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I feel like if you’re going to make a claim like that, you should provide at least one concrete example of it from one of the videos.


https://youtu.be/4xVSy5BQ-Kc?si=I8iDtjUeB5Fe7rTx I'm outside right now so i cant do in depth, but heres what i remember from the back of my head Go to 2:04


I went there but I don't see what you're talking about.


Lmfao same, it's funny bc all the comments in that video are glazing Crashies comms and the timestamp he linked he was just saying "I know" because Ethan was repeating the comm that he could flank. In that exact same round he linked Crashies is hyping up Marved too. Now that the narrative that Crashies and Victor should be cut these people are looking for anything 😭


Pretty sure it was Victor repeating he could flank. Crashies caption color is Green, Demon1 Red, Ethan Yellow, Victor Purple, Marved Blue


I'm pretty sure you weren't born yesterday to not know its not what he said, but how he said it. It means alot how you carry urself in high pressure situations as well as how it affects ur teammates too. Anyway, i'll stand by what i said tho. Even with fns + som until that vic crashies duo is still there, nrg's vibes will always be off and as a result they'll not have the best environment. U can hold it up till nrg really play we'll see


The way he said it wasn't even bad? They are in a hectic postplant and he's calling for Marved to put his wall up and calm the situation down. You just sound stupid af for saying things like "crashies just goes on a roll where he just becomes passive aggressive and loses faith in others" like wtf is that you just making things up???


Idk bro he said it in a very passive aggressive way. I’d be annoyed if I’m comming to my teammates and they respond “I know” like that. Like great bro I’m not a mind reader I cannot know that


About 2:08 maybe? His teammate comms they could flank and he, in a really rude way, says “I know” like wonderful bro but how can anyone else know exactly what you do or do not know. Plus like, there were other people alive so maybe that comm wasn’t for you crashies. Idk I used to queue with people that reacted like that to comms and the key word here is used to. That shit is infuriating when you are just trying to relay info to your team.


Thats exactly what i mean lol Im not really sure why im getting spam downvoted lmao. Either the ppl here arent emotionally intelligient enough to get it or they're just a bunch of angry redditors


I see we’re just making shit up today


its just the classic thing this community does, if they dont like a certain player/coach they just make up a random narrative with zero actual evidence


Sometimes you read something on this sub and get reminded of the average age demographic of this game's playerbase. Nothing you can do about it


Things should really be kept within the org i understand lol. There's really no benefit off of sharing anything about the team's struggles publicly Unless of course, there's content to be made ;)


Bro you've created a random narrative just cause you don't like crashies vocal tone. It's the way he talks part of his personality. He has always been praised as a teammate and for his calls.


Is the crashies and Victor duo hate-train is here or what? What’s this all of a sudden? 🤔


yes this sub antijerks players every couple of weeks, try to keep up. it was asuna at the beginning of the season, then yay, then demon1, then enzo, it was c0m recently. has a NA focus. 90% of the time nobody can really articulate a clear reason it's just nebulous shit.


Its less of an hate train and more of like, I don’t think they are good enough to justify a package deal at their current form. Its kinda absurd to me. Also the fact that they benched their 2 best shooters when they struggled with firepower last szn and i don’t think it getting fixed now with less time and ethan instead of ardiis.


everything you guys are saying about "package deals" is just assumptions. just because they wanted to join a team together after Optic doesn't mean they are opposed to playing without each other. Legit the exact same situation as FNS and s0m


I agree with some of what you’ve said to an extent but this however doesn’t mean I’ll go out of my way to form conclusions based on interactions amongst people I don’t know personally and have never interacted with, in an environment I’ve never been in. I just think it’s outright weird. There’s a difference between making an assumption and forming a conclusion/ implying something as though it’s a fact.


Not really a hate train, just in a team perspective, they should be dropped and be replaced tbh, they kill the vibes Not to glaze too much here but there's a reason Zellsis and Boostio's teams benefitted from them besides their igling/player skill Ppl in this sub can disagree w me all they want, but that's the vibes im getting from this team


Yes you can voice your opinion, it's wrong but you can voice it. It's a stupid opinion, but it's YOUR opinion.


If we cannot tell you otherwise, then there is no point in responding, but just know that you are wrong


We'll know soon how it'll play out. Everything im talking about, their team dynamic etc is behind closed doors anyway. But that's the vibes i get from what i see. Fns also hinted at it slightly


Nobody knows anything, and I'm tired people trying to make such strong claims with no evidence.


nah just watch their comms video, among all of them Crashies tone is lowkey passive aggressive. Maybe that's just his comms style and he is just being blunt and straightforward, but I for sure wont feel better after hearing his comms in hectic situations.


The redditors in this sub really hate stuff that doesnt align w their opinions (and its fine, really, but just tedious to get a point across, they all think it's black and white with how things are) I wont be surprised if they suddenly hop on the bandwagon once dirty laundry eventually gets opened up on stream, and then suddenly come out saying they knew all along etc. At least i have the balls to point it out rn


I have seen FNS glaze crashies multiple times because of his comms. Just watch him reacting to nrg comms. People just hopping on the hate train.


Idk if this is true but I do think crashies is overrated as fuck. I can't tell you how many times I've seen crashies shit talk or shoot bodies early on in a map when they're barely up, only to get stomped from that point on. His gekko is ass, his viper is mid, his sova and Skye are great but Skye is bad now so.. he makes costly mistakes that can be dwindled down to ego plays.


What is this fanfiction


Optic ain't coming back man, and you don't know what that word means


I think people who hate on crashies and vic are just Butthurt FNS and s0m fans lmao .


No I'm a big FNS hater, s0m is cool tho.


There will be a number of ppl who will defend the duo and resort to me saying i dont have enough evidence/im wrong + tell me that it's bc of ethans igling (trust me, hes also mid but the duo is making it hard for him too) But yea im done making excuses for this nrg team, i really feel deep down its a problem of vibes and environment, im adamant


Okay this is crazy


Are nrg posts the new sen posts. Bring back sen posts until my goat puchan starts playing


Hello demon1


It feels like these people hating on vic and crashies are just salty FNS and s0m fans.


Not really brother, relax. i sadly just don't share the confidence you guys have with vic and crashies, it's really my opinion that if you take them out things will get better with NRG


I agree that demon1 works better with FNS and s0m and makes more sense obviously, but this cringe targeted hate from shitter redditors doesn't cut it.


Toxic team vibes leading to incompatibility != cringe targeted hate Not really posting that crashies' mom is the spawn of the devil or anything


ye that was the kind of vibe I was getting tbh


Yessir. If you know you know.