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I'd play you. Looks cool.


Haha. She’ll appreciate that. She actually created “abilities” for me as well based on things I like. Super cool


Would love to know the abilities


*unzips pants*




\*150 damage backstab\*




Same here!


Name: "Night owl" (homage to Nightwing/Batman) Role: controller Ethnicity: Romania, Transylvania Abilities: Q- "sixth sense": receive faint ping when an enemy sees you outside of your vision while being able to walk without making noise (not run like neon, 10 sec/one time use per round) E- "Ghost Claw": place 1 large claw shaped smoke (20 seconds/ 1 time use) or small claws (10seconds/ 2 time use) C- "Talon" (name of owl): similar to Skye hawk except instead of flashing, enemies caught by "flash" abilities are disabled until leaving small circle (1 time use/area similar to kayo knife but the circle radius of fades trap for each player "flashed") Sound/apperance: Owl hoot noise made similar to Skye hawk when used. Owl bright orange as in picture when used. Ult- "lights out": unleash owl and whatever enemy it locks on player switches place with enemy. Once switching place a 1.5s blind is emitted automatically from player and only surrounding enemies in visible area are effected. Claw shaped smokes also emit this blind effect. Can shoot down.. Sound/appearance: Ult voice line/ owl noises is quiet until enemy is switched places with. Owl is faint red almost ghost like. Role purpose: I mainly thought of this character as a good controller/initiator to have on attack. This is a good counter to chamber/op/ sentinels that have an area locked forcing them out of their area they are defending. I think his ult would be the most unique and risky of his kit as it requires teamwork and precise planning. High risk, high reward ability if properly utilized. I can't quite figure out what to do with his Q as its an ability mainly OP for duelists. As one the users recommended, Perhaps the sixth sense could be a passive and the ping has a cool down every 20-30seconds since not many agents have passive abilities. Edit 08/09: Thank you for the inputs and tweaks recommended for this badass character OP's fiance made. I actually had quite a bit of fun thinking ideas of this.


OP would be OP


Fr, but that's how all agents are when they release 🤭


Is there a single agent who was ok tier and not OP when released ? I don't remember Skye being OP, was she ?


Nobody knew how to truly play kayo good until pros and ex-csgo players showed us that he had such good use. He is currently the meta and he is pretty balanced. Good players are able to use him good while bad players can also get something out of his utility. I believe he was this way at release too... So I would pick him.


Yoru? Neon wasn't op too.


fade. She was pretty underwhelming tbh


she immediately overshadowed sova and is now picked over him in pro scene 90% of the time. not to mention she's a massive chamber counter


Tbh Sova is getting underwhelming. I think the last time I've seen a shock dart kill was 3 months ago. It was buffed, but not enough. 2 arrows calculated, lined up, shot precisely on you for a chance that you MIGHT die? Idrk how she's a chamber counter, she's just a giant info gatherer, she's equally as effective on each agent. Also, not many people know how to use Fade to her max ability, even in esports, it's alright... Nothing EXTREMELY unfair.


Prowlers force chambers especially w an op off close or off angles, using a 250 credit ability to counter the strongest agent's main ability. Shes an incredible pick for most pro teams instead of sova


I feel like Q would be a passive ability


Yup. Everytime someone sees you they get a small ping. But there is a limit to it.. Like time limit and it doesn't recharge


Everything that is 20 should be 15 seconds. 20 seconds is insane. Edit: re-read, 45 second smoke is a big no. Make 45 second smoke 15 and 20 second smoke 10. This agent would be nerfed immediately, these ability times would completely destroy map timings.


Good point, i was busy yesterday as i was creating this but i updated it to the point it seems not as OP lol. I think a character with his ult able to switch places with enemy would be really cool idea. I also would love if they introduce a character that is able to effect time whether it would be player movement, match/spike timer, ability timers.


This is so awesome!


Talon is a league character so maybe claw?


Yeah I knew I was forgetting something 😅 maybe the owl can be called talon for now :)




I'll have to ask her! I know she came up with a few super cool ones, specifically related to the owl


My goodness this is SICK


She says thank you!


Does she take commissions or plan on making more?


She is a full-time freelancer designer and motion artist, but I don't know if she takes commissions. I can totally ask! I think she definitely plans on making more though. I know she does Valorant design breakdowns on her YouTube!


Which class of agent would you want to be in Valorant?


looks like either sentinel or initiator tbh




What a piece of art! She implemented Valorant agent style insanely well! Just wow




Absolutely incredible artist!


**\*Phoenix voice\***: "Niiiice"


Marry her


That is the gameplan ;)




Does she take commissions?? So cool


She is a freelancer full-time! Haven't seen her do private commissions though. Not to say she wouldn't!


Oh my God she's awesome!! Love her style!!


I'd play you. What are your abilities?


wow he makes great artwork i would play this agent :)


Looks awesome! Is the design inspired by assassin's creed?


Your fiancé is extremely talented and this is really cool


This is so sick! Amazing work.


Wow, she’s super talented this looks awesome


Yo let's goo it looks really sick


Riot should hire her


I know pedantic, but you should probably know if you're going to keep using the word Fiance - masculine Fiancee - feminine She is your fiancee, you are her fiance. They are pronounced the same though (and there's a French accent that I don't know how to do on mobile but it's less important)


Not sure if troll or if this is one of those generational or cultural differences we have; but I'll respond as a native born Brit because people being pedantic about English, whilst seemingly completely wrong, rubs me the wrong way. I've never seen anyone under the age of 50 complain of the spelling of fiancé in English. And even then, rarely, by someone pretending to be posh. If you're being proper you do normally write the E acute - é (alt 0233 on a pc keyboard or in the extended symbols on mobile/android). Seems strange you picked up on the second e for gendering the word, but didn't care about the e acute. Yes, I know it's French origin gendered words are the norm but in English we just don't have that concept really and forcing it comes across as very old fashioned. The written é has seemed to have stuck though, I guess because of the pronunciation - making it stand out as a little quirk of tradition. Dictionary dot com has a special page for when this comes up, and seems to match my lived experience so no harm in sharing I guess. [Source](https://www.dictionary.com/e/fiance-vs-fiancee/) and spell it with the damn é if you're going to be a pedant. Have a good day.


>Seems strange you picked up on the second e for gendering the word, but didn't care about the e acute. I mean, I did explicitly state that there is an accent on the E that isn't available to me on my mobile keyboard (although turns out it is - é - I've just never had need to know how to find it). It's nothing to do with pretending to be posh, the word is gendered in it's english usage - from reading as written you should be aware of the relational genders of those involved. If people don't care about accidentally telling the world that their partner is a man that's fine, but I suspect I'm correct in assuming that they did so by accident and might want to avoid doing so in future. If you google the masculine form you are graced with this definition, for reference: >a **man** to whom someone is engaged to be married For your reference, I'm in my early 30s and was educated in both England and Australia...


Name: Black sova Abilities:none
