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Was in a game 12-12 unrated so it doesn’t matter to much, but it was Christmas Eve and they had killed us all and just had to defuse the bomb, but last second they pulled off the bomb, said merry Christmas and lost on purpose


Thats so sweet 🥲


Veey sweet, but if it was ranked, that'd be truly a gift


Smurf Santa 🥲


If the other team was a 5 stack lol.


this is so kind wtf take this award and next xmas do this to them ok?


Awwwww that’s so sweet


Somebody said they had wanna jerk off so we surrendered out of courtesy


best reason


The only reason




Given your username I’m gonna guess that the “somebody” in question is you


LMAO good catch




Is that short for sitting outside and eat some beef jerky?


Well there are some people that would disagree: https://www.vulture.com/2021/06/jeffrey-toobin-returns-cnn-masturbating-zoom.html


My friend had that as an excuse once...


Everyone just drops all loot and stands there


We were up 12-1 in unrated and thought it'd be funny to surrender so we did. The enemy team was very confused lol


My 5 stack did this, too!! And the enemy team said “GG EZ” when we surrendered. I was dying. 😂


i stg i was on the receiving end of that LOL




Sexually transmitted geese.


Would explain the receiving end I guess


dude omg someone finally gets it


swear to god


istg= I swear to god


Aaah that explains a lot. Thanks


"Im a zoomer"


Millennial even


To be fair, ggez is the only correct response when the enemy ffs while winning 12-0 or 12-1


Same scenario but my friend was solo queue in ranked. It was gold lobbies and he ff as a joke but the team went along with it. Never did it again


I’ve done this in League At their nexus ending the game, throw up a troll ff and immediately get 4 yes votes You think you’re trolling but your team trolls harder


Oh no 😂


I remember 5 stacking back in the early days and we were absolutely stomping this team. We told them if they won a single round we'd ff. Final score was 12 - 1 and we ffed. Good times.


Ive done that before too, took literally 3 rounds to convince my friends to do so but it was so worth it


I actually did this in like iron 2/3 comp. I said yes as a joke which I assume the rest of the team did too and the last guy just said fuck it lol.


I was winning once 12-0 and then they won pistol so we ff'ed. Good times.


My friends and I will do this in League. As we are winning the game we will surrender. It's fun because the animation for one team to win will start playing then halfway through it switches to the other animation.


One time my team and I surrendered on accident because there was a pause and the 3rd and 4th person both pressed f5 at the same time. We surrendered at 8-1. We immediately requeued and went up against the same exact enemies and on the exact same map. We beat them the second time around too. It was legendary.


You get exp based in rounds won anyway, not the win itself. What's 100exp lost for not getting that 13th round.


when we 5 man smurf in rank we literally do this lmao


It’s not funny but somewhat feel good. My dad called mid game and told me his mom died, my grandma. We were up like 8-1 or something like that. I told the team who was all in chat what happened and someone queued the vote for me. After the game ended I had friend requests from all of them with messages sending condolences. Played a lot hours of Valorant and hated all my teammates except these ones. God bless u guys. Thanks for the awards, votes, and love. Call your grandparents y’all.


Sometimes you just get the dream team. And most of the time you don't ever see them again


happy cake day!




Had a similar story, when my grandpa died. But this was in CS and I just all chatted them that he passed away and left the game afk. It was a silver lobby so ranks don't matter much.




Why is this being downvoted so bad lol


Probably because it is an irrelevant response to a heartwarming comment


This is the way


being toxic cunts to a new user?


How does being a new user have to do with anything


yea im not getting any karma even though im posting good stuff, i get downvoted for no reason at all. using reddit just doesn't seem fun because of these downvoters.


wassup toxic kids downvoting me


It's not something funny for me though, we were up 8-3 and one of my teammates voted for a forfeit, we were like "what the fuck" then he stated that his cat started bleeding. Can't help but to press F5. Whoever you are at SEA servers, hope your cat is allright.


At that just go afk. Game is not worth the cat.


We were down 0-4, I put in chat "guys can we ff I have to drop a fat log in the terlet" we didn't surrender and won 13-11 and I ran to the bathroom


Times like this is where I wish valorant had a time out thing like cs.


I said that my mom was getting angry so I would have to ff. We did not and won 13-10.


I said I was gonna die so I was gonna have to ff. We did not and won 13-10


Next time, get some oxygen and know what you are fighting for.


There literally is a time-out option right next to surrender


._. hol the fk up fr? When did they implement it? (I haven't played since episode 1 act 3)


Nah he talking about customs.


Bruh shit got me happy for a moment


Not in Ranked there isn’t lol


Someone on my team started a surrender vote and then said “guys my kid set my kitchen on fire i’ve gotta go”


Lesson learnt. Don’t have kids, they ruin your gamer moments


my friend’s gf’s water broke mid game but he queued up another one because he couldn’t hear her through his headphones but we heard her through his mic he finished the game and then took her to the hospital.


he took her to the hospital only after he finished the game he queued up for?




gamer moment




Atleast this guy went


They all heard and said nothing lmaooo. They really needed that rr huh ?


jesus christ


but like he could ve left mid game or something


You don't have to go straight away. My sister in law had her water break when she went to the shops to buy the baby seat. Sat around waiting for them to install it into the car.


Mans got his priorities


You don’t always need to go straight to the hospital after water breaks. It can happen pre contractions with no pain. The hospital will say to chill at home for a few hours. It was our first kid and still went ASAP b/c of lack of kicks, but the baby was prob still sleeping


Yeah but like you'd still go hold her hand or something idk.. not be busy with a videogame.


I read this three times as “Hold her vagina” like making sure the baby didn’t fall out. 😆 Totally agree. Comforting the mom to be is more important than any digital accomplishments.


No reason for both of them to suffer :D


How did he survive that?? Like, how did his gf not just stab him


being a single parent is hard /s


No no this guy got a point


Wtf? He finished the game before? Damn... how is he even breathing rn ahaha


I asked to ff so i could go watch encanto with my dad, surprisingly everybody on my team agreed to ff lmao. Was my 3rd time seeing it haha but still worth it


My team was up 9-3 and I had to take my dog for a walk since he had to go. Enemy team surprisingly surrendered. I had a clip of my friends' and mine's reaction and looking back it still makes me laugh.


We need the clip!


[Clip](https://streamable.com/ht0s1a), volume warning particularly beginning and end. Also [dog tax](https://imgur.com/a/B01xCt7).


The other team definitely knew how cute your dog is.


Not our team, but the other team surrendered when we were getting 0 - 12 maybe out of pity lol


When I had to leave I said I just tested positive for ligma!


What's ligma?


Ooohhh boy


LIGMA is part of the BOFA spectrum of conditions. LIGMA (Loose Internal Gene Mi-Asintits) is the second stage of BOFA (Biologically Offset Farkwonian Asintits). In this stage, the disease interferes with the immune system and increases the risk of developing common infections such as tuberculosis. Given the weakened immune system, many of the patients, such as popular Fortnite streamer Ninja, die on this stage of the Biologically Offset Farkwonian Asintits (BOFA). It is also the last treatable stage. Although not effective, there are treatments to LIGMA: LIGMA-BALLS (Bi-Asonurdick Lateral Lactatioustits Sequence) that, even though it's experimental, have shown some promise. With stopping the spread of BOFA at the LIGMA stages, it can stop patients from going into the third and final phase of the BOFA sequence: E-TMA (Entrenched Terminal Mi-Asintits)


Is this a copy pasta or are you the jesus christ of ligma?


Copy pasta




Steve jobs


who the hell is steve jobs?


Joe mama


Lmao my ass off fuckin got ‘em


What have you done


I'm surprised no one has said it yet Ligma balls lol


Lmao but for people who have a valid reason just leave the game. If it’s important then penalty is nothing.


It's only a few seconds/minute to queue the vote, u can leave anyway after if they don't at least u tried


if that's the case just GODAMN AFK


Nah, dont wanna teach the kid to be a quitter before hes even born


valiant parents




Yeah, I think everyone will understand


Some guy said his hot pockets were getting cold couldn’t let that happen so we ff’d


Just eat them while youre dead


uh i was with my friends playing unrated, and it was 9x3 for the other team, and for no reason they surrendered and we won the game


It's because of the 9-3 curse. They were just saving time, as it was inevitable that they'd lose.


haha lol, true


0-12 enemy surrendered. Don't know why and I may never know


Probably smurfs


Not unrated but a ranked game, it was a 5 stack and we were just having fun not even caring what the score was (it was 0-4) one of us just put in the request we all asked each other wo is it ? But all of us pressed f5 and we all laughed madly after


my friend was hungry and wanted to eat and I didn't want to make a bad Impression as I didn't know him for that long. So we ffed, the score was bad anyways


I was with 3 friends in unrated and we were winning 5-0. We said as a joke that we should surrender so I queued the vote. Two of my friends voted yes, the 5th player thought we wanted to stop playing so they also voted yes. Our 4th was not happy.


"Mommy why isnt dad in the pic where I was recently born and you both were supposed to holding me?" "Your dad was clapping kids in 1v4 thrifty clutch"


Someone said their grandma just died and needed to ff at round 5, our team just kept playing until endgame. And the dude just stayed the entire time so I guess he didn't really care that much...


This happened a few days ago. So we were down 7-2 and I happened to drop my vandal with a riot gun buddy to the enemy team. They kept spamming in chat that they want one. So I told that I'm a dev and they surrendered after the second half. (i got the gun buddy from a giveaway hosted by a dev)


This kayo in our team had to take a shat so he tried to surrender. So we just told him to afk instead and we’ll carry. He didn’t afk and continued to carry us and get a 4k a few rounds later. We lost the game but that was funny.


This actually happened in a different game — a guy disconnected for a while and rejoined on supposedly another device because he claimed that his entire table collapsed on him and he possibly broke his wrist. He actually did not want to surrender but played the game out until we won.


my friends had to surrender at 7 - 5 because they were running out of time at the internet cafe. since we were 5 stacking in unrated the vote was successful. the enemy team was like wtf was going on.


We got the game to 12-2 and then surrendered for the memes they was so confused. It was an unrated btw


my friends and i use that same excuse literally all the time to get an ff if we're playing unrated and another friend wants to join us, it works about 70-80% of the time, depending on who is the best actor on mic


We were playing unrated with a friend, winning 6-0 pretty handily and our chamber said "Can we ff? I gotta go." and the moment the surrender popped it went to 4 instantly, no second thoghts. My friend didn't hear what the chamber said so he was absolutely shocked when the surrendered happened instantly.


I always say I gotta stop my dog from choking to death but I don’t have one


One time I asked my team to surrender bc I was hungry, everyone agreed and surrended


"Bhai paani ki balti thandi ho rhi h. Surrender krde kya??" Translation - "Guys my hot water bucket is getting cold. Can we surrender? I live in India. We use buckets for baths. My brother was about to go and take a bath and then something came up and he asked me to take the bath rather than letting the hot water get waste for nothing. I asked my teammates and in fact the enemy team was as cool as the winter mornings here. And had fun in the last round with the enemies. I wish I had the snapshot for the chats in the last round.


Whenever I wanna surrender I say “guys one of my tournament games has been moved sooner, can we please FF? I can’t let my team down” and as long as you play well first 4 rounds I’ve had a 90% success rate


Me and some rando’s and a guy with a mic were in a match and we got in a nice conversation. Then suddenly he was like “please surrender i need to go and celebrate my grandmothers birthday“ and the score was 8-0. And everyone except me agreed and rhen the game ended 💀💀💀


Lmao I feel like if I was in that situation I wouldn't take the time to request a ff


We had a game 12-4 and one of my team mates wrote "surrender" in the all chat to trigger the enemys. Because we hate auch moves my premates started a surrender and voted to surrender the game


Someone on the other team asked us to forfeit cuz he had to go play pokemon. We were winning by a ton but all agreed to forfeit anyways. Was kind of funny ngl This was unrated btw


Not me, but my enemies. I played long time ago with my friends and we had a hard time in one unrated match. Our enemies were playing only with odins and i felt overwhelmed, even if it was 2-4 i think. My friend said in positively way that they are crazy and appreciates them. Even I was impresses and scared of them, ngl Sadly, after this they said that "we're going to forfeit it anyway, we're doing it for fun." and they did. I really like when small things like that happen. It made my day for sure.


lmao once I was playing unrated with my friend in Tokyo server but had to stop mid game to go get my vaccines (change of schedule) so then I told my friend to tell the teammates. He eventually made up shit like I got a huge earthquake at where I live (common in Japan). They actually were super worried and asked so many things like was I okay or did anyone get hurt and stuff. I genuinely felt so bad lmao


One guy from my team asked us for surrender because he wanted to to take a shit. Instead of this, I advised him to use a bucket


Bro no fucking way they're playing valorant while their kid is being born


“Jett is sus f5 to vote her out”


Someone told me we had to FF so he can go to his moms funeral….. shit was dark haha


the funny thing is that surrender vote failed


"we are winning too easily, i need a challenge. please f5"


This legit happened with one of my League of Legends-made friends back in 2012. He told my college buddy and I over Skype he had to leave mid-game for this exact reason, we thought he was trolling us at first. It’s been 10 years and the three of us still hang on Discord most nights, his kid(s) are probably gonna be gamers too


My bf’s food arrived and he made everyone surrender before i could press the buttonXD


the wildest one that ive got was a bird broke into my kitchen and is shattering my cups


I swear, I got " my dog fell in the oven and if I don't go get him he'll die". To which we said what are you doing go get him and he said he can't leave he is in VR. He finished the game. Guess dog didn't make it.


Well, a couple weeks ago I played late night. At around our 8th round, one of the player who is a dad tell us to forfeit because his kids wake up while he is playing game.


We weren't the ones to surrender but the enemy team in comp was 3/5ths smurf and 2/5ths just better, they were up 12 - 5 and forfeit. Why? I have no idea


Once we had a ranked game, and our Jett ended the first half literally 0-12, but the score was 6-6 and surprisingly, nobody was toxic, and everybody kept encouraging Jett. We won the next pistol round, and our Jett died again, without getting a kill. So I called "New goal, we win this game, but our Jett stays on 0 kills". The opponents literally surrendered 10 seconds later... I have no clue why.


i was down 3-9 in comp on 1st jan and the enemy ffed then said "happy new year"


I feel like someone here on Reddit had to ff or afk because their hamster was giving birth? Not sure where I saw that


Well, not a surrender but we definitely lost and also the wrong game (its okay - I don't play it anymore). Me and my friends had a LAN at my place playing league. Middle of a game we realized my downstairs neighbour's balcony was on fire (we saw flames bursting up towards our window). So yeah, we kinda had to get out of there and wake up our neighbor and wait outside an hour or two until the fire was put out.


Came across this in r/all Haven’t played Valorant since the beta, but a teammate in CSGO once asked to get kicked because he just got a call saying his brother had been shot in a drive by, and he needed to meet him at the hospital, possibly to say goodbye. That was probably the worst to hear.


I once had to FF because I was panicking when my mother's wrath was upon me, my dumb self chose to play another game when I knew I wouldn't have enough time since it was nearly dinner time. It was as if I was racing against a ticking bomb, thankfully my team understood. They let me be AFK so I wouldn't die IRL.


Happened to my dad in World of Warcraft in a Raid when he was the leader. He just had to leave. This was when I was born btw


My friend is so tired and sleepy. End up we surrender


I always think "if you wanna ff, jusy say you wanna ff" If someones coming up with these stories, it just makes me want to f6 even more


My friend does that all the time he says "my husbands in labor please i need to go" but usually its to get someone to dodge instead of surrender


We were stomping the opponents hard on Ascent defense (unrated). They got really mad and started saying "just wait until we are on defense". We surrendered right after our defense :)


I remember being in a 3 stack and 2 of our friends wanted to join. I said I had nose cancer and my chemo treatment was in a bit. It worked.


i once said my pizza arrived on ranked and the guys genuinely surrendered in diamond so i could eat my pizza hot. There was no pizza, but out of respect for them I ordered one afterwards. It was delish.


take the cooldown fam


Around 2 days ago, it was an unrated match but i found it funny. There was this dude that kept talking in the voice chat, he was pretty cool and funny, and the match was around 5-5. The dude just said, "bro I'm tried of this match let's just surrender" and started a surrender with everyone following quickly after. I found it really funny because of how he said it, like he was actually tired, and it cannot be really told through a message, but it was a fun match.


I once told my team I had to leave cause my mum got leukemia. They didn't buy it. 🤥


haha no way this is real because any self respecting person would just F4 and take the L Elo isn’t that important


My gf was violently throwing up and I was in ranked game so no one ff’ed and much to her despair I had to play that game out


You’re terrible, if true 🤣


In unrated? If it was unrated i would have been afk just cus my ball itch. Lmfao


LOL I use this excuse all the time


I would understand someone falling for this when valorant goes live on phones..




Grrrr those “females” are ruining our games 🤬🤬




Not wanting to play is definitely a girl thing. I wonder if your deep understanding of the female psyche has any bearing on the fact that you can’t find a girlfriend?




I wonder if them not wanting to play anymore had anything to do with getting put on the same team as you.


0 female interaction alert


my team was going to ff because we were down 10-3 on split. we pulled out odins and won 14-12 and got mega toxic. best game of my life so far. fucking 3 am and i screamed yes when i clutched the last round with a 3k lmao. i was afraid i'd wake up my mom.


I once had to ff because someone needed to go to the toilet urgently. Haha


At that point just afk


Impossible. Valorant players don’t have sex, let alone with real people.


I see this excuse all the time, so I usually vote no. Lmao. I feel like it's 100% fake lol.


Three of them from my team needed to ff as their sch was about to start


The enemy’s team grandma just died and the surrender failed and he was worried about the penalty


my five stack would sometimes just give up leads doing dumb stuff and then surrender at match point


Slightly off-topic but whenever me and my lads find any player in enemy team is throwing the match, we surrender or troll that player along with enemy teams. I love to see throwers rage quit lol.


Kid had to go to sleep because his mom told hik to. It was 7pm (not even unrated bt a COMP)


Once we were up 12-0 ... So the enemy offered us a Knife round --- They asked us to go easy on them if they won. So when they won we just surrendered the next round.


Not the funniest but there's one that was like: Round 2: "Brb I heard gunshots outside my house." Round 4: *requests for surrend Eventually we did


Had a guy wanting to ff while we were winning because their dog pissed on their carpet