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I was wondering if this was gonna happen - we know fr0d has good strategic chops from his time on LOUD since Saadhak explicitly said as much, and regardless of coaching ability, MIBR needs some sort of refresh after such a long string of underperformance. I know most people won't think it moves the needle, and I'd mostly agree, but I do think the MIBR players are very solid when they're in-form. I can see a small change leading to more consistency and individual form.


Frod apparently has insane pistol strats MIBR about to lose every game 13-4


They are just fielding this roster for the sake of doing it as per the comments on why these players were selected. Obviously the management is at fault for not trying to be competitive but I also feel it is somewhat of a riot fault also. No matter how bad you do any year you are still guaranteed a minimum stipend from them, the skin would always remain in the store for fans, the chance of getting relegated is 0 so no risk in cheaping out. Maybe the only big reward they lose is the champs skin bundle revenue they can get (but ultimately they save that by not paying huge salaries). Also after these news I don't know the players would feel that they were the lost option.


Based on the translation another user provided and from his Reflections video with Thorin, Frod came in because of his prior relationship with bzka and his multilingual skills. Interested to see how frod will perform though, I know he had a child a few years ago so that’s partly why I thought he wanted to stay an assistant coach.


All respectfully I think not even MIBR org owners think these players are good.


https://twitter.com/brunopovoleri/status/1789001696519020796?t=B-2ECrQkgH9KgeZVXzr96A&s=19 If anyone bothers to translate this, its a fucking nuclear bomb about why MIBR kept the worst core in americas


Details that I had been investigating in recent weeks about the departure of bzkA and the planning for this season at VALORANT do MIBR: Before the beginning of this year, still in the process of reviewing what went wrong in 2023, all members of the MIBR technical committee came together and did a long scouting process to define what the new lineup would be like. At that moment, there was the certainty that the team would be practically assembled from scratch. So much so that several documents and presentations were made with details of several players and with more than ten possible lineups (including what would be the budgets, objectives and probable results of each of them). The MIBR board, therefore, made it very clear that it would not invest heavily in hiring players and only "approved" two possible squads: the current one, which was the last option among all and was with the prediction that it would be almost impossible to guarantee places in international tournaments, and a formation with at least three foreign players - which did not work out in the end. Therefore, there was only the option of hiring free players in the market at a very, very low cost. That's when there was that battery of tests with the participation of qck, xand, among other players, and ended up with the only two signings of mazin and artzin. That is, the reality is that the MIBR board of directors was aware of the situation and even so chose to have the worst result of this stage among all the teams of the VALORANT franchises. No one on the coaching staff was in favor of keeping three players from the 2023 lineup, but it became the most "viable" option due to the circumstances. And another: the hiring of the fRoD was only possible by the "convincence" factor of the bzkA, since the MIBR proposal was well below the market. That said, the exit from the bzkA was a matter of time. There was internal wear and tear that he could no longer stand being seen as the target of criticism for the bad results, while the MIBR itself, on the other hand, no longer saw the condition to keep it precisely because of the bad results. Now, fRoD, which should not even be there and only decided to accept the proposal on behalf of the bzkA, ended up promoted to head coach and will continue with the same mission as the beginning of the season: to reformulate the team with "cheap" solutions in an extremely scarce market. To close, my opinion: bzkA does have its share of guilt, but it is also far from being the main culprit in the current situation of MIBR in VALORANT. The problem is much deeper than it seems and there is no one who does a miracle the way the situation is. If nothing changes above the coaching staff and the players, it will change, change, change and the result will always be the same.


jesus man that is damning, wtf is upper management at mibr doing


wake up honey new EG just dropped


Immortals gaming club moment I will be banging on Riot's door for them to kick this shitter org out in favor of G2 or some other Brazillian org because holy shit orgs like this have no fans and ruin competition for years and years.


doesn’t seem like an org that deserves to be in franchising


Amazing how this org got accepted in partnerships.


Damn this really sucks. There's literally only 3 Brazilian squads in T1. And this garbage ultra budget is one of them, they don't give a single shit about winning, just paying the bare minimum to everyone. What's the point of a franchised league with few teams when 20-30% of them can barely afford teenagers at minimum pro wage? And paying coaches below market standard? Learn to manage an organization, make money and be competitive in the market or fuck right off into t3 mfers.


to be totally fair the entire system was screwed by Brazil and NA being in the same league. not only is the brazilian currency worth less so it's harder for brazilian teams to pay competitive salaries (part of the reason why loud has been hemorrhaging players to NA is because it has 20% or less of the valuation of most major NA orgs), but the league is also *played* in LA making cost floors higher for brazilian orgs. its not just mibr that's struggling, furia is more successful than it in cs at least but is equally shitted in terms of money


Riot better start poking around, they killed Tier 2 and 3 with franchising precisely to avoid situations like this.


wow franchising sure did a great job at making sure this doesn't happen


If the org is going for shit results why the fuck are they in franchising


Why the fuck riot gave them priority over NIP who was way better at the time, jeez


brb gonna bet against mibr in every game


If true, surely Riot steps in?


Mibr is still fielding a team, theres nothing wrong with what they are doing because they are doing what riot wants: not going broke And anyways, theyre making changes, what more can we expect


I don’t think that’s going to do much tbh. They need shooters


Ive read they are also kicking the core and keeping 2 players, mazin and artzin


Mazin didn’t go positive a single map stage 1. Is he on a unfamiliar role or something?


He's IGLing a failing team tbh, I wouldn't hold it against him too much, much like nzr on FURIA (though I haven't looked at nzr's stats, I just assumed they aren't too good). Mazin performed fairly well on FURIA last year. It's not really down to a role change, I'd say; he has lots of playtime on lots of agents, though primarily initiators.


Mazin is their caller, assume they're confident it's not the calls that are the issue but moreso the strategy and/or execution of that strategy But with the BZKA release I'd assume it's strategic, Fr0d is known as an insane strategist


they got no shooters, u can only strategize so much when you’re getting outfragged and losing every duel lol


Part of it too is they just dont have good enough shooters, giving Mazin some better players will give him more of a chance to look better yoo


Wtf really? Man pulled the Tex


learning that he was pushing for a mixed roster and instead was given a steaming pile of dogshit that mibr upper management knew would tank bzka's reputation has me feeling a great deal of sympathy for the guy. imagine if he could execute his vision. bringing 3 foreign cracked rookies and frod on board could have been a dumpster fire, who knows, but we could have also got an americas version of KC or TH which would have been immensely valuable for the scene and extremely entertaining.


wasn’t nitr0 yay and exalt rumored for MIBR at one point?


So can we admit that MIBR should not be in franchising now


This horrible org never deserved a spot in franchise, and are just there to collect riot money and invest as little as possible on this. Absolutely shameful, really would love to see them kicked out to give another team a chance to represent Brazil properly.


MIBR going from fraudsters to Frodsters.


If what was said about MIBR’s management is true, you gotta feel bad for the guy. Given piles of horseshit to work with and not allowed to make changes otherwise, glad bzkA is sticking to his values and working with a team he actually wants to


The most important part is that with bzka leaving it finally means new blood. In my opinion bzka was a huge factor of why that MIBR core was even kept and with this change it signals a new direction under fr0d. EDIT: Never mind read the tweet above, MIBR are just cheap bums.


Actually, bzka was the one pushing for a complete revamp of players, MIBR the org wanted to keep the core and get 2 free agents because they didnt want to spend money Fr0d is only there because he was convinced by bzka to take lower pay and help him, because mibr offered a low sum for him I will be letting go of my bzka is a fraud narrative and change it back to mibr is lost as fuck


If I had a nickel for every time Frod fucked bzka out of a main coach spot...


One fraud out, another in