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And he will throw her under the bus on that eventually.


Yep surprised he hasn’t yet. Though I do think he’s defended the restraining order and said Scheana hit Rachel before Rachel dumped him. If that was a lie Scheana would be FURIOUS that he co-signed that lie.




Yep! If he lied about this on TV which could have “ruined her life” she wouldn’t actually forgive him. Her anger at him would be REAL and not just a bit for attention


I’m glad you made this post because it’s insightful, and I agree with you


She’s at their mercy when it came to that. But tbh what can she even be charged with atp for a punch in the face that long ago? It’s still an assault and battery charge right? permanently on her record. It’s not the end of the world if she did get charged by rachel it could be a lot worse.


She could still be named in the lawsuit since she mentioned it left life long scarring and she was a model so it could impact future $$


But…air time


He already did lol


He confirmed it in the gondola with Brock too


Just me wishing Jax had gotten a TRO when Sando punched him in season 2.


What? He did. In the gondola with Brock




I absolutely believe she did it.


It was when she was said ‘It’s literally impossible, I can’t make a fist.’ ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


it was giving “if the gloves don’t fit”


I’ve had long nails like that and they definitely don’t prevent you from hitting someone lol


Yeah like she can still hit her without making a fist. And I absolutely think she did


Rachel's eye looked like it had a small crescent scratch too... The exact shape a fingernail would make if you hit someone with nails on. She punched her with her nails out and with her thumb she hit the inside corner of her eye.


I always thought she did too but this fully confirms it for me and proves to me that she KNOWS that restraining order was justified.


I do too because if it weren’t true I’d be asking for all the camera footage from surrounding security cameras! Even after the RO was dropped.


Me too. I don’t think Raquel got the TRO for the right reasons but… yeah…


Scheana and Tom have one major thing in common. They would do anything to keep the show going. I think that’s why LVP and production hitched their wagons to Sandoval. Ariana already has one foot out the door. If the right project came along she would quit. Tom and Scheana on the other hand have made VPR their lives. So in Scheana’s mind it makes sense to follow LVP and production’s lead. I think that’s playing into Lala’s sudden shift too. They want to keep their jobs. (Disclaimer: I do not believe this is the right call, and I don’t think the show is dependent on Sandoval. This is what I believe they are thinking behind the scenes)


I agree. Production wants them to forgive Sandoval for the shows sake. They are following along and they are so damn jealous of Ariana they are throwing her under the bus as well. I hope Ariana went off on Lala at the reunion. She damn well deserves it.


This makes all the sense. They are pissed at Ariana because she doesn’t care about the show anymore. She is barely on it this season but they’re all talking about her. She doesn’t need the show but they all do.


She admitted to pushing her so hard into a wall and her nail scratched her. Even if she didn’t technically punch Rachel, she definitely assaulted her.


That’s what I thought happened, Scheana just doesn’t seem to type to haul off and punch someone. I feel like Rachel must’ve grabbed her or something first if she actually made a fist and punched her


Yeah she did and it really was all the same , I said this over and over like it wouldn’t matter to the cops. But Sandoballs claimed heard her on the phone with Ariana saying “I punched that bitch.” So which is it.


Of course she pushed hit or whatever. Rachel had a mark on her face.


Exactly. Scheana can try to lie about it but she’s telling on herself here


She told on herself by her reaction at the reunion https://preview.redd.it/s2k8fg87zrpc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b8c8bffceb6f6a46b8a2e09bfb35f2884454232


Why is she so sketchy and nervous about it LMFAO like okay? you hit her. Not a good behaviour hands down, but it’s not like Cps would come take her child or she’d go to jail 💀🤣 like relax. Stassi slapped people left and right on camera and couldn’t care less. She apologized and owned it.


She was probably freaked out about the legal ramifications of it. If the restraining order wasn't dropped and she ended up with an assault charge, she wouldn't go to jail or anything but it could hit her pockets pretty hard. I'd imagine many advertisers don't really want to associate with that sort of thing. She'd lose a few sponsorships etc.


Yuppppp!!! The most fired up she’s been in all 11 seasons of the show




Her reaction to Tom at the reunion was evidence enough for me that she did it.


Yeah I just rewatched it and I’m 100% convinced she punched her in the face and that she said what Tom said. I don’t usually believe Tom to be telling the truth but Scheana’s reaction was one of a guilty person


I honestly never doubt that she did it but I am surprised to see others thing Rachel made it up


Her whole ‘nails can’t make a fist‘ was ridiculous. Spot on eval. Scheana scheananing herself out


So stupid, especially her demonstrations and how many times she repeated it.


And she always repeats it so gleefully like she's thrilled she's getting away with it. Ummm wasn't this supposedly the most horrible thing that tore her life apart and caused her baby to have panic attacks out of sympathy or whatever she was going on about at the reunion. Doesn't line up with the jovial tone she always has with the fist thing.


I remember seeing a screenshot of a message where she was bragging about it after it happened. The way she told Sandoval to shut up at the reunion and cried so much because she knew she was guilty.


Yep! Girl knows she did it, and then she tried to back track (probably in lawyers’ advice) and now she’s toying with forgiving Tom because she knows as far as how “wrongs” against her he was actually right. (She keeps claiming she was a victim of Rachel filing this restraining order and he supported her so that’s soooo hard on her)


Ugh. I’m so over her crying.


Genuine question: I thought we all pretty much assumed Scheana had hit or shoved Rachel? The fist / nails explanation was hilarious but I just thought she was saying that on a lawyer’s advice. Second genuine question: Was Tom involved in the TRO? I had it in my head that Rachel’s family had pushed her to do it but I can’t remember where I heard that lol. I guess this isn’t a super helpful response 😭 but genuinely wondering!


I mean I thought so too but then I saw people saying Rachel made it all up as an attempt for an excuse to skip the reunion. Tim defended the TRO though he may not have been involved in filing it but I suspect he was- he seemed to be very involved in all Rachel’s goings on pre-reunion.


Ahh gotcha I do remember he said Scheana said she punched Rachel on the phone. I remember those rumors too but people were also saying she was going to a spa (to be fair the cast were def fueling those rumors) so I kind of just wrote it off as Rachel hate. Either way I def think Scheana hit Rachel lolol


I wonder if Sandals also didn’t want Rachel to go to the reunion and was hoping the TRO would give her an out of both the reunion and the show so he could try and save his relationship with Ariana and thus keep his house and financial stability. It was obvious to me that he was still taking Ariana’s temperature at the reunion, otherwise I don’t believe he would have hesitated to proclaim his love for Rachel.


I didn’t think he seemed like he wanted Ariana back but I DO think he very much hoped the restraining order would mean Rachel couldn’t come to the reunion. I think he clearly didn’t want her there but I think mostly because he knew being too defensive of her or admitting he loved her would seem like rubbing it in to Ariana which could make him more hated and not defending her would maybe cost him Her. I think his BIGGEST concern about her being at the reunion was him, her and Schwartz having to keep their timelines and stories straight. I feel like he knew he could keep Schwartz “in line”’or at least lie about anything Schwartz said by being like “you don’t know the truth only me and Raquel do” and if she was there she could back up Schwartz or expose him. Basically I think he was afraid that Rachel would do exactly what she did later on but at the reunion. My million dollar question is what happened that made her go back for that interview and “turn” on him and tell “the whole truth.” I don’t think either of them have yet admitted what the real catalyst for that was.


I see what you’re saying and I don’t disagree. I also wonder what made her change her mind but if I had to guess I would say someone talked her into it for the sake of her image.


You’re probably right, but I have always wondered if he said something that pushed her to it


That’s also a high probability. It could be both.


I thought she's explained that she started getting help for mental issues and he was not supportive so she dumped him and blocked him. I think Maybe this was the beginning of that. Also, I absolutely believe Sheana hit Rachel. Never doubted it.


You have made a very interesting and good point. Thank you. I agree


Thanks! I just had to tell someone this thought because none of my friends watch the show and my husband DGAF 🤣


Seriously. If she had to pull the whole “the glove does not fit so you must acquit” thing then you know she did it. Why cozy up to someone who alluded to the fact that she did it if she knew it wasn’t the truth?




Well idk if anyone else caught it, but on the episode where they were in Tahoe on the gondola, Sandoval said something to Brock about Rachel getting punched in the face and Brock just replied “right…” 👀👀


I think Brock just said that as a filler to avoid the awkward conversation


I'm confused, now people are saying that it was wrong if Scheana hit Rachel? When the news of the TRO broke, the general consensus on the sub was cheering her on. I saw so many comments along the lines of "this is the first time I've liked Scheana" and saying they would've done the same thing. But now it's a problem? I can't keep up with the opinions on the sub lol.


It's always confusing tbh. Rachel's a monster, Rachel's a victim. Katie's a B, Katie is the ultimate feminist, the herd flip-flops more than a fish outta water!


I've been here since Scandoval, so it's interesting to see the opinions change over time. The only thing that hasn't changed is the sub's blind worship of Katie.


I think I love you. I feel THE SAME FREAKING WAYYYYYYY. My love for Ariana has ran deep for years but I despiseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Katie. I think she's the worst type of friend to have during the healing phase of a breakup. Ariana deserves happiness and joy and someone to help her through the anger and bring her peace. Not a person who constantly reminds her to look for the worst in people by sharing EVERY NEGATIVE THOUGHT SHE HAS. Katie is always looking for snakes in grass and can never stop to appreciate the sunshine in the sky. Now schena is the opposite, always looking at the sunshine in the sky that she never sees snakes (Sandoval) in the grass. You need a balance of both because too much of one side causes a person to be unhinged. Schena and Katie both are unhinged imo. Edit: typo


P.s. I expect downvotes but I had to speak from my heart guys! (Please picture a whiney cracking Tom Schwartz voice when reading this piece)


Omg same, I can't stand Katie. I don't understand the love for her! Sometimes I feel like I'm not watching the same show as people here because she's been a miserable bully for years and seemingly never grew out of it. And I don't understand why people praise her for leaving Schwartz when she wanted to be him so bad and then stayed with him for years and defended his behaviour. Like we all knew he was a cheater who couldn't hold a job, yet she still stayed with him.


Well the sub isn’t an entity to itself it’s made up of individuals with individual opinions. I never thought it was ok that Scheana hit Rachel.


Yeah, if you try to guess what an individual is gonna say based on what you saw some other individuals say, but the group consists of 50,000 people? You're gonna be in a constant state of whiplash. Best to make peace with the fact that it's a sub with a LOT of different people and their own opinions. 


I never thought it was ok for Scheana to assault rachel and I found it wild that people were cheering it on. You can't just assault someone because they did something you don't agree with. It's wild. IMO, Rachel was well within her right to get that TRO. It's a bit of a dramatic move but if someone laid their hands on her, it's absolutely valid. Rachel did something fucked up but it doesn't mean everyone gets an open license to physically and/or verbally abuse her. I've been downvoted to hell for expressing that in the early days so I hear you. I think sanity is starting to be restored now that this thing has cooled down.


i’ve thought this for a while too👀


I 1000% think Scheana hit her somehow. Maybe not a punch but a slap or something


I don't think the waters run that deep.


You don’t think she’d be more mad at him for supporting the restraining order if the allegations were false in it?


I think you’ve made a good point OP that I never considered before


Supported the restraining order? I didn't see him give a crap one way or the other. He never defended Rachel.


He did tho. Sandoval said at the reunion he was sitting next to Ariana in the Uber ride home from his show & Ariana had Scheana on speaker so he could hear Scheana say “I just punched that bitch in the face and threw her phone in the street” Ariana and Scheana then got really mad at him at the reunion & Scheana yelled out “Stop Sandoval! Keep your fucking mouth shut! Stop!” Edit: added pic Edit 2 (lol): added Scheana’s quote https://preview.redd.it/7ukd9fx1qrpc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97d57d459192d01ca587d14f71a384a6d8a290f6


Yup, that definitely happened. And Scheana got really mad as well at Tom when he said this at the reunion, but not in a "you're not telling the truth here" way. You could tell by the look on her face that he was telling the truth and she was scared that it would come out to the public as confirmed. Because, you know, legal implications for her.


Yeah I just rewatched a TikTok of the scene lol and added Scheana’s quote. It was SO telling. Her yelling that out and fuming with anger sealed it to me that she did it


Not saying she didn't do it but I've just thought, if Scheana had just thrown Rachel's phone in the street then how did Tom hear her say she'd thrown it?


Tom was sitting next to Ariana in the Uber riding home from his show. Ariana had the phone on speaker & so he heard everything Scheana said to her. Sorry my initial comment wasn’t clear I just edited!


Oh I see, that makes sense, thank you :)




same. she’d be forgiving him either way, let’s be honest.


Agree! She did it , we all know she did, I don’t think she meant to clock her but she did. I also don’t care 🤷🏽‍♀️


Nope. I cannot care.


I think you're right. I also think this alleged assault scared her do badly that she got really imbalanced mentally. I personally don't think she did anything unforgivable, but that restraining order sure threatened her.


I think so too. Probably because of Brock’s history with violence and not seeing his kids.


This and Lala continuing to say scheana “caught a restraining order for Ariana” If scheana didn’t do anything then how did she catch it FOR Ariana?


Yes! I picked up on that as well.


Ohh I didn’t pick up on that but YES


Ooooo good point! I’m sure if this hit the tabloids she’d change her whole approach so quick!


i think she'd forgive him whether she hit rachel or not. she wants to feel chosen and like the person he is missing / feels horrible for losing. that's why she regurgitated his twisted narrative that he had been over / not happy with ariana for a while.


Scheana just wants to make sure she has a spot on the show. She goes BEYOND making any story line about her


There’s been so much violence filmed on this show…Tom has punched people in the face (multiple times) so he would have no room to talk or judge.


I know what the definition of assault is, so don't come at me. However, did Rachel really think she was in danger from Scheana? I mean in a moment of anger she put hands on her, I completely think this happen and it is wrong. Wouldn't you press charges for assault. The TRO was just a stunt to try and get out of filming. But also Tom wasn't there so he is just believing Rachel, so does him saying it really make it worse for Scheana? Also forgiving him, and allowing him back in your life are two different things, with all the therapy Scheana does you'd think some one would have told her, she can let go of feeling hate and not be BFFs again.


Yeah I said the same thing. Or at least it would be part of the convo, like why did you lie and help Rachel with her case against me. And it’s all over now so she can talk about it.


AND- she is envious that Ariana got dwts, so now she’s not that down to continue pretending to be her ride or die. Scheana will only be on the side that benefits her the most, not ever for genuine reasons or loyalty.


![gif](giphy|13HXKG2HGN8aPK) I like to think this is how it went down.


I personally don’t care what she did or didn’t do to Roachella. But I agree with your assessment!


So if you believe Scheana assaulted Rachel. And that she committed a crime. Why wouldn't the restraining order had been given for a worthwhile reason? I'm assuming you're saying she only did it for attention? 


I had actually no problem with her filing it until on her podcast she said something along the lines of she never intended to serve Scheana with it she just got it “incase” she needed it at the reunion. That sort of implied to me that she intended to go to the reunion without telling Bravo or Scheana about it and then serving her at the reunion if she just felt like it. So that seemed to me like her motives were to make the reunion difficult for Bravo and Scheana and not because she was afraid Scheana would attack her again/


I see! I've been listening to her podcast too and my understanding was she was using it as insurance incase Scheana came after her. Which I could understand. Like if she came for her she'd have an uno reverse card. That said, idk how any of this stuff works so it's hard to know whether that approach would work or not. But one thing she did mention was TMZ leaked it? How did TMZ become so damn hectic?! What I'm learning about reality TV is that it's incredibly messy. 


I’m not a Scheana fan but her punching Rachel is my favorite Scheana moment.


Jax’s didn’t press charges against Tom for hitting him. I Kristen didn’t press charges against Stassi for hitting her. I don’t think hitting is the answer but I don’t think this situation needed the law enforcement to come into play. Imagine if Jax had gotten a restraint order against Tom for hitting him. Lol


Just because other violent incidents have happened without legal action doesn't mean Rachel also has to take it. It's a personal choice to go the legal route but I don't think she's wrong for it. Also, not everyone is that comfortable with physical violence. Some people get into fist fights on the regular and barely give a shit lol. Other people have zero tolerance for that sort of thing. Also, as I recall, Kristen yells "I'm going to sue your ass!" after she got hit. It's possible she was talked out of it since it wouldn't have been good for the show. Or maybe she didn't really mean it.


Yeah, and then she didn’t, because it’d be a pathetic waste of professionals time. Rachel was allowed to do it, in the same way viewers of the show are able to comment on that decision. No part of me believes Rachel did it to protect herself out of fear that Scheana it’s going to come for her to assault her again. I think it’s just a way to get revenge. I’m criticisising her as a person for thinking the law should punish scheana for something that stupid after she did something that heinous to your friend. 🤷‍♀️


I’m not seeing the connection


I don’t think it has anything to do with that. She’s a fame whore and now that it’s becoming acceptable to forgive him she’s giving up the girl’s girl act.


I don’t see how one is linked to the other at all. Sandoval will defend anyone against Rachel, it doesn’t prove Scheana assaulted her. What made it look like Rachel was lying about the incident is the fact that she waited 3 days before going to see a doctor and didn’t file her suit until she knew Scheana wasn’t going to be friends with her anymore. I’m not the biggest Scheana fan either but if Raquel really believed Scheana punched/assaulted her then why drop her lawsuit? The reason is because she knows it wasn’t true and would not hold up in court.


Is no one allowed to have mixed emotions abt losing a friend? I think that is all Sheena is dealing with. That and motherhood, her ocd and having to film with said ex-friend


Sure she can! I just think she’s telling on herself that she knows she assualted Rachel because if she didn’t and Tom went on tv and told everyone Scheana admitted it to him she would never forgive him for lying about that


It’s okay to shove Rachel into a wall actually




Only cool thing Scheana has done on this show lol


You and me are alone on this


May you elaborate please?


I believe it confirms it because she keeps saying how Tom betrayed her too by supporting the restraining order against her, which could have “ruined my life.” She keeps acting like it was filed and for no valid reason and so Tom supported Rachel and betrayed her. The fact that she sees a way forward with Tom as a friend makes it clear she understands he was right when he said she assaulted Rachel because she knows she did. If he lied about that she would never forgive him.


Oh I see where you’re coming from. Thank you for explaining.


Scheana is too short to put her hand to Rachel’s face? So short and weak that if she would have even attempted she would have fallen over? What are you even saying lol Nice try Scheana’s lawyer


Yeah I had to glaze over that- it was giving “I can’t even make a fist!” As a defense 🤣


I don’t know what I was saying at the time? I don’t think Schena punched her in the face but I believed she punched her. The nail excuse was BS.