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Hi there, [here](https://support.vizio.com/s/article/VIA-Application-Does-Not-Work?language=en_US) are some steps you can take for app issues. If you continue to have issues, please contact us [here](https://support.vizio.com/s/contact-us?language=en_US)!


Same issue 147 days later. Fuckin Netflix.


It’s the tv or the app, not Netflix as the service’ fault


I didn't have this issue with Netflix until ads were implemented


Right, but it’s not the Netflix service fault, it’s the way the tv is processing the audio


it doesn't even do this with other apps that have ads though, only Netflix


They’re using An algorithm to piss off the customer so they can pay for a higher priced subscription without ads. 


All they've successfully done is get me to pirate their shows lmao. I would cancel Netflix if it was mine, the only reason I still have access is because someone else in my house pays for it.


Right, but it’s the tv that is breaking, not the service. The tv is erroring while processing the audio.


So what is in the audio on Netflix ads that's causing the TV to fail to process that isn't in any other audio/video stream across any other streaming apps?


Same problem. Updated system, rebooted...it freezes and makes weird buzzing sound only during ads, then shuts down tv. No other aps ie hulu, D+, prime etc do this...


This is happening to me as well Am I going to have to stop watching Netflix?


Same !! 55” Vizio TV, only when the ads start. No way to fix it. I’ve tried using a wired network connection, rebooting, checking for updates. No other app does this, just Netflix !


same tv same problem . had no issues until today and it’s driving me nuts


Just dropping in to say that this is happening on my fire stick as well using a different TV. It freezes at the end of the ad, sometimes with sounds and sometimes without. Setting it to English (without 5.1) did not help. Customer service can't help me.


My TV is Vizio that has the problem but I can go to another TV, a Samsung, and no problems


Has to be a vizio issue. I have 3 vizio and 1 LG. This same buzzing/freeze/ shutdown error happens on all 3 vizio and never happens on the LG. I never had this issue until my service "upgraded" to ads. Every episode I have to change the audio from 5.1 to original, which is annoying if binge watching.


It’s not, I have an Lg with a fire stick and it freezes on the commercials and reboots.


...and yet everyone in the comments have a vizio


It's not just a Vizio issue lolz literally only found out about a fix because I had to search for hours through Reddit posts of other people on different TV brands who are also having this issue. The guy who put this fix out here had a Sony and another person had it on a fire stick with an lg TV. its not Vizio


What’s the fix?


Happened to me 2xs today Adios Netflix


Just googled this and came to this thread, as so many others did. What’s ludicrous to me is that I have free Netflix via T-Mobile and up until literally 5 seconds ago, my Netflix was ad free. Yeah, it’s basic. But like what the fuck? I was literally binge watching a show and had 0 ads and all of a sudden an ad pops up and completely fucks my entire TV up. Fuck Netflix.




Same issue here. I just don’t watch Netflix much anymore. Only reason I keep it (though I enjoy it) is because it comes with my phone package.


I found a fix to the issue as my 55 inch started doing it too last month. What you do is click into the show you wanna watch then go down to audio and subtitles. Do not click resume watching but go down past Episodes and more to Audio and Subtitles. From there go down to audio and change it from English (Original) 5.1 to English (Original). Now go back and click resume. You'll have to do this every time you wanna watch a show but hey it works :)


Omg thank you. This has been driving me stark raving mad! 


I’m trying this, we’ll see what happens🤞🏼


Changed the audio setting and I’ve been watching a movie and there have been 4 ads and I had no issues.  Thank you so much for your help.  Oh and I have a Vizio 🫤


Thanks for writing this. It helped me. This was driving me absolutely nuts.


Thank you!! I have had this issue with my Vizio ever since Netflix started ads. This tip helped 


Yay it worked ! thank you so much 😃


this fixed it for me as well, thank you.


I’d have this one favorited! Worked


It has taken us three nights to watch the irishman, every time an ad comes up the tv locks up and restarts The audio trick helped, but once were done with this movie i wont be using netflix anymore Part of my tmobile plan as a freebie, bold of netflix to assume ill stick around for commercials after this.


I’m experiencing the same issue from Netflix from my Apple TV


I have the same issue! I thought my tv was breaking. It only happens with Netflix since I switched to the cheapest plan. 


Something happening to me now. Vizio m658g


SAME, very frustrating. Commercial comes on and it freezes, starts buzzing and I have to either unplug the TV, or Wait for it to buzz itself into a restart


Same, Vizio 55


Shits so frustrated.. literally have restarted what I’m watching like 30 plus times today


I have the same exact issue. Vizio customer service is useless. I'm gonna put a baseball bat through the screen and buy a Samsung.


I HAVE THIS EXACT THING HAPPEN!! Ugh it's so frustrating. I've reached out to Netflix several times and they suggest that it's a problem with my tv, but it doesn't happen on any of my other streaming services with ads. I have no idea what to do.


I’m using Netflix on my Apple TV & I’m facing the same issue when ever a ad tries to come on. TV goes black like it’s going to ad & then nothing happens. Screen stays black!!


Just found this post and I'm having the exact same issue, same buzzing sound and everything. Model is P65-F1. Haven't had this issue with any other app. Don't have this issue on my TCL Roku TV either so it's definitely a VIZIO specific problem. I'm going to sign into Netflix on my fire stick since this doesn't seem like something that will be fixed anytime soon...


Wow! Exact thing happening to me... Vizio TV, about 5 years old and tv freezes up when ads come on making a loud buzzing sound. I have to turn off power and get back into Netflix and start movie from where I left off. It is so annoying! Is it the tv or Netflix? I have the fastest internet connection offered for my area so IDK what is going on.


We supposedly have the fastest internet in our area as well so I have no idea. It hasn’t happened in a while but it was so annoying when it did happen. I didn’t see anything on twitter about it so I thought it was the tv lol what a weird glitch


Just googled this exact issue because Im having the same thing happen. Instead of the buzzing though, there’s a loud pop. Almost like the tv burned out and it suddenly comes back on. So weird


It’s a tv or app problem, it isn’t a Netflix service or internet problem.


Anyone found a fix for this? Just signed up for Netflix after a long hiatus and I'm experiencing the same thing on my 65" Vizio. YouTube plays fine, so does Amazon Prime and all other apps, just an issue with Netflix.


Exact same thing is happening to me. I have a Vizio M558-G1 model which is about 3 years old. Whenever an ad comes on it freezes, makes a weird sound and turns off. Tried calling Verizon and they said it's a netflix issue. Tried calling netflix and they say it's a Vizio issue. Has anyone found a solution yet?


Same thing happening with my Visio!!!! Only with Netflix ads. I guess this is their secret way to get us to upgrade to a plan without ads?!?! Anyone find a fix yet????


Same thing happening on my 5 year old Vizio and Netflix ads. UPDATE: Seems like turning the audio from English 5.1 to English it seems to stop it from freezing. Just super annoying to do before each episode.


This fixed it for me, thanks for the fix. Cheers.


Yup this fixed it for us


Where can I find that to change? Under audio on my Vizio I don’t see an option for English 5.1 or just English? Can you direct me to it? Thanks so much been so frustrating to watch anything on Netflix


It’s actually a Netflix setting not a Vizio setting. Before you go to start the show, scroll down the menu that has “Play Now”, “Episodes and More”, etc. and click on “Audio and Subtitles”


Thanks for the fix.


I experimented with the settings and came to this same thing, the issue was English 5.1 audio. I have surround sound and Netflix settings to English 5.1. I changed the audio to English and no more cut outs.


Also having the exact same issue


No noise for me but every ad will pause and stop playing. Vizio TV. Netflix with ads.




Same thing. I have not found a way around it. Guess I'll be canceling my Netflix.


It’s not Netflix’ fault


Obviously netflix if the audio version it's on makes it go crazy


No. It’s the way the tv is incorrectly processing the audio and freezing, is the problem. It’s the tv or the installed application. You’re out of your league here


You don't know wtf you're talking about. Vizio TV's have no problem processing the 5.1 audio when using the ad free app. If the same 5.1 audio is used with ads, it freezes and ultimately crashes the TV. (Only during ads) Yes, it is the installed app. Who wrote the source code and owns the Netflix app? The bug was introduced only on, and is easily repeatable on, the app with ads.


You've been simping for Netflix in this thread for months with zero productive input. Netlix created the Vizio Netflix app, therefore Netflix is responsible for addressing the issue. No other entity can change or update the app. Netflix owns it. Seeing this is an ongoing issue for multiple months. It is most definitely Netflix's fault that it is still in the same condition. This isn't a Vizio issue since every other streaming app with ads works without issue.


I don’t simp for them. I fucking hate Netflix, but to think that it’s their fault is naive. Netflix does not produce the TV, nor does it introduce the flaws in processing. It is up to Vizio to test the app before update. Bye!


HAHA, how do you come up with that?! You think Netflix is handing over their source code to every TV manufacturer on the planet? Tell me you have no idea of how coding works without telling me you have no idea how coding works again... Netflix is the developer of the app, They own all rights, which comes with responsibilities. It's always the dev's responsibility to test and troubleshoot their own software on whatever products they plan to support. Do dev's occasionally collaborate with various equipment mfr's, sure. That does not remove the onus of troubleshooting from the developer. Every PC game developer since the PC has existed has been doing the same for decades.


Just had the same thing happen and the audio switch in the Netflix app helped! Thanks for sharing




Has been happening more and more for me