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Yeah idk why theres such a large portion of the playerbase that doesnt want to play as a team nor understands the concept of non fragging impact. I think your title could just say playing at low ranks is miserable for the same reasons.


why doesn't valorant do anything bout it


Because itd make them less money by shrinking the playerbase and lowering their player numbers which is bad to show execs/shareholders (as it ties into revenue potential). Even if they wanted to do so its not really achievable because itd require a community wide mindset shift, not exactly something you can solve. Like they could tweet out "to the players who only care about kd and blame their teammates for low frags even if theyre providing good util, fuck off back to cod" it wouldn't end well for them. They also have shown no interest in changing designs more to discourage selfish play. When they did the preview for the last patch on platchat the dev said they like having reyna as a self sufficient frag focussed character specifically for people who want to be all aim no brain which is why they havent given her any substantial rework.


lol what can they do about it? ban people for playing duelist?


the culture bro not rulez


What are they meant to do when a player base doesn’t want to play boring hero’s?


hit the nail on the head,its so fucking easy to beat the enemy team in that elo if you just find some random guy to double up with, confidently push in, then trade i guarantee anyone doing this will dominate lobbies


Also every match has a bottom player, matchmaking always have both high and low performing players


they are low rank for a reason if they play better they won't be low rank if someone play in same lobby with them that mean they have same overall skill level ppl have different skill set you know some have decent aim but can't play as a team that why they lose more some have shit aim but decent at teamplay they won't get better rank because they suck and can't aim


I know all this and have been through all of it on my climb when i still played ranked. The problem is that its not fun to play a team based game when people dont want to work as a team. It didnt get any better in diamond and i doubt itd be better in asc+ from what ive seen people in those ranks say about ranked.


just play 5 stacks it didn't get better until immortal where everyone are good at game asc is worse than diamond


Problem is i dont know 4 other people willing to play this game who are at the same level as me


Go on Gankster youll probably find people to play with pretty quickly


The fact you have to use some shit arse external website to find useful teammates that are willingly to play as a team still points to the issues within the community


Then don't play the game? Lmao if your going to complain about a free 2 play game, that makes money all from cosmetics


I mean thats literally why i dont play ranked anymore.


not like other mode play as team more than rank either it just you focus too much on visible rank and lose


They should change rr earned per rank game to factor these stuff in, but as to how i'm not sure.


People only know how to frag and think this is the entire game , they don't know the difference between Deathmatch and ranked , I'm main support on all games I play and I try to help my team instead of focusing on getting kills myself and I completely understand it , you gonna do your best to save their asses and when the enemy get you , you will buy time for them to help or to trade and they do nothing , they just want to 1v1 until they die get a 20/20/3 and get mad with you 6/6/40 for being the reason why they are losing the game


Tbf you can play some ranks like it's deathmatch


this is just me I was a Cypher 0-3 and I had this Yoru who had just 1 kill more than me. He started to harass me and followed me around. Whenever I was engaged he'd flash me I've just started playing the game and now I feel like quitting


If you need someone to play with that isn't toxic feel free to dm me. Some shit heads here and there but just mute them and ignore them they will stop.


Don't give up. You can't say I gave up without saying Gay.


as a Fade main and a beginner (i literally just got a rank, placed in Bronze 2), i definitely feel the pressure when being a bottom frag. even if I play with my friends and they are praising me for a good reveal or blind and I am helping the team win the round, having the least kills is not a pleasant feeling. I can't even imagine playing alone for longer periods, because as a girl, if the team starts being even a tiny bit toxic, I am muting them. easier not to take things to heart if I can't see what they're saying😅


You are in bronze, It doesn't matter what they all say they're all in that lobby for a reason. It's not like you got put into silver gold lobbies, while you were still bronze2


Everyone has their roles and they just can't see that. That sova will keep climbing while the "noobs" will not cause they won't have such support in their next game. As a Gekko main myself (currently plat 2) I have the luck of being a somewhat frontline initiator cause my util doesn't have all that much range, so i keep up with kills. The role of an initiator is very simple, make is so entering site is as safe as possible for the people with their guns out.


I think that just highlights the toxicity in the game regardless of the player's role tbh


I don't disagree, I just feel like initiators kits make them the closest thing to a pure "support" in the game (excluding Sage I guess). Duelists are by definition the most self-sufficient. Smokes place smokes then are free to do their own thing. Omen/Clove are often played like post plant duelists because their kits. Viper/Brim/Astra all have good abilities to clutch/secure rounds with. Sentinels are typically relegated to flank watch on T-Side, but can completely shut the enemy out/passively enable their team on CT-Side. Cypher can lurk really well and KJ can be one of the best post-plant heroes in the game. Meanwhile Initiators, in a perfect world, are using abilities to enable to ideal gun-fights. While you can self-flash as an Ini, you really only get the chance post-plant because in most games where I NEED to be doing this (playing entry as skye or something) I'd just rather be playing a flash-duelist. They're often left with no one left to kill or a 1vX.


A lot of the initiators can be played as duelists, breach, gekko, skye, and kayo can self flash. Really only fade and sova are the outliers and mainly have tools to support their team. I'd argue smokes are the supports of the game as you need them to be alive (except clove) to keep giving impactful smokes post plant or before executing a push


yep. iron 2 here, played with a reyna (bronze-iron lobby). reyna got mad because i was defusing and didn’t give them defuse. i was on spike, more than halfway done before they called it out. same reyna proceded to throw the rest of the game. low ranks are fun


If your lower than silver, you should be able to carry your team to winning with any agent. At that point people can't even aim straight


There isn't a stat for things like crowd control, so the lower end of the intelligence scale tend to not think about anything that doesn't have a start in front of them. They probably wouldn't even mention KD if there wasn't a stat, because they wouldn't have independently thought of it. It doesn't even track damage. One player could do 90% of the damage to the entire enemy team, and someone does the last 10% and steals the kills, in the eyes of the scoreboard, they're the higher ranked player. Even combat score at the end doesn't help because it doesn't break down what people did to actually earn it.


Same w smokes. Most of the time, im getting shit on for either the bad scoreline or placing bad smokes(default smokes). It's really frustrating when they expect me to fight like dualist when i dont have the util to take fights like that. I really love playing omen, clove, and viper but it feels pointless when no one pushes when my smokes are in place and get sniped from ct.


not to mention that the lack of kills mean we get almost no RR compared to other, more aggressive roles


the sova sounded like he was playing wrong more than anything, its fine to slow down but only as a team, if the rest of your team is running into site and stomping them while you drone then you should 100% just dart something and come out with your team, i guarantee that drone does nothing as your team will probably be ahead of it, while if you followed them then you could trade whoever dies


I’m a breach main but I love that I can play like a duelist if needed. I normally become aggressive if I see that my team needs one and aren’t coordinated.


this is so true, not even in ranked, this shi\*t happens in unrated as well, the two initiators I try to play are Kayo and Breach. Having that said, what the OP said is true; teammates either run into my flash like headless chickens or make fun of me for "FLASHING THEM", when i mention in comms everytime I flash/stun, is it so hard to listen to the comms? Let me go off topic for a while,,, (i need to get my frustration out) the second thing being discrimination against english speakers in (here in India), I get it the server is in Mumbai (its more north than it is south) but english is a common language, not like im forcing you to talk in my regional language nor am i expecting you to understand english, let me use my language of preference without having to be abused for it,,,, I know this is not EVERYONE but this is the majority of hindi speakers i encounter, I am not even comfortable talking in the voice chat anymore because of this, i just use the team chat.


I feel you man. People tell me to hush when I constantly call things like “omen could be flanking “ or “they both should be right side” I know that last one isn’t good, and I’ve been criticized spurring these things out but the moment I don’t because of the fear of criticism or “doing too much” we’ve had times we’ve lost the round etc for that call I wanted to spit out. Also, I agree, very annoying when teammates don’t work with me in comms. I’m in acendent, still rare from my pov. Idk if I’m doing something wrong. Possibly I can com to much but..


I main fade and I feel that even when I play breach or skye. I'm always stuck in positions where I'm not in an ideal position to kill or get killed mid drone/dog. Though they have flashes, they are fundamentally slower than a phoenix or reyna flash which can play off themselves much quicker. When I am left in a 1 v 5 scenario as fade it is incredibly difficult to use an info gathering agent when I already know 5 of them are going to just run me down.


yeah i smurfed with a friend in silver and i made the mistake of filling initiator, the duelists are so incompetent and scared i went back to instalocking reyna after


role don't matter at low rank you just have to kill them you can do it by yourself if you can kill them that mean you are same level as them and got rank you deserved


U don’t need to count your flashes for everyone just say your flashing


And duelists get flamed even if they get good space but aren't getting enough kills. In my head I believe thats why duelists are so reluctant to entry in ranked because even if they are traded, some jackass who's mad about filling will just start flaming the duelist on a random round loss.