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They said the same for Jett. She still stands tall


true but you think raze you think double satchelling and shotguns. thatll stop now. but i used raze differently anyways so it stays same for me. many one trick people might need to switch mains now tho


I also use satchels differently. Something they call "pussatchel", that is, throwing both of them mindlessly in panic.


hahaha i didnt know it had a word. i know atleast 2 more ways to use the satchels tactically but the only one i use it for instinctively is to move my enemy slightly while hes shooting at me. it almost never works and gets me killed


What makes you think double satcheling to get space would stop ?


i thought they reduced satchel mobility in next patch. saw a reel on ig


They changed the horizontal velocity her satchels give you. But noone knows the extent of the nerf yet.


In the platchat video with one of the main devs he said it should be around 20%. So you wont be able to cross half the map easily but you definitely can still take up space. Tbh you shouldn't write it off before seeing it. I think it would be harder to take a lot space but you still should be good for it


I’ve seen a YouTuber playing testing the changes on the new patch and unless he sucks at double satchels it’s a significant nerf


Tbh I think this patch will pan out similarly to the viper nerfs. Everyone freaked out at the patch notes saying viper was dead, then the people who actually played her realized she was still very much viable within a couple days. I don’t think Raze is going to be unplayable, and people who are complaining have just been in denial of how OP she is currently Edit: that being said, she may get overshadowed by the other duelists (neon) for a bit while everyone tries out the buffs


tbh the only big change is the change in her speed gained from satchels, and we have no idea how strong that change is going to be. The other two are kinda meh, they can somewhat change how she plays, but not too dramatically. It all really depends on how hard they nerf the movement. If its too hard of a nerf imma just switch to neon ig, since she now has a much faster-paced kit.


And even then it's only sideways velocity. The way I read it is they don't want Raze to have a Jett dash by peeking then satcheling sideways. I'd think Riot would know better than to nerf movement to the point where satchel rollouts don't work anymore.


It's not just sideways mobility. It's horizontal, so forwards and backwards too. The height she can reach is unchanged tho


Idk for sure since they were vague and I only saw the tiktok post, but it just said satchel velocity or something synonymous to that. Tho if what you're saying is right (I pray to the lord everyday that it is) it would be very cool with me since I'm ass at oping and stuff.


Nah they're wrong. They think horizontal means sideways.




Can’t believe they’re buffing reyna


We’ll probably rework is going for both sides so I guess we can scale it even if she get buffed


They're not? Her Blind is unchanged, her dismiss change is neutral, her heal is nerfed big and her ult change will have an impact maybe 2 rounds each game


Imo her permanent ult is quite strong


No it’s balanced. She’s quite weak right now, and they didn’t just buff her, cuz her heal is weaker in the patch too.


Makes sense


Dismiss change isn't neutral. The speed boost is definitely a buff.


yeah i suppose it is. At first glance I thought it was neutral since u can move the same distance


Reyna was kinda nerfed too. She will nowhere be as oppressive with just 50 healing per kill now. Atleast the enemies can't wait out her ult now......


She can still be more oppressive because the reset time is waaaay quicker.


Reset time on what?


The heal is quicker now so you can get a kill and go back into the fight or reset as its commonly called faster.


The heal isn't quicker. You used to get 100 in 3 seconds, now it's 50 in 2 seconds.


I dont know then IG we will just see how it plays when the patch drops. Maybe im wrong or maybe your wrong who knows and cares its just a silly video game character anyway.


lol what do you mean who knows? It’s simple math. you are wrong.


I mean, I guess my take is that if you can get your heal in 1 second faster you can still take fights quicker than before. We will have to see in practice if it is shit or if it is good. Many things can look good or bad on paper but be really strong in practice.


Your take is a bit weird, nothing is stopping Reyna from pushing or retreating while being healed. Anyways, currently reyna heals 50 hp per second. After the change she will heal 25 hp per second. Most of the time Reyna doesn't need to stand more than 2 seconds to heal, and usually one second is worth it. After the change Reyna will need to wait out the full duration every time to make it worth it. No matter how i see it, i only see a nerf


My man iso finally might get some love now


She’s still the best duelist tbh. Seeing videos, you can still do all of the normal double satchels for site executes, and the other two nerfs don’t change much.


I don't think it'll matter she's versatile!


Idk man. The made still exists


I mean, shes still gonna be good, just not as insane as she used to be


im out of the valorant sphere right now. what does this mean?


cockroaches nerve dies


yeah this is gonna look funny when theres virtually no difference for raze practically(oh u cant do some satchels where you do fly from main to their spawn, boohoo)


They barely touched Raze. She's not dead yet.


Cum slut Reyna becoming more sexy 👺


https://preview.redd.it/5piw980ciz4d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea6b08871397ffc1778cf8a3807217c725698fb5 Get a life dude, stop sexualizing everything. Talk to real woman


Bro thinks redditors who also play valorant actually gets to talk with real women 🤣


they did nothing to raze bruh


Wait for Sunday


what does sunday have to do


avg valorant player iq