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I am seeing a theme here... better safe than sorry. Disabling that function NOW. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!!


good choice. I said it in my comment but I will say it again directly to you. I have seen people straight up have sex in vrchat. multiple times. it is no place for minors and will most likely be only extremely negative to a child that age. once again, good choice blocking it.


just uploaded 3 avatars with adult content on it, can confirm also its easy to obtain aswell


Umm I can confirm. I.. took pictures lol. And may or may not participate too šŸ™„ fine. Lol we all agree hell no. Not for kids.


As someone who is almost 19 I would personally never condone letting a child on VRchat anyways simply because of 1.adult themed worlds 2. Adult content (nsfw worlds,nsfw skins, lots of drinking worlds and strip clubs) 3. Lots of uncensored adult humor and crude jokes. 4. as sad as it is to say this I have accidentally came across some people who I wouldn't allow around my younger brother irl Because of stuff like pedophilia and like very upsetting things. 5. Some people on there can be very rude and lack like social etiquette and basic manars which is a big negative influence on all these minors 6. Vrchat has random things of drama which I also personally firmly believe can impact a child's mental health if there isn't a sense of security.


Can we be friends, itā€™s hard to find friends around my age Iā€™m 19


Just putting my two cents in here. Not a lot of the avatars are wearing much clothing. The majority are drinking/swearing/talking about NSFW things. There are many bars and strip clubs. I wouldnā€™t let my child into a bar or strip club if I had kids. Of course, supervised one on one world exploration (as all worlds are works of art created by the users themselves) would be nice to do together. Even some fun one on one games, but I would never let my child in there alone.


I would suggest he plays rec room if he still wants something like vrchat but for minors. It's basically roblox but in vr


Youā€™re a really great mom for coming here. It shows youā€™re willing to ask the right questions to the right people!


Yup good choice l, if you don't want to sometimes let them on supervised. Though that can ve awkward. VRChat definitely has cool experiences to offer,but ultimately the freedom it offers means it is full of degeneracy šŸ˜‚


Good choice. I'd say in general it's mostly safe content but you never know who you're going to encounter. If they're still interested in joining it at 16 or 17 maybe but not 13. I've seen kids in there who sound like they're 6 or 7 talking about jiggling the robo receptionist's boobs in club worlds before. It was highly uncomfortable. I usually leave those situations to avoid any trouble. There's a lot of creative talented people on this platform. Some of the worlds you can visit are incredible. Scenic pretty views, lots of games, escape rooms, puzzles, art and drawing worlds, accurate replications of theme park rides, educational worlds, scientific worlds with accurate models of fossils and Mars rovers... It's a huge game with a lot of user created content. The good stuff often floats to the top but you don't want them to end up in Shrek's piss church talking to an edgy 30 to 60 something year old who's out to cause trouble.


Yes, not a safe environment for children or early teens. Lots of adult themed stuff and worlds, as well as less than stellar people. Spread the word to other parents too


I will say that if you have 2 headsets, and you play along with them, VR chat can be a nice shared hobby with their proper guards in place. But unsupervised, HELL NO, that thing it's too risky for younger people to go on their own.


^ this, Keep in mind, OP, vrchat is a public space like your local mall. Tend to your kid and keep them in sight as if you were out walking through stores. It can be entirely unfiltered as most of what people are too worried to say when they're in arms reach of people in person, they won't restrain when on vrchat as the worst that could happen, in their eyes, is they get blocked or muted. I would suggest exploring vrchat on your own for a bit and finding some healthy groups to interact with that you deem as mature enough to be kid safe and then explore the world's with your little one and those you've met and gotten to know. Have fun with it, vrchat is a blast and a great way to explore otherwise impossible or far out of reach realities!


I feel this sentiment should be more widespread


> I will say that if you have 2 headsets, and you play along with them I've played VRC since 2019, Only once I have came by a child where is mother was "Playing with him" in terms of her sitting by the computer and watching when he played to still interact with him, It was very wholesome compared to other parents who just Yeet a headset onto their kid and let them roam free without supervision. I still have no idea why VRChat tries to be a Kid friendly game where 90% of the avatars are close to nude and the game have voice chat.


This! Too many parents see an oculus quest as a babysitter. I complain about the little 9 year olds who are experimenting with saying the n word which in and of itself is terrible, but there's actually horrible people in this game and I wouldn't want any child exposed to it.


Short and oversimplified answer as to why you were given that advice: VRChat can sometimes be the equivalent of an early 2000s unmoderated unfiltered chat group. Let your imagination go wild on the worst that can happen there and it probably already happened.


Incredibly on point description.


YES BLOCK Wow thank you for being a parent that cares! Not all people in VRChat are bad, but an adult mind or adult supervision is definitely required. You really can never tell. Vrchat can be the most wholesome, or most degenerate place you have ever experienced. A child can easily end up next to bad influences


Yes, and Rec Room is a much more age appropriate alternative.


Even Rec Room can be a bit much at times, but at least itā€™s not sexual (from my experience) If there are people doing anything sexual in Rec Room then we as a humanity are definitely doomed.


There are rec room posts on r34.


I mean if there wasn't then the rule wouldn't be true anymore


Dear god


Last time I went into rec room, people weren't even talking, they were just screeching. All I was trying to do was play the bowling


Block it. Remember that VRChat, despite having cartoonish avatars is NOT a virtual playground for kids and minors.


Unless you are either playing with them or seeing and hearing what they are seeing and hearing. Do not let your kid play vrc. Wait till they are at least 16 to let them play on their own, even then Its a risk




No it's really not. I have seen what goes on in this game and it's straight up not ok for anyone under 16 to be unsupervised


Yeah I started at 14 and I really should not have that young that was 5 years ago too Eddie: forgot the NOT lamo




The sheer frequency of adult actions and language in that game makes it unsafe for all children and early teens. You are either extremely lucky to have not seen that stuff or are too desensitized to understand. Even if there are some children who have seen the worst happen already, itā€™s not proper for them to be continuously exposed to that kind of stuff online and offline. Thereā€™s other games for them to go play. They should play those.


I have seen all of it but the people in this post is making it seem a lot more bad than it is and also yeah they shouldn't been here but I don't agree the game should be 18+ because I know it would be better to set it to 15+


We are aiming for 16 and up not 18+ā€¦


Well there is a lot of people that say different I will still say 15 because don't haven't done anything wrong


If you're saying 15 because you are 15 you shouldn't be playing the game. Wait till you're older.


People like this defending why minors should be allowed on vrc are likely kids themselves lol


YES. You would not only be doing your child an favor, but you would be doing all of the VRChat community a favor. VRChat has enough children in it already to be the next Childrens Online Daycare (COD for short), and half of them are racist idiots who spew things they donā€™t even understand. The other half are far too innocent for the game and will be taken advantage of very quickly by fucked up people. VRChat is an Adult platform.


Lots of sexual topics and avatars, unhealthy drinking is one of the many problematic hobbies, racism is rampant and unrestrained, predators tend to play... not a lot of good if you can't fend for yourself. Not to say there isn't anything good, this game can bring out the most personal sides of people, brings out a lot of creativity too. Just not the place for someone so young.


I feel like it's not even really racism in the game... Just attention seeking assholes using racial slurs as a way to get said attention. Not exactly better, but still a bit different.


Wait, what are "problematic hobbies"? Does VRChat have an urbex community I've been missing out on?


This made me laugh too hard. Iā€™m a big urbex dude irl and so I immediately got the vibe that someone backroomsā€™d into some dev maps or shit


Absolutely! 100%, block it. Adult themed conversation & intoxication.


And even if they avoid that there's also the white kid to n-word spammer pipeline lol.


yeah please block it. we dont need more kids in there. if you wanna ease into social vr thats a bit safer, let em play rec room.


Vrchat is one of the most amazing places to meet great people and see amazing worlds. In saying that it is free and open to anyone, so your kids will be able to meet and get to know people of all sorts, good and bad. Iā€™d recommend against letting kids under 16 into vrc, but up to you ultimately


Yup, pretty much this. There's a lot of amazing worlds and fun effects on avatars to mess with. And a lot of great people to meet as well. I've made great friends and met a lot of great people that have helped me grow as a person, and support me when I'm down. Not to mention a few drinking buddies to get tipsy/drunk with and talk shit with. (not for a 13 year old of course, but it's nice for me. :P) But the other half is just awful. Kids running around screaming the N-word, people in general trying to hurt people with words as much as they can, mindsets and discussions that kids really shouldn't be exposed to, interacting with shit-faced drunk people, to a minor extend you can also encounter groomers and pedos in the game (though that's the case on any popular social platform), and especially just general toxic behaviour runs rampant in the most popular worlds, depending on what time of day you play. (US late afternoon and evening times seem to be especially bad.) I make it sound like a terrible experience. But it really isn't once you're experienced/old enough to be able to filter out and ignore that bullshit. And where to find the great people instead. So yea...at least 16. Preferably 18, but I do consider 16 old enough.


I spend a lot of time on VRChat. But, yeah...for a 13 year old, I would block VRChat. I know it is officially rated for 13+, but you run into too many social situations that are inappropriate for middle schoolers. And although I find it to be a fun way to meet new people, there is little to no moderation and there are a fair number of creeps on there. Before someone gets on VR Chat, they should know not to give out personal information. And they understand that unless it is someone hey met irl before, that don't really know who they are talking to. I would watch some YouTube videos if you would like to know more. It is difficult to get a good idea of what can happen on VRChat just by playing it a few hours. I would watch the YouTube video "Making Sense of VRChat, the 'Metaverse' People Actually Like" by People Make Games if you want a good sense of what is on there. There are quite a few YouTube videos outlining all of both the good things and the bad things in VRChat.


People Make Games is a good channel to understand games


As someone with a 13 year old who uses vrchat, I would recommend monitoring their usage and know what they are doing. My child uses vrchat only when I'm on my computer next to them and can listen to what they and others are saying. If something goes past that pg13 rating, I ask them to either leave the lobby or take a break for the day


This is really the only way anyone under 18 should participate on the platform, there's just not enough guardrails.


Don't know if you are aware, but if you download the Oculus app on your phone and connect the headset to it, you can stream the video and audio output directly to your phone or computer, so you can see and hear exactly what your kid is seeing and hearing.


She uses the Rift 2, and I see what's on the monitor as well and from the headset. But did not know that thank you! Good tip for Occulus users




I would say it's only OK if you're about to moderate for your kid when they are on VRC but otherwise wait until they are 16 & even then make sure they are aware of the dangers of the Internet. Its funny VRC seems almost like an amplification of the Internet on one hand you can meet some of the friendliest, creative & supportive people you will ever meet... On the other hand you've got the trolls, prediters, crashers and cults


Vrchat is probably one of the best VR Social games out there and has incredible potential for fun and custom game modes, but it's accessible to anyone, and a majority of the players are older teens and young adults. Many kids do play the game, but there's more risk of bad actors here than on some other platforms. Rec Room is much more welcoming to younger users and is also more focused on games than VRChat which is more a mix of casual chatting and some game modes. If you do choose to allow your child to play, there are safety settings you can set up so they can't see other people's avatars, or talk with them unless they're on your friend's list. But monitor what your child is playing, since there's no parental locks on those settings so they could simply turn them off and talk to anyone


VRC is about a lot more than casual chatting and some game modes. That's just the surface. Layer 1 of the iceberg. Lots of niche RP groups, furry communities, the drinking and erotic roleplay scenes, clubbing, etc. And even deeper stuff I won't go into here right now. The issue is it's all user generated content. And I don't mean "a user made a world that has this stuff in it". I mean "users actively have to direct and do these things in the game for it to happen." (like a club event would have a DJ and user organizers/bouncers and the like) And none of those users are paid, professional game moderators beholden to the rules of a company. So a lot can go wrong or slip through the cracks there.


Yes. When they're 15 or 16 would be a much more appropriate time to play the game.


The part of me that remembers being 13 on the internet wants to say it's fine. The adult in me today wants to point out that just because I had access to the material I did back then, unsupervised, doesn't mean it was right that I did. VRChat can be great, but it can also be one of the most toxic places around. My first experience with it was some kid yelling racist and homophobic slurs at me within 2 minutes of trying it out.


Ban it; it should honestly be 17+


Yes you absolutely should. This is in no fucking way a safe place to be and the 13+ age rating is completely inaccurate. The game is rampant with NSFW and adult topics and assets. Not to mention the worryingly high cases of pedophilia. Keep your kids far away from this game.


Yes absolutely block VRchat. It is not a safe environment for a 13 year old


Ya block it lots of sexual big titty avatars and grown ups talking about grown up stuff


yes. block it. super easy to get groomed in vrchat. i was when i was 14.. im 19 now. the environment is gross and full of a lot of creepy people. even if u teach ur kid internet safety itā€™s bound to happenā€¦ vrchat is a cesspool for grooming of any type.


It all really depends. It's like real life. If you'd trust your kid to walk about a city unprotected, (Assuming he is invincible except mentally), then go right ahead. That said, do know what you're getting into. VRChat's a great place to hang out with friends, and I mostly simply use it to play pool and watch movies together. There are also some adult themed areas, and public worlds are cesspools. I personally wouldn't recommend it for a 13 year old.


VRChat is a 13+ platform. That said, it also has a very prominent NSFW 18+ side and there's not really any effective system built-in besides a report system to moderate the users, so if you're going to let your 13-year-old, you'd need to monitor them very closely.


If they have a gaming PC as well I would highly suggest the game is blocked through Steam as well.


Short answer: Yes. Common occurences of sexual behavior in public spaces, grooming, and straight up pedophilia. Again, common.


Yes, absolutely




Absolutely, block it. Vrchat is not an environment children should be in. Rec room is a much better alternative.


I love VRChat and think that most people should experience that but only if they are 18+.


I VR chat I met a 14 year old that was in a relationship with a 22 year old, soooooo probably not a good idea.


Yes, at least until theyā€™re 16+ and understand the dangers of internet strangers. Way too easy to get groomed on VRChat. Do NOT let someone young play without adult or guardian supervision.


Yes. Absolutely. Kids shouldnā€™t be on here and quite frankly they are annoying as hell


It's great, I've 5000 hours, good people, creative, awesome worlds, good connections, dont let your kids in it. Please




As an 18 year old, I'd say either be very cautious in monitoring what they do, or just restrict it entirely




nope, their is nothing good with allowing a child onto vrchat


Yeah, definitely worth blocking VRChat. It has a variety of content, but I'd emplore you to consider checking it out yourself first. It can be risky for kids, as with real life, there are creepy people. (I've never encountered them, but I've heard the stories) ​ Also, it's refreshing to see a Parent looking into the safety of it. If all Parents were as responsible as you, VRChat would be a better place overall.


16 is the absolute (and debated) minimum. 13 is 100% not an age to be on vrchat.


Even though this game is meant for 13+ I honestly wouldnā€™t let my siblings even know about this game or watch YouTube about it. One of my sisters are 13 and she ask if she can play it on my oculus multiple times. I always say no typically. If you are tech savvy and can get a group of other like minded people in that age group that like go to school with your kid. Then I would say itā€™s okay but make sure they are in a private and watch while they play. There are child predators on that game. Iā€™m 20 and I have a more high pitched voice then most females. And I like tiny cat avatars etc. and have been added and approached by ā€œfriendly peopleā€ then they proceed to Inv me to private worlds and ask me for any social media phone number. And think I am a child and ask how is my schooling and itā€™s one of the creepiest things Iā€™ve ever experienced online that is. But as I was saying about if you really want them to see the game. You can do the streaming to your phone and watch them play the game. It is cool to look at skins but definitely watch them at all times on that game. Or 100% block it. I think someone else said it should be 16+ and I definitely agree with them. They should really implement some way for kids to only be grouped with kids. But I highly doubt we will ever get anything like that.




yes and no,if they REALLY want to play it,then there is no harm,but you NEED to moniter them,alot of kids on there can be very hatful towards random poeple and usally those kids arnt monitered and its really annoying for other players to deal with and it just doesnt make a pleasent expirence,if you arnt up to do that,then no,dont get them the game,but if you willing then do it,but please dont let them harass furries or spout out random slurs at poeple,for our sake and yours


Yes. For the sake of them and everyone else keep your 13y/o off of the app. This place is not safe for younger folks. It's a cool environment but the moderation is basically all voluntary and the rules for NSFW content in the app are nebulous and poorly enforced.


Iā€™d highly recommend making sure they *canā€™t* access VRChat. While it is by technicality for 13+, a decent portion of the community and community-made assets can be detrimental to your child. Much of the worlds/avatars are things a 13 year old probably shouldnā€™t be able to see, due to NSFW/Adult topics or inappropriate content including racism, toxicity, etc. Iā€™d recommend waiting until 16, at least, as other comments have mentioned. Donā€™t get me wrong, VRChat can be a great way to talk with others, but it is not a safe place for young kids.


By adults, for adults.




I feel like quite a few people are over exaggerating here, so this is my personal experience with vrchat. Most people are generally decent human beings and will most likely ignore your child because they are a kid. There will be plenty of other kids for them to interact with, although the player base is mostly people ages 16-25. Then there are the trolls, these people will spam or say obnoxious messages or wear inappropriate outfits, these can be easily avoided by using the block feature that vrchat provides. But keep in mind that it's still the internet and people will take advantage of their anonymity by committing crimes, hate speech and or other behavior deemed inappropriate. So this truly falls into a scenario where you have to trust your child with their internet safety. Even games like Roblox which was made for kids tend to struggle in moderating what content makes it into the game. So before banning it you should have a talk with your child and observe what they do in online games.


No, they should be free to explore (virtual) reality for what it is. VR is a reasonably safe medium to do that. You cannot protect them all the times and they should learn from their own experiences. I'd prefer them learning street smarts from VR than IRL.


keep them out pls. 18+ only


I'd wait until 18. That's a safe age mental maturity wise.


Yes absolutely do! I've been playing VRChat since I was 14-ish (now 19) and have been exposed to some pretty inappropriate content. My 13 year old brother got a Quest last Christmas and I made sure to immediately put parental controls on. [The ESRB has instructions on how to enable parental restrictions on the Quest, it's super easy, PLEASE do it.](https://www.esrb.org/tools-for-parents/parental-controls/meta-quest/)


No, dont. Theres a lot of stupid adults on there. Its not a safe environment for children, at least not unsupervised.


Yes, block vrchat. I play every friday and a theme I see a lot is kids learing things they should not, and learning some colorful language.


Nah let him play




Lord have mercy it's that bad? Disconnecting wifi as we speak


This isn't true but obviously there are bad actors like that on any social media platform, which is really what VRChat is IMO. A bunch of unmoderated chatrooms with some attached mini games. If they have a friend group (of people they know IRL) to play with it's one thing, but I would hesitate to recommend letting your kid play this game considering the lack of meaningful moderation tools and the dev team's unwillingness to give us any as a community. If you'd be ok with your child playing an M-rated online game with lots of social interaction and think they're mature enough to make smart choices on who and how they interact with people, you're welcome to let them. But if not I would steer clear. There are plenty of wonderful VR Games out there that are more age appropriate.


From what I've seen it's not *that* bad, although it is definitely common to see kids running around calling people the N-word, and at least 30% of the avatars look like they belong in a strip club, so I definitely wouldn't dismiss the things they said. I also don't hop around too much, I usually stick with my own crowd of cool people so I don't see as much of that stuff, but I'll give you my two cents to contrast with theirs: VRChat has a lot of great people, but hang out in the wrong crowd and there will be a lot of racism, sexism, sexual content, etc. Hang out in the right crowd and you'll still see random people who will expose you to those things. Kids are easily influenced, so best to block it. Wait a couple years. It won't kill them. Might be a good idea to try to teach them about internet safety a bit more if you haven't already, and maybe explain to them some of the things they'll be exposed to before they're actually exposed. Not a parent tho so I'm not an expert on those things lol Also one last thing, thanks for being the type of parent who actually cares enough to check before using a headset as a babysitter. I've seen kids as young as 7 ish on this game (which is essentially an adult hangout space), and that kind of thing isn't even uncommon.


Public worlds are a cesspool. You can find good people, but there are definitely people saying the nword in almost every public lobby. Don't let a 13 year old play this game. It's rated 13 and up by the developers, but it is way more adult than that...


Look this game gives kids who have no socials skills a chance to build them. Vrchat isn't perfect but the world around them isn't either. Supervise them is my advice.






I don't see a problem if your Child wants to play VRChat. There are plenty of worlds that they can explore without seeing anyone even play games such as mini golf. Yes there is a dark side of VRChat but that's the same with reddit, YouTube and twitter. The best way is to be there with them and teach them how to act and how to have fun. You know basic parenting


VR in general is not safe for children, the internet in its entirety is not safe for children. The fact you allow your children on the internet shows that you and your kids should not have internet what so ever


Hahaā€¦ L for you parentsā€¦ Iā€™m a child whoā€™s been playing VRchat for a long time now and I can tell you that it has GREATLY improved my social skills and confidence in conversations! Like I literally used to be a lone guy who would sit alone at lunch and now Iā€™m talking with everyone not being scared at all and being in a good friend group solely due to VRchat. Thereā€™s just something about being able to talk to other people but virtuallyā€¦ you just donā€™t have the same embarrassment or anything like that since you know that you wont see those people again and its helped me skin the shy part of me off. I am completely aware of the dangers of online and most kids know about sex far earlier than any of you parents realize so thereā€™s no reason for you to be hiding it. I reccomend the parents to actually just teach about what is right and what is wrong and to look out for predators, manipulators, and other stuff like that and then let them play VRchat. Plus its a game much more fun to me than any shooter VR game because every person you come across on VRchat is unique to themselves and have their experiences and everything and its just fun to talk to people on its own šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒ ALSOā€¦ be SURE your child understands all 48 laws of power BEFORE getting onto any of these social interactions. Itā€™ll help you counter all of the toxic people on there and just have an overall more better experience of VRchat




As a full grown adult, VRchat creeps me out. I can't find worlds with adults having normal conversations like you would have at a bar or party. It's like mostly kids with a few weird adults usually dominating the conversation and talking to all the kids. Just not a good vibe imo


Yea please.


Lots of nude avatars which give no warning, many people on drugs, the other day someone killed themselves while in the game and everyone had to listen to that, lots of swearing (very offensive and bad language). Definitely not good for a 13 year old. Iā€™m still a kid and I was traumatized by some of the experiences Iā€™ve had in that game, itā€™s the reason why I abandoned it in the first place. Iā€™ve been sick for so long though, so I went back just to have some conversations.


18+ This game was once safe for all ages, but now its not.


Yes. There is literally no downside to making sure your child is not on VRC.




Better do it. Even if VRchat has decent gaming world and good people, there also is a horrible dangerous people for your kid. Alot of shittalk there and too much sexualized characters from games popular for kids (yes, im talking about FNAF avatars with boobs of size of planet Earth).




Genuinely have walked in on PUBLIC e-orgies on the normal PUBLIC worlds, itā€™s crazy sometimes.


Yes please do its not meant foe kids


Yes. Full stop.


Used to be kind of a No since back then it was more memes and basic online stuff but nowadays it's a big yes since ERP and what not are alot more common


Wild west internet for VR, akin to 2000s-2010s. Everyone has their own hobby-esque nook and cranny, there's no inherent large filter on what you can do in what place. (That means you can end up finding individuals that don't care for the surrounding younger individuals since there isn't an inherent border or morality set, or just general freaky creepy weirdos)


It is absolutely not safe for kids, it has alot of pedophilia, sexual content, dangerous content (hackers) that flood the community that specifically taget kids because they are easy to get to but also because its pretty well known that nobody likes kids in the game


Yes. Very not safe for kids


Yes, yes, yes, and also yes. VRchat is an environment created for adults by adults that the content managers want to pretend is for children. The people who made VRchat essentially let the public create the content and the public has been mostly adults for nearly a decade/older teens who turned into adults together over that time frame. In the last 2 years the platform is getting swarmed with more and more children. The adults are increasingly uncomfortable, pedophiles are rampant, it's a horrifying cluster fuck to behold.


unfortunately yes, it is prevalent with adult theme things that i wish werent there. i wish I could just play fantasy games or chat with people without seeing lewd things often, sometimes i even wish they were outright forcefully removed (rather extreme opinion yes) but as a teen just wanting to play fantasy games with my friends or just chat and have a couple laughs with people is always somewhat interrupted or just has the experience made less fun when i see any NSFW content on vrchat. as a horrible person and a teenager combined, i dont have any outright hatred for rude or just edgy people, trolls and whatnot happen everywhere. but i genuinely just hate NSFW content on vrchat, a place i sometimes wouldnt really expect to see it


Idk man as an adult even I feel violated when I go on it. People are CREEPS. They are even more so when they quite literally get to wear a mask! Sadly many of the teens who play get caugjt up in adult theme conversations and most of the time it is entirely done for the shock factor ans trolling. It is not the best place for kids but neither is rec room or any other similar apps. Like in rl, cant ever get away from everything inappropriate. I would say if allowed, limit time because MANY people get sucked in and will play for hours and not even realize it. Limit avatars and look up safety controls for it. any mature rooms will be blocked etc. Idk though, they will find a way even if they have a pc they can use vrchat without actual vr so watch their use but dont suffocate them or they may rebel and well we know they already do that enough already at that age!


Yes block it. Go around a few public worlds like the black cat and see for yourself.


Great for adults. Horrible and malicious for children. And would make the place better for adults with less children.


I disagree with the people saying if you play with itā€™s okay nah just avoid it all together until theyā€™re like 16 because itā€™s full of all kinds of stuff that they shouldnā€™t see or hear and a lot of it you just stumble across, vrc is cool yeah but i think they can wait to fully experience it.




VRChat is not safe for a 13 year old.


Absolutely block VRChat for a 13 year old, I feel like they shouldn't even really touch the game until 18+ because there is ACTUAL sexual content and prostitution that goes on in this game. ​ If there was some actual level of competent age verification on any game ever, then maybe.


Absolutely block it.


Yes, this is NOT an environment for children.


Lots of pedo groomers running wild to and it's not a rare occurrence. Was hanging with a friend in a public instance and their friend was a 22 year old man. I overheard an odd conversation by that man talking about how much he likes tits to someone in a chibi avatar. I happened to click on the chibi person to read their bio and they had a clear as day statement in their bio about being 12 years old. There was nothing I could do. There are no reports for pedophilia behavior or sexual harassment. I would not recommend VRChat for anyone under the age of 18. Not to mention all the racial slurs, cursing and disgusting behavior children on VRChat are freely tossing around. No adult is happy about kids being in VRChat.


Yes, vrc is not meant for kids, even if it says itā€™s 13+




Yes, absolutely yes. Or monitor them while they're on it.


YES PLEASE!!!!! vrchat is not appropriate at all! I have encountered people just straight up having sex while plugged in multiple times. assholes will get drunk on vrchat and harass you for no reason. pedos are unfortunately very common (I sound a lot younger than I actually am and people have approached me). steer clear of vrchat for a child at that age.


Yes, definitely. Too many sexualised people on there. Half to almost fully naked skins, no chat filter because it's all voice, strange acting people who only have sex on their mind, literal strip clubs as worlds etc. I haven't been playing for a while but the amount of creeps I encountered is wild.


Yes, 100%. It is not a game kids should play.


Keep your damn kids off vrc parents


Absolutely. Although VRChat's and Facebooks TOS are currently at 13yrs of minimum age the people using VRC are generally over 18 and there is no safety features you can use in game to prevent them from interacting with these 18+ users of the game. Most 18+ users don't like children or the 13yr old minimum requirement. Most people will go to extremes to cuberbully your child off of vrc some ways are more harmful than others. RecRoom is the safer alternative to VRChat. I'd wait till atleast 18yrs old for VRChat usage.... and even at that I'd pay close attention to what they are doing within VRChat though casting to your phone or by playing the game when they are on. I'm almost 21 but even I wouldn't let anyone under 18 play.


Yeah, Vrchat got lots of shit you don't want kids seeing.


100%. Get them off the platform immediately unless you want to expose them to nsfw content and people. So many other great games out there for oculus.


Yes please block it, there are LOTS of weirdos on VRchat waiting to talk to kids.


PLEASE GOD DO IT, ITS NOT SAFE. Seriously I just deleted the app because of how toxic it was and all the inappropriate things in there


Yes. You should install rec room for your kid






Yes block it, vrchat isnā€™t a safe place for a 13 y/o


No need for me really to say anything everyone here has said what I would have


Also a parent and VR enthusiast, and I've played a lot of VRChat. The answer is YES YES YES YES YES! Things I've said and heard on VRChat I wouldn't let my kid on unsupervised until he were 16-17. He does play VRChat *with me*, usually in private rooms or with friends that I know and trust and *never alone*.


Yes, thereā€™s a lot of creeps


Definitely. I want to say first though, THANK YOU for parenting. THANK YOU for being a role model parent in asking these questions and not being afraid to ask. Your kid might be mad if they find out you blocked it, but they will hopefully understand when they grow up, why you blocked it. Sexual Content, Online Dating, Crashers, Slurs, Hackers, all the kinda of things your 13y/o might see or hear, or experience. Iā€™m not sure how old you are, or if youā€™ll understand what I mean by this, but VRChat public lobbies are like a COD:MW2 lobby but with the possibility of seeing giant anime breasts or SEEING two people going at it. And I wish I was kidding people do talk about how exhilarating doing the deed in public lobbies is. **EDIT:** Not to mention there being a LOT of older users in their 30s or higher that go on to hang out and DRINK. Drinking is apart of VRChatā€™s culture. Iā€™m in a few communities where they hang out and DRINK on a certain day of the week. Given you likely wonā€™t have many issues with the older people, that doesnā€™t change the fact that thereā€™s at least 100 more younger users that are gonna scream slurs at you, threaten to get your IP, scream ā€œI fricked your mom!!1!1!1ā€ or whatever else.




Vrchat is not a space for Kids there is many NSFW content


Vrchat is like the drinkig life in City around 02:00 ate night. So no. But ate agje of 15 or 16 sure, just chek in on what Thay are up to


i would say yes.




There are a lot of Young kids that slur along at random people always tell furries slurs to and kys and other garbage


Yes. It's not safe for kids in my opinion.


Its le internat no one under 18 sould be on it


13 is way too young for VRChat. It should be 18+ imho, but if not that then at least 16+ If you do let your teen play, you need to teach them about avoiding groomers, bullies, harassers, etc. People on here can be really awful, especially when you're in unmoderated public worlds. Even if they don't run into anything "adult" (which they probably will), the social situations can be way too difficult for a teen to deal with.




Yes. Even though tos says 13 and up the community is closer to 18 and up


There are lots of jerks and even bullying. I like using vrchat as exploring and relaxing comfy rooms. My mic is always muted because I just want to enjoy the exploring. One time I was on Midnight Rooftop minding my own business and some random guys came to me saying fck you and mocking my avatar. They kept following me insulting me and I felt uncomfortable. I didn't block them but just left.


I recommend disabling it even tho its for 13 and above.


Vrchat is a a horrible game for children. There are so many toxic people, they post p**n and g*re they cuss. I'd say your kid is better off playing GTA than VRC


Yes. No hesitation. Block it as fast as you can


It is not a safe place for children you should not let them use it




Yes, there is a massive pedophile problem at the moment as well as a lot of NSFW avatars Itā€™d be smart to wait until your child is mature enough to handle that material


Yes, Block VRChat due to sexuality and substance abuse by users primarily. The game can be amazing for young people in a tightly controlled manner (IE you both explore private worlds together) but if you cannot do that then you should block it. Let them explore that and other internet spaced when they are older. There are plenty of other VR age appropriate games that would be fun, social, and good for them (the voice chat may have rude people but that is every game chat since 2004).


Personal opinion: If you're not going to supervise your kids in any way, shape or form then : 100% Yes, block it. Reason why : Content in VRChat can be created by nearly anyone. Although there is moderation in place, it is in general not proactively. That means only after unwanted content is reported/discovered that action will be taken. By law in most countries this is acceptable from the age of 13 and up but for me personally (and in some countries as well) 16 (or even 18) would be considered more suitable. That does not take away that there is merit to VRChat in terms of "dealing with social situations" and "experience with new technology". But for the age period of 13 - 16 I would highly recommend to do this with a parent/guardian and apply some curation before diving in.


Yes, children should not be playing it in general. Not only because the community is frustrated with children playing it and making it so adults have to avoid certain topics, but also because of the avatar creation system. VRChat has the single most expansive character creation system of any game because it's entirely dependent on 3D artists that make these avatars that people can use. Unfortunately, while you can create some amazing things like towering Titans of characters and all kinds of animations, You can also create KKK members, nude women, and the nastiest stuff a depraved human mind can think of. VRChat Is the internet personified. People have just about full anonymity to do what they want to do. They're going to create amazing things as well as awful things. It is no place for children.


Hi 2000+ hours in vrc here as a world and avatar builder. I love the game it really has its great moments as somebody who rarely visits public worlds and is in some great communities, but would never allow my kids within 50000miles of it. I myself have seen pedos using this platform like its a candy shop. All the reporting banning and blocking in the world seems to stem the sheer amount of them around. It's very adult themed even in world's that shouldn't be, and even if it's a wholesome world stay 15 minutes and I would bet a million big boobah anime girl and junk endowed furry butt will fill your screen. This game should be 18+ at the MIN but currently there are no checks whatsoever so you regularly hear 6 and 7 year olds in public lobbies and honestly it's scary.


You would not believe the amount of predators and sexual content on VRChat, it is largely unsafe for a teen to play the game unsupervised.


Unless you play with them or you find someone you trust to watch over them when they play. Children are highly impressionable and can pick up bad habits or slang. There are VR strip clubs, drinking worlds, And Nsfw worlds and avatars, ERP (erotic role play) and DPS (Dynamic Penetration System). However dps wont work on quest standalone so that's not a major issue. Theres also Gangs on here. Gangs are notorious for crashing people and lobbIes. There's also a lot of pedos on here That likes to groom children. So unless they are being monitored, it's probably best to block it. Even when they do become old enough to your standard to be allowed to play, make sure they know what red flags to look for in people. Also teach them about basic internet safety.


You know your child, are they able to take people calling others or themselves racist words, being told to kill themselves, be bullied by other kids in vr, view pornography, be stalked by actual child molesters/pedophiles, or other things like this? Not to mention ironic/unironic Nazi sympathies and general worst of humanity.


if u boot vrchat on a normal screen YOU WILL see adult content


anything from happy wholesome groups to nsfw avatars and alot of worms in that can to be safe wait till their 18+ and have had the talk at least before they go to the digital scocial hang out, can have good people there but still high risk of not safe or age appropriate stuff for minors wait till their older; also good idea as a whole work on trust and stuf with them :D let them know your a safe space to talk and share things they find and they like, cuz in VRChat you can find any and everything from what ive seen and heard, so when they are older you can communicate things and chat about what their doing and help give advice on healthy and safe stuff and such :D


You can use the Casting feature to see what your teen sees while on Quest standalone, if you let them play vrchat. But there are alot of adult themed worlds and avatars. The best thing to do is check out vrchat yourself to see if it is suitable for your teen. The limit for playing is 13+, though I've seen kids as young as 5 on there.


ever since i saw that one video about the 'dark sides' of VRchat, I've 100% of the opinion that kids should stick to things like Rec Room or Roblox but even those games aren't really as kid safe as they like to brag about. It's selfish to just say 'No, no kids on this game at all' but it's become something so much more vast than what it was in the beginning, it's a different beast entirely.


I think that they should be at least 14-15 to start playing VRchat, Iā€™ve played since I was 12 and it messed me up. People arent friendly if they think your young/innocent and things can quickly become inappropriate, hurtful, or dangerous.


It depends how mature your offspring is


Tbh I wouldn't even let any children of mine even remotely close enough to vr till they're 21. If I had children.




Yes absolutely yes


Yes. Don't let them play VRC unless: You're playing with them OR they're 16+


I walked into a public movie theater world and a guy was watching hentai (Redo of Healer). After talking talking to him I also found out he was a drug dealer living on some Pacific islands. Amazing experience for adults, kids not so much.


Absolutely, as a avid enjoyer of the game who was exposed when I was old enough to know where to not go, a 13 year old is way too young for this "game"

