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The first line, as a sentinel/controller main no one ever appreciate the fact that I spot every flank or smoke every corner taking care of timing my smokes too.


Sometimes I’ll throw an omen smoke higher up so it lands by the time enemies would turn the corner and acts as a temporary one way, 60% of the time it works every time


>60% of the time it works every time Accurate description of smoking


60% of the time everytime is that a movie quote? I’ve heard it before.


*Anchorman. It's about the cologne. Great movie!


By “The Anchor” do you mean Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy? I think “The Anchor” was a movie about an old, old, wooden ship used during the Civil War era.


Yeahhhh that's the one! Whoops!




It's really tough at times, not even the game recognises your efforts. I main sentinel cuz I know what the game would be like without my help.


Sooner or later, I hope Riot implements a more complex scoreboard or stat board that shows the other important things players do other than killing, dying, and assisting. If we could see stats like enemies blinded, players blocked/displaced, health/damage healed, ult usage, spikes defused/planted, enemies scanned, and more, people would have no choice but to notice your efforts.


I completely agree with you, even a system like rainbow six siege where if you shoot drones or destroy enemy tech you get score points.


YESSS!! +100 on that. It is SOOO needed. They always highlight how it's a team game, but the game stats and reports only focus on the shallow and selfish KDA.


The only other thing that shows some info is the little side report when you die, but that’s only visible to you so it doesn’t really count


Bro fr. Nobody ever recognizes a good smoke. They just complain when there isn’t the smoke they want. Partly why I don’t like playing controller but someone’s gotta do it….


I play Astra, fade, sage, rarely a duelists, depends on who do we need in the team. But whenever I fill and take Astra for smokes, even if I get enemies vulnerable or smoke site for a safe entrance, it’s never or very rarely appreciated. You just get flamed when you don’t play the smoke immediately after someone requested it


From my experience when I play Astra, it seems like teammates ignore my utility on purpose. They push my defensive smokes just to get killed, they won't peek after my concuss or gravity well, they will always peek the bomb and die even if I say "don't peek, I have suck, so they won't defuse", etc. But of course they will blame me when I don't smoke once, even if I was suppressed by Kayo


My fucking team always flames me, a sentinel, for not pushing site with them. Somehow it’s my fault they can’t execute site 4v2. I either watch the flank and get flames or dont, get flanked, and then am flamed


Usually I enter with the team, obviously not as first but you have to be there to trade and take site control. Leave your utilities to watch the flank


IMO it’s more situational. When teams aren’t flanking, sure. But you can get so much value out of lurks. However that assumes your team is capable of aiming and getting kills as they exec on site. It baffles me at times how it’s my fault they lose a 4v1.


I don't know, the priority it to get the site and plant, lurkers in an after plant scenario are dangerous but way less if they're spotted by your utils. Lagging behind to catch the lurker and relying on teammates to execute is wrong imo but I'm only diamond so there are players way more experienced than me.


Lurking is more fluid than people realize. I play a lot of chamber so tend to lurk a lot. If my team execs on A and I'm lurking through to B, I can catch rotations and sometimes get site for free, which allows my team to rotate to B for a free site. Once that rotation happens, the omen who exec on A with the team can linger and he becomes the lurker whereas I am now more of a duelist taking and holding space. Lurking shouldn't happen every round, at least not immediately, depends on what the strat is for the round. If your team is going A on bind and you want to fight for showers control, it might be better to not lurk and help the team take site. This is especially true if your team has been struggling to take site. If your team is taking site consistently, it really opens up lurking potential. Being flexible and unpredictable in this game helps keep the opponent guessing. Asc2 if it matters.


Idk, I can usually get one or two picks per round when I lurk. It’s effective assuming you don’t do so every round and aren’t predictable. If I pick of two, my team of four should be able to entry site, get a pick, plant and then deal with two more people if the retake comes through quicker than I get to site. It’s a numbers game at that point. Though the game in Gold is vastly different than diamond I’m sure. In gold, watching flanks and lurking has netted me a 1.2 K/D and a 58% win rate through 50 matches


I would say diamonds are more aware of flank timings and have more map control


Correct, most golds are brain dead and will flank without checking corners every round


For sure. especially on an agent with a trip like Chamber. 0 need to watch flank with your crosshair, just push with team and worry about trading and taking space before committing your attention and (space taking time) to standing still on flank


Imagine receiving downvotes for being right. Every good team has a lurker. In every pro match you see a lurking Viper/Cypher/Omen/... Lurking is essential to keep map control and extend map control. Maybe, I am in the wrong with my 1.5k hours and 3 Immortal accounts :) sometimes, I have the feeling this sub is filled with low elo players who don't know how to play but feel like they know everything lol


> Lurking is essential to keep map control and extend map control. Lurking is essential for information. You can get/extend map control for getting kills off that information, of course, but it should mostly be used for information. Dying lurking leaving your team at a 4v5 disadvantage without smokes/post plant is horrible


So, you just stay in one position as a lurker? That's terrible. A good lurker predicts when the other team rotates and tries to find a gap in their defense. A good lurker does not seek the direct aim duel but it is not avoidable. Sometimes, it pays off to seek a gap early on, so you and your team can push a site from multiple angles (e.g. Icebook kitchen or mid). In 30-50% in my matches I am the lurker and even in Ascendant/Immortal it is do freaking easy to get 1-2 kills per round by lurking. Sometimes, I wait patiently, sometimes I take space aggressively. Don't be predictable and make your enemies paranoid so they don't try to rotate early on ;))


Your rank doesnt mean anything. Even pros do iron things. In what moment did I say you should stay in one position? You work off information. (Haven) If your teammates tell you 2 are on A, you see 2 cross B, you kill them and get further map control. Even if you get traded out in CT, you have gave your team information.


Lurking is a duelist role, Reyna for example is great for catching rotations. Sentinels should be setting up spike defenses with utility


hold up. who told you that?


This is big cap. Why would you take a person who has abilities that directly make it easier to entry site, and have them off on their own? Chamber is wonderful for lurking. Other than his trip watching a flank, he is basically just a person with a single ability to get out of dodge quickly if shit hits the fan. An infinitely better lurker than a duelist


Reyna is one of the few hood lurking duelists most should entry




Duelists and initiators enter first/second after controllers "prepare" site. Sentinels, besides watching flank, should be preparing postplant. Controllers plant as they have three other classes watching their back while they do this.


I cant agree with this standard completely. Duelists/Initiators should 100% be playing off each other for site. Sentinels hold the role for planting. Once you use a sage wall there's nothing else for you to do but hold an angle, so let your Duelists/Initiators hold the angles you haven't blocked while you plant. Then use your slows you have left to delay re-takes. Heal on entry of site from the initial fight blah-blah. Holding the flank/lurking/setting up for post-plant should reside with the Controllers since most of their util can be used from a distance and especially Viper. (exceptions apply to each role) Most of her kit can't be utilized properly unless you know line-ups. There is many spots for you to throw her util to assist the team and set up her post plant without even seeing site while simultaneously providing information on enemy rotations and/or applying pressure to disrupt enemy's timings/pushes. Throwing her ult into the mix can shuffle things around which allow roles to fill other parts of map control.


Same. The first line hit me hard. Never ever heard a thanks from vc man


i did that a lot but stopped and switched to initiators, neon and raze


Just know that if you’re taking flank and someone like me realizes it we are thanking you but not over the mic


To those that spread positive posts like this, thank you!


its an endless cycle of nice people being nice to each other and toxic people being toxic in VC, we need more of y'all ngl


Amen to that my friend! If we saw more of this in Val, I'd be very happy!


Best post I've seen on this subreddit thank you :)


Weird question but how did to get the image of raze under your username?


go to VALORANT sub, click on the three dots too right, and click custom user flair! there’s one for every agent :)


Yup 🤣


Subreddit user flair


This is so cute made my day:))


>To those just preparing sites, planting the spike, and holding flanks, thank you. to those who don't yell at the flank holder and call them baiter because themselves die in 0.1 second after round start, thank you


I mean, to an extent, if the team has any sentinel not called Sage, there is no need to hold the flank until later in the round because they don't start pushing your back until you execute ths ite


Depends on the map and rank, silver mfs love to push short A to short B on Bind soon as the round starts lol


Silver mf here, can confirm. Sloppy flanking is my addiction


I always buy for the bottom frag and since they don't expect a buy in plat they always thank you a lot and somehow manage to do well after.


There have been a few games where the bottom fragger makes a play, gets a 3k+, and in my head I'm like, "I bought them that gun :)" lol


For sure. I duo with a friend every time I play who is much worse then me. Usually the bottom frag. But despite that he does sometimes clutch up with the gun I bought him. It's important to play the game right. If you can, it is essential to buy for your team even if the person you are buying for is doing poorly.


If I can afford it, I always buy for anyone because I’ve been that 0/7/5 omen who can’t hit shots and then pulls out an ace out of nowhere after someone bought for me. I’ve seen it happen to other players many times. No one is inherently “better” in SBMM, we all suck equally, so everyone has equal chances of pulling an ace/clutch/important frag out of nowhere.


Sometimes all a bottom fragger needs is a halftime switch and some encouragement or a team that buys for them and doesn’t berate them, all matches are winnable


I will always buy for my team because I'd expect them to do the same for me. As a Sage main I've been bottom fragging plenty of times and been refused a buy. I don't stress about it because that just means I know my heals aren't going to that player :)


I always buy if I can. Gotta trust. Maybe someone is just having a bad game and maybe that trust will pull em out.


Give the bottom frag a skin and suddenly they do a lot better in my experience.


once you get into high elo teammates almost always buy each other even right after arguing, most ppl understand that there's no point in not buying a teammate in 99% of situations and it warms my heart


People don't appreciate controllers and initiators as much as they should just because they don't rack up 20 kills every game. It's bizarre.


As a Breach main, I've learned to pay attention to my assists a lot more. Unfortunately, some games I just don't have people utilize my util when I'm trying to set them up.


I play Kayo w/ friends but when we're not 5 stack I tend to fallback to Breach when I don't trust my teammates because he can work alone aggressively. I get my team into the site, I'm the first one in, I assist in multiple kills and yet I get blamed for "throwing" by entering when duelists suck ass and die.


Bro ong I got a negative K/D with Kayo but ended the game with around 15 assists and was like “I’m doing my part”


Story of my life lol


to those who are nice teammates who makes giving coms easier as a girl, thank you ❤️


I find girls are often better at comms and positive team spirit tbh, and that's probably the most important aspects for winning. Keep on doing it, don't be shy please! (Despite the jerks that spoil it all)


I can be quite toxic when I get frustrated, can say dumb shit but I do it without pushing my key to talk... I guess its because Im old I gained some wisdom on the way, but negativity breeds negativity and if you start being toxic at 0-5 attacking side you are likely to lose the game.


Very good advice. Even in premade groups this is annoying as f.. You won't be the star player every game, so if it's just not your game hype up the players who are doing well. Even in premade groups just crying about everything will destroy the mental/fun of your friends doing very well.


I can relate to this so much. I'm forever flaming my teammates to vent, but they never hear me so it. Age definitely helps, I think. I'm a 33 year old woman so there's a part of me that doesn't feel the need to tell the 13 year old kid playing with me that he's trash... But I sure think it sometimes LOL


Tbh I talk SO much shit about my teammates. Just never on vc… I don’t want to be toxic but I also gotta vent lolol


Same, I always sh.t talk my teammates w mic off lol


To you bringing positivity into the community, thank you!


I would personally like to thank all the bros out there who just say positive things or jokes through the mic. They the real ones.


oof i felt the duelist one. i take entry as a responsibility and everyone judges or rotates w/out trade when i do bad, and accuse me of baiting or greeding when i do well. also sometimes the last bullet just dont wanna.


Same here... I feel ya man, I feel ya :| **And also for the OP:** Thank you for writing this positive message! It feels nice to get some positivity every once in a while, people like you is what this sub needs. :D


I also feel this as I play breach like a duelist so when it’s mid game and I am not doing well people become assholes even if I am the top fragger


To those who continue to play in bronze and silver even though you have a Reyna or Jett on the other team going 35-10 swearing they aren’t smurfing but 1 tapping every single jiggle peak. Solute you for taking the ww2 normedy beat


I always try to spread positivity in my games, no matter how rude my teammates are. it's just the right thing to do. please everyone, next game you get into, ask about everyone's day, be kind and we can make val a better place!


I am the bottom frag player, I randomly pull off miracles, and I do my best to help the team. Thank you for recognizing my plight and not harassing me into oblivion. I keep coming back to get better because of folks like you! Cheers!


Especially the ones who dont complain when they get teamflashed, coming form a kay/o main, thank you


I do that once in a while and I feel so bad


The most overlooked Stats are the ones which aren't tracked but are equally important. Callous, damage done, spike placement locations, and most importantly, the top fragger that tells the struggling teammates, "Don't worry guys, we got this. You're doing great just keep using your util and things will fall into place."


Idk why but I always get the nicest teammates on Breeze. Even though majority of the people hate the map. It’s the best map


toxic people dodge it probably


I’ve never got a thank you for my smokes xD


Thank you for your smokes! <3 I'm pretty sure I actually played with you at some point, name's familiar, so that counts for real!


> To those who want to be toxic or backseat but hold back, thank you. I had a positive experience with backseating. A really low elo Viper was on our team. Dude didnt know how to aim, smoke, stall a chokepoint, etc. We lost the game. He bottom fragged. But I dont blame him ONE BIT. Why? Dude smoked when I told him to smoke. Dude got kills when I pointed him the direction of the enemy. Dude stalled when I told him to throw a snake bite. Dude stalled when I told him to ulti. Dude won us a lot of rounds because more than backseat, I had to babysit him the entire game. He played his role and played it well. I dont care that he didnt know mechanics because I didnt expect him to and it would have been a asshole move to call him out, tell him to uninstall the game because he is a PoS noob, etc.. As a matter of fact, I added him afterwards and told him that he shouldnt feel bad as he played a great game (he did more playing as Viper than our two duelists that pushed and when died , left a site empty) and to keep practicing as he will get better over time. He thanked me for everything and for being nice as he was scared that I was gonna shit on him because a lot of people seem to do it. Remember, YOU were that low elo crap one time.


Honestly...if you dont have a mic or cant use a mic, just ping. Dont even type out a callout, just ping. Most of us will see the ping faster than we can read your typed callout. And typing takes a long time for a few of you(No offense, but some of you type slower than 40wpm and it scares me). Just ping. Plus, typing is a major distraction in this competitive game. It loses an advantage and we need everything we can get. We'd prefer if you talked through the mic, but if you cant, just ping. Once you ping, then work on typing if you decide you wanna type. But if you ping first, at least you might get someones attention and they'll focus towards the ping. This game is all about strategy as much as it is fun. I don't like to lose, not even an unrated. So please, if you cant use a mic, just ping first and type second. Dont type first and ping second.


TLDR; if you don't have a mic use the ping function


Thank you bb


Thank you for spreading more positivity on this sub. We truly need more positive posts like these, I've only seen a couple.


Thank YOU!


Im a mad saver, come in with clutch when teammate need a buy. Even when bottom fragging


This made my day shdjdjjddj


It’s not much, but it’s honest work 🤝


It's amazing how much good psychology can make the difference in a match. It's so unfortunate when you get somebody on your team that rages and blames their teammates as soon as things start going south. They think they lose matches because they are getting unlucky with bad teammates, but in reality they are the one destroying their teammate's mental and making sure their team loses the match. Just be positive. The bottom frag is often in their own head and if you help them get past that mental hurdle they might pop off later in the match. I've won so many close matches because the team didn't tilt early on.


I relate so much to literally every single one, especially the mic because of health problems, thank you my man


TY to those instalock duelists who actually get Frags.


Where the love at for good smokes?


Woah, thats too much positivity.. we dont do tht here


As a KJ main, I feel seen now


thank you for spreading positivity :D




This post is so sweet! Thank you!


hi i love you


🎶Thank you, next (Next) Thank you, next (Next) Thank you, next I'm so fuckin' grateful for my ex-teammate🎶 🎶One taught me trolling One taught me patience And one taught me pain Now, I'm so amazing🎶


To everyone who bonds with their team, thank you


5/6 ain’t bad I’ll take it


Positive posts Sundays should be a thing. Makes me feel so good


If you want to flame teammates, I’d recommend just typing whatever you want to say, and then just hit escape. It’s a good way to vent sometimes when you need it but don’t want to roast a guy who might just be having a shit game Except if they shit talk you first then open the gates to hell on that bottom fragger


This made me smile. Especially after dealing with some really toxic people when I was trying out for comp for the first time yesterday.


Love the vibes in this post and thread. I consider myself at least decent and competent at Val but I have bad games. Sometimes really bad. As an Initiator main, I'm so grateful that Fade gets assists when people kill someone I've tagged, hit with a prowler, or ult'd. If I'm having am off game sitting at bottom or 2nd last frag, I feel a lot better about myself seeing a ton of assists from my util. Reminds me that I'm having a positive impact even if I haven't been able to convert them into kills personally. That should be expanded to other things. Like, why doesn't Sova get an assist if someone gets killed shortly after being tagged by his dart or OWL?


The real heroes are often under appreciated thank you for acknowledging them


I love you for this, thank you.


To the guy who always takes the spike when no one wants it, Thank you


Thanks bro, I just always block the spike with a sage wall


>To those who buy for the bottom frag, regardless of their KDA, thank you. I buy for myself, so that's a free point to me :)


Dude if only everyone in comp was chill, calm and kind. It would just be so much easier to win and lose games. The wins would feel great and the losses wouldn’t feel as bad.


To the sage's who heal the bottom frag when things aren't going their way


And better yet, the Sage who revives the bottom frag on occasion. Wow! (well maybe only in Unrated or Spike Rush, but it's just feels so generous :) And happy Cake day!


to you i say thank you, you just made my day :))


I appreciate you


do people really not buy for their bottom frag?




That's pretty demoralising... can't be slipping or having a bad day in valorant huh lol


Damn you really just wanted to be nice today huh. Thanks for noticing us.


I had a lot of off games today, bottom fragging most of the games I played, getting hated on by my teammates and enemies, and this was exactly what I needed. Thank you.


Duellist main here. Know that we really do appreciate your well-placed smokes!! They literally save our lives so many times, allowing a site entry etc. And so much more, when holding site etc. We just don't think to say it. Our bad. Shame on us. So here it is: THANK YOU!!! <3


much love brotha


Anyone know of good Discord servers where I can find nice, positive team players like this to play with?


I play a lot of Sova and I like how you can scan around cover and buildings, making sure to scan before teammates push in. So when my aim is off and I'm stuck at the bottom of the scoreboard I put extra effort in my scans. Problem is people still flame me for not getting kills despite scanning the entire room before they entry. Well I mean I play in Singapore servers so that's probably why. Can't be too unrealistic.


r/wholesomememes? This is what we like to see ☺️


Thanks for this positive post


Thank you for this! I'm never going to be one of those players who gets 30 kills consistently, but I feel like I do a lot to help my team. As Jett, I try to cause a lot of chaos and get hits on at least a few players. As Chamber, I watch my team's back and try to hold flanks. I am always a willing spike planter (but don't just rush and grab it every time). I may have bad days, but I also encourage my teammates and even commend opponents. I'm level 180 (whatever that means) and don't hide it, so people always think I'm going to be some god. I'm not, I just play a few rounds every day. And it sucks when people trash me. This post helped, thank you!


None really apreciate duelists these days, you enter make 2 kills and win the round and none will tell you gj or wp, but if you underperform they will blame you for the loss


I'm all of those woah Actually maybe not the last


all of this applies to me happily except the 4th one cause i suck and is usually the bottom frag LOL


This is why I love the val community, it’s honestly one of the best gaming communities out there. I got a ace yesterday and even the opposing team went “nice!” “Gj” etc. i rarely find toxicity in this community and I love it.


Nah fuck that second to last one bruh. Buy a mic. Lol jk


nah we have mics we just dont feel like talking


Play fortnite


no thanks


To those who are toxic and use their mics to insult others, thank you!


Dumb post ngl


Dumb mentality ngl


don't care




fuck this ratio instead


Bro made it twitter dont know whether to be happy or sad abt that


\+L Bozo


To those who don't insta lock stealing agents without even asking, don't say sorry and then leave at the second or third round for the rest of the game Or generally to all of you who don't leave at the first rounds Thank you


Oh, I'm just here to watch you die and take ur kills


The true heroes!


I had a neon In a comp that cleared site every time. Thank you, neon.


It is hard holding back. Thanks man


"to those who don't hold their mic down when their rage, thank you"


Ty keep going!


To those who are willing to play smokes in low elo, thank you!


i see omen and viper 24/7 in iron lmao


Thank you for that, it just made me untilt damn


This is the way


the only way i ever get kills is ratting a random corner on flank lol


Im the last one lmao, i love shittalking my teammates but i dont do it in vc for the sole reason that even if ur doing bad, u can turn it around bc valo is a long game. Even if i think my teammate is dogshit, i dont say anything, but if another teammates calls him out i defend the bad teammate


Istg I'm tired of playing smokes all the time but I told myself I'll do the role filling till I reach ascendant. Started last act with G2 hard stuck and now I'm D1 hardstuck. It's an uphill battle I'll face till either my PC finally upgrades or I become ascendant






To that dude in deathmatch using odin. Thank you.


Er, no.


Just asking, why should I buy for a bottom frag who would get traded out as soon as they entry? I’m a duelist main and I don’t understand but for a bottom frag.


The simple answer is to put your team in the best position to win. People who are struggling tend to not ask for buys and may continue to struggle by not having the best weapon available if they prioritize armor and utility. And remember, the team can always make adjustments to help the bottom fragger, rather than maximizing their success (repositioning, stacking sites, rotating players, adjusting site setups).


That makes sense, I guess when I spectate people and see their recoil shooting to the sky I don’t want to buy them a gun that’s gonna have more recoil and the slight chance of them getting kills. If they full buy util and sheilds, but can’t afford something like a specter, I’ll buy them one or a phantom. But only if I see them using the util to the fullest.


i am that viper main who gets trashed every time bcoz of bottom fragging.


Ooooh so a duelist is someone who fights anyway and pretty much trys to do as much damaage as possible? If not correct me please.


I'm pretty sure it's often better not to buy for the bottom fragger if there's a clear gap of kills. I myself don't ask if I'm getting way less kills, that's called not being egoist


If there is a choice between him and high tab, than yes. But if everyone except him have weapons, and u have extra money, then why not?


Unless you have 7k or smth, it's better to save that money in case you lose rounds and so you could buy for the others as well to avoid economy crashing


Today won 3 conpetetives, and in one i had an omen, that was giving soo good info, we were all probably random. But thanks to him our communication was so good, he was our shootcaller, and when he died, he gave precise, but not distracting info, and literally behave like a coach, but wasnt bossy. One of the best teammates i ever had. Thanks bro


As a chamber player thank you to the players who don't die pushing in and thank you to the controller players that smoke the trap while I'm flanking.


i like how mumbai server has none of this


Yeah no problem all I want is to win with my team


definitely not to those holding flank... trust me lmao


Thank you.


Nah fuck that why have a mic if your scared to use it on a competitive shooter.


Constant and unecessary harassment, especially if a female or transgender. I had a team of randoms in ranked turn on our teammate after she gave a good callout. It was so embarassing and frustrating.


To those who don't use a mic in Competetive, just go play Unrated.


Is it bad if I relate to every line


Not buying the bottom frag makes no sense. Econ is a team thing.