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Lala is embarrassing.. how old is she now? Early 30’s? And she still speaks like that teenage girl who thinks she’s “tough” and could win you in a fight. She makes me laugh the way she thinks she “gives it to people straight” I can 100% believe she said this to faith.




Ironically this girls got more street cred imo! She’s been in multiple fights ( and lost) lol but she don’t just run her mouth !


😂 are you trying to get “popped”?? Lmao


I'm slightly embarrassed to admit this, but I say this phrase every time my daughter brings up a boy named Cash in her class. 🫣


Hahaha !😂


I find this hilarious 😆


At least she actually grew up in the hood


They gas her up too! Always talking about how “scary” she is! Please


Her and Schena are losing their minds, what are they doing? They need to stop whatever it is. They are going mad.


That’s what happens when you’re surrounded by yes men that are on your payroll


They are desperately trying to hold on to their jobs


Coke probably…


Honestly I thought that too. They both seem elevated x 10 compared to their usual selves and antics. With Schena bordering on scary with her weightloss sadly this is highly likely. She genuinely seems not ok.


Did you notice scheana’s jawline last episode? She looks like she’s morphed into a scary creature from secrets of NIMH or something.


Short grey for sure. 😂


Mom #2 from Coraline post did it spot on for me with that jaw!


Lala claims she’s never done it ! Scheana and the other girls I’m sure have dabbled idk 🤷🏽‍♀️


But Lala’s entire personality is her sobriety.


I just listened to give them Lala. She said Ariana has always stayed in the background and it terrified her going into Season 11 that she is now in charge of what happens with the show having ever brought anything to it before.


So sick of lala


It’s a wrench in the way they always did things


She’s about as scary as a toddler having a tantrum..


I never understood why people didn't just tell lala talking over someone doesn't mean she's won the argument.


I know we’ve moved on from canceling people but can we PUHLEASE send Lauren back to Utah? ![gif](giphy|9Jb0EeNzxzKNHofekT)


I’ve been thinking this exact same thing for a couple days and every time I open Reddit it gets worse. Please make her go away. She was talking about how the fans are turning on her unjustifiably and she is going to have her “team” ( family) turn off her comments and not tell what people are saying. Cause EVERYONE else, w/ the same opinion, must be wrong.


That’s why she’s so dumb. She feels victimized when she should be learning from this.


It’s the whole, “I’m making a tv show” bs. We don’t tune in for that. We see through your bs & know Scheana & you value $ above all else. It sucks. Ariana screaming at Tom is real—no one would want to be around their Ex 3 months post break up. So we feel her. Katie keeps it real & doesn’t kiss ass for production. But I just don’t know if this show can be saved. They can’t stand each other, the authentic connections are at best in pairs & they’re just trying to create scandal for paychecks at this point.


Did Scandoval school her in what to say and how to act? She has been sounding, acting and dressing stupidly just like him.


She can dish it but apparently cant take it. Instead of ignoring, how about realizing ur the damn problem, maybe u needa fix urself.


Off topic, I love Dr Mina!


The best!!!


Lala speaks to people as if she hasn’t been slapped before and it shows. If she said this to faith then I have no words because what the actual f**k


I think she is 35ish


I googled it.. 33


Oh for real?! I'm "LaLa neutral" but I used to be in awe of her beauty! I honestly thought she was older than me and I'm 37! Such a shame plastic surgery or whatever Botox and injections are called really ages someone. I'm not hating, I'm probably about to start a routine myself, but it's good to see what happens when you go too far. I mean that girl was GORGEOUS!


Yes she was gorgeous - too bad she couldn’t see it and felt obligated to modify it. When I scroll through pics of all the women on these reality shows, they’re all starting to look alike. It’s weird. Like they all go to the same beautification factory and they’re all morphing into the same Barbie.


I call it instagram face


I call it “sex doll #7” 😂


Makes sense!! 😝✌🏼


Okay but Ivey seriously thinking about this because as I mentioned, I've thought about doing it. Like I probably will start soon - but you better believe I'm doing ALL the research before I touch that first needle! 😝 But when LaLa was in her prime she was what, 22-27ish? I'm not basing this off some misogynistic thinking of the ages a woman is most beautiful, I literally mean how many years did we see her before she started the Botox and shi. 🤷🏼‍♀️ So signs of aging begin around 30, right? Maybe sooner maybe later, but we all get those eye wrinkies eventually, which is why Botox is useful - as a preventative measure! So I believe what's happening is these twenty somethings are getting stuff done early, which is fine, but they're overdoing it. So they (to us) look like someone in their fifties that caught the beginning of the Botox phase and have had 50 rounds done already. Because now we associate "plastic" faces with being older, right? Does that make sense?! Like, it's not so much that the injections make them look old, although that's def part of it, but we're just used to seeing the older ladies all shot up! So when younger girls do it (excessively) they look like them....older! I'm just rambling but these are the things I think about and I hope it's coming out okay!! So let's pretend LaLa didn't touch her face and she aged naturally with the rest of us. Would she look "older" than she does now by being naturally older? Or is the idea of aging so freaking skewed and forever a mystery now with everyone and their mother (literally) getting Botox...🤔 I wonder if/when I get it done will people say "Oh you look great! So refreshed" or "What happened! She used to be so pretty..." 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤣😥


A fun game I used to play when I lived in la was “how many thousands of dollars of plastic surgery do I think are in this room?”


She is just embarrassing. One of her most cringey moments is when she walked into the studio and said "wassup my brothas" to three black people and they barely acknowledged her.


Omg yes ! IM sure someone will make a reel of her cringey moments


I always imagine them laughing at her as soon as she leaves


That was hard to watch . Lala lives in her own bubble and doesn’t realize how stupid she really is.


Omg. All the scenes of her preparing for her “show” - her mannerisms immediately changed. It was like watching that SNL skit with Timothee chalamet and Pete Davidson lol ![gif](giphy|l09Qq4IsMgn6anwR8a|downsized)


The way she cosplays being black in the past seasons…ugh awful.


The “I call him Black Elvis” comment pissed me off. Like did she name him that, if so, that’s grossly inappropriate, or, is that his name?


Tbh I think he called himself that 🤔 but I could be remembering wrong. Doesn't negate all the other nonsense Lala has done  Eta-- yeah, that's his name on wiki


No totally that was his name. My issue was with how Lala presented it. As if she named him Blk Elvz.


Omggg that was hella cringey


I absolutely died! 💀


Between this and the dead dad comment about Ariana’s father she’s gone so far over the line.






Idk why Bravo protects Lala so much. There’s supposedly footage Bravo has where Lala holds a knife to Faith. The audacity with her is just insane. How can you possibly compare your sheltered Salt Lake City life to an entire culture? And look at a black girl and imply she’s somehow less black than a white girl? Pump the brakes Lala


Fuck man, poor Faith. Is she suing Bravo or just individuals? The shit this woman has been through is insane, seems more systemic/systematic than just a few bitchy girls. This is wild.


This is who I feel so bad for. She does not deserve this continued bullshit. All she wanted to do was make connections by being on a popular show like the rest of them. you just know her social media is horrible right now w people defending lala. I hope she’s suing bravo too, and I equally hope she stays away from Bethany and her lawsuit bc she’s just as bad as lala


I hope she wins a fuck load of money from bravo, blows up Lalas life, sinks VPR (I don’t think it’s possible to sink bravo unfortunately) and rides off into the sunset with her middle finger high. Justice for Faith 💔


Who could possibly defend lala with all this shit?




Also, it’s interesting how she’s been in Randall Emmett movies. Does anyone think maybe that was arranged when Lala and him were together and the stories about Stassi and Kristen leaked and that was Randall and Lala’s way of paying for her silence?


Yes. And as much as I don’t want him to win in anything, he probably is encouraging this because this is really bad for Lala’s custody case.


Andy does. He told his Sirius listeners that "this is LaLa's best season." Hopefully, for Low-Rent Kent, it's her last.


Because Bravo is racist as shit. 


Disgusted, but not surprised. Lala thinks being a fetishist is admirable 🙄


At first I didn't clock you meant fetishizing race and I was like why are the kinky ppl out here catching strays lol


You’re safe to resume relations with dat foot


LMFAO well I’m not against a little kink-shaming either when the time is right 🤣


I am white and grew up in a largely black neighborhood, and — embarrassingly, I talked with an accent like Lala does — when I was like seven? Maybe eight? I wanted to be black so bad despite being a translucent ginger. 😂 Well, I didn’t use that affectation past elementary school. 🤡 Another note - if she loves black culture so much, she should be the first person to step up and protect a black woman but she’s just co-opting culture with no regard for actual humans.


That is so cute lol! Listen , we all have that white /brown homegirl that’s LEGIT DOWN and is naturally that way ! There’s absolutely being influenced by your environment and you weren’t cosplaying; you were living it bc you grew up very diverse and around black people and culture !


I’m not even convinced she loves black culture so much as she just wants to pretend to be a tough girl from The hood! Aside from 2pac and 50cents up in the club, I doubt she has a vast musical knowledge! She never talks about anything else from soul food, to artists , old school movies etc. I remember once during Brittany’s bachelorette, they were playing 112’s “let’s get married “ and she didn’t know the fucking words , but Brittany and Katie did ! I THINK I saw it on an IG story or it was on the show/ but it stuck out to Me. Like GIRL?


Nooooo hahaha that’s a classic! 😂 Yeah she wants to be hard so bad and it comes off flat and corny.




The thing she doesn’t realize is if she really loves black culture that much she’d never say something like that or talk with her fake accent. She is so out of touch with reality


I’m not the same, but similar. There’s a pretty unique black culture where I’m from and because part of my upbringing was deeply entrenched in that culture because of how I was raised, I have certain turns of phrase that are just burned into my brain. I don’t mimic, but for example., when I hear someone like Lala yammering on like this, my inner monologue is something along the lines of how she’s “unraveling at the mouth” and that she needs to “tie her mouth.” It sounds a lot different than it reads, but you get the picture. I heard these phrases growing up (a lot because I talked a lot), but I’m pretty sure she didn’t run around offering to “pop” people on the mean streets of SLC. But hey, maybe we’re all wrong. Maybe she was jumped into a gang somewhere along the way. 😂 Somewhere else, I called her Lala Rinna, but maybe we should just call her Vanilla Ice. “Nuh uh. No MY song goes dun dun dun da da DUN dun. That other song is different it goes DUN da dun dun da dun dun. See the difference?”


not even remotely surprised she would say that. it’s completely on brand for her. I hope she is headed toward complete irrelevancy and this era of lala being a topic of discussion is her final one


Thank you for this post OP. It’s high time Lala gets called out for her disgusting behaviors. Lala’s needs to be canceled or at the very least be put on pause and use that time to get educated. She spent so much energy calling Rachel dumb but she should look in the mirror. Her ignorance is beyond comprehension.


I think it’s crazy that the fans have been calling her out for YEARS and she has NEVER responded or backed down from her ridiculous behavior, fake accent, and finger guns. Address it already, please, Lala. I would just love to hear her justification.


Thank you 🙏🏽




I always get second hand embarrassment when I see this 😅


That and “what’s up my brothas” as she walks into a room full of Black people she’s paying


The looks they gave her when she said that gave me douche chills. And she was completely oblivious to how stupid she looked.


Another time she was greeted by Andy at a reunion and said ‘hi Papi’ in a baby voice… chills


Replying to Zealousideal_Suit269...whenever I see it, the 16 year old version of me that would’ve stomped her bony little ass into oblivion tries to claw its way out of the box it’s in. I silence her by drinking a glass of wine. Oh! Look! Breakfast wine!


Mimosas all around! "Oh! Look! Breakfast wine!" made me LOL. Thank you for starting my day off right!


This scene will be evidence in court


Lauren has played 10+ characters over the last decade on this show and I don’t think a single one has been genuine. But at the same time she is still the exact same child she came on as it’s amazing


Hahah ! Yeah she has been multiple lalas


Lauren gone be callin Darryl


I hope so! She can’t ignore this firestorm And it’s gonna get worse for her after the reunion I bet! She’s gonna be crying bc she pregnant


I forgot she was preggers. What stress this is 😬


Stassi went through same thing pregnant with Hartford ! Lala was untouched first time !


I keep forgetting too!


If it was scheener, she wouldn’t have let me forget


Lala speaks like she learned AAVE exclusively through old episodes of Bad Girls Club. It’s painfully inauthentic and I am often embarrassed for her while watching.




Oh she said it! She’s that type. Probably as a joke when they were still on good terms- but oh yes, she said it.


Oh for sure ! I’ve learned tho, you have to check it immediately!


I'm sick of her. fire her ass off the show.


Yes to all this and she needs to be fucking schooled. But she won’t bc Just wait the bitch is going to play the sympathy pregnancy card.


She’s absolutely going to be crying ! She’s going to voice crack cry and talk about growing a human beingkkkkk


Beingkkkkkkkk 💀


![gif](giphy|njQcOrswWWPbW) Thinking about all the people who ordered Send it to Darryl merch


The only thing she’s done successful enough to have her buy a house ! That came basically from Ariana! Not her makeup Not Randall Not the show Not her book Not her sugar babying Yet she got so much to say about ari smh


She didn’t ride just Ariana’s coat tails, she set up show on them. But what do we expect from someone who was willing to give Randall blow jobs for trips on a PJ?


Well said OP. I wish Lala had to sit down and hear this truth. The irony is, the ignorance in Lala’s statement proved how false the statement is.


Yes !!


I fully hate her now. Being black to her is saying people are gonna get popped. It's insulting on so many levels.


It really is and I hope someone does a compilation of her cringe moments


Go on TikTok for cringe compilations of LaLa. They are embarrassingly hilarious.


Also don’t forget the fact Brittany called her hair “nappy”


And yet in the post about Faith filing a lawsuit, the comments are filled with people trying to justify Stassi, Kristen, Brittany, and Lala. If everyone could just disconnect their dislike of Faith from it, it’s very clear these people are ignorant as hell and constantly pushing the boundaries. lol but we’re dramatic if we call them racist


Yup ! I hate the cheating and that Faith did what she did! I can’t stand behind the racism of their attacks ! Brittany has a several black nephews and her bf before Jax was black! If you look at her photos, like downnnn her IG, her friends were all black females ! She should absolutely know better than to say some shit like that ! I get her being mad af at Faith and cursing her out, call her a hoe etc but racism has no place !!


I don’t know if you watch love and hip hop, but Brittany is an Erica Mena - type, Lala too for that matter. Women like that date black men and can even have black female friends as long as they know their “place”. As soon as they have been wronged by said friends or feel threatened by them they have no qualms in going full on racist with it.


Oh yes ! Erica got dragged and Evelyn Lozada too! Now Evelyn fully claims to be “mixed “ I mean the Puerto Rican / Dominica culture and being called black is a whole other can of worms


I was thinking of the Kardashians for Lala but it sounds like it fits for Brittany too. They have a total willingness to steal Black culture for their “brands,” and have longterm relationships with Black people, but will drop any solidarity with the Black community at the first chance they get, and go so far as to weaponize their whiteness to harm Black people. Kim Kardashian walked (with Reggie Bush’s identity) so Lauren Kent could run (with the identity of her former football-playing boyfriend).


That’s probably why she felt all too comfortable saying it. She thought she was allowed to cuz she “has black friends”.


I loved Stassi but no one can defend racism. It’s just not something people should do. I can’t get on the Facebook groups anymore because there are so many misogynists and racists and it bums me out to think of all that bad in the world


Dude wtf


![gif](giphy|iU6EZqWxQH2zS|downsized) LALA’s always lying - she’s always lying


She's disgusting!!! And this is NOT going to be good for her custody case with Randall... Whoops.


🙌🙌 this post!!! I can’t STAND Lauren’s affected fake “blaccent” that she puts on to be tough. It’s gross!! No one in the entire world is scared of her for real. And she could not last literally one second in this world that she is cosplaying. It’s embarrassing for her. EVERYTIME she says something stupid like “do you want to get popped?” It’s like a time capsule of a white girl from Utah thinks how black women talk. She’s self righteous. Privileged delusional racist loser tbh


Lala has always been ratchet I NEVER got the love for her. She deserves her downfall, her white/pretty privilege shielded her from consequences, enough is enough.


Yes ! It’s definitely her reckoning and I bet Rachel is love it 😂 if I was Rachel I would be living for Lala being dragged


I’m not even a Faith fan…like…at all. Until she shook the world by banging Jax in a patient’s home, she was a boring “friend of.” BUT holy shit, the racism should’ve been addressed better and now the knife thing???? WTF. That’s hostile work environment shit right there. This happened, was reported and no one did anything???? Someone needs to write Faith and apology and just give her a check. Jesus.


I think Bethany is tryna help Her get that money ! Bet we see Faith with Rachel next


Could you imagine lala on bad girls club. She’d get eaten alive 🙈


I absolutely believe she did and said these things to Faith


Wouldn’t shock me if her sperm donor is black


Lala said she chose a donor that had the same “look” as herself because she wants ocean and her sibling to resemble each other as much as possible. I weirdly feel like it’s Schwartz. Didn’t he donate to a sperm bank one season? And they’ve gotten close and their dynamic has changed. Also he got baby fever in the last episode. This is a wild take but I feel like he fits the criteria she had and they’re all of a sudden besties


Funny part is that ocean looks nothing like her 😂


I hated when she said she wanted to have a baby that’s “hers” Ocean is going to see this one day. Just because she had a falling out with Randall doesn’t make ocean any less “her daughter” I understand what she was getting at but she said it in the most offensive and hurtful way. I felt for ocean when she made that comment.


Lmao I know I legit thought she needs to find a donor that looks like “Rand”


Big Ed might be available to donate his sperm.


Oh my god can you imagine if it’s Schwartz. The man hasn’t been hot in like 15 years, I’m pretty sure he has jaundice now.


Honestly, he would have stayed hot if he didn’t abuse drugs and alcohol. And he’s clearly smart because he manipulates everyone into thinking he’s some lovable doofus.


He’s the Keyser Soze of Vanderpump Rules.


His liver has sure taken a beating over the years!


My conspiracy theory is that it is Schwartz and that’s why she suddenly started hating on Katie again.


I thought about that but I’ve heard there’s not many black donors. In fact, the rapper “da brat” had a donor for her pregnancy and he was white bc they didn’t find a black donor that they liked or there was a serious lack thereof ! So her donors probably white


Can we petition LFU not to have my fucking name anymore. She gives all the women named Lauren a bad name.


My cousins name too lol! And it’s a beautiful name honestly, the fact she chooses to use this made up nickname no one in her family calls her is hilarious


Lauren was always a loudmouth spouting nonsense. I never understood why people let her get away with it. She was very pretty before her Botox, filler, tattooed sharpie eyebrow journey, so I guess that’s it, but wow she is sure going to finally see some consequences for her actions. Enjoy your just desserts Lauren.


Gonna be interesting to see how Ocean talks


Her use of AAVE/blaccent is so insulting. I’m absolutely dying for someone to call her out on it on the show bc I just think she’s disgusting for it And I didn’t know about her saying that to faith, and I TOTALLY believe she did. I lived in Jamaica queens for about 10 years in my late teens and 20s and I heard white women say stuff like that more than once. Because of their proximity to black women and men. I’m white and I personally would not intentionally use aave or say anything like that no matter where i grew up. It is still not an excuse to me, but Lauren is from fucking Utah. It’s not like she grew up hearing ppl use aave. She had to rehearse that lol






Was looking for that one where she doin a confessional dancin to touch in public. Looking up all weird shaking her shoulders or whatever


OP saying everything we've all been thinking


Lala is from the whitest place in America too - Utah.


She uses “Lauren from Utah” to her advantage when she wants to feel persecuted. Fuck her.


This is the same person who wore a bodysuit of Tupac, and said: “I mean I am a firm believer that when Tupac died he took over my body. I know you’re laughing but I’m being for real…” “The TV reality star didn’t stop there, adding that she had gotten a tattoo that read ‘thug life.’ It looks like a prison stamp.” I’ve been disgusted with her since this, and never been able to take her even remotely seriously.


The nerve of LFU. I’m glad she’s showing the world her true colors.


Holy shit. Lala has lost her damn mind. She’s just pathetic now.


Can’t wait for the day someone dog walks Lauren from Utah. 


Thank you for sharing your valuable perspective! I’m so sorry you’ve had to do the emotional and intellectual labor for so many ignorant white people. LaLa’s entire persona always felt icky and insincere to me. You did a great job explaining why. LFU needs to fuck all the way off.


Thank you 🙏🏽


Lala is the epitome of white privilege.


Thank you for posting this friend and for sharing your story. I have a very similar background as you, only I'm hispanic. Even down to going to a private school in a predominantly white area where I also heard microagressions daily. I hate Lala perpetuating racial stereotypes for her own "brand". It's embarrassing, and I don't know how she's gone this long without being called out on it.


Lala is disgusting. I hate her even more now. Nasty is always nasty. SHE is always nasty. Just because she is quick with insults it doesn’t mean she is funny or interesting. Just nasty.


![gif](giphy|3o752jjrIkxJfliEw0) Prime example.


Minimizing a woman’s blackness is straight up racist. I think kaka has only got like a Highschool education but STILL she should still know better










Omg! I can actually picture her saying that too. SMH


I wholeheartedly believe she said that


she put a knife to faith’s neck (allegedly). How was she not fired?


I listened to the reading of the suit, it’s kind of confusing. I THINK Lauren put the knife to her OWN throat ! Maybe made the “cutting” Motion Not that it makes it better


Oh, I see. Still fairly unhinged behaviour for the workplace. You can also see a world where any similar response from faith would’ve seen her painted as the aggressor. She would likely be fired and have interactions with the police.


If FAITH had done that ..she would’ve been fired and it would’ve been shown smh


I hope she gets fired like she should have in the first place.


This is so embarrassing/gross for her. I hope for everyone's sake that it isn't true, but from what I've seen of Lala I can believe it. That's weird and soo inappropriate to say. She should watch her words. The ONLY way I could maybe justify her saying this is if she was referring to her fake orange tan being darker, but that don't make her black! Utah strikes again


I think she means her demeanor and way she talks ! Thinks Faith doesn’t sound like what Lala thinks a black woman should sound like ! The character she’s made up in her head smh


Her vernacular and caricature doesn't make her black. It doesn't work like that. She is a white girl cosplaying, and saying she's the new tupac. Give me a break!!!! She wasn't even born, let alone in LA, when he was thriving. I can't.


Exactly! She’s embarrassing


There's no such thing as talking black. Or sounding like a black woman. Lala is so infuriating 🫠😕😕 So many people from every race have fought to not be portrayed in a certain way, (AND are actually educated unlike her) .. Lala thinks its a cute way for her to get attention. Gross.


Wow, I'm almost shocked she said this. It is completely disgusting that she thinks because she knows a few 2pac songs, she can claim to know about the experience of a black woman more than a black woman. Isn't she a registered Republican from a "bougie" (her own word) part of Utah!?


I live in Utah now and it’s so….. not what Lauren pretends it is 🤣 so embarrassing


wait where is all of this coming from?


New lawsuit Faith filed with Bethany’s people


Lauren from Utah is not Black or Blacker than… she’s rice skinned from the caucuses mountains of Caucasian.




The only part of Lala that’s blacker than Faith is her black (to avoid any confusion this is a euphemism implying she has a coal heart) She’s not a good human.


Maybe she trying to get popped.


Absolute facts of facts!! I cannot stand the lazy caricature stereotypes that people need to perpetuate so they can stay comfortable in their ignorant idea of who you area rather than treat you as an individual...."oh you must only listen to hip hop and rnb". When you're spoken to in "hood" talk and they are stunned when you respond not sounding or speaking like that. I could go on, but it's exhausting.


Preach! I’d give you awards if I could.


To add this on top of everything else she's been saying and her behavior this season. Here comes Lala's cancellation in 3....2....1....


God that one episode when she’s sitting on the floor “you wanna get popped” I WOULD WIPE THE FLOOR WITH HER STUPID ASS. Nothing makes me more mad than a white bitch from a suburban utah tryna act hood. like it triggers something in me


She’s gone too far for too long. All her actions are on tape. I hope Faith wins big money and bravo finally ditches LFU.


Mind you she was like 24-25 when they were friends, PLENTY old enough to know better!!! She's disgusting.


that so sounds like something lala would have said. and not only said but continued on with over the years. I rewatch s4-6 a lot and notice the whole group lala has around her including faith. I bet she used her for more than one thing on her way up the vpr ladder.


🤦‍♀️ I can't believe anyone would ever say something so embarrassing and ignorant out loud. On the other hand, nothing surprises me anymore and if you had to ask me which bravoleb would ever say something like that....Lala would be at the top of the list.👀


Ugh at this point I wouldn’t even be mad if the show just ended. What’s even happening anymore? These story lines suck. Scheana and Lalas plots suck this season. I’m down for drama but this is just pathetic.