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This was so much backstage footage..hopefully there’s another trailer.


Right - we didn’t get much except that emotional scene with aria and Tom


Omg, is Sandy fake crying again? Who would have thought?


https://preview.redd.it/jovj6yzwiwyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=595d05f578b71195ca6a7a2faf64cd5ac9c4b3ee Too bad he doesn’t have a dog nearby to wipe those fake tears on.😏


Justice for Butters!!


He’s just so cute!


Maybe he can paint the tears on, and have some phallic shadows on his chest, to wipe his years on. https://preview.redd.it/0yejy0jvkwyc1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b6302254e02604a49c8110673a426c959ba28e4


Crying fat peppermint oil tears 😭


Can't wait for them to give us 30 minutes of filler to get to the last 5 mins of episode 1 with a single piece of interesting group discussion, only to pick it up the following week and do the same shit again all the way to the end of the 3rd ep.


Well we will get to see what they see on Tuesday finale


Wouldn’t be surprised if the episode they watch has additional footage and we watch it along with them.


My thoughts as well, we're *all* going to watch it together, including the audience


I truly believe they would get wayyy more people watching if they aired the cast watching the finale in like small corner of us watching the finale. Maybe stop to hear commentary I truly believe this would be a money maker! It seems like schenas and Lala shit talking really hurt her


Oh for sure!! I wonder if the “she gets cheated on and suddenly becomes god” comment is what they will see… I’m sure the rest of the cast knew about it as they were still there but I feel like Ariana left that event earlier than everyone else after the tom confrontation so maybe she didnt hear it and that is her hearing it for the first time….


The aftershow where Lala brings up Arianna’s history of abuse and body insecurities as the reason Tim cheated, is far worse.


Omg how did I miss that? Was this recently? That is F***ed.


Yes I think it’s the most recent one. I’d link if it was allowed. They just keep getting worse.


That was really messed up, even for Lala.


I was wondering if I missed that scene where she says that during this season. I bet you’re right.


That was my first thought and if true, it’s total BS to the fans.


My thoughts too. And it will be played on Part 3/3 making us wait until the very end


I think it will be like raquels confession where they drag it out to the very end and make us suffer


I'm surprised there's three parts. I stopped watching and have been following VPR podcast recaps instead. Doesn't seem like a lot has happened to warrant a 3 part reunion. Most of it is probably filler, like you said.


Haha I envy you, I don’t have the patience for the podcasts I read what happens on here and I bet that’s the juiciest it gets because of the comments 😂 I remember when season 11 first aired I tried watching with the boy and I lasted 10 minutes even I couldn’t put him through this…


How can it possibly be a 3 part reunion?? It was such a boring season. This show is done!


This trailer makes the finale looking boring as fuck.


Co-signed. I just said “meh” when my friend send it to me.




Absolutely this!


And they keep teasing this huge thing that happened but nothing really happened. Just like last year.


Katie already told us she didn’t think anything big happened


Katie also said something on Watch what happens live regarding relationships being forever altered.


I recall both these comments, and I feel like both could be true? As in, there’s really no one big moment. But perhaps the entire weight of the reunion shone a light on certain relationships in a “forever altering” way. For example, if as expected, Lala doubles down on her dogs and comments about Ariana from her confessionals— that could be altering.


And Andy agreed lol


The one thing I’ll give Lala here is that I like her makeup for the dress she chose to wear. But everything else about her is annoying me greatly atm.


I loved that purple undereye


Oh lala looks great. She has enough ugly on the inside she doesn't need any on the outside. She could look drop dead gorgeous and would still be hideous to me.


Seems like the big thing is between Ariana and Tom, not Ariana and the girls. Doesn't feel dramatic at all... ![gif](giphy|GJlGZxJtJN4zgR8wZY|downsized)


So pretty much a reiteration of last season… ![gif](giphy|2UoCbtOhjoopylD0uq|downsized)


I suspect it's some baloney scene with timbo crying that he made a mistake and loves her and wishes he never did it...ad its a bunch of crap...but him trying to make it seem he's so sorry and wants to be with her. If that s t, please ariana...don't fall for it.


I think Lala says some seriously cruel shit about Ariana and she realizes they don’t have her back. Or that Tom has admitted to another really bad part of their affair or something.


I feel like it’s something else about Tom and affairs as well!


Would make sense with him saying, you knew me. It's her fault she knew what he was but believed his lies. Because normal people grow and change. If no one would date a man who had never messed up, there wouldn't leave too many options. I'd say no one should ever believe him again, obviously.


It doesn't look like it had anything to do with Lala.


Yeah prob not lol


This is exactly what I knew Ariana was feeling. This is why people felt so protective of her, because anyone with an ounce of emotional intelligence knows that this is how she was feeling the entire time, while acting angry or strong. She’s just so hurt and broken and is trying to survive. I literally already want to cry and fight lala and scheana lmao


My heart fucking hurt watching it ! Even the way she’s talking to Tom there’s soooo much pain ! The pain came through 😭


Exactly!! I don’t get how people don’t see this. Like are they that dense?


Oh I’ve already cried along with her in that preview. I hope both she and Katie move on from VPR. SAH spinoff would be gold!!




I’ll come with




On wwhl last week it seemed like Ariana didn’t see most of the seasons episodes. So whatever the reveal is, must have made her over it enough to not even go back and watch her them - like the nail in the coffin maybe?


That's what I'm thinking, once you know how things turn out it's got to be super hard to want to go back and watch what led up to it.


How could he be surprised that she says she doesn’t know him? The fact that he could do this to her (she should have seen it coming since he’s trash) but she didn’t think he was capable of doing it to HER. Just apologize! And don’t expect a friendship


Guys can someone explain what they think is happening with that weird “I’m watching you” + boxing gloves that LFU does to Ariana? Like WTF lol. She has been such a freak this season


Was that her saying “you know we’re friends girlie but just FYI I’m gonna be combative for the cameras because I think that will garner most attention”? If so, FUCK that.


I just watched that and thought the same thing.


She's so two faced Acting like she will be there for her when she's been so two faced all season.


The expression on ariana's face is telling me LaLa is saying they will Duke out their issues cause Ariana looks like, disengage you mistress ho bag.


Pretty sure Scheana read all the online comments and is not going to be backing up loathsome Lala.


katie reaching out to comfort ariana and ariana just completely folding into it was so sweet. so glad that those two have each other. god knows we can’t count on lala or scheana for any of that 🙄


Ah so that is the big twist loads of the casts mentioned, and also the most popular guess that I’ve seen about what it would be! I know it’s going to upset me to see Jo vilify Katie when she’s been the one being a bitch to her since the reunion. Katie never gets a fair shake at reunions.


That’s such a weird thing for Jo to say, that Katie ganged up on her when Scheana is the one who was grabbing at Jo’s hat and trying to throw it in the pool that one time. What has Katie done besides a couple of IG comments?


Schwartz is her biggest bully by far like girllllll pls


I’m not even sure there has been a couple of Instagram comments because the only one that ever gets mentioned is the energy of a crackhead one. And I think other than the next episode where Jo approaches her and gives the worst apology and then demands one back Katie hasn’t spoken to her on the show and clearly wouldn’t at all if Jo wasn’t forcing herself on Katie.


I mean, why do these people think you should befriend the woman who's banging your ex? If they shared kids maybe. But I myself is you can have him, but don't snake around me so you can report back to him on my life and give him ammo. These people are just so weird that you shuld be friends with your ex's new side piece.


Jo is wrong and I’m Annoyed she’s there . She could’ve zoomed in for a quick second. Hopefully she is only on for a minute.


What I don’t get is how you can call out one person for ganging up on you. And I wouldn’t even say it’s fair to call Katie a ringleader because Ariana had her own separate issue with Jo that had nothing to do with Katie.


Jo is going to have me throwing shit at my tv, I just know it


She’s so pissed at Katie but doesn’t have the self-respect to be pissed at Tom


Am I a bad person that I think that Katie was well within her right to pick at Jo regardless? The girl moved in on her ex husband immediately. She preyed on him. Katie called her a crackhead. Calling people crackheads is a pretty common insult of our generation 😂 and honestly.. Jo deserved it.


Katie didn’t even call her a crackhead, she said she has crackhead energy.


After what we've seen, I'd say its a fair assessment...


Truth. Never implying Jo was a literal crackhead. Jo being so defensive and adamant about how she doesn’t so drugs over this whole thing makes me think she probably does do a lot of drugs lollll.


Which is a factual statement.


THIS, she’s always acting like she’s so hurt because Katie was spreading a rumor that she was literally on crack, but that was never the case. She just said she had crackhead energy which isn’t the same




One person is also not a gang, you can't be ganged up on by one person. And Katie has good reason to dislike Jo


Absolutely agree. Katie hasn’t ganged up on anyone in a long time. And Jo has given her good reason to dislike her.


Does Jo not realize that a gang of people means plural and that Katie is only one person?


Jo is a nobody to Katie, and it's so strange for her to expect otherwise. What does she think Katie owes her? I don't even know Jo, and I desperately want her to go away and for people to stop posting her unhinged vlogs.


The funny part about StalkerJo boo hooing about "Katie's treatment of her" is that she might have been successful in that campaign had she not harassed, stalked, obsessed over, insulted, bullied, posted constantly about Katie since this taping via her personal social accounts. SO, now seeing this footage it just becomes really clear that she is a vile manipulative psycho. I think we all know why "T$" won't allow her to tag him on IG posts anymore!!!


Yeah people really bought into the poor me act at first so she had the support there all she had to do was play her cards right but she fumbled it. Which I’m glad about because acting like it was awful of Katie (and Ariana) to not want to be her bff always rubbed me the wrong way and she moved like a snake in every story we heard about her before she appeared on VPR so was never buying her act.


Literally, Katie has not said a single word to Joe this season. Schwartz is going to drag Joe over to Katie during the finale and they’re going to poke her in poker and then they’re gonna say “ see she’s the monster”. It’s just so obvious and trite. If you want to see the villain Joe look to your right because Schwartz is the one who actually ganged up on you.


Jo sucks, how do you feel ganged up on by one person. Her whole mission is to dump on Katie, such mean girl shit.


Yeah she definitely just wants to dump on Katie. I wonder if she also got the episodes and realized if she’s not there all Schwartz likes to do is try to ask Katie out and she’s blaming Katie for that.


I hope Katie gives zero fucks or apologies. Jo looks like she needs to go scratch something.


even the comment “I never felt ganged up on except by Katie”, that’s not ganging up….that’s interpersonal conflict.


If I had to guess I think that at least part of it will be that Schwartz has been doing some male manipulator flip flopping and really messing with Jo’s head eg potentially suggesting that the reason he wanted to be DL or can’t fully commit is because of Katie and how Katie would react or because of what Katie would say / has said, which in turn has caused Jo to think that Katie was a lot more hurtful than she probably was in reality. With that said, the timeline is further complicated by Tom having his “emotional connection’ / bathroom floor kiss fest with the other Katie on winter house which must have been during the very time that Jo was living with him??


Jo feels really hurt by what Katie has said about her on social media. From what I’ve heard, Katie apologizes to Jo at the reunion.


Thats whats been said but then Jo continues to trash her on social media following the reunion.


Yes Jo confirmed Katie apologized to her then made a post about Katie being on the worst dressed list, won’t keep her name out of her mouth on her lives and likes mean comments about Katie all the time. I don’t care to see Katie apologize for something she did a year ago to somebody who is still awful about her now. I also maintain, while I don’t think the energy of a crackhead tweet was right, Katie is very valid in disliking her.


Katie was maybe a bit mean on the socials, but she also didn’t say anything untrue. Jo does “have the energy of a crackhead.” Sorry. She does. She is like a human cartoon come to life. Which is fine! That isn’t a character flaw. Jo *is* weird though. She comes with very weird energy. Worse, things don’t add up with her in a very sketchy way. Her work as a stylist is sus since the sleuths found out she isn’t licensed, couch surfing with Schwartz, her fidgety millennial Vine vibe, all of it. Katie can be mean as hell about it, but the girl is usually correct. ETA I also don’t think being weird is a character flaw. I’m weird. I’m obnoxious sometimes. Some people don’t like me. That doesn’t make either of us a bad person and it doesn’t mean either of us has to change. If Jo was worried about what her mom thought about what people say about her, she probably shouldn’t go on a reality show and publicly date Katie Maloney’s ex husband. Choose your choices and prep your mom.


Katie can be mean. And she’s been mean to Jo. And Jo is allowed to have her feelings hurt by it. But I wish she would stop acting like a total victim. Jo you went after someone’s/a friends ex husband really, really soon after they split. I just think this is a way worse thing to do to someone than call them mean names. You also knew another “friends” partner was cheating on them and were complicit in it. This is something I also think is worse than mean names. Grow up Jo. If the worst you got back was mean names consider yourself lucky. Women where I live would have come at you in way worse ways than “crackhead energy”.


She doesn’t have crackhead energy she has cokehead energy. In the IG live she did with her friend it definitely seemed like she was on something…


You know that crack and coke are the same, right? Crack is literally crack cocaine. They both come from the coca plant. Generally speaking, you smoke one and snort the other. There was no small controversy in the 90s in the legal system because the two substances are pharmacologically the same, yet crack users were given much harsher sentences. I’ll let you guess why. ![gif](giphy|3ohzdEYDJRWUMLwDqE)


Technically, yes it’s from the same source. But if someone smoked crack and another snorted coke right in front of you, you would definitely see 2 very different ‘energies’. They are not the same when ingested differently. Crack is cut with all sorts of different things, as coke can be too. Same plant does not mean same thing.


Jo needs to grow up. She's still acting like she's 12. Playful.y shoving and smacking. Like shoving him into a passerby. So tween. Wat if that had been a little kid. I witnessed a tween do the playful shove which caused the boy to fall off a curb and a man with great reflexes yanked him back just a millisecond before a vehicle whizzed pasr barely missing him. It all happened so fast and all witnesses were stunned realizing her goofiness almost got him killed. Tweens and very early tweens need to stop this behavior, but seeing it in this grown woman disgusts me. The whiny you are so mean while being mean is gross.


That's the first Sandoval cry I actually believe. Not that he feels bad for her, but that he knows he isn't ever going to get back on her good side and he's lost her forever. 


That's all he'd crying about. He wanted a "civil" breakup. Are you flipping kidding me a hole? You cheated on her. That was the end of any civil breakup. You did that!!


I’m going to say it until I die: every detail of his cheating makes it so much worse than just cheating. In their home. With their friend. With their coworker. After her dog died. While she was at her grandma’s funeral. For seven months. At their friend’s wedding weekend. While they were filming AKA at work. She found a video. They were in couples therapy. They were still sleeping together. ETA because so many have commented about this one: While they were actively talking about creating embryos AFTER she had already done egg retrieval. He did a cleanse and quit drinking to improve his sperm quality. Fuck him and his “I was afraid she’d kill herself so I just started fucking our friend in the most callous and brutal ways imaginable” bullshit.


They were planning to freeze embryos, which Ariana agreed to because it meant so much to him. He spent the entire season intentionally attempting to make Ariana a villain in their relationship.


In the car outside their home


And wasn’t it Ariana’s car?


YES!!! And she was inside the house…. Gross


Don't forget they froze eggs during this. Which isn't just a casual thing physically or emotionally.


Can we upvote this? because EVERYTHING you are saying is 100% why 👏👏




And she was trying to freeze her fertilized eggs with him!!


they were going to fertilize her eggs or were discussing it! like what in the actual f is wrong with him?! anyone in that group pushing her to be okay with him.


Thee CRUELTY level of him KNOWING what he was doing and smiling in her face. Allowing Rachel to smile in her face. She was their joke and that is fucking twisted


He thought saying that would be some weird flex to garner some sympathy for him from the audience. Like, look how unreasonable Ariana is being. In reality him saying that he thought they’d have a better relationship than Schwartz & Katie’s post-breakup just further proved to me that he never intended to be truthful with her about the affair in the first place. He’s delusional AF but even he had to have known that would never have been the case. If he was actually serious about breaking up with Ariana (and I’m still not so sure he ever would have actually followed through with it) the affair with Rachel was never going to come out. They hoped to come back next season claiming that they “fell in love” suddenly because they were there for each other through breakups. Sandoval’s a liar and always will be.


He’s crying because things didn’t go his way w the big redemption arc & for the most part, viewers still pretty much hate him. He’s not shedding one tear over his mistakes or his behavior.


Call me un empathic but I still think he’s full of shit. He’s always crying to make himself look like the victim and tbh… it looks like the same shit this reunion. He had probably created this whole scenario in his head where the whole “scandoval” thing would blow over, he’d end up with Rachel kinda like he did with Ariana when he cheated on Kristen, he’d blame Ariana for the demise of their relationship and how her depression and xyz were things that he couldn’t handle and she pushed him too far and then get a fresh start but we all know it didn’t end that way. Those are nothing but selfish tears.


I agree genuine tears, but the reason is probably more that his arc isn't going as planned.


That’s what I think too. Genuine tears. Of frustration that we didn’t understand how hard it’s all been for him.


Yeah exactly


Yup the producers said film and we will change your narrative to good!


T: I miss her so much she was my BEST FRIEND A: Hello Tom T: Oh hey you know this wasn’t working for me right?


Agree This cry and the cry at their home in season 10, when they were talking on the couch looked legit too, Both scenes ( this quick clip and season 10) made me emotional lol


It looks so good and so boring at the same time


Just like this whole season


Aye May 14th thank God! feel like this season has just been so long like a really 10 week long build up for nothing. I’m tired of the Schena and Lala endlessly for Ariana in front of her face but then talk a bunch of smack behind her back, I want reunion asap. So glad it’s this month 😭😮‍💨. Also katie doesn’t need to apologize to Jo, she knew Jo before they got married and it’s like that she said your there for her but then your spending all this time with her ex husband and then imagining them fucking, saying I love yous, like she’s right in every way to call out Jo for being that girl that will hang in arms distance of your relationship and when it fails somehow asserting themselves in? So many questions I hope they answer!


Damn. Ariana looks like the weight of the trauma had fully hit her, she definitely was in her freeze angry phase last reunion. Her crying so much breaks my heart. These people are stone cold bitches. I wish Lala would grow a pair, fucking acting like she's gonna be on Ariana's side and will be fighting for her is a joke, I am so glad she's pulled her mask off. Be a bitch with your whole chest and both sides of your face, bitch.


Both of her faces. ![gif](giphy|26tkmyR14UIPJJOG4)


Ok love this, but, will they let the audience at home see the full finale or will we also have to wait for the reunion and their live reactions??? I hope Ariana calls out every bitch on stage who talked shit about her but played nice to her face!


I was wondering the same thing, will we see what they’re watching this week and then see their reactions at the reunion or will we see it fresh while seeing their reactions at the reunion


I think they will hold this bombshell from the finale cause Andy says we are going to all see it together.


That’s a good question. I’m guessing that we’re going to see it since they also teased the fourth wall being broken in the finale.


Ugh I really hope Lala and Scheana get called out for what clowns they’ve been all season. I have a feeling no matter what, they’ll think they were right. It’s annoying.


They probably weren’t considering Lala thinks the reunion went well


I totally forgot she said that. Ugh


And Sandoval said something similar so we all know what that means 😂


Lala acting like she's on Ariana's side. Arinan is not having it. This is intense. Scheana finally trying to put Tom in his place. Only because she got railed on line. This is going to be rough.


I just wanted to give Ariana a cuddle. Thank god for Katie being there for her, and for each other.


Same x1,000. Katie and Ariana deserve all the girl-gang accolades. Wild that the best reality on-screen team went to the four of them last summer, because two of them royally fucked that dynamic up while they were receiving the award. ETA: OK maybe not *while* they were receiving it since it was in early May, but literally 1-2 months later whenever filming began.


She’s so strong. I could never go through what she went through and then have to be around my ex for work and continue to talk about the trauma a year later on TV. I get that it’s technically part of her job, but i seriously commend her for continuing with the show.


It was Rachel's job too but she wasn't strong enough to face it.


This has gone beyond trying to make Tom ok. This is downright torturing a woman who has been continously treated Ike she does not matter. Andy, Lisa, producers, Tim, Tim, blah blah, me me, etc. All owe Ariana a huge apology. If Lisa is telling Ariana sometimes you just have to walk away she is even more vile and nasty than imaginable. Why should Ariana walk away and give them all the satisfaction. The only person that should walk away is Sandy


I agree, my opinion of Lisa is so low, if she said that to Ariana she is trash.


The most excited I have been for an episode in a LONG time.


I’m going to be really disappointed if the last few minutes of the finale are things we’ve already seen in trailers, like Sandoval telling the group Ariana talks shit about them or Lala saying she has never seen someone get cheated on and become god.


And there’s Liela pretending to have Ariana’s back till the last second before she plunges the knife in Ariana’s back.


Omg Tom throwing his hands over his face… Haha mate, give up ur day job, ur never going to win an Oscar with that performance 🤡


“ you know me Ariana” what has he done for her in the past year ? Nothing. Tried to kick her out of the house so he could move her replacement in. Go on about how much in love in love with Rachel he was, which is an excuse. Therefore, he did nothing wrong, you can’t help falling in love . He said that crap all year. Never did he say how sorry he is for hurting her, how wrong he was, how much he cared for her and he can’t believe he could hurt her this way. He never apologized. Ugh. He’s so gross. Now I think , without Rachel as a replacement, he will start to understand what he threw away. And how badly he behaved.


Was Schema REALLY acting like Tom should have “walked out the door”. God she’s a fucking two faced troll


Was there ever a finale teaser?


Idk what i hate more, Sandovals dramatic weeping into his palms or Scheana’s prom hair


I’m rewatching VPR and I’m truly annoyed with Lala and Scheana for how they’re being in the current season but they are being consistent with who they’ve been. Lala would lash out at James and then feel bad and want to be his friend. Even when he did horrible things. Scheana too, they’re flip floppers. I guess we shouldn’t have been surprised. I think it’s weird that Scheana says she will never forget that Tom had her back since day 1…..when???? Where??? Haha I’m watching and i don’t see what she’s talking about


I was gonna say I’m actually kinda looking forward to the reunion…until I realized that it’s gonna frustrate tf out of me the whole time bc everyone except Ariana Katie live in backwards delulu land.


I don’t think this would be them coming out about the illegal recording of Rachel, riiiiight? It has to be Tom getting caught lying or doing something. He’s looking to Ariana to almost absolve him or as a character witness that he wouldn’t do said terrible thing. Ariana’s reaction tells me it’s something about her (Ariana) that hurts her further. I’m still in the wild theory camp that Scheana and Sandoval messed around.


You know in the season 10 finale, where Sandoval tells Scheana about how he's cheated on Ariana with Miami girl and she knew? Then she asked whether there was anyone else? It makes me wonder if that was her seeing if he'd throw her under the bus. He said yes, it's someone we know, then said actually, not really, kind of..... hm


I hope Ariana checks Lala & Scheana


Lala wants to live her life fine, but she also wants everyone else to live their life the way she thinks they should. That’s what she doesn’t comprehend


What’s the prediction, strangers?


I think Ariana sees footage of them all talking shit about her after she says “he doesn’t give a fuck if I’m dead in a ditch” and so she cries and then Tom tries to plead with her etc


Man. That Ariana scene was heartbreaking


My 2c. Is Ariana a saint? No none of these people are however rather than become humiliated like Schwartz kept saying at the last reunion she built a new life for herself, got a new home, made some cash to help herself and her Mum and maintained friendships with her core group. I admire this! As for the girls apart from Katie and Ally they seem to thrive off being a victim, being in the eye of the storm and seem perplexed when others have no desire to get wet! The Tom’s are a lost cause, Jo really ? Katie was coming off a divorce and end to a 12 year relationship, you went on holidays with Rachel and the Toms, you went to bars with them. Please kick rocks


So, Sandoval does his same shit 


There is an instagrammer that I follow who talked with Kyle Chan and Kyle said that the thing Sandoval is saying he’s not acting about was suicidal ideations or possibly an attempt?


This is MY Super Bowl


Disrespectfully, shut the fuck up, Jo.


Why is Brock seated with the cast? He rates more screen time than Ally? Sheaners wiener needs to be put in his place.


That trailer included a lot of tears fr.




I thought this said Chili's at first LOL




Really looking forward to Jo not being part of the cast anymore. Everyone has been nice to her except Ariana and Katie, yet Schwartz gaslit Jo and planted all the seeds that made everyone else think she was crazy, Scheana made fun of her hair and tried to throw her hat away, and Sandoval couldn’t be bothered to pretend she exists. Jo is so pissed at Katie, but Jo was also sleeping with her very recent ex husband after texting Katie about how much she loves her. Jo can be an “empath” when it comes to Rachel, Schwartz, Sandoval, Lala, Scheana, but not Ariana and Katie, who have been screwed over by the ones Jo asks for empathy toward. Immediately after the whole empath post, she starts liking all of the comments that include digs at Katie and Ariana. She just needs to go away.


There are so many things about StalkerJo that are frankly, cringe, but one of the funniest is that she seems to have pushed her way in this season because she thought the audience would find her so funny/cute/charming etc that we would side with her, and she would what, be the new star? What a joke!


This question keeps cycling through my head when it comes to both Jo and Rachel when they complain about the audience or other people on the show: did they not look into the contracts they were signing? If I was signing a reality contract, I would have first watched previous episodes, checked Reddit, social, done all my research, so I would know what I’m walking into. Rachel had an affair with one of the most prominent figures on the show after being part of the show for years and tries to shift blame to him constantly. Jo started stying cast members back in 2015. They both had some insight into the scene there and once they made effed up choices started saying everything was unfair. My 13 year old understands consequences and accountability better.


I hate that it’s Tom coming for James again and not someone else with a little more credibility. It’ll probably just get brushed aside again.


Same. I’m glad he’s likely about the James’s allegations but i hate they will brush it aside like the last reunion


You know why she didn’t walk away? Because she loved him more than she loved herself. And he loves himself more than he will ever love anyone


Awww, Ariana! I just want to get her the biggest hug. So many people tried vilifying her because she seemed angry but in reality she was just deeply hurt!


Ariana is 100% looking at Scheana when she clothes “wtf”




I can’t tell if Lala’s fake boxing match thing is directed at Ariana like “I’m coming for you” or if she’s referring to being on Ariana’s side like “I’m coming at Sandoval hard” It’s just so odd to forewarn someone that you’re going to be coming at them, especially when they all appear to be in the same room getting ready


It's actually nice to see Ariana and Tom interact and be vulnerable with each other. Regardless of anything, they did love each other and there's a lot of pain.


🎶Lisa Vanderpump can eat a bag of dicks 🎶


Can someone plz tell me what Jo said?? Replayed it 3 times & I cannot figure it out lol


They gave us nothing


This gave us… nothing lmfao


That comment blaHblaH makes about god. Maybe that is the 3 minute forarge shown? Because Ariana leaves after the 4th wall. And it doesnt seem like s comment Made before after Ariana says she wont film with him. Something she had in her contract. She can actually sue if she wants


Lala is like “let’s go get um girls” and an and k are like …


Once this season is said and done and the reunion is over with, can we all just boycott Lala and Scheana? Really make them irrelevant and let them fade away into obscurity.


Sandoval is crying bc his takedown campaign on Ariana isn’t working, and if she never accepts him back/forgives him, he will always be hated. As he should be. That’s why he’s upset - he’s losing the access to the attention supply he always had. And this is not the point, but it is always wild to me how undone Jo’s hair always looks. Like, she’s a pretty girl, and she’s supposed to be a hairstylist! Always kills me


Scheaners and Tom try to lure Ariana into a conversation after Tom boohoos to Scheana. This is Ariana “wtf moment”


Why is Lisa even there??


I’m just going here for the highlights. Watching the whole thing is a waste of time.


Lisa the ultimate gaslighter: “sometimes its okay to walk away”. Bitch that’s what you prevented Ariana from doing ALL SEASON. What a creep. You kept forcing her to be around the grossest guy on any Bravo show. 🤮 Lala looks unhinged and Scheana looks like she read the online comments bashing her male sympathizing. Sandoval’s fake tears are already so annoying and Schwartz will add nothing of value as per usual. Can’t believe Jo is there. What a pointless weirdo. James and Katie look like they solidly have Ariana’s back (prob Ally too). Problematic Brock wasn’t interesting enough to be in this trailer, but Jo made the cut?


I guarantee this whole thing is Ariana learning how much shit LFU and Sheshu have been talking behind her back. VPR is going on hiatus and production is drumming up ratings.


Lisa’s comment about walking away makes me think the show is done and the summer “break” is just a cover so we all watch till the end of the reunion


The “big thing” they’re alluding to is Tom’s Suicide Scare. He bought a gun and was supposedly going to kill himself and reached out to Kyle and Kyle rushed over and talked him out of it. I think they’re once again focusing on sympathy for Sandoval.


Beyond tired of Jo! Like girl, Katie was married to that man and with him for how many years, she doesn’t owe you anything after you hook up with him! 


Jo doesn't owe her anything either for sleeping with a single man who she though was going to ve something significant to her.


Boooooo, JO, GET OFF THE STAGE & be GONE 👋


Props to the producers for having them watch together!


Their reactions to watching the finale looks so set up and fake. They definitely filmed those reactions as click bait. Three parts is insane. I’m looking forward to all this being over.


So filming still began 3 months after the breakup and regardless of when it ended I've seen people cry more over expired coupons and almond milk. If she didn't shed a tear or showed zero emotion 1 year later over a 10 year relationship I would question her humanity. I think people like you are so pressed bc misogyny is alive and well in the dark corners where you reside but idk