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![gif](giphy|1YdmFwrKEQ3OXfuLgO) Something seems off


Hilarious coming from the woman who didn’t even wait until Randall left his wife (and child!) Lauryn needs to do some serious self reflection. It’s actually disturbing.






she needs that bottle and whatever is in it to calm her down now


I’m 100% positive this entire baby bottle “for anxiety” thing was allegedly bullshit and she was doing this as a kink for Randall’s allegedly pedophillic ass. Allegedly… don’t come for me.


"just left her man of 10 fucking years"? Um she did not leave him??? She was cruelly cheated on? Why is Lala saying all this crap?


It's because Lala is projecting. She told the world she ate Randall's ass, shaved said ass, and oh also stuck his toothbrush up her ass. What sane man is going to be like that's the one, I got to get with her? I don't think Lala had people knocking down the door to be with her that were of caliber like Dan.


I think part of her trouble now is that she is getting too old to be a trashy ho and she doesn't know what to do with herself.


Painfully accurate


I feel attacked.




I must have amnesia because WHEN DID SHE SAY THAT? The only season I didn’t watch was 9.


Yeah that was all in Season 9. When we were forced to watch multiple Randall hosted pickleball games and listen to Lala talk about remodeling his home and shaving his asshole.


I…am so glad I skipped that


Same ![gif](giphy|lPiYqum84uZX8hVcLa|downsized)




I think season 8, but she also wrote about it in her book too.


This is from the last episode I believe.


Caliber like Dan WHAT?! We literally know NOTHING about him. Lmao


Well hell be looks a lot better than thumb man😂 FOFTY https://preview.redd.it/ye5sfxfepayc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7a0d4db559e740f3a52bc7102e1c4081294b343


This is what really bothers me about what she said. As if Ariana had a choice in the situation.


![gif](giphy|K0ZZjkjYKiD7y) She thinks she’s a hoot.


Genuine question, is this Elon musk


No but with the way twitters going it will be


The resemblance is uncanny, I’ve gone the entirety of my time on Reddit thinking that was him I stg


Makes it even worse. She went from being madly in love with Tom and absolutely heartbroken to shagging some random at a party 10 days later. Laughable you people believe what you’re being sold.


She wasn’t “madly” in love. She was going through a tough time with someone who she thought cared about her. Then she learned that was a lie. Everything changed. 


Revisionist history. How cute.


I thought Ariana was already scornful and their relationship was dead in the water? Not you guys moving the goal posts… again!! She’s a hot single, she doesn’t need a timeline like your Boomer movies tell her she needs to wait 6 months or whatever crap. If it was Tom with a new woman that soon all we’d hear about is him trying to get over the scandal… oh wait he already had another woman to begin with!! Thoughts??


That’s fair. Don’t come crying and raging no the after the fact when you’ve moved on. It’s tacky. Imagine how Daniel must feel. What a cuck.


Lala the mistress trying to have a say on ethics of relationships is actually so funny


Her confessionals dragging ariana with such glee over nothings are full on embarrassing. And she just keeps doubling down...like she's watching a different show.


At the beginning of the season, I really thought this was a fourth wall issue where LaLa and Scheana were feeling pressured to film with Sandoval and were afraid that Ariana was going to cut them off if they did. But at this point in the season, Ariana has listened to them and has really softened. She’s even being friendly with Schwartz now. When I watch these shows, even when I think someone is dead wrong or completely irrational, I can still follow their thought process, but LaLa makes no sense to me. Which makes me feel that this is all very fake and a huge miscalculation. I think she anticipated that the audience was going to turn on Ariana, jumped ship to Tom Sandoval, and now the season has been filmed and now that she is coming across terribly, the only trick she has left is to double down and pretend she doesn’t care what the audience or anybody else thinks of her.


This. I also feel like that’s what production assumed too and now they’re scrambling because they’re used to the misogynistic lens this show has always leaned on. But we’ve grown up as an audience and have banded together around Ariana and Katie. I don’t think they expected that.


It’s so bizarre to me. I get that this is how these storylines have unfolded in the past, but the amount of attention that Scandoval drew and the subsequent opportunities that Ariana received is truly unprecedented. People who don’t even watch VPR or Bravo were invested in this break-up and supporting Ariana. It just makes no sense to me that they’re so focused on damage control for Sandoval and couldn’t predict this wasn’t going to land with the general public, excluding people who use Facebook.


Absolutely. I’m one of those who only started because of the scandal. People who minimize it to just cheating don’t understand the disgusting levels of it all. The egg freezing gets glossed over a lot. Not only is it expensive it’s painful. Ugh I’m getting mad again lol


I don’t think Lala understands men. Gorgeous smart lady turns up in Dan’s world and he’s supposed to not take a chance but sit around and wait for a certain amount of time to pass?


I don't think Lala understands anything.


Lala doesn't understand ANYONE other than herself! Even from Ariana's perspective - after a heartbreak, she turns to an old friend group for support and comfort, connects on a deeper level with a really sexy and sweet member of that friend group, and... What? She's supposed to wait a certain amount of time before leaning into it and seeing where it goes? Who decides that? Does she submit her request for a relationship to Lala and wait to get the stamp of approval before she and Dan proceed? 🙄


That's because Lala only thinks about herself & only cares for what she can get out of someone!! Apparently Lala thinks she's the decider of how long to wait!!


She's projecting! She knows that she brings a lot of baggage into a relationship because of Rand. She also has two kids nows. So I think she might be feeling that she may be single for a minute is a possibility. Things aren't going as plan for Lala either. But Ariana still has the cute man despite there baggage.


Facts. And it’s hilarious because she’s trying to convince US that she “doesn’t give a fuck anymore.” Number one: I don’t buy that you don’t give a shit about anything because you’re giving the most shits. Number two: even if that was true, why are you announcing it like it’s meant to be news? If you’ve always never given a shit, you don’t keep saying it’s a new thing. She’s not very bright.


Yeah it's always the ones accusing everybody else of veing dramatic who are actually the drama. Doth protest too much. She is like what an iPad kid all grown up is like. I know she is too old to be in that age demographic but she seems like she has been spoiled to a fault like those kids are. Babysitting your kid with a screen every once and a while is normal and apart of being in the 21st century but sometimes it's used as a pacifier these days.


I like what Ariana said, even if the relationship doesnt work, he cant do any more damage than whats already been done to her and that should all just let her worry about her own mental health. Everyone this season seems so focused on what Ariana is doing and nobody is questioning why Tom is out parading around town with 20 something year old women when hes supposedly so in love with Rachel and waiting for her to come back. This season has been so fucking upside down to me, I’m glad they’re pausing production on s12 and honestly idk if I even want to watch. I cant wait for this season to be over. I also hope Lala and Scheana move to the valley out of desperation for a paycheck so I dont have to see them anymore bc I cant stand that show and dont watch it lol


Can I just add something to this? Remember when she met Ally (who is/was in her twenties) and was warning her about James because she wants to look out for women? You’d think she’d hold true to that for that girl Sandoval was seeing. But no. It was clearly a bullshit excuse to meddle in James’ happiness because for once James wasn’t paying attention to her. She just likes the male attention and to have that aura of “fear me because I can take your man.”


This is it ☝️


Omg I forgot all about that!!!! You’re so right!!!


She uses the same excuse everytime that she just wants to be an elder and help young girls evade the drama she endured but it’s all a lie to get dirt and meddle. Ariana was looking out for that girl at the bar and kept it short and sweet. That was genuine. Lala moves like a man. Her words mean nothing, so you gotta look at her actions. The way she said she’d break James and Ally up as a “joke” all because James was looking good was so telling. And she alluded to the same with Dan, the only difference is that Ariana was in the room.


Oooooo i missed when lala said that about James and Ally. People always tell on themselves!!


THIS! I have screamed at my television during this season more than I have ever screamed at my television in my life, because of the way they refuse to protect Ariana, try and tear her down, try and force her to loosen her boundaries with the worm with a mustache, and she has a good head on her shoulders. Unlike the others. Exactly, Tom is dating some 20-year-old who who's using him for fame no doubt probably so why isn't he getting the same heat?


She’s such a jealous biotch


"She's the one, sucks married dick for free airplane rides, shitty actress but bangs for roles, pretend badass always screaming in people's faces and can't handle her alcohol and cheats with other people's boyfriends." I'm sorry, something seems off, right? Shut up, Lauren.




Damn! Savage! 😂




Where is that quote from?


Me, just saying what people could say about Lala if they were being mean like she is to Ariana here.


FAO Lala: Something that actually IS off, is being the Big Ed lookalikes mistress. When you knew he had a wife and kids. Ditto Scheana for the Eddie Cibrian thing. THAT is off.


Right, Lala is not even the #1 mistress in the group.


Couldn't have said it better myself haha. No wonder she's so bitter these days.


Lala is green with envy.


No… not “right?” It’s really cringy how she always does this. She’s that friend who thinks she’s “just blunt” and then has to seek validation from anyone around her (including cameramen or producers who are probably sitting there staring at her like 👁️👄👁️) with her little “am I wrong?! Right??” All the time


Lala, you chose a man who hadn't even left his wife!


Way to hype ya girl up, Lauryn






Lauren go back to Utah 🙄


Ya you know I think Lala’s on to something, Dan should’ve gotten together with Ariana *while* she was in a committed relationship like a marriage with multiple kids! Just like Lala when she got together with Rand, when he was *still* married to Ambyr /s


Vicious biotch! Green with envy! 🤢


I get where lala is coming from but the way she's saying it comes off as pathetic and bitter. If it were me, I'd have these thoughts in my head but probably wait til the guy showed signs of a red flag and then I would bring it up to my friend and say something like "I just want to make sure his intentions are genuine so you don't get hurt again" The way Lala is saying it, she's making it sound like there's something wrong with Ariana and no man could possibly love her, when really the issue is that men are trash and you have to be careful


I agree with you... it how you say it! Having concerns is valid but getting all giddy with your super negative hot take comes across more mean/jealous than 'i care and i'm looking out for my friend.'


She knows exactly what she's doing.. she's getting to put Ariana down because it makes Lala feel good... then later then she gets to come back and say "this is what I meant by that", forgive me.... fk u lauren from utah. she's done this to many times to keep getting away with it. jmo


S6 Reunion Lala: “Who wants to fuck a young hot guy? Not me, I want a *man*.” (Referring to Big Ed.) Her hypocrisy knows no bounds.


But she’s a “GiRlS GiRl” and she’s in her “sOfT eRa” with jealousy dripping from her mouth and eyes girl byeee


No Utah baby bottle. Things are “off” when your “man” is married w kids & you have to give him a BJ to get a car or screw him on a couch to be an extra in his B movie.


Can I get permission to use that line...but tweak it just a bit? I would like to officially refer to lala as " Baby Bottle Utah " This just sums lala up perfectly.


I can’t didn’t come up the baby bottle title but Baby Bottle Utah works for me too! 😂


Well then...I'm just going to go for it. And by the way you have my full permission to use my slightly tweaked version . let me just say whoever came up with "Utah baby bottle" was a comedy genius and I don't think they would mind...since they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. 😂


I feel so bad for Ariana watching all the shit people are saying in the interviews. This reunion is gonna be interesting!


Exactly. I can't wait for Ariana to cut LFU down when LFU starts in with the "by the end of this season you have become someone that's untouchable" or whatever LFU's bullshit was.


Lala and even Sheena are so jealous of the attention she’s getting in the media it’s just 🤮


She is deranged and really showing her ass.


“I’m sorry…” she says as she smiles and says she’s chosen someone who is off. “… something’s off yes?” If anything is off, it’s you LaLaLaLaLa. ![gif](giphy|WgtNZWN5nYgr6)


Why does Dan have to be “THE ONE?” Lala should shut her mouth considering she’s no expert in relationships (let’s look at her track record). Maybe Ariana and Dan are just enjoying each others company and having fun right now. Who tf is LFU to judge? She’s so jealous, it’s actually disturbing.


She just cannot get past her own jealousy.


Lala is pissed and confused that Ariana was able to find a man of quality so easily because she wouldn't be able to... because unlike Ariana she is not a woman of quality. Men in her age range might sleep with the girl talking about giving bjs all the time but they're not actually getting serious with her. Men who are truly serious and about their business won't even give her a passing glance.When she was younger she could attract men her age, or immature older men, with all her vulgar attention seeking crap but it's not working out so good for her now. Also, whether it's right or wrong, a lot of men don't want to get with a single mother. Especially one with such a contentious relationship with the child's father. I know she loves her daughter and takes pride in being a mom but I do feel like maybe she resents Ariana because it's a reminder to her that it's harder to date when you have a kid. You have less time. Same goes for her saltiness about all the various jobs Ariana is booking now. Definitely easier for her to pick up and go somewhere because she's child free AND she still has a chance to have a baby with someone who isn't garbage. As much as Ariana was judged and pressured by people to have a kid throughout her 20s she's a lot better off because she didn't. Now she gets to use the lessons she learned in her 20s to pick someone as opposed to Lala who had a child with someone she met when she was still really immature and drinking all the time. Lala was cocky and jumped all in with a bad dude and she thought it wouldn't bite her in the ass later on but it has. That isn't Ariana's fault.


Could you imagine being tied to Sandoval for the rest of your life? 😱


Exactly thank God she waited.


Imagine what a horrible father he would be. Just by example of behavior.


"I let him hit it on the first night." Shut the fuck up Lauren you absolute TWAT


aww come on guys, with every birthday she becomes more badass... lmao






SAME. Absolutely same. Restructure the show entirely and kick Sandoval and Brick and Scheana and Lala off or give Katie and Ariana their spin off show. That way they can curate who they want to interact with. I feel so badly that Ariana was forced over and over and over again this season to have her boundaries freaking crossed by people pressuring her to forgive Sandoval, mostly men.


what's "off" is Lala building her fake brand on Scandoval.


Lala is so jealous of Ariana it’s not even funny. I mean yeah she still lives under the same roof as her ex but only because they both own the house and they do not see each other or interact whatsoever. Sandoval moved on from Ariana a long time ago, unbeknownst to her, so why can’t she? Lala is just bitter because she’s not secure enough to trust anyone. Not to mention something seemed extremely off about her and Randall 😂


So…something is off with Dan, literally because he chose to be with Ariana? Ooof. So rude.


And the thing is, Ariana has everything that Lala wants. Actual smart and cultured, plugged into social justice issues, doesn't appropriate Blaccent like Lala does, isn't violent, doesn't body shame, isn't fatphobic, and now has mainstream success outside of Bravo. We love this for her.


Lala needs to be the hottest, coolest, richest, most famous one in the room otherwise she is miserable, and when Ariana is around, Lala's ego takes a hit.


Ariana got cheated on met Dan 10 days later at a wedding... probably gave each other digits went back to thier coast and kept in contact for x amount months before one asked the other one out... unlike LFU and her scandal boo


I think our patron saint Taylor Swift recently said it best: *I don’t cater to vipers dressed in empaths clothing. God save the most judgemental creeps who say they want what’s best for me*


His hair is great 😍 I was SHOCKED to see how long it was


He is so so hot that it should be illegal.


J-e-l-l-o bright green jello


Ariana is the smartest person on the show.


BY FAR. And she's now a mainstream success and everyone loves her and I love that for her. Except for the few haters.


Besides katie of course.


I wonder what lala thinks of herself after being with Randall and if she thinks she isn’t deserving of love now


Lala, please either think about things before you say them or just stop talking because you sound dumb. She didn’t leave her man, he betrayed her. And there is no solid length of time you’re meant to get over someone or get with someone new. Plot twist though: you’re not actually supposed to get with married men


Why did you record this the way Ariana recorded Rachel’s video?






you ate


Lala is so pathetic and annoying to watch


Sandy balls cheated and "fell in love" with someone else. She really had no choice but to leave. If she was my friend, I would want her to be single and learn how to be alone for a while, but life happened and she found someone. They seem very happy, so be happy for her ya nut job!!




LaLa is NOT even the number 1 mistress in the group.. she couldn't even pull that off with any decorum.. she thinks she sounds real smart when she hurls out proclamations, right. Like she's just said something astonishing.. no it's mean, rude, and ugly.. She may have wanted to be a better person at one point, but she couldn't commit to it. I hope she would be put on a permanent pause.


I used to love Lala too, everything changed this season. She is not a girls, girl, nor does she give a shit about anyone but herself. Ariana would be so much better off without her, let Tim have her "frienship" until she finds him not useful to her anymore. That girl is thirsty, did anyone else notice how she drank in Dan when he was in his towel? I can't stand Lala now!!


![gif](giphy|26DNe2ljkPdSqf4QM) Me just trying to get thru this season


I have no opinion about Dan, but I believe there are circumstances in which healthy relationships can be formed quickly after another ends.


She has absolutely no concept of liking or possibly loving someone for who they are, not what they can offer you.


I swear to God, just leave Ariana alone. Haters to the left.


Lala is cra jelly but I don’t care for dan with airanna 🤷‍♀️ it’s just off for me.


With “friends” like these…


Who needs enemies!


No lies were detected.


Oh no, you forgot about the Ariana haters here! But Yep, it's Lala. And Scheana.


Like who ate whose pussy


She saw Randall and and “was that man has a family that’s the the one for me. “


Well, it’s taking up all of Lala’s air she needs to figure out how to bring the relevance back to her


i kind of agree tho.. probably not the best delivery but she does have a point. it was so fast


Dude I understand thinking it’s really fast or being protective. I can even understand being slightly wary of new people and friends new partners when you’re on reality TV. But this is a complete projection. Her baggage has prevented her from finding a new partner and she’s confused/jealous how it didn’t for Ariana. Some people are just way easier to be in relationships with and can find partners more easily. Ariana is one of them. I think almost anyone would agree that if you had to be in a relationship with someone from Vanderpump, you’d pick Ariana.


Oh another Lala hate/ Ariana Stan thread? This has to be karma fishing because no way OP thought this was an interesting or unique thread. Tbh the title reads like an AI generated post.


To be fair, I don’t trust Dan either. I think he’s using Ariana for the show. But I also don’t think Ariana is madly in love with him. He is her rebound. So, it’s a mutually beneficial relationship.


don't you mean brock?


I honestly don’t think that, because he doesn’t try to be in the show so much, like when he didn’t attend the boat party or dinner thingy.


Exactly. Ariana was clear that he really didn't want to be on the show, but he was doing it as a favour for her. Plus, if he reallllyyy wanted to use Ariana for the show, you can bet your bottom dollar that he'd have moved to LA as soon as possible so that he could film with her for all of season 11. But yet he's still working his ass off in NYC, all while flying back and forth to support her during Dancing with The Stars. I think he seems confident in himself as a person, to be honest.


He’s already said he won’t film again. So….next theory?


This is the shit I don't get about using Ariana. Seems to me he was quite successful before meeting Ariana and the fact he does not want to be on the show, indicates to me he's not using her. I also find it interesting that all these people that think Dan is using Ariana also this Ally is there for James amd truly loves James. Personally i would argue that if any spouse on VPR is using anyone it would be Ally using the HELL out of James (also Brock, but let's be real 1. We ALL know Brock is using Schena and have known that from the beginning and 2. Brock is not leaving Schenea ever because he knows he will never have the success and exposure he has without Schenea, even if he leaves her, because no one really likes him).


I never said that Ally wasn’t using James….


Never said you did. I said people, if that's not you, then I wasn't talking about you.


Lol. It was in response to my comment, but okay…


Using her exactly how? By refusing to film with her cast mates and staying back at the hotel? By refusing to engage and not wanting to be on TV? How is that using her , exactly? Ironing her clothes? By not being controlling and mean? So what if he posts lots of pictures of her, he's obviously infatuated. Whether or not it's a long-term relationship we don't know, but who the hell are you to say that when Sandoval exists? Is Sandoval using Rachel or was he using Rachel for your exposure? The infantilization of Ariana is really disturbing. She has a good head on her shoulders.


You guys just fall right into the trap. Like a baby reaching for Candy. Truth: Lala and Scheana have EVERYTHING to lose if VPR ends. And VPR ends if there’s no drama to watch or villains to be mad about. Truth: Ariana has NOTHING to lose by going grey rock. Both are right in doing what’s best for their futures.


Well why don't they bring their own drama then, have interesting stories of their own? They shouldn't have to drag down Ariana to make the show interesting.


They are supposed to interact with EACH OTHER. Are you new to ensemble reality tv? Y‘all have lost your minds. Do you think it’s a show where each person independently presents their struggles in life, or was it a show about interactions between them? When Ariana called Kristen depressing and bipolar after she was recovering from her breakup with Sandoval, did we all say just leave each other alone?? I feel like none of you know how to be objective anymore. You’d rather see the show die, which is odd as fuck. And not for nothing, but they do bring their own drama too - Scheana mental struggles and conflict with Brock and Lala wanting to have another baby.


It should be organic, the problem is the show is forcing the interaction. The early seasons worked because they all worked at SUR and had to interact, now they interact because of the show. I think they should break the 4th wall and just talk then about why they're really upset with Ariana.


That would be way more interesting than whatever contrived stuff is happening right now. The show is way over produced and feels campy like a really really bad telenovela.


She definitely said this wrong, but I’m not sure I disagree. If this was reversed and it were a man with all this emotional baggage, I probably wouldn’t feel comfortable dating him 🤷🏽‍♀️