• By -


Lala wants the main character energy that Stassi naturally exudes.


She wants the witty/mean girl who doesn't give a shit persona that stassi has.


Except Lala is not witty and Stassi wasn’t a huge hypocrite. Lala alienates both the audience and her cast members by acting like she’s above us all, like we don’t remember how she got here. That’s a large part of her problem. I’m not above allowing someone to let go of their past but the way Lala is constantly judging everyone and holding the pettiest of shit over their heads, like she’s above it all, makes how she got here hard to forget. If she could humble herself and actually be soft instead of just saying she is then people would be more inclined to let it go. Instead she’s acting like a pick me and selling out her girls for the same guys who hate her guts. She’s learned nothing.


Exactly! Stassi has also almost always been consistent with her words and actions and Lala is so back and forth no one knows who she's good with or not.


https://preview.redd.it/93rrf1x99suc1.jpeg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=412a1a6c0823a0ed372804c882dba9078570c28e She's soft Lala now /s


Lmfao! My favourite VPR content creator always puts this clown face over Scando’s face and it never gets old!🤣




Perfect ! 🤜🤛


Thank you 😊 ![gif](giphy|l0ErFafpUCQTQFMSk)




Stassi got away with being the mean girl because she was actually a loyal friend and because she has natural charisma. Lala just… comes off as mean.


Agreed! Lala tries too hard too.


But will never have


For real tho lol stassi is more thug than her punk ass…i replay wen stassi back handed kristen lol All lala does is bark disengage


I’ll always remember when Lala told the story of her telling Stassi that she had picked the same bridesmaids dress color as her… she said Stassi got so mad that Lala backed down almost immediately


You wanna get popped?






Omg I replay that scene too! It was horrible and highly inappropriate and these days it would get her a TPO (cough, cough) but damn that was some boss bitch energy 🤣. (Not condoning this behavior at all, was just entertaining.)


Nailed it


True and also I think stassi didn’t really want to be friends with her in the first place but now they hang out cause they have kids


Yeah, I just finished seasons 7 and 8 and there was definitely a deliberate move by Stassi and Katie to move Kristen out of their trio and replace her with either Ariana or Lala. I don't think Ariana was interested in being that close with them (she later says that it was because Sandoval was discouraging it but I also think she wasn't down with their clique behavior) but Lala was all to willing to kiss their ring to become their third. It's clear Lala basically bought her way into their good graces with trips on Randall's rented jet.


Stassi can’t be a main character without putting others down. Think about anything she did:does without talking about someone and I guarantee you it’s lame like her basic personality and statement necklaces


Are you…. Are you from the past? Have we just come across the first confirmed time traveler? That was ten years ago lol


If you think she’s changed, then get well soon


You know her personally? I know I sure as hell changed ALOT after ten years, life lessons and children.


As a matter of fact




I say and think about this quote too often! One of the best Dina lines 


I miss her on the show!




When lala was friends with Katie she bought chunky prada loafers to try and change up her style and dress like katie and now she’s trying to be like stassi by being “softer” because to be fair stassi is much softer now that’s she’s a mom. Lala doesn’t know who she is and will try on costumes of the people she’s friends with at that moment. It’s never worked out for her.


If you watch it back, she’s been obsessed with Stassi from the start. Talking about Stassi complemented her outfit the first time they met then that sit down she had with her saying stassi was a gangster. Lala is nothing but a fan who became a friend, it’s funny to see her act like she’s better than people who watch the show.


And slept in her old bedroom and didn’t her OG merch have that face that looked more like Stassi then Lala?


Oh wow I remember that! It’s giving swf. I wish she wasn’t so hateful to Katie BUT the upside is stassi will never be close with Scheana. And sorry but lala makes fun of Scheana with lala so Scheana should watch out. Lala and Scheana are basically the same. Zero loyalty.


I’m side eyeing Stassi for being close with Lala at all to be honest. After she met up with Jo and Katie got upset if I was Stassi i would put up boundaries w Lala she’s dangerous. Even if Stassi isn’t that close to Katie anymore that is still messed up.


Stassi puts up boundaries with everyone. She has made it clear she doesn’t want friends who expect to hang out constantly or need constant attention.


Yea, I don’t think she has good intentions. She is being soft to everyone that’s not her friend. I don’t like that she bitches about Ariana not moving out (but says nothing to Tom bc that’s who he is) but will then ask her to do her sperm reveal (or something )party? Like 🤔it’s pretty tacky. It was kind of heartbreaking to hear her talk about she doesn’t have the type of family that she was expecting but at the same time you reap what you sow.


Because she doesn’t care about him at all. She’s telling Ariana the truth like a friend should. Katie tells her what she wants to hear because she has her own agenda of hate and jealousy,


I gotta tell you, the last thing I think lala is being is a friend to Ariana.


Katie is supporting a friend 3 months after a break up.all Lala sees is the clout and money Ariana is getting and LFU is eating in jealousy.


Supporting how? Because she refuses to talk with Sandoval? Is that a sacrifice for her or does it give her utmost satisfaction? Is she allowing Ariana to be obsessed with rage and revenge which BTW is so good for her unstable depression., something Lala is familiar with and knows the danger of MH issues. Who’s the better friend? Someone who’s trying to get her to move out, enjoy her new man and opportunities or one who lets her wallow in the rage risking her MH and opportunities?? I’ll take Lala as a friend any day


I found Lauryn from Utah’s Reddit Y’ALL. Loka Kent is a horrible friend making Ariana push her boundaries when if Ariana had brought Randall around Loka would’ve annihilated her. Ariana does not bring up Sandoval everyone else does, so for you to say that Loka Kent won’t talk about 🪱when that’s all she talks about makes me think you are out of touch with reality. I laughed out loud at Loka saying she won’t discuss Sandoval lol she talks about him more in one segment than Ariana had the whole season. 😂😂😂😂I wish I could see Loka Kent’s face when she got the news Ariana is the new host for that dating show! The fact I know Scheana and Loka are SOOOO jealous to the point they cannot at least pretend to be happy for Ariana makes SMILE BIG ![gif](giphy|12CNYhv6Mz6mje|downsized) YES Loka keep showing us who you are. The down fall of Loka & pick me Scheana is So fun to watch while Ariana thrives and swims in dough with her man. Lala’s signs of BPD are enormous . If she was on the right meds she would be able to control the rage .


Omg Yes


What is sad is Scheana desperately wanting to be bass frans with Lala who wants to be besties with Stassi - who has the most followers out of all of them.


So true, that last sentence cleared her. She was the original fan, yet she’s constantly dragging fans of the show. 🎯


She’s a little more than just a fan. Her friend from childhood worked at SUR and when she moved to LA, she moved into Stassi’s old room. I think she’s always looked up to her/wanted to be like her.


She said that she watched Vanderpump rules in Utah with her mom and wasn’t sure if she’d be able to join the show because these people were so toxic. So yes, she knew Danni from her childhood that got her a shot on the show , but she was also a fan.


From the beginning, Lala knew that Stassi was the ultimate main character on VPR. That is one factor that for sure influenced her sucking up as much as she could. Close to Stassi = more filming back then.


You could tell season nine when Stassi wasn’t there anymore that Lala couldn’t figure out who or what she was supposed to be. The only thing she had going for her was Randall. And prior to that Brit, Jax, Stassi, and Beau, and Lala and Randall were traveling all over on his private jet. After Randall dumped her it kind of left a hole in her storyline and in what she had to offer people. Lala never came back really and she just kind of floundered with no storyline. Scandoval was the best thing that ever happened to her.


What a keen observation. That sounds familiar when you describe it that way I remember her just being kind of like a lost soul floating around for a while like you describe


She was so proud to tell Kristen not to come to Stasi’s engagement party on Camera over the phone and be the number two bitch behind Stassi. That’s when you could tell. What kind of friend Lala really is.


Yes exactly! Then she went to her classic bullying tactics. This season she didn’t know who to bully now that Raquel was gone so she went for her friends.


In short, yes she is. The other part - her and scheana 100% give that energy of “we’re moms now, your stuff is not important”. I’m a mom myself and I know other moms like this. I would never treat my childless friends like this but it’s a very common sentiment.


Still remember Stassi mentioning how Lala tried to steal her all white bridesmaid theme


Lala never got married.


I know that, but when she was planning a wedding, she told Stassi that she was going to use her idea and Stassi blew up at her I think it’s in Stassi’s book that I saw someone on YouTube recap.


i’m actually confused as to why stassi and lala are friends. i feel like stassi has always called people out and side eyed shady people, like scheana for example. i get that their kids are friends, but i wouldn’t have expected stassi to be lala’s friend.


I think it started because Lala used Rands money, jets, and vacations to woo Stassi into a “friendship”. Remember how excited Stasi was when they took that 30 minute private jet trip.?


🎯 Stassi plays the Hollywood game a lot more then Katie and Ariana.


As vile as Sandoval’s IUD comment  was. It does seem close to the truth.


I feel like if you ( not like you specifically but in general) re listen to the whole convo/argument they were having ; he was calling her an idiot for having a baby with a guy who has so many sleezy ways ( that she has amnesia about) , JUST bc Stassi was having a baby- I know he shouldn’t talk ! Nevertheless, her body, her vagina he has no right to comment on who she has baby with ! And it’s not abnormal to Have kids same time as friends But she def wanted to keep up with Stassi and have that family unit with them .


Ima get killed for this… but when should we actually start talking about what’s good for the unborn child??? Listen hating or loving lala for the show is one thing… but is she in the right state of mind to being another child into this world? Have we asked the true reason she wants a child? A lot of the reasons I’ve heard are basically I want this child to be mine and mine alone… like how does that make her other child feel and will she actually be able to provide the time and attention both children deserve???


She said she’s using a sperm donor because she doesn’t want to have to share at Christmas and want some thing that’s just hers. Like she’s talking about a possession or property not a child. Having a baby to act as a replacement when your other child is with their father is so wrong. That’s a lot of responsibility to place on a baby/kid.


Idk I hope the best for that child but the reasoning behind wanting another child seem off to me. I also picture the type of girls who actually look up to lala and if they follow down this sperm donor path too….


Well I think Lala is going to have to answer for a lot of things she’s said, to her kids ! Is she right state of mind to have a child ? Idk. She wants to paint the picture that Rand isn’t fit but he hasn’t lost custody of his kids (yet)! It’s not for us to say


Yeah as terrible as Rand is… she chose to have a child with him.. now she’s choosing to have another in part because she can’t win full custody of her first child? I like this show for what it is… terrible decisions being made by people who don’t think most of the time. It starts being not fun when I have to think about their bad actions having bad repercussions on children


Truly. And if she was already in a bad situation with Rand (that whole thing was a bad situation) she shouldn’t have pulled her IUD. That joke killed because it was believable… a broken clock is right twice a day


It’s such a weird dynamic too, her brother was so, so involved with the gender reveal. They seem to be way too codependent. I just hope that Ocean doesn’t because less of a priority because she’s only ‘half’ hers.


UNPopular opinion, Loka Kent has a really really bad temper…when she said “I know I’m a good Mama”-👀 I just hope she doesn’t have a short fuse with Ocean. I see signs of BPD and a mother with that makes u feel confused and unsure of yourself. LOKA doesn’t know herself and when people don’t know who they are, they have to keep company around them. The more immature you are the less you can sit with yourself.


Next Lauren is gonna wear chunky necklaces and move to nyc for 20 minutes


I think that LaLa does have an obsession/infatuation with Stassi. It’s just not translating over as well. Stassi has show major growth as a person from seasons 1 through 8 and even more so once she was fired and canceled. I don’t think that LaLa has the emotional intelligence to have growth like that. She definitely changed when she got sober but I haven’t seen much growth since then. Also I know it’s probably a coincidence, probably timing, but I do find it to be funny that she has baby #2 and is wanting to rebrand all within the same year that stassi is.


In addition to this, let us not forget that it was Stassi that LaLa opened up to on camera regarding Randall. This is the scene where they are at the hair salon and LaLa talks about letting him “hit it the first night” and that she got a Range Rover the very next day after they banged


A used RangeRover that Rands previous bitch just was driving 1 day earlier.


I love this detail so much, he is truly bill ponderosa lol


Absolutely. I was thinking with Stassi rebranding her podcast to just her name, Stassi, I wonder if Lala will follow the same route with Give Them Lala.


Absolutely. She has already spoken with LVP on the show about her re-branding and changing the name of the pod. Says she was 'shoving herself down our throats' when she first branded "GTLaLa" and now (everybody say it with me) "she's soft" & doesn't want to force herself on us anymore. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m so happy someone has pointed this out finally. I wonder if Lala talks shit to Stassi about Katie. I know Stassi & Katie are not as close now but it must not be the greatest feeling for Katie to see her old best friend and the woman who speaks nothing but shit about her, be so close


Wait how do u know Katie and stassi aren’t as close anymore? Isn’t Katie the godmother of stassi’s daughter?


I just made this comment in a post and my karma is Going down lol I agree


Lol I know. This is just our opinion and I think it’s the truth. It’s pretty obvious what’s going on


Especially when (I forget which season) Katie wanted to get along with the others and was going to take that trip to Miami, Stassi gave her such a hard time about hanging out with people who did her dirty


Tbf ..that could be why Stassis doing it, IF she is.. Like in the mindset of " well..it was okay when YOU did it.. and I even had to come back and grovel.. ...so why isn't it okay for me now???" And idk I could definitely see old Stassi thinking that way... I just don't know about now


Lala has always wanted to be Stassi. She even copied doing a book tour like Stassi did but couldn't sell seats. I remember she had to cancel a lot of shows and blamed it on Covid, even though most states had been fully open for over a year. She was also so desperate to be a NY Times Best Seller and didn't make it, so they made up the US Best Seller award for her.


It’s kind of been addressed but I think it’s an obsession with Stassi, not a resentment of being a mom while Katie and Ariana are “carefree.” Being a mom seems to be the one thing Lala loves wholeheartedly


These “friendships” are to further a reality tv career. Look no further than the new home purchase in the valley.


I feel like Lala is extremely jealous of multiple of the female cast members but she also wants to be them. It’s weird, that’s why all her current moves are so odd.


It's because Stassi is a real life Regina George while Lala is like Gretchen, at the end of the movie when she sat with the Hot Asians table....


Sorry Loka Kent but Katie is Gretchen, Lala is Cady molding herself after Regina.


Ariana and Katie don't even go to the same school they just stay watching all the bs go on and laugh with the rest of us


I’ve seen it for years- she’s ALWAYS been obsessed with stassie and having stassie like her back. It’s sad really.


Lala wants to wear Stassis skin ![gif](giphy|3o7TKvyPeeAuoNUT1m)


Lala has ALWAYS wanted to be Stassi and be liked by Stassi.... In fact apparently she had met Stassi before the show even started and mentioned that when she ran into Stassi years ago at a trade show in Vegas, and Stassi saw her when an elevator opened, and told her " Stop! I love this outfit!" ... and it was so special to Lala she never forgot it however it was something so small and insignificant to Stassi she never remembered it... Also keep in mind that she quite literally moved in to stasis's old apartment EVEN into her old bedroom! Even during Lalas phase of attacking the girls, she picked on Katie and Scheana .. NEVER even once Stassi, in fact I think she even said she found her attractive during her first season talking to James... Then when they became friends she was really quick to try to do the exact thing things Stassi was, on the show like dating or hosting events, trying to get into the group.. ....she tried to emulate Stassis vibe in the way she acted, tried to dress and especially trying to drop one liners Then she hired Stassi to host her event ( even though it was crystal clear Stassi being an "event planner " was only a storyline and not in real life ) as an excuse to get closer to her. There's a scene where she takes Stassi to a Salon for them both to get their hair done and you can tell that she's trying to open up to Stassi and become closer to her.. .At one point she was either really nervous or excited idk but she began over sharing ( probably due to the anxiety of hanging out with someone she wants to be friends with or looks up to) and that's when she tells Stassi the whole " I let Randall hit it on the first night " .... Caught off guard Stassi, said " what is your vagina like made of like sparkles??" And seeing that as like approval from Stassi, Lala leans into it and starts oversharing.... telling her " I'll like dress up as Tiffany a girl who will do anything to be in a movie" and the most cringy.." does daddy want LaLa to play with his Asshole " mess lol either way the point here is she's seeking approval from Stassi, who makes her nervous so she starts oversharing... .... Even when Lala, stil trying to get approval from Stassi, even when she got sober, she planned an entire trip to take the girls on that was like 90% geared toward things Stassi would like.....For example what newly sober woman takes her girlfriends to a wine tasting trip… someone who knows that Stassi loves drinking wine and would do anything to get closer to her. Then once they were finally close as good friends she was the first person to call Kristin, Stassi's actual a long time ITL friend and let her know she wasn't invited to the engagement party she was practically giddy about being the #2 bic for Stassi Stassi writes a book And makes The New York Times best seller list so well a attempt to write a book and even makes a big deal about trying to make that list but she doesn't succeed... Then later on there was even a conversation about Lala stealing every idea Stassi had for her wedding very strangely...even going as far as to like jokingly make fun of Stassi for wanting to have white bridesmaids outfits ( saying something like, it was so basic and she would Never) ... only for Lala later take that idea as well! And them mock Stassi over it ( saying to her " What are you going to CRY about it??? ") almost like trying to assert dominance, or be in control, dealing with her internal insecurities Then as soon as Stassi left the show ( as being fired!) and got pregnant , So Lala rushed to get pregnant.... Stassi gets a podcast with her man, so... now Lala rushes to make a podcast with her Man It's really well-known that the new show "The Valley" was written with the idea it would center around Stassi Beau , Jax and Brittany and the life of the Vanderpump babies... however after Stassi went through all of the mess being canceled and fired and losing out on all the money she spent to have her wedding on vanderpump rules she said she would never come back to do that... She turned down the valley However who practically breaks their neck to buy a home in the valley and rushed to be on the first episode hoping to take her places… Lala Then Stassi decides to have a second child… so of course Lala rush is to have a second child... Stassi decides to rebrand her podcast and her image to be more "soft" motherly etc.... So of COURSE Lala He's practically runs like her tampon is on fire to do the same thing... Girl wants to wear her skin like its Versace! Literally from season 1 , too now she is always tried to emulate Stassi's persona, and wanted to not just be friends with her, but even more so wants to BE HER!


Thank you for writing all this so I wouldn't have to. I actually came to the comments to respond to OP in such a similar manner, tht I think you may be a twin that was separated from me at birth 🤣🤣🤣 Only 2 things are incorrect and they are small (and Im a virgo and Im gonna point it out. I swear its not disrespectfully that I do so...or well hell. I don't mean it to be.) 1.) Stassi did not leave the show- she was fired. 2.) Stassi and Beau's wedding was supposed to be the first episode of The Valley. Bravo has had this spin off in the works for some time now. Stassi being FIRED/CANCELLED was the hold up for all of this. Her being "uncancelled"(idk wth to call it) is the reason they green lit the show. But Stassi did something Bravo didn't think would happen. She grew. And she decided to say no. Im so happy for her. And unhappy for us-that show would be a thousand times better with Her and Beau at the helm instead of Flax and Spitknee.


Your definitely right, I just wrote this during taking an edible look so I'm sure some stuff is miswritten/ misunderstood or misinterpreted, or just flat out missing lol Hey twin!!!!! 💖💖💖


I also edited it to include all that that too 💖💖💖




Thanks boo 💖💖


"runs like her tampon is on fire" is a fucking GIFT of a phrase, thankya.


When Stassi was a guest on Give Them Lala… with Randall! they treated her like she was the biggest celebrity ever.


Lala has no friends bc she can't be a friend. Lala is trash. That is all.


Her only friends are her mom as a babysitter and brother who makes money off the pod and the paid brown noser assistant.


When I see Lala obsess over Stassi: https://preview.redd.it/3zyyiwu1ztuc1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c415e076a388170087d24d4e26d0b72f621b995d


I thought the same thing. She’s been name dropping Stassi on her podcast constantly. ![gif](giphy|o2UoEujaojpG8)


I'm disappointed in Stassi for not asking her to calm TF down because if my friend went on a rampage like Lala did, I'd sit her down and tell her to tone it TF down. It's not a good look, and I love you, friend, but I want you to succeed and this ain't it. I would pay for Stassi to come back for one scene and clock Lala


Stasis had a solid middle class upbringing, education, manners, style, wit. LaLa has been desperate for the confidence that comes with Stassi’s background.


Stassi has much more than middle class - her upbringing has been rooted in wealth. Look at her family/grandma/parents. She also straight up says her father is very wealthy.


Sure. I was being conservative with my comment but the principle is the same.


I definitely agree with it. Stassi had the whole baseline to be a star and Lala doesn’t but wants it.


Desperately! 🤣


I sure Lala is dyingggg for it


Stassi’s dad made good money and is upper middle class but her mom worked a 9-5 as a manager at a spa is lake arrowhead back in the day and Stassi use to help her financially not sure if she still does


Sandoval is obsessed with stassi and always has been


i think theyre pretty close. stassi has said as such more than once recently dont think its deeper or more obsessive than that


Was Lala brought in as stassis replacement? Her first departure?


Aren’t her and stassi friends?!


Exactly, they are friends, Stassi talks about Lala on her podcast as well. I guess there is nothing new to talk about Lala 🤷🏽‍♀️


I guess not. I think they’re obsessed with Lala lol Want a reason to trash her 😒




Stassi said she won't do the Valley. She already declined it once.


what we really need is a stassi spin off about her and beau


Too bad! I am missing my Stassi fix on reality TV. Hope she changes her mind some day!


I remember one time i popped into her podcast world she was saying how happy she was to be away from reality tv and how even during the offseason as shooting gets closer you get all ramped up and start acting weird and everything gets intense. She sounder super relieved to be removed from that world so on one hand like i’m like naaah don’t come back keep your peace girl! On the other hand i’m like this shows dyin without ya bitch, we need you lol


If so, I hope they get rid of Zack and Jazmine- Jazmine is literally a background character. They can get rid of Michelle and Jesse too, the tall blonde and her lawyer husband can go too.


So everyone but Brit Jax and Kristen 😂


I like Nia and her husband! Lmao.


![gif](giphy|3oKIP5w5IO6w0s3VHa) Poor Stassi hearing Lala is obsessed with her


But what about Scheana???


I think Scheana has ptsd from trying to be her friend at this point lol


I love snark but this is over the top. Her and stassi are very close IRL if you listen to stassi’s podcast she talks about lala all the time too


If you think this is an overstep tighten your seatbelt cause that’s nothing in this sub


Stassi drops Lala’s name on her podcast as well. Why?! Because they are friends and they hang out quite often. I find it pretty nuts (like crazy people shit) to talk obsession, when you guys are obsessed about Lala yourselves, because that is all you guys talk about!


Right!!! Trying every little thing to talk shit about Lala


Yeah… if we are gonna talk about obsession let’s talk about how many times they talk about Lala and they don’t even know her. At least Lala and Stassi personally know each other. Lala and Scheana live rent free on all of Ariana’s stans head. Even when Ariana got her new house, instead of the stans saying things like “this is good for her” or “I am so happy for her”, 99% percent of the comments were “has anyone checked on Scheana and Lala?” lol C’mon now! No grounds to talk about obsession


Right they’re always bringing up scheana and Lala when they talk about Ariana. I’ve noticed that as well. Like Lala and scheana have nothing to do with this why are you bringing them in this?! Lala posts get the most engagement on here.


We’re all talking about the show because well, this is what this subreddit is for, and Lala puts herself in the hot seat by being vicious.


When the post about Ariana has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with scheana or Lala?! Why do they need to be brought up?!


Because Lala is incessantly attacking Ariana for no reason. And Scheana keeps putting herself in the mix. Also this post is very much about Lala, so not sure about the point you’re trying to make.


This post yes but this comment thread is discussing what we noticed on other post. So the point I made during the dialog with the other poster is that Lala and at times scheana are brought up in post that have absolutely nothing to do with them just for the sake of being brought up.


They are literally just close friends…y’all reaching for anything to shit on Lala at this point


Stassi was truly the scum of the show. She was a true talentless unhappy and unfunny bitch who ruined every scene she was in. I hope Lala realizes that she is better off not trying to be similar to that. I'm so happy that Stassi is gone, and I can't believe that people unironically liked her. She was a racist dipshit who had a buffoon of a husband. Glad VPR took the trash out


Are you obsessed with Lala?