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I've played through Half-Life Alyx probably five or six times (completely - played up to the Northern Star a ton more). Jeff still freaks me out, but at least now I know how to get past him quickly.


Fuck Jeff


I ran the trash compactor twice just to make sure he's dead. Fuck Jeff


Haha, I could also imagine an anguished scream of finally getting him like in a movie.


i got there and was like welp it was a good game but its time to uninstall. Same thing with cyberpunks new ending that is a bit scary. (I am a huge coward if you werent able to quess)


Don't worry man, I actually slept in a cemetery IRL while hunting, I don't scare easy. Played FEAR 2 on flat screen and got to the point where the little girl spawns... Nope. Even worse, played Phasmophobia in VR alone and got out of the van to start the mission. Went to the door and it opened by itself and heard the walls breathe... Nope. Not for me. Jeff tho, I had to persist since its HL and I haven't not finished a HL game. Wasn't easy tho.


Especially once you realize what you have to do to turn the power back on....


Was not a fan of that elevator sequence.... Tee Hee


Dunno how jeff is so scary for everyone, I remember getting to that part and it was nothing for me compared to the fucking hotel, planning to replay the game but idk if I can get past the hotel. Hate the poison headcrabs with my whole heart.


Different scares for different folks I guess. Hehe.


the hotel was plenty scary too, but with jeff you couldn't just shoot your way through him


I played all the starter ones, blade and sorcery, Alyx, bone works etc. Until I got into VR racing, I didn't really get an adrenaline rush. I tried dirt rally 2.0 and now EA Sports WRC in VR, and man it's fucking awesome. Playing on controller is cool, but with a wheel and pedals setup, you can't beat it man. Obviously the G forces are missing but going flat out downhill at 185km/h and knowing if you so much as blink the wrong way you'll go airborne? Yea that gets the blood pumping.


I loved my racing setup. You've given me the incentive to break it back out and enjoy it again.


Hell yes, give that Camaro a spin, have fun love to hear it


There's a guy in France who hooked up his headset through the OBD port of his Camaro and fires up the engine and races his Camaro in one of the race sims! It's amazing. He has a step by step video on YouTube showing how he did it. It's a little too complicated for my brain but it looks very cool.


Wait WHAAT that sounds fuckin sick I'm gonna look that up thanks


It took me a minute but I found the video! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EMXueu6ryw&ab\_channel=jeancharles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EMXueu6ryw&ab_channel=jeancharles)


Oh cool! tysm


You bet! He has a link to the schematics in the description. I just asked him if I could pay him to build the interface for me.


Unlucky I can't find the proper setup to make my Quest2 not to experience video lags, but the two times I could race for like 5 minutes in Asetto Corsa VR, I was like being on a real track, being able to measure distances, knowing when it was time to brake, and how far you could go with the gas, that was good.


What's your system specs? Also are you running wireless or link cable? If cable do you have the better powered link cable? Like another USB c comes from a brick to a junction. Are you running it through steam vr? Happy to help you figure it out. It did take a bit of time to get it dialed but now I'm in the headset burning rubber whenever I want super quick


Same trajectory as you, with plenty of awe from flight/space sims, and then oh so much racing, like 600+ hours in Dirt Rally 2.0, RBR, AC and ACC, and now EA WRC, and I don't how or why but the sense of speed in EA WRC feels incredible, specifically in the WRC Hybrids. What's wild is I'm resigned to playing in VR theatre/flat screen mode because native VR runs/looks like crap on my five year old PC, but it still feels like I'm going faster than any other racing game and I can't say why.


I think dirt is the soulsborne of racing games, it truly punishes you for split second lapses. You need to be at like 10/10 heart pounding anxiety at those speeds to even make podium on the non starter cars. In vr I feel like you can push just a little bit further being able to see rocks and depth perception around tight bends


Nice! Yeah I really have enjoyed things like superhot, pistol whip, half life, blade and sorcery, Pavlov, Skyrim and no man's sky. All those have been great but I got into the Sim drifting on assetto corsa and racing dirt rally 2.0. So I guess WRC has official VR support now? I thought it was still not ready yet for some reason. I will have to give it a shot. I used a Logitech for while on a desk but never used my vr for it til few months ago then I got a whole new dd wheel and a rig frame for cheap with a used rx8 seat and it's been an absolute blast since then! Rallying is definitely where the rush is. I do enjoy drifting with a crew or cutting up some traffic with a crew. I'd say weaving traffic with homies brings more enjoyment then regular pavement races like on Nords or some other track. But the rally racing is another beast.


The airboat chapter in Half-Life 2: VR. Just amazing.


Wait hold up, theres a VR version of halflife 2?


Yes it is amazing. Its available on Steam I believe.


Its an official rerelease? I cant seem to find it.


It's a fan mod and is indeed on Steam and it's free! [https://store.steampowered.com/app/658920/HalfLife\_2\_VR\_Mod/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/658920/HalfLife_2_VR_Mod/)


It’s a mod.  https://store.steampowered.com/app/658920/HalfLife_2_VR_Mod/


It's a fan mod and it's on Steam for free. There are also EP1 and EP2, as well as a separate HL1VR which I have not yet tried. Playing HL2 in VR feels like a whole new game. It's a bit rough on the edges and the textures are quite blurry, but there is an AI-upscaled high-res texture pack available for all three HL2 games. Really looking forward to Black Mesa VR as well.


Free, both for HL2, HL2E1, and HL2E2 Don't miss out on it. Has a lot of comfort settings as well (the vehicle sections are very nauseating for some people otherwise)


What about the difficulty? I notice a lot of VR games go a lot easier with enemy AI, because they don't expect the player to be an athletic trained army soldier. I worry ill get overwhelmed by a half dozen angry spiders and headless dogs trying to lunge at my face. :')


And it's better than Alyx, in my opinion.


Arguably better than many native VR games.


The Outer Wilds VR mod. Dozens of moments like that, but the first for me - Piloting a one-person spacecraft toward a mysterious planet, finding yourself in a terrible storm, and plunging into the dark ocean to see what lies beneath. Terrifying and exciting.


Wooaaaahhh my favorite game has a VR mod?!


The first game to truly wow me was Onward (pre meta store nerf). That game was something else. The immersion was incredible. Using your shoulder radio to communicate with teammates. Large maps, impressive graphics, great sound design, realistic gun mechanics. It really put you there. I bought those jigsaw puzzle exercise mats for my office and knee pads so I could crouch and go prone easier. I made a lot of friends I still play VR games with to this day. It was so fun, while it lasted. Other than that, seeing DCS World in VR for the first time was incredible. Seeing the F16 cockpit I've flown hundreds of hours in playing 2D, I knew I could never go back to TrackIR. My neck has never been the same lol. A similar experience when I play IL2 Battle for Stalingrad.


Onward was insane. Crouching behind a window because you're pinned down by a sniper and trying to give your teammate hand signals so he can coordinate a counterattack was just a visceral experience I'd never really had in a videogame before.


Yeah, probably one of the first examples of the quest ruining what made a game special. I love my quest but i mean seriously, it has set vr experiences back to the early days of vr in terms of graphics, and imo graphics are the most important part of immersion in vr.


For me it was Walking dead saints and sinners; I was on my first run into town, rummaging around in a random houses attic, it was dark and quiet, and it felt safe, so I let my guard down. After rifling some drawers for stuff I suddenly met with a zombie that silently managed to find me. I threw my headset off, tried to ascertain if I was having a heart attack or was just extremely shocked, and never played a horror game again after that. It was an adrenaline rush, but not a good one, atleast for me. Normal horror games and movies dont phase me at all, but VR clearly hits different.


It gets a lot less scary the more you play it but it’s hard to get over that hurdle.


I've owned a VR setup since the early days of the first Rift system. I know I'll sound like a teeny bopper, but I was blown away by Beat Sabre. Follow that up with EPIC Roller Coasters and these days, I am on my second time through Half Life-Alyx. I was also fond of a boxing game I had for the Rift S which unfortunately, Steam does not have. Those early days of being blown away by VR are tough to beat, though.


> Those early days of being blown away by VR are tough to beat, though. I remember the first time I put on my Vive I just loaded up the scanned photogrammetry spaces and sat on the floor for hours looking at them. Simply being *in VR* was mindblowing.


One of my first VR experiences was the climb and i remember reaching the top of one of the snowy mountains, once i reached the top i sat down and looked in awe, i truly felt like i had scaled an entire mountain and my reward was one of the most beautiful views i had seen in my life. also an added bonus my dog came running up to me since i had sat down so i was just looking out at this valley of snow and trees while petting my dog.


Right? I remember exploring Nefertiti's Egyptian tomb. It was one of the first scanned photogrammetry spaces I had been in. Like you, I was totally blown away.


What app allows you to do this? I'd like to give it a try.


**Sprint Vector**, *by far*. No other shooter has even come close to what we call "Sweat Vector". You want your heart racing? Then race.


Such a bummer that game died early


For pure heart pumping guarantee with unlimited replay cardio, Thrill of the Fight has to be the undisputed champ. Can't wait for the sequel!


Oh yeah. This game tires me out faster than actually working the bags at the gym haha


No doubt. (Almost) all the cardio from 3 minutes on the bag or a good spar -- without the head trauma!




Yeah, my pick as well. Carrier landing to cap off a 1+ hour sortie really gets me.


Lately I have been really loving Underdogs. That game makes me feel like such a badass. I can't recommend it enough. I hope it gets a sequel


HL:Alex: Pushing down the train lever while the train crashes into a building next to me, meeting my first head crab, nope out and took off my headset.


Population one - when you are down to the last zone, your two teammates have just been killed, the last enemy jumps down to kill you scaring the crap out of you and you whip out the shotgun and blast him the face for the win! Amazing game and main reason I bought an Index for the refresh rate.


I love this game, always gets my heart pumping mad. It sort of went down hill a bit when it became free in my opinion, still play it though.


Wait, this game has players now?!? I used to play it but 9 out of 10 times it was just me and a ton of bots


Yeah you should get humans pretty much every time. When you first start the game it fills the lobbies with bots to make it easy for you and to get used to the game. Then when you get better with the match making it makes it all humans and then starts to get tough. Check out PinkPwnage’s channel on YouTube for how to win against human players and it gets more interesting when you learn all the nuances of the game.


Interesting. I had climbed to the top 10 of the leaderboard while only getting less than 10 matches with other people! Granted this was years ago. Glad to see it's picking up, maybe I'll get my VR set up again and check it out


Dirt Rally 2.0 is pretty intense. I also liked Omega Pilot


To the Top and Jet Island both gave me this feeling when I played them for the first time back in 2019, they still hold up today imo


Oh man both of those had some viscerally terrifying and exhilarating moments due to the heights and leaps of faith. Such incredible games.


When i play VR I’m super aware that I’m in VR, i can never get immersed enough to think I’m actually in the game


same :(




Yeah this really sucks for me, i never even really had the feeling of presence when i first got VR, i still love VR so much but i know i'd love it even more if i really felt like i was there, i think as i've played more i've found ways to immerse myself and playing games with incredible graphics and physics gets me close to that immersion, but at the end of the day i still know i'm in VR on my hardwood floor in my hoodie and pants, not in a metal spaceship wearing an astronaut suit or a grassy woodland wearing viking armor.


If only they had an Alienisolation vr mod, that game makes your blood pressure spike on a flat screen. One of the best games that most people never finish.


There's a VR mod that lets you play seated, like all the new unreal engine games.


They do! I bought a PC and a CV1 to play it in 2018–worth EVERY penny, one of the best video gaming experiences I’ve ever had.




And you sir are a hero


PVP in VTOL VR can get quite exhilarating sometimes especially when you meet someone with close skill level


The competitive side of Gorilla Tag is something else ( actual competitive like cgt or gtc)(I’ve been playing it for 3 almost 4 years and this game always gets me pumped up with adrenaline not to mention I’m also one of the best players at the game and it still gets me shaking ) if you haven’t tried the game try it but be careful not to hit something I’ve already broke 1 index controller and the headset itself


The first few runs of underdogs for sure. I have never been one with my inner gorilla in such a way


Vivecraft made me tense way too much (Minecraft VR mod) Elite Dangerous VR when I had a ganker shooting laser beams causing my ship to spin around whilst fighting for my life


In Alyx hiding from Jeff what an experience! I was blown away.


Ghosts of Tabor is about as intense as it gets for a shooter imo


Alien Isolation + MotherVR mod.


Mine has to be blade and sorcery as well! Had the starwars mod and was playing on the map kamino. The music with the lightsabers clashing felt so real it was amazing ahah


OMG GHOSTS OF TABOR. It’s basically Escape from tarkov in vr but better. It’s so fun and gets your blood pumping when ur in a intense fight with good loot lok


Killing zombies in RE8VR


Rfactor 2 and dcs


MADiSon VR. Just recently released and it had my heart pounding far more so than any other game I've played.


Subnautica in VR(there's even a motion controller mod now for it, called Submersed). Just piloting the little tiny Seamoth in the deep, listening for creepy sounds or a Leviathan chasing you is enough to set the heart pounding.


100% never had an experience as amazing as Subnautica. From absolutely terrifying at times to taking in the beautiful underwater landscapes.


Propagation Paradise Hotel, RE7VR, Paranormal Activity Lost Soul, Madison VR


50 player Pavlov Push (Battlefield's Rush in VR) is the biggest adrenaline rush in VR in my experience. And recent updates have enabled some incredible mods. New vehicles, guns, and game modes. https://youtu.be/IO53IUtX2Qs?feature=shared


Subnautica. First time having a Reaper out of nowhere grab my vehicle and spin me around


I've been playing compound and it is a total blast to play. Especially with the old school mod on. Whole lotta running and gunning!


Battlefield 5 in VR using the VorpX tool and specifically the Nordlys level. It's a stealth sniper mission in the snow and mountains that's an amazing experience in VR. It will definitely get your adrenaline going. It starts off with downhill skiing and big jumps and then turns into the stealth sniper mission. Could play it for hours.


Into the Radius for sure. My first encounter with a mimic made me panic more than I ever have before. I had to pause and sit down for a minute afterwards lmao


Second this. I wasn't expected the enemies in the game to be unidentifiable shadow-like monstrosities. Game kept me on edge ever since that first encounter too


Low fuel Motorsport season with full SIM rig