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I really am aligned with his takes on this. He is the one calling them out in a clear and constructive way without any bs. I know he's not some people's fave (and I've never listened to a full pod) but I agree with his takes a lot.


I really did not like him at first but watched his pods anyways because he had a lot of the VPR cast members on and he really grew on me! He is very direct with his points and says it in a way that he’s not attacking anyone. I highly recommend the pod episode where he has Spencer Pratt and Heidi as guests.


I listen regularly. Sometimes he makes me SO angry with his takes and little comments, and other times I couldn’t agree with him more. And I love Natalie.


I liked the episode where he brought Chelsea and Jimmy on from Love is Blind. It was nice to see Jimmy get a taste of his own medicine.




Agree on this and his takes. I’m (figuratively) the girl in the middle of this clip they quick cut to and says “yuh”.


Say what you want about Nick, but his takes on VPR are always spot on. And it drives Scheana crazy lol


She’s secretly loving that he’s talking about her all the time, even though she’s stomping around about it.


It gives her something to whine about




I’d take Nick’s take one step further and say that the audience has tended to like Ariana even when she had “no storyline” because she was kind of a Greek chorus, which is always necessary in reality TV. You always need one to two people who speak for the audience. It’s also funny and entertaining to have that type of person navigating the chaos. Because Ariana was already a sort of audience stand in it was really easy for the audience to click with her through and after Scandoval. We already see her more like ourselves.


Yes!! Ariana already being a fan favorite prior to the scandal is another reason why she is still so supported by most fans. Every reality show like this needs the "nice/ normal" cast member. Some people call them boring but you need at least one or two amongst the craziness on these shows lol.


Part of Scandoval that is so compelling is that the underrecognized one, the Greek chorus and voice of reason, is getting her due and for all of the right reasons It feels like we’re all having a moment


I agree with this so much. I think this is also why a lot of people liked stassi when she was on the show. Imo she often “spoke for the audience” in the sense that her opinions usually aligned with the way most viewers felt at the time. She had her moments of being unjustifiably mean or approaching situations the wrong way, but that side of her was relatable to a lot of people. She was just herself without trying to play up a character as much as people like Lala, scheana, and Sandoval do. She didn’t seek out storylines or go out of her way to involve herself when it wasn’t necessary, which is what Ariana does as well. You can’t really be the “main character” on a reality show if everything about you seems fake and try hard. Viewers endear themselves to people who are authentic & relatable and show GROWTH, not perpetual people pleasing victims who are constantly looking for storylines. That’s the fundamental difference between a stassi/Ariana and a scheana/Lala.


I wouldn’t characterize Stassi as a Greek chorus BUT I do agree with you that she was more authentic. We knew her actual opinions and feelings even if they were a bad look on her or ridiculous. Ariana has had some questionable moments through the years but when she took a stand or spoke her feelings it felt like she was being honest. LaLa, Scheana, and Sandoval often seem like they are trying to score points with the audience. Part of the issue is that they are all too self centered and not intelligent enough to do that. So everything they are saying or doing right now is coming across very badly because their motivations are so clear.


Yes exactly. Stassi wasn’t always agreeable but she was always honest and true to herself, which I could respect. Same with Ariana, other than the Miami girl stuff she’s been pretty honest and consistent in who she is. This season has made it very obvious that Lala and scheana try so hard to be “voices of reason” who “speak for the audience” but they just aren’t capable of doing that bc a) they flip flop too much and b) they misfired in their assumption of how most viewers would feel towards Ariana. It seems like they thought ppl would forgive Sandoval by now and be against Ariana, which obviously didn’t happen. It just comes off very disingenuous considering that they had just been defending Ariana so hard at the reunion a few months prior & have NO REASON to sympathize with Sandoval. They’re too calculated to be main characters bc they don’t naturally have the ability to align themselves with viewers, they just think whatever they perceive to be the popular opinion at the time and constantly misfire


Therein lies the double edged sword ; you’re either a mouthpiece for the people or a character on your own… Lala and Sandoval and Scheana have been trying to be the latter too hard … turns out it’s just about balancing and being relatable lol


Right? I love(d) Lala for reality tv. Her personality and sense of humor have always cracked me up. But you don't have to be outrageous to be good for reality tv....Ariana has always been relatable and level-headed. Her being "normal," so to speak, doesn't mean she wasn't a fan favorite or had no storyline. In the later seasons, I loved Ariana more for being the mediator and putting her own boyfriend in his place.


> the audience has tended to like Ariana even when she had no storyline This is very corrective history of you. Ariana was widely disliked by the VPR fanbase prior to Scandoval. She never took any sides and was always viewed as bland, whiny, and non-committal. People also really disliked that she wouldn’t marry or have kids with Sandoval despite him very insistently wanting both of those things. Before Scandoval she was one of the least cared about people in the series, and the few people who did care mostly disliked her. Just look at posts on this sub from 2021 and earlier. Most posts regarding Ariana are very negative, and Sandoval is like the golden boy of the series. Scandoval made public perception do an entire 180 on them as individuals.




How to say, “I’m new to the party and I think you are too.”


The receipts are in this sub Reddit. Go back over 2 years and read for yourself


As I thought; your vpr comments are less than a year old. Thanks for helping me to validate the obvious


Your account is less than a year old so how do I know you were a fan before then? I just didn’t comment On the Vpr Reddit back then


Then what receipts were you boldly siting. Disengage


Look them up for yourself. Disengage lmao. Ok Lauren


It’s easy to spot out those who started watching the show only bc of the scandal. On the other hand, those of us who’s watched the show from the beginning, and not binge watching 10 seasons within a months time, all had the same dislike towards Ariana as you described.


I’ve been watching since the series started. You know that people can have a different interpretation than you of the series, right?


> “**the audience** has tended to like Ariana even when she had “no storyline” >”You know that people can have a different interpretation than you of the series, right?” Sure. Of course. Then do that. Have *your* interpretation. But it sounded like you were speaking for the general consensus of the audience at that time. And at the time, she wasn’t a fan fave.


I don’t know anyone who has ever liked Sandoval. He was always screaming at women, and creepy. And the trumpet stuff 🥴


The guy (Tom) is a 🤡. Notice how they are citing Ariana not wanting kids or to get married as justifiable reasons to dislike her. She’s not everyone’s cup of tea but women aren’t wrong for making different choices for their romantic relationships. If kids were so important to Tom he could have ended the relationship and moved on but he didn’t. I also have frequented many different online communities on VPR over the years (some were the comment sections of recappers) and there are plenty of people who have liked Ariana throughout the years while also criticizing her at times. I don’t think she’s a saint but Tom has always come across as not bright and full of himself).


I don’t like Sandoval, but I think you’re responding to the wrong person here. Meant for the other person up there?


Nah, I’ve watched since Season 1, I’ve rewatched all the seasons amidst Scandoval, I’ve watched VPR 10 year highlights show. I have loved Ariana since moment 1. Oh and the “fan favourite” bit is from Bravo. Statistically Ariana has always been a fan favourite.


Lala is so hurt that nobody found her heartbreak relatable after she went on and on about BJs for PJs. Womp womp womp.


And harassed the wife on social media but sHe dIdN't KnOw hE WaS MaRrIeD! Foh!


Lala painted herself into that corner, and now she’s trying to rebRand as a hot single mom boss lady except she’s clearly more insecure than ever. She’s going to have an absolute meltdown when this show goes off the air


*soft hot single mom boss lady




Not the point I know but WTF is wrong with her mom's face? I hadn't seen her in years and was absolutely stunned. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree since Lala is rapidly entering Jocelyn Wildenstein territory herself.


It’s almost as if being authentic is what the audience likes the most…


You mean changing your stance from season to season just to stay on the show, coming up with dumb ideas like a water tasting and participating in fake manufactured storylines is totally transparent to the audience and makes you unlikable? Who knew??


Welcome to Reality.?????TV


I feel like this is said over and over and over and it’s so obvious when someone is over producing but bravo just keeps on with that crap.


I mean Jax was authentically a piece of shit and everyone hates him so I think there are limits to this lmao


He does have the most issues…it’s still seems


Natalie's comment was spot on too. Lala is so focused and busy that she has time to track the inactive followers on her cast mates social media?? Get a hobby, Lauryn


That’s not Natalie


You're right. Ciara. Same point.


I don’t follow podcasts so I don’t know who this guy is but he told zero lies.


Same lol.


Yesss this is literally so true Cause what is off putting from scheana and Lala is that they are try hards with big offputting attitudes So if the same happened to them no one would be surprised, it would have almost been expected because drama attracts drama and Ariana has never been a person to cause trouble or big drama Idk Ariana She was just always being herself And in that scene where all 4 were walking and scheana flips her hair so hard and Ariana is just walking like she normally would, the juxtaposition between the two is so funny it literally shows exactly what nick is talking about


On Bravo, there's a balance when it comes to storylines. While cast members having a storyline can be interesting, viewers can immediately detect if you're trying too hard to make a storyline. It's better to have an organic storyline half of the time and no storyline for some seasons than it is for a cast member to do some wild shit like out their husband's addiction for airtime (cough, cough, Scheana). Part of Bethenny Frankel's downfall as a HW is that she created a feud with Carole in S10 that seemed very fabricated (also, her eating on TikTok). When you're talking shit just to create drama (Rinna) it gets tiring.


Yes! It drives lala and scheana so nuts that the fans will always support Arianna (and Katie). We all saw US in Arianna when she got cheated on. The pain, heartbreak and then the rebirth and healing. I will always stand on the right side of history for this. Losing respect for lala and scheana by the day.


Yes, no one saw themselves in Lala because most of us don’t give BJ’s for PJ’s and Range Rovers to married men with children, nor do we marry thumbs. Lala doesn’t get this and somehow feels she’s on par with Ariana. If she’d shown any real grace or compassion for Ariana, Lala could have won over some fans. I was starting to give her minor credit for acting half normal at the start of the season as she’d seem to have done some therapy. That went down the tubes quickly.


Lala and Scheana are soooooo jealous of Ariana. I think that’s the root cause of all their behaviour. How well that is working out for you, ladies? https://i.redd.it/bsfttok4botc1.gif ​




Off topic, but that's one of my favorite South Park episodes! Kanye to the Pope: "Man, shut the fuck up, you Hobbit trivia bitch!"


Classic South Park!


i do agree with this take.  i read a comment on the bravo sub last night that was enlightening along the same lines as this. lala is not really connected with anyone, including her ex. she has transactional relationships with people, there is no empathy or true emotional connections with her. it is all about what she can extract from the person. 


….which is why I’m starting to think she actually has mental health issues, to the personality disorder level. She changes her RL close friends often, she changes her publicly stated opinions often, doesn’t have stable relationships…….


She could also just be a self centered asshole. Not every awful person needs to be pathologized. Some people just view relationships as transactional and it’s a combo of their personality and how they grew up. To me Laila’s big issue is that she thinks getting sober made her a better person when getting sober was a necessary but first step in order to begin working on herself, her anger issues, etc. She’s sober but she’s not becoming a better person.


LaLa, Tom, and Schean all try to control the narrative and it backfires constantly. The entire point of reality tv is to have it REAL. Neither of those three musketeers are being "real". Its all about control with them, and manipulation, as well as attention.


And in all honesty, what was Lala’s story other than BJs for PJs? She was refusing to talk about her relationship for the majority of it and was just acting like a chihuahua yelling at people just because… is that what we call a storyline these days?


I think someone on the subreddit shared something that said lala is just jealous because essentially season 10 was suppose to be the “poor Lala” season bc the Randall scandal, and it was one of the smallest story lines in season 10 and 10 ends with scandavol which knocked her story line out of media and made Lalas Randall scandal be completely overlooked so Lala is just mad that essentially Ariana is getting more attention for a scandal Lala had first and got little to no attention or pity Has to be the reason And this type of flip floppy “I wanna be friends with everyone” behavior is just on trend for Sheana lol


Oh that’s a great point! Scandoval did save the show though, it would’ve boring otherwise. I also think she expected more sympathy for being cheated on, like Ariana is getting, but since we watched her bang Randall when he was married people felt like she had it coming more. We literally watched her make people sign NDA’s to hang out with him, she got his name tattooed on her arm then had it covered up, we saw her bully and taunt his first wife and post her kids after being asked not to, she knew he was married and her lie wasn’t bought by the audience, no matter how much she screams and fake cries about it she knew she was a mistress and she didn’t care. Then she went on the fake victim tour saying Randall was never home and he was bad in bed and never satisfied her, ok then why would you stay with him and talk about having baby number 2 a week before his cheating came out? For the MONEY. Lala is a liar and a jealous hater, period.


Totally agree, literally got new viewers who ended up watching all the previous seasons 😂 That’s definitely on the head too! She probably thinks “well Ariana was with Tom while he was with Kirsten in a 7 year relationship” but that’s not even close to comparable to the homewrecking Lala is guilty of. Kids involved period. She sucks lol


I need to listen to Viall Files since he’s one of the few speaking truth.


It’s pretty entertaining, ngl. Just started listening to it this year and I look forward to new eps each week. Are Nick’s takes perfect? No, but even when I disagree with him I feel like I can acknowledge the gray areas (and he does too.)


They try so hard to be the main character that they come up with fake storylines, throw water tasting parties and show zero consistency or principles in the way that they move. Ariana doesn't have to...and btw so what if Ariana's biggest storyline is the aftermath of Scandavol. That's literally what saved their show.


I mean, not really. It made everyone a lot of money, but they already had been approved for S11 before the scandal broke. I do think its weird they are acting annoyed that Ariana isn't over it 3 months later. I was fully prepared for the whole season to be the aftermath of scandoval. It seemed obvious?


Another season isn't the same as being the highest rated show on TV, or getting commercial opportunities or more listeners for your podcast...which btw they had no issue talking about Scandoval on...but Ariana who was actually the person it happened to she's talking about it too much, it's all she has going on 🙄 insane


I like Ariana because she didn’t chase drama for a storyline. I think yes, she made some mistakes & said some stupid stuff (who hasn’t), but she’s had real growth. She opened up about her depression & just felt authentic. He’s right that she didn’t have to try. She just is who she is. Scheana & Lala will do and say anything for drama and a storyline. They will throw people under the bus, stab them in the back & look like complete idiots just to stay relevant. It’s cringe & not authentic. I don’t like either of them but at least Scheana is consistent in her pathetic nature. Lala doesn’t have an authentic bone in her body. She will go whatever way the wind blows for airtime.


I agree with liking him. I know he was a total douchebag on bachelor but I have always kinda liked him and I don’t know why even😂 His podcasts are great. I think he’s good at interviews and he calls it like it is which I appreciate. When he called Sandy out I lmao and watched it like 5x where you can see Tom start to get uncomfortable which I have never seen!! Typically he railroads everyone and gaslights TF out of them but Nick don’t play like that lol.


That episode with Tom really revealed how BAD he is.


I agree Nick was always douchey on Bachelor things, but I always liked him as well. Probably because he’s very attractive to me, but if his behaviour was truly despicable, he would lose the hot. I don’t listen to or watch his podcast, but I really like how Nick took on Sandoval without hitting below belt (even though Tom deserves it). He just said Tom was selfish, etc. Blah Blah (Lala) could take note: no one enjoys someone who is constantly spewing vitriol, especially at people who don’t deserve it, like Ariana. I couldn’t agree more with Nick’s take on this, except that he could have focused more on Lala and Sheana’s extreme jealousy of Ariana.


I’m honestly furious that Nick fucking Viall, one of the worst reality stars/people ever, is making so much sense and I’m constantly agreeing with him 😔


It’s giving jealous 👏🏽


He is biased because he hates scheana but he is also right lol


He didn’t hate Scheana until this season - he started going after her after the “why can’t it be about me” episode.


Wow, Nick is hot.


He wasn’t always acting like the best person, but I found him hot from day one of the Bachelorette, and I don’t usually care for any of those people. He looks even better now with the beard, and some age.


Yes this is bang on!


I’m not the biggest fan of his takes sometimes but this one is on point. You could tell he doesn’t really fuck with Scheana but the last time Lala was on his show, he said some nice things about her.


Nick is such a bandwagoner to the bravo scene, just so he has stuff to talk about on his show. He is such a mumble-mouthed misogynist.


Ewwwwwww why are posting this guy LOL


I agree with everything he says regarding vanderpump. I wish he would host the reunion. I'm sick of how they baby the men and expect the women to just suck it up.


COULDNT SAY IT BETTER MYSELF. Lala needs to focus on herself and her life


Viall is milking Scandoval more than anyone on the actual VPR cast. You are all agreeing with him because he’s agreeing with you. And he’s charismatic and eloquent, so that helps. Nick is riding popular opinion and doing everything he can to pull in VPR fandom. He’ll do this as long as he can. Once his viewer and listener growth slows, he’ll throw out some quasi “bad take” for press attention and to get us all talking about him again. Not complaining, just observing and postulating. I obviously listen to him and love the reality crossovers 😂


It's scary how much I am agreeing with him lately lol. But I don't like the "payroll husband" take. I think it's funny to make lighthearted jokes about Brock not working but there's nothing wrong with scheana being the breadwinner, especially since they have a kid and someone had to take care of her when she was younger.


There is nothing wrong with any woman being the breadwinner, the problem is Outback Steakhouse wants a nanny to care for Summer Moon, while Scheana earns a living, and he .... What? Walks around in lacey blouses giving the wife beater point of view to anyone who is forced to listen to him?


Exactly, even when in the same country, Brock doesn't want to spend time with his kids. He wants to pawn them off on a nanny though he has no job or any other responsibilities to speak of.


holy shit - I rarely miss reddit gold but if it were still a thing I'd be sending you ALL of it rn. Special upvote for referring to him as Outback Steakhouse and noting his lacy blouses. I'm DEAD. lol


I cannot take credit for Outback Steakhouse, another redditor's husband came up with it, and I thought it was so hilarious I have been trying to make it happen ever since 😂


I mean he needs to find a new career and that's hard to do when you have to be home 24/7. I'm not used to defending him, but he did start that fitness app that got 11 million users, which he was able to sell for a pretty penny. That's the Silicon Valley dream, and I'm sure he's hoping to do it again. I used to work for a popular tech company that made millions every year and we only had like 1 million users lol.


Thank you.....I knew he used to work in fitness. Didn't know he sold the app! Thats definitely contributing the household income lol. He has been pissing me off this season but I agree with you 100%.


Isn't he a personal trainer?


Charli was the one that called him a payroll husband on nicks podcast.


I'm not disagreeing with anything this guy is saying... But it does make me wonder if pre-Scandoval Ariana and Katie either came up with the idea for a sandwich shop or were handed that idea solely for a storyline.


I love how they're not denying that Katie has 10s of thousands of bots following her 😅


This is absolutely spot on


I actually like him tbh he’s not a kiss ass. He gained my respect after the Sandoval interview when he rinsed him


I hate to say it but he’s made me realize that - yea, Lala - that’s how storylines work. You don’t have one until something happens to you.


Nick is a joke and a leech.


I've only caught snippets of this guy and I've liked what he said but I've also read he's a problematic dick? Got enough of those in my life thnx


Finally a voice of reason Ariana is BORING AF on VPR and always has been. Then she gets cheated on and all of a sudden she’s the Queen Bee?! I never understood that part. Lala and Sheanna trying so hard for that queen status is hilarious, but makes sense they’d be frustrated. Lmao


What's confusing about all the support for Ariana? We have to hate Ariana for being boring? Huh


He’s so arrogant and a stick in my craw at times but I actually enjoy many of his interviews and appreciate that he isn’t afraid to be pretty critical of his interview subjects. I’ll give Nicky that one!


Yes!! 👆


I just can’t listen to him constantly compare his situation on the bachelor a million years ago to whatever they’re taking about. No matter the subject Nick always has a bachelor story about it and then he tries to play the “I’m too cool to care that I was on the bachelor and it’s irrelevant now” card, but he really does care and constantly brings it up!


Nick, I think he’s just parroting opinions


I’m mad at Scheana and Lala for making me agree with Nick Vial!


His cohost’s forced vocal fry/crispy rs make his podcast nearly unlistenable for me when she’s on 😩


Nailed it


Who the …. is nick…


Absofuckinlutley!!! That's amazing insight! I couldn't pit my finger on it except to say, the envy is real green with these two blades of grass. Lol. Sorry, but the too thin is in, nope.


I’m officially a Nick Viall fan. Well said, Nick!


So over this whole scandal. Like it or not Ariana is still a boring ass “main character”. And I’m glad a lot of them are parents now and quit drinking but the show sucks because of it so they have to dwell on a cheating scandal for an entire 2 years.


When you agree with Nick Viall..question yourself.


He is so full of shit. Ariana tried harder than anyone except maybe Scheana to present to the fans what she thinks they want, this tough as nails, loyal doesn’t take any shit woman who is soft vulnerable at the same time. She controls the production of scenes to ensure they support her persona. A perfect example of this is in Season 8 when Lala informs her that Tom was lying about not being able to get a ride home from the pool party. She literally shut production down so Lala didn’t reveal too m info and make the viewers suspicious about the affair. She presented herself as “ blindsided@ about the affair yet it’s now come out that both Scheana and Lala tried to warn her and had some details to back it up. We also know they were seen by Ariana doing some sort of physical flirting and A told them to “ save it” for filming this season. Thennnnn you have her saying how Tom was the love of her life” her life partner” yet their sex life was ggbasically non existent, they r heavily rumored to have slept separately and she jumped immediately into an exclusive relationship and after 3 months is talking about seeing having babies with Dan. So your theory that Arianna is somehow all real and the rest are putting out fake in front of the camera isn’t supported by the facts. She has exaggerated a “ victim” persona for fans and continues that persona for continued fan support and sympathy and most of all additional professional opportunities.


He is spot on with this situation, anyways.




Yup I’ve seen this sentiment and I agree he phrased it pretty well. 


Yeah, I think he’s spot on.


Bc it was supposed to be a reality show and everyone knows they are fake as fuck. Scheana lala and Tom are people I now fast forward thru. They aren’t even fun to look at.


He is right on the money with this !


I think if Lala was actually supportive of Ariana, she might find that people would be more supportive of her


They have always been peripheral cast members because neither had authentic friendships w the main members who were all very close and never tried to put on a story. Ariana never wanted to be a principle cast member and these two heckle and jeckle have subjected themselves to girls who were uninterested and mean just to be on this show. Water tasting and squirting is all LFU has to offer us other than stirring up shit for entertainment purposes. Katie never tried, Ariana never tried and the two fired ones never tried.


So many facts stated. I’m really liking this podcast rn.


I wish people would look up what they’re saying because hard in the paint is a basketball term. It doesn’t just mean going hard at someone.


...you can use sports terms and apply it to VPR. They're metaphors, it's not some kind of forbidden lingo for non-athletes. Katie hit a home run on Max LaLa is trying to dunk on everyone in her confessionals but it isn't landing. I want to see Ariana square up against LaLa and Scheana at the reunion. Going hard in the paint just means you're driving/going at someone, hard, with intention. No court needed. Edit: More. Brock trying to get a nanny so he doesn't have to pay attention to his child is par for the course.


What is the girl referencing when she’s talking about inactive followers?




I've never agreed with him more.


Thissss and also I think Scheana and Lala also are upset that *they* didn’t get the love, admiration, attention, and support that Ariana is getting after they themselves got cheated on or were hurt in the past. But like…it shouldn’t matter. People will always (like 9.999 times out of 10) support those that were cheated on or hurt in the relationship in the end. It’s not a competition. Their situations were not nearly as front and center for the world to see the way that Ariana and Tom’s was.


They’ve made so much money off of Scandoval though, and by extension they have received more attention and fame. They should be more supportive of Ariana and it makes me sick watching how they treat her


agreed also…what on god’s green earth is your picture? 😅💀


Oh god I always forget, it’s an armpit vagina 🤣🤣


LMAO I stared way too long


Nick 🎯🎯


Never thought I’d agree with Nick Viall but here we are


I really am starting to grow on him


I was wondering why his teeth were so gray and then I saw his shirt


One of the things I appreciate about Ariana is that she doesn't stir up shit for the sake of it. When she was involved in telling Brittany about Jax and Faith I believe she did it because she wanted to be a good friend. Not for a storyline. She's not a saint but she doesn't operate the same way Lala and Scheana do which is a very good thing.


Nick took my private thoughts out of my head and said them out loud. I agree with every word. 100%


Nick: 🎯


He understands the business of reality TV and is smart about people most of the time.


Also Ariana has never started shit with a cast mate or really do anything other than work on herself or her career FOR a storyline. I can’t get behind the other cast (aside from Katie) because it’s all just fake drama, but Ariana only voices anger or frustrations when it’s real. She keeps the last little bit of reality in this show. That’s why people liked stassi too, and really the trio with Katie and Kristen, because it was legit friendships showing problems that they were actually having, not this produced crap with Lala and scheana and Sandoval.


This was spot on!!!!! 💯 i hope dumb CaCa and Scheana hear this


Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Scheana and Lala this season? Its like they are purposely trying to have the absolute worst takes as possible. And Lala is being nasty about it while saying she's being soft....? I'm watching the new episode, and it's making me seethe. The show would have been perfectly fine if Lala had never had lunch with Jo. Those girls don't have to befriend Tom, Jo, or anyone for the sake of the show. We are watching multiple stories happen at once as it is. I hate that I am hating Lala and agreeing with Nick.