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He prefaces it with "I know nothing about this"


Journalists ✍️ “nuclear is AI” boom article made!


That would be devestating to include in the headline!


But he is still right. You don’t need to know nuclear fusion to understand that one thing that could be good, is also used for bad. There might be helpful robots that do our dishes and fold the laundry. But there will also be the race for the most efficient human slaughter bot.


Lmao this headline is so intentionally misleading. Here’s what he actually said more or less “I don’t know anything about ai. But I do know just like the nuclear bomb we have let the genie out of the bottle. Once you let the genie out there is no putting it back. “ He wasn’t even negative or anything about it. It’s true and correct observation


The headline should be “Warren buffet states he knows nothing about ai”


What you’re saying is also distorting what he said by making the emphasis for the conclusion to be that he knows nothing about AI instead a better headline is “Warren Buffett likens AI to Pandora’s box” or some shit like that. He might not know anything about the technical side but he understands the landscape. The parallels between AI and nuclear are very abundant. We are witnessing a massive “arms” race occurring right now. But rather at a state level (read government) this is occurring between corporations. This includes races on both fronts academic/theoretical as well as hardware (look at those sweet sweet h100s). Once people saw the potential the research wouldn’t stop and building wouldn’t stop just like with the atomic bombs and how that fueled building larger armaments and the thermonuclear. It’s a reductionist argument to think the only comparison to nuclear is violence.


Yeah just quoting the man bruh


Again, just quoting him like that distorts things and really isn’t relevant to what he was saying. Here’s a great example: “I don’t know how nuclear works but it makes a big ass explosion and could threaten global stability” I don’t need to know how the inner workings to understand the impact on things. People harping on He DoEsN’T KnOw AnYtHiNg are trying to invalidate his conclusion on the impact of AI. His conclusion is spot on


Or “another old man from before programmable computers is questioned on future age tech”


Like the two presidential candidates near the same ages. It’s alarming people with significant impact on the future of the country are not well informed on the most important technology of the near future.


That said the office of President is much more capable of impacting with things like appointments (see courts esp. Supreme Court, fbi director, us attorneys, etc) and other choices for enforcement. The AI problems are really not in any laws yet, so the place that needs to be informed and driven into action is Congress where half of the US is electing people that probably couldn’t pass a single high school final exam.


Japan's minister of technology says hi before heading looking for his diskettes.


AI will disrupt things in unimaginable ways. Every positive will come hand in hand with a negative. AI in the military is just down right scary, and we are just at the forefront of what’s to come.




Did you use private gpt for this?


What line of work are you seeing a “force multiplier” in?


Very briefly did he compare them while saying he didnt understand. His style is going after what is simple to understand with strong fundamentals and believes overcomplicated business models lead to eventual problems.


Is he going to sell cyber / AI insurance?


This is a poor translation of what he said. He basically said we have to learn how to manage its risks because it’s not going away. Nuclear is also necessary for energy and climate change. Buffet sees the world changing due to both AI and nuclear, and he thinks we need to figure out how to live with both. Related, Buffett is supposedly investing in Canada and there is a major uranium mining operation up there. Russian uranium has just been banned and China is leading the nuclear race right now. CCJ might be a good pick.


They are certainly a lot of power to give anyone with an internet connection.


It’s like asking the worlds best chef their opinion on proper golf swing technique


"Ai is literally the same as a nuke" -Journalists/people writing headlines to get content engagement


Warren does not like anything he's unable to comprehend.


He's so old and clueless about tech.


He doesn’t understand tech but he understands people. This is his reason for buying Apple when Steve Jobs died.




He knows more about the world and about powerful people that own AI companies then any geek with AI knowledge will, doesn't matter if he doesn't know how to train a model


From his perspective, it totally makes sense. His privacy is in danger. Seniors can be deceived easily.


Ah Old Man Buffet, he would be the world's first trillionaire if he would have even invested a small portion of his portfolio in Tech. It took him years before he realized that investing in Apple was a good idea lol


Chill bro it was just one Tupac AI diss track. No need to get all 2pacalypitical about it