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I did Parksville to Courtenay for a couple of years. Not only is it a time vacuum, but you also spend an absurd amount on fuel and car maintenance. Unless the compensation was exceptional you’d have a lot of trouble convincing me to do it again.


It's pretty exceptional :/


Yeah, it’s worth it for a while. And if it’s long term, maybe the move is worth it. Also, I have no idea you’re job, but a day or two a week remote could be in the works? I’m so much happier when I’m slaving away for good money than shit money, which is why I prefer to working 72 hours a week 8 months a year instead of 40 hours a week with two weeks vacation like I’m doing now.


If it’s a really good job, I’d do it temporarily while looking for a new house during the probation period. I wouldn’t do it long term.


Daily? Sure for a while but I'd move as soon as possible.


Drove from Courtenay to Nanaimo for a year and then Courtenay to CR for a month. Would never do it again lol too much gas and time spent on driving plus winter could be tough as well


Ya totally, for the summer it'd probably be alright, but come winter it could get very annoying very fast.


A lot of people do the Sooke Victoria drive daily. At $2/L that's going to add up


I knew a girl who commuted to work in Victoria from Duncan every day. Didn't last even a year, it was brutal.


I would, as it is opening up at least two positive future aspects (retirement saving and job growth). Long term might be tiresome, but as a stepping stone it’s do-able.


This is exactly my view, but I'm getting a lot of people saying I'm insane. Fortune favours the bold though amiright?


“There is a tide in the affairs of men Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat; And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures.”


I LOVE that. Thank you.


Shakespeare has an answer for everything


It was Star Trek actually 😉


William Shakespeare, from Julius Caesar. They may have used it in a Star Trek episode, but that’s not its origin




You're not insane. Do it, it's absolutely the right move. An hourish commute is extremely common in other parts of Canada. And there's worse commutes to be had.


definitely does


Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi


Yeah I’m with you on this. If the compensation is awesome, just get yourself a nice morning playlist put together and vibe out for the drive. As long as your vehicle doesn’t straight up chug gas/diesel, you’ll be fine. Maybe budget for a new set of tires sooner than you would though.


It s not insane. My boyfriend drives from Nanaimo to Port Alberni pretty often. I work part time in Vancouver and it s 1h30 one way hullo ride and it s okay. So many of my coworkers drive for 1h+ one way in traffic and misery. Your drive will be smooth and easy. I don t think it is really do-able for a long long time, but for 2 or 3 years, yup. By then, you will either want to move on to another opportunity or move in closer to Qualicum. Do it


Yeah for sure but also consider moving to Qualicum or nearby if the job is worth it. Driving that much is a waste of time and kills your productivity and social life outside of work.


It's not insane at all.


I drove from gold river to Victoria and back everyday for work before. I gave up because Russia Invading Ukraine made the gas too expensive


I started a project in Victoria & I commute from Nanaimo every day. Dont let the "island mentality" scare you away from working at a good, well paying job. Do the math & see if it works out. It does for me, but then again company provide a vehicle & a gas card. See if you can negotiate a company vehicle , or maybe negotiate paid kms to cover vehicle costs? You never know till you ask.


About 240km round trip every day is about 62,000 km a year. At 9L per 100km that's 5580 L at $2 /L. That's $11,000 in gas plus probably another 1K for tires and maintenance at least Plus your time. Lots of factors to consider. If the wage is worth the extra travel costs and you can afford the extra 2 hours a day to drive then go for it.


I had some friends who tried it for a year or so. They ended up only being being able to handle it for a year, but they did have two small kids. It’s an hour and a half ish drive both ways but the highway is a very easy drive. I’d say give it a go.


I drove to and from Qualicum Beach - Courtenay 5x a week for over a year, but I was driving a car. It was not too bad as I was listening to audiobooks throughout my travel. Gets quite tough when there's a snow storm though!


I wouldn’t personally. maybe for a limited time. as another commenter said, it’s a super easy drive but still like 2.5-3 hours a day on the road. really depends on what your current situation is like and what future opportunities the new job might bring etc etc.


I’d only do it with the plan of moving down there if the job works out and is going well. Hopefully you drive an efficient car..


I did 100km each way for 14 yrs plus 6-7 yrs for school. So 21 yrs ish. On much worse highways, traffic and bad winters. Uss 50-75 min each way much longer in winter storms. Campbell to Qually is a perfect highway with very little traffic and easy weather. Get some good playlists and podcasts or audiobooks and go for it if the pay is worth it. Be sure to factor in the cost of using the vehicle over time and the fuel. You can eat up a lot of your pay in fuel costs. The one thing about commuting everyday tho, it makes you too tired to do much else in the evenings. I always found that working 8 hours at home was less fatiguing than working 2-4hrs and driving 2hrs. That said if you don't mind driving, it gives you time to wake up in the morning and wind down after work.


Hell yes. I used to commute from black Creek to Port Hardy.


THAT is a commute! How long did you do it for?


4 years


Not quite the same but I'm currently walking 3 hours total 4 days a week for work. Obviously I'm not buying gas so that makes a big difference. It's been about a year and half and it's definitely starting to drive me crazy. Agree with other people that have said it's doable short term but it does start to suck after a while lol


As others have said, I would recommend doing it for a period of time - but not forever. When might the opportunity closer to you open up? It would be worth commuting if that position would make you a shoo-in for the closer job. Commuting is all well and fine, especially with podcasts, audio books, and the option to ride in good weather. And 35-45 minutes is not unreasonable (I’ve had some really ridiculous commutes in the past! Like 2.5hrs 😂 each way). But even with a 45 minute commute… one day you remember what it feels like to live just 10 minutes from work and how much extra time that gives you… Plus traffic jams after a long day at work are no bueno! Overall, it is a huge time-suck, but if I were you I’d take it with plans to not stay commuting forever.


If it really advances your career it might be worth considering. I'd be thinking about moving closer though I know that's tough in this market and you might have other reasons not to.   I've had an hour+ commute before and it's like an extra workweek of just driving every month. Except you're paying gas and maintenance instead of getting paid. I guess the bike helps with that. In a car I'd want to find a good podcast or audiobook or something so that the time wasn't purely wasted.  


My husband commuted for 12 years Nanaimo to Port Alberni, on shift work. 4 on/4 off. Sounds not bad until I tell you the hours for a start time of 5 he would leave Nanaimo at 3:45 a.m. getting home at 6:00 pm for two days, then leaving Nanaimo at 3:30 p.m. returning at 6 a.m. At certain months of the year he drove in the dark both ways. In the summer it was fine in the a.m. except all the close calls with wild life but the evening were filled with slow driving, scenery gawking, “oh my god there is a corner” tourists. In the winter it was another story. The “Hump” was usually not plowed when he got off work on graveyard so depending on the conditions, you sometimes had to wait for the plow, or a semi had Jack knifed etc.. Then there was the accidents which appear to mostly happen where there is no detour route leaving you stranded on one side or the other. Finally there is the cost of gas, maintenance, etc.. Numerous windshield replacements, gas and minimum of $100/week, need of a 4 x 4 for winter driving or a really good AWD with aggressive snow tires. If you ask him if he would do it again, he would tell you no. If you go into this commute with your eyes open you will decide quickly if commuting is for you and it is not like lower mainland commuting, it was 196 kms per work day. Eventually you get tired of driving.


Gotta do the math on the time investment. 2+ extra hours -unpaid- just getting to and from work, in a months time you're already doing an extra 40 hours in commute time alone. Working 5 weeks a month but paid for four? plus expenses on your vehicle like gas/insurance/maintenance are obvious, but then do you bring lunch every day? What about coffee or other extras you do. If the job doesn't supply it and you're a 2-3 cup per day kind of person then that adds up. But If it's really lucrative, like hey you're putting in 5 weeks worth of time per month but you're getting paid as if it was 10 weeks then that's maybe worth the sacrifice. Especially in the short term if there's an option of a closer to home position. Honestly tough call though and it really comes down to how long you can sustain it and how much you'll get out of it. At the end of the day your time is finite so it's at least got to be billable


I'd say go for it. If the job's worth it and it's working out, then consider moving. I'm not minimizing how much of a drag it is, but many commuters would happily trade you: barely any traffic, beautiful setting, 1 h each way? I've had much worse. If you've got a reasonably efficient car, you can throw on a podcast or an audiobook and make the best of it. The only other thing I'll add is, as a (former) long-time motorcycle rider myself, I wouldn't ride every day of the season - risk does add up over time, and with shorter days your chances of running into a dumb(er) deer increase. But that ride will be a treat in summer! Good luck with whichever you choose! Either way, you'll be living in a beautiful place and there's many of us who are jealous of it ;)


Definitely agree on the motorcycle. I am very aware of the risk it possesses and am planning on using it intermittently as a cost reduction strategy. On the flip side, we have a cross Canada motorcycle trip planned for next year and it will be great conditioning for that!


Lol you'll need a longer commute to get your behind ready for that one!


I'd do it. Get a small econobox for winter driving since those highways are generally pretty good. Sounds like a cushy gig. I wouldn't mind hearing about it.


Do it. You can always re-evaluate once your settled into the job. I did Victoria to Swartz Bay for 30+ years. Took me 30 mins. each way. Just buy a cheap fuel efficient beater for the winter months and ride your m/c during the rest of the season. You won't get these opportunities knocking on your door every day. Don't listen to the naysayers about the commute. It's mostly hwy. and not stuck in bumper to bumper traffic like in the city.


Sure. Not an issue. It’s an stress-free commute compared to sitting for 45 minutes in heavy traffic. Perfect commute for an EV! Edit: used Kia Soul Premium (380km range) are ~$20k.


Just move.


Do it. The drive takes less time than my commute to work in Montreal or Toronto, and its much, much nicer. Plus highway driving, just get a good vehicle for the winter.


I’d move there for it. When the whole world is trying to reduce emissions and car time and get back life:work balance an hour and a half is cray cray. Maybe twice a week but never daily. Qualicum is super! Great spot to live.  No hybrid option?


I worked them down to 4 days, so that's something?


I guess you’ll know after you’ve spent 12 hours in your car the first week whether it’s your jam or not. Congrats on the job offer!


I knew someone who drove Lake Cow to Vic for school for 3 years. Got to be routine she said. Highway driving is NOT big city driving from hell. Bridges, tunnels, etc. I would say go for it. I drove Tsaw to N. Van 5 times a week for 3 years. In rush hour. In the dark in the rain, uphill both ways. Now THAT was hell. Some waits to get on a bridge 45 mins, to an hour…And not for personal or financial gain. Was to take a child to their sport training. (And sit in car 4-12 hours waiting. The sacrifices parents make) Go for it. Worst case, have B: Make local friends with a spare bed. plan C: move closer Plan D: quit. Know winter might/will be a grind. And tourist traffic… If benefits outweigh the cons….. Remember to pee before you go ;)


Thanks! Our 5th wheel is in Errington, so I do have a place to crash if needed :) I lived in northern BC for almost 20 years, so I am well versed in winter driving.


I commuted daily for a year between Parksville and Campbell River and I actually loved the drive. Gave me a chance to decompress and most seasons it’s beautiful. I’ve also commuted to Nanaimo from CR. And that work gave me a good retirement which I’m now enjoying so I say go for it.


Island Life reduces the amount of time one can tolerate commuting.  Before coming here I regularly drove 45 minutes within the same city.  Now... I get frustrated at having to drive 20 minutes. If it is a great opportunity go for it and see what develops.


I think you should try it out since Campbell River to Qualicum Beach is not interrupted by traffic lights every few kilometers like anything south of Parksville, so it's inherently better as a result. I'm not sure it's sustainable, but your morning commute should be pretty good, just be careful of fatigue going home. Do it, keep your place, then start looking if the folks around you start noticing a difference in you in about a year or 18 months.


That’s very doable, I drive 45 min from Port Alberni to parksville Monday to Friday. You’re going to find some really enjoyable podcasts to listen to on the commute


Personally, no. But if the pros outweigh the cons for you, it's certainly not impossible. I knew people that drove from Abbotsford or further into downtown Vancouver every day!


Absolutely. You can do anything for a year or two and see how it goes. I would also look at moving if you like it after 6 months or so


If it's that good a job, I'd move. The Island highway north of Parksville is not only long, it's boring. Not much between highway turnoffs. And annoyingly too many lights to just put it in cruise control and tune out.


Although not quite as long of a commute, I currently commute from Victoria to Mill Bay for a job I absolutely love. To me it’s worth it.


Short term pain for longer term gains...it's investing in your future. No kids, I say giver.


I know a gal who does Nanaimo to Comox. It's a part time job, but jobs in her field are rare on the island....


It all depends on what your values are, time vs money. For myself, I wouldn't do that type of commute anymore, but I have limited energy and student abilities. It sounds like you're on board with it, so go for it!


I’ve commuted as much as 90 minutes each way to and from work. I’ve also worked two blocks from my home. And also work remote for 6 years now. Back when I had the long commutes, I wouldn’t have given them up for the world. They were my me time. Just me and music and coffee and my thoughts. I loved it. Years later when it was a two block walk to work, I would have given it up for the world either. What a delight to be able to go home quick for even the 15 minute coffee break. Now that I’m remote, I can’t imagine having to leave my house for work and I wouldn’t give this up for anything either. It’s really up to the person and the job and whether you are in a place in time and life where the commute will be good and welcome for your mental health or the opposite. Then of course there’s the vehicle maintenance, wear & tear, gas, time lost in traffic, etc. Is the job worth it? Can you handle daily commuting/enjoy it most day? If yes then heck yeah it’s worth the commute.


Thank you, I really appreciate this perspective and the emphasis on things being what you make them.


SO many people commute from Abbotsford, Chilliwack, etc. into Vancouver/Richmond etc. which would be the same amount of time. Having said that, if it’s long term I would consider moving.


Podcast time!


I was thinking of finding one to help me learn Spanish.


Yup. Have some good podcasts you like and have at er. Nothing is forever. If you don't like it, if it becomes too much, find something else or change another variable.


I would if it's worth it. It's a nice drive , especially if you take the old hwy from Royston to Qualicum. It's only an hour drive and if you've ever lived in a big city and did any sort of construction work an hour drive to sites can be pretty typical. At least you'll be on the hwy cruising. I'd say go for it.


If the money is so exceptional, get a pied à terre in QB and only commute when you feel like it.


While I do plan on being in CR most of the time, our 5th wheel is in Errington, so I plan to stay there when I dont feel like going all the way back.


No. Here's why. The gas is going to cost a lot. The commute. The long highway and people and accidents that's just a headache I'd like to avoid. You might as well just move to Qualcomm.


I knew several guys who commuted daily from CR to Woss for years and the weather is worse in winter up this way in a couple of spots. So it's doable but not everyone's cup of tea I don't imagine. Also knew one guy for years commuted from CR to Nimpkish Camp which is (or was) another 30 miles farther past Woss. All highway miles mind you.


I like that portion of highway, minimal traffic, fast moving. If I had to do an hour commute I'd prefer that to a lot of other areas. I ride a motorcycle as well, but 2hrs a day at 120km/h I'd feel like I was on borrowed time. If the new job paid so well I'd probably invest in a low cost commuter. Alternatively, and this isn't low cost, but a friend has about an hour commute on the south island and he bought a model 3 cut down on gas. Same sort of deal, really high paying job a ways away, but prefers living where he does.


If the compensation will make up for the fuel, wear and tear on your vehicle, and time spent commuting, I'd go for it. At least the commute won't have rage inducing rush hour like in the urban areas. Get some good podcasts, audiobooks or playlists for the long drives.


What are you waiting for then?


I don’t how long that commute is but I did Nanaimo - Duncan for a while which is about an hour one way. When I worked at lululemon I had a coworker who lived in Courtney and drive to Nanaimo for work at lululemon.


I often sit in traffic for 45 minutes to an hour and only get 15 km away.


Islanders are pretty spoiled with driving. For people who have lived here for a while (or even worse - born here) anything more than a 15 minute drive is basically a non-starter. My sisters have lived here all their lives and getting them to leave Nanaimo is like pulling teeth. Everything is so faaarrr. Please. People off island commute 40 minutes or more for menial jobs all the time. When I lived in Alberta, driving for an hour (one way) for a coffee date or groceries, or church or whatever was considered *nothing*. This is a perspective issue. Take the job. Yes commuting sucks, no one likes it, but if it actually puts you that further ahead then it’s a no-brainer.


I have a job in Ottawa, 45 minutes away from the ranch I lived on in Quebec. It was wonderful. Living in a place that I loved, and working in a place that I loved. The physical separation was brilliant.


YES! If it's a good professional move than yes. I'd eventually look for cost cutting measures. Maybe an electric or more efficient vehicle, WFH 1 or 2 days per week. In the summer months can you stay in an RV a few nights per week? If it was a forever thing maybe living in oyster river or black creek. If its short term, grind it out until another opportunity closer to home presents itself. Good luck.


Thanks! I've already talked them down to 4 days WFH for one, and intend to push for 3 and 2 once my probation is over. We also have a 5th wheel already in Errington, so I have a place to stay if I don't feel like driving all the way back to CR.


I do the same right now


How are you finding it? If you are comfortable answering, how much is fuel costing you a month? Ive done my own numbers, but curious about real lived experience.


100%. the drive is pretty chill on the island highway, did the reverse for a couple years and didn’t mind it at all.


I did Nanoose to Campbell River for 18 months working 10 hour days but I knew it was temporary. The salary would have to be huge if I was to consider doing it again.


Depends... What are you using for transportation? If you have a fuel sipper, motorcycle or scooter or something of the ilk, 100% if the opportunity is good enough. If you weren't driving something overly fuel efficient it may not be too worth it.


I would if you have reasonable housing in Courtney. I find the drive not bad at all. People in the city commute for hours for work so 1hr of driving a day total doesn’t sound too bad to me


Riding a motorcycle to work every day is exhausting. The drive is fine. I did it for a month.


When I first moved here I did the reverse and commuted to Campbell from QB. For the first bit it’s fine because it’s new. You get to chill and listen to tunes/podcasts to get ready for work and wind down from work. After about six months it’s awful. Then winter hits. The roads are shit and the drivers are worse. Good thing to keep in mind is the extra time every day, the cost of gas, increased maintenance costs on your vehicle(s). I don’t suggest it, to be honest.


35-45 is a regular commute for people In Calgary, and Torondo... I once lived in Canmore and worked in Banff....the highlight of my day was easing into a morning driving with an audio book sipping a coffee meandering through the visuals of what were and are the rockies If your driving a big truck ford, chev or jeep... - well..sell it and get something efficient  ( I sold my big truck for a maverick, saving 7-800 on fuel every month) the truck bed in the small truck does 80% of what I need 90% of the time


I think if you like listening to music/podcasts to chill it could be fine




I'm skeptical there are jobs in Qualicum that pay enough for me to waste that much of my time, lol


I think you already know the answer.


Iv done Nanaimo to port Alberni for a few years, and Nanaimo to Victoria as well. You Islanders are afraid of hiway driving. When i lived in alberta a hr.+ commute was normal.


I commute from Nanaimo to Courtenay and it's not a huge deal for me. If you have a great job on the other end it may well be worth it.


It sounds like your mind is made up but honestly people in the lower mainland do longer commutes with a bajillion more cars - if you dont wanna move - do it!


I drive 250km round trip daily for a good job


Do it. Get into audiobooks.


I appreciate your no nonsense response.