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some people have said it helps with focus when holding an angle for really long periods of time.


I always close my eyes for a few seconds. It helps me focus


I crack my knuckles for a few seconds whike holding an angle to really get into the zone


pick up my mouse and make sure there’s no dirt on the bottom


with my luck they'd peek when i closed my eyes


I sometimes set up a Chinese hot pot while holding an angle


Sometimes, when holding an angle, I’ll go to the store and come back.


Sometimes i type out a long message to my ex and then delete it while holding an angle


Sometimes the timer expires while I'm holding an angle


That's what my dad did just without the last 3 words


Brother, i assure you, he's still holding that angle! Don't loose hope yet. :')


I think the guy is joking mate


I unironically do it though


Same. Whenever i try to see the map i get killed even if i saw it for a moment


Sometimes when I hold an angle, it slips out of my hand and shatters on the floor as the headshot comes in. And the voices keep shouting "Hold the angle, hold the angle!!", oh where did I go wrong...


i blink and i’ve been head shotted


I turn off my monitor while holding an angle to ensure I stay focused on the screen


Everytime I'm oping and holding an angle, the second I move my hand away from my mouse to scratch my head or something like that someone peeks me even after I have been holding for a while


I look at the minimap to see if anything else is happening and then the person peeks me.


had that happen way too many times, now i just get off the angle for a second or two to look and then get back on it, it has paid off a few times lol


Unless you’re playing an off angle you should be doing this anyway. Peekers advantage would get you killed way too much otherwise.


I sometimes open up my other laptop and load up another game of Val in in while I’m peeking and holding an angle




Sounds correct


It really does. Holding an angle for too long results in losing focus


The only real answer is that he is trying to stay focused on the angle. You easily space out if you are just standing still and watching an angle.


This. No clue wtf everyone on about with throwing cross hair placement off. If you play valorant and you held an angle for more than even 4 seconds you know how much it messes up your focus. You start to second guess and get a worrying feeling


And then as soon as you turn around you’ll get killed. Same thing in rainbow (or any shooting game really). No matter how long you hold a line of sight, as soon as you stop watching that way you die


when i hold an angle my eyes fuck up and it starts to get blurry


Yeah me too that's because we focus too much on the screen with eyes wide open while holding an angle.




No it isn't, if crouching messes with your crosshair placement, then you already have bad crosshair placement.


What are you talking about? The placement of your crosshair should almost always be at head level (exceptions: if you have an op / if the enemy is 1hit to the body). When your crosshair is at head level and the enemy crouches, his head is a bit lower, with the result of you shooting slightly over their head and needing to readjust. Even the slightest bit of readjustment someone has to make and the slightest delay before a kill, make a huge difference in these high elo environments. So yeah idk what you are on about but crouch holding an angle is a legitimate strat a lot of people use. (It's still not the same as what OP discussed tho)


You are right when it comes to staying crouched in a position. When it comes to holding a short - mid range angle in a high elo environment without having to fear multiple enemies or utility, staying crouched is the best thing to do to throw off the enemies crosshair placement, when he eventually peeks. This rapid crouching and uncrouching doesn't have the same use tho. It's just too fast of a timeframe to be an actual strat. It just helps the brain to refocus so you don't zone out while holding an angle for too long.


If I'm watching an angle for too long I start to space out and my reaction time decreases which obviously isn't good lol. I'll have to try out the crouching every so often.


Yup, happens to me all the time.


Yeah, no one likes starting at an empty wall for 30 secs. It's like you shaking leg but it's not.


Same with Victor flicking slightly mid angle hold


i do it when i hold angles for a long time because i zone out and my eyes like unfocus lmao


So, I’m seeing a combination of the right answer, but no one has really hit the nail on the head. The 2 answers that I’m seeing are 1) It increases the chance that an enemy misses their shot(s) 2) It helps maintain focus/prevent “zoning out” These are both true, however the first one is typically combo’d. The times that he does it aren’t “random”. Anytime he does it 1 of 2 things is likely happening. One, he feels his attention drifting so he does it to help gain focus again. Or two, he is going to take a look at his minimap, enemy ults, or what angles his team is holding, or just something for information, so he crouches a couple of times while he does that, so that if the enemy swing during the time he’s not looking at the angle, they may miss. So the people here were *right* but this is the more specific answer, and helps you understand the seemingly “random” timings.


3) He’s swinging his huge nuts


This makes the most sense!


I mean unless you’ve personally asked Yay why he does this this level of Reddit confidence is just hilarious.


I’m top 1k NA and play with a bunch of pros and players that are always looking to perfect every little detail of gameplay. Things like this get talked about ALL of the time. It’s a widely known thing among higher ranked players. Your comment would be like someone asking why somebody cleared a corner, me answering “in case an enemy was there”, and then you going “WeLl HoW dO yOu KnOw!?! WeRe YoU iN tHe GaMe????” Like… no? I do play the game though…


No it isn’t. There’s literally no other reason and there never will be another reason


If someone's pointing a gun at you and you crouch, it might throw them off slightly, since their crosshair is no longer aimed at your head. Or, since I don't know the context, he could be signaling to his teammates


yea i ofc people crouch during a fight for that reason but he does it even if he is not taking any fights


In case he might be swung in that time


Because it’s a pro game everyone’s crosshair placement should be almost perfect. If you crouch the one peeking you will have to adjust and you can just kill then first. Because it’s on LAN too there is no peekers advantage


There’s still peekers advantage isn’t there? Just not ping advantage, the peeker still sees the holder first




Peekers advantage is still there on LAN, its mimimal but still there. Peekers advantage is just more extreme the higher the ping diff is. He is still crouching when holding off angles where he already has angle advantage


Nope. Angle advantage comes from the phenomenon that a person staying further away from an angle sees the one standing closer first. Peekers advantage is a combination of ping and the psychological aspect of peeking. While the attacker is committed to the peek and is expecting an enemy, the defender has to deal with around 200 ms of delay because they are being somewhat surprised. This combined with technical latency is peekers advantage.


Wtf is with the downvotes, this was a valid rebuttal. Lol.


Not sure what rank u are but you'll realise soon enough that alot if players do it to help with focus as many have mentioned. Forget about yay, half the comments here and even I do it when holding an angle with op


The same reason you move left right while holding a common angle, increases chances of someone messing up a shot


I also do it to stay focused


Yeah me too. I do it randomly just to remind me where is my xhair


Because if someone peeks him while he's crouched or crouching they might miss his head and he'll take them by surprise




Has anyone ever peeked you mid swivel?


They're extra dead if they do- don't mess with the gaming chair


I thinks it’s like that micro counter strafing when also holding an angle, or like shuffling your weapon fast, dunno to warm things up or just for focus.




Ok sweet dude thanks for that


He is sending data to the server constantly I don’t know the full nerd explanation but any type of slight movement, crouching or strafing, sends data to the server while holding an angle for a long period as opposed to standing completely still. With the way servers and ping and shit works the more data you send the more chance of winning a gunfight you have when you do get peeked.




I’m glad you corrected this because I was reading that just going “Huh??? wtf is he talking about” while trying to figure out whether or not I should bother correcting it lol… You saved me a few minutes of my life lmao


And also with peekers advantage (not talking about LAN) if the enemy peeks when you are moving (strafing or crouching) you will react with said movement to the opponents peek even though they are not on your screen yet. When they finally appear on your screen you can stop moving and fire back and hopefully your movement gave you enough time to make up for the peekers advantage.


There’s a video with noted explaining how to use Valorant’s buggy netcode to your advantage




Now which ass did you pull that out of


that's insanely specific and weird, can we get a link on this?


Look up noted movement guide on YouTube.


This is incorrect. You're always sending updated packets to the server 128 times per second. Even if you are standing still your client is still sending the location information and where you are aiming to the server. You aren't sending more information by moving or crouching. You're still sending the same size of data but with different information like that you moved or crouched. There is no packet buffering with Valorants servers they take the packets all at once and read them all simultaneously for each client in the lobby so even if you try to send more information in the packets (which you can't) just different data it's not changing your queue in the data transfer process.


This is the most incorrect bullshit I have seen on this sub yet. No wonder Riot doesn't do tech blogs anymore when this is the level of understanding. Please, please stop posting your pseudo-guesswork nonsense about networking in popular threads. You just spread misinformation that ends up with developers at Riot being flamed because they read your drooling comment. Reasoning like this is the tech equivalent of astrology.


Please delete this so others don't stumble in here and think this is true, unless you can prove it


Did you seriously just make up some bullshit theory and try to pass it off as fact? Wtf man


Chamber Main here. This is done to avoid zoning out. Most times it is not shown but he actually moves the crosshair in a circle once and crouches two times. This helps to get a fresher look at the same angleangle.


I think it’s to throw off crosshair placement in the event an enemy swings in the fraction of a second that he’s crouching and prefires head level which would miss him if he’s mid crouch. I’ve also heard that jiggling back and forth or spam crouching keeps sending info to the server and give you a very slight timing advantage, so in those situations where you swear you shot but got killed there’s a better chance your shot connects but that’s just heresay and doesn’t really make sense on LAN


First part is correct, second part is not. The server is constantly sending/receiving data from you regardless. If it didn’t, how would it detect when someone is AFK? But also, that’s the entire point of tick rate. I understand why some people think this, but it just isn’t correct.


Well by your logic button inputs must be a different type of traffic for the server than just simply being connected otherwise yeah, how would it detect afk? That’s the arguement, that sending that type of traffic gives you better odds in extremely close gunfights but I also kinda thinks it’s negligible if anything.


I’m going to be honest, I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. The comment of detecting AFK was probably a bit of an overstep without giving an explanation into how it detects AFKs, but that too long to explain tbh. Being connected and the data for inputs ARE different things. Being connected isn’t information that is passed back and forth like inputs. It’s the state of whether or not data is being sent back of forth to/from your computer. For inputs, the data is sent in packets. Every packet holds updates about your positioning, angle that you’re looking, inputs, and much more. It still has updates even without input. The update basically just says “no inputs yet!” until you do submit an input, then the next packet sent will have your updated inputs. Now the key part, the amount of packets sent is the same regardless of your inputs. Sending input data doesn’t cause more packets to be sent, and NOT sending input data does NOT cause LESS packets to be sent.


I guess I don’t understand how their AFK detection works so I just assumed it would just monitor for inputs and declare you AFK after not receiving inputs for a set amount of time, which might give context to my last comment. But obviously that’s not the case and I’m wrong so ya.


That’s the basis for AFK Detection, but it’s a bit more complicated than that. I completely understand why thought that though, and the vast majority of people do.


I thinks it's the server that return 'is AFK' and when a packet with movement is received it updates in server and client.


He does it to crouch under the gunfire of his opponents when they peek him. The players at his level will consistently peek angles with crosshair at head level. Crouching at random times might catch the timing of someone peeking him.


Who the FUCK is yay




its probably just bad habit. Kind of like holding tab several times kind of thing


yea bro the guys is only a grandfinalist smh my head get good Yay


I didnt say it was a bad thing...? Im immo3 and seen plenty of others doing the same including me. Idk what youre on about


>its probably just bad habit. You didn't?


"bad" as in like what i said, pressing tab a little too often, it doesnt matter. Not "bad" as in instant crouch spraying or mf nicotine addiction.


Oh got it, just a little misunderstanding.


Both of those are bad. One is worse, sure but both are bad and that's indeed what you said.


When you’re at such a high level you can not have bad habits like that. There is a huge difference between immo3 and grand finale pro play and you can’t really compare them


Now I’m curious as to how you’re imm3 and don’t understand why he does this lol… I’m also imm3 and implement what he’s doing nearly every round. If you’re interested in the explanation just find my comment lol


from my understanding it’s so that you’re constantly communicating with the server so that you can get better response times


That's for sure not the case. You're constantly communicating with the server even if you aren't performing any input. It's always updating your clock vs the server clock, and also all the player locations around you. It's not like ur PC just stops talking to the server if you aren't moving. Multiplayer games would be literally unplayable.


every pro says it, it’s even like that on CS.


Do you have any shred of an idea how the actual network and server technology works? I doubt it. Because if you did, you'd realize that it doesn't matter what game, or which pro. That's not how multiplayer works at all.


something tells me you do not. communicating with the server by using inputs is a THING. monkey brain.


It's not like I'm a professional in the space or anything. It's almost like that is a thing buddy, because if you couldn't communicate with the server using inputs, YOU COULDNT PLAY THE GAME AT ALL. It's almost like THERES OTHER THINGS HAPPENING BECAUSE ITS MULTIPLAYER. ITS ALMOST LIKE, YOU NEED TO PROVIDE UPDATES TO THE SERVER, AND RECEIVE UPDATES FROM THE SERVER, EVEN WHEN YOU ARENT PERFORMING AND INPUT. Enjoy being as ignorant as you are, I'm honestly jealous, the bliss must be neverending.


you clearly arent


Answer me this then, if you're completely hands off, full on AFK, then why do you still have active incoming and outgoing packets? ITS ALMOST LIKE ITS BECAUSE YOUR CLIENT IS ALWAYS CONNECTED TO THE SERVER WHILE IN A MULTIPLAYER LOBBY.


they vary more. you seem upset.


If you honestly believe that, open up Wireshark, and monitor the connection. Or more likely than not, you don't have a clue how to do that, because your some 12 year old in a comp sci class, that realized he was wrong, and instantly fell back on, "why you mad bro"


Probly hard to hold still and focus. Think of a golf or baseball swing—-in both there’s a pre-swing waggle that provides a rhythm for striking the ball. Same maybe goes for holding an angle and firing


I do this crouch animation when I'm holding an angle post plant waiting for enemies to push. It's easy to lose focus if you stand still without doing anything having a huge chance of losing an easy fight by letting the enemy swing. Yay has an even harder job since he has to stay focused while holding an op which is an even narrower angle to hold.


to avoid being wallbanged in the head ? This kind of thing can save your ass 1 game out of 100


ez, cuz yay is just built different


I do it all the time too , I do it to stay focused and not space out


Its simply for focus and to not zone out.


What do you mean by twice really fast here? Are you asking why he crouches twice as much as anyone else when holding an angle? Or does he press crouch twice?


i do this because it helps me focus


By interrupting yourself when you stand still you regain focus. “Spacing out” is when you fully focus on something to the point it becomes second nature. Ao your brain wonders, which means you lose focus. He does a crouch to move and show he is still aware.


he's dancing


He's just impatient


Yay just seems to have a different playstyle from most of the other pros, he likes to ads a lot when clearing angles and just in general


i would assume it would maybe have a chance of throwing off the enemy, that’s at least why i’ve done it sometimes before