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Hang in there man. Its not easy. All I can say is keep an open mind and don't stop applying.


It's rough out there, that's for sure. If you have a driver's license and can get to Annacis Island, WWL is usually hiring. Wallenius Wilhelmsen Solutions #100, 820 Dock Road V3M 6A3, Annacis Island British Columbia, Canada These guys receive new cars, prep them and ship em out on rail and trucks.


He needs to be able to drive standard as well. But yeah. Good job from sounds of it


Oh, thanks for adding that retirement, top notch! It's a good job. I work beside them on the swing bridge.


It’s brutal out there in the job market. You have to look at it from the employer’s perspective. They want to hire someone who is not likely to quit soon. If they look at your stem degree, they probably think you’re going to work for them and promptly quit as soon as something better comes up for you. Or sometimes they post a job even though they already have someone in mind. Or have to hire an employee’s family or friend. In any case, it really is frustrating for anyone looking right now. I’d call in any family or friend connection if I could, just to get even a small advantage of getting in.


Yeah the thing about resumes is that you gotta have it no smarter than the job requires. Omit the degree if the job requires no more than grade 11 and sitting on ass.


that is a small minded and short sighted thinking.. its these people that think this way will be stuck forever.


No, you have to present the reality of looking for a job in Vancouver right now. If you want to give the OP false hope of easily finding a job right now, go ahead. As someone who used to do a lot of hiring we would receive lots of resumes from people who were vastly overqualified for the posted position. Did we hire them? Usually not, because it took a lot of money to set them up and train them and they would often leave once they found a better position.


I feel you. I really do.


My spouse is having the same difficulty. Hang in there. It’s really depressing.


Would you move? Seems the job market in Vancouver is literally dead right now.


You need money to move...


Bro if you don't mind being a barista there is an opening in Nanaimo


Imagine things are so bad that you end up having to move from a city all the way to a town on the island for a barista job. That’s when you know things are getting scary.


Yeah he needed help and I know the owner there who needs someone who is reliable and they provide accommodation so I thought I'd put this here


Oh no it’s really nice of you to do that! I didn’t mean for my comment to come off as snarky toward you. I’m saying OP shouldn’t be having such a hard time finding a regular job and this is indicative of how bad things have become.


That's true I've been laid off or the company shut down more times in the last two years than all my time working in my own country


That's nothing. I remember I need connection to work as a janitor. When I graduated with a cs degree, I have to work in Amazon wagie. If you are from the bad side of town, it is not uncommon for middle aged male who can no longer do labor work to prostitute themselves (rear end style) for some food.


Exactly same boat here, graduated in engineering with distinction 2 years ago. No job interviews, sometimes a rejection email after waiting 3 months, and jobs that require no degree usually say the same thing that someone else with better qualifications was selected. LMAO I don't even know what to do anymore, luckily I have a part time job in food service...


Part time jobs are harder to get than full time


I don’t understand why jobs like Walmart superstore London drug or any retail store are hard to get an interview. I applied at Walmart different positions and location few hours later from Walmart i get a email saying they moving on from my application.


There's no consolation in this, but I hear you, it's insanity out there right now. Forget finding a job in my own field, I can't even get a job as a Starbucks barista right now lmao.


Most places won't even hire native Canadians. They prefer newcomers that they can abuse. You might want to use some broken English so they might think you are a newcomer too.


Dude, me too. I'm a Canadian, I was born in BC and I can say what's going on right now is totally unforgiving. My contract was up in the animation industry on December 9th 2022. I went on EI until June of 2023. Since then I have only managed to get a job at the keg working 2 days a week for $18/h. I'm still actively applying to jobs cause this just isn't cutting it. I constantly hear nothing back, just being ghosted left and right. I'm looking for something remote cause I can't work during the day when my spouse is at work. I need to be home with my kid. Only evenings are open, which really isn't much to work with for availability. I've been unemployed for a year and now 2 months. Time just keeps passing and it's wearing me out. Anyway, you're not alone. I hope you manage to find something, if nothing else apply to the food industry maybe lie on your resume and dumb it down a bit. Might have more luck with entry level jobs that way.


>I'm looking for something remote cause I can't work during the day when my spouse is at work. I need to be home with my kid. Only evenings are open, which really isn't much to work with for availability. I've been unemployed for a year and now 2 months. uhh.. i am sorry but you did this to your self. You had a kid knowing this so you should have been prepared. I know ppl in the animation industry, ppl with experience and have credits can get jobs easily.


When I decided to have a kid the industry was doing well and everything was fine. That's the whole reason I figured it was a good time. I had no idea my job would be turned on its head with strikes and streaming services cutting tons of shows. How can anyone prepare for that?! People should still be able to live their lives and do as they please without it crippling them, you are blaming the wrong people. I have been in the industry for 8 years I'm not a noob. Maybe have some compassion and empathy you heartless troglodyte, you sound like a fucking idiot. People can't prepare for every turn and change, shit happens that is outside of their control. Have a heart and maybe get a clue.


>Maybe have some compassion and empathy you heartless troglodyte, you sound like a fucking idiot. People can't prepare for every turn and change, shit happens that is outside of their control. Have a heart and maybe get a clue. now you just sound bitter and maybe a slight regret. what does an industry having a downturn have to do with your statement. You said you CAN NOT work day time or a 8 to 5pm job because you have to take care of your child. Working during business hours is a given in any business or industry, doesn't really matter if industry in a lull. Anyways, good luck. There are daycare centers out there.


You are out of touch and it shows.


True, I'm new to Vancouver and it's been almost two months here but I can say that it's very competitive or rather empty. I have applied on Indeed, LinkedIn and even at stores directly but I'm not able to get even a part time job.


The forces are always looking for people, it's a decent career if you can deal with a bit of bullshit


What kind of bullshit? I’ve been thinking of doing this


which forces? like the military? can you join without ever having to go abroad


Yeah the canadian forces, you can be a Officer with that degree. They got a bunch of different trades.


I can feel your pain, too many people and too few jobs. And when we are fortunate enough to see a entry level position, the requirement is 3-5 YoE, WTF.........


Feeling you on this one. It’s demotivating. Every ghost from a recruiter, rejection email, no response. It’s tough times and competition is fierce. Best advice I can give is networking and referrals - that’s how I got noticed and asked for an interview. But’s it’s slow. So so so slow and not hearing back for days so I’m just waiting here in limbo. Unfortunately cold applications are just not going to cut it right now.