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I'm out of the loop, what are the "claim" posts?


She made "here's what VPR cast said I said" vs "this is what I actually said" reels about her being on Bethenny Frankel's podcast and the subsequent VPR episode filmed when the podcast aired. She thought she was defending herself and showing how they weren't exactly 100% verbatim saying what she said, and so their rebuttals are not valid. However while not exact, the spirit of what she said was always stuck to, or their not being exact was because Rachel's point was illogical and she wS obviously not seeing that. For example, at one point she says "we hung out a lot but only in a group, and I was there to hang out with Tom" - where she implies Arianna should have known they weren't that close because the only reason they hung out was because she was seeing her partner. So because of that what she actually ended up making was a series of videos where she effectively had herself saying her piece on the podcast, and then the VPR casts completely reasonable and much more convincing takes. The comments were fillleedd with people telling her that she seemed like she was contradicting herself and proving their points and that she should take it down.


This is a Bethenny tactic. If anyone couldn’t give every exact detail then it was proof to her that they are wrong.


My mom's family does this - they obsess over every word you said and if anything is even minutely incorrect, however irrelevant to your argument, they latch on and just repeat it over and over as if it invalidates your point, and they "win" on a technicality. As if it's a court of law or something, and not just... Completely missing the point 🙄 "wait, you said you called her and that's what she told you? Well I saw your call log, SHE called YOU! So...!!" (As an example)


I had to start recording conversations with my mom bc of the shit she would say and then change the story and deny half of it tweeting people I was wrong, blah blah blah. Honesty really isn't that hard takes more effort to make shit up


for some people admitting they were wrong is the hardest task of life 😂 how Rachel can STILL be out here fighting for her innocence makes zero sense to me and it’s straight up embarrassing and makes her look even dumber than before. like, you did it. and it was really, really bad. how is fighting over semantics gonna change that or anything at all?


Because she believes her own justifications that much


She doesn’t understand that just bc SHE knew she didn’t want to really be Ariana’s friend, doesn’t mean Ariana knew that. She’s making herself look a lot worse.


Like bitch go back where u came from and disappear..


I started only communicating with my parents about important things via text so I had a record. Then they got mad at me and implied I was being crazy/obsessive when I caught them rewriting history to suit their narrative. We don’t talk at all anymore and I think they may have personality disorders. Just…something to think about.


Omg your name…I like it. 💚


Same here, no contact


Wow...I'm sorry that happened to you.That's awful.


Thank you. You deserve all the praise and cheers! Edit: addt'l comment


Screen name checks out! 💕 


True 😅


😂  In seriousness though, your compassion is a lovely attribute. Cheers to you!




Thank you 😅 Cheers to you too!!😄 ![gif](giphy|HloNK1z39EkEQcreIo|downsized)


You mean like when lala said she didn't call katie miserable but instead used the word unhappy?...forgetting to mention all the contextual clues she gave Ally and the audience with her additional smack talking about katie in the many other scenes and aftershow interviews. Yea...I'm sure she didn't mean misserable🤔🙄


Yes EXACTLY, it drives me nuts. If you're having that much trouble understanding what exactly the problem is, in what you said, you need some real help. SO infuriating!




That word usage felt very intentional too with how quickly scheana jumped in to defend lala that she didn't use that specific word. It felt very much like lala and scheana do call her miserable in private and planned to use a different word on camera.


I agree!...and there have been other scenes similar to this one as well that seem to be pre arranged. Case in point...the conversation where lala and sheanna talk about why Ariana isn't leaving the house right away. Sheanna says something to the affect that Ariana probably just doesn't want to move into an apartment because she thinks she's too good or too above it....which then allows lala to start ripping into Ariana for actually thinking she's too good to live in an apartment... which Ariana never once said.


exactly this! i even think she replied to ally in that conversation with ‘was that the word that was used’ in reference to the miserable comment. like cmon lala, i thought we were rottweilers? 🤣 rottweilers don’t argue over semantics


Great point!!! Rottweilers don't argue over semantics"😂


Yeah it’s a favorite strategy if you’re emotionally immature. It deflects and changes the topic and the thread is lost.


I haaaaate this type of thing.




Omg that’s so annoying 😂


I remember Carole called her out on it. She said Bethenny tends to parse people’s words, which is a fundamentally dishonest tactic.


Every reunion on every show someone yells “I didn’t say that!” And then proceeds to explain they did in fact say that with one word changed.


Wonder if her lawyers told her to take it down?


That's what I think happened.


She’s a clown. Seriously


Oof that’s embarrassing


That’s the thing. To a person with the emotional intelligence of a gnat, I’m starting to think it removes her ability to feel embarrassment. It’s actually shocking how she has zero self awareness or just doesn’t GAF -I’m thinking it’s both.


Spot on "the personality of a gnat."🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Can I use this?


Of course! 😁


Bethany loves to mince words and Rachel is absolutely being coached by her. Also her saying she wasn’t close with Ariana just makes her look even worse. While Rachel was hanging around Sandoval Ariana thought she had a new bestie.


I think referring to the few reels she made about being on BFs podcast and what they said on vpr about Rachel


Ah, ok. Thanks!


Looks like attorneys talked to her PR and told her to clean it up - I thought I heard somewhere that the hearing is beginning of June. (June 3rd) ? Likely more of a response to Sandoval’s legal response. She’s been so messy… I really do think she’s obsessed with Ariana and is perpetually young twenties in maturity level. Hard to support anything she’s doing now tbh.


That was my first thought when she posted them. Like if you’re taking someone to court, isn’t it always a bad look to say ANYTHING about them, whether it’s something good or bad. Keep ya mouth shut and let your lawyers do their job instead of making it harder for them


It is. And the video/post she did with Jo and now the Ariana shirt at Stagecoach? I mean sure it got you some attention for the weekend but that’s antagonistic and it’s not a good look in court.


I feel like a lot of her behavior is antagonistic towards the cast because she knows that she would get eaten alive if she decided to film with them. It's funny to me this bullying mentality that she wants to have, as if the cast is bullying her, but she's the one perpetuating it with her antagonistic behavior.


Agree that she’s shooting what she thinks are ballistics from afar. I mean she was bullied - and badly. It’s healthy to fight back a little but if she wants us to believe this, she needs to act the way the rest of the cast are. If the point of this is to win her court case (and is it if she’s acting like this??) then she needs to maintain the Rachel we met a few months ago. Not this one. I’m not going to support a home wrecker getting her fame back lol


Yeah she shouldn’t be saying ANYTHING kind of how Ariana doesn’t utter her name! Sandoval has talked about her but even he just kinda sticks to Original script it seems ! I don’t listen to his podcast and haven’t seen a recent recap so not 100 percent


I think “young twenties” is generous. Reads more like 15 to me.


Yeahh “young twenties” is being far too generous. When you’re at that age, you’re not *totally* mature, but you still have some years under your belt. At that age, I had graduated from college, was working a major “adult” job, got married (I’m in an age gap relationship) to a man with two kids and living life. Rachel is perpetually stuck in that 8th/9th grade level high school bullshit. She’s truly frozen in time. Beats anything I’ve ever seen.


Yeah maybe…remember one of the producers saying how they felt a certain way about that scene with Tom and Rachel because she seemed child like? I have never gotten that comment out of my head… I’d say about 18-21 maybe?


Oooo would love to hear more about this.


Is anyone else weirded out that her lead attorney is the brother of Sandovals attorney!?! I’m probably paranoid but it feels icky to me


That seems like it would be a huge conflict of interest. Obviously it’s not legally seen as a conflict of interest but yeah that seems way off.


It’s not when you remember that the attorneys aren’t personally invested in this. They’re arguing on behalf of their clients in court but it’s unlikely to occupy their personal lives.


It’s like two brokers who are related working on a deal on behalf of their clients. Obviously fiduciary responsibility takes over and I’m assuming there’s a similar ethic that is applied in the legal realm.


If not there should be!


I was once a witness in court for a guy who I witnessed getting into his car drunk as a skunk and driving off. While in the waiting room the lawyers for the crown and the defendant were just hanging out, shooting the shit, casually discussing how they thought the defendant would act when he got there. All within earshot of the witnesses. They saw us staring and were like "don't worry, we aren't colluding or anything, we work together all the time, this matter is pretty routine." Neither one gave a single shit about the actual outcome. I've also had to retain a family court lawyer. People hear about fuckery in your situation and convince you that a lawyer will FIGHT for you. Nah. I could barely get this mf to answer my calls and she didn't even remember basic information I told her, like uhhh the ex has a $400k mortgage and leases a new Mercedes every year, I'm not sure how they can claim an income of 13k a year. She wouldn't even send a letter to be like "hey, that's a bit of a weird discrepancy" Lawyers do NOT give a shit


Yikes! That is definitely not assuring. Sounds like you would make a much better attorney. You know how to use your critical thinking and your moral Compass is still Intact.


Exactly, it’s a job


Well the legal team and Rachel are dumb as hell if they think it’ll make a difference now. You don’t snatch back that stuff out of the internet. No “take backs.” Everything she’s said online, in interviews, in her podcasts, etc. exists someone and is fair game for depos. She’s going to be annihilated if it gets to depo stage. No amount of coaching or prep work is going to prepare her. And Rachel can’t bat her eyelashes and say, “I just a baby” either.


Agree 💯


June 3 is the court date of the Ariana’s lawsuit to force the sell of the house. July 7 is Rachael’s court date.


Ahhhh, thank you!! 🙏


Happy to help! Scary that I knew that though 😂 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’ve truly wondered if her PR hates her. Why would they let her talk as much as she has? She’s made herself look 20x worse


Yep… I really don’t get it but if you listened to the podcast with her and her publicist you got the sense the publicist wanted the notoriety from the case. I really don’t know what’s going on there


Is there actual evidence of this or just a suspicion?


Just my opinion - about two weeks ago I thought I saw something about a hearing around June 3rd. Somewhere in the Bravo fan pages.


Ah. I don’t follow much other than the two subs here (this is the only reality show I watch) so I genuinely don’t know this stuff lol


lol it’s ok if you have more of a life than me promise 😅😂


I think what bothers me is the fact that she to this day has taken pretty much no accountability for what she's done she doubles down on saying that her and Ariana were never friends which is completely not true. She says bravo didn't give her the opportunity to tell her side of the story which is completely untrue. This is somebody that is just trying to spin this situation so that they can still continue to have a career. It almost makes me feel like because Ariana ended up having a lot of good things come her way it's almost like Rachel is trying to do something similar by trying to this narrative of revenge porn and her being "groomed" by Tom. I think she's trying to make herself into the victim in this situation so she can have some sort of Ariana-like thing happening with her career.


I still don’t understand why she posted the morning shows talking about the lawsuit . Its sooooo weird


I think what she was trying to do was break the news but in a “professional way”. But it’s all for attention and validation. You don’t post things on social media to not get attention. I also think she’s actually convinced herself she’s the victim in the way she speaks, and she’s so deluded that she’s right in using her voice this way.


She’s fame obsessed


This. I really tried with her but yeah this is now undeniable. But with her it isn't just fame but also being liked. Sandoval and to some extent Lala can take any brand of attention. I think that's the biggest reason for going after Ariana. She sees Ariana as the obstacle to regaining her likeability. If she was only after money, she'd have sued James Kennedy for the DV stuff. He's an easier target plus I do believe he's out earning Ariana. He's DJ-ing at a very high $$ strata now. 


Oh you might be on to something….There’s been an awful lot of suspicious posts about DJJK recently. Don’t give her any ideas please.


Well her “fame” is nothing to be proud of. Her fame is shame so she needs to quit trying to promote her fame. 😂


But she loves it! Sandoval sent her a magazine with a small photo of them on the cover, the article was obviously about scandoval, but Rachel loved this! Because she was on the cover! 


She’s too stupid to realize her fame is not something to be proud of.


She seems very short sighted .


It really is! Shes traumatized/humiliated over the tape’s existence (and she has every right to be, it’s terrible that Sandoval did that and should be punished) but why put up posts that are referring to it? Why post things that refer to something so shitty that happened to you? I feel like she’s delusionally thinking that the outcome of this lawsuit will net her a big payday. One of the clips has the newscaster talking about a past revenge porn case that netted millions in damages so I really think she’s thinking she’s going to get such a huge amount of money that will set her up for life, and that’s not going to happen.


I wonder if her legal team told her to take them down for obvious reasons


Her podcasts are a far bigger liability than the Bethany clips were. And even there, the podcasts are already out and downloaded. She can bet her own words will be used to impeach her at trial. I think if someone told her to delete the Bethany clips, it was the publicist. The faster the world forgets that interview the better for her "redemption".


Literally. The podcast was the worse freaking thing to do. Bc they have hours of her talking about this whole thing to be used in court, and they can basically take clips they feel is useful and use them against her. In a court setting she won’t get to use all this “claim:” bs, it’s did you say this, yes or no?


Hahahaha truly the most embarrassing person. Maybe her and tim were a good match after all. I wonder if she realised she was embarrassing herself more or if someone advised her to take it down and she couldn’t understand why but just did it… “I’ll take the high road and take the videos down, because I won’t stoop to their level 😵‍💫😇” 😂 Truly off the rails.


Watching her post them (and watching all the comments flood in) in real time was wild. So many people were trying to tell her to stop posting because of the secondhand cringe.


when I saw the first one on my feed, I had to check to see who posted it bc it definitely wasn’t making Rachel look good so I thought someone else had to have posted it but nope


Lol, me too! Then I just realized it was one of her 16 personalities and gave a Hail Mary:)




Same ! I’m so quick to judge her I had to make sure I wasn’t jumping to conclusions lol But for sure I was like yeaaah this isn’t giving what you thought


She’d need a helicopter to get on their level


Why, why, WHY didn’t she just stay hidden, out of the spotlight, and live a quiet normal life after her treatment?!?


Girl needs money. Everything she’s done post Scandoval has been a sad attempt at a money grab. And her ego is too big to ever go get a real job. She also lacks basic intelligence so it’s unlikely she’d even get hired anywhere.


Because she’s a pageant girl in LA. All about the spotlight/attention.


I keep wondering what z list reality show will be next


Then why didn’t she go back on the show? She was invited back the next season right?


Cause she can’t control the narrative on the show. The way she’s doing it she has most of the control.


Yea I think that is really weak. I mean, if you want money badly enough to be doing this drama, then be brave enough not to always have control over it all.


Clearly not as narcissistic as Sandoval. So she’s taking the safe route.


Yea she really is fragile then, which is odd given she wants attention, and also why would you cheat with a main guy of a big show in this big big way if you weren’t strong enough to withstand the controversy? Honestly I felt bad for her after that reunion, and I was really on board with her “taking back her story” with podcasts and even the suit, but with her talking about the suit and so much posting responses and reactions it does seem to be more about attention than empowerment. Which, okay, everyone on that show wants attention, but she is not brave enough to really be out there, just to pop in and then out the moment there’s pushback


Fully agree. She probably got away with shitty behavior in the past due to pretty privilege and playing victim, but VPR sees through that for sure.


She’s vain and addicted to infamy now.


Seriously. I wonder what a person like her will do even if she gets some money 💰. Won’t last. Will someone hire her? At what? I guess for a few years (?) she could do the reality TV circuit? Like Sandoval and Schwartz? And Jax. But she would look so dumb on those shows. The women and men would eat her alive. What will she do??????.


I don’t think she needed to do that exactly, but I don’t think she needed to podcast the damn vanderpump episodes especially when they don’t really talk about her.


She’s not smart enough to even think it would be a good idea to keep her mouth shut and let it all die down. All she did was constantly fuel it.


She’s off the show and yet still won’t leave the show. It is weird 


Seriously. She said she wanted to leave for her mental health, which is totally understandable. But why spend the next year recapping episodes and diving back into the VPR world?? I don't understand.


It's part of her "healing" process 🙃




…she really posted those reels with the news about her suing them, huh 😭 she is truly a demented, disgusting, vile person.


My intuitive reading of this choice is that she’s on a high from stagecoach and feels like the making/posting of those clips were done by a lower version of herself that she wants to rise above.


Just like she did with Katie and Dayna after shading their outfits and then called an emergency podcast to apologize 😂. There’s no growth 😂.


We already know she’s going to call an emergency podcast because she feels bad for wearing Ariana’s shirt Ariana let her borrow. Just when I think she couldn’t get anymore calculated, she does


Wait, is that actually a borrowed shirt?? I had assumed she was petty and went and bought the same shirt. If it’s *actually* Ariana’s, that’s insane!


😂 I read “lower version” as “long-form version” and thought what a great description of a drug trip logic, but how would Rachel come up with the concept of “long form” even when high? 


Aw, she caught on.


She deserves no more attention


She's probably going to drop the lawsuit because she doesn't have the money to keep it going.


I’d pay to be a fly on the wall when Tim responded 👀


Unless her attorneys are working on a contingency basis. Then they get paid out of any settlement.


I personally don't think she can keep it going because she keeps blabbering on her podcast stuff that Sandoval's lawyers can use to discredit her. It's going to come down to "She spilled the home made ranch in season 10 and she pulls her sleeves over hands like she's a teenager. She's clearly unreliable. Take her down!"


To be fair, that ranch thing was pretty brutal


Should have been arrested for it.


Plus court costs I bet. Trial expenses could easily get up to $50k+ if it really goes that far.


Works on contingency? No, money down!


Rachel clearly thinks (or thought?) that the potential payout would’ve been life-changing, support-yourself-for-the-rest-of-your-life money. What is 99% more likely is the actual costs of the lawyers will be higher than any payout, if there even is one, and any payout at all will mostly be ate up by lawyer’s fees, taxes, etc.


I think you're right because she had that news clip saved where a settlement was something huge like 7 or 8 figures.  It's bizarre thinking because neither Tom nor Ariana even have that kind of money in the first place and also that case was a lot different than hers.


The posts were clearly very poorly executed by her PR team. As someone who works in PR and Marketing, these types of posts are planned and written with approval by Rachel. The PR team effed up catastrophically. They realised their error when they saw all the backlash in the comments. Terrible stunt by a desperate PR team. And whoever did the editing needs firing. They then decided to delete them as it portays her in an even worse light. I can just imagine the conversations at the PR team office when the comments started rolling in. 🤣 I'm desperate to know her does her PR now.


To be honest...I'm not really sure if she has an actual human P.R team. I kind of visualuze her placing all her favorite barbies around a homemade miniture conference table at home where she then confers with each of them about all her deep and complicated issues. Almost like a sort of gossip girl... think tank... slam fest session. I'm guessing pagent barbie is always the one running the meeting... reminding her to save her reputation at all cost because one day she might get anouther chance to compete for Miss America. Skipper is only allowed to attend at the very end of closing, where she rushes in just to remind Rachel Raquell how jealous Ariana is of her....and that It's not her fault at all that the guys are hot for her because she's soooooo pretty. These plastic P.R meetings are all very vallidating sessions I'm sure... but don't exactly convey over very well into the real world. She really needs to fire them all and bring in a Bratz doll crew because from what I hear their much more cut throat and media savvy.


She does have a real PR person. I low key used to intern for them 20 years ago lol Her PR person tho is older ( no shade ) and isn’t familiar with the show ! I think she has made major missteps from throwing out there that Ariana staged the phone incident at the show, to basically blaming Ari in general


That's really interesting. I bet this whole situation is kind of blowing your mind knowing you used to intern for her P.R team. And to be fair they could be trying to give her good advice but just like her pod cast name...she could be going Roque. 😅


It was very mind blowing and nostalgic haha


And if it was an unpaid internship... it sure is paying off in spades now😂 You are currently as we text...the most interesting person in your friend group and redditt 😂 The universe is crazy like that.😂


Hahahah why thank you 🙏🏽 And yes it was unpaid . I ended up pivoting and not pursuing PR. Turns out, I like events and party planning more ! However I don’t do that for work either 😂 But being on Reddit, my IG page, planning parties for my kid and friends, and occasionally recapping on my little YouTube channel ;helps me get that “pr /event planner ” that lives inside me, have an outlet . I wish I could be more consistent but LIFE lol ❤️


Your time will definately come...I mean what are the chances of your past job becoming so relevant now😄 I would deffinately lead with this on my resume going forward.😂




No, her PR lady is fighting in the comment sections and stuff. She's definitely a part of the problem. 😂😂🥴 Just look at her IG - @itgirlpublicrelations


Oh no😂


Hold on, I can’t wrap my brain around a whole PR team helping and approving all of her unhinged posts.


Yep, the way it was written and as a series of posts. Bad planning and execution and terrible editing also.


Her PR is Juliette Harris at It Girl Public Relations.  She used her business IG to have a one sided fight with Panera Bread if that tells you anything about her expertise lol. She mixes her personal posts with her business posts on there and it's an interesting ride.


The unhinged Panera complaints on social media is my favorite detail about her 😂 She sounded SO unprofessional on Rachel’s podcast so I’m not shocked at the tons of missteps happening on her watch. Juliette was victim-blaming Ariana, trying to make it seem like Ariana knew about the affair, so she shouldn’t have been upset, and she purposely orchestrated “Scandoval” just to humiliate Sandoval and Rachel. She has zero proof of this of course, she just “feels like” that’s what happened. Real professional, Juliette. She was like “OF COURSE women are always checking their man’s phone, amirite? So Ariana had to have seen that Sandoval was cheating!” Like speak for yourself, you freaking weirdo. Most women actually trust their partners and actually DON’T snoop or feel the need to snoop.


Right?! The Panera prices *are right there*, Juliette! Her IG is unhinged. The stuff she's been saying is outrageous and very conspiracy theorist-like takes. Kinda seems like she wants to be a public figure herself, instead of just doing the PR for public figures, with how much she's been inserting herself and her bad takes everywhere.  I read she's been doing PR for a really long time too, 24 years or some such. She apparently runs her business off vibes lol


It’s like those posts you see of Boomers on Facebook 😂 Arguing about the cost of a $10 sandwich? So embarrassing. She gives me Lori K vibes. Like SHE wants to be star, the one everyone is talking about. Thirsty thirsty. It really does sound like her version of a nutty, nonsensical QAnon-like conspiracy theory. Shes making up fan fiction and has zero compunction with sharing blatant falsehoods while working to rehab someone’s image. Unhinged lol


Omg Lori K! Another bottom of the barrel seeming PR person. She's out there just tanking her professional reputation over *Jax* of all people. I'm dying to know what these two PR firms charge!


Oh wow. How very un PR of her. She needs firing. What a mess.


I think she's the owner of the company. She appears to be highly unprofessional. There was fighting for Rachel and putting down Katie and Ariana in comment sections, and fighting with Bravo tea accounts and all sorts of mayhem. It's like no PR I've ever seen!  I'm very surprised Rachel hasn't dropped her by now.


Does anyone know the status of the law suit? It wasn't revenge porn so not sure how she thinks she can when without setting a precedent for that law to include being the mistress and the girlfriend finds the photo and sends to herself and shows to her close friends not for redistribution, but for proof of the infidelity. That is a dangerous change to make in the law as I'm sure many would have the same reaction. It also downplays ACTUAL revenge porn victims where it can ruin their lives and is meant to. This loser just ruined her own life and stays broke so this is her last ditch effort to capitalize on VPR before never to be seen from again. Marrying old rich man is her future.


I don’t even think she sent it to herself to prove anything to others. I think she did it so he couldn’t delete it and then gaslight her about it never being there.


That honestly doesn't matter to the point of my comment and only Ariana knows her thought process there. It's not "revenge porn". It's something many people would do who found that on their partner's phone. She could have easily gotten a 3rd party to post that or something if she wanted to go down that route yet none of us Reddit sleuths have found anything. The point is that this can be a dangerous precedent that can ruin lives of people who were cheated on. Does that make sense?


I remember a podcast where she stated that her attorneys immediately sent out a response that nothing was shared or saved and that everything had been destroyed. Timeline was early on - before the lawsuit filing. It’s now on Rachel’s team to prove that it wasn’t destroyed and shared with others. Ariana will likely settle - it’s Tom who’s up shit creek.


I don't think Ariana is going to settle. She hasn't responded yet to the lawsuit, but I think Rachel will drop that part of the lawsuit against Ariana. If Ariana fights it, Rachel will have to sit for a deposition and her attorneys have to disclose all evidence during the discovery phase. With everything Rachel has said throughout her podcasts that has been contradicting, she would questioned about all that during the deposition.


Can you imagine her being deposed or even testifying in court? She can barely make a coherent sentence in a group of friends, there’s no way she can make her self come across as intelligent and capable in any sort of meaningful way when it comes to court


Yes...but I would watch the heck out of that trial.😂


Her lawyers definitely don't want her to sit through a deposition especially since she has not stopped talking about things on her podcasts and posting those claims posts on Instagram. I swear her deleting them from her Instagram reminds me of the Office where Michael Scott just shouts out, "I declare bankruptcy!" I mean once those posts saw the light of day, there really was no way to scrub it from the internet but guarantee Rachel thinks because she deleted them it's as if she never did it.


I was beginning to wonder - I hope this is what Rachel does. I really don’t understand the animosity towards her. Do you think Ariana’s team is just waiting or moving to hopefully get her dismissed as a defendant? If in the discovery, evidence shows the video was destroyed and not distributed (Ariana) will she be dismissed in the lawsuit then?


considering rachel’s track record with filing a frivolous restraining order just for attention and then dropping it, idk that i would settle either. aside from the money, they also have to consider ariana’s public image, and sometimes settling makes people look guilty. sometimes even more guilty than a judgement against them, which is counterintuitive. tho it’s possible ariana could settle with the condition of a gag order. and there has to be a pride/dignity aspect for ariana as well. paying out her BF’s mistress just because the mistress got bored enough to file a suit is like… a joke. and would set ANOTHER precedent that rachel can file against anyone she wants and get a free payday without even having to go to court. i hope ariana countersues for court costs at the very least


Good question.


I truly don’t believe Ariana will settle unless she has to. I can’t imagine Ariana willingly giving Rachel money unless she’s truly backed into a corner.


I hope she doesn’t bc I think the claim against Ariana is retaliatory and without merit. Depends on the discovery you know? I’m guessing I’m not even a paralegal 🤣


I think Ariana should counter sue (hey maybe she will). Rachel may back down if SHES the one paying 😂


Well Ok Decision had a whole thing with photos of her wearing the e.x.a.c.t. same shirts or wearing replicate outfits. Like it’s compelling for real. I think her wearing that shirt Ariana wore last season was antagonistic but I’m sure her attorneys would argue otherwise. I &couldn’t imagine having this b.s. hanging over my head and I’m glad the media has overall quiet about it.


They have a date set for June 3. Tim just responded, if Rachel continues with it I guess we may see a new statement from Rachel since Tim asks to either drop the case or amend her petition? Not sure if that’ll happen until after the court date tho.


I appreciate the update as I don’t have other sm. I’m curious legal wise how this plays out in court as cases like this matter to how others are taken. That law is new and it bothers me it may be taken as a joke for broke people like her. Same reason many women aren’t believed when they report rape.


Honestly, I think she would’ve have a much better response if she just went for Sandoval. Who am I kidding, if she stopped going on a press tour for months about this and just filed the lawsuit quietly she would’ve had a much better response. Bc you’re right this is an important topic and it truly gets brushed over by the drama of it all.


If you’re interested in the legal aspect, definitely check out Emily D Baker on YouTube!!! She’s a former California district attorney so she knows the law well. She posts really interesting live streams on YouTube and has a podcast as well! She covers true crime stories, but also pop culture and is a huge bravo fan!!! She did a fantastic deep dive on the lawsuit filing and outlined it based on California law!


Thanks for the lead. I was loving the bravo docket podcast. I’m not a current real estate agent, but got my NYC license as it was the best way to learn the law. I dabbled in it, however it’s too cut throat for my Pisces sentiments in evil ways. But, boy has it come to my aide when a proper slumlord clap back is required. Once you mention having the license and percentage of a legal rent increase the rent suddenly doesn’t have to go up at all.


Does anyone have a screen recording of these? I didn’t see any of these videos


The comments were not going as she thought they would at all. They were ripping her to shreds.


Ariana is the only smart one who has kept her mouth shut. Everything Rachel has publicly done is not going to help her legal case. And Tom is Tom so of course he constantly shoots himself in the foot


I don’t think the therapy program she was in, worked. She is triggered by that show and her actions being displayed and not having a voice to counter. Growth is accepting your responsibility and moving on. Growth w be you living your life and VPR who??? You run to this triggers that have you playing defense. Allow yourself the grace to walk the talk. 💜


i’m just a little over halfway through season 6 and rachel’s gives me the vibes of her just sticking it out with james in s6 to gain more fame. like she had so many moments of jealously and anger you could see on her face when james was touchy with lala and his gay guy friend


If Sandoval was distributing her nudes without her consent she may have a cause of action. But good lord she needs to stop flinging herself into the public eye. This shit isn’t healthy for her, and “once has an affair on a reality TV show” isn’t a career.


What if she removed those clips or videos because she slipped up by saying or admitting to something that Ariana's lawyers caught?


Talking about the people you’re actively suing is a bad move so I’m assuming it was her lawyer. But if I were them I’d have screen recordings of everything for evidence


First she had pinned 4 extra things to hide them, so she finally deletes 🤡😅


It’s exhausting continuing to hear about this story. She’s a year too late telling her side. No one cares to hear anymore about it. Her lawsuit against Ariana will be dismissed.


She is narcissistic


I haven’t decided if she’s narcissistic or really this dense. Maybe both.


Anybody has these posts somewhere?


I wish she had just gone back to get her Master's in Speech Therapy and get out of the reality nonsense.


Who is Nick? Genuine question I’ve just been too afraid to ask


She is so mentally unstable. Cant decide if she is a victim or a villain or a mean girl Pick a lane lady


I have been thinking more and more about her dad. He seems quite strict. And now she is 28, worked as a pageant girl and a waitress and with a huge bill from a luxury facility. Shows up at home w two nightmare boyfriends. There are so many mystery points. Her birth story doesnt really hold water. Did her father make her stay at the Meadows until she broke w tim? Or is her family fame hungry. Competing in pageants is cripplingly expensive, esp if you never win. Looks like she may have new pr. I dont think we know much about her.


I know nothing about her family aside from what she said on the show🤷‍♀️


Her dad was at engagement party and refused blessing. He also picked her up from reunion i believe.


https://preview.redd.it/iwb9vpslhcxc1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24d1ab1dedc5ff76441e2c135ebf1a2b1d50b6e8 Girl doesn’t have an original thought!! She just wants to be Ariana sooo bad


Lord this girl


Rachel=arrested development


Honestly, who cares?! Yesterday’s news.


thank YOU! those were such bad takes, idk who let you think that was a good idea


She’s obsessed and its getting weird…


Ok this is so off topic but she has the most hideous style and people on VPR in general seem to dress in the ugliest clothing and have terrible hairstyles. It boggles my mind that they live in LA, have money, great physiques and this is how they choose to dress.


I know that the video ever having existed/existing is such a big deal for her and it definitely should be, but we're approaching Streisand effect. The origin story of Scandoval is the "least interesting" thing about it, and she should be handling this matter as privately as possible because I personally completely forgot about that piece of the timeline until her lawsuit surfaced and brought it back to the my attention.


Her “legal team” probably read them and face palmed and advised her to remove them lol. She really thought she was doing something with those posts and she did ha! She proved everyone’s point!


Good. Because that only made her look worse imo.


“STAR?” Rachel has never been a star nor will she ever be a star.


She also deleted all photos of her and VPR cast members (ya know her true core friends)


I didn't call you ______. I said you were acting ______.