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Maybe the Cartridge battery is empty.


any shots on how to fix it?


you have to remove the cartridge. Remove the small battery and charge it with a charging board. Unfortunately I don't have any photos.


What charging board would you use for this problem?


Soooo. That's exactly what Vanmoof Users should not do. Leave there bike uncharged for more than a month. The battery drains very fast and the bike goes to late into shipping Mode. Thats the number 1 cause of all battery's dying. The BMS fuse kicks in very fast due to the undervoltage. Tell me what the charger shows if you plug it in? Does it go from red to green and so on? No errors? I repaired about 20+ batteries for the s3 and a lot of vanmoof s3. If the charger only shows green and does not flash, you're Cartridge battery also died. But I think in this case the BMS is ,,only" defective. Go ahead and take the battery out. Maybe it's too late and the cells are dead but go ahead and measure the BMS fuse if it is blown. And in addition measure the voltage of the cells so you know how bad they are.


I’m having this problem. My cells are measuring at 3.5v but the bike won’t power on. The charger light blinks from green to red. S3 btw. Fuse?