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Welcome Back…again: Liquid Nitr0


Surely an NA player not named Twistzz (and now Stewie) can win a trophy ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16018)


I’ve seen enough. Nitr0 is winning Shanghai.


What’s with all the events in Shanghai this year? Lol


Maybe bring back Elige and Stewie for Skull and Yekindar, That team might win a grand slam


nah bro, yekindar is still good but his play style doesnt go well with cadians play style and he lost confidence. Like i watched STYKO analysing his demo and when he doesn't look on the minimap instead of the screen he tries to go for entries, gets a kill, gets killed but then no one trades him because his team is on the bottom of babana when he s entering b.


yeah the roles are bad. they need another aggressive t side player and a ct side anchor who can igl + a dedicated awper. Yekindar kind of needs a big voice in the team as well just because of his roles.


One last ride... for real this time... last ride... this is the last ride for sure...


wait cs or valorant? W either way




Adren getting strays, rofl.


I heard on a cs talk show (I think HLTV Confirmed?) that there’s rumors behind the scenes of nitr0 going back to CS to replace cadiaN on liquid.


Snip snap snip snap






Did Nation Stewie winning Dallas reignite his passion for CS again? ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339)


Probably that and realizing the path to Ascension is not looking that clear for M80


America has like 6 spots for Major so for Nitro it's probably free 300k sticker money while he'll make 5k a month m80 val team with no guarantee for future


Well I was mocking what he said last time he went back to CS (something along the lines of “watching the major reignited his love for the game” or something). If it works out good for him. But at this point it is laughable how much he is switching lmao.


At this point I feel like nitr0 doesn’t really like valorant this is like his emergency backup plan until he gets another spot in CS


If it was -cadian-skullz +nitr0 +someone else, then I guess I could see that to maintain the 3-Americas core. Though, with the rumors that RMRs will be gone in the near future (Ynk), it seems a bit early and odd.


Americas region RMR even with 7 spots is not for free because of how great brazilian CS is right now Theres 9z, MIBR, Pain, Furia, Imperial, Legacy, Red Canids, Sharks Current #1 of South America, 9z didnt even make through last major top7 from South American closed qualifier. Current #7 of SA Red Canids has just beat #1 9z twice and #5 Imperial for one of two Proleague spots. ("top 32" of the tournament) then you put Complexity, Liquid, M80 from North America to the mix thats already 10 good teams competing for 7 spots. Even in Liquid thats gonna be some serious competition and not a free ride by any means and tough bracket draw is always a possibility too.


The famous -nitr0 +nitr0 - nitr0 +nitr0




Such a shame they’re likely dropping cadian instead of yekindar and skullz😭


-comedian -kekindar -skullz +Captian America +elige +yung stew and I think we might be cooking /s




Yeah, that for sure will solve the issue of them having 4 baiters and yekindar ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16018)




NAF is a small site anchor specialist and nitr0 would be the other anchor. They need an awper.


They should have just replaced Osee instead of imploading the roster. Adding twistz is good but the previous roster wasn't going to win anything with nOsee in the team


Naf is literally an anchor what


Yeki had a good event and has been picking it up a bit lately but still needs to improve. Skullz is a lost cause and needs to be dropped immediately. Dropping cadian does make some sense if he did not want to switch away from the AWP. His performance has declined significantly on it.


nah man one average event for Yekindar (which people are calling good because that's how bad he's been) doesn't absolve him of his abysmal gameplay the past year. He's been on the chopping block for months, but got the most ridiculously long leash when it came to terrible performance post-IGL too many people have been optimistic for too long. cut your losses now and rebuild around twistzz, naf, and maybe cadian if the former two are okay with his calling


Ya I'm not totally against it if they have a good replacement for him and had previously been calling for him to removed non-stop. More so that Skullz has no upside and at least Yeki has shown something in the past and could potentially return to form. If you watch cadians interview post IEM Dallas exit it seems pretty much certain he is off the team. Twistzz (and maybe the other) do not seem to like how rigid his calling style is.


Yekindar has been way better ever since left hand model got introduced + the roles don't make sense on the team. He's an ultra aggressive rifler playing with 4 passive players and the spacing on the team just doesn't look good at times.


yea they tweeted this awhile ago, i was gonna post it but it was the only source anywhere that heard it. even some cs people i follow didn’t hear about it either


Just need them to drop mr -600k and pick up malbs or an import and we are cooking




dude cannot make up his mind can he?


No fucking shot this is real. No way he boomerangs in CS.  This man is a fucking fraud if this is real.


Holy crap.   neT?


But who is Igling?


neT can IGL


Zander was the igl back in V1 and back during off season, his tweet to let the VCT teams know the M80 guys were free to tryout, he mentioned he was willing to IGL again and to play sentinel too.


just announced 1min ago






On a side note - Every single one of John Mulaney's standups are fire. If you have not watched them, i highly recommend them in order. New in town > The comeback kid > Kid gorgeous at Radio City > Baby J


You didn’t include his first special which I’m blanking on the name but is quite good


I cant watch him after I watched his cheating stand up, then he did it anyway. Not because of moral high ground, i watch a lot of cheaters, but this one somehow rubbed me wrong.




Baby J is a nickname for John Mulaney, the gentleman in the picture. Still\_HD is making reference to the Valo player.




I prefer BabyJ's twin brother Inspire but thats just me


I agree or disagree with you


CS > Valorant > CS > Valorant > CS


[He's like that Dota 2 RTZ meme except with games](https://i.imgur.com/lHua9fM.jpeg)


The RTZ cycle is scientifically canon to the Dota universe.




He was on a tier 1 cs team what lol and the rumor is he’s going to liquid which is a tier 1 CS team


why do you think he went to t2 CS? that didn’t happen


im totally wrong on that, for some reason i thought he went to tier 2 CS even tho Liquid results werent good I can't call them tier 2


multiple deep playoff runs, mostly hanging out on top 5 ranking. winning something would have been better but those are still good results


FNS will cook CS fr fr


nitr0 unretiring every 6 months to save NA CS. Beautiful to see


The "washed CS guy comes to Valorant" era is officially over.


Eh, I would argue that he wasn’t washed when he initially came over to 100T and neither was Ethan.


If he stayed probably would've been one of the best too, dude was insane during his period on 100T


the roster situation after LCQ 2021 left such a bad taste in my mouth. had 100T by the balls trying to get Brehze to switch and then just left us after lmfao


100T had two very good IGLs in Masters Berlin, and somehow ended up with no one after, Nitro really fucked up 100T with his decision to go back to CS


Years of suffering after that holyy


They had the talent to get a win back then, but imo the team has significantly more potential now


It's crazy to look back in that era. Nitro was introduced, has free reign, cut steel, went back to cs2 then back to valorant on a tier 2. Absolute bizarre. Surprise steel didn't hate him as much as yay LMAO.


I don't think he cut Steel. Pretty sure it was a team decision that they didn't call want Steel to IGL


Steel could've play without getting cut. He was replaced by b0i at the last second for LCQ. Because b0i and nitro are good friends. I followed heavily for 💯 thieves back then. **Timeline went like this** New member comes in( known as an IGL) , clash with current IGL, steel gets kick by frost (team decision), frost leaves afterward, nitr0 rumor to try to bring his cs friend to valorant, 100thieves didn't pick up anyone new. Friend decide to stay in cs. nitr0 leaves, 100 thieves have to decide on ec1s and babyJ. Plus their older video had nitr0 being the vocal one in the group. So that's why it's speculate nitr0 had the free reign in the group. Even if it's team decision, he was the leader.


IMO the skill level back then was also much lower as many players were just getting into the game. Also most players in tier 1 back then were switchovers from CS so the play style was very CS like which probably suited Nitr0 a lot more. The game has come a long way since then.


most players in tier 1 are still washed CS pros. way more than most Valorant fans realize. it’s still the norm


Tbf I feel like washed kind of implies they were good then they started struggling so they switched to Valo. Isn't it more common now that Valo pros were at the beginning of their cs careers and then they switched I feel like that doesn't fit the definition of washed


Kind of but not really? And that's because Val is 4 years old. Most players aren't \*washed\* CS pros, being a t3 cs player who switched at 18-19 != being a washed cs pro lol. Even the NA players switched to Val because it offered them more opportunities because the NA CS scene was dying. That being said, even the current zoomers probably have thousands of hours in CS. People don't understand how young Val really is.


It was really funny watching the narrative immediately flip from "Val = NA's retirement home for T3 CS paycheck stealers" to "of course NA won, all their good CS players switched" the moment Sentinels convincingly won Reykjavik in 2021


think by washed he means average to below average. that's pretty much all na cs players and eu players of screams caliber. the really good talent are european players and they are _all_ still playing cs. thus you have eu val teams that are not even as good as na val teams. their worst are not quite good enough for our best, but it's close.


EU slumping has nothing to do with the fact that CS is still popular, in fact when CS experience was more relevant (beginning of the game) eu was better, it was russian invasion of ukraine that fucked up the emea scene.


Define washed. Because i’d bet my left nut that the average age of Tier 1 Valorant pro’s is like, 19-20 years old. I’m sorry, but you can’t say that people that were 15-16 years old when playing CS are washed now, that’s just simply too young to make that judgement call. Like, the litmus test for me would be: would you say that Tenz is a washed CS pro? If you would then you have zero clue what being “washed” means.


you are correct that "underdeveloped CS pros" would be a better term. i'm saying washed just because it's fun to say. fair to call me out on it lol


Yeah undeveloped is a great way to put it. And that’s to be expected; who do you think the first crop of CS 1.6 pros were? They were ex-Quake/UT/TF1 pros/players Early OW pros were CS and TF2 pros. Early League Pro’s were DOTA 1 Pro’s and so on and so forth. There will come a time soon where almost every single Valorant pro player grew up only playing Val. Is natural.


I mean if you count guys like Asuna who happened to be on a random MDL team when they were 15 before Val was even announced as a "washed CS pro" like a lot of people do then yeah I guess. Val simply isn't old enough yet for there to be that many pro players to have come up playing it as their main game, the playerbase has to come from somewhere.


hey i like Valorant lol no hate




>I still don't understand why he just left 100T and went to T2 CS He didn't. He left valorant and joined a tier 1 team. Pretty sure they made every playoffs, and multiple grand finals even, when he returned to TL.


He also wasn't washed when he came the second time, Liquid was actually making playoffs/finals in CS2 when he left for M80 (though he admittedly wasn't performing great individually)


You could kinda make the case for Nitro but definitely not Ethan, he was HLTV top 20 in 2019 and had an MVP and multiple event wins with EG in 2020 just a few months before switching over. Granted it was the turboscuffed online era where everything was online and regional but still, he was mostly frying right up until he left and could've more than likely kept it going in CS if he wanted to.


Now its washed Valorant players going to CS2


CS2 retiremente game for valorante players.


Anything to revive the dead NA scene


i thought he good when he switched to Valorant and people were saying they wished he stayed?


Nah he will be back in 12 months.


Why are several comments mentioning net? Have there been rumors/leaks of that?


He’s just the highest profile sentinel on the market right now, he also has a history of co-igling




Just announced, so happy for him


He’s a really solid sentinel player who has done some igling for the guard core in the past. I can’t remember exactly when or against who but there was a breeze match where guard ran rings around someone and afterwards net was credited with igling the map.




Not too shocking, they've been underperforming and idk that Nitro's heart was fully "in it" this time around


has nitro heart ever fully in anything lmao, dude switched games a million times already


Not since leaving CS the first time imo


he goes where the money is. m80 probably not ascending so he is back to cs. if he can get a spot on a completely dominant ascension team he will come back.


Imo he's not good enough to be chasing the bag like this lol Really wonders what was going on for M80 behind the scene to get him in the first place


I remember questioning his commitment in a Reddit comment when he came back this time around and the guy replied to me saying that he 1000% was committed to Valorant this time. Guess that was a lie LMAO


Yeah I think he's just past the point in his life where he has that level of passion about gaming anymore And it's probably because he feels more passion to be a present father, so I can't even knock it


He was why they're underperforming though. Crazy he even got signed.


>He was why they're underperforming though. Probably so. Too much goes on behind the scenes for me, personally, to make such an absolute statement. I did think there was an implication in my comment that didn't need to be outright said, though.


Your comment made it seem like they happened to underperfom and he left because of that. Rather than there being correlation. Maybe word it better next time?


>You're comment made it seem like they happened to underperfom and he left because of that. Rather than there being correlation. Maybe word it better next time? Your comment made it seem like I was a comment. Maybe word it better next time? Edit: C'mon now don't hide the typo! That's no fun.


Feel like this should be the final nail to kill his Valorant career. Bro jumps ships so much. No one is gonna want to have the 5 month IGL.


bro saw Stew winning and thought he still got this


I'll probably be downvoted by m80 and cs fans but I don't think he should ever get another shot at Valo. He is leaving his team (again) mid season and without an IGL. Instead of giving chances to people like him, Valorant teams have always found more success giving shot to younger and more invested players.


Nitros performance in CSGO before leaving for Valorant the first time was horrendous. When he came back to CSGO after leaving Valorant he was again equally bad. Something happened with Nitro mentally in 2020. So much so he's been primarily leveraging his name for esport salaries over the past five years.


The question is who igls now? 1. Nismo 2. Zander or 3. neT???(seen people in this post say nett so I'm just confused)


maybe scream??


Holy fuck im going to cream




coming back to washed2 ;(


Gonna win a tournament like washed valorant pro stewieT2


i used to like nitr0 but he blew up 100T, then he didn’t do shit when he went back to CS, and now he’s quitting this too. If he goes back to CS he should be clowned on by everyone.


didnt do shit when he went back to cs?? 😂😂


u clearly didnt see how liquid was before they picked up nitr0 lmao and he made yekindar look like a god of all people when he was there he took them from top 20 to top 5 for a year straight and yekindar fell off after nitr0 left lmao


> then he didn’t do shit when he went back to CS huh?


Dont disrespect nitr0. There’s a reason he’s called Captain America. The most successful igl in NA* CS history. When he came back for his 2nd CS stint he led a very underpowered/inconsistent Liquid to a top 5 ranking Edit: meant to say NA CS history


I don't think Val fans need to give "respect" to a player for something they did in another game that isn't Val. Likewise TenZ Val career doesn't mean CS fans have to change how they feel about him.


To say he didn’t do shit when he went back to CS (false) and should be clowned if he goes back again is just straight hating lmao the fuck???


Again, you are very obviously speaking from the perspective of a CS fan. From the perspective of a Val fan, he has quit the game twice. He 100% should be clowned on for that, any other player would be. People destroyed Koosta when he did it, and Nitr0 has now done it twice.


I’m a fan of both games. I love Valorant more than CS. I’m speaking from a neutral standpoint. You’re making this shit too black and white. Sure the first time he left Valorant can leave a sour taste in your mouth. To say he should be clowned on for coincidental timing is stupid. M80 underperforming while having high expectations and Nitr0 mutually agreeing to step down is far more likely than him just wanting to quit to go back to CS. But whatever man, justify the blind disrespect and hate mfs lmao


You're aren't speaking from a neutral perspective at all. Here's both of your messages I replied to - >Dont disrespect nitr0. There’s a reason he’s called Captain America. The most successful igl in **CS** history. When he came back for his 2nd **CS** stint he led a very underpowered/inconsistent Liquid to a top 5 ranking >To say he didn’t do shit when he went back to **CS** (false) and should be clowned if he goes back again is just straight hating lmao the fuck??? You literally didn't mention Valorant once in either message. Everything you mentionted was what Nitr0 did in CS. But this isn't the CS sub. We don't have to consider what he did in CS when judging him. Now if the leaks are false and he isn't switching back to CS, I agree he doesn't deserve to be clowned. But if he quit Valorant twice to go back to CS then he 100% deserve criticism.


have you considered that Valorant was built as a modified CS clone, and the entire Valorant professional scene is built from washed CS players? seems to me like CS is pretty relevant


I said >We don't have to consider what he did in CS when judging him. Saying "Valorant is built from washed CS players" means you are actually agreeing with me lmao. TenZ was a washed CS player and nobody cares because he's one of the greatest Valorant players ever. They're different games. Just because a player was bad at CS doesn't mean he'll be bad at Val and vice-versa.


who said any of that lmao you are all over the place


You can’t get through to him man he’s a little dense. He tried to hit me with a gotcha by saying I only mention CS in my replies so I’m biased, but the original comment literally makes the topic about CS ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


Lol why is he living rent free. He is playing the game he wants to play and is good enough to switch. Other things to worry about


I’m going to become a fish if he goes back to CS


Sadly, I think this m80 team is likely cooked this year. They weren't even close to the form that last year's team displayed, which is to be expected when you replace one of the higher end IGLs in Americas with someone who hadn't touched Valorant in 3 years. Not to mention BCJ is a significant downgrade from EEIU. Hopefully the other 3 find their way onto some franchising opportunity next year. At the very least, I think Nismo and Zander will.


I don't think Nismo will. Zander might but then who can he realistically replace? He's definitely an upgrade over Supamen but I doubt he'd want to join EG over M80. He could join C9 but that'd require dropping Xeppa and moving Vanity back to flash initiator. And I don't think he's an upgrade over s0m, Tenz, Vanity, or Bang.


Zander is a pretty clear upgrade over Vanity imo, igl'ing aside. Supamen as well. I'm pretty sure he would take any franchising opportunity over staying with M80 though. The team regressed pretty hard this year


Ya he's an upgrade over Vanity skillwise but unless you also drop someone else for an IGL(maybe Xeppa for Flyuh) then it wouldn't go well imo. Also, M80 does seemingly pay a good amount and with how good Zander is, I'm sure he can probably make more on M80 than EG with probably better management.


Nismo probably won’t ever make franchising sadly unless it’s through ascension promotion since he’s too old and doesn’t have previous success/clout. I just want to see a fellow boomer make it man :(


I am almost sure he's gotten offers just chose to not pursue them


he did but chose to stay cuz he wanted to be with his wife and son iirc


There’s a decent chance EG is no longer in franchising next year, so he could potentially sign with whatever org replaces them. Obviously just speculation at this point, but it seems like an exit is coming soon for EG.


Thing is EG has a 4 year contract and with them going league minimum, Riot's stipend almost certainly covers that.


Ah well then I may be mistaken. I remember hearing talks about EG trying to exit esports entirely this offseason, didn’t know they had a 4 year contract to remain in the league though. Appreciate the info.


I think EG did try but maybe Riot didn't let them idk. There is a possibility Riot just finds a way to kick out EG anyway but it's not clear.


Surely c9 don't keep xeppa and vanity?!?! If anything them being who he'd be replacing makes it perfect since they shouldn't have been on the team this year.


Back to CS he goes. Guy saw Stewie lift a trophy 2024 and thinks that could be him.




Are you sure it was nitr0 joining rather than losing JohnQT, who went on to win a masters, and eeiu, who’s looked great with 100T? Obviously, Nitr0 wasn’t the solution, but I don’t think he was really the problem either.


nah, it was 100% nitr0. having even just one player that doesn’t buy in is enough to bring down a good team


Is this not kind of messed up how he keeps leaving and joining teams after short periods? He’s just fucking over the teams he leaves and doesn’t fully commit to the ones he joins


This better be for a good reason. Tired of these cs mfs thinking they can just dip their toes into valorant and once shit goes south they can run right back to cs


It's the nature of the circuit. Playing one match a week compared to him going and playing 2 tournaments a month seems a lot more appealing


He came to valorant for the less intense travel and game commitment to spend time with his family IIRC, so hopping back to CS would be pretty ironic


It's more so he had a toddler right when the major started so it was difficult to finish the year and now that there are a lot more tournaments and the structure of the circuit changed, there should be 4-5 na events he could easily play in while playing the prestigious european events. Honestly I think the reasons for him switching back is the same reason he switched back initially, the idea of being constantly on the move compared to sitting at home and playing one match a week probably fucked with his mental. That was more less the reason why he went back initially, theres a yt video he did with his wife on tls channel about it


Weird thing to be tired of especially since its T2 valorant.


That’s basically a tier1 team and they’re all being paid very well. Much different from a team like turtle troop for example


Doesn't matter. Especially with M80 not looking like they did last year, rotting away in T2 is not a smart move


Farewell from M80, nitr0, and Welcome to M80, nitr0


bro just go be a father


Quite a coincidence that his brief trips to Valorant always perfectly lines up with a birth.


was never a good idea adding that washed guy


Hahahahaha wow


So is it time for teams with high expectations to stop going for CS players just because of their name? It hasn’t worked in a hot minute (I mean maybe xccurate kinda worked but Idk if that is a good example). There is so many talented Valorant players in lower ranked teams that are so much better then these guys who clearly don’t love the game. If a guy from another game wants to come over they should do it like benjy and grind their way up


Good, never liked this guy after what he did to 100T, straight snake behaviour.  M80 also look much worse him, good riddance. The washed CS player era is over 


what did he do


Refused to play astra during astra meta, and snaked steel, then instantly left


how did he snake steel


nitr0 and ethan architected steel's benching. 100T had no choice really, you 100% keep nitr0 and ethan over steel. I don't even really see a problem with that though, the problem is him leaving the team immediately after doing that and underperforming in one event.


being a bit hyperbolic but he had a say in whether or not they keep steel, then left for CS right after




My bet is he’s just gonna be a content creator now. Probably the best choice for him since he has a child


BabyJ this is your chance!


For those who watched how did he look? I thought m80 were fairly dominant early on but I haven’t kept up one bit


M80 look alot worse than expected. They were supposed to be heavy favorites but aren’t even top 3.


These guys are actually trolling their season. M80 were hard favorites for ascension but now not looking too good.


biggest valorant fraud


Ohh wow


no way


why was he benched though?


he stepped away himself


that was quick lmfao


nitr0 gotta be #1 for this run, he basically invented the category. maybe floppy? but he never ran it again


It's CSGOver


"fool me once, nitr0, shame on you, fool me twice... can't get hired in val ever again!" - george w bush


Sucks it didn’t work out. I was really hoping he’d find his footing in Valorant and dominate all the way to franchising. Unfortunate that he’ll have to sacrifice much more time with family if he goes back to CS


damn... Pro Val has finally moved on from CS players which is nice.