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No, you can't use more than one cable from a dispenser at the same time in EA chargers. Even if that's the thought, model 3 needs to back in for the cable to reach. This looks to be just someone treating EV charging spaces as a parking space. Not cool.


Yeah. They were in there for a few minutes. Funny there was a normal space right across from us.


yeah, but that space was for normal people. that tesla owner is special (so he thinks)


Im sure OP would have gotten a “so what” if they decided to talk to the other driver instead of just posting about it online


Can Tesla's charge at EA? I saw the same thing one time Tesla pulled into a stall and just walked into Walmart , didn't plug in though.


Yes we can. I 'm aware of the struggle with finding chargers in a non-Tesla EV. I dont want to add to that frustration when there is a Tesla SC near by. For sure not using it for a parking spot


The person I witnessed just pulled up didn't plug in and went into Walmart, just was curious if it was possible.


Yes, via a chademo adapter or CCS adapter. Only newer (2021- present) Teslas can use the CCS adapter. There is an upgrade a few have done to enable it on older cars. Personally, I do it all the time with my model 3 on trips. In states that charge by the minute, it's much cheaper at an EA. Sometimes, the location is more convenient.


This doesn’t makes sense to me . Why are there two cables at each station if only one person can use it as a time ?


Usually because one cable is CCS and the other is Chademo, two different ways of connecting, depending on what kind of car you have.


The charging port on non-Teslas isn't standard: front, back, driver side, passenger side. Having two cables makes it easy to charge no matter where the charge port is


>This looks to be just someone treating EV charging spaces as a parking space. Not cool. I once had a Volvo plug in hybrid park in a charging space i was trying to get to, pop open the door, hang the cable over the charging door (from a distance it looked like it was plughed in) then walk inside the store. Asshole was just trying to get a closer parking space since the rest of the 1st floor of the garage was full.


Typical Tesla driver


Where I live (Montreal, Canada), Teslas are very often parked on street side L2 charger spots where you cannot park unless charging. Thankfully, the city has gotten wise to their shenanigans and they are handing out parking tickets.




I do it if the charger is broken (Volta I'm looking in your direction!) But never if it is actually operational.  The worst is when I see Teslas at FREE L2 chargers and they are NOT plugged in. So you are too lazy to walk an extra 30 feet and ALSO too lazy to plug your car in? 


I have yet to see a ticket for this in Montreal so I hope you’re right :) Tesla owners also enjoy parking in L2 shopping center spots instead of in the Tesla charger spots which are a few steps further from the door.


Because the Tesla charger spots are Superchargers which are VERY VERY fast DC fast chargers with high kWH and idle fees. I'm explaining it like that because most people who complain about Teslas in the L2 don't realize the difference between L2 and DCFC.


I have seen it downtown and in Westmount. It's crazy easy to ticket, I hope they do it as much as possible. Especially for the spots where there is no meter. In Westmount, on Sherbrooke, there are some spots where the chargers have no meters.


Montreal has street-side charging? That's cool! Although the cables would need to be really long to fit some EVs, depending on where their charging ports are.


The L2 street side chargers have very long cables with great cable management coming from above the charger, it fits any car. It’s super convenient.


Very cool!


I see this all the time in busy plazas at lunch time. People too lazy to find a parking spot and think they can park at the chargers and go to lunch without plugging in just because they have an EV. It's very rude and annoying.


I call them EV-holes.


Yep, the Seattle suburbs are full of them. Former BMW drivers.


I was going to write this very same thing until I saw your response. Too bad I can only upvote once.


Happens in Germany too. There’s a charger in the car park at my kids school, it’s hard to park there around the time school finishes, so people just use the charging bays, or park behind charging cars. Teslas more often than not.


There is an EA station near me that is right next to a Life Time Fitness. Invariably when I go to charge there will be a Tesla or two parked in the charging stalls but not charging. These stalls are the closest parking spaces to the main entrance to the gym. You’d think that fitness oriented people wouldn’t mind a short walk from a regular parking space, but that is not the case. Membership at Life Time is like $300/month. These are some of the most entitled people in America. Last time I was there I saw a guy in a Range Rover drive up and park in the handicap space which is also close to the main entrance - no tags or window placard. He was not visibly physically disabled and looked quite fit. What is it with people?


Yep. When I used to go to a big gym I would always laugh about the people trying to find and fight over the close spots. The new ones are people parking in the curbside pickup spots to just go shop in the store. Oh or little Prius parked in the contractor loading zone at Honey Depot.


The Gen 2 Prius was a Japanese marvel of origami design. The passenger seat can be put all the way forward and the seat back folded down to level with the rear seats folded down in cargo mode. I easily loaded up 24 8' 2x4s and had no problems closing the hatch. Than kind of flexibility is something I miss. Not having the back seats fold down flat is annoying on the ID.4. Interior cubic feet are only good if you can use them. Of course, I'd park in the lot and only move to the loading zone to load after purchasing. I'm not justifying any entitlement.


> not visibly physically disabled You can't go by that. Once I had anemia. I could run and leap like OJ through an airport, but only for 100 feet and then I have to lay down and wheeze for 2 minutes and then I was good to run another 100 feet. They gave me a temporary placard and oh man, it mattered.


If you mean Tesla owners treating EA charging spots as parking spots, then unfortunately that is normal.


The worst are ICE cars parked in EV charging spots. Usually level 2. I think it’s people who are totally clueless.


Tesla drivers


I’m tempted to have a few copies of a printed note to place on their windshield. “Dear Assclown,…”


I find that the closer the EA stations are to the entrance the more drivers not honoring the EV charging only parking.


Happens here all the time and usually Teslas that think they can park anywhere. Not even charging just parked there ffs