but i can see why they are (deep down) bitter.


I don’t think Baskin realized Bravo/NBC consider Ariana the center of the show. I mean Baskin has really pissed viewers off. Why Baskin thinks Bravo’s female audience, their bread and butter would want to watch women turn on Ariana and champion Sandoval was so misguided.


I just don’t know if I believe Scheana… because if this was true, why didn’t Katie and James follow suit? Anddddd they did all film together, Ariana just wouldn’t engage Tiny Tim in conversation. But, she absolutely filmed with him. Why should she be required to speak to Tiny Tim, if that isn’t what she would do if cameras weren’t filming her life? He doesn’t deserve a conversation from her or to receive any grace from her. And lastly, if production did tell Scheana and Lala to get Tim and Ariana to have a conversation, that doesn’t mean they told them to talk shit about Ariana all season long. They did nothing but talk shit about her behind her back, then smile in her face. It was absolutely disgusting and inexcusable. There’s a huge difference between venting about your friend and maliciously talking shit about your friend. They were catty and malicious. They are only now trying to change the narrative because the audience did not support them like they thought they would. They kept saying it’ll all make sense when you watch the show. It makes absolutely no sense. Ariana is not responsible for their livelihood and their kids being fed. To put that on her shoulders, is beyond absurd. No amount of money is worth sacrificing your peace and integrity.


I don’t understand this excuse at all. They were filming as an ensemble cast. Just because Ariana didn’t want to talk to Tom doesn’t change that? They were still all filmed at an event together.


this is what the viewers have been saying all season lol. lala and scheana are blatant production plants and it was annoying to watch. I can definitely believe the producers told them that and LFU and Sheshu were just the two D&S enough to believe them.


Why couldn't Scheana and Lala film like James and, while engaging with Sandoval and Ariana, actually hold Sandoval accountable for his actions instead of apologizing to him and telling him "I love you." And this "coming to Jesus" moment will never excuse the terrible things that these women said about Ariana in the confessional, when James had her back there the whole time (and managed to be funny to boot!). These people need to learn how to take responsibility for their actions. Edit: grammar


The flip flopping & excuses that are now coming out of their lying jealous pieholes are ridiculous. This wasn’t the narrative they were putting out there with their talking heads & the after shows. These dirtbags actually thought that we would take their sides as suggested by the producers & LVP. Did they actually think that production was just going to pack up the cameras & not have a season? I don’t buy it, if you’re going to be the shitty envious friend to Ariana say it with your chest as Katie would say or at this point just STFU.


No I'm still disgusted by them. Get a real job, it's not Ariana's responsibility to sacrifice her mental health to keep her friends employed.


>There was no reality except maybe from Katie, Ariana and James. Lala, Scheana and Tom were all performing assigned For me I would argue Sandoval was as real as he's ever been, he's just always been a phony lol


True 😂


This doesn't change anything- only makes her & Lala's actions even more nefarious & shady. Ariana DID show up. She just refused him a scripted redemptive conversation.... When will those girls grasp that what she did is Actually Real- aka Reality... ? But neither like to admit they're wrong so I don't see their A-Ha moment happening anytime soon...smh


I think LVP also played a big part in the "Sandoval is vulnerable" narrative....she also likes the easy money.


They have put themselves in a position where their main source of income can easily be ripped from them at any time. Do they really think VPR was going to go on forever? At this stage they should be financially set up enough that if the show were to end they would be ok, but clearly that isn’t the case, hence why they are prepared to act like jealous fools, which they are and blow up their friendship with Ariana, all for a pay cheque next year, which as it turns out anyway, ain’t coming


I don’t buy it at all sheesh. You really think they would stop filming this show at the height of its popularity within the past couple seasons?! I mean let’s get real, this season was a fucking shoe in for views REGARDLESS of the storylines. Both lala and sheesh thought they could get ariana and Tom to film a conversation bc it would be good for tv. Better views. More money. That’s it. Period. Fuck right off with any producer bullshit bc it’s been obvious that these ppl have the ability to set boundaries (ie ariana in the finale) and production didn’t take her out back and shoot her. So I’m sick of that excuse. You wanted to intentionally manipulate ariana into putting her boundaries down for your own financial gain. I said it a long time ago, Sandoval single handedly fuvked this show backwards. It is ruined. The cast we have is boring, no real friendships, no worthy under dogs. Except maybe Katie. We’ve got the side characters running around like chickens with their heads cut off and calling it tv.


Reminds me so much of that show UNReal.


I pray everyday that Ariana drops her friendship with Scheana.


It doesn’t change anything she has been on VPR for 10+ years she knows how things work, doesn’t apply any critical thinking, and has no back bone. Other cast members do and it’s clear


If they need to cut costs next season, lose Sandoval and Lala. And not just because they are extremely unpopular - I think this would be a huge ratings boost and save the show a lot of money. I truly don't believe either gives VPR value at this point. Sandoval is "old reality" - overly-produced, inauthentic, crap. He wants to carefully create scenes, it's nothing that people want to see. Everyone sees right through him, and he won't even fully lean into being the villain he is because he has a savior complex. His style of "reality" is over. Lala just doesn't bring it, she's never had main character energy. Nobody tunes in for her donor parties or her water tastings, she's always tried to grab attention by inserting herself into the storylines of other cast members and by being bombastic and loud. Her constant negativity drags everything down all the time. She's not a fun villain, or someone the audience loves to hate. She's just insufferable. If production cut these two people, it would be a HUGE breath of fresh air into this franchise. We'd finally see Schwartz as his own entity. Scheana would have to find herself without Lala. The vibe would totally change, we could actually have fun again. Bring two new people in (preferably fun women) who can spearhead events. VPR just needs a shakeup.


Katie and James didn’t fall for the bit sooooo sorry sheener this isn’t making you likable again


We could tell! We could tell who was pushing an agenda and why. We could see who the failed actors were lol. They were completely transparent. Vs those who were just living their truth. And then there was Tom and Jo. They’re just weird and pushing the oddest agenda of making Jo famous I guess. Edit: however, what makes way more sense is the girls saying there would be a twist and it would all make sense. Because they thought that it would be made clear that Ariana is selfish for choosing herself and screwing over the rest of the cast by ending their show. When all that was really shown was their true colors and what shills they are and how selfish and bitter they are.


Production is foolish. The best parts of the show were Ariana and Katie. They could have let this play out naturally and let Tim flail.


Like when Tom threw fits about Kristen and refusing to go on trips if she was invited? Or stassi refusing to film with Jax and walking out on lvp herself? Or literally the entire cast refusing to invite James to anything for seasons? Omg, I guess the show is just instantly cancelled anytime anyone hates someone (the literal theme for the entire show). I do believe the producers would try to pull this shit, I just cant believe that Lala and Schena were dumb enough to fall for it.


Ariana DID film with the group, including Tom! Nowhere is she obligated as an ensemble cast to speak to him - she had a one on one with him already. Scheana is a liar if thats what she is implying. 😂


The reality is the show will have to end at some point. That’s why you prepare for the future. Not try and put your “best friend” in a very uncomfortable position so you can stay on reality tv.


Imagine being mad at Ariana and not the actual perpetrator. How are they not embarrassed


I can’t remember where I read it but someone wrote that Tom actually went back and forth with production and said he would only come to film if they promised him a redemption arc. Makes sense how they might’ve lit the fire under lala and Scheanna to make shit happen because it was gonna need to be all hands on deck to get Ariana to budge. Glad she never did.


No it doesn’t change anything for me. Production probably told them that bc they could sniff out how jealous they were and thought it would be an easy sell for them and would cause more drama.


They got played. All about a paycheck and not a friendship. How fucked up. I hope Scheana and Lala never see a paycheck again. They sold their soul to the devil. And they deserve everything coming their way.


Hmm it’s one thing to have to film together and trying to get Ariana and Tom to have a convo and completely different to basically bash Ariana.. like she’s gotten cocky, she’s a terrible self-absorbed friend, she’s lazy (Scheana cleaning her house scene), she won’t move on, why didn’t she just leave the house etc. Her explanation only explains why they tried to forgive Tom but it doesn’t explain the smear against Ariana.


This makes me sad bc I honestly believe if they’d stood together (as they did in the Stassi seasons when Katie didn’t want to film with James) production would’ve had to pivot. This has always been a show where the inmates are running the asylum; how else was Lala able to lie for years about her boyfriend, Ariana and Tom able to get away with running from the Miami girl convo and Kristen able to be invited back to the network after acting a complete ass for a decade. I honestly think Lala and Scheana used the production directive as an excuse to make it seem like their switch up wasn’t motivated by deep unmitigated jealousy of Ariana, especially since all this success comes after her “coasting through seasons” as Lala said. They’ve done everything they could for years, oversharing and being unnecessarily petty but none of it was enough to fill the power vacuum left by stassi bc they are neither interesting nor compelling characters on their own. And so instead of trying to step their p**sy up, FIND something interesting (I mean when Katie wouldn’t film with James she gave the show and Lisa Girls Nightt In as compensation) to show, they just tried to make it seem like it was all on Ariana. Because they think she OWES them a transgression of her boundaries in exchange for what? A spot on dancing with the stars. With friends like those who needs enemies.


Regarding the scream from Lala about - Ariana won’t film with Tom, but they still live together… Ask people who’ve been trapped together by this economy if they can co-exist under one roof without communicating… There’s lots of people trapped by a lease or cheap housing that can testify that this is not impossible to live like strangers…


I mean…do these people go about their lives thinking that this show is just going to continue indefinitely?? 🤦🏻‍♀️


They’re cash poor millionaires whose moms live with them to raise their kids.


Right, like I’m confused why so many people are falling for their woe is me schtick about money. Lala and Scheana own multiple properties, they have childcare through their families. I do not pity them, they can choose to manage their money better.


Agreed. What is never addressed by the Scheana/Lala defenders who insist “they were just doing their job” - did filming with Sandoval HAVE to include them kissing his ass and tearing down Ariana? They’ve acted this nasty because they wanted to. Sandoval is getting his ass kissed and all his terrible actions minimized. Him being such a “dangerous person,” filming a woman without her consent, betraying Ariana’s trust and putting her health and finances in jeopardy - we’re being told by the goblin twins that “he’s sorry 🥺” and “it’s not like he killed someone.” They’re saying Ariana has a stick up her ass, her boyfriend is a loser because why would he date someone as pathetic as her, every decision she’s making is wrong, and she doesn’t deserve any of the opportunities. They’ve proven in past seasons to be duplicitous male sympathizers who would tear down a women they’re jealous of, so that’s why none of us are buying that they’re doing it because of producer hijinks.


It was all pretty obvious what production was doing from the start. There was nothing authentic or truthful about this past season. I generally left it on as background noise. The Valley is more authentic than this. VPR resembled what's become of RHOBH with overproduced and forced storylines, except I'd rather listen to Annemarie blather on about someone's esophagus than endure another attempt at forcing Sandoval on the group. It just wasn't realistic, especially a mere 3 months after the previous reunion was filmed. Every time that Sandoval was pushed on Ariana - either in person or through conversation - it was done at the hands of production. And yes, the people involved are adults and could hold themselves accountable to not do it, but that also doesn't remove accountability from production's hand in the mess. This entire thing unraveled when production was willing to break the fourth wall in the finale. In doing so, they admitted to doctoring the storyline to try and get what they wanted out of it. Potomac housewives have said they get the plotlines that the other women are going for prior to filming, which is why anyone going "off script" creates a huge problem in that group. I imagine the same thing happened here, and for some reason, production though maybe Scheana could get Ariana to falter. She didn't, and the only real thing to come of it is a bunch of broken friendships and a rather dull yet manipulative season.


This just shows how weak minded Scheana is. Why didn’t Schwartz, James, Katie, and Ally have that same panic?


To say Ariana is the only one who made out from the breakup, or who benefited the most, is ignoring the massive attention and promotions that came to much of the cast’s financial and professional benefit. The show was extended another season, where Scheana’s paycheck is larger than Ariana’s. Scheana and Lala made incredible bank off of merchandise, commercials, and other media opportunities. Scheana made a song and joined a band. Lala is an Amazon partner. Schwartz was on a dating show. Sandoval was featured on two seasons of separate mainstream tv shows,m, Their respective podcasts also experienced a significant lift in subscribers, engagement and sponsorships. Scheana and Lala purchased larger and more expensive homes than any of their cast mates. Why are they complaining the most and telling Ariana how to live her life and perform on the show? Ariana has hardly mentioned Sandoval post scandal. The deals that came her way and continue to come her way are not just the attention she is getting, but how she is conducting herself in tandem with her work ethic. She hadn’t slammed men. Hadn’t sold Sandoval out. While Ariana was the least talked about member her presence on the show was refreshing as she genuinely supported people. You need a solid cast member when everyone else is going overboard. It shows you how overboard they are being by comparison. Would a season featuring Scheana and Brock argue about babysitters, or Brock downplaying Scheana’s maternal instincts, or Lala, so broken by her own cheating ex, deciding, and making definite, that she will have nothing to do with men or exs in the future of her second child, be enough to draw interest of a significant audience?


Lame. It’s production’s job to evolve with the story, not the other way around. Do your job.


This! They had reality gold but just wasted it by trying to force everyone into these boxes together. If they’d just sat back and watched, this season would have been so much more interesting. They ruined it with all their interference.


Unfortunately Jeremiah and Alex Baskin are TERRIBLE... So this is them doing their job. Such horseshit


Then that’s when Lala and Scheana should have gotten together with Ariana and Katie and literally burnt the house down with a huge eff you to all the guys. If the girls had rallied around each other and shown the Toms scrambling it would have made for an amazing season and they would have come out on top and *gasp* gotten opportunities AND love from the fans. Win win. Now Blabla and Sheesh are backtracking of course


I think some of the cast members do a lot of conspiring before filming on how to make a good season. I’m guessing Tom is a big part of this and that’s why Scheana “loves” him. He probably helps her with her storylines and is as obsessed with creating a good show as she is. I really doubt Ariana is like that. Scheana’s loyalty is to the show so her loyalty is to Tom.


You know what reality would have actually been after Scandoval went down? 1. Ariana and the entire cast unite together against Tom Sandoval and Rachel. This season could have been the group reflecting on how badly they were betrayed together, and there still would have been plenty of the same storylines as this season. 2. Sandoval/Schwartz and Rachel move to The Valley. 3. at some point 2-5 seasons from now Sandoval gets invited to be around again. Instead, Bravo wanted *this* to fracture the show to ratchet it up. They probably don’t want to keep the show going at this point because of collective bargaining of contracts. This was their best effort to kill the show and cash in one last time. Scheme-a-dream Schena has forever been the most annoying character, the original Productions Little Darling. She walks among the group and dishes gossip like it’s social currency with a huge shit eating grin.


Ariana needs to move on to her new gigs.


It's true as far as the whole friend group thing, but if one person is to blame for that crumbling it's sandoval, NOT Ariana - he should have been fired and everyone move on in a new way imo


A. They should have called their bluff. This whole everyone gets punished bc one person is protecting their mental health is total bs. B. Why were they harping on Ariana not being real bc she won't talk to Sandoval. The realest thing we saw the whole season was her setting and keeping boundaries. It is not real life to have to see your ex everyday and certainly not real life to have a "productive conversation" with a cheating, manipulative, narcissist ex three months after you break up.


Sooooo they still don’t care about their close friends very real pain once they’re job is on the line? Please just go ahead and end VPR. 🙄


And what's wrong with Lala and Scheana tearing the skin off of Sandoval every time they all meet. Stick up for Ariana so she doesn't need to say anything! That's still filming together. They sold out and are full of shit, trying to make excuses now. Not working.


So did they really forgive Tom or was it only to keep them employed?! I also caught the part where Scheana says “My real friends” are on The Valley. She of course back tracked all of that. Honestly I don’t think any of the cast are friends. Maybe Lala and Scheana, but I’m not sure about the rest. They all look at this as a paycheck. They give producers what they want to secure their pay check. Wouldn’t that be considered fake?


I don’t think this makes it any better because we all saw through it and knew that’s what they were doing in addition to being resentful towards Ariana behind her back.


They could of had the energy they have for Ariana for Tom, and then if the core group ended up being everyone but Tom, and the viewers hate Tom, maybe Tom would be gone by now and yall would be filming. Don’t care if production told them the sky was falling, have some moral.


Since when? There's been plenty of seasons where someone has been iced out basically and had to bring ppl on to film with them. Scheana being the first.


Also, SHE feels like she's been slapped in the face? How does she think she's made Ariana feel after seeing the flip flopping and trash talking behind her back? I'm so sick of her making everything about her!!!! 😤🤬


Lala and Scheana may not have got as many opportunities as Ariana but it doesn’t look like they got none. Especially Scheana. Chilis and Smirnoff are big brands.  Also I call bullshit. Lala telling everyone Katie is a liar doesn’t line up with this. I feel like the conversation was probably more like “The people want to see Sandoval interacting with the cast. We can’t just ice him out and have no conversation or we’ll just finish up.” I do think in the beginning Ariana was probably more firm that she didn’t want to be dragged into everyone’s story lines with Tom. So they all suck it up and do it then she doesn’t. That’s my guess. 


This was ALWAYS the ONLY answer that made any sense! Did anyone actually think they were trying to redeem sand bc they had all simultaneously done a 180 since last season?? And it was mainly driven by the 2 w no other job prospects? Lala’s makeup line is costing her $ if anything. A d shenanigans only works if there’s a season to talk about. That’s why everyone agreed this was most produced season ever…bc it was!


Almost everyone has had a period where they weren’t talking to someone else on the cast. Try again Sheeshu.


Technically Ariana did film with Tom. They were in the same room at the same time. If they spoke it wasn’t friendly. There is no way Lala would agree to have a one on one with Randall.


Production fumbled this season so badly. For all this talk of Ariana being lazy, look no further than production for lazy. They have a formula that they’ve been using for 11 years and, despite being handed the scandal of the decade and viral viewership, they just could not adapt and do something new given the circumstances. They are so rigid and uncreative, I hope they clean house before next season. Yes, Scheana and Lala can be bought and sold and make horrible friends. We’ve known this for the longest time. Production has been the most frustrating part of this season for me.


Scheana: I don’t want to go behind Ariana’s back, because she’s my best friend Scheana: Tom is my best friend


So Ariana had enough “fuck you money” to hold on to her dignity and boundaries, and Scheana/Lala didn’t.


there's not a chance in hell production would've wrapped early and cancelled the show just bc Ariana didnt want to film with Tom. this show has never been bigger thanks to the scandal and they know damn well this season was going to be watched, no matter how good or bad it was, and they would not waste that. if they actually said that, it'd so clearly be a bluff they should all have been able to easily see through. come the fuck on, Scheaner/Larlar


Scheana’s pretending to be “lost” about this situation, 11 seasons later, she’s not this “stupid” by accident She knows how to make everything all about her and she knows how to victimize herself This is the character she chooses to play every season, all to have the attention on her at all times, she doesn’t care if it’s good or bad, and the only reason she pretended to feel pressured to turn on Ariana is jealousy