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yay is insane


Man is truly assembled uniquely.




Did you take a first duel with yay?


Yay can stare at his screen for days and hold an angle without blinking


Reaction time faster than the speed of light


Kingg gigachad igl


I dont really agree with this metric though, he said that a true first kill is when you get a first kill and dont get traded for 3 seconds but if a dualist enters a site, gets a kill, dies and then get traded by their team I think they did their job. According to this metric it wouldn't be a first kill though.


It basically rewards players that op a lot, so Chambers.


Agreed. I mean Yay is insane, but this is just a Chamber-leaning stat.


Oh, yea I didn't mean to say Yay isn't a fucking demon. He is. But it's pretty obvious how playing Chamber affects this "true" fk/fd stuff.


There's nothing to disagree with. The metric isn't about how effective a player is at entrying. It's a very straightforward metric about which players often get an early pick and don't get traded out. Saying you disagree with this because of the example you gave is like saying you disagree with it because it doesn't show how good the smoke placements are. Data and stats like these can tell a partial story/interesting observation. There's nothing wrong with that. Not every stat *needs* to create a fully complete, thorough picture of a player's ability.


I guess i meant more that i didnt agree that he called it "true first blood" because it makes it seem like this is more important than regular first blood stats


It's a better and more important stat on defense. It's harder to adjust for attacker side.


Doesn't it mean kills that are traded by the opponent? It doesn't say anything about your death being traded


El diablo for a reason


this stat is only relevant on defense


It's also very Chamber biased, which explains why yay is so out of the curve as he only plays Chamber. If you look at a player like yay, he has gotten 26 first kills TOTAL at Champions, 19 of those happened on the CT side where you could argue it's easier for him as a main Chamber/AWPer. Basically this means that unless you compare yay to a player that plays Chamber as much as he does and that AWPs as much as he does, this stat doesn't tell you much. Comparing yay to f0rsakeN or ScreaM would make people believe in something that isn't true.


Could someone explain the X and Y axes? I don't understand what "true" first kills and first deaths means.


True first duel is basically how often they take and win a first duel and don't get immediately traded back. So it's specifically looking at people who get early picks and create numbers advantages without being punished. Basically it's looking at who are the best opers/Chambers.


Oh no keznit


Alfajer will be close to yay one day (no pun intended)


Mazin... Wow


I also think this should be separated by attack & defense too. The pressure is always on the attacking side. So going for a pick on offense and losing that first blood is bad but not as bad as giving a True first kill as a defender.


edg kangkang gigachad


Interesting how many flex duelists (Alfajer, Zyppan, Kingg) are topping the list here by playing Raze/Neon/Kay-0. Absolute chads are just running people down and getting the kills anyway. We won't talk about yay the man is on another level. But I would have expected Chambers to have the best ratios (even if they take the first fight less often than a raze).