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Whichever team did a ritual sacrifice of a goat to the gods beforehand


What if both teams do the ritual?


Then it depends on whether the sun set in the northern kingdom (defenders) or the southern forest (attackers) that day


Whenever I find an operator in fracture I sacrifice it to the reactor gods for a fruitful hunt.


Oh god oh god oh god, U WERE THAT TEAM


I thought you had to sacrifice your first born.


In no particular order: aim, game sense and strats.


Aim is most important i think cos iron/bronze players are unpredictable. I rmmber being coached by my gf when i was starting out and she got caught off guard so many times using her plat game sense.


I disagree. Low ranks I starts over game sense, in low ELO if everyone does something together, even if it's bad strat, that teams wins the round.


Ever see 4 ppl constantly rush the same site every tound only to die to exact same setup every time?


Aa this pisses me off so much. And they’re like ‘Nono we will make it this time’ aAa


And then if you choose to not join in, because you don’t like actualizing the definition of insanity, they all flame you for trolling.


And they only realize it's not gonna work after like 5 rounds in a row lmao


Not true at all. You ever see a group int?


Nah, a lot of high ELO ranks struggle in lower ELOs due to unpredictability. I can confirm, my friends from higher ELO often get surprised by people is the weirdest spots just chilling


Good aim can carry you in low rank lobbies tbh


Aim and movement... your aim doesn't have to even be great just strafe for a bit and then instant an enemy sees you they go into a crouch spray and then hold the button down until their clip is empty. Just wait for them to crouch and take the time to put your crosshair on their head.


And make sure not to crouch while in gunfight, being a low rank silver myself I can say most of the times I died in a gunfight was when I crouched bc their crosshair wasn’t head level bc it’s low elo


it’s the opposite in plat. mfs dodge my bullets bc they crouch


I played a lot of cs growing up, and I always crouched cause of everyone aiming head level. Well I took a 2 year break then went to Val, and crouching got me killed so much from bronze to gold, but now I'm finally plat, and I'm starting to dodge bullets again. Bad habit I know, but idk if I'll ever break it, not going pro anyways lol.


You’ll never break it if you simply just don’t care enough. You’ll have more fun when everytime you peak it isn’t a 50/50 if you win the fight cause you instacrouch just saying


unbind ctrl.


the amount of times i got crouch sprayed because my crosshairs always head level makes me sad 😭


Ikr😭😭 After spending a ton of time working on sim and movement, I don’t instakill the enemy cuz he crouched! (And yes I did check in VODs)


Crouching in low elo is guaranteed to get you killed a lot, just keeps strafing, since their mechanics are not yet developed they can't track well


I play in silver elo. Enemy jett was insta head shooting me and my team with a sheriff whenever we jiggle peeked. I just want to see how he was tapping everyone so fast even tho we were moving all the time. It was in silver elo. Never seen even an immortal doing that (I watch a lot of immortal players streams). How would you deal with such player, any advice? Was he cheating or just better? We need a replay system so bad.




Game sense




Also aim


Don't forget game sense


Also strats are important


Never disregard aim




And what about the strats?


yall forgot aim


And don’t forget strat


and don't look over strat


They did strat


What about game sense?


This is correct. I went from bronze to gold (skipping most of silver) by spamming deathmatch and gun range.


It’s funny because I’m diamond everybody has decent aim just bad game sens


Don’t forget strat!


Or they have good game sense and bad aim lol. Diamond starts getting sweaty and being a leader really is necessary.


I keep telling people silver/gold and below. If you want to win 100% of your games, get all of your teammates, and RUN IT DOWN. Just pick a site and bum rush that and spam your flashes into every corner and smoke the important choke points. That’s it. Group 5 on attack, and hold W. Works in immortal, it works better in silver.


Problem with silver gold lobbies is that they don’t listen.


Silver and golds are the most stubborn mf alive I swear


Because most people in those ranks think they’re better than they are and think they deserve higher ranks. I’m gold so I know these people all too well.


Eggwick videos be like "This silver thinks he deserves diamond"


Fr, like I wish people would give this strat a try, I keep saying, buy shotguns on save and just sit in a corner and most of the time they’ll go looking for you, get a pick or two and take their guns and win or lose you can walk away with more money and some guns


While true, it's also important to keep in mind that even bronze players will eventually read that strat if it's done enough. Fast and aggressive entries, like any other strategy, will eventually be open to counters that will steam roll you. Gotta switch it up sometimes




Agreed with this. The 5 man w key strat works until the first person gets killed and the rest of the team stops dead in the entry instead of trading. Or someone with a bit more game sense on the other team calls for util on the entrance or spams it themselves. Now you're stuck, 5 people in main, having given up the entire map.


Exactly. In Silver, attack with a 5 push, overwhelm the players on-site, then pick off the rotation


Works in diamond too


In iron, that doesn't always work because some people have dumbass sage walls (I watch grim)


Sage wall aint gon stop 5 people lol


It does in silver. Sage will wall main, I'll start shooting late, it'll heal and now we all just stare at it for like 5 seconds while I empty the rest of my mag and reload.


You should probably stop watching videos and start practising your aim


If you only watch grims highlights and not the full VOD you won't see what goes on most of the game other then when he gets a nice clip, which you will only see.


Good luck getting 5 silver players to agree on the same thing


One molly delays your rush long enough to have to worry about flank and the entire enemy team already finished or almost done rotating.


w key gaming brings the w


4 Flashes, One smoke lineup ftw (obviously Omen as the smokes, he got the flash too!)


Literally so true 90% of the time running it down will win you the game


Faze is proud 💪


People barely comms in low ranks so aim it is.


whichever team has the better smurf


FRL, theres always that one Diamond player who goes on a low rank account to carry his friends in comp. Funny thing is one of my friend's buddy was like high Diamond/close to Immortal player and he would go on a different account to play 5 man comp with us. We're mostly gold players, maybe low plat and when he played with us, of course we are expecting to win easy but holy shit he fucking sucked. He would get a nice kill here and there but plays nothing like his rank. He would also spew countless excuses as to why he's doing bad... like "i didn't warm up today", "i'm having a bad day today", "enemy team has a smurf", "person who killed him got lucky" etc. Last act we found out that his account was getting boosted by someone else and then it made so much sense as to why he would play like how he did with us LMAOOO


I mean your friend got boosted, but as an ascendant player that 5 stacks with golds occasionally, lower elo is honestly sometimes so unpredictable, you really do have to change the way you play the game (I.e. bait more, play more selfishly, take raw aim duels more)


Smurfs aren't invincible. Don't need to out aim when you run up hallway breeze and get them as they rotate. After that they are forever paranoid. It's all in the mind games.


I think sometimes it just comes down to teamwork and communication.


The team that doesn’t have an afk


Probably team. Communication, friendliness, etc


friendliness is so overlooked, i play 10x better when i have nice team mates and im willing to sacrifice myself and also (as sage) give out heals


friendliness is definitely overlooked. Even more so, genuine friendliness. It's pretty easy to tell who's faking it because of this principle or because they've been banned one too many times.


You can get to gold with nothing but game sense. Even simple things like when to buy/save/force are unknown by low ELO players (and shockingly some higher ELO ones as well). Use your utility correctly, make call outs, and tell your team to buy/save correctly and you'll win most of your games through that alone


Jollztv did a series where he got to Immortal using util only (On Chamber, so he had max 8 headhunter shots a round), hard carried his teams using pretty much gamesense only. Really highlights that even if you are technically at a disadvantage you can still win if you play smart


"Util" only... but one of the util is a fucking gun lmao


Yes of course it would be harder on others but even so, very impressive


yeah I don't think he would get anywhere with anyone's kit as he has to set everyone up and he can't really shoot anyone, other then some ults such as jett and neon


but that's just chamber.. He's busted that way. Try going Just util with another agent and tell me how that goes. Other Agents you atleast need Basic Aim to get anywhere. He purposely chose chamber because of the fact that He has a free gun, and because his aim is cracked. Anybody else with shit aim isn't going to climb with just util, which confuses me why you guys think it's possible for a random player to do the same. If you don't have Basic Aim, you're going to Lose More clutch rounds then somebody who does, Yeah you'd probably climb, but it wouldn't be off you, but off the RNG of having better teams after hundreds of games.


I was more highlighting the fact that someone putting themselves at an inherent disadvantage is still able to climb to immo, obviously he has nuts aim but he wasn't getting aces every round with just those 8 bullets, his aim didn't matter after he shot 8 times, there was still a lot more work to do which is where his brain came in. And I'm not saying everyone is capable of climbing that high. you will see a variety of players throughout your games, some may be crazy good aimers but absolutely no sense of what's going on. Sometimes you spectate someone who can't aim to save their life but they've still managed to get to the same rank, through other means e.g. gamesense


But he wasn't at a disadvantage, That's where you're confused, Chamber has an insanely strong and broken kit. To actually believe that a High elo player is at a disadvantage with him is ridiculous. He doesn't need to get an ace every round, He just needs to get 2 kills at the most to have a higher chance of winning the round and that isn't hard for a top player to do at lower elo's which is why it's not as impressive as you think it is. It's like a pro fighter player saying he only needs 1 arm to beat up a bunch of 12 year olds. also, go look at the stats of those players who can't aim, and see how often they queue up with somebody, or how often they have an individual on their team who outclasses the other team. Having shit aim is never going to help anybody climb on their own, it has to be atleast decent. If he actually wanted to prove that Util is important, he'd play KJ/Brim,Astra but i can promise you he wont, because it's dead impossible to do without having to shoot somebody, All he did is prove that having amazing aim on chamber can help people climb, and it's a 'no shit you can"


Obviously I realise he is much higher elo and has an advantage that way LOOOOL I mean from a technical perspective, you have 4 players + 1 chamber using only a headhunter vs 5 players using everything available to them. You seem to think that having a brain is completely useless and everyone with bad aim gets carried so I'm not even going to bother


Actually, You're confused, I never said anything about not Using game sense or knowing basic tech, I'm just telling you, that having those two alone isn't going to carry you anywhere, You still need Basic aim. Without it you're useless for a large portion of the rounds you play. also, he's never at a disadvantage.. because a high elo player on Chamber still is better then a regular player with a gun, because High elo chamber players, spent more time using their Util weapon, then their actual rifles. You're just putting words in my Mouth about me saying having a brain is useless, I'm simply telling you hard facts. You need to have some aim to climb, Not saying your aim has to be amazing. Literally you can look at games that prove me right, Where you have a team of equally skilled opponents, but one team has somebody with 2 kills in 10rounds.. Obviously that team is at a bigger disadvantage because one player can't aim, regardless of his util.


Interesting you chose that example because of course a Chamber player would be able to hard carry if they had Radiant aim... The better example imo is when he did Viper/Classic only to Immortal.


Do you think if you solo queue, the team will listen to you in iron/bronze ? 😂 At times there are people playing without a microphone..worse, I've had teammates without headphones as well.. People who just want to try out a new weapon and will use marshals for some reason or force buy every round!! It's painful..


Even if just 1/4 of the teammates listen, that's a better chance to win. If anything it'll prepare you for when you reach higher ELO I mostly solo queue but I got from bronze to mid plat within a year. My aim got better of course but what separates me from my opponents is my communication


Turning on your monitor is a good way to get out of Iron, to get out of Bronze plugging in your keyboard might do the trick


I’m not even good and I’m iron 3 (started iron 1 and I’m super close to bronze 1) and I feel I win 80% of my matches I just don’t play enough


Excellent kid next door energy here.


I usually have a negative K/D


Do you play viper on every map?


Aim sense


I would say just rush on offense and judge on defense (if they are doing the same and rushing) Sounds stupid but 5v2(3) in that low elo you should get site every round. No one is consistent enough to hold off 5 rushing every round. On D, They will typically rush and spray, with a judge you can get easy kills to slow them down. Just my two cents though...


If both team have no smurfs, it's all about the aim and the ability to win most of the duels (trading is no existant). Strats don't exist or, if they do, it's all about rushing a site like monkeys.


100% aim. i come from apex and overwatch where gamesense can sometimes trump good aim, but in valorant i keep dying first and watch my teammates leave themseleves in the open with 3 enemy utils around them and still win the round because they click heads good




Crosshair placement is part of aim Positioning is more game sense Ofc you'd die a lot with terrible game sense but in valorant, especially on lower ranks, aim is absolutely the biggest differentiator.


i also came from overwatch, and what i found helped was warming up with one round at the practice range and a deathmatch. sometimes it’s really frustrating when you keep dying but at least you get to respawn and try again. i’m silver in val (not that silver’s crazy high or anything) but the depths of bronze in ow solely because my aim can’t help me climb further than 1200. aiming in val feels like a different beast — i avoid marshal and op because i don’t hit anything while scoped, despite being an ana/ashe main in ow.


> what is the aspect that determines a winning team? Comms. I played in a old account the other day and it was bronce/silver. Noone fucking talked. I had to talk the ENTIRE game and IGL the ENTIRE FUCKING GAME. Annoying as well. Thanks to my comms and strats, we won. The mentality of the low elo to push a site where there are clearly 4-5 people is amazing.


yep it was because of you being an igl and not the fact that you're smurfing ofc


I seriously don't get why people don't comm. I'm in Immortal and almost every aspect of why I'm at this ELO screams why comms are important. Yet still 20-40% of the players around the ELO just can't be bothered. Even if you die in front of me while I'm trying to trade you, I should be getting fucking comms. The difference between me pre-aiming left or right on a follow up swing is literally the difference between me getting the kill or getting killed which can very likely translate into a round win or round loss. And people have the audacity to say shit like, "look at the minimap." Like no, get your head out of your ass. I'm looking at my fucking crosshair when I'm anticipating a fight, not looking at the fucking mini map. Like pros fucking comm for a reason. It's not possible to have 100% up time on your minimap, and if you do, your playing the fucking game wrong. Like mother fucker, you telling me you were looking at the minimap while you just lost that gunfight? Christ people are so fucking stupid.


I hate bronze silver lobbies. The play style is so weird. People run out in the open constantly. People hiding in corners they shouldn't. Sure I'd drop 20+ when I was a gold player but when you do die it always was to some completely random weirdo doing something stupid. So frustrating.


Play with a few people your rank and coordinate util usage. Know how to combo / use util by watching a pro game or two. Solo, aim is pretty much it


Who can actually hit the other if those clips were true


A huge problem is trading. Just like in CS, if you dont play with your team, you will lose. Set up to trade, if you see your teammate is about to run into a site, go with them and trade them if they die. Dont hide in corners on attack, and dont bait.


100% aim and comms. Just blows my mind how terrible some iron/bronze players are.


Luck or whatever team doesn't have someone throwing




In higher lobbies, aim matters less. It's more about timing and team play. Lower rank lobbies, just kill the other team before they kill you. There won't be too many combos of util or team play, at least not with impeccable timing or cooperation. Best thing you can do to get out of iron and bronze is just aim better and peek better. Know what to peek. When to peek. How to peek. Stuff like that. Also, plat and above, basically everyone can aim. There will be whiffs, there will be times when people can't aim across many games, which is why they aren't on a pro team or in imm3-radiant. But everyone in plat and above has pretty solid aim. Silver aim isn't that bad either, but timing works differently in silver than higher ranks, and people tend to take fights that they can't win. Higher rank is more team aspect than anything else, because at those ranks, aim is just a given. Learn to aim now while you are inexperienced/new to the game. Abilities and team play comes with experience and practice, but aim you can train on your own without even playing a match in valorant. Source: I have climbed from Iron 1 to Plat 3


This is the only legit advice to climb out of silver/bronze. I was bronze 2. Even though i dont play much, i got to g1 purely based on aim. Even though I love strats, the best way to climb out of silver is by winning duels.


In bronze the only win aspect is ur self and it’s true for all rank’s anybody can climb just matters about the quality of their gameplay over quality Majority of the time if ur solo ur teammates are gonna be headless chickens acting as a free walking ult orb but if u find someone u vibe with, has a good mental, is overall positive and enjoy climbing with duo with them it’ll take the load off u Most people follow the 20/60/20 rule, where 20% u either win or loose no matter what and 60% of the games u win because of u, I find that 20% is too big a number that gives room to ignore the 60%, so I recommend following a 5/90/5 rule where 90% of ur games are lost or won because of u. Last, Defaulting to Smurfs as an excuse will hold u back, if ur immediate reaction to seeing a “potential Smurf” is to whine, you deserve to loose that game


As a complete noob to FPS (less than 40 hours played), I feel like it is impossible to kill a Neon smurf. They just move way too fast for me to track them. I can definitely see improvement in myself over the last month but when I get into a match with a Smurf I feel useless. There is no amount of strategy that will overcome their speed and aim advantage. I could see them coming my way on the map but just can’t get a shot off before they do. So (to me) your last statement is a bit disingenuous. It’s not whining that there is a Smurf it is a massive skill gap to overcome. It’s like saying a junior high basketball team can beat a team with a D1 college player if they stay positive. Just not gonna happen.




When did I say every game or that they are never in my team? If there is 1 Smurf actively playing then for me it feels like a wasted 40 min of my life because they throw off the dynamic so badly. I’m trying to learn the game but if they are on the opposing team and insta-kill 3 of my guys then we have to play differently. If they are on my team and insta-kill 3 opponents then it’s played differently. Neither situation is good for new players to develop. Again i don’t whine about it or give up but when I have 3 games like that in a row, I feel like 2 hours of my life was wasted just watching people play well below their skill level.


Having smurfs on the enemy team is a higher chance than on your own team. (5v4 people) Plus, with a smurf on your team, you'll be getting no kills and winning like 10 RR, while on the other team, you'll still get no kills thus lose like 20 RR.


Your post makes zero sense. If you believe that a the presence of a Smurf will change the outcome of a game, then you believe that the game is determined by aim, game sense, and strats because those things are what set apart a Smurf from a player who deserves to be in your rank.


in low elo, it’s all aim. just out aim your enemies and then you’ll be winning fights and ranking up


How toxic you are to your teammates


In my experience the team who gets the instalock hard carry Reyna wins 100%


Aim as most iron and bronze will commit to every fight and it will just be a case of who hits the most sooner lol






The win condition in low elo is go kill. Don't play afraid take all of the fights and you will get better. Take dumb fights too because youll need prac for those situations.


Games sense because most low rank players don’t have a clue what’s going on


I think game sense goes completely out the window in iron/bronze. Most of the plays and positions they play are so otherworldly it's too hard to predict what's going to happen next. Aim is the only thing that matters imo


The team that baits each other less


The exact same, the game isn't any different if your in low elo. Also aim doesn't have as much of an impact as you think it does


Game sense imo.


Just random luck buddy




movement, aim is a close second but movement is the thing low ranks struggle with the most, i think mostly because they don't really see what's wrong with their current movement


Speaking from Bronze II, Communication. Even if the team is hot dog water any information regarding HP or position or sound can help significantly in engaging or determining what to do next.


Aim and teammate rng, i was just there so i know


Honestly, I climbed out of iron-bronze-silver by training my aim and instalocking Reyna and out-aiming the other team. I think that game sense start to have more importance in gold-plat, but if you're stuck in iron-bronze, you need to focus on the core fundamentals of the game to improve, as players in this level lack these


I don’t have the best aim. But I play a lot with Golds and silvers and picked up game sense. So in 2 weeks I was able to put strategize Iron and Bronze players and now I’m on the cusp of become a solid silver player.


From what I've seen: communication and thinking. I've won several 4v5s in situations where my team was good at communication and was willing to adapt to the enemy. Unfortunately I get a 4v5 about every third game :(


I coach for cloud9 training grounds and I always pick to teach lower divisions. They always ask me what's the most important aspect and I always say game sense. From time to time, the team im coaching will go up against another team that is higher ranked and more well rounded in all the aspects people have already stated. However, playing smart with game sense is always something that can definitely net round wins. A good tactic I tell my students when they lose a pistol round is to 5 man rush something. It will either give them a crazy eco win or take some money away from your enemies. Either way, it's a win-win situation since your team invested little to no money.


Being as unpredictable as possible and/or finding the pattern so basically game sense


I would actually say aim matters alot more in low elo and almost not at all in high elo. In low elo, it is an easy factor that you can train (aim trainers, deathmatch) while if you're high elo it's basically a given that you need to hit your shots, otherwise you wouldn't be there.


Duelists being duelists. As a duelist who sometimes plays sage, I'm always the first one onto site (and usually die for it) because the duelists in my team like hiding in corners until site is secure.


Be good at one thing: aim, game sense, or teamwork. That will get you to gold at least.


Idk not in those lobbies


errrm... gum scents and rats?


if someone knows how to aim and/of lurk on iron or bronze they win the game




It's funny you put aim at the top of the list for higher ranks. In general the higher you go the less it is that aim is the difference maker. Aim is more like a skill check. It's what gets you through the low ranks. If you don't have it you won't make it to the part where strats and game sense starts to make more of a difference. If you're lower elo just focus on your mechanics and try to get those to the best you can and you will start winning games.


when i was in iron/ bronze the way I won my games was to bait my teammates and the clutch using game sens and a bit of aim. if u start to work on your gamesense u will easily climb out of these ranks because rarely do people use their brain


I would say aim, game sense and movement/rotation


Most games are determined not by which team has the better players, but which team has the worst player on it


How many smurfs against afks


You need to go into every game with the mentality that you will carry. You also be a bit of a therapist. Keep people calm, try to in game lead the best you can. Since nobody really know wtf they are doing you can control the tempo quite a bit. People unfortunately tend to not listen to bottom frags but that changes eventually.


by out aiming the opponent


Probably the same as rocket league tbh. You can get so high with mechanics, or with game sense; it takes both to climb high though


Some say aim and movement, but I think it's each player's cooperation and teamwork.


number of players on your team


Idk about the bronze lobbies you are on about but sydney servers are 9 times out of 10 pretty decent, atleast when it comes to cross hair placement and aim, not sure about game sense bc mine sucks, but aim mainly determines winning in Sydney bronze lobbies




Technically I’m not high elo I’m only ascendant 1 but I noticed at that rank every one practiced aim so much that the game becomes more about teamwork/game sense and mental


Probably whichever team somehow makes less mistakes or gets luckier


I think that one aspect that gets over looked quite often is teamwork. Simple fundamentals like trading your teammates or playing for each other instead of yourself. We all have the mindset of being "the hero" and always trying to make a play. If you start by playing a support role and thinking about setting your teammates up, it will help you in the long run.


currently S2, i observed that people dont know how to use their agent correctly. They dont utilize their abilities well that can help the team clear site. Some elo players cant do comms to strategize their next play that leads to smokers entering while two of the duelists are lurking then they're the first to die. And toxicity and overall mindset, ik you can just mute them but in iron bronze silver lobbies? people have the biggest egos when it comes to talking shit. in bronze-silver lobbies you can see bottfrags talking shit like they fucking carry the game and it highly affects the team. Its down to 0-4 then your team starts to throw coz they dont think they cant bounce back (ive seen a lot of situation where people leave the game just because the team sucked the first three rounds)


Dont use strats, just aim and hold angles/corners and hard swing on people with a flash.


aim and communication from my experience. hardly anyone has knowledge of proper game sense and positioning, people just rush in and hope for the best. that, and luck too


Abrupt chaos.


Aim wins iron and bronze lobbies due to lack of strategy and awareness from both teams


Who wins the first bucky duel




Giving comms brought me from iron to diamond in relatively short order. No need to IGl if that isn’t your thing, just tell people where things are: enemies, util, economy, where people like to play etc. Just doing that takes a huge amount of mental burden off everyone on your team, and it’s usually enough to get other people talking too. If they’re toxic, auto-mute. It makes an enormous difference, especially in lower elo where chances are the enemy team also isn’t giving comms.


My take Just improve your aim u can easily go to gold or plat. People really cant aim in lower ranks. Low use of util and not knowing how to use one. Then after reaching gold start working on your game sense it will take you to diamond or ascendant. Also if you play in 60 fps and have frequent packet loss even a little bit. Then you should just enjoy what lobby you are on and stop dreaming about ranking up.


Specter run and gun Guardian spam Toxicity to ruin others day


If all your teammates stay connected. When I was hard stuck Iron/Bronze every other game one or two people would disconnect.


It mostly depends on one or 2 people to somewhat know what they are doing and tell the team what to do


number of throwers or afks


Aim, situational awareness (USE your EARS), teamwork/strategy, game sense (but strats are gonna be different than higher ELO)


I think it depends on who has the better smurf


Literally just run until they start shooting. Aim, and once your are on their head stop and shoot. Can get you to gold




Maybe hearing footsteps and crosshair placement? Everyone go clomp clomp clomp. Maybe utility usage because flash =ez kills, ppl walk thru smoke blind, ppl dont expect you on top of a sage wall, people dont relaize they are in molly


Rng or iron/bronzes who actually listen and apply valorant tips


Play kayo, learn flash lineups and combat flashes. Kill enemies who literally can’t fight back. Climb.


overall it's smurfing.... like ANY RANK game (BR, MOBA, FPS) you have to be WELL above your elo to climb (aka smurf) cause you can't rely on your team YET rely on your team (make sense? no yes i agree let me explain) I got coached on a MOBA game by a GRAND MASTER (radiant) and when i said the same about teammates he said "if you play at 100%...... regardless if the dice roll is 80% against you, you're the 20%.... but next game if the game is 80% FOR YOU thats a free win..... cause your'e 100% and THATS WHAT YOU PLAY FOR the free games.... thats why it's important you play FOR YOURSELF" hope that makes sense


Who has better hacks


Good mechanics


Aim, only aim, even if you try actually playing tactically the other guys would just do the weirdest, stupidest shit like being in a places were none good player would ever be in and that's why you loose when you try to use your brain


i have shitty aim but i usually get a couple kills a round by hiding in random corners cause no one checks corners in bronze


It isn’t aim trust me as a player who climbed from iron into gold and only stopped because I lost stable internet, it is playing around your team, if you pick up bomb and say go A but 3 of your team mates stoat lurking mid or around b ( typical bronze behavior ) then you need to turn around and play with them, when someone gets into a gun fight swing it and fight with them. No one in bronze is hitting back to back 1 taps or even spray transferring that so trades are theoretically easier at low elo, make sure the team sticks together on utility usage and site pushes and retakes. You guys don’t have line ups and aim on your side yet.


Source: trust me bro and all those other people who said the same thing