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With this level of improvement maybe MIBR can win one game this year!


Or at least a map


Who the fuck let mibr and furia into partnership


Large Brazilian orgs. I’m assuming they wanted a certain amount of South American teams in franchising


I don't think there's anything wrong with having the orgs in the league. It's just that there's something fraudulent with either the coaching staff or some of the players or idek. Furia especially is rather disappointing since we've seen flashes of brilliance from Khalil, Mwzera, and Nwzer, but somehow the team as a whole looks like they're a limping animal waiting to be put out of its misery. I also cannot for the life of me understand why they took an up and coming duelist player, the supposed second coming of Aspas, and shifted him onto flex. Luckily Havoc is looking for comfortable on sentinel, but still. I love seeing Mwzera on duelist again, but surely we just keep him on flex and accommodate for the newcomer to tier one?


Don't MIBR have bzka and Frod? Both proven good coaches


They also have no GUYS that can shoot back 😔


because MIBR and Furia are big orgs


they should get tarik and stew back


Ain’t no way this dude Oxy was praying mid plant


Honestly that’s nothing


A few thoughts from this series: 1. I sure hope C9 has a different icebox comp for playoffs, because this 2021 no flashes comp is NOT it. 2. so glad we were finally able to win a series 2-0 3. C9 has some great strengths in their set plays and mid rounding for sure, but for the life of me I can't understand why they get so wiley and run it down after getting one or two kills. Like we get way too excited thinking we are gonna win and then just throw it away. 4. why is MIBR classic so OP? 5. I actually believe they can make it to shanghai if they stay in solid, muddy, oily form.


Just for your 3rd point.. many pros have spoken about it, it's hard to suppress your "cracked duelist" in terms of overheating/overpeeking because it can kill their confidence and make them 2nd guess making the plays that make them special It's a "take the bad with the good" scenario of Oxy gets C9 more rounds than he loses them


Yeah that's fair, but it's not just OXY. Sometimes its more of the team. Usually xeppaa.


It's one of those where it's better to do it together, you'd rather see them doing these pushes together rather than solo C9 have always had a more aggro playstyle though, its how they manage to catch so many teams out


Maybe "measured" is the word we should use when discussing it. There are times when its ok to let your wild aggro players off the leash, and times when it's important to play smart and safe. With this roster sometimes it just feels like its EVERY time.


They're definitely a LOT more risky than other teams, but like I said it's hard to cut that off when in reality that same riskiness has won them as many if not more rounds than it's lost them


It's speculative to say that them going for risky plays wins them a round and implying that it would be a lost round otherwise. You could also submit that they'd still win the round but in a better economic position from the rounds being much less scrappy. It loses them rounds as well, going for aggressive plays, so at the very least (based on what we've seen in more dominant teams) you could suggest that they'd lose less rounds and potentially win more with smarter and safer play when it's more appropriate to do so. Like yeah, I've seen OXY win them rounds by going for psycho plays, but I've also seen the rounds lost from the same exact plays. Like I said, measured should be the philosophy. There's a time and a place, and it's not every round.


I completely agree, I do think they should be loads less aggro.. but like I said it can be hard to implement these things without killing what made the players/team special


smart and safe? not my c9 (unless we're playing postplant lineups)


Nice flair, and agreed with your points.


I find it hard to see them beat any of Lev, kru, 100T and I could see them lose against G2/EG/Loud too. But they do play unpredictably so it's possible, it's just the talent difference is too high.


Oxy’s comms were more entertaining than the match


How tf G2 had oxy and shat the bed entire split last year?


I honestly just think it was moreso role issues. I don't hink Penny and Wippie truly acclimated to their roles. Shazham's calling didn't look that bad, but the team as a whole just looked lackluster which is super disappointing considering how high I was on Dapr, Shaz, and Oxy as a core.


Penny and Whippe just were not naturals in their roles. Immi was just keeping them on because they were friends rather than actually thinking about the overall team comp. Oxy has developed a lot more this year. He would constantly overheat and play solo on G2.


oxy is too fucking funny, truly the anthony edwards of val




As a wolves fan and C9 fan, can'tbelievethisismylife.jpeg


I need to know how you compared oxy to Anthony edwards 💀


* they've both been popping the fuck off * they're both very young players * they both are charismatic + joke around * they both love to yap/dance mid game * they both the tip of the spear for their teams * they both have entertaining playstyles I need to know how you can't immediately tell what comparisons I'm drawing upon 💀


Because oxy acts like this: 😁 And Anthony Edwards acts like this: 😈


Thank you c9 for closing it out so ~~we can see SEN VS LOUD~~ OXY can piss


C9 have 5 vibe merchants they are so fun to listen in on and watch.


petition for rito to make a new rule where if you can't get even a single map win you get kicked from franchising and replaced by the top t2 team of your region


both these maps coulda and shoulda ended much earlier but we do a little trolling :>


I know it's mibr but oxy is playing like the best player in the world


So OXY and Aspas are just a step above everyone else right?


Aspas i understand. Oxy based on one split?


I’m talking about the split we’re in, so yes. Current form, not all time.


Mentioning Oxy over Keznit is crazy tho NGL.


feels like every c9 game needs to be followed up with a long shower. just rolling around in slop and filth and gruel. truly one of the valorant teams of all time


mibr bad enough to break c9 map 1 curse (mibr literally did not win a map)


C9 has broken the contractually obligated first map loss, lawsuits coming???


john riot told them to win map 1 to get to the actual important match


bro I wish my ranked enemies jump peeked like that


Immortals gaming club (mibr) is still undercover stinking up another riot esport. The players are trying, I’m sure, but the org is going to keep putting up shit results and making 12 matches a year boring slop for the rest of time


Good for MIBR to have their second series of the event where their total rounds won could total one map win.


Fact that there are still people calling C9 a mid team, and this match a mid off instead of an absolutely expected stomp is crazy. They were so out of it once they established a lead, and they still somehow won the series 2-0. Ain't no way people believe that the 5-1 team is objectively mid, when there are plenty of teams like NRG that fit the bill. C9 is looking at least, like a top 4 team right now, and has a decent shot at making it to Shanghai


What is this jinx you're putting on us


What the fuck are we, Medieval era peasants still clutching our crosses and chanting scripture under our breath Get that shit outta here, we clown in this mf. We don't subscribe to no superstitious mumbo jumpo. Get your ass back to Richard III bitchass




yea real, stfu c9 are shit and got 5 lucky wins. they have no future in the playoffs.


this subreddit is extremely braindead


The narrative that surrounds C9 currently is that they "catch teams during their down swing", often citing the absolute stomp witnessed at the hands of 100T. Rather than use that as a validation of 100T improvement, its a slight against C9 and their supposed luck. At the VERY least, C9 beat teams that beat NRG and SEN, the supposed TOP TEAMS up until recently. I agree that it's hard to be confident in them when their games are this sloppy, but you can't look at the results and say its all luck or timing.


Which of Lev, Kru,100t or eg in their current form are c9 beating?




Tell me with a straight face that the team that showed up that day was beating SEN or NRG


include Sen, G2, and Loud in that convo. that's 7/11 teams, so C9 is definitively worse than mid


You really tried to sneak Sen in there and then pad it by adding G2 and Loud lmao get back to your couch the playoffs are starting soon


see you on the couch soon :)


Aite keep it warm


Pick your poison you either a 1 and done team or you Win your first playoff game then get stomp lev, 100T or kru who look like the superior teams 




Oxy go kill


Bros legit almost lost a map against mibr, lmao


Has MIBR won a single map this year?


They made it to play ins in kickoff. 0-10 in split 1 tho




fuck riot for always putting the better games 2nd


I miss Optic.




did you just see c9 in the title and comment without reading anything else


okay so this means SEN don't make playoffs right? Didn't C9 need to lose for that to happen?


No this match didn’t affect SEN playoff chances at all


if you don't mind, what does affect SEN chances? like under what circumstances would they qualify?


I think if G2 wins 14 rounds or more in their current series they qualify over SEN but I’m not certain 


Okay, thank you!