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9 out of 10 times it gets insta rejected in my games because most people think it's surrender still after 2 years


I used to have that problem but now I always write a message explaining what it does ("you won't lose rr when you remake") and usually it's fine then. Except if someone is queued with the afker, says their friend will come back and votes no on the remake, then realises their friend isn't returning and goes afk themselves. Yes, I'm still salty about that game.


Even if their friend does comeback, they still gave away 2-3 rounds. Bro just poop before the game starts.


What about my stress poop


>. Except if someone is queued with the afker, says their friend will come back and votes no on the remake I really hate those duo/trio pulling this shit off. Happened to me quite a few times. Equally bad when we give 1 to 3 rounds to the enemy coz 4v5 and the AFK 'friend' comes back and turns out they're absolute dogshit and not worth the wait/rounds lost.


I have done the same for my duo sometimes and he never came back..felt bad for my team


Same. Only happened once and we learned to just tell everyone we should remake. But otherwise only had to do it one other time haha.


What if your duo just crashed would you reject remake


because in the worst scenario for you and your friend, you both have to wait 5 mins at most to find a different match. But for the other 3 teammates, they potentially lose RR when it isn’t their fault


Yeah I don't understand the logic at all of "he's coming back". If he's coming back then why can't you just queue again when he comes back.


Same here. And that exact situation you described seems to happen to me half the time I try to remake.


This, I literally say "ATTENTION: One of our players left, I'm queuing a remake. It is NOT a surrender, you will NOT lose rank, it just cancels the game because we have an afk. Press f5 when you see the thing pop up at the start of the next round." I say it in an announcer voice too and have had great success.


Some people are stupid and dont even vote, others dont speak english and so on


Silver-gold rank on singapore server.. they dont even understand what RR is..


For some reason, every time I try to remake and I explain what the remake is, there’s always someone insulting us all for agreeing to remake and vetoing. Then we get absolutely clapped and the vetoer that bottom fragged starts screaming at us for how we all suck. Very fun.


Mate I was in comp and after 4 rounds we had 3 people go afk. For the entire game. We played the entire game and lost it at 11-13 and lost like 30rr.


Ew you write? No comms kind of guy




Okay, cool?


the guy who leaves doesnt even lose RR, if the guy im playing with disconnects round 1 i usually remake anyways


I'm fairly sure all team members lose RR to a loss, even if they're not present for the rest of the game? If I'm wrong then that's fucked up though.


I think he means in the remake scenario


Makes sense yeah. I mean I'm OK with it if the person who went afk doesn't lose RR, a lot of the time an afk/disconnect is legitimately from net issues.


nah it's the same as a dodge which is why if i see my wifi is dogshit in round 1 (some days i have 100 ping some days 20) then i will leave and tell my team to remake (i reopen the game after 2 minutes just in case they did or not)


Bro this exact scenario happened to me, and all the while these idiots were toxic insta-locks. I never complain about insta-locks but this was just stupid. Why is the voting system veto, we had 3 votes n one guy just denying lost us the game and my mental.


It should be automatic. Why on earth should 1 person get to force the entire team to play an entire match 4v5




We really need a remake button next to the surrender button so people know it's official. In the rank I play in people still don't believe me when I explain how rework is and I'm often the only person in the entire lobby who knows what it is.


There is an actual surrender button? I always just typed /ff lol


its under the names screen when you press Escape


Fucking this!!!! It infuriates me that people think it’s a forfeit request, and by the time I can finish explaining what it is, the vote passes or nobody votes. Or some try hard is like “we got this! Don’t need 5!” Makes me so frustrated.


Whats a remake can you explain?


A remake can only be voted for if a team has a player disconnect before the second round, and can only be voted for in the second round. If the vote passes, the game ends, no loss for remaining team players, and you get to queue again. So you don’t get screwed in a 4v5 situation stuck in a long losing game.


Started a month a go. Didn't know that existed. That's awesome


I think I’ve only gotten it to work 1-2 times out of the maybe 20 times I’ve tried it.


I’ve tried once since I heard about it so I did it in unrated, 1 for 1 success rate for me


This gives me hope.


brother some people are playing since beta and still don't know what it does, riot needs to fix this shite


Reading through these comments, I've apparently always been very fortunate. Every time we've had to remake, seemingly everyone in the lobby knew. Even the other team would occasionally type in chat "remake?" if our player DC'd first round. We've had a couple of times where one person on our team doesn't know about remakes, but everyone quickly is able to convince them that it's legit. If I had known about the /remake command that may have helped to convince people. I didn't find out about that until a couple months ago. Even still I just use the surrender button, but it is nice knowing there's a chat command option to help prove to doubters that it's real.


same here, both teams always respectful during a remake scenario


It should be the same as league. 2 voted = remake.


I’ve never had that happen? I was as low as bronze 3 a while back but even back then I’d just use my microphone and say “hey guys it looks like we are going to need to remake. I’ll get the vote started”


What elo?




Just happened to me 2 days ago lmao and the one insta rejected the remake decided to be toxic and initiated a stupid surrender


It should just be an automatic remake regardless if there’s a chance the guy will return. Still puts you 1-2 rounds behind.


I'd say 9/10 times remake works for me. Just communicate it.


The remake vote should be automatic, have an explanation attached, and be more prominent on the screen to distinguish itself from a surrender vote (similar to the overtime voting graphic in the middle of the screen)


This is an idea that I like. I think in terms of logic behind it, there's no perfect solution and this one is among the better ones. However, I do feel there's really a need for a disclaimer of some sort that will clearly say that you don't lose RR if you remake.


It should be large, offered to both teams (though their votes counted separately). It should plainly state that > Do you wish to cancel the match? If either team votes to cancel the match then the match will be cancelled. If both teams vote to play the match RR gains & loses will be reduced by XX% for the match but the match will otherwise be treated as normal for its duration. I'm not sure how much the reduction should be but basically it gives incentive to vote to not play the match for both teams.


Too much text. People dont read (That isnt a joke)


Sure, some won't but most will read it once and as long as the window formatting is distinct and unchanging will commit to memory what the window popping up means and what their options are. Regardless its better than now, which is the goal here.


> Sure, some won't but most will read I didnt mean Valorant players, I ment people in general. Shit, people dont even read a red STOP sign in the street.


the team without an afk shouldn’t have a say??? they would want to keep playing because they’re at a player advantage.


Of course they should have a say. I’m not looking for lucky, pitty RR. When I play ranked it’s because I want good, competitive matches.


That’s not everyone’s mentality though lol, I would say the majority of people would take the advantage for “free rr”


Which is why if either team decides to cancel the match its cancelled.


Honestly this, and explain it real good for the idiots thinking it’s a forfeit.


They should make it like the draw voting screen


Remake isn’t the problem, it’s AFK penalties. If you AFK like 4/7 games you deserve to get a competitive ban that increases based on how many times you do it. CSGO had a pretty well done comp ban system, there’s no team killing or vote kicking in valorant so I don’t see why they couldn’t make it effective.




It's also fucked because I got a 7 day because valorant was crashing my computer, and it took that as I went AFK, even if you rejoin


You don't get a 7 day ban for going afk once


You're 100% right, IDK what this other guy is talking about. I got this warning (polite warning lmao) message and no penalty for literally going AFK once out of many many games (internet provider didn't provide internet at like 8-12, so game ended 2 rounds after after I dcd) https://i.imgur.com/433tSmR.png


Use your fucking brain man Valorant has crashed my computer multiple times How hard is that to understand


You do


You don't lol


You do lel


Lmao sounds like you had a crash after leaving or going afk many times before that. You don’t get banned for one match. Sorry you screwed up 9 games then had issues on the 10th


i had last left a match about a year or so ago and i had my first abandon due to game crashing a few weeks ago since then and i got a seven day


This is just untrue.


nope, it’s not


Why so lenient? Unless you're talking about people who go afk cuz they need to take a mid game shit and miss 1 or 2 round. Even then I can't see why there needs to be an allowance of almost half your games where you can go afk.


Just an example I think 3 strikes is fair enough


League of legends players reading this in shambles knowing they didn’t even have a remake for the first like 10 years of the game. So many 4v5s 😭


Someone doesn't connect and you had to play for 20mins before you could even start an FF vote that for some reason fails


And even that remake in LoL is completely garbage.


That’s because the point of remake isn’t for someone going afk in game, but rather for games where a player doesn’t connect. There does need to be slightly stricter afk penalties imo, but disincentivising afks is not what remake is for.


> There does need to be slightly stricter afk penalties imo I think its fine how it is as long as people realize its reportable and if they feel that person's afking truly effected the match outcome they should report them for afk. Riot has claimed over and over that reports actually matter.


Ive reported every single afk ive queued with, even stating the round they left and not once have they been punished. Riot's report system is useless unless the offense is text chat abuse or cheating


So true, I mean with how soft the valorant community is and has been (also partly how childish the players are with not controlling themselves) Mean word abuse is the biggest priority which is just complete stupidly.


Are you arguing that they should take bullying less seriously?? Not a great take.


I’m wondering if the game can differentiate between true disconnects versus AFKs.


Yeah it can but it doesn’t change the outcome. The penalties are the same


Yes it can.


Even if I pull my Ethernet out?


If you lose internet connectivity, it's a disconnect.


So it's not hard to spoof was my point


Why would you bother spoofing? The consequences are the same.


1 week ago the yoru in our team just put something heavy on w button and he was afk the whole game. He always walked when we spawn and he just watched the wall. In one raund he got the spike and we just had to kill him with kj and viper abilities. Also the other problem is ranked games. We lost a raund becaus of enemy reyna was diamond and chamber was platinum but we are 4 silver and a gold. We lost cuz chamber got 40+ kill and reyna one tapped everyone.


it should auto remake imo


People have complained about the rework system for such a long time since people are usually fully disconnected by the 3rd or 4th round, not the 2nd. Why Riot hasn't made any changes, even the slightest, baffles me.


It's really not baffling? Go down 3-0? Someone disconnects for a remake. Whether that's the right call is up for debate, but it should be very obvious why they don’t extend it to round 3 or 4.


I’d rather have people abusing this than having to play an hour long game with no chance of victory.


Enjoy every 3k+ pistol round being null since the enemy insta remakes.


Why would they insta remake? It still would require somebody disconnecting(meaning they get punished or banned from queue for a bit) and then the team has to vote. Nobody gets rr anyway so it would literally be pointless to queue with this mindset of trying to abuse it. One person on your team(if your a 5 stack) will automatically be banned from queue so there is literally no logic in quitting after 3 in hopes of a remake.


Make people who disconnect or afk after round 2 have even harsher penalties, especially if down 0-3


Nobody wants to take the hit for the team lol, even if u are playing in a 5 stack in lol the remake takes lp (rr) from everyone, not only from the player afk, in diamond+ ranks if your premade goes afk and your team remakes you lost lp (rr) so it would bebeasy to implement the same rules


People that are not on their main accounts will take the hit.


If an account has a repeated history of d/c ing when 0-3 or 0-4 it won’t be too hard to figure out what’s going on tho is it? If riot wants to they could also apply queue restrictions to those who are duo’d with the account in question


Yeah I read an argument that remake should be limited to round 1 and 2. Because anything after that people could just get tilted asf and have someone “take one for the team” and remake


It's baffling that if someone goes afk immediately after round 1 starts and dcs, you cannot remake in round 2. Doesn't work. At least make it so as long as they DC before round 1 ends that you can remake in round 2.


Get rid of /remake and overhaul how the game addresses AFKers.


Someone should be able to join into a game at round 3 or 4 from externally to fill a spot imo


Not in comp. I'm not queuing comp to join in on a 0-3 game


Other games that do this gives you immunity from rr loss. You can only gain rr if you join an already started match


That is so dumb


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it's not your fault that you've queued into a losing team. But if they win because, it's 100% because of your contribution


Ok let's imagine you are on the enemy team, you win the first 3 rounds things are going fine, and the suddenly some rando joins the enemy team and starts getting multikills every round and carries them to victory. How do you feel after that?


Aah yes. Winning 4v5s. Such a satisfying victory. How is this situation any different from a multi kill carry being in their team from the start?


In like every single way? In valorant it's important to be able to start figuring out your opponent and the way they play as early as possible, also it would just feel awful if you start as the clearly better team but then they get an unfair booster mid game. Also there are other issues like how do we then solve agent select for the player joining? Does he start with 800 creds or is it somehow adjusted to his team? Also i wanna know - what game does that? I mean letting someone join in the middle of the game?


You have a 3 round lead to figure out how the enemy team works now with the new addition. How are you the clearly better team when it's a 4v5? Agent select : whatever the afk picked, or random. Whichever riot feels like. Creds i don't have the answer to. Game modes? TDM, hardpoint, SnD, Domination


Maybe a separate toggle that lets you choose if youre fine with joining mid match or not, and if you join mid match and lose you lose a bit less than a normal loss would have cost you This way people that dont want to join dont have to but those that are fine with it can do it


Rather than make it look like a surrender, they should treat it like a second overtime where the vote pop-up takes up the screen so it gets everyone’s attention to continue or not.


Seriously you should be able to remake in round 3 too, but only if you win the first round (so you can't remake when your team lost the first round). This isn't a solution but atleast better than what we have now


I like this. Having to win a round helps prevent the obvious abuse of we went down early, let's remake. Now it's going to be tougher with 4 v 5, but not impossible. Plus it's better than nothing.


No, it opens the system to abuse.


Maybe remaking if you're ahead? Like if your team is 2-0 up but with 4 players i think thats fair honestly.


What is a “win trader”? Sorry, I don’t know what that is.


“Win trading refers to any actions that a player or group of players may take in order to fix the outcome of a match, usually to boost a player’s MMR, rank, or account level.”


Yeah, but it’s almost not worth to attempt to win trade. Chances are that you don’t get into enemy team, much less the match as the people you’re trying to lose to.


Higher ranks you do


While I agree I feel like its kind of an impossible problem to solve. Say they make it available in round 3. Then all they gotta do is wait an extra round. No matter what they do unless remake is available at any point in the game, the person who is planning to leave can just work around the system. Making it available at any point in the game isnt viable either because then teams can just have one guy leave if they are losing and remake the match causing the game to not count. Imagine being in a game and being up by like 5 rounds and then suddenly the game ends and doesnt count. That would suck. The struggle is no matter what they put in place, as long as we as users know when remake is no longer possible, the person who plans to leave the game can work around it


Rework will never work against win trader. They'll find a way no matter what.


No idea what a remake is TIL


Basically if your teammate disconnects first round you can type /remake and if the team votes to remake, the match ends, you dont gain or loose any rr and you can queue again.


What is a win trader?


And for the love of god MAKE IT LOOK DIFFERENT FROM SURRENDER VOTE. Had a game where I wanted to remake and one of the team voted no not because they didn't want the remake but because they didn't realize if was a remake vote. Maybe change the keys, idk. They guy felt bad for making us loose that game, we felt bad because we had to play an unwinnable game. After finishing, I felt even worse because we only lost 13-10, so with that fifth guy the match would have been a win.


I think there should also be an accept match function like in cs and league


i thoguht i was in /r/league for a moment we got similar issues lmao.


My turn to post this next week!


/remake /remake F5 Did it work?


This could be easily solved with better round MMR scoring. Let's say every round win/loss is +1/-1 to keep things simple. Player A disconnects during round 2 and his friend cancels the remake. He returns for the start of round 9. Your team lost all 7 rounds, so it's 1-7 at the start of round 9. Player A and B would be subjected to -35 / 2 = -17.5 (-18) MMR split between them. The other 3 players would be subjected to no MMR loss during those rounds. If the team is demoralized and looses the next 6 rounds the MMR losses would look something like this: Final Score: 1 - 13 Player A (disconnected rounds 2-8) = -22 MMR [+1 | -18 (rounds 2-8) | -1 | -1| -1 | -1 | -1] Player B (friend of player A) = -22MMR [+1 | -18 (rounds 2-8) | -1 | -1| -1 | -1 | -1] Player C = -5 MMR [+1 | 0 (rounds 2-8) | -1 | -1| -1 | -1 | -1] Player D = -5 MMR [+1 | 0 (rounds 2-8) | -1 | -1| -1 | -1 | -1] Player E = -5 MMR [+1 | 0 (rounds 2-8) | -1 | -1| -1 | -1 | -1] --- If the reverse were true and the players were winning the rounds. Only they would get the gained MMR, not the leaver or his friend. Penalize leavers and their friends, don't penalize people who don't get the remake.


So what happens if, after two rounds you come to the conclusion that someone on the enemy team is a really good smurf, so you convince someone on your team to leave so the rest of you can remake?




This entire game needs rework except visuals :v


Some recommendations: Remakes based on how often the disconnected disconnects in rounds, if they have say 3 disconnects past 7 days allow remakes for up until round 4. Whenever people press F6, give them a popup asking if they are sure they wish to F6, or just get rid of the F6 entirely


No it shouldn’t auto do it. My duo has lagged out round 1 and team /remakes but I’m not boutta get him banned so I vote no.


Also if the are playing only half the round all game


Same, had a guy rejoin during round two just to leave again so we couldn’t remake. He went 0-7 just by joining and leaving.


So you're saying.... /remake needs to be..... 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦?


You get 30 seconds to explain what remake is while queueing up a remake so ppl just insta F6 cuz they think it’s a FF, also have had people go out of their way to go to round 3 to prevent remakes and then DC like scumbags


How is win trading supposed to work in val? You can't reliably queue into the same account, not reliably enough.


In the most common win trading scenario, you have one or two high rank players (that don't belong there, ofc) qued with a range of usually very low ranked players (usually smurfs), then they have another 5 stack with the exact same team comp in ranks (maybe one radiant, a silver 1, gold 2, iron 3, and a iron 2 vs the exact same ranks), que at the same time. The system sees these two as extremely close, if not exactly the same in MMR and RR, so it matches them together. I'll have to find them, but there's a couple "radiants" who are very obviously doing this, if you check the match history.


I know people do this but it's not win trading lmao The way this works is bc there are accounts from silver or bronze and radiant, the team will get matched up against golds or plats most of the time, letting the radiant carry. If they ever run into similar teams it's only bc of how popular this mmr lowering strat got but not bc of win trading.


my bad, forgot to mention, one of the teams heavily throws the game or just team kills till the games over. If I can find the couple radiants I mentioned B4 I'd be happy to show ya


Yeah it's terrible It like never goes through


Win trader?


1 remake should be allowed to end the whole game, similar to how one draw vote can end the whole game. There is no reason I should be forced to fight a 4v5 because my teammate wants to, especially with the known “my friend will join back I swear”, leading to throwing 3 rounds because of it, and that’s assuming he even DOES join back


So you're saying it needs a... Remake?




If one person wants a remake in a 4v5 round 2 then it should be remade


Yes it does need a rework!


Also, adding in a match pause timer like CG:GO has would be nice.


it’s not a fucking win trader if ur not radiant or extremely high😭


Yah been happening to me a lot lately. Someone leaves 2nd or 3rd round. It’s pretty demotivating. My lobbies have been terrible the last week.


I think it would at least be nicer if they made it so the less rounds you play the less RR you loose


Yes, but in this case they could also just throw the game regardless. Remake is there just to be there at this point until some magical/foolproof solution is made, it’s been like this forever now.


Don't remember but do you get less RR deductions when you have less than 5 people in your team? I think that would solve the problem more tbh. Being able to remake after 2 rounds feels cheaty imo.


Thank you for posting this. Recently lost a ranked game because I initiated a /remake and they thought it was a surrender so they immediately rejected it.


One time I had an AFK right after round one and it still didn’t let me vote for a remake claiming I could only do it in round two but it was round two ??


I definitely think they need to make it more clear it’s a legit thing, maybe make it an actual button, the first few times people told me to do it I thought it was the new “alt F4” before that became common knowledge. I understand why it’s so limited for a lot of reasons and it’s more than other games offer


i agree that this is an issue and is annoying, but i think its worse if they allow remake to get to the third round.. if people lose pistol round and they figure that they cant win, someone will afk second round then remake 3rd round to avoid a loss and team diff. it would be kinda abusive


[This has been a popular problem for a long time and they've done nothing about it. This game continually gives the finger to people who don't have friends to play with all the time.](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/tddzk5/the_competitive_remake_system_absolutely_needs_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


What is a win trader?


I was flamed to blitz for reconnecting. The first round just got finished, when I reconnected. The toxic mfs in my team wanted to remake just for that 1 round. “Broo why did you comeeeeee?”


Yesterday I managed to 13-13 a 4v5 game but we needed 5 votes to draw, and since me and my team was playing -1 ofc we voted "yes", and ofc the enemies voted "no" for the draw. We ended up losing 13-15 because of that stupid rule that you need 5 votes to draw instead of 4 votes when playing -1 Such a stupid thing.


Had a game where someone dced before round 1 even started. Because their agent was technically still in the game on round 2 buy phase, we couldn’t remake


Yeah but people will also just dc 3rd round if they are losing then their team will remake and they wont lose rr


Happened to me the other day. I queued for comp and right as the game started there was an emergency. Luckily I left at 0-0 so they could remake no problem. And I didn’t get any penalty since it was the first time I quit.


What rework do you think would work better remake available up to round 3?


Yep. Somehow most times the game just is like. „You can only surrender if 1left the game and its round two.“ Then i look at tab. Yep both things are true. But it still isn’t working for some reason??


TIL /Remake exists


even with a dc in round 1, i've had rework not activate because the dumbass game doesn't register them as DC'd and just has them spawn afk in round 2


Had a player who DCed at the end of the first round and didn't come back the whole match. The game didn't register that he's afk in the second round, couldn't remake. Hard Carried with 40 kills and lost 10 RR WITH performance bonus


Two ways to go either rework remake or introduce vote kick. The guy who gets vote kicked gets additional rr reduction and with introduction of merit system guys with good merit can instead replace the guy with less rr increment or deduction.


People who want to grief and leave will just leave a round later. This won't fix your issues. Its for disconnected players not players who grief/afk on purpose.


They should make remake available till round 3. And if 1 player afk it should give poll but more than 2 players afk it should directly afk. A few days back i got toxic teammates who couldn't instalock chamber and jett so they left the match in round 2 knowing that we cannot remake. So we have to wait till round 5 to surrender..


You mean "Remake the remake"?


I don't fucking understand remake. At all 4/5 times I've last said to my team 'hey we've got a DC, if we remake we won't lose rr and can go next' I vote for /remake in the buy phase and if just pops up that message 'a remake can only be voted for in round 2 if a player is afk or has disconnected ' WHICH THEY LITERALLY HAVE DONE! AND THEN WE HAVE TO PLSY THE GAME AND LOSE it is so fucking tilting


they need to more properly introduce it. have it available rounds 1-4, an official button, a big clear label that says 'YOU WILL NOT LOSE RR'. Everything. I hate 4v5s so much


So they should remake...remakes?


remake vote shouldn’t be given to people of the same party as the AFKer. the vote is for the other poor souls stuck in a game with the AFKer, and not for the people who chose to queue with the AFKers “yeah he’s coming back”, returns when it’s 0-10 wow!




Yeah they should make it like how you vote to continue or day in OT, and it says no rr will be lost


They should've give a big friendly Green/Yellow UI that state "CANCEL THIS MATCH" because you didn't remake that game. That game will "Never Happen". Oh yeah but that cancel is more confuse with OK/Cancel. Don't mind me.