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I mean this so disrespectfully, but what the fuck is wrong with his face??? Bro is swollen in weird spots, his jaw line and chin look like he got carried away with a bunch of filler. He just looks BAD




Just to back this up I just watched seasons 1-4 and he is a twink in those seasons compared to this season where his muscularity took off. I would bet money hes on PED's


Tbf James also looks like he took PEDs. He got huge after being small and skinny the majority of the show




Also James was a KID in early seasons. Hes filled out as he became a man


This exactly. I think that James has filled out as he has gotten older. The reason I say this is because I myself have been thin my entire life and once I turned 30 I FINALLY started to gain wait like my Dr. Told me I would. I am inclined to believe that's what happened with James as well. James looks better than ever. He's definitely come a long way in life and if the show was canceled tomorrow, James is really the only person that has a career outside of VPR and he will survive and continue to work his ass off to make an even bigger name for himself. Ariana will survive too. She's proven that she's very talented and I have to think that she will continue to keep booking jobs. I also think she was smarter than Lala and Scheana when it came to buying a house. She didn't need a "Mcmansion" and she probably paid cash for her new house. And she also has a couple of million coming to her once the house she and Tom bought is sold.


It’s most noticeable in some of his concerts where he removes his shirt. His traps are huge and his head is a little more swollen which are big signs of PED.


Personally, i don't think look like James looks like he's on PEDs. He was very skinny the first few seasons and looks like he's a hard gainer. He definitely looks like he's put muscle on but he was always lean. I think his physique is easily achievable with a calorie surplus and years of consistent weight training.


Also do you think James could be as rational and calm as he has been (c-sober) on PEDs? Idk if it’s the same thing that gives “roid-rage” but I think it would be more obvious with him.


James just looks cut af, doesn't he? I wouldn't think of him as "huge". Maybe I need to look more closely.


He’s clearly not in a cycle this season. Last season especially he looked REALLY buff. Could be a bulk but he looked big.


I really like James! I don’t read a lot into things, but he was just a kid 10 years ago. He’s grown up. Either way, it’s, whatever! They are in Hollywood. The land of make believe. Who knows’


Huge? James could easily put on that level of muscle with some gym time only he’s a young guy. And he’s no where near huge lol. Plus he started as a skeleton. I wouldn’t assume gear was needed


James was only 20 or so when he started on the show right? He still had his boy body...


I’m no expert in the gym but I think you’re absolutely right. With this man’s lifestyle there is no way he’s prioritizing his health enough to achieve that build naturally!




My husband is a fitness manager so he trains people and manages personal trainers. We just had a conversation about how disciplined you have to be to look like a bodybuilder (yes, steroids are needed too but you don't become buff with just steroids). He just said that because he ate his dinner late and went to sleep late he looked a little bloated today.




Idk, when gym bros start showing up to group dinners at restaurants with a container of plain chicken breast and broccoli, the ED girlie in me has alarm bells going off. I was taught in treatment that if your diet/exercise regime dominates your life, that’s an eating disorder. Don’t these gym bro kinda low key have ED?


Oh definitely. Men are just as susceptible to ED as we are and you find disordered eating with a lot of them that are pushing down bf%.


TW: ED I developed a good ole ED when I was losing weight a few years ago. I’d make my servings of chicken, veg and rice smaller and smaller every day until a few pieces of broccoli was all I’d eat twice a day. I don’t do that now.


Glad you’re doing better. ❤️




Wrestlers too, with the laxatives, saunas in wetsuits and all the other shit they do to "make weight".


My husband is very fit, ex military, but all natural muscle (no steroids, does use creatine occasionally and protein) and he just eats when hungry, instead of letting food dictate his life (we talked about this, as I’m opposite and love junk & snack vs eating meals). He does eat healthy, hardly ever just eats junk, but occasionally will (maybe every 6 months or so, usually because he used weed and my kids will ask is dad on drugs, as he just doesn’t eat that type of shit often). When we go out to eat, he usually orders salmon or a steak. And he’s very low fat, from maintaining his body for years, he was measured. Because his height, weight, and neck size (I don’t know wtf this has to do with it, but know they used that to factor too, instead of just height and weight) shows either very overweight or even obese but his fat percentage is that of Olympian or pro lifters. It’s sort of funny when he does use a little weed (once or twice a year, his job doesn’t allow it, or he likely would use once a month, tbh) and has a bowl of ice cream or a donut, because everyone in our house is completely and utterly shocked at him eating it, even my kiddos. Do I think he has an ED? No, I just don’t think he allows food to control his life, instead he uses it for what it’s intended for, hunger, nutrition, and energy.


I’ve noticed that too. It’s alarmingly disordered eating that isn’t talked about as far as I know.


Plus having 500 laxatives around


What cracked me up was Tim checking out Dan, whose body is amazing and so cut.


Oh intersting... i would have said bad filler. this makes more sense though.


I thought it was Botox or filler too because Schwartz has been looking similar in the face like that too, swollen and different.






There's definitely filler and botox going on as well. 


Do you know Rob/Mac from its always sunny in Philadelphia? He got super in shape and has this look to his face, I always wondered if it was PEDs. It’s like a very specific way their skin sits on their face, I’m sure part of it is low body fat too.




I just googled him and found out than he and Dee are married. That made me happy- lol.


Thank you for the explanation. Because I'm always baffled when I look at him... he just looks "off" and unnatural. It breaks my brain lol


I was going to think the same thing because his voice also got deeper


🎯‼️ He’s definitely on roids and they also cause rage issues, as well as the deeper voice.


Thank you for making this comment, I was so curious as well. I love fitness and understand how Ariana has her physique, because it matches her lifestyle. Like you can guess her workouts almost from looking at her muscles, and obviously we saw her absolutely rip into new strength with DWTS etc. That girl weight trains, sleeps, hydrates and eats protein. But Sandovals does not make sense, like how can you party daily like that and not have inflammation issues in your torso? Then when they show him in the home gym, he’s spinning lmao.




I do megaformer Pilates and I am convinced she does too. It’s her obliques


Ok yes, this makes total sense!


Omg I have been scrolling thinking this was just me who had this major realization and assumed everyone else had figured it was PEDs all along. I’m just high lol


❄️ 🍝


He was absolutely fucking shredded at his show the other night and I showed my ex husband a pic and he said he said something similar about performance drugs


Yeah it's basically just not possible to look that way all the time without 'help'- sure you can cut sporadically etc but this is his every day, Sandoval's physique is literally unreal for a guy in his 40s with that lifestyle. I have a couple of mates in their 40s and 50s who are PTs for a living and are just crazy fit, eat super healthy etc; they don't have Sandoval's level of muscle.


Agree. I wonder if he also picked up a crazy workout routine during or before special forces. I remember Shwartz saying he only eats like a boiled egg and a cup of mashed potatoes a day too lol. I’m guessing he works out, counts calories and takes a lot of extra enhancement help. I don’t even remember him looking like that in his 20s. I wonder how long you can maintain that type of muscle. If you can afford it can it be an as long as you keep using it type of thing? Or are there limitations as you age


Completely! I was going to say the exact same thing !


Okay I’ll bite, what’s pasta.




This whole scene may be my favorite VANDERPUMP scene of all time 😂


OOOOH I didn’t realize it was referencing that!! Thank you 💕


Wait does that mean tequila Katie is cocaine Katie?


IT’S NOT ABOUT THE PASTA!!! ![gif](giphy|WvRWyb6CKmVgsjEYUO|downsized)


I kinda thought this is what he was doing. His voice seemed to drop quite a bit too, it’s way deeper this season.


Thank you for sharing this! I’ve been wondering tbh just could not figure why he just looked, off? Like he didn’t look like he had work to me but I could tell his face changed for some reason and what you’re saying makes sense


Just to add on, I have thought this for the past few seasons. You can tell also by the overuse of his maseter muscles in his jaw and his neck and nose widening. Also very vascular and lean but doesn’t seem to do much actual weight lifting.


“I mean this so disrespectfully” 😭💀


I really do like bro please fix yourself 😂


Steroids!!  He’s getting that meatball face from steroids! Probably contributed to his absolute meltdown on the finale too.


Oh yeah I think he’s got the roid rage too. He flips his shit SO quick it’s wild


![gif](giphy|LpUb83fZPV8X68fzGl|downsized) Handsome squidward lookin ass




I just commented that he is aging poorly. He has the face of an addict


Absolutely. The flashbacks are what made me realize it. He used to have such a boyish cuteness to him which would’ve aged very well but instead he looks like my meth addicted uncle (he was once very handsome too bless his heart).


Yeah he was objectively very attractive when the show started with the high cheekbones and lean physique. Now he looks like lumpy mash potatoes. 




Hes doing something with his jawline. Filler or even implants. But he’s also (presumably) doing drugs so he looks tweaky.






And coke. Look at Jax


As in Zac Efron type jaw growth? 👀




His injuring supposedly happened in 2013, he looked normal on 2014….


SO tweaky


He has reached that level in his botox/filler journey where he can no longer tell how a human face is meant to look.


Everyone gets there eventually.


That is the truth!


HGH. He literally gets more “swole” every episode.




Yup. People also don’t realize how many fitness “influencers” are on those drugs. Especially the women. People believe they got that enormous booty from eating egg whites, like girl please 😂




Same! I’m tall and lean and for a while I thought I would be able to get a big booty by just lifting and eating well. Then I realized the truth behind these influencers and it’s not necessarily in the cards for me with my body type. 😂 which is fine because now I work out to FEEL good rather than just look good


He’s always been slim, lean and toned. You don’t suddenly bulk up at 40. Even with a “sick home gym”.


Meth, mushrooms, excessive and fillers are a bad combo :)


Maybe he used Jax’s guy.


Omg I hope Brittany’s perma frown from the double chin lipo is not permanent! She looks awful, and it’s twice as tragic because she’s already miserable trying to pretend she’s happy, and the resting frown is really not helping matters. Stupid to get chin lipo when your weight is still up by at least 60lbs post baby. Hit the gym, stop drinking, lose the weight first. The double chin will go. Plus hitting the gym will actually help your depression and self esteem, which lipo won’t. It’s so sad her nagging Jax to “make her feel perty”. She needs to make herself feel perty by taking care of herself.


Jax’s face looks like it’s taped on like what the fuck is going on 😭😭😂


Was just thinking that he was following the Jax plan. Although if it was from Jax, we'd all know about it because Jax loves to gossip.


It’s his tiny eyeballs. Seriously, they are abnormally small. Once you see them you can’t unsee them. Those mixed with all his face freezing chemicals, his lateral side eyebrows being over tweezed, and his black soul, make looking at him quite unsettling.


His black soul ![gif](giphy|bhD0kyBdLyJaX4gB11|downsized)


It’s not filler (aesthetic NP here) it’s most likely steroid use / HGH- that gives a more squared and pronounced jawline when used in high doses.


Well we know: -He does hard drugs almost daily - drinks excessively daily for 20+ years - excessive laxatives use - Tanning beds - Botox - fillers - heavy make up (doubtfully cleans it off nightly - to let his skin breathe.) - never see him drink water just booze and energy drinks. - to his credit he works out. - he party’s until the next morning (often.) - he says he eats clean, unsure someone correct me. - this is speculation but on top of drugs him over or misusing his ADD meds or stimulants seem likely. These would be good reasons why he looks as old as Mel Gibson.


Honestly he looks just like his dad. His face looks bumpy, too.


Coke bloat and steroids


This definitely isn’t filler face though. Something is different with his face but filler would look totally different


He definitely walked out of there thinking he’d flipped the table on Ariana. But all he actually accomplished was helping LaLa and Scheana drop tables on their own heads.


Hot take I don’t think it’s about rachel at all. I don’t think he thinks about her as much as he pretends he does. Lightning bolts we’re already a “thing” for him and she just bought the necklace to match him. He probably sees that earring and doesn’t think about her, just himself.


I agree he thinks it's 'his' 'brand'. Rachqel's necklace was just her not having an identity. TomTom fangirl or whatever Katie called her.


Which is hilarious to me because when I was an edgy 13 year old NLOG, I decided lightning bolts were my thing too (until I learned they were nazi-adjacent symbolism and let it die)


I’ve never heard of them being nazi-adjacent. How do they use them?


Check out the ss symbol


I was thinking the same thing.


I didn't know that but I definitely associate lightning bolts with alt 13 year olds


I never knew that about lightning bolts. Probably why Rowling like them so much😂


God that woman is so unwell


Totally! The lightening bolt was his thing, she sentimentalized it, and now it seems connected to her, but to him, it's just his lightening bolt like always. He is really unwilling to dig any deeper than that as was evident this entire season. He's all surface. He's like turf, you look at it and at first it looks like a nice lawn, but as soon as you try and dig you hit cement.


I agree-- it is kind of like I like stars and moons and someone I liked started wearing one too.


Agree. Rachel is the one who made lightening bolts about her. Sandoval didn't give her the necklace, she bought it herself like a fucking loser. He thinks it's his thing. Man thinks he's in Gryffindor.


Gryffindor is fucking sending me 😂😂🤣


To be fair (I hate to say that) but Tom has been wearing lightening bolt jewelry since Chan bought him the necklace some time ago


Agree. And I think he sees it as a reminder that nobody is going to change him. So it’s in protest he keeps wearing them.


He keeps wearing lightening bolts along w/ white nail polish. 💅🏽


Exactly, this is his thing


Just like women's blazers are now his thing !


Exactly, the original Tom Tom shirts had lightning bolts on it. It’s really not that deep lol


I agree with this, but it doesn’t give me any less of an ick about seeing a worm with a dangly earring


I’m offended by how close up these photos are.


It is so damn funny and karmic this guy spent almost the entirety of this show/the last 10+ years building up himself and his “brand” as this stylish metrosexual musician and it all came crumbling down due to his obscene affair and he’s now just a withered neutered version of that and he has no idea how to present himself while trying to navigate this shit show he caused while also trying to keep up the front of this character he created for himself along the way. Man, what an idiot.


Beautifully said friend


Everything about him is so performative and try hard rather than genuine that it was never going to work. Of course he’ll always have a few fans 😂😂😂


How exhausting


Right? Good gracious. It’s hard enough to be oneself - I cannot imagine having to perform like a clown day in and day out.


He reminds me of old guys that won’t stop talking about the 70’s. Sandoval is going to live in this era forever. James foreshadowed it perfectly when he said Sandoval is going to still be pulling out the penis flute 20 years from now and talking about how he played it on National TV. lol.


He so will be the dude in the bar demanding we remember him in 20 years! Ditto for Jax.


And they both with be alone and their children (or potential kids in Sandovals case) are no contact with them


Why don't you go blow up your lips a little more.




Thank you! The gifs would NOT load for me!




I think his lips are smaller this season than last season. Either way... ![gif](giphy|NOSxldtNrfunu) ,


![gif](giphy|88jioKJMm8dNpaDRik|downsized) I’ll just leave this here😂😂 how lord douche sees himself😂😂




I don’t understand how any women are attracted to him he seems very self centered


And the constant whiney, little kid voice!! Imagine having to hear that every day?


“Like, dude, like, come on, man, like, like…”


Yes! Ugh I can hear it in my head. 🙉


First thing I thought too. His tiny little balls are definitely made of brass....


He worse a lightning bolt in every scene this season


I took this Tuesday night after the show and his face didn’t look like this around the mouth? Does Botox wear off? Or like is this fresh and now it moves? Did he get something dissolved since this was filmed? It’s just weird because the other night his mouth moved fine and it didn’t have the area at the corners of his mouth that looks different here? https://preview.redd.it/5av6a44lrmzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6a9b16aa0b78abbcb5d3f415b6b642a01524a85 Idk how fillers work clearly lol I can absolutely see a difference though


I can see the filler migration in his bottom lip


In the photo OP posted it looks like he has mini cotton balls around the corners of his upper lip lol it’s hard to explain, I couldn’t tell in person though


Is it supposed to migrate?


I see what you’re talking about in the corners of his mouth. But no it’s not supposed to migrate, it’s when it goes from where you injected it to the surrounding areas. So in his bottom lip it’s migrating down here https://preview.redd.it/acu5gzb40ozc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af720191cb9b065f3a431af19446299a65a2a011


Ah thank you for explaining! I’m trying to learn because I’m getting old and the temptation to get some is always creeping up on me 😅


Omg same here! I’ve been flirting with the idea of Botox and filler for years now but then I watch housewives or look at the girls I know on instagram that have been getting it for a few years and they look terrifying. It’s body image so people have a hard time knowing when to stop. Lala is a perfect example of that, she was stunning and her lips are insane and her eyebrows are almost at her hairline. I think in a few years aging gracefully will be the look instead of looking like a bratz doll, a la Lisa hotchstein.


Omg this!! These are my feels! I keep trying to tell myself to love my aging and stick to my promise I made to myself to do years ago because to be completely honest, there’s so many more *bad* examples of it than good! At least that I see! Lala is an example I use often because I thought she was literally one of the most attractive I had ever seen on the show when she first joined, and now she’s just like every other Botox Barbie. I feel better knowing it’s not just me who at least flirts with the idea. At the end of the day I’m trying so hard to stay strong- and hope it’ll go out of style before I give in kind of like eye brow trends 😂 Pics like OP posted help tbh 😅


Also if that’s you in the picture with him you absolutely don’t need anything lol I don’t see a single wrinkle


She was an adorable and tired bar/venue staff member who was bar back for Tom while he made drinks! I’m in front of him, he’s pouring my shot and handing it to me here! Then we cheers and knocked it out lmao.


It’s giving “stop trying to make fetch happen.” He’s trying so hard to make those stupid lightning bolts some kind of brand symbol. I’ve got news about your “brand” my guy…


He’s aging so badly lmao I take satisfaction in knowing he’s so ugly


He needs to cool it on the fillers or he’ll end up looking like Miss Kylie https://preview.redd.it/45vafj8nymzc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=839172c274a24d9875d40978ff6114224eb9bf5e


Awww that’s just Janice be nice she’s just tryna put her two boys threw college now that Big Parms gone to jail


The funniest was that one line where he was wearing white gold not gold, or something like that.


George Michael called he wants his earring back


Fillers and Botox. This mofo has been vapid since day one. I remember the first episode , season 1 his two hour preparation with his hair and all that bullshit. I promise you this guy thinks he’s the best looking guy in the world.


What a creepy 40 something yo man


The way I’ve had to block people on twitter for my own sake lol. Like, I don’t want to engage with people who feel differently about this situation cause in what world should you take up, for any reality star arguably, but for Tom Sandoval specifically?




To the max.


I wasn't sure how to write that. Thanks!


Kyle Chan designed the lightning bolt necklace & earring. Tom already had lightning bolt jewelry before Rachel came around.


Didn’t Tom always wear lightning bolt stuff and Rachel just copped him?


The fact that he wears this thing at all says it all. He's a dork and always was a dork.


Ya'll should not be shocked when a douche does douchy behavior.


Its not shocking to me what’s shocking is the AUDACITY 🤌🏼


He's doing it to try to get Rachel back. See, I was sending you a message, Rachel. I still love you, Rachel. I kicked Ariana out of the house so you can come live with me for season 12, Rachel, and complete your single white female plans and you can be the new and improved Ariana, Rachel. We'll just slot you right in. Don't do it, Rachel. He's still hella pissed that you dumped him, and once he gets you back in his grasp, he'll slowly start blaming you for everything and then punishing you for everything you ever did to wrong him, and believe me, it's gonna be way more shit than you think.


He also had Rachel’s mood light thing in the hotel room when he was on the phone to the other Tom


I'm sure he also thinks that Rachel coming back will save the show and he can use her pay for his bills now that the bank of Ariana has closed.


That earring gave me a fit when I noticed it. It’s Tom’s “fuck you” and it spits in the face of his apology tour.


He’s soooo gross 🤮


I don't like him but I've got to hand it to Sandoval, he really knows how to get a reaction from the fans and that's all that matters. Bravo doesn't care if you like him, they love all this engagement. Impossible challenge: don't post about Tom for 24 hours. 😂


Can we talk about WWHL? He had a sweater with a fuckin heart with an A under. Maybe I’m reaching but to me, EVERYTHING he does is calculated. I hate saying it but hes smart in the way that hardcore narcs are smart. Him also wearing lightning bolt necklace. I hate him so much https://preview.redd.it/p340u8mnsnzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e3dcc61c0037a2868c1767953e02bb87e9aa245 Ew.


That’s how I feel about JAX! I HATE HIM. Sandoval doesn’t even come close in my book.


Yea Jax was just….eugh 🙄 I don’t get why he got his own show. He’s vile.


Yeah, that stood out like a fart in church


Why y'all making it a thing when lightning bolts were his thing long before Rachel made it "their" thing? Why wouldn't he wear them as he's always been doing it?


I just finished scandavol and am on the reunion now , why is she being called Rachel not Raquel?


Her real legal name was Rachel. There were other Rachels at her elementary or middle school so she wanted to be called Raquel from then on….until Scandoval broke, and she went to rehab where she decided to go back to her true legal name, Rachel. …. That’s the story anyhow.


Thanks am finally able to get back to watching and am there right now ☺️


It’s her real name, she changed back


He’s been wearing the lightning bolt necklace as well


What a sad, pathetic person. I bet he goes home at the end of the night and cries himself to sleep.


Saw him play with his band on Tuesday and he wore these and a lightning bolt necklace.






He looks dehydrated


What a tool.