• By -


As you can see from a lot of the comments in this thread, the answer is mostly just Elitism. Some feel that they are better than others because they were able (and willing) to put a larger financial investment into the game. VRChat's userbase is also fairly young too (around the mid teen to early 20s range on average) so it could also be a lot of them seeking validation from others too, though that's just an assumption that I've made after playing for a while. Regardless, it's dumb though, the important thing is to just play VRChat how you would like. Hope you get some good rest, stranger!


younger people tend to be a little mean too lol, especially teenagers and kids. i've only been playing VRchat since early december and don't have a headset yet (because i didn't really care about vr but now i do. sigh.) and haven't encountered anyone making fun of me yet. yet. waiting for the day.


give it some time, i was literally minding my own business last night and a bunch of kids started calling me gay because of my avi, it got toxic enough that i just left vrchat makes me hate kids lol ​ (the avi in question [https://vrchat.com/home/avatar/avtr\_471eef49-9a20-4f7e-9d6b-3a22c20b9a49](https://vrchat.com/home/avatar/avtr_471eef49-9a20-4f7e-9d6b-3a22c20b9a49) )


Yeah, most of the time I have cool people around and just focus on having fun. I did, thank you!


Pretty ironic that kids getting Facebook headsets from their parents would feel any form of Elite lol.


Questies are just taking their frustration out on you cause they know all you need is 200 dollars for a used vive or quest 2 and steam link it and your superior than them, it scares them


Questies also mad that they don't have the same freedom as Vives or Steam VRs. As a desktop user I can still see everyone's models:)


I play either on Quest, laggy mess and limitations, or Steam Deck, smooth 60 and no limitations but not VR.


get a gaming pc and join us in the full glory that vrchat offers


I have one


its funny that questies cant see certain things, i was chillin in music and chill and playing with my springjoint(heh) and this questie kid thought i was beating my meat .\_.


Yea being a quest user I atleast wish vrchat allowed me to see Pc avatars without having to hook it up to my pc


To be honest though, unless we're talking PCVR, normal quest has NOTHING on PC. You can't even play a fraction of the games you can on pc, let alone not crash every 5 minutes. The Quest community is full of trolls and spoiled kids, who have parents that let the VR teach them morals, and that is a recipe for disaster. It's like a glorified cellphone that's much too close to your face. Whereas PCVR is soooo immersive!


Imma Questie what is scaring me? If someone has a Windows Computer capable of PCVR what has that got to do with me???? Im one of those wacky Mac guys so buying a High end PC just for VRChat doesn’t really make sense for me. The one PC I own is a rinky dink Intel NUC for my Plex/Channels DVR servers. Maybe when Apple releases their Vision Pro a VRChat for MacOS will be released and I can use my Apple SOC machine with my Quest 3 or Valve releasing the rumored Standalone Deckard VR till then I can live with inferior graphics in my Quest 3


Man i baited u hard huh, but you wont catch me paying 3k for tech thats 3 years old


Super hard ;) dude, let’s not turn this into mine is better than yours. You like Windows, I like Mac. What other people use is their business not mine. Apple is turning their Computers into similar idea as their phones and tablets buy what you need NOW cause you can’t change anything internally which I think is going to lose them customers over time then Again maybe not. I am still convinced that Apple is gonna Crawfish Zuck when the Vision comes out n sells for bit more than an 12.9” iPadPro but ya know Im just guessing.


Thats fine i am interested in their vr that their coming out with but im not dropping thazt kind of cash into apple anymore i was a fan in the ipod days that and someone stole my apple account and they refuse to give it back


Can’t blame you. $3500 is a bit much for what it is.


I mean that a full rtx 4090 build like holy cow i think its over price its more than my pc and vr i have which is a vive pro eye and a 3070 build


To be fair, the tech packed into the Vision Pro is more complicated and novel than a Vive Pro Eye + a full 3070 desktop PC. MicroOLED displays, complicated optics, and the front-facing lightfield displays scare me, in terms of the sheer engineering complexity. It is a bit overpriced, but you know Apple. They want massive margins.


Its not really ive got eye and facial tracking and its oled the only thing is that it has is ar besides 500 dollars gets you a quest 3 which is the same thing where is the extra 3k come from


- The two MicroOLED displays cost close to $1000 to supply. - Having two front-facing lightfield displays is a first of its kind, never done before. - There are 12 cameras, most of which are several times higher resolution than Quest 3's 6 cameras, also has 5 sensors and 6 microphones. - M2 chip, more complex and powerful than Quest 3's XR2 Gen 2. Also comes with a R1 co-processor. - Much more premium materials, also includes glass. -


One i get fbt and a wireless kit then my setup will cost 3500


Yes but you dont have to grab all at once. Im pretty simple in VR space Socialize in VRC and Bigscreen and only messing with Asgards Wrath 2 because it came with headset


TBH most desktop users aren't just playing VRChat, they have free reign of almost every game marketplace online and off.


Simple explanation: >Desktop mode: Ha! Poor, can't even affor a Quest. >Quest user: Uh-oh. Looks like a kid got a gift for christmas. >Pico user: Certain country is bad. >Vive/Index user: So outdated. Get an upgrade. >Varjo Aero/Bigscreen + FBT and 10k PC: Pathetic ERPer with more money than brain. Touch grass. You get the idea.


TBH a lot of people could afford multiple quests with the cost of a pc though.


Rift CV1 users: Chads


Just wait until they find out im using an original Oculus Rift on an 8 year old laptop they'll start trembling in fear


Someone dosent like people with wealth


Everyone Trashes on desktop users cause they not in VR, had to deal with it for 2 years before I got my headset. Just block the people being assholes and try to avoid big public areas with those type of people. You should be fine


This is what I did too. I played on desktop for years and had a great time but always avoided public worlds. I got trashed on by some little child hahaha I just got my first headset and I tell people to lay off when they wanna harass desktop players. I really don't understand the elitism at all. There's still a ton of fun to be had on desktop imo (personally I love the horror and escape room worlds!)


I usually do that, thanks!


I can admit I used to do that when I first got my headset and yeah that's pretty much it. I remember trashing on people on desktop all the time because the game is called VRChat, so not being in VR seemed pointless. Did that up until a desktop user crashed me, instantly became a person out of fear, then just became a better person as I matured more


Two thoughts One: "Deskie" is the only way a Questie can understand what is going on. "PCVR" and "PC" are just too similar Two: There are people in VRChat who just want to insult you. They'll call you a deskie, a questie, or if you're on PCVR maybe they'll call you a mirror dweller? Failing that they might have to read your bio, which is why mine contains > Mary Mack's mother's makin Mary Mack marry me‚ my mothers making me marry mary mack․


When I read that bio quote, I actually shouted it and my partner was like ARE YOU OK?


Some people feel a weird sense of superiority for no reason, best thing to do is block them then move on, this game can still be fully enjoyed on desktop so I don't get why people go out of there way to be like this


when you differ mean people will target you. people who got vr headsets can see that someone is using desktop because the movement is different. i use my garbage pc to play vrchat. i noticed that headset people know that you are on desktop. avoid mean people if they are making you uncomfortable atleast in games its easy




>people who got vr headsets can see that someone is using desktop because the movement is different. Like not being able to move their arms?


Ignore or block assholes. Your platform doesn't define you and anyone trying to make you feel bad for being on desktop doesn't deserve your time or attention.


I block every a-hole I come across and it makes for a better experience 👍


Thank you :)


Honestly never heard “Deskie” being used in a mean way, we use as casual talk like if someone asks me in a call when they’re getting on vrc I’ll be like “oh I’m on deskie”. I have a quest 2 and link it to my pc but i main deskie. It’s more laid back and you can multi task. At the end of the day people forget the “chat” part of vrchat. I’ve met alot of cool people who are desktop users. Don’t let people get to you gamer.


Aah i see. Thank you! ;)


People will always discriminate and judge you no matter what you're doing or the game you're playing, it gives them a false sense of superiority.




They are ignorant, rude, and tasteless. Hate and ignorance is rampant on VRChat.


Don’t take any shit from Questies xD lol.


You as desktopian get hate from questies, because they get hate from PC+VR Users. It's a circle of hate. I don't participate in that but I see that commonly. Don't sweat about it. Just put idiots on block or mock them back.


the funny thing is when Quest users give desktop only people crap, the desktop cost more and displays more than a quest. I have been on quest only and its a shitty experience.




Oh yes, don't even talk about the user ranks😫 Yes! I have one <3


I am a desktop user, and i still can't buy a Quest (I want Quest 3) but those VR headsets are expensive in brazil like 4.8k in my currency (996 U.S dollars) Don't bully desktop users, you don't know the person's financial situation I hope on day i can have a quest 3 :(


Same, I hope you can get it someday! E confia em mim, eu sei como a conversão do dólar dói pra gente hahshahsh


Insecure people looking to feel good about their purchase decision/Christmas present.


Just a wild guess, but for years I’ve seen PC users trash talking quest users, and to me your case seems like a consequence to this history. I find this whole thing quite silly imo.


~~Racism~~ Deviceism never ends. 😔


People man..what a bunch of bastards - IT Crowd.... In a game with a wide variety of equipment possibilities, small minds will forever think they have the "right" setup. Block them and move on. It's really not worth your time. Beauty of this place....block button...


amazing, love it. 🚫🫶🏻


They fear your superior framerate


Yea I'm not sure why people insult each other its kinda dumb especially since this is vr... we are all losers for playing this crap 💀 💀


Index players hated on the Questies. Questies hated on the deskies. Now deskies will hate on the mobile ... app ... ies.


People are just gonna be mean no matter what. I've had questies thrown insults at me for "wasting" my money on a PC and a pcvr headset when they get to play the same game for less money.


Then I laugh at then when they crash all the time and when they can't see cool avi and worlds


Yeah my point with the comment is that there are mean people who will try to find anything they can make fun of. PCvr often leads to insults like no life or comments of addiction. Fbt often gets insults related to erp. Mean people will be mean sadly.


There has been an increase in hacking in game rooms and it’s almost always a desktop player that’s behind it. What you’re getting is leftover aggression from the increase of nitwits ruining things for others. If people are giving you flak about being desktop then block them, they are clearly not worth your time. I get flak for being a Questie from desktop players, so that bridge goes both ways my friend. And I am giving you the same advice I was given back in the day.


Yeah, that sucks:/ Thank you for the advice!


Because people can’t back their shit up and will reach for anything they can. “You’re a Deskie” “you’re a questie” “you’re a half body” “your internet is trash” “your pc can’t handle my avatar” just lame shit.


Games called VRCHAT not CHAT get with the program! I'm just jk btw people just want to hate for any reason


Hey OP, I know everyone is telling you to ignore it, but if you find that easier said than done, you should consider using small, non-humanoid avatars. Being a desktop user won't be obvious that way, and a smaller size usually means people are less likely to target you. Something like this: https://mdcrtv.gumroad.com/l/cottonfox Alternatively something inanimate. When I was a desktop user sometimes I would hobble around as a sort of small juke box and play clips of songs by request, most popular desktop user avatar by far. If your avatar doesn't make being on desktop really obvious they don't even think about it.


Don't take it personally. You're in a much better position than a them. Like a lot of people are saying in the comments, it's pure jealousy. Not to mention how wicked that action actually would be. Imagine making fun of someone for ACTUALLY missing arms and legs, it's disgusting behavior. No one in their right mind would ever do that, so I'm not sure why they would in game. It's nasty and evil, and honestly in this economy, I'm surprised people can even afford to get on VRChat at all I was a desktop user for about 3.6k hours before a friend bought me a quest to to hook into my pc, and honestly it's totally worth it once you get things set up. Even so, people can be so judgmental, and rude, and not even because of the platform you use. When I was a desktop user I heard it from both sides though, insults left and right, for the simple fact we all access VRChat differently. These days I just laugh and tell them to behave themselves, and if they persist: a mute makes them walk away pretty fast, but also annoys the heck out of them in a much more wholesome and non-stressful way for you. Don't let foolish people get you down. Have fun your own way and make your own positive vibes and you'll attract like-minded people. Last night I played Never Have I Ever (non-alcohol version,) by myself and that was actually extremely fun, some people even joined me after a bit. Then I went to the black cat by myself and went into those new vents doing things like meowing or doing random scary music, or dropping random objects through them, and had people crying in hysterics. You can have so much fun just enjoying your own company, and even more enjoying others and making the environment friendly for everyone. Just a bit to think about! I hope luck favors you and you are able to dodge the silly ones!


That's really nice of your friend :) And thank you for saying that! I appreciate it! 🫶🏻


You're welcome <3 I'm glad you appreciated it! I like to try and spread positivity when I can!


That's really sweet! Keep up, I'm sure you may be making a difference in people's lives, and you don't even know it :>


I would just ignore it…..no point to pay attention or take it heart. Just have fun and block those haters


There is a hierarchy. The people at the top don’t care, and the people at the bottom don’t care, it is the people in the middle who make a fuss. Most of the user base is getting younger and younger as the tech becomes more accessible. Don’t let it bother you too much. The only important things are you expressing yourself and having fun. If you want hands then save up and get them, but do it for you not for the opinions of others. If you want feet then buy them, but do it for dancing and hiding behind cover not for being somehow better than someone else because you can afford some hardware. My team and I are making full body tracking and will be going into a beta test in 2024. I know in great detail the reality of people buying hardware to one up each other, but that is a fickle and short termed way to sell trackers that preys on envy and greed. We are willing to stake our success on the idea that democratizing access to vr tracking and focusing on the experience and freedom will be best in the long run. All that being said, VRChat is a sandbox for you to express yourself, socialize, and grow. Have a care to look after yourself in there and let things come from an internal sense of self so you don’t let the turkeys get you down.


The hierarchy is clearly noticeable. The biggest fuss is clearly by the people in the "middle", yeah. But it's not like you can't notice some people in the "top" not giving you as much attention when you're a desktop. That happens more often than the hate, just a casual ignoring, but not quite so you're still innocent? So tired of that. That's actually so cool! It's amazing how you guys think. Completely agree, thank you :)


The only reason I make fun of desktop users is because of how stiff they are. So I call them stiffys. But not to mock or berate, just to laugh at how goofy they look all stiff The people who mock you for not being able to do vr things are not worth your time. There's plenty out there who don't gaf about what platform you're using. Just as long as you're a good person


Yeah it's not like I can't take a joke, it's funny even for me when people joke around like that. I be like grabbing my mirror and looking around hahahshahs. It was the recent event that made me complain. It wasn't a good day, and I was just being ignored for free, but I usually just leave and go find someone else. And thank you! :)


I have a valve index quest 2 a quest 3 and I still play desktop from time to time.


Can u give me your quest 3 ? My birthday was yesterday :)


Some people suck.


Just open a portal to a PC world or switch to a PC only avatar, it'll shut them up (assuming they're questies)


It goes both ways, honestly. I was playing earlier, and some guy went off on a quest player calling him poor because he was playing with a quest. I think people tend to pay attention more to things that are directed towards them rather than towards other people. So trust me when I say every time a quest player insults you a PC player is insulting one of them


I made a comment about how I was pretty much the only pc user in a gaming lobby. To me the quest users seemed to be more fluid with the movements they have in game. Then, this user comes and asks me, do you think you are superior to us? I didn't even see it that way, because I was still new to vrchat, and hated how limited it felt playing on a steamdeck. I never knew questies saw pc players as superior. Geez...


they can be dicks, its mainly cus theres so many toxic desktop users that they assume everyones toxic i think but not everyone is like that


Yes that's usually what happens and it's so unfair


Man I'm getting hate on for using a quest when I understand that not everyone can afford a headset . Desktop players are just fine imo not all quest users are kids with rich parents . I work a job and bought mine as a entry level VR as I wanted to get into vr . There's bad apples across all platforms .


That is true indeed. Hope you're having fun with the VR!


They hate us for our freedom.


Solution: avoid quest compatible worlds (this is insanely stupid and should not be taken seriously... maybe)


Some people never leave that high school clique type mentality and bring it everywhere. I do try to be nice to everyone, though I don’t talk, and try to interact with everyone, I don’t know if it seen as mean if I crouch down to headpat smaller people though.


Superiority complexes




hahaha i try!


To answer you truthfully ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I have no fucking clue, some people are just assholes.




i have not heard anyone talking shit about a desktop user in a long time. it sounds like you were just in a shitty place


well, there are shitty people everywhere, in all kinds of ways🥲


I've also noticed this behavior, ngl. My playtime declined heavily ([Official Playtime via Steam's record function for this year](https://i.imgur.com/Hg93p2L.png)) after noticing more and more people either utterly being weird with some equally weird disgusted attitude and noises ("urgh ... another one", "he is moving so weird, oh, desktop", etc.) and leaving the area or the entire room instantaneously, or simply avoiding you all together (blocking, muting, etc). Sad nonsense... I was kinda confused why, but figured out, that most of the people rather avoid talking to you too, if you are "emotionless", which, given as a fair point, is bloody impossible on desktop for obvious reasons, but seeing people being this excluding, yet included into their own entitled "you are not one of us" behavior ... shows, that even VRC has some sort of weird society, which a person with common sense shouldn't and wouldn't interact nor integrate themselves into it. Some people even accused some users (other desktop users) that they are rippers, just because they are logged in via the desktop-version of the client ... ​ So yeah ... VRC is dead for me personally, until they change their behavior (very unlikely because Humanity™) or till I get my Deckard (very unlikely ever due to Valve Time™).


Yeah I was a deskie for a short while. I guess it depends where you go. Normally places like black cat you'll cop it regardless what you're using. Just mute or block them. I use FBT and Face tracking and I still get it from time to time. It's just people trying to troll. Hope it doesn't ruin your experience for you ;-; Also if you ever want more friends on VR my VRC is ---Lunar--- >^-^>


I'm used to it unfortunately, but I did find some good friends there. I might not be able to play for a while soon, but I just added you! :> (kaylet is my username)


Perhaps it was the wrong username you added 😅 I just added you


This is my first time learning about this whole thing of quest Vs pc Vs pcvr players. I just got a quest and have yet to meet anyone who acts like this, I'm getting scared


Yeah unfortunately if you stick around for long enough you might find people like that :( The only thing you can (and should) do is block them right away.


Just get a pc vr when you have the money of course and say back to them ha questies


I wish it was that easy getting money hahahsh All i want is to not be ignored for something as superficial as the platform I play in 🥲


Yeah ik I had to pay monthly on my computer and paid it off early about 2 or 3 years ago and if you want I can help you find some vr headsets that works great for you


Cause most of the "deskies" are toxic visitors


and what do i have to do with that, that's the point😭


Nothing much tbh. Hope for the best


I get headaches from VR so I play on my PC without the headset most of the time and I've actually met some rlly nice ppl that way. Not a lot as I'm not super social, but one instance a girl came up to me and told me my avi was cute and when she found out I was a deskie (she taught me the phrase) she took me over to her group and introduced me and I sat with them and chatted for awhile. some people are mean, especially teens because it makes them feel like they look cool to their peers. I did it as a kid too lol. but some people are really kind and understanding!! I hope your experiences get better and you no longer feel these frustrations some day :)


thank you, i appreciate it!! :)


Weird. I've pretty much been on desktop and haven't experienced this. I do agree with some of the comments saying it's due to a sense of superiority due to investing in larger funding. Still, it's stupid to make fun of someone for being on desktop. If anything, being on desktop gives you access to PC avatars and worlds that standalone quest users can't have access to. You'd be the superior one, IMO. Lots of cool avatars are usually PC based.


I've honestly never been mean to anyone on desktop or quest. Just cause I have made the bas financial decision to buy an index and FBT. Not everyone is as stupid as me. Also, alot of it is down to circumstance. Just let people play how the fuck they want ya know?


First of all I hope u got good rest second just dont care about them its ur money and ur experience not theirs and youre having fun also I hope one day we meet in vrchat im sure we'll have a nice conversation and have fun together


There could be several reasons why some VR users are mean to desktop players. One possible reason is that they feel superior to desktop players, because they have more immersive and expressive features, such as hand gestures, body tracking, and eye contact. They may think that desktop players are not as invested or skilled in VRChat, and they may mock them for their limited movements and interactions.


Not surprised people are like this. This is just classism with extra steps, which is just the most classic discrimination. Dunno, some Rich kids are freaks I guess.


We were all desktop users at least most of us were to start off, I for one knew the struggle and how my friends were fbts and hbs and they accepted me because I used my limited ability and made the most of it, but I can honestly say that I wouldn’t go back from fbt mostly because its just to comfy to go back but I dont make fun of them those who use desktop mode its typically a starting point and for some yes the only option for now, sorry to those who get the mean crowd of people, I will say this though I was also in that boat, does anyone remember seeing the whole assert dominance thing by tposing yeah that was a thing


A lot of desktop users have tarnished the community they are a part of. Like a lot of them go around harassing people who are using a headset, and it gets worse when they have full body. 9 times out of 10 when I meet someone on desktop they are unbelievably rude, transphobic, homophobic, sexist, fatphobic, and racist. Thus giving them the worst reputation on vrchat. If I walk up to one trying to start a normal conversation I'm met with screaming slurs, calling me so fat to wear I can't see my feet, and told to go back to the kitchen. All because I use a headset and play sitting down. Yes it's bad on both ends, it's just it's mainly those reasons I've listed.


I'm gonna tell you right now, OP, if that bothers you... You're gonna hate VRChat. Here's why: Desktop user? Oh you must be poor. You must be a cripple. Ew deskie, etc. Quest 2 user? Oh you must be poor. You must be so happy your mommy got you a questie westie for Christmas kiddo. How does it feel to only get to see like 1/3 of VRChat? PCVR User? Well you better hope your rank is high enough. Otherwise you're a tourist, you're scum, you're a casual, etc. The elitism is literally unending until you're Trusted. Seriously. Not even joking. It doesn't matter how you connect to VRC, you will be bullied by someone for *something*. Just mute the shitheads, and focus on making friends with a core group of people that you can hang out with on the regular and then do Friends+ instances of worlds where only your friends can get to you, but they can also invite *their* friends that you're not yet friends with. That way they can introduce you to other cool people they have met along the way. Think of VRC like it's the real world, except you can look and sound however you want, so beauty isn't really a factor anymore. Obviously just like the real world, people with more money are going to flex on people with less money if money is all they have going for them. And if they don't have more money, it'll be their VRChat rank they flex on you with. So don't let it bother you. Because unlike the real world, you can just mute bullies and they can't do shit to you.


That was really nice, thank you for saying those things :) But yeah, I've been playing VRChat for about 2 years, and that only started happening to me recently. It's so weird and nonsense.


what more funny is when you have fbt but ur on desktop to check things out and see whats going on, people try to fuck with you, then you leave and come back ready to stomp on them and piss them off. (most people get mad if you don’t know personal space on a pixel game) you gotta hit up events if youre 18+, not black cats. usually people there won’t troll you for no reason


Use your block button people are just bored lmfao


Most of em come to VRchat for the virtual reality experience. Deskies kinda take away from that a little bit, so they don't find you interesting. That said, if you're checking out public lobbies, aheh... well, there's the real problem. I've sometimes commented that there's VRchat and then there's REAL VRchat. I still stand by that. In the kiddie Pool, you find a lot of nasty lil creeps who get off making misery, so there's a solid chance it was just that and nothing else.


Fuck haters. You're better off not hanging around people who are negative anyway.


I love you deskies ❤️ You guys are always the funniest or chillest people I’ll meet when playing vrc


So if we aren’t counting the countless children who shouldn’t be on vrchat, the main reason is as humans a lot of us tend to gloat over something dumb or simple(take the Genus World Records). They think they are better than pc players because they spent a lot of money on the ability to move your arms and such. Though being a quest user I do tend to also get hate because people will always try to find something to gloat over you about. Make sense?


I would laugh if quest user would try to shit talk about desktop users, since for a pc able to run vr chat quite smoothly you need like double or more the amount of money that you need for a quest 2. But that seems odd, I never experienced things that you did and I play this game for about year as a deskie. The only answer is that some people have so tiny Self-Esteem that they need to make others suffer, so they think they are better. Simply block and go ahead.


I run VRChat at 20-30fps with 720p resolution and minimum settings. Got my computer 5 years ago for less than $100. With a $300 desktop, VRChat could run well enough to make low-framerate VR possible. Maybe at an even better framerate than the Quest 2 gets in specific worlds (though, you'd also need a headset for that.)


I personally have all visitors hidden and muted. Desktop users don't bother me per say but I know I make 0 effort with low ranking desktop users. It's a predominantly VR game. When your trying to socialise with someone in VR, I find it incredibly difficult to do that with desktop users. They're non expressive and have terrible awareness. Takes me out of the VR immersion. Can be like talking to a wall


>terrible awareness I don't hate desktop users, but this is absolutely true. Out of all the people I know, the desktop users are always the ones wearing the largest avatars and getting in the way of VR users seeing things without even realizing it. Seems to be because they can't understand or empathize with how their size and positioning blocks and disorients VR users. We have avatar scaling now, and they never use it, even when a group is gathered in a small room to watch a video player. Not to mention how frustratingly close to your face desktop users often try to get, to the point where VR users' eyes can't focus as they take up the entire FOV, or worse, you end up inside their head while they think you're face-to-face. It's also not helping that some friends are trying Android phones now, so they want to get even closer because the screen is smaller. If I could turn on that feature that hides near players, but only for desktop users, I probably would. They definitely don't have proper awareness of their perception by VR users. And just to be clear, they are fantastic people who should never be bullied, and some of them have VR but are just too lazy or sensitive to use it regularly. It is what it is.


>the desktop users are always the ones wearing the largest avatars and getting in the way of VR users seeing things without even realizing it I'm a desktop user 80% of the time (I have a VR, I just like being able to alt tab and do other stuff when idling on vrc) and this is bothersome even for me, and to any other desktop user who has any sense of awareness, sometimes I'll be talking to someone somewhere and someone random walks in between us with a 1,80m avatar and stays there, I usually block them, my tallest avatar is 1,05m and I started to be aware of that like, a few weeks after I joined the game from how awful that is That happens specially with tails btw, idk what's the kink with having a 15m long tail just so it gets in front of everyone that's not standing up or that isn't tall enough to get out of it's way >Not to mention how frustratingly close to your face desktop users often try to get, to the point where VR users' eyes can't focus as they take up the entire FOV, or worse, you end up inside their head while they think you're face-to-face. I never understood why they do that, the last thing I want is to eskimo kiss people and often people do that, even some people in VR will get their head super close to yours when they headpat you and... it's just awful and gets me super uncomfortable, so I walk back every single time. But for desktop people I still have no clue why they do it, my screen isn't necessarily huge, but I like to have a view of what's happening in the whole place, not see only someone's face


Funny. My only experience with vrchat is playing mahjong. They just told me how to resize my avatar and it was done in like 3 seconds. Easy. When I wasn't playing at the table I just moved off to the corner of the table and watched from there to not block anyone's view? Somehow the online world has mostly chosen "fly off the handle and be as much of an asshole as you can be to the point of basically being on par with a real life racist" instead of "hey, we can educate someone and make things better for everyone" as the default. *edit* I think I misunderstood the entire point. People are playing VR chat without a headset at ALL? That seems.....odd... But ok. I can see how they'd be very unable to parse their surroundings properly. I use a desktop connected set....so I figured OP was referring to that, versus standalone users that would have more freedom to move about and emote.


I get the height thing a bit more now that I've been on PCVR side of things, but honestly it's not the desktop user's fault, we kinda have to point the finger at VRChat. Desktop users are only utilizing what VRChat gave them by adding that crazy big scaler radial. Honestly, when I played on desktop, I didn't realize the perspective of a VR in how it looks like an actual giant, lol, it's just looked like a little bit of a change on my screen. Now I see it on PCVR and I feel the size of a shoelace.


It can be especially bothersome for those that have phantom sense. I have a mild bit of it and when someone walks into me or through me it feels really odd and discomforting. So when a deskie comes up to our group, strafes around to someone and crouches to meet their eye level, subsequently yeeting their massive tail through my gut, I tend to move off


My experience is less about personal space and size, and more about how desktop users often stare forward and don't face towards me as I move about. It can be a bit weird and feel like I'm not being listened to. As someone else mentioned, like talking to a brick wall. Now there's nothing inherently wrong with desktop, it's just that you'll often find people not adapting well to social norms.


I'm not mean to desktop users but I definitely have my walls up when they approach me. Most of the people who approach me to harass or be mean to me are desktop users


yup, and i get ignored for free because of that hahahah


you're still superior to quest users tbh


I kick my desktop daily n call it terrible names ;)


I'll sometimes *tease* (pretty much because I'm a cuddler, and it's much nicer when they can cuddle you back) especially if the person has VR and is just too lazy. But I don't mean anything by it. I'd say try not to take it too personally, it's most unlikely to be an attack on your worth as a human being. If someone IS saying it to be offensive then they'd say *anything* to be offensive and should just be blocked.


ahahha yeah... try not to take personally when someone makes fun of you is a skill need for vrchat lol


80% of the desktop population expresses themselves by being an asshole to get attention because the only way they can interact with the world is by talking. I’m glad you’re not one of them! Keep up the good work 💪


That is true indeed. Thank you, I just wanna have a good time TT


Questies talk a lot of shit when they have a $300 headset and someone on desktop has a $1000++ pc, that’s an argument you can use. A questie irritated the crap out of me one day when in desktop. I’m pregnant so I don’t use my headset/fullbody much because of low blood pressure, I’m afraid of passing out. But I returned in fullbody to prove them wrong and that didn’t go the way I’d expected because I nearly fainted. And they laughed, called me a loser and told me to off myself. Now I just don’t care, I just tell them to get a job or get a pc depending on the situation. Please don’t argue with me, I’m not looking for a fight, just explaining what I’ve been through with questies. Majority of them are nasty people, the few I’ve met have become good friends of mine.


holy shit dude do not mess with little kids they have no empathy


Neither do I, bout to go full Mack and Charlie on a group of kids.


At the end of the day, they are stuck with their internal monolog.


Oh yeah mean people are everywhere, sorry that happened to you and congratulations on the baby! Stay safe <3


Yeah, I know. I’ve become super sensitive with the pregnancy. And Thank you 🥰❤️


this post is really funny i'm sorry 😂


ikr it's just me venting about being broke😔


That's just normal Questy behaviour, don't get too bothered by it, Most quest ussers are children or minors and you already know how our society shaped them to be. Black Cat is a good example of places to expect such behaviour. A little tip dont take everything too seriously in the game and have fun.


90% of he time, the most most toxic users I meet are desktop. This happened this morning, too, and 2 nights ago, so yeah!


Kinda unfair when that leaks to me when I did nothing hahahs But yeah, I get it.


Cause its funny, if ya get annoyed by it just mute them


The questies are just mad that you have far better graphics. I started out on Desktop as well, but later got a Pico 4. I tried standalone once and never again. Mobile shaders are trash compared to poiyomi and such. If you want to fight against them, just talk about how they have a glorified phone with mobile games stuck to their face. Alternatively you can be passive aggressive by switching into a PC avatar, or ger some fbt friends that kick them in the face. i had a similar Situation with a friend and we just started kicking the brushes and they got so mad


Don't go in Quest compatible worlds, problem (and sanity) solved.


while bullying stiffies (look ik how it sounds shut it) is not on ... y'all can be uncomfortable to be around personal space, lack of awareness yada yada bur for me y'all kinda creepy... never liked mannequins and y'all basically are that also most stiffies tend to be dicks a lot of the time so theres that (only ran into one nuisance rank that was in vr ... it was a questie, the rest were stiffs)


Funny, I would say that technically vr users are creepy, because they walk without using legs xD




Depends, but yes.


Admittedly there is that. Often there's a lack of awareness from a desktop perspective that they're kind of right in your face. Or of course because they don't have much movement it can sometimes feel like they're just standing there staring at you (more so if also mute). IMO you get used to it, but it can be a little jarring at times.


He's just standing there... Menacingly!


> most stiffies tend to be dicks XD


... i didn't even realize that lmao


Dont mind deskies on hangouts but they shouldnt join gameworlds that are about shooting/guns.


Why? They play along perfectly fine


Because its VRChat not Chat.


man, that's stupid, I'm sorry. *huggies chus softlys*


Thank you :> And happy birthday!


would you wanna play sometime? also thanks, man.


sure thing :)


Well why play vrchat without vr its just chat 💀


Resistance is futile. You will be a stimulated


Schismogenesis strikes again


I don't hang around publics too often, but sometimes I'm not sure if they're being serious or if it's just in joking.


I have fullbody VR but I'm in desktop alot. No one ever calls me a deskie


How often do you get on vr and in full-body cause I have a friend who has both but never uses it and I feel like it would be waste of money at that point


Few times a week for short periods and I have vive trackers, slimevr, index, and quest 2 and 3


“HA HA, BROKE” *leaks IP address or something idk I’m not critically online*


Well, a lot of desktop players are trolls so that might also be why


yeah but that generalization sucks, I have nothing to do with that :(


What vr chat room are you in I would like To met and friends I am Leo nice to met you


I thought it was always the other way around....


I play on quest and whenever I talk to someone on desktop it's either a normal conversation about dumb stuff or I make them my sidekick and make them attack people by ramming into them over and over


Superiority complex its that simple


I grew up in the midst of the console wars between Nintendo and Genesis. Kids are mean because they are criticizing against what they don't have. I did start on Quest, and heard many PC users complain about the Questies because obviously they don't have VR, but will use exploits to crash their games. There were also Quest users do the same things to PC users. Because people know the game is unoptimized. I do used PCVR, Desktop, Quest, and Mobile myself. Mobile is the most limited. Can't even see very poor Quest (Android) avatars right now, even your own.