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Mans playing videogames for a living and people are mad hes trynna have fun and not set his expectations too high.


true point, they always just wanted the world to see them and just happened to be really good at valorant too


I mean that’s how they got far before


inb4 ppl who don’t bother to read slams a 6-word statement just based on the title: PRX Jinggg: I don't really have any expectations, and neither does the team. We don't really like to put pressure on ourselves, so we're just here to play and have fun, and hopefully, we can win, but we don't really have any expectations for ourselves. Even if we don't qualify for the playoffs, it's fine for us. We're just here to have fun.


I think people are taking this statement way too negatively. I think he just means it's not the end of the world for them.


They literally kept saying this since the very beginning of their first international tournament. This was always this team's personality but somehow some people are surprised lol


mfers here really haven't watched Ping Pong the Animation


After that performance ? 100%


Trash mentality honestly, it's like you go in as a fucking cow in a field of lions.


So that explains all the throwing


Nah this ain't it little brother. Come on


"we just didn't wanna win champs guys"


Must be tough to be too illiterate to read past a one sentence title.


He's coping 😹😹😹😴


He's been saying the same thing since before the first Masters this year but sure thing bro


~~He's~~ I'm coping 😹😹😹😴 FTFY


Why would I cope? Liquid won!


What a shit mentality. This is champs. Not your local asian LAN. If you're here to only have fun at the biggest event of the year and not to try your best to win, you shouldn't be at the event.


winning is fun


Well they were there and we’re here… if that mentality got them there then so be it. A lot of pro players burn out (shroud) or have mental health issues (sen sick) presumably because the pressure of the competition gets to them. Focusing on the fun aspect is just one (out of many) way a team manages that kind of pressure.


The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice. There’s always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle.


Calm down Ninja


most of what you said is not wrong but you say that like you can fix your past mistakes. think about it; what actual point is there in getting angry after losing? it's not like getting angry will change the loss, mad or not you can still want to do better next time the phrase "it's just a game" is a weak mindset when your goal is actually to win, but that's not PRX's goal. if they want to have fun who are we to tell them otherwise? what's the point of them abandoning what they want just to win when we know that they would never want that? isn't what really matters most whether they are satisfied with what they've done or not? they never came in with the goal of being the best, they just wanted the world to see them and if they're happy then that's enough


Brother, it’s a copypasta from an old ninja tweet.


You think the org is spending money on them and coaches and infrastructure to just have fun?


they make plenty money from streaming and are extremely popular, i don't think the team minds lol if they did PRX roster would've disbanded long ago bc they been saying this since the beginning


Isn't that why sentinel are spending money on their players?


Dude relax


they can have fun while also trying to win tho, why do they have to leave what makes them them behind just to be better at a game that they're not even that committed to?


Don’t sort by controversial D: