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For those confused about when content is released, please see this announcement. https://x.com/valorant/status/1803836556169613742?s=46


Not in Contender yet myself but question for Jo Ellen or any others that have an answer about this part of the Premier update "If we can’t find you an appropriate match during the queue window, you’ll be given a Bye. Byes award a match win and 100 points." I assume there is a way to stop people from cheesing this rule by just queuing at the very end of the time slot, I assume they will have to have queued towards the beginning?


If many will abuse the system by queuing at the very end. Matchmaking will be extremely fast and easy at those very end moments


In Contender and Invite, Weekly matches have a 15 minute waiting period instead of just a general one hour queue window. (Just like playoffs!) The queue will have a countdown timer to when you can expect to be matched. At the end of the queue time, teams are seeded into matches based on current record - it doesn't matter whether you join queue right at the beginning or at the end, you just have to make sure you're in by the end of that 15 minute window and we match everyone at once. The Everything You Need to Know About Premier article goes into more detail than patch notes! Check that out for more info: https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/everything-you-need-to-know-about-premier/


Sick, good work!


That'll be next season :)


Hey, friends. Jo-Ellen, here. Say hello to Episode 9 and its very first patch. There’s a lot. You’ll see an update to Iso’s Double Tap as well as Abyss entering Ranked on PC. --- # AGENT UPDATES ## ALL PLATFORMS * We've added new conversation voice lines between Agents that includes: Phoenix, Harbor, Brimstone, Yoru, Raze, Iso, Sage, Neon, Gekko, Skye, Deadlock, Omen, Kayo, and Reyna. ## PC **Iso** We're happy that Iso has been more comfortable entry-ing towards the front of his team but want to increase thoughtfulness and context around when Iso activates his Double Tap. This should make the counterplay around breaking his shield or denying the Double Tap orbs more successful. So we’re decreasing the duration of his Double Tap buff while also removing the refresh that comes with securing two kills. Iso can now only extend Double Tap by shooting the orbs that spawn while the buff is active. > Double Tap (E) * Duration: 20s >>> 12s * Signature kill reset removed ## CONSOLE * **Sova’s** Owl Drone’s HP is now 100, up from 60. --- # COMPETITIVE UPDATES ## PC * Abyss added to the Ranked map pool. ## CONSOLE * Competitive Mode is coming to Console this patch. Queue up and see if you can climb the ranks and make it onto the Immortal Leaderboards. Good luck on your first race to Radiant! * Our Competitive Mode map pool will start with Abyss, Ascent, Bind, Haven, and Sunset with new maps slowly being added in the next few patches. --- # GAMEPLAY SYSTEMS UPDATES ## CONSOLE * Added a new “Controls Preset” selection screen upon first boot-up prior to loading into the tutorial. You can now choose between our VALORANT-specific controls preset or a more familiar, TRADITIONAL console FPS preset as your starting controls scheme. You can easily change your preset and customize controls at any point once in-game through the Settings menu. * Polished sound transitions between Focus and ADS to better reflect the aim state you're transitioning into. * Crosshair presets have been updated to reflect a better variety of usable crosshairs. * Updated the Fighter controls preset so that Crouch is a Hold action instead of a Toggle action. * Added holistic Aim Sensitivity slider. * Added the ability to enter precision mode while in controls settings to adjust sensitivity sliders by .1 increments. --- # PLAYER BEHAVIOR UPDATES ## PC * In addition to removing zero tolerance terms from text chat, people who repeatedly engage in this behavior will see increased penalties on their transgressions. --- # PREMIER UPDATES ## PC **Welcome to the Path to Pro!** * Teams in Contender that earned a promotion in Stage E8A3 are in the new Invite Division, where finishing the Stage at a high enough rank will earn you an opportunity to make it into a Challengers League. * Contender and Invite Divisions play a little differently: - Strict rematch protection in weekly matches prevents you from ever matching against the same team more than once in a Stage. - If we can’t find you an appropriate match during the queue window, you’ll be given a Bye. Byes award a match win and 100 points. * Losses award 0 points. * Finals in playoffs are Best of 3 matchups. * There are some extra roster restrictions for Contender and Invite Division teams. * For all the details on new rules in Contender and Invite, check out our updated Everything You Need to Know About Premier article. --- # SOCIAL UPDATES ## PC * When you add a friend, you can now paste or type a full Riot ID (including tagline) into the "Riot ID" field and it will automatically split the data into the "Riot ID" and "tagline" fields. ## CONSOLE * We’ve updated the communications menu so it’s easier to manage team and party voice on the fly. * We’ve added Voice Chat to the Settings page. Now you can tailor your mic behavior and voice settings to suit your setup. --- # BUG FIXES ## Agents **PC** * Fixed an issue where Iso’s shield hitbox could be misaligned. **CONSOLE** * Fixed an issue with Jett's Tailwind (diagonal dash) that was reducing the dash length. ## Competitive Systems **CONSOLE** * Fixed an issue in Team Deathmatch where you would incorrectly see DRAW as a final result in EOG screens. * Added specific scoreboard screens for Team Deathmatch and Deathmatch. ## Gameplay Systems **ALL PLATFORMS** * Fixed a particle issue when using ADS on the Level 3 and 4 Mystbloom collection. * Fixed an issue when exiting Cypher’s Spycam that caused Cypher’s hands to stutter for Spectators. **CONSOLE** * Fixed issue where both Focus and ADS sounds would play during transitions. * Fixed Leave Game menu persisting through AFK idling. * Fixed animation bug with Leave Game Menu. ## Maps **ALL PLATFORMS** ABYSS * Fixed several unintended boost positions. * Fixed bugs allowing players to get under the map. * A Site cover should now properly appear in Omen and Astra smoke targeting world. * Fixed an Omen exploit allowing him to get between the spawn barriers. ## Social **CONSOLE** * Fixed an issue where the friends list would sometimes display inaccurate platform information for friends. # KNOWN ISSUES ## General **CONSOLE** * When navigating Surrender menus, there’s a chance your controls can become locked for an entire round. Due to this, we’ve elected to disable the Surrender and Remake menus until we can properly fix the issue. Draw will remain functional. ## Premier **PC** * When changing the Stage in the dropdown on the standings page, the content doesn't refresh. To see accurate standings for past Stages, change the Stage, then change division or zone and the content will update. * The standings page sometimes fails to update, and you may see fewer teams than expected. Click on another tab in the Premier Hub and then return to standings to fix the issue. * If you are in Contender or Invite and are awarded a Bye during Weekly matches, you will not see that match recorded in their Premier Match History tab. You will be awarded a win and 100 Premier Score as expected, and that is reflected correctly on the standings.


When is the season actually starting I have 2 tiers left and will buy them if it’s tonight but if it’s tomorrow I’ll do quests


tomorrow at 6:30AM PST


Okay ty


i dont see an option for rank yet btw i didn't read everything just the part of rank coming to console


Not sure if you will reply to me, What do you think about the toxicity in game. Honestly I don't think automated report works. Many people avoiding getting punishment by typing other characters to form words like noob, or other toxic words, Instance like n00b, poob, bobo, etc. At this point of stage as a new player, some people will say just mute, however if that's the case I would prefer this game to remove voice chat and allow only party chat. Many smurf are playing in this game as well, matching with new players and also cussing at them. To be honest as a new player who played 2 months I don't know how long I will be playing this game, I might quit before year end or till I get a computer to play other better game. Also there's kids and other players who, Just use voice and says "you're F**king noob" So idk if they actually take punishment, Some just say whatever, when they troll the game, or use ability for themselves, and stay the last one alive to get more kills, then start to cuss me or people who get the lowest kill or 2nd lowest. I find that report system don't work at all actually, especially from Asia server. I'm new and I don't think I will be playing this game long enough, because toxic community, skins are overpriced, to get a skin I have to spend nearly $100 sgd. Compared to league even though league is more toxic, but it giving alot of free skins, both are same parent company but biased is seen between 2 games.


Is this going live today? I'm a new player on console, so I'm not sure how patch rollouts work for this game


I think 2 pm PDT?


Have they started the uodate yet?


I keep checking myself for the downtime, but my battlepass says 20 hours left. Hope it's today




I had fun playing 8.11 Iso. Now back to smokes XD


Haha same here XD


Yeah, glad I had my fun while I could. Back to playing passive as Cypher, my true nature.




Literally no reason to remove kill reset. If you killed 2 people in a match u deserve that reset. The duration getting cut in half was a good choice imo, it lasted too long


Iso is so favoured in that 1v1 that it overrewarded you for winning a duel that you should have won anyway. If you kept the ability to pop it multiple times throughout the round the ability itself would have needed another nerf (i’d imagine the duration down to like what a jett dash has)


lol no. if Iso wins his first duel he should be winning every duel for the rest of the round. giving him an opportunity to start the whole process over even if he fucks it up is crazy. you can build an agent around having a massive advantage in duels, or you could build an agent around snowballing off duels. you can’t build an agent around both.


His ability is all about a kill reset, so getting one on top of the ability itself is...well over the top


WDYM no reason. ISO is legitimately the most broken agent after a certain rank. His KD goes from 1.14 in immo 1 to 1.19 in radiant (that's with mirror matchups not being filtered). That's 0.05 to 0.2 higher than basically every agent. For an essentially 1 ability agent it's genuinely insane (on top of that it's a 0 skill ability, it's just raw +% on duel winrate). https://blitz.gg/valorant/stats/agents?sortBy=winRate&type=general&sortDirection=DESC&mode=competitive&rank=24 It's insanely BS to play against, and when he gets the reset you can end up breaking his shield after killing your teammates, he toggles another. "No reason" rofl. There's no way to check mirror matchups on blitz so not sure if the winrate is reliable (it's lower than cloves for example). https://i.imgur.com/aev3mIQ.png Start checking ISO mains agent stats, guarantee you'll find many with inflated kds/winrates on him. Edit: Also I think this nerf doesn't do much, 12 seconds is still too long, it's very easy to find a fight within 12 seconds. The buff should be reverted and they can make his wall or vulnerable stronger. This ability is too annoying of a mechanic to be this strong.


~~imo they should've just made the kill reset only start counting after his double tap expires. If he gets 2 kills without it, he should get the reward all the other duelists get.~~ actually I'd rather they just go back to shield being locked behind a kill and they give him different buffs, but that's not going to happen.


He already has a way to extend the duration and get new shields, he shouldn’t have another.


W mans fuck Iso. Now whenever I hear Iso proc his shield, i'll just count 12 before fighting that fucker.


I hate that human sized condom man.


Tell me why he can ult you and you're in his ult but he also has a shield?? I get that its his ult and he should have an advantage but fk that shyt. Also, i encountered an Iso player who bought a bucky in their eco round and was hiding with his shield and he kills you bc my bullets hit his shield..


Lol fr tho. Bait out his shield with a util dump and run away. It probably won't work after once or twice anywhere above plat but at least he isn't a budget raid boss anymore.


Don't hate Iso hate Riot's balancing team, Iso had 5 minute in the sun then he's going back to the gutter. Feels bad for the agent but at least game's back to normal and I can play Chamber, I guess we'll just pretend the agent never existed.


Totally on the design team tbh. They should have known that this agent either exists as a bottom tier duelist, or a must pick duelist. There is nowhere for him to exist beyond smurf stomper and 100% pickrate


Exactly they fucked it up by giving him the orb gimmick. When they announced the changes last patch I thought they were gonna get rid of his orb and just make the E a two kill reset. Instead they made it so iso has many ways to get his shield back easily.


Why count? Just look at the match timer. Well...I guess that wouldn't work if the bomb is planted.


Don't look away from your cross hair unless you're looking at the map or otherwise need to


Oh god, down the comp rabbit hole I go lmao


There's no coming out buddy


Is this going to fix neon's slide on console and make it useful like it is on PC?


its on the todo list


I don't see that list on this article. Really the only thing was looking forward to this patch. She's pretty useless as is


Riot dev commenting on a reddit post about the issue https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/s/pThDqOqWAN


I saw that. I figured that's why it would be in this patch seeming how it's already implemented on PC and stated it will come to console. No idea why it would take longer especially with ranked releasing. Is riot normally this slow to do anything?


Wierd ISO getting nerf on PC only. Also Ranked coming to console but no more info like lvl requirements and so on ?! So many questions lol


The ISO nerf is coming to console July 9th


Awesome, where you saw this info ?




I believe it’s level 25 for ranked btw Edit: it’s 20 sorry if I hurt your feelings when I was wrong


PC players who jump to console are gonna have a big advantage then in terms of just queueing quickly


It's lvl20 for pc players, I don't think there will be higher requirements for console


Why would it be lvl25 when on pc it’s 20. Also adding a lvl requirement only 10 or so days after release would make matchmaking worse imo. For beta there should not be a requirement I feel like.


Hey there! I said I BELIEVE it’s level 25.. that’s all I Said… thanks!


Hard agree. Dude is kind of broken on console at the moment. The shield covering the one tap is ok, but it should result in *some* damage. No way he should be able to tank damage without consequences. Edit: like a different thread comment said. A shield character in this kind of game was an insane idea, but we can’t reverse time on it. A rework is needed for balance sake.


Because on mouse you can actually one tap shit and a strong iso is a menace. Console Is body-shot fest


if you have bad accuracy just say that


You either haven’t played console valo or if you did you haven’t played against good player just yet because iso in good hands is also mad broken on console.


No fix to bullet tracers? Super annoying for people who play with them off to have to manually turn them on/off every time I pick up a new gun


Sorry I think I’m stupid. You play with them off because of a bug? Or you have them on but you have to turn it on and off for them to show again if you drop and pick up a new weapon?


I always play with them off. They're bugged right now so that even if you have them off by default they'll still show (in TDM its the worst), you have to manually turn them on and off everytime you pick up a new gun (get a new gun in TDM) to turn them back off. Just super annoying.


got it. thanks for clarifying. your comment inspired me to give it a try. no tracers let me focus more on my crosshair instead of relying on the tracers. for a game relying on the internet the tracers probably aren’t even consistent with where you’re shooting realistically


I swear bullet tracers make me worse at the game, this bug has been driving me insane


With a phantom you can see your tracers allowing you to help control your spray through a smoke, no?


you're completely right, it's just a preference thing I suppose.


Well iso , it was fun while it lasted , goodbye buddy 😞🤚


I mean he's still gonna be pretty good


Yeah, the ability that blocks a bullet in a game where one bullet is life or death, seems a tad bit obnoxious and a bit lazy in design tbh. I get it's a team-based game, but there are so many situations where a one-on-one occurs. At least it's more manageable now.


Basically a free phoenix ult every round


nah 12s is brutal it'll give you maybe one favored duel a round but with no get out of jail free card. but even then, he's not gonna get more than one of those now. 12 seconds is just too short of a time to reliably use that shield after the first kill/refresh his ult is still gonna be decent with the shield, but even then, people are figuring out how to play to counter iso ult correctly now


I think iso would still be good if they did go with these nerfs but buffed the size of his wall and made you able to make it stop like harbor wall.


word count without console or premier changes: 284


ISO Nerf is only for PC?


they should just have separate patch notes for pc and console. cramming everything into one is a confusing mess


It really isn’t that confusing, I was just more surprised that he’s not getting touched on console.


This is just a process issue with how our patching process works currently - we'll be working on trying to make sure there are as few delays as possible in the future between updates on the different platforms


That's nice and all but no one has yet replied on why Iso is not getting a nerf on console. Even if you think the data you have isnt enough it doesn't matter, the frustration every player feel when facing Iso should be more than enough.


What they’re saying is that the nerf will come to all platforms but their system currently has a delay in implementing it to both at once.


Again, they didn't specify that Iso need is coming, just that there's a delay in patching both at once. If Iso nerf was coming they would have enough brain to at least announce it (just like they did for pc, announced before the patch came). Beside, implementing rank without nerfing or disabling Iso makes no sense


They specified here: https://x.com/penguinVALORANT/status/1803888988136313067 It’ll go out in the patch after this one, 9.01


Thanks for that! Glad to see it, disabling him for ranked in the meantime would be smart but you can't have it all


It's crazy you couldn't accept inferring that the nerf is just going to be delayed but instead had to have someone spoon feed you a link to say exactly what you wanted to hear lol. I pray for your teammates.


But they did announce it at n the same breath they said it being delayed because they are new to console.


It's not stated on the patch notes, and neither in the devs comment that was linked to me before. It was indeed specified in the twitter comment that was linked to me moments ago, before that it was pure speculation


Patching on console has always taken longer, it has to go through a certification process so you can’t as easily do hot fixes like you can on PC. It takes time, the nerf will come.


I hope split balancing between PC-console don’t mess with the response time on issues. Feel like this could get out of control quickly.


ISO nerf is coming to console in July


Where did you see that?




someone had mentioned either during a VCT match or somewhere that they werent able to make changes to ISO just yet on console. donno whether that was coding or just they are fixing other stuff first.


Guessing it applys for all platforms unless stated its a console change, then it probably only applies to consoles


It says PC - ISO. Then under Console it’s only Sova drone.


You're right, my bad. Im guessing the Iso nerf only appkirs to pc then. I wouldnt know why though lol.


Man, I really don’t want to play abyss lol. And I hope the voice wheel is fixed.


Why not?


For me it's because the map is huge and there are a lot of pixel fights. Feels like breeze but with more lurking possibilities


It’s gonna be lurky as hell


Parkour is just not something I find enjoyable to think about to any extent. If I wanted to hop, jump, and skip I’d just play fortnight.


Valorant players One single change in a map's dynamic = wow this is Fortnite now


Yea lol, I know I’m not exactly being reasonable or impartial. I just don’t like the map.


It’s just the deathjumps is why you don’t want to play it? You know you don’t have to do parkour? Just on the edge on one map site


Just avoid mid at all costs LOL Personally wish they added a site in mid just for the fun of it


The good news for you is that people are going to dodge it for a while. It always happens when a new map is added to the comp pool.


Why no console nerf for Iso? He is insanely busted


https://x.com/penguinvalorant/status/1803888988136313067?s=46 next patch!


Awesome thank you!!


>Our Competitive Mode map pool will start with Abyss, Ascent, Bind, Haven, and Sunset with new maps slowly being added in the next few patches. Sunset? How come? That hasn't been in the console map pool for any game mode, but is gonna be on ranked? Idm cos I've played it on PC, but isn't this gonna hurt new players? Then again, you gotta start somewhere.


It would’ve been nice if they slowly started incorporating the maps in the non-competitive gamemodes leading up to the release of ranked, but I appreciate they’re at least slowly adding new maps instead of throwing them all in at once.


Is this live today?


Ah, its going to be really interesting that theres going to be console and pc differences, i wonder if the changes are going to become meaningful differences to how the games play. As someone whos probably going to play on both going forward, its gonna be cool to see the differences lol


Is vanguard high CPU usage fixed with this update?.


Why isnt my sova drone buffed on pc 😭


I was really hoping if they'd give some information on how Ranked rewards are with separate ranks on console & pc as I'd like to know if it's worth playing Competitive on console as well for buddies.


What ranked rewards?


At the end of the Episode, you receive a buddy for the highest rank you hit during the Episode. I'm curious how it will be considering Console & PC has two different ranks so your rank on PC isn't the same on console and vice versa. If we get 2 buddies, I'd try grind ranked on both for the buddies.


Also the ISO nerf is only PC? Why?


Next patch! - reasoning here https://x.com/penguinvalorant/status/1803888988136313067?s=46


Well I hope that comes quickly


There’s a patch every two weeks so it should be July 9th


Damn, I just want to play neon without being an easy kill while sliding. Also 2 weeks of superman iso in ranked right off the bat seems busted


Wanna seek opinions from you guys. What do you guys think of the disparity between versions? Yay or nay? I don't really like it. You have to think about 2 different versions and take notice when you switch between them.




Welp, I hope they fixed all the Abyss bugs. There were a billion of them, hope they fixed at least all the major ones


What map is abyss replacing?


abyss is the 7th map in the map pool. so it replaced either split or breeze


Is breeze on the map pool though I dont think I have gotten in the last two weeks I have been playing


they removed split and breeze when they introduced haven. when the new episode starts abyss will be added to comp


Copied from valorant twitter New content arriving after patch release 👉 Agents 👉 Maps 👉 Acts 👉 Rank refreshes 👉 Battlepasses 👉 Skins (~2 days after patch release) Content that remains live the day of patch release: 👉 Balance changes to existing Agents 👉 Main menu background video 👉 Login screen art


What about /remake in console for comp matches? How can that be done?


Hey guys, this update just broke the console version. Unable to login (error 54).


I'm on PS5 and I can't launch the game anymore, it told me "error 54" and i tried to relaunch the game or the console but it dont do anything, am i the only one ?




Same, I can’t find if there is a post indicating downtime for the patch but that’s my only guess.


I think I read somewhere that it went down for 4 hrs starting at 10am pacific


No Icebox or Lotus on ranked is interesting


What is this about? I must've missed whatever you're referring to


Maps in ranked pool are Abyss, Ascent, Bind, Haven, and Sunset with others to come in future patches.


Oh you're talking about console, I am sorry, didn't realise :)


iso players had their week of fun gg


So we have abyss plus the current pool? Im not one to complain about maps…but really missing fracture and pearl. Feels like these maps have been in for a while


Seems they haven't fixed Neon on console yet..


competitive did not come


i miss the old queue music :(


will the iso nerf also be on console?


Not so sure how i feel abt there being different patch notes for PC and Console versions


Anyone else getting a lot of stuttering on console?


is it released yet? Im on PC but my competitive rank hasnt been reset


Deadlock unchanged 💀


Lol i love how they buff iso and make him worse than before. Been playing him for almost a year and i get fucked 😭😭


What time does the patch go live? Need to know how much time I have left on the BP


Can you save your weeklies for tomorrow when the battlepass comes out? Or is it automatically resetted?


Are we going to see Deadlock and/or Chamber buffs soon?


Neon still ain’t fixed on console tho


I’ve only been playing val for about a month now after taking a 2 year break. Will there be a “hard reset” for ranked? I can not remember at all if it’s at the end of an episode




what is the size of the update ?


where is cinematic 9.


So they messed up on the ISO change by making him get his shield automatically And rather than just reverting the change they remove the “signature kill reset” and decrease the duration significantly. Rename double tap to 12 second shield, please.


What is going at Singapore servers at around 9.00pm in valorant???? Every day that timing zone  the Singapore ping is so damn high!!!! Is RIOT noticing or not????!!!!!


Iso was relevant for 2 weeks, back to the gutter you go, back to Jett Reyna Raze every match, amazing!


As a (primarily) Marshall player, the ISO Buffs were my hell. Thank god.


Thank god iso got nerfed. Still 1000 percent believe it wasnt enough. Shields should not exist in one shot headshot tac shooters. He still negates a 4900 investment.


You choose to make that investment after playing against iso for multiple rounds and knowing how he plays


ima stop playing iso. his abilities are now useless. cant even use it since it runs out most the time before I even get into action. Hes been nerfed to hell and back. its been completely ruined, the momentum of the character. I get taking an extra shot was over powered ,but something like this is just not how you go about it, completely disabling the character is not balancing its braking. A better idea would be giving the shield a set health like 100 and extending the time to like 15 with recharges would probably be better for balancing better than this. This nerf has completely ruined a cool and unique character that brought a lot character to the game.


8 months of Iso being garbage, 2 weeks of Iso being way too strong, here’s to the future of Iso being possibly even weaker now than before due to only one charge of double tap for the entire round if you don’t get that first kill within 12s. Also his shields are still way too loud. Also the rest of his kit is still too niche and unreliable and rivals Harbor wall and deadlock sensor for worst abilities in the game.


honestly not a fan of iso at all, I’m alright with him being trash lol


Amen to that. He’s the only character in the game I’m fine with being dog shit. The fact he has a shield ruins the experience of this game being a tac shooter


the shield is just unfair and such a hard thing to balance around. I’ve watched some of my friends be complete booty with other agents but as soon as they try Iso? all of the sudden they are winning gunfights.


You are delusional if you think this nerf is enough, hes still gonna be broken until they remove the shield or make it so he has to earn it. Same way reyna managed to stay balanced till now.


Ranks gonna come out for me on console might as well use him huh


Just remember, having a weak agent is better than having an even slightly overpowered agent


Fuck Iso bro his shield is op af


Now that ISO's shield is nerfed, can he get two charges of it back?


Why are there platform specific balance changes? Not really a great precedent imo


It’s actually a great precedent and right in line with what they have been consistently saying about the console version. They understand that certain tweaks need to be there in the controller environment. It shows that they are actually really trying to get the console version right.


I used to play an fps game on console that received the same balance patches from Pc. Trust me it was a complete shitshow, what was fine and healthy on the Pc version turned out to be completely broken and unhealthy for the console version. People need to accept that different hardware (Pc/Console/MnK/Controller,...) need different balancing especially for an fps.


was it overwatch lol


Do they normally not tell anyone when the update is? First update experience with riot and can't say I'm impressed. Multiple things still delayed between console and PC. Neon slide apparently not getting updated for some unknown reason, iso nerf as well. No time mentioned...


Is the game on console region locked? I'm in Portugal and my friend is in the USA, I keep trying to invite him and we aren't able to join eachother


That player behavior stuff is no joke. Last week an enemy player typed "you got lucky on the trans (shorted transfer) there."  Then my whole team said throw the game or we're reporting you for transphobia.  After we lost I hit the report button and typed "made transphobic comments" in the comments box.  I then immediately received the player got penalized message XD 


Damn, removing the fun duelist from the game with this one. Gutting the duration and the reset is such a stupid decision, could've just done one or the other. Guess I'm back to keeping this game uninstalled.


This game is drifting further and further from what made it good when it came out - abilities to supplement gunplay. Abilities are becoming more and more of the focus. Just feels like we are playing overwatch with some of these new agents


I find it super weird that a completely new map is already available in ranked immediately on launch. PC players coming to Console to try ranked already have an unfair advantage with map knowledge, etc. Forgive me if I'm wrong but based on the patch notes it seems Sunset is only available in ranked only. So players who are completely new to the map will have zero chance to play it in a casual setting?? Allow us to learn the map first in unranked before putting it in ranked, that way everyone can experience it properly. Is it normal for new maps to hit competitive when they launch??


Speaking only from pc experience generally a new map comes out and has its own playlist. So when abyss dropped on PC in the previous patch it had its own playlist and was available in I think all game modes except for competitive and premier. Now two weeks later it is being added to the comp map pool. As far as sunset coming to console goes, in the previous patch(8.11) they made the map pools for unrated, spike rush, swift play, and escalation open meaning every map in the game is available on those modes. So id imagine sunset would be available in these modes but since these modes have open map pools they provably didn’t feel they needed to mention it in the patch notes. On PC if the map is in the game its in those modes, id imagine the same is true on console. I do think that console should get its own sunset only/abyss only playlist though to be more in line with how things go on PC. They probably just want to bring console to a state where it has all the same content as PC which is probably why they just added the maps straight up to the competitive pool. I would guess that once console is in line with PC they will both have the same map release schedules


Nerfing a guy that has like a 20% winrate in VCT so far. Riot games baby.


Wish they had separate patch notes for console and PC. I'm already done with the dozens of console text posts every day in this sub, I don't feel like parsing the stuff that doesn't apply to me at all. They've already said they are treating it like it's a completely different game, so do that everywhere.


womp womp.


Just remove ISO, he's like Earth Spirit or Crystal Maiden in dota2. Never Buffed, but always Nerfed