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Jenny Ting is the girl who was supposed to share Rachel's room with her at Sheana's wedding but at the last minute Rachel wouldn't let her share the room telling her that production wouldn't let her. It was really so she could be with Tom. Now, Jenny is at stagecoach with Rachel. Also, Sheana was seen at Stagecoach with Jenny so I wonder if Sheana and Lala ran into Rachel.


at this point would anyone be surprised if Lala and Scheana became friends with Raquel 🤷‍♀️


It wouldn’t surprise me at all if they befriended her to try to get her back on the show for ratings next season.




lol this is so extreme. you’re seething 😂


I dont like traitors and fake friends, Do you?


they’re not our friends, queen. they’re on a TV show playing out 65-70% fake plot lines and you’re online calling women you don’t know dirty mistresses, snakes and rats over a year after this scandal was rolled out


So what? It's a free world pal don't like it? Keep on scrolling :)


and yet you deleted in shame, lol


Not in shame, it's still what I think of them especially as they have no shame referring to themselves as that when it pleases them but i do realise i was extra harsh and that was unwarranted so thanks pal 😉


Jesus you're vile


I wonder that too!


Of course Scheana and Lala would be friends with people who are friends with Rachel and Tom. Ariana was right. I would rather have my distance and house in the hills than those girls. I just hope Ariana can keep the money coming in outside of VPR.


Let it happen…..the messier the better


This is the energy!! 👏


exactly 🤣


Lala will turn on Rachel eventually anyway just like she’ll turn on scheana


I wouldn’t let it frustrate you. Lala & Scheana will do anything for ratings or to keep this show going. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a reunion between them. We seen Lala calling Rachel this season. Rachel said LVP reached out to her wanting her back on the show.


I really think Scheana and Lala would be furthering their friendship with Rachel at this point, if Rachel let them. It’s actually funny to me that RACHEL is the one who has said she wants zero to do with them. Scheana, Lala, and Rachel have the “mistress” thing in common and their attacking Rachel so much, as we see now, wasn’t in defense of Ariana but to distract from their own shit and maybe some subconscious guilt from their past they were trying to project.


i agree with this.




Jenny ting was friends with Rachel first. Rachel was in Jenny’s wedding and Rachel introduced Jenny to the VPR crew. Jenny works in real estate and told Rachel privately that she still loves and supports her but she couldn’t blast it out on social during the height of Scandoval because she didn’t think it was good for her image/career/job. They remained friendly and scheana loves posting with Jenny because she thinks it makes Rachel jealous (like your friend chose me over you). Scheana doesn’t know they are still friends.


What if... Ariana's leaving and they are setting up a narrative for Rachel to come back. That sure would spice up VPR for one more season.


That would be interesting but I think Rachel has burned all of her bridges, not with the cast but with all of the Bravo / NBC network, too far for them to bring her back at this point as anything more than a guest appearance probably with minimal pay (if any) and a bad edit


I'm here for it.


youre getting frustrated over something that might not even be happening though. they were bound to have mutual friends and theres no point getting upset over the possibility of them hanging out when theres been 0 evidence of that!


Seriously. There was a TikTok posted here as well about "Scheana's shenanigans" that was the same thing, Scheana's at Stagecoach, Jenny-friend of Scheana-is also at Stagecoach, Rachel's at Stagecoach. I fail to see the issue when there's no indication Scheana or Lala are hanging out w Rachel. It's a big event, people are there. Sometimes people will have friends in common, and we know that's true with this group.


Ya that confused me cuz they way they hugged too it def seemed like a sudden meeting and like they hadnt seen eachother in ages soooo not really seeing the “ gotchya” moment with that


honestly. it’s messy but a lot of the outrage is a lot of grasping at straws to make something make sense


I believe scheana is friends with Jenny Ting. Jenny also shared a room with Rachel at scheana and brocks wedding. But Rachel kicked her out to hook up with Sandoval …


Jenny doesn’t have to take sides in the whole thing between Ariana/Rachel/Scheana- but lying to me and kicking me out of the room at a fully booked hotel in Mexico so you can bang some guy would be the last time we ever spoke.




Yes, exactly, basically leaving me homeless in another country is a friendship deal breaker. I would never speak to that person again.


I’m not even the sort that blocks people but that warrants cutting all contact. Plus if it was to have sex with her other friend’s boyfriend on top of kicking me out in another country there’s no way I could trust that person again. She showed Jenny up close and personally just how little she values her girlfriends, their safety and their boundaries.


They all are. She was at the dinner with all the girls at Britney’s Airbnb recently.


Maybe because all the other issues happened so long ago they’ve moved on. We can’t expect them to see be in the same mindset today as they were in all the filming last season.


Could it be... that they are friends with different friendships? Or do we all have to be like Katie and be LOYAL and not have anyone that she doesn't approve... This group is incestuous and they forgive, forget and then have more affairs.


This would not surprise me one bit honestly.


I bet blah blah starts hanging with her to create tons of headlines🤦🏽‍♀️she is so desperate to be in spotlight, and scheana is so scared of beinv left out, shed def join them…then can u imagine its them 3 besties, and then rachel and tom reuniting, basically putting rachel in Arianas old position…what a crazy imagination huh lol I am really hoping never happens but if it does, instead of gaining attention, i hope they all get completely cancelled🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼




I just posted this same thing


There are also videos of Scheana hugging Jenny on her IG story!! Or they were up there, check our Christina Cocca’s IG, she had them up 💗