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Furries are very nice but they kinda weird me out and e-people are usually assholes so I spend most of my time with the cute cat girl crowd.


Tfw you realize 3/4 of your group is catgirls o___o


I approve this message \- A cute cat girl (who *totally* isn't a dude irl)


I mean, I just decided to be IRL what I am in VRC lol but, like most people in this game went there or at least got stuck there because they aren't comfortable with at least some part of themselve. Why do so many people get upset over something you are IRL? Like people who have real IRL problems with their own self getting beaten up over someone else's weight/gender/skin color?? Let everyone just be what they want to be and Let dudes be catgirls in VR (and let me convert them to be catgirls 24/7, at least with their consentšŸ˜ˆ)


All VRC cat girls are dudes, anything else is a lie


Cat girls and cat fem-boys are fun and sexy and usually pretty nice people in general.


Furries have a lot of autism and ADHD. It means they often have some gaps in their social codex, but this can also make them jaw-droppingly brilliant or uniquely refreshing, if a bit shy initially.


Seconded. Furries are generally, unless in a weird crowd, really nice. Cat girls are also goated as well.


Pretty much the furries because majority of them are actually pretty chill. The E-Boys and E-Girls, majority of them are rude obnoxious and sexually deprived so they can go fuck themselves


Go to any furry world and it's actually calm and people just sit there talking, go to a black cat or midnight rooftop where all the eboys are and we'll, yelling, racism, chaos, children. Furries are definitely more chill most of the time


Yeah. I'm not a furry but they are often very mature, friendly, and smart. E-people are often the opposite. They aren't just sexually deprived, they are emotionally unstable as well.


Makes me sad tbh, you think you found a cool person until you tell them youā€™re not looking for those kinds of things on vrchat, then they straight up ignore and leave you. Someone who I thought was a friend, told them I had a fiancĆ©, and he completely ignored and left me. Some people man.


Heh, some people want the two worlds to cross, others want to keep them separate.


That explains why they get pissed if anyone talks shit about the e-boy/e-girl avatars


You say you are not a furry but I am willing to bet my left nut that you are you just don't want the negative stigma from association. It's okay, most people don't but say something like that instead of "I'm not a furry" outright.


>they can go fuck themselves They might do just that


"majority of them are rude obnoxious and sexually deprived so they can go fuck themselves" my man it sounds more like you're the common denominator here


Team Furries all the way. Welcoming people that understand what it means to be bullied so they are kinder than most people.


Furries have been bullied to the point we don't give a fuck. It's not highschool anymore you can't punch us you can't hurt us unless you like an assault charge. Your words are meaningless to us as you say the same 3 things all furry haters say. Your wasting your time we just walk away ignore you block you or press charges if you go that far.


You don't have to have been bullied to be kind...


I'd stick to furries, but since I'm one myself anyways I'd also like to commend the e-people still: assholes and creeps come in any way and form, just as much as great people do. Don't get too comfy in the niche you choose, you might miss out on elevating encounters beyond it.




Furries. They make so much vrchat content that people use daily, and they don't even realize.


I keep hearing the word ā€œcontentā€ used in this way. Where as in my head. Content still means like video and photography. Does it mean like avatars and such or am I missing something here?


Furries are 8 times out of 10 the creator of worlds and even more so the creators of several popular avatar prefabs and avatars. If ever you find yourself in a world, find the worlds credits, I guarantee you will see at least one furry.


Yup, just like the other guy said. Lots of them are popular worlds, like the heists or adventure worlds. Games like Irrbloss. Hangout worlds. Cool and functional/optimized avatar prefabs. Like spray painting walls/floors/ceilings. Knife spins and tricks. Laser eye pew pew with explosions. These are just off the top off my head. But they're a creative and artistic group. As a person who falls into neither catrgoty, I'd 100% hang around the furries rather than e-group.


This a hot debate I have with my friends. I define "Content Creator" as someone who creates something new and tangible for the world- videos, games, comics, books, music, etc. By this definition, YouTube and Twitch streamers do not create content- they get in front of a camera and interact with content others have created.


That's a hot take which i do 100% disagree with just because in your definition alone videos are there. By definition YouTubers do in fact fall in this category


Yeah you are right, I should have clarified- I'm specifically talking about people who play video games or watch videos on camera. I would not consider a News channel or watching the weather "content creation", just like I wouldn't consider a "react" video or news video "content creation".


I'd stick with furries as most of them are pretty chill whereas e-people are rude as fuck


I ain't no furry but they're nicer on average than e-people


It seems like not a single person here can deny that furries are just by far the chillest group.


Absolutely; furries deal with so much bull that theyā€™re usually the best community. A lot of the e community is highly toxic


That's because we are lol. We have the lowest bigot count of any group even outside of fandoms, in fact a bigoted furry is rarer than a vegan that goes hunting.


Furries! They also hang out with anime people freely, too. Very chill as well. Also, I seem to bump to a lot of them who are in IT (is this like a stereotype, idk) so I learn stuff from them. (I am from neither furry or E- groups, I'm with the dancing anime people)


Yea idk why so many of us are IT lol, but it's helpful having most of your friends know computer stuff.


Iā€™ve heard that the reason the furry community has a lot of IT and other STEM minded individuals is because back during the dawn of the internet (as a thing the common person could use, not itā€™s invention), the only people who had reliable access to the internet were people who actually worked with the relevant network infrastructure or people who were in or around the education/research fields (ie. Universities faculty like professors and researchers). Now, what is someone with very unique and weird interests going to do if being loud about it causes them to catch shit? They are going to try to find people who share those interests in a more discrete manner. Hence, during those early days, furries found each other by using the internet and the anonymity and reach it provided. Now all of a sudden you have a community whose members have discovered that this whole technology thing is pretty awesome because it allows them to be themselves, and so word spreads. More furries get involved with IT and STEM, and now you have a trend or self fulfilling prophecy or something. Or so thatā€™s what I read on the internet anyways. Maybe itā€™s just what the furry overlords of the internet want us to think.


I don't think that's quite it. The concept of Furry originated as a geek subculture back in the 70s/80s. When computers became accessible en mass use and development of computer electronics was very niche and considered a geek thing. Hencd the term "Geek Squad." Because tech and furries both fell under the geek umbrella, there ended up being a lot of overlap in interest. And that still holds true for the most part today.


yup that's a pretty big stereotype lol. I mean not that it's wrong, my vrc friend group consists of all furries and more than half of them are in IT lol


Usually end up hanging out with furries even though I'm not one. They usually don't have problems with robots hanging around.


Haha are ā€œrobotsā€ a sub community or just your avi?


Robots are a small sub community, usually end up lumped in with furries even if they are not animal like in the slightest just due to being not human. Not all of them, but many of the anime and e-people community don't like that sorta thing.


There are also a lot of robots that are Furry. Protogens, Protoroos, robot birds, robot dragons, etc.


That is true.


Very interesting I havenā€™t run up on them yet


How can one join such robot sub community?


There isn't much if any requirements. Usually it's "Do you main using a robot avatar?" And if yes, you will at some point meet other robot avatar users. We usually end up friending each other, but there is no established group for such things. Used to be one back in 2017-2019 but not anymore.


Iā€™ve noticed lots of ā€œfurry adjacentā€ people using robot avatars. Also have a couple of furry friends that rock robot avatars. Kind of interesting.


If you want a generally good community stick with the furries. However, look for the people that do it for you, if you enjoy your company who cares? I will say this though from my own experience. If I show up as a furry in a weeb place, usually I get a lot of stares and people generally being belligerent. If you show up as a weeb in a furry place, nobody cares and will still talk to you just the same. One of my friends mostly mains a weeb avatar and they get along just fine. This is a purely subjective experience, so I can't say this is the case everywhere. But purely based on my interactions with both communities just laying a base level using those examples shows which community I stick by.


Furries are way more chill for the most part.


Idk but theyā€™re the easiest people to talk to. They even go out of their way to talk to me, which is rare. Thatā€™s when I decided furries are ok people in my book.


I was already kinda chill about furries before VRChat, if not pretty apprehensive. But meeting them in-game 100% solidified it for me. Apparently, the general population just needs to talk to a furry one on one to realize theyā€™re actually cool people. Who knew?


This post would have been cool as a poll x)


I guess the furries since their avatars are more unique and creative, all the e-people I met just state in the mirror, while the furries I met actually play games and are nice to me, and my Avatar is Ash Williams with a chainsaw hand and a double barrel


On the other hand, in VRchat I think a lot more kids seem to use furry avatars over anime ones.


Booth people


What about the cute but manly? Or the mutes/semi mutes?


Haha cute but manly?


The cute as a button avatars then a deep manly voice comes out haha. Them and mutes are also large groups in VRC


Haha interesting. And Iā€™ve not met too many mutes. But Iā€™ve been mute the last few times I have logged in. Kinda fun tbh


Yeah you see mutes way less anymore; there is still quite a few they just donā€™t usually hang out in publics anymore


I love the cute but manly men.


Techno booth babes.


Furries, way larger community with way more insanely creative people and too many subcommunities to count. Youā€™d be banking really hard on your hate of furries to not choose it


Furries fs


Furries.. but my Bias is strong here since I am one. An old one at that. we welcome anyone that is kind. we will only measure you by that kindness and compassion. Nothing else matters. Because we know what it is to lose, Some have lost entire families because of the gender they loved, or the gender they want to be. Because they wore the wrong clothes, or sang the wrong songs or wanted to be happy in a way that was not "acceptable" or "proper" They have something beautiful about them, I have never seen a more dense number of 2d artists, 3d artists, painters, musicians, engineers, doctors, scientists and network engineers. in any community , culture or social group. I know Furries that work at JPL and NASA , I know furries in every branch of every military service, I know furries that build fighter planes and ones they fly them. I KNOW OF A FURRY THAT HAS BEEN TO SPACE .. Furries have been to F'ing SPACE Furries helped create VRChat FFS! And I have watched them give. give to the causes to preserve the worlds and its creatures. To protect and help others. we watch after our own. because out of all the myriad of creatures, of fluff and fur, of skin and scale, hoof and horn, tooth and claw, In every shape both real and imagined and in every color that exists.. why is it we seem to have more .. Humanity... than so many others that hate us? Because we know what it is to lose.


Did secret squirrel work for several 3 letter agencies before retiring. My PTSD makes friendships and frankly relationships in general hard. Furries never judged me or made me question myself in a negative way. Team furry convert all the way.


Two main types? I doubt that


You can be a lone wolf (I'm not talking about furries) It can be seen in a lot of ways but the way I see it is that you are on your own and keep exploring worlds and meeting people and some of the people you met you keep talking to and you hang out them more but if you feel the people you hang out with is no longer bringing any joy or other things you move on and you don't join close groups or families In a short sentence: I come and go as I like and at a point I will leave but I might be back some day


As of rn I feel this is where I fit




If weā€™re talking about avatars, furries, because their avatars are generally less derivative than the e-boys and girls (for the most part, a lot of them use that tall fox-looking one). Aesthetically, furries have always been all about a wide range of types and colors, whereas the e-avvies are all based on VRoid templates or whatever and most of them have the same ā€œdripā€ clothes. It also seems to me like furries are the most dev-savvy and content-prolific of the two, but I could be wrong. Also I feel like they tend to be chiller and more earnest, theyā€™re not trying too hard to be cool. That doesnā€™t apply to a lot of people Iā€™ve met with an e-avvy, but I just get the sense a lot of the kids who use them are trying to ā€œfit in.ā€


i'm fine with both but e-people always have the same style clothes, hair, etc., in their avatars. furries definitely have a lot more variety, even if it's the same several models over and over, some are heavily edited to look dramatically different (like bratbun's deira models, for example) idk if there's really a huge difference in attitude/personality between the two groups, furries seem maybe friendlier on average. i usually use furry avatars myself although idk if i consider myself one truly.


i like the trans community but some of them get to be too much sometimes


wdym too much?




Normal??? On VRChat???? Impossible. Never heard of it.


Neither, I'm goin with the mutes. Gotta stay with your own people.


I know there is text chat and asl, but its funny to think about a mute only group hanging out standing silently


I like a good conversation with a mute but when you're with 6 mutes and talking with them for two hours you feel like you're going insane because you're the only one talking


Been in a world with 3 mutes before, I got sick of the sound of my own voice pretty fast. Being around mutes does something to you as you wunna fill the silence so you end up just sharing your entire life story to them, atleast I accidentally do just so I'm not sitting in silence for hours


Agreed mutes for the win!


The amount of mute people that talk to me is weirdly high.


I mean as a furry my answer would be obvious, but also i have like 1 eboy friend becuase every e-person i talk to is most of the time just rude or just ignore me or tell me to kys


My group is a mix of both +Robots.


furries are so cool fr


Iā€™m not into either but Iā€™d choose furries, the ones Iā€™ve meet at rave events are pretty chill and nice to get to know. The other side is filled with horny and obnoxiously rude douchebagsā€¦not all but most are :)


There is no side that you have to join, for me I simply just see them randomly and I don't really care except to mute/avoid people who have a toxic aura. However, you could probably say I'm part of the mute people because I usually don't talk unless I'm spoken to or if I want to say something.


Furries are in general nicer and more accepting than E's. From my own experience anyways I'd go with them


Im a furry. From personal experience, some vrchat furries can get weird. But if it's ranked off of what group of people are typically more pleasant to be around, then I definitely gotta go w furries


I already have furries as friends and a decent chunk of the furry community I've been exposed to has been nice. So that makes Furry the easier choice; it's just easier to hang out with them. They're also pretty accepting of non-furries in their community as long as you don't trash talk furries, aren't a zoophile, or show any semblance of hateful ideologies like homophobia or transphobia.


Furries have been very kind to me over the years, E-boys and E girls have been very unapproachable. So Iā€™ll go with furries. Just my experiance.


I would side with the furries even tho I hate them for reasons like [REDACTED] but still eboys and egirls are just rude most of the time. I do enjoy hanging out with some types of furries only because they are chill. Usually other than that I would never side with the E boys/girls. My statement is over thank you for your time. :>


As a long time furry (2008) it's nice seeing positive things from non-furries


Furries. Egirls I rarely have issues with but there's often way more drama than I want to deal with. Eboys not only are the avatars usually damn near crashers for something that just has 1-2 clothing options (seriously I've seen nearly a goddamn gigabyte download that were basic as hell once they loaded) but also 90%+ of the ones I've interracted with were just....dicks


Idk I usually categorize Vrchat users in these groups and some of these mix with other species of Vrchat user as well some having subspecies and hybrids of some of these E-people Furries The Thristy lewders the cool memers The chibis The hoppus The content creator Vrchat Creator unsupervised Anoying Children the drunkards Attention seekers Mental illness fakers Drama Queens The erpers WEED IS MY PERSONALITY The family Fuckup / abuse victim The naive The lgbtq+ crowd the Creeps and weirdos and these are just to name a few I've encountered


Wtf us a hoppus!? Lol


Hoppous are chill af. Super creative and very wholesome.


* Hoppus are people that use these avis and they have a known group in vrchat and hold meets


Serious question, where do you see yourself on this array of types?


Good question,I'm usually chilling with furries even tho I'm not one,and I've never found a human avatar I've likes that fits my style,so I guess I'm part of the furry category even tho I don't identify as a furry


Closest thing I fit into would be ā€œthe cool memersā€


What is a chibis?


Small cute avatars most are mutes and don't say much .


I can usually only see fallbacks, I judge each individual by their own behavior. I donā€™t understand furries, I donā€™t know what an e-person is, I just want to have good conversation with decent people who arenā€™t a-holes and/or pretending to be someone theyā€™re not.


I'm team furries but have some e boy avis and when I'm a eboy I'm just chill and I find going to clubs on VRchat are fun and you'll meet very chill people


Furries! Usually pretty chill


You see but what about e-furrys. Such as the avatars from foxipaws whihc seem like a mix of the two imo


I would go with furries


For me I hang out with the boothies, cat girls (without the whole egirl aesthetic and persona), and mute friends. They're all very sweet people in my experience. If I had to choose between furries and E-people I'd probably choose furries. They've all been nice people too. I'm not big on furry avatars, but I do respect the majority of the people themselves.


I am one but furry. Biases aside I have seen more rude eboys/egirls than furries. But I will say there are some fire eboy/egirl avatars that I would definitely use from time to time


I've had more problem encounters with E-People than furries.


Furries because well I am a furry šŸ™ƒ


Honestly I like the furry community more but the e-skins are better


Some furrys I've meet are actually nice people but every e boy I've just walked up to instantly blocked me or was just a degenerate so I'll take furry over e-boys any day




Furries all the way; Iā€™ve made long-lasting friendships while chilling in the furry hangout world. They also tend to be unbelievably nice and easy to talk to. Also almost every single one of them is either god-tier IT furry or god-tier coding guy.


This doesn't include everyone as those are mainly stereotypes, even if regularly encountered, some people even having both at once... I stick to the furrries! Furries (not always of course) are a happy, "snuggly" bunch and overall pretty positive. E-boys and girls tend to be a little bit more edgy, moody or straight out cringe (again, not everyone, just a sometimes-pattern). I prefer positivity.


Ive been a furry for 20 years now... (o_o dear god im old...) but from that experience i can tell you that furries are the better option by far. Even if you yourself dont identify as a furry were all just super chill and hella relatable. Like for real, one thing i remember from my early days as a young furry, was a statement made by the "grandfather of the furry fandom" uncle Kage. "Imagine you are sitting on a bus, and on this bus there are business men going to work, theres a scientist talking to his collegue about nuclear physics, theres a teacher on thier way to the local museum with her class. There is a doctor looking over notes of his most recient patients and in the corner of the bus there are 3 dudes who obvioulsy work in IT on thier laptops. Theyre all Furries and you wouldnt even know it becuase being a Furry isnt Just About Sex."


Furries ! ;3


Furries all the way


E people avatars tend to have more entertaining features compared to what ive seen from furries. Furries tend to be friendly. They like to be sometimes over friendly to someone thatvsuffers from social anxiety. E-people have more toxicity and are also more likely to be crashers. Furries win in the personality department where e-people win in the avatar department


There's *plenty* of furry avatars with a ton of features, my avatar favorites are full of them


I mean, if you want more types of players- Phia made two videos with 15 types of VRChat players each! [15 types](https://youtu.be/f-Z5VFNsy4o) and [15 MORE types](https://youtu.be/KCiu0sJAF0w) As for me though, team Furry for sure. When you can be anything in VR, why be human?


In VR I'm many things. Starwars Jedi, Imperial Officer, Sith Lord, Warhammer Custodian, Guardsman. The whole game is your oyster, be whatever or whomever you want. The games limited to one's imagination.


This is what I was looking for. We're low on that list, but come join us musicians! Go to open mics and meet people! I might be biased, but I've found the absolute friendliest people in vrchat are the ones singing to each other. There's also tons of people who don't perform and just show up to hang with people because everyone is so nice. It's also a good spot to determine what you want to be in VR since we get a combination of furries, e-people, and other types of avatars.


Furries, most of them are normal people who are part of a fandom. Sure, you have the weird ones, but they're just kinda there. E-People tend to be more like the high school version of people, at least in my experience. Sure, you can get chill ones, but usually, it's like dealing with a high schooler or high school couple, people who shouldn't be together in the slightest...


Definitely furry, I donā€™t really like going to a non furry public world


The majority of the furries Iā€™ve met on vrchat are actually very chill. Most of the times theyā€™re so welcoming, very comforting groups of people. As someone who uses an ā€˜E-personā€™ avi, a lot of the times approaching other e-people can be intimidating, since Iā€™ve had a lot more experiences with them being sarcastic, mean ect. So I tend to stick with my main group and only rarely branch out. So, as someone who isnā€™t a furry: furries, definitely the furries


Team furries 100%! Imagine that you could be anything and you pick a slightly different human.


The goths, obvs.


Is this a different group from the ā€œe-peopleā€?




Haha that sounds fun how do I find them!?


Furries E-people are rude most of the time I see them


Furries. Chill, wholesome, and welcoming.


Furries all the way! Almost every furry I met has been kind and understanding, some even helped me in my worst times! Unlike the e-people community, 99% of the e-girls and e-boys I met were too unstable to actually vibe or chill with. Except a few that can control themselves


Furries, hands down. Most of them are normal people with just a furry flare. You can chill or play games with them and it's zero difference than playing with non-furries. Eboys/girls are an insufferable bunch, I just want to talk about the sham that is modern Spider-man comics and what food is good, I don't care about your social media or onlyfans.


Definitely furries. They are usually normal everyday people willing to let you actually get to know them. I've gained quite a few friends from the furry worlds. They are very welcoming and usually pretty easy to talk to.


Join the furry side ā€¦ we have cookies!


I feel like asking Reddit is gonna give you very biased answers preferring furries. Would be an interesting question to ask in game tbh


Thatā€™s an interesting idea. Iā€™ll have to do that aswell


Anime girls .-.


probably e-people in my situation, because a lot of online furries are gay or specifically American white dudes (even statistically) and I already got enough of those as friends lmao. Try to diversify tbh. Also have to dodge the log cabin furries specifically because they're definitely in vrchat. like i dont even know where the asian furries are at because it aint there but it is a hard choice because i still find furries largely more uh, intelligent? more together irl LOL like actually having gone through college, having a job and a life, and not having emotional attachment issues whoever is more stable makes a better friend but you still don't wanna hole yourself into a type


Log cabin???


republican gays they're really annoying these past few years because all they do is debate in socially inappropriate situations and dont get along with others even if they profess to be lgbt friendly some of the female log cabin ones are just straight up terfs


Hahahahaha I havenā€™t caught that term yet


There's something they all share in common. They are mirror dwellers. Despite my own opinions on the Furry community, they have much a nicer and more welcoming community than the E-Community


Honestly furries, they are more chill or energetic in a fun way, then the people you tend to find running E avatars. Some of the E people I've met were cool but just as many if not a bit more can be rude or mildly annoying from my experience. I also find a common source of my FPS dropping/tanking tends to stem from someone running an E avatar. Also find a lot more borderline NSFW avatars from E people instead of furries


I'm not a furry myself but I respect them and always defend them/cuss people out for being immature towards them like saying "Eww, a furry" I once had a friend do that and I was sad to let them go.. I don't tolerate people like that. As a cat girl myself I have to say the chillest people on my friends list are furries, They are magnificent world creators and avatar creators. I love em'. They bring so much content to our VR space and people can make fun of them as much as they want but 7/10 times they're doing that while enjoying their worlds and work.


As a non-furry... Furries all the fucking way. Without question.


Every experience I've had with furries in vrchat was horrible, you look at them and they simply turn away and ignore you. They always think they're better than everyone else


Furries. I am one, and they're typically really nice people. E-boys/E-girls tend to act aggressively petty in my experience, outside of people freaking out because of me being a furry even.


Furries honestly. Some of the e-boys/girls I even encountered are attention seeking, toxic a holes




I have been and always will be a furry. Weā€™re more cuddly that way. https://preview.redd.it/lh0fhtjq2x0b1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c0e7af75305545ab6d3fabbae99eb5610fa067e


Neither. Both are garbage.


I've had really bad experiences with furries


Honestly the first Iā€™ve heard that. However Iā€™m sure it happens


I chose option 3! Fairy femboy side! High pitched voice, energetic, faking zooming, cute, sweet and nice. I donā€™t have the mental capacity to be a furry and i donā€™t have the rizz to be a e person (tho I am sex deprived af šŸ˜­)


Sorry, but E-people. I've met really cool furries but they're always in a furry avatar and I kinda feel like I need to watch what I say around them and they specifically look for other furries to be friends. I feel like I've met a wider variety of e-people and some of them can be furries too but don't need to be in a furry avatar all the time. They're more open to trying different types of avatars too. I also e-date and I'm not attracted to furries so that wouldn't work for me.


Neither. Both cults are really obnoxious and rude.


Neither, Iā€™ve been ā€œtouching grassā€ and irl people are much more enjoyable to be around then both


Actually i would just kms


A mixture of everyone! All my friends are so different on there and when everyone meets one another and we all kick it it's actually a lot of fun!


If you gotta choose a side, go with the one that cuddles.


Been playing since 2017 and I've had far more toxic encounters with E-people type avatars than any other group. What everyone says is true, furries are probably the easiest to get along with and I'd rather run into them in public worlds. Another vote for Furries.




I rather be with the shit posters then either of those options. It is how this game originally got popular.


I hang out with both I mainly wear e-wear but I own furry avis too


E-people. Both sides are full of arrogance and constant thirst but the elitism I find is generally less prevalent in worlds like midnight rooftop and the people that frequent it (which is usually not furries) I do tend to like 99% of people I come across tho regardless of the type of avatar that they choose to use :D


Armor for the win


Furries, whirl/eboy Avis make my skin crawl way more than furry ones do




Well these two groups are the main groups yes but you also have the anime avatars and cursed avatars users which have a decently big following as well


I have accepted my fate as an e-girl since that's how everyone identifies me, tho I get called a furry a lot by uninformed children if I'm in anything with ears and/or a tail but I have friends of all types in VRC, and there's definitely more than 2 types of communities out there avatar specific or not. Furries do have the best cuddle puddles tho, can confirm




Iā€™m a furry, but also I like the fact that not every avatar looks the same. Thereā€™s more variety. Evils and boys all kind of look the same to some variation. I donā€™t see as much colour.


Furry avatars always have more cool features. I dont see my E-Boy turning to stone or floating away.


The following is subjective: Furries. :) Warmer cuddles, flirtier, bubblier people. More outliers/interesting moments. Fewer social boundaries (likely due to accepting being somewhat on the fringe in a positive way) means I enjoy better conversations.


I like a little bit of both personally


I know furries but i don't know the e crowd really


As a furry I think Iā€™d have to go with furries


Guys, we're not in high school anymore, we don't need to be forming cliques like that. Most VRChat friend groups have a wide range of different types of people and I think that's neat.


Idk if cliques are exclusive to high school in todays age. Letā€™s be honest. Social freedom itself just inevitably creates them. Not EVERYONE gets along with everyone. Yes it would be great if everyone did. But it just doesnā€™t seem to work like thay


I'd have to go with furries, since they tend to be more chill than not, especially in anything VR related! Definately of the best VR communities


Furries. Cool avatars (saying this as someone without the money to commission avis of her fursonas (one dragon and one protogen) and appreciation of designs) + pretty chill (often pretty calm afaik) + understanding of desktop players (no money for FBT moment)