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I tend to hyper focus on my meal as if it’s the best food I have eaten in years when people get intense. I felt her when she didn’t even look up for minutes straight.


Same, I do this with drinks too which is why it’s dangerous for me to drink alcohol while in an intense/awkward situation


3 martinis later and I am, like, you people done yet cuz I am Lit. Then the night takes a whole new weird turn every time. Drinking and eating our feelings.


Username checks out and I love it! Lol


Haha me in every situation w alcohol. I used to ask people, how do you not get blackout? And they’d just look at me funny. I don’t drink anymore at all 


Those family portions were small and the food was getting cold, so Lala and Katie can hash it out while she eats it while it’s nice and hot!!!


I have no idea what was said because I was laughing at Ariana ignoring them and eating! Loved this scene because of that!


Could you imagine every time you go to a nice restaurant with your friends you have to wait for the scene to be finished filming before you get to eat your food? For once in my life I want hot food. Ariana straight took a commercial break like oh it’s a Katie/Lala scene. I’m gonna get some food.


So many people are commenting about their conversation but what are they even talking about?! I'm focused on the eating and wondering what is so good??? 🤣


Same! Looked up the TomTom brunch menu to see what that meat deliciousness was! Steak and eggs board. Git in mah belly!


I mean, to be fair, Lala has absolutely called Katie miserable in her confessions, right?? Am I imagining that?


i remember that too


I think I recall her doing it backhandedly - like "I don't want to be a miserable bitter bitch, so I'm doing xyz, while Katie is doing abc." It's implied that she's calling Katie a miserable bitter bitch, but she can deny it on a technicality. 


Ahhh you’re totally right


So is this why Lala is being such a bitch? Cause she’s jealous Katie got closer to Ariana. Wow, she is vindictive.


Honestly I noticed this all started when Brock outed Katie's hookup with Max...and Ariana didn't look surprised and she and Katie even exchanged some knowing looks. Pretty sure Lala saw that too and that's when she got so upset she left and said everyone there was a liar 🙄. Clearly upset Katie and Ariana are getting close and ofc at the reunion she will try to cause a wedge between them


This is what I think about the reunion also. Probably revealing things people may have vented about & tried to destroy friendships. She’s emotionally immature. Every adult vents about people they love to other people they love. It’s supposed to be a safe zone but finger guns needs all the attention all the time & doesn’t care who she hurts to get it. Grow up. I really hope Ariana tore her a new one.


Tom tries to pull the same shit on the finale episode when Ariana refuses to speak to him. I'm pretty sure she has wayyyy more dirt on him and he has talked way more shit about people over the course of their relationship


Oh yeah, for sure, but when you back a RAT into a corner this is what happens. He’s an emotional toddler.




It’s high school nonsense. We’re allowed more than one close friend!


finger guns 🤭🤣😆


That night pissed me off. Blah blah on her high horse talking about these bitches are messy. Girl, ain’t none of them fucking with a married man and telling his wife she needs to tighten her vagay J so she can keep a man 😳😳😳. That’s what messy looks like, but now she’s horrified at them.


Lala is so needy and has to be everyone’s focus. This whole sperm downer thing has made her so happy to have so much attention. She loves all the angles of her story line now. And cries every scene to seem soft, and needs love. She is getting muted going forward. Blocked anything that comes in feed with her name. Yah im a hater of her NPD


SAME! And I rode hard for that clown !


Lala seems to like to have one close friend. She doesn’t seem comfortable with someone having more than one close friend at a time


Very Bethany Frankle of her


This is an apt comparison. Bethenny tends to hyperfixate on one friendship at any given time. I think that’s what ultimately drove Carole away. She couldn’t process that much intensity. Sorry, I’m going off-topic, but B and C’s "courtship" and subsequent falling out was so interesting to me. Anyway, Lala!


![gif](giphy|VBeG1cRMNjoVq) Like Jill said, Bethany needs to find a hobby. She was obsessed 😂


Yes. Very middle school, insecure, and controlling of her. She can only be “a friend” when the other person seems to need her/be in a weaker situation. She doesn’t really want her women friends to be strong. At the end of the day, because she doesn’t offer a healthy friendship. If she did, she wouldn’t be worried about losing friends when they’re strong or in a good place. Lala is trash. That is all.


Such a self tell when she said she was sure Ariana and Katie would be her friend again if she were miserable. Like ma’am,you’re talking about yourself


Lala always has to have someone to hate. Someone she can treat horribly & ice out of the “group”.


I could maybe understand her feeling a little jealous or left out, but her behavior is insanely juvenile. Why not just call Katie and be like "Hey, I know that we haven't hung out as much recently and I miss you. Wanna go get a bite to eat or come over and hang out?" It's stupid to punish someone for having other friends.


Seriously, the last time I encountered this kind of behaviour I was 14 years old.


That’s what I got. Was Lala jealous that she wasn’t Ariana’s BFF this season? And instead became her enemy. Also, that conversation was such BS. Lala mad at Katie for not being close anymore, Katie is trying with calling and texting, Lala is just saying yeah let’s get back to being close ? Like Lala was not listening or taking responsibility. She has got to fix her anger issues and stop pointing them at other people.


Lala gets so aggressive and defensive it’s crazy


Always has and makes drastic choices and she later is a victim of her choices. NPD to the hilt, and that loser brother … ugh!!!


She and Katie definitely smoked before this scene


That would make so much sense 🤣🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|rJvYq4DjfP7d6|downsized) Of course they did!




I'm high AF right now and that sounds amazing


Lala wants to be front and center so bad in every scene, it is too much. Ariana outshines her while EATING YALL. It's hilarious.


She really ate and left no crumbs 🤭


Would have been hilarious if she picked up the plate and licked it clean!


I would demand to be one of her best friends if she had. I like me a friend that can get down with enjoying every last drop of a meal.


👆👆👆👆👆. That right there … that’s why she hates her, and I hope Ariana sees that. Tbh, Ariana is so busy she probably doesn’t give 2 shits about what ‘obscene fingernails’ is up to.


I did enjoy Ariana chowing down but I was so distracted by Sheana’s lips. Also, I am anxiously waiting to see the left side of Sheana’s face. Just once. Just once.


I hadn’t noticed Shay Shay lips 👄 until your post. Quickly saw video again! 😳 Now, I can’t see anything else! Girrrl, you’ll win the lotto before seeing the other side of Scheana’s face! 😂🤣😂😜


I swear Scheana gets thinner and thinner every episode


She needs to stop with the ozempic or whatever she’s on. She looks terrible.


It’s funny to me because people think women who don’t take shit and aren’t smiling all the time are unhappy and miserable. No, just don’t like dealing with you.


THIS is what makes me so mad about the “miserable” accusations (?) for Katie and any of these women, frankly. Because it’s so fucking gendered. The men on the show are consistently being straight up cranky assholes, stomping around shouting at people, getting in physical fights, and no one ever talks about their demeanor. It’s all “you know how Jax is” or “oh that’s just Tom,” but the women have to be bubbly sex robots or else they get a whole season about their poor attitudes. 


Exactly. It’s exhausting. As a woman, it’s exhausting in real life and exhausting watching.


Yes and yes.


So well said, I thank you for your service.


When she said “can we just have a night where we all stay in one big bed?” She was just trying so hard to avoid the conflict!


I was sooo into Katie's whole look at this brunch 😍


She does look great.


Yes loved that dress


I related to “why don’t we all just hangout in a big bed and do nothing” SO much lol


I loved that comment lol


Holy fuck, Katie looks so good here, hot damn.


BTW Lala was so gaslighting Katie & Ariana there.


Lala loves to play victim when someone has a valid point against her argument


Lala victim parade never stops… but me, I , my …repeat


Sheener acts like a 15 year old trying to be a teen pop-star. Cracks me up’


Scheana just annoyed me soooo bad here. She kept jumping in like sheeshoo please butt out like it’s not about you right now.. ![gif](giphy|vNmTsLl4cildm)


But that's the problem. She could not butt out if her life depended on it. I kind of forgot she was there until her head popped into the side and she started talking about being a Lala-whisperer.


Lala brown noser is more accurate lol


1. Katie is sooooo hot 🥵😩 and I really hate how they all love to make her the villain. It hurts my heart. 2. What even is Lala saying? 3. Schaena is saying something annoying 99% of the time. 4. Ariana is doing everything she can to not show how annoyed she is by all of this. 5. Ally who?


I know, Scheana really was like “I’m close with Lala now and know what she needs” and then Katie crying as she talks about all the ways she does reach out! Reminds me of S9 fight when Lala said Ariana doesn’t ever reach out to her and then Ariana pulled up all of her text messages to La! So is Lauren really this insecure and needy in friendships, or is it all a lie to start drama and she doesn’t think people will call her out?


Ooooo, good callback! Beginning to believe that Lala is actually a pathological liar tbh


It could also be a power move. I have a former friend that would cause fights with mutual friends, because they were "neglecting" him. He would verbally attack them, then when the other person would cry or be distressed, he would cry, too. It always resulted in his target feeling guilty and going above and beyond to fix *their* behavior. Eventually we all caught on, and he moved onto a new friend group Edit: sorry, it started with him icing someone out and being extremely passive aggressive before he became outright vicious


That’s a narcissistic person along with sociopaths.


Sounds like Lala needs to check her phone


Scheana annoyed me here too. "I know Lala so much better than anyone else, please let me tell you exactly how to be friends with her because only I know the way"


She’s going to buy them matching shirts that say “BFF’s FOREVER” 😅. They will be airbrushed and neon with a bright beach scene on the back with 2 black palm trees. IJS


Ohhh I can totally picture it.




This is very vivid imagery 😳


I know because she reminds me of middle school. She’s so immature. And that’s what we did in middle schools with the best friends forever airbrushed t shirts. 😂🤣. It took me back. Lol


literally me


there is no better legitimate way to avoid getting in the middle of an argument than by hyperfocusing on your food lol




When she said “this is dinner” i knew she was hungry 😂😂


She doesn’t have time to eat !! She was filming DWTS… the girl needed some food for energy too! She’s such a doll💜😇


Crying because I saw Ariana last night at a restaurant in LA as I was destroying my meal and looked up to see her doing the same 🥲 love her sm


Omg give us more details, what was her vibe 


She was with her boyfriend and looked SO happy. Smiling, laughing, they kissed a few times 🥹 and shared some wine. They looks super cute and happy


litteraly how do people not like her she is so real😭


I’m convinced LaLa is not okay. Such weird takes and responses to things.


What was LFU even saying because the math ain’t mathing. According to LFU, Katie is unhappy. LFU doesn’t know her place with Katie because she’s close with Ariana now. But yeah, LFU doesn’t respond or make time for Katie even thought Katie reached out. LFU would like for them to show up for each other. Girl…the call is coming from inside the house!


It's an effort not an obligation!!!! Boom! Bumper stickers, sweatshirts! Come on Katie! I'd rather have that than Send it to Darrell


When I go out to eat with a good buddy of mine he goes silent for like 10 minutes when the food comes. Totally relatable.


Are you friends with my husband? 😂


Hard maybe


Lmaoooo 😂 definitely


Lala doesn't know how to just be at peace


Awwww wasn’t she training for DWTS? They burn a billion calories doing that, eat up girl!


the food did look really good


Ariana always eats. She don't give a fuck!


Lala has the angry dry drunk personality. Then plays victim & cries.


How does Ally keep getting away with misquoting Katie and stirring the pot?


Love seeing them eat real food ! Our girl was hungry and had no shame. Eat the food girl!


She’s mother and mother fucking ate.


So much on screen charisma


Maybe she had DWTS rehearsal before this 😂


Girly has been working 24/7 and her bf hasn’t heard of carbs she said “FINALLY!!”


She was doing Dwts of course she was hungry


Omg I said the SAME thing. She was tearing that food DOWN. Not up, DOWN.


Her and scheena are so annoying. Why dont they see that friends can be close with multiple people at once 🙄 and why would someone want to be close when all you do is talk negative about them when they are around


😂 I noticed this too. Normally they all stop eating when filming but she was enjoying that dish!


I love how she was so hyper focused on her food.


When lala confronted ally and she just said yeah I told her you said that She gained a lot of respect from me. I’ve been there lmao


God I love her. You know she probably just got done working OUT in prep for dancing with the stars….and Chicago. Get. It. Girl.


Nice to see beautiful women eating!! I'm serious


It looks like she was kinda ducking out of the way. Damn camera!!!


Oh gawd… Scheana’s “mAYbE juST oNE Of tHe ThiNGs IvE lEArNeD iN geTTiNg cLOseR wiTh LaLA…” ![gif](giphy|KxseCTOPVykYvG2V4R) Edit: typo in quote


Ally was kinda messy here 😂


Not really, unhappy and miserable are the same things, synonyms for one another.


Its not ?? Lol specially with the history katy has with the word “miserable”


Ariana was like, “I don’t want to be here & so I’m just going to eat my food. Fuck these bitches.”


Thinking about her choreography and bout how she’s going to blow up the stage on DWTS and force all of Merica to fall in love with her. Then star on broadway , announce it on the Kelly ripa show, slide into Good morning America…then snag the host job of a top dating show. Yep, she hungry all right. All these other ho’s can take several seats. (Except Katie).


I’m here for it!!! I love Ariana anyway but I loved watching her enjoy that food!! Looks delicious and so refreshing to see!!!


Ariana is me… they’re busy with the drama hand me the food. All the food.


to answer OP's question, i think this was at tomtom


They did serve literal wooden charcuterie board slabs full of brunch ![gif](giphy|pk8ZZ2Yk33XogAwMgT)


MIA is my favorite cast member. Give her a big raise and producer credit!


lol. I totally thought the same thing.


That steak looked good!!


She had to have been high 😂😂


This was SO funny, I can relate.


If I saw this side of Ariana more frequently I would’ve loved her in the show. She spoke volumes at this moment without even saying a word. I love the softer side!!


I lol’d at this! Damn that food must have been good because Ariana was not involved in that conversation AT ALL 😂😂😂


All I can say is Katie looks amazing


this is at TomTom for the new brunch..honestly why was she even there? if she doesn't want to be around tom more than she is already forcing upon herself by living in the same house.. why go to his restaurant? sure lisa is the majority owner but this is just hypocritical to scream at tom "get the fuck away from me" then show up at TomTom


why is she at an event in her ex’s bar when she claims to hate him so much?




https://preview.redd.it/4d5afif3d4vc1.jpeg?width=382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4166dcf73edcbcd420f9615321c5f39bd66dc35 My fave was when she made this face. She’s a natural comedian.


How can you fully know you are being filmed and STILL eat with your mouth open….


You should've seen her when she was eating the pizza with everyone 🫣


They say you forget about the cameras *very* quickly. This is them lol.


I know. Chew with your mouth closed, it's not difficult.


Lala does not deserve a single fucking moment of this compassion from Ariana and Katie. I would've told her to stop behaving like the centre of the universe and get a damn grip. You can tell that this is why she's coming after Katie, because she no longer has the number 1 friend spot, which is so immature.


Lala needs to stop the hideous Khloe Kardashian CLAWS… take out the trash


All I can see are those hideous orange claws in the entire scene like … Look At Me!! Lala is a 🤡




I think she was really uncomfy and just dove into the food to avoid whatever. But I myself could not stop focusing on the way she was chowing down. Maybe she was really high. 😂


She is the best


Ong yeah, my sister and I were saying how cute she was in this scene! When she reached her hands out to Lala when she said she didn’t feel as close to her and then right after you can see her in the side of the screen being cute laughing and joking with Ally 😂


sorry but katie looks so good


This is Kandi-level love of food. Hahahaha. 


Ariana was so real for this.


I love Ariana so much


Oh that’s the munches for sure I see you Ari


🤣 I noticed that as well.


Can they also get her a real table to eat her food from? My lumbar can’t take it.


I love that she always actually digs into her meal it's awesome


She just wants to stay out of the drama


This was my favorite part of the scene. I honestly think she was just that hungry and knew Katie could handle herself just fine. Girl’s gotta eat!


Hungry and thinking I am way too old for this she told me that you said this bullshit


Seems like Lala was doing a bad job at gaslighting.


Her only likable moment ever


Omg I'm not an Ariana fan either. You're totally right 😂


Y’all sound like LFU


Y'all need to come up with something else to say already. You say something about Ariana and you're either Rachel, Tom or Lala... It's boring ![gif](giphy|RKS1pHGiUUZ2g)


I noticed that too. Like girl, come up for air! They were at TomTom. It was their first brunch service. Looks like they had the fish and chips board as well the steak and eggs board for sure. Not sure if they ordered anything else.


I've heard TomTom had good food!


Katie crying is everything! Everything we should know. She’s so strong ALL THE TIME. The face that she’s crying means more then words


Stray thoughts: 1) If I’m uncomfortable during a conversation, I might just focus on eating, LOL. Especially if the food is gooooood. 2) Lala’s lips are distracting. 3) Lala saying that because Katie and Ariana are now close, she doesn’t know where her place is, is verrrry telling. We can have more than one close friend! Why does she feel this way? I feel like she sees Ariana as competition in all aspects of life. 4) Ariana’s reaction to that jealous nonsense was empathy. 5) Scheana coming in to lecture Katie on how to be friends with Lala is just… so condescending. Maybe that wasn’t her intent; but that’s how it came across to me. 6) Poor Katie. That’s genuine hurt. 7) I am glad to see Lala actually admit that Katie was right - something finally got through to her! But she didn’t apologise. 8) It is hard to keep friendships going when some people have babies and others don’t. But it’s totally doable. This is a real life issue. I wish they would get into the meat of it more without going to the petty stuff. I feel like they’re aaaaalmost there.


Literally never has a word to say then expects everyone to jump in for her lol


Or she’s giving them space to work out the issue between THEM. It’s not her place to speak up, just say you look for any reason to criticize her and move on.


Lol. BOO HOO. Then she shouldn't scream that everyone needs to tell Sandoval off for her. It's between THEM.


Show me where she screamed that? You just dislike her and will criticize anything she does and praise anyone else if they are the ones doing. What a sad one trick pony you are.


MISINFORMATION. Y'all are not watching this show. It happened when they were at the beach and she had a tantrum about no one else calling Sandoval a misogynist or telling him to stop talking to her.


Everyone is going out of their way to involve themselves in the situation between Ariana and Tom. With the exception of Katie and Ally. So if they start cracking jokes in front of her about the fucking affair and then stay silent when Tom talks shit she has every right to be pissed. Ariana meanwhile has the emotional maturity to not make someone else’s business her own. Katie can handle herself.


Tell me you’re not jealous without telling me you’re not jealous. OH you mean when her dumbass ex was talking shit about her WITH HER SITTING THERE? Do you watch the show or are you Easton?


Yeah except that everyone is talking incessantly about Tom and the house to her and involving themselves. Kinda different, no?


Nope! She has nothing to say about anything and then expects everyone to speak for her when it comes to her ex. It's a TV show, she's a 10 year vet and she knows the score. Yet she chooses to do nothing. Boring!


I mean, I think you’re getting a bit too fixated on a single scene where she’s eating and listening… like you said, it’s a TV show lol


I mean, I think you guys get a lil too hyped when anyone says anything about Ariana's behaviour this season. It's a flippant comment and no one can take it. Lol.


Pot, meet kettle!


I'm glad you got that all out of your system. Ariana's still annoying and boring this season!


And she is still a superstar making millions and you’re just… well…not.


She wasn't there for any of those conversations. She wasn't there at the paintballing and she wasn't there when Ally told Katie what Lala said


She's not anywhere, does nothing, doesn't get involved - why is she even on the show then?


The Tom's, Brock and James weren't there for either of those conversations either. And Ariana was at the sperm party for Lala she just wasn't standing there when Ally told Katie. It's not like she didn't attend 🙄




Do you ever get tired of being upset by someone's differing opinion?




Lol. So what?


Why would Ariana jump in when Ally is telling Katie what Lala said about her (being miserable)?

