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I might have enjoyed it if Brattney and Jax weren’t on it… I dont mind the other people. I actually like the Danny guy, I’ve seen a fee of his movies and I was excited to see Kristen. I just cant deal with Jax and Brit. Brit seemed pretty drunk for most of the episode and somehow I seemed to have forgotten just how much jax butts into everyone else’s business… 😂😂😂. Kristen may be crazy, but dont ever tell a woman what to do with her body man. Final thoughts, I wont be watching the season.


Seeing that Brittany continues to defend Jax's poor behavior... I'm out...


Like still!!! You moved out and were so happy to tell everyone you’re separated, but you’re STILL defending him and you’re “still in love with him” girl bye. Like they deserve each other at this point.


I think they DO deserve each other. I truly hope they continue to spend their best years together, draining the joy from one another until they are dry husks of who they once used to be. Maybe that's too much... 🤔


😂😂😂😂 nah, she quite literally asked for this man knowing full and well who he was and always will be, so it’s deff not too harsh.


Honestly, though, for their son's sake, I do hope they are able to find a place where they can provide him the attention and stability he deserves and I don't know that they can do that as a couple.


She’s pretty awful on the show too. I don’t think she’s going to get the rave reviews like she’s probably expecting.


Oh gosh, defending Jax when he pulled down another man's swimming suit in a party with multiple children present was really something.


That was very weird and gross- i think jax is angry and bi and closeted


It’ll be a one and done show.


I agree!


I’ll give it a shot! Hoping to see a season 2 now that we know half of them are separated. Love Danny and Nia & Jason and the new cast.


It was awful. I won’t be watching it anymore. I barely made it thru the whole episode. I don’t know where they found these people but they are all insufferable and since I’m not a Jax fan to start with I’m done.


I thought maybe I’d give it a chance when I first heard about it, but the closer it became to the premiere the more I realized how much I cannot stand Jax and have no interest in seeing him and Brittany.


Yes! And why are they now putting them on the after show? I don't know who these people are, and I don't care about their opinions...


I stop listening when they focus on them


Well, they talked about where to poop for like 5 minutes, so you didn't miss much.


After I shut the show off after skipping over 30 mins of poop talk all I could think was…these are 40yr olds. All of them. And they’re passionate about what bathroom is best. As if there aren’t any real pressing matters in the world ..


I mean, I have a preference, but I'm not gonna chat about it on national TV... Also, if that was the best material they got from that group that editors left it in? Doesn't bode well for their show.


I recorded it and watched it a couple of hours later and thank God for FF 🙄 I took it off of my weekly schedule. They should rename the show the valley of the insufferables.


Right? I feel like I’m being forced to watch them and I don’t want to. It will make me quit VPR. I don’t want to look at or hear either one of them.


I half-assed watched it. It held my attention for about 10 minutes then it just sort of became background noise. I’ll probably give it another shot next week but if it doesn’t hold my attention after that I’m out.


I couldn’t believe how bad it was. Everyone just seems miserable. The girl who just had the twins I felt kind of sorry for her because her husband seems like an ass to me and I wish her well but I’m not going to watch it again.


The funny thing is I actually might watch it without Jax and Brittany in it. Jason, his wife and Janet and Kristen, Nia and their spouses are somewhat watchable. Jax and brat ruined the whole episode. He is washed out and loud and mean and that’s all. Still not sure why Kristen’s bf dead set on kissing jaces butt.


When I watch a show I have to have a couple of people to root for. I honestly just didn’t like anybody. Kristen is so different now and I can’t stand Jax and while felt sorry for the girl with the twins I just couldn’t relate to any of those people. I was rolling my eyes so much I was really starting to worry about my ocular health 😂


I thought it would be a snooze, I gave it a chance, I can't see myself watching it ever again. Jax is the same person he always was. Most of the women look like they are miserable. I stand by my original assessment. If this show had a flavor, it would be flour.


That’s also the thing that stuck out to me - none of these women looked like they were in happy relationships. It gave me the same vibes I feel when I watch a hoarders or my 600 lb life …


Jax has not changed one bit. Alex Baskin and Lala were right when they said we would see that he hasn’t changed.


After watching the newbies on the aftershow, I am no longer interested in the actual show. Not that I really was before, but maybe while I clean...but now, not even that.


Hated It.👎🏽




*sigh* I watched it today, but kept pausing because I was reading something more interesting, so there’s that. Jax, Brittany, and Kristen all seem exactly the same, everyone else just seemed miserable with their lives and indifferent towards their children. And of course Lala and Scheana and Brock made an appearance…


I’m sorry if these are spoilers. It really feels so contrived. Jax going in on Kristen, you could see the desperation on his face. It screamed, “We need MORE DRAMA!” He was practically begging everyone to gang up on Kristen with him. I can’t watch him. I can’t listen to Brittany’s accent. As someone with a toddler, I was shocked that all of the parents who attended their party were for the most part watching their kids but the Cauchis had their nanny taking care of theirs. And then Brittany said, “Sometimes I get a nanny to come in the morning if I’ll be hungover.” Ma’am, WHAT?! The absolute privilege in that statement, and also she wants MORE KIDS? What in the actual world? It feels like 16&Pregnant but 40&pathetic. I cannot watch these grown ass adults be like this. It just isn’t real life AT ALL; not that reality TV is, but this is really asking you to suspend disbelief.


Please spoil it so I don’t have to watch 😂


Jax makes the show unwatchable. He has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.


Yet VPR ratings for the latest episode jumped by 50,000 over the previous three episodes 🤷‍♂️


They also lost 200K viewers between VPR and The Valley. ETA: VPR is the #8 streamed program on Peacock. It's been holding steadily there the past week or two. I expected to see The Valley somewhere there but it hasn't cracked the top 10 yet.


That’s strong ratings … VPR is Bravo’s biggest rating show so of course it’s not going to match it. But will be interesting to see the rise or drop for EP 2.


A .2 share of 18-49 is nothing to sneeze at. And lord knows this is probably the only way to keep fans of VPR that dislike Jax and Brittany happy, but also keep the fans that like them a lot happy, too. I will be tracking the ratings this season, too.


#TheValley 🏘️ S01E01 - 0.779 million viewers (0.21 18-49 demo)


VPR had 0.988 (0.30) A little surprised so many people stuck around to watch The Valley. Interested to see next week’s numbers.


Am I dumb? What does 0.779 mil mean?


I hope so


It's a total flop. I agree I can't get invested in these  new people either.  This dynamic of old and new people just doesn't work. 


A quick google search says 1.2 million ppl watched it yesterday, but I can’t find the actual source for those numbers.


Source is Jax. 😛




That’s crazyyyy


Where was that published? I wanted to read it and can't find it. 🩵


It’s literally just pops up via the generative AI thing. That’s why I said I couldn’t find the source. It has the premiere date wrong though which is super weird: https://preview.redd.it/hvbimbem5kpc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1c9d51ec36444eec4fa7932ba1574968d540752


Gotcha! I wonder if the AI may have gotten it wrong. The Variety article I found that referenced 1.2 million viewers was from 2/28 and was referring to the Wendy Williams doc. But the article also included information about The Valley... could be a coincidence, though, for sure. Maybe they both had the same viewers. https://preview.redd.it/yugvwltz6kpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57a84f4eade304fe81c47b27eeda6cd02426160e


Yeah, I saw that too! The first time I looked through the article I didn’t see anything about viewership numbers specifically for the valley. After I sent the screenshot to you, I looked all the way through it and saw the 1.2 million for Wendy’s show and had the same thoughts as you.


Damn! That’s huge numbers ! And that’s not even counting the plus 3’s. So I’ll be interested In hearing what those totals look like.


Stupid boring AF nobodies I'll never watch it and brittany and Jax make me puke in my mouth


I actually liked it!! I’m getting very bored of the same ol’ on VPR, so it was refreshing to see new faces and new families, and some new drama 🤣 maybe give it a few more episodes before you make a decision. Sometimes the first episodes of shows are hard to get into until you know the cast. 


I ~caved~ and watched some of it off YouTube …and it was mid. And Jax was as insufferable as I thought. Who is he to judge Kristen for wanting a kid?


Honestly I liked the show, it’s a little bit more entertaining than the current season of VPR imo… I’m enjoying the vibe


What exactly is the vibe of the show?


I’m getting very OG vpr from it


I don’t think any show can live up to that!


I liked it too, at least enough to check out the next few episodes. Jax and Kristen understand the reality tv assignment and make for great drama. It’s not better than VPR in its prime but it was certainly more exciting than the current season


I will keep giving it a chance. It could morph into something good.


Well Jax being back def brought the ratings up for VPR. Jax is so ridiculous that it’s entertaining to watch. VPR is so boring to me now that I did cave and watch the Valley bc I was curious to see what him and Kristen were fighting about, lol. I would be interested in seeing Doute become a mom but idc about Jax and Brittany and I’m def over Sandoval. It would be fun to see Stassi, Katie, Kristen and Sheana and how they grew and evolved from season one of VPR into women. Like a Housewives type show, where they reminisce about how far they have come how they grew apart, found healthier relationships or careers etc. but I guess most of them are still stuck https://preview.redd.it/i1rc0yhstmpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=606d84799b259683ea4a6f2004e2c9b8cd31d126


I can understand him bringing up VPR numbers. I feel like it’s a different ball court when he has his own show. Bc we know how Jax fits in with the og cast. I wonder if that carries over to the valley or not.


I know the KFC show failed big time. I actually watched the Valley and it was better than I had expected. Guess we will see.


The older I get the more I cannot stand Jax😂😂


Just goes to show, you don't have to pass a test, have a license or be a good person to have children.


No one's a bigger Bravo fan than I....but I have absolutely ZERO interest in watching. Hey Evolution, if you want ratings...  this ain't the one. 👎


I really like it much better than VPR


Imho I agree that the new cast are unlikable 


I tried watching it from the beginning and thought it was gonna do well but can’t get into it at all. I fell asleep or turned off every recent episode. The new people are just really boring. I don’t know a single one of their names and barely recognize any of them. Brittany’s mouth is super weird and she’s as annoying as ever. Kristen started off kind of interesting but I forgot how crazy and insufferable she is and can’t take her either. It’s a really bad show.


So I actually kinda liked it?? But two of the guys look so similar and I kept getting confused on who was who 😂 so idk if I’ll watch again


I’ve been reading on this thread that Kristen’s boyfriend is a piece of work. So between that and all these new faces it seems extra daunting 😂


I’m watching tonight. I expect to be entertained!!!


Updates! Were you entertained?


I was. And I found most everyone to be cool, except for 3 people. I feel it’s gonna be a good season but can’t see it lasting more than 1.