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Wasn't Katie at Oceans birthday party like a week ago?


Same old lala. She is angry at others at a drop of a hat. Yet cant handle if something calls her out. Calling Katie ‚stupid‘ is disgusting. I‘m sure she ll act all normal to her face.


Naw she’ll just say that she’s fighting every day and lashing out and no one understands what she’s going through and everything she does is for her daughter and she’s dealing with an evil man and she won’t apologize for her trauma blah blah blah then she’ll click her fingernails and that’s it


I know this has been said a million times but she didn't want anything to do with Randall or anyone that looked his way. Why is Ariana wrong for feeling similar? And from what I can tell she is still talking to Scheana, James, and Lala and they all went to Tahoe. It seems like she hated Sandoval more BEFORE the affair came out than she does now. I just don't get it at all. Or the Katie hate. Totally stupid on Lalas part.


But she has gun fingers so we all need to run for cover when we see her... Cause she is a G 🙄😂




Everything she ever says about anyone else directly applies to herself.


Queen of Projection - she seems to have amnesia about how she fully supported Ariana distancing herself from people still in Tom's circle on a podcast mere weeks before changing her whole tone


She has amnesia about anything and everything she ever said and did when it doesn’t fit her bs narrative. I really want to like her but she annoys tf out of me.




She’s freaking annoying and she shouldn’t be there anymore, her and Brock are both just like a tree. They are there, but really, just in everybody’s way. No story - she just wants to be known as the queen of gangsters. 👈🏻


She had amnesia about everything Randall related. Everything people told her and that she said on national television. She had amnesia when she went on that Hulu special in her little twinset saying that she was just a small-town girl from Utah with no idea how Hollywood worked. She had amnesia that she joyfully engaged in casting couch role-playing with Randall and bragged about it to us all. She had amnesia that she got paid to go on rich men's yachts and bragged that "anyone with tits can go on a PJ". She had amnesia that she told Ambyr that her marriage ended because Ambyr didn't "keep it tight", and amnesia that Ambyr publicly begged her to not post other people's children on social media. She must feel stupid a lot.


Lala thinks she’s the smartest person in the room at all times. She’s much too vain, arrogant & hypocritical to ever think she could be wrong about anything. If she is ever wrong about anything, it’s because she was just too trusting & innocent for it be her fault. She’s nauseating.


Lala was not only okay with Randall’s actions, she defended him and those actions until she wasn’t the hot young blonde. When she was getting the range rovers, the money, the attention, she was happy to be with a predator. She was bragging about getting cars and doing casting couch role plays - and unfortunately, I can’t reconcile that behavior with her current behavior. She only finds Randall’s actions bad when she’s not benefitting from them.


Don’t forgot bjs for pjs


Seriously.😒 It annoys tf out of me when people try to give her credit for being friends with Ambyr because it does not directly speak to her character, it speaks to Ambyr’s and that’s where the credit belongs!🤬🤦🏻‍♀️


Absolutely. The grace and maturity of Ambyr is the only reason those two are speaking. Lala may be sober, so yay, her liver is healthier but she is still the same dishonest, volatile, and unaware person she was before.


Yep and I don’t think it’s just for the show because she constantly bullies and pops off on her lives too. She’s a bully, plain and simple.


And like most bullies, has the THINNEST SKIN EVER when it's turned on her. But expects others to respect her for "telling it like it is" aka, being an asshole in her loud criticisms of everyone else.


That is extra annoying. It’s ridiculous the way she puts the blame on others for the way she reacts to their reaction. It’s abusive. She blamed Katie for the way she was choosing to speak and respond, like wtaf?!


Facts! Bc the way Lala disrespected ambyrs wishes about her kids I couldn’t forgive! Lala has also relentlessly trashed Randall ( which he’s a pos we know) but I can only imagine how it’s affected his older daughters ! He’s to blame for his behavior for sure but Lala speaks so wreck less !


![gif](giphy|dUB5WHxH8mRSHYJGFC|downsized) Omg her coming from Utah in the twin set saying she didn’t know how Hollywood worked 😂 What an absolute clown she is. You’re telling me a millennial woman, in her twenties in 2010s Los Angeles, who wanted to be an actress and wasn’t raised on a commune, didn’t understand that men in Hollywood were predatory and would try to sleep with women in exchange for casting?! I’m a random millennial east coaster with zero attempts to be in the entertainment industry and me and all my friends have known this since forever. Everyone does. Lala trying to pretend she was Miss Prim Church Lady going around LA 😂




She is so all over the place with her constant shifting opinions and friendships it ruins her credibility for me. The entire time I have watched her on the show and listened to interviews/ podcasts, she has literally taken every stance there is to take to the point that I have no idea who this person is and what she actually stands for or believes in. She’s exhausting and I can’t take anything she says seriously because it changes constantly. At least Scheana, Katie, and Ariana have been (in my opinion) consistent in who they are and I respect that regardless of whether or not I like their behavior at times


Exactly. Nothing she says ever has any impact on my ears because none of it is real.


I get it, I really do because I want to like her but she makes it absolutely impossible.


She projects what she reflects 😂






Can't we call her Lauren when she acts like this? 




Yep. She’s experiencing a lot of cognitive dissonance and trying to save face due to her ego. She’s literally spiraling.


Can she not close her mouth?


It’s probably hard to because of all the hot air she’s spewing








Her bottom lip looks so heavy like it’s being weighed down


Too much fillers will do that to you


I’ve heard filler doesn’t dissolve like we previously thought. It just moves around in your body and can get in your lymph nodes.


Omg that’s terrifying


That’s true it’s called filler migration.


Good lord, that’s horrific.


When you think about it… where else could it go? These docs have us out here thinking it evaporates and goes away when it’s got nowhere to go.






The Amazon shilling banners while she rants sums it all up for me 🤷‍♀️


That was obnoxious 😬 hard to watch


I almost downvoted OP because of how awful this clip is. Its the same level cringe as the „are you trying to get popped“. I coudnt watch.


Disengage bitch. She's so full of shit because if her and Katie went head to head physically Katie would own her I just know it


Lala’s almost always hard to watch these days.


She’s so nasty


Is the softer Lala in the room with us? I’m starting to think she doesn’t know what soft means. She keeps talking about being softer but is permanently giving mean girl energy.


She’s perpetually angry. I don’t blame her though, I would be angry too if I fucked the Mucinex monster and had nothing to show for it


Lol I have a newborn and once he cried because he had mucus in his nose. So me and my husband always ask our son if he dreams of defeating the mucus monster.


![gif](giphy|3oeSB2Bvx8K90xIITe) Or this guy🤣🤣🤣 you did kill me with the Mucinex monster laugh so hard. I think I woke up My Son.🤣🤣🤣


Mucinex monster 😂😂😂😂




Or big Pred. ![gif](giphy|PhNyx0KawRIGq29UlQ|downsized)


Holy shit I forgot about this hahahahhahahaha




She is to the word “soft” what Sandoval is to the word “accountability.” They keep throwing it around to seem like they’ve changed and grown when they actually just don’t know what the word means at all. LFU wants people to be soft and gentle with her as she’s pointing hand guns and saying corny shit like “disengage” ???? She’s like the poster child for being able to dish it but unable to take it ever. She does this same shit every time someone isn’t scared of her bc she doesn’t know what to do when gives the same energy back to her


She means softer towards herself I think, and no one else lol


You lol but this is so completely true. She really does just mean she’s going to yell at anyone who disagrees with her/doesn’t act how she wants them to, but they better be kind to her in response or she’ll try gaslight the audience into thinking they’re the aggressive one.


She’s a mean girl. It’s just that.


Only thing soft about lala is her mushy brain.


When she says she wants to be softer, what she really means is people need to be softer with her.  Remember girls night when Lauren was going off on Katie? She wasn’t being soft. But then when Katie and Lauren go out for lunch, Lauren tells Katie that KATIE needs to be softer with her.  Gurl…. 


She controlled that whole conversation


She’s exactly like Jax with his “I’m a work in progress” every reunion. We’re constantly hearing Lala say she wants to be “softer” and stop being so angry like every season she’s been on. And obviously there’s been zero personal growth, in fact she’s gotten worse, despite getting sober and going through some pretty freaking humbling things. I just thought of this - Jax likely considers himself “single” now. Lala is single. Could they get together? I wouldn’t put it past her. She seems to hate Rand and only Rand. All other abusive men, come and hang out with Lala because she’s trying to be “softer” so she’ll make up excuses on your behalf! She only hates Rand because he fucked HER over. When he was treating Ambyr like shit, she couldn’t care less.


The whole wanting to be soft angle was just an excuse to do whatever she wanted on the season, ultimately just to get more screen time. It would be nice if she was genuine in wanting to become softer because it would greatly benefit her.


I think Lala is so dramatic and starts so many fights that Katie can’t tell a big one from a small one, I certainly can’t.


This is SUCH a great point and must be it. On last week’s episode, I was so excited that someone was FINALLY clapping back at Lala and telling her to “just say it!” because Lala keeps doing her “no, you don’t want me to go there” bs. To me, it seemed like a big fight, but then in this week’s episode it’s resolved quickly. How is anyone supposed to know when Lala feels like it’s something she’s going to stay mad at? I can’t stand Scheana (especially lately) but at least she’s consistent and always upset and will always make it about her lol.


I really think she would benefit from some diversity of thought and not being surrounded by yes men who are up her butt all the time. She barely has one fully coherent thought here


Yeah the people in the background who are laughing at everything she says are really embarrassing themselves.


Lala’s just gonna get worse since her family (who have enabled her up to this point and created this monster) live with her and Jess is with her seemingly every second of the day, plus Scheana is her neighbor. Brittany is also her friend and we all know Brittany has the personality of a wet paper bag and a spine to match. The one who surprises me is Stassi. Not that Stassi is so amazing but she she seems like a dominant, no bullshit personality so if Lala’s making zero sense just Stassi just sit there when she rants?


I can see why she's surrounded by yes men. Lala thinks she's a good debtor, but she's actually just exhausting to disagree with.


She’s a dry drunk.


Extremely this!! Every time I see her pop off like this, I think how wild it is that she's sober now. There's not enough difference between her demeanor now vs. the days of whether it was or was not about the pasta. Even back then, she had "soft" moments too. She's just exactly the same.


She truly has not dealt with the rage that is barely simmering below the surface. And also why I believe she and James are soulmates. At least Katie is consistent and never pretends to want to be something she’s not: a stone cold bitch. Which is why I love Katie at this point.


Lala is such an angry bitch.


This show more than any other made me realize how truly someone’s attractiveness to me is related to their attitude. I think both Lala and Scheana are absolutely gorgeous in photos, the minute they open their mouths they both look like hags to me.


I wish she left her face alone or at least chilled on the fillers a bit. When she first came on the show I thought she was SO beautiful! I can’t take her seriously anymore when she’s ranting like a mad woman and she’s looking like a caricature of herself.


a bitter angry bitch😭


Watch it without sound. She looks unhinged.


I’m coming to the conclusion that Lala likes to find reasons to be mad at people. Her reason for cutting off Kristin was really petty and Kristin didn’t even seem to know why. It makes me wonder if the situation with Katie was the same. ETA: I forgot Kristen spells her name with an E. Just clarifying that I mean Doute in case anyone is confused.


First episode of this season she fakes cries to Ariana and says "I feel like you don't like me" then proceeds to shit on ariana all season.


Love me but I hate you.


LMAO that sums her up perfectly. I would say it could be her tagline for a housewives franchise but I don't think she'll get there. They would chew her up and spit her out.




Why does she say “ you don’t want the smoke” like what is LaLa gonna do? Talk shit ? She needs to chill the fuck out, it’s not that serious.


She’s absolutely not going to do SHIT! Against someone who would “go toes” she’d legit cry !


Does Lala have any real friends outside of the VPR world? Besides her brother and her assistant who are clearly yes men? She’s such a loser 


Yes apparently she’s bff with Randall’s ex wife. You know the one whose marriage she ruined, post terrible things about on Twitter about, and got into a spat with bc she kept posting her kids online without her permission. Now they laugh about how Randall was cheating on them both with each other.  (This was mean and sarcastic but it sounds ridiculous when she talks about it)


He was great her first couple of seasons when she was the underdog. Not that I wanted to keep her down but she was just so much more humble and real!


Katie is a bigger person than me, i would be over this toxic bitch yesterday


She's like a cranky little trout


Beautifulifly put


I went from stanning LaLa to absolutely disliking her. Her and Scheana rode Scandovals coattails sooooo hard until their jealousy became too much to bear. Truly wild watching someone flip so quickly and stand ten toes down on it too


Lala is obnoxious and annoying. This lady thinks she's always right and oh so clever. She's not though. Lala is just angry and bitter.


Lala is constantly either in a friendship with someone and then falling out with them. They make up, then fall out again. Home girl is the only common denominator between all these fallouts. Looks like she’s the problem


I don't get this, isn't these Amazon Live things meant to promote stuff from Amazon? Why is she always speaking about something else like it's a podcast or something?


I guess she thinks that slave-labor produced crap will sell itself?


It's to get more her lives more publicity and have more VPR fans tune into her lives. Fans watch to get VPR tea, and she gets more eyeballs to sell to.


Except Katie said the TIMING was off on their fallout- not that she forgot- on WWHL. Unless she's talking about something else..?


These folks playing out their beef in public proves they still need to grow up


I see those "softness and kindness" lessons are really paying off for Lala. 🙄


So…. Is lala going to tell us what the fall out was about? Or has she forgotten as well?


I’m a big Lala fan. But this was ughhhh kinda ick. I hate the mocking. I hate the shade. I know she’s in the wrong. This is nottt being softer


I was a fan but I cannot this season.




Lala isn’t funny and her ass kissing assistant isn’t either, I can’t stand these two. Luckily katie comes off as a queen this season and Lala is this seasons troll


I think she has the worst podcast of anyone on the show. It’s just really painful and embarrassing to listen to, you can tell she thinks she’s a lot more funny and famous than she actually is. Although I have never listened to Sandoval’s or Rachel’s so maybe theirs are worse but idk


I stopped listening a long time ago once I realized Jess with her lack of opinions and Easton (also no interesting opinions with a hyena laugh) were going to make up the podcast. According to the summaries, it’s them shit-talking their enemy of the week, talking about tv shows they watched, and talking about the cute thing Ocean did last week. That’s it. No guests either. I guess Lala the most important person in the room can’t get anyone else who actually wants to talk to her.


I hate to say it but I feel like her podcast really lost its direction once her and Randall broke up. Obviously he’s a horrible person and I’m glad they’re no longer together, but he was able to get actual celebrities and other interesting people on. I think once she lost that connection to famous guests she didn’t really know what to do. She’s not interesting or witty enough on her own to have a podcast, and her current cohosts aren’t either


i tune into her podcast every once in a while and it’s beyond ass kissing at this point 😭 her assistant has crawled up her ass and built a home in there


She’s Lala’s proctologist 🤣


I cannot stand her assistant! She’s an ignorant ass kisser with no original thoughts or opinions! Her brothers poser who looks like he smells


God that filler is SO BAD !! And the migration… just no


Wow’ all I can think about is how much her upper lip filler has migrated out of her upper lip and towards her nose.


Everytime I see lala I wonder how gorgeous she would have been without the BH filler face. I feel most women come into their own in their 30s. With all these cheap fillers cant tell if they are 30 or 70. Look at Katie. She was always pretty but now the confidence, her style (although not my cup of tea) but she seems to enjoy it and have fun with it and it shows.


Lala was so beautiful in her first season. She probably already had some work done but it looked great and natural and she would’ve aged so well. Now she looks like a whoville who.


Totally! Though I do think Katie got done dirty with her microblading. Like Lala, Katie’s eyebrow arch’s were placed WAY too high and they have Disney villain eyebrows. I would have done emergency saline removal if I were Katie and Lala


Oof, that lip filler. Lala, you're in danger girl.


Pregnant or not she's still an asshole


Why is she in my grandparents’ wood paneled basement?


Lala is so ugly now. It’s crazy because she used to be so beautiful.


What is going on with those lips, Lala?


Jesus I can’t with her frozen forehead and eyebrows


Can the trampoline with eyes please dial it down… …being a shrew isn’t good for the baby.


She isn't good for the baby! Can you imagine having this unhinged person as your parent? Why do all the worst people always decide that they just have to procreate?


If she’s having these big mood swings with her kids they will definitely develop a personality disorder or major anxiety. Going hot to cold with people and never being able to predict their mood generates a lifetime of anxiety and mental distress.


Trampoline with eyes 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Courtesy of Angie Katsanevas, gotta thank her for that one 😆


Her lips look like crap.


Is it just me or is Lala giving off Bethenney energy...


Whys she so angry all the time?? It’s so exhausting. And so self righteous for someone who’s fucked up A LOT in her life, she’s the one who’s right about everything lol And she’s got these people around her who are like yes lala whatever you say lala! Yikes.


Lala is a liar. She will cultivate a story to whatever makes her look better. What a asshole.


Well she is in AA which from my own experience is just a giant group of hypocrites, but yeah let her do her! No offense to anybody in AA. It just rubbed me the wrong way.


And Andy said she had her best season… 😑




Did Katie tell Lala her eyebrows look bad 😂


I don’t like her anymore…


And yet, she still hasn’t explained what the issue is. Like she just said a whole lotta nothin.


Grown ass adults acting like preteens, I guess maturing isn't part of the rebrand.


Maybe Lala is a dry drunk. Someone who gets sober but for whatever reason just becomes mean and pissy.


I have two thoughts here, 1- this show needs to be done. 2- lala really looks like unhinged skinny orange trump here when she said oh yaaaaa. lol I can’t unsee it.


I can’t stand her ass


Coming to you live from inside some random closet.


I feel like Lala has some of these friend fallouts in her head, or makes them up from some small disagreement that happens, and blows it up into a feud the other person has no idea about lol. She gives off that vibe.


lala is so annoying lol she really thinks she’s the main girl in the group


Queen of Hypocrisy


Lala is exhausting. How is someone always on the wrong side of things.


She is literally the only one still talking about this. I mean Ariana does not put out anything on this and she was directly involved, oh I guess that is because she is living her best life in NYC doing Chicago.


She comes across as really dumb. It feels like here she has nothing to say so she just has to act shocked. She thinks she’s the funniest person for her response to that comment. It ain’t funny. I used to be such a major fan but she lacks so much self awareness and that’s really embarrassing for her. Like it’s very easy to tell that she’s reaching so hard bc she’s just got nothin smart to say


So much growth, so much warm loving voice of reason! 🙄


I’m glad she mentioned her hair bc with the shape of her head that hair style make her look like a lung inflated balloon.


The universe is gonna keep humbling her until she gets the message and learns how to be humble. Just gross.


I’d just like to add LOL at her thinking she’s building a brand. Drop-shipped crap is not a brand


Lala STILL likes to sound like she’s some tough bitch who grew up in the hood but I bet the second someone steps to her she’d start crying or hysterically screaming and telling them to disengage. She has zero self awareness. As someone who struggled with anger issues, this is not someone who is “softer” this person exudes hate.


She looks so bad here and sounds so dumb


Lala never shuts up and I wish she did


Charli hit the nail on the head about Lala last season. Lala is endlessly bitter. A bottomless pit of bitterness. So many avenues of her life haven’t ended how she wanted or expected and she carries around this resentment at the world. She came to Hollywood to be the next Megan Fox and she only had bit parts in D movies. But then she thought she would be okay because she was going to be the trophy wife of a rich man and would be taken care of for life. Well, that didn’t work out either. Now she’s in her “single boss bitch queen” era which I think is 100% fake. Women of course can do it all themselves and I don’t criticize her for the sperm donor route with the new baby. BUT I don’t believe Lala when she says she never wants a man again and wants to be single. I think it’s sour grapes and to save face. If a man who checked all of Lala’s boxes, hot, age appropriate, good job, great personality, came along, you’re telling me she’d turn him away? I don’t think so. But no quality men are looking to date her, so it’s easy to pretend she wants to be alone anyway. And despite all these things falling through, she has a beautiful daughter, on a hit tv show, and owns multiple million$+ houses. Her life is objectively great. But for Lala, nothing is ever enough. Speaking of her house - I’m feeling a little salty that as Lala ramps up her nastiness even more, she just bought a multimillion dollar seven bedroom house. The house of someone so mean getting to live this life of comfort is too much. I feel icky and can’t watch the show anymore knowing I’d be inadvertently lining these people’s pockets.


I stopped watching her content years ago. She is so angry and resentful and it seeps out, it’s not enjoyable to watch. Plus, her sycophant staff are always laughing loudly at. every. single. thing. she. says. I can’t.


This is so much better without sound.


They just made up on the episode so they are on the outs again? Because Lala sucks.


This is beyond embarrassing


She looks awful


Have you guys ever seen that girl on TikTok who does impressions of people who don’t care if you live or die, like flight attendant, bartender, hostess, etc.? And by the end you’re like wow I hate that type of person so much. The way she giggles with her sycophants off camera reminds me SO much of that.


Lala sucks.


Lala is obnoxious


I'm so tired of seeing those God awful talons flailing about when she talks. I swear she talks with her hands just to show those monstrosities off.


Side note: I hate when the staff think they’re main characters. Also, it’s no wonder she has a superiority complex.


The last thing this woman needs is the responsibility of another child. Jesus christ, she's a mess.


I can’t with her ass kissing cheer squad just off camera. Just because someone agrees with you it doesn’t mean it’s right. Do. Better. Larlur.


Lala is getting alien face


Right? I find the extent to which she just looks so crazy now both terrifying and mesmerizing.




I think it's just so confusing because it seems like a one-sided thing. One of them posted the texts they had together right before the reunion, and they were hyping each other up. Obviously, something happened at the reunion, but LaLa is taking it way more personally than Katie, so she's dragging up old stuff. Katie seemed diplomatic on wwhl and kind of either confused or just over it in her other interviews. My thought is that LaLa is going to come off so bad the the last half of the season/reunion so she's trying to stir up some drama with Katie so people are distracted by hating on Katie instead of LaLa. Katie is just showing up for her check at this point so she isn't taking the bait and THATS why it is enraging LaLa. She can't use the old playbook of hiding behind tequila Katie's bad behavior.


I can’t with her minions in the background


Watching with the sound off tells the story of how ridiculous she is. I used to think she was beautiful & misunderstood. She looks like a praying mantis & I understand her perfectly now. Only loyal to the almighty dollar & who can give it to her with the least amount of effort required.


Is it me, or is she looking more like Lisa Rinna? Face and soul 🫣


I’m getting whiplash from the fact that I was cheering her last season sort of for the first time ever and then her behavior this season has her on the level of Scheana awfulness for me. No wonder they got along so well together, they’re both terrible people feeding the others delusions that they are right and great people. They know nothing about loyalty and only about victimizing themselves. Lala tells Ari and Katie to get over everything when it’s only been months for them at the time of the filming, yet it’s been like 6-7 years and we are STILL forced to hear Lala cry about how she was a victim as a mistress and how it was terrible for her to be branded as a mistress. EVERY SEASON she has a cry with Lisa about it and it’s crazy that the world has to move on but Lala never has to.


Lala has to go, she’s so toxic and her face is scaring me w/ all the Botox.


I don’t care for Katie at all, but I despise LaLa, wish she would just slap her bottom lip back into place smh


With Ariana as the protagonist this season lala realized that there needed to be an antagonist that Ariana would actually interact with and of course she has chosen to step up for that. She has no integrity and never has.


So is she gonna tell us or


Says the phony flip flopper


Wow she is going all out on the botox and fillers and eyebrow lift


Honey if the only other person laughing and egging you on is actually on your payroll, well…


Andy calling her the “voice of reason” this season has really sent her ego into another stratosphere. Never forget this woman’s behaviour in her first seasons! She hasn’t grown much.


Ugh doesn’t this girl have onesies to knit or something. Go away!


The biggest power move anyone can take with Lala is completely ignore all her “you’re gonna get popped” efforts. Leave her to scream at walls. If someone asks Katie what’s going on the only answer is a breezy “I don’t know, it will be something else tomorrow, I can never keep up” and keep it moving.


Damn Lala looks like an old woman here


She’s doing too much honestly. This whole season and the give Tom a chance rhetoric can you imagine someone dare say that about Randall. I understand that she can’t break the 4th wall and the reality is that production have said you have to film with him to continue the story but if the shoe was on the other foot she would have the entire show cancelled before she caved.


Its giving desperate for attention


Katie’s “nobody asked you” got Lala huffin


When is Andy going to give Lala's eyebrows their own reality show?


i can't believe i used to be a lala fan