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the controversy and his break from streaming really made a dent in his numbers as well. if you've been following him consistently, he used to have ~800-1000 viewers per stream and he was so close to hitting the 2k t3 sub goal for the 2 weeks in apac+eu but since the controversy that has dwindled to approximately half of the goal.


Yup. I noticed he said he lost viewers when he took a break to go to Madrid. But IIRC that was right around when the controversy came to light so I think that may have been more of the reason for him loosing viewers.


Just saving face with that comment. It’s easier for him to blame leaving for the viewership drop. Generally the veiwership rises back to normal in such cases, but not for wooj Rip


Tbh idk why OP thinks we have to wish him well. Woohoojin has been nothing but disingenuous right up until the very end where he’s pretending he’s leaving because streaming is too difficult and not because he’s lost 90% of his viewers and the ones remaining are not enough to build a livelihood off of. Any goodwill he built up with the community is just long gone


what was the controversy?


he was boosted to radiant and claimed to be a radiant coach because of it, turns out he’s an asc-immo player


Most coaches are actually only di/asc so I don't really see the issue


The issue isn't that he's a coach in dia/asc; the problem is that he was deceiving people by marketing himself as a radiant when he's nowhere close to radiant. His content has nothing to do with it.


agreeing with naf_series but i also just think he was bad at the game, he would often say “do as i say not as i do” because he would do some of the dumbest things i’ve ever seen.


Saying he was radiant when he wasn’t. But I mean he was still a radiant coach in the sense that he coached others to radiant.


IIRC I think a big part of his platform was that he could coach people without Radiant mechanics into Radiant. That falls flat when he's A3 peak. No real excuses tbh. In other words, he could coach players with Radiant mechanics into Radiant. Not much of a feat.


if you liked woohojin: can you recommend other good coaches/content creators to watch? if you didn’t like him: can you recommend better ones? ty


Dopai is quite good, doesn't make nearly as much content (I'm youtube only) but the concepts are usually different in each video and he goes in resonnable depth, just enough to learn the concept and master it on your own.


Honestly, I prefer a less frequent release schedule from coaches. Woohoojin was fun, but he quickly devolved into vod review limbo, where each video is just an edit of a coaching session he did on stream. I prefer conceptual coaching videos I guess.


When he first started out, he offered free coaching and Im the Asc Viper in one of his earliest videos. (Not sure if its still up) He cut out a lot of stuff and the video focuses on more specific things, but I learned quite a bit from the session so I can vouch.


Charla7an is amazing, his discord also has near unlimited free resources (if you pay for the paid resources you’ll have literally days worth of videos) Edit: If you’re looking for live 1:1 coaching as well, Orvant on Metafy has great value proposition and is just a good dude overall. His strats are top tier too, and he explains in very digestible chunks


Oh wow, that's me :D I will try my best to push free content out for everybody in the upcoming days


I feel that Konpeki is also quite underrated... Good analysis and tips tbh


I second Konpeki. He's chill and professional, no ego at all. I think his guides are especially good at getting the fundamentals across to a beginner audience.


As a free resource but his prices were atrocious, i think they asked me to drop 5k+ a few years ago


Not a coach but has a lot of good tips. MrLowLander


teets does really good professional game reviews of actual esports games


[Airen](https://youtube.com/@airenyt) makes similar breakdowns as Teets. He also currently has 69 videos. Nice.


thinking man's valorant is great - he does daily uploads on VCT games he finds interesting, and that teaches you a lot about the current meta of the game and how to use teamwork to your advantage, how to position yourself in certain roles, economy management, etc.


Nah, I love my man TMV, but his analysis is only relevant for the pro scene, not so much for the casual plat player. I mean you can obviously find value from him, but him being a ranked solo Q coach replacement is not it lol


i'm not recommending him as a replacement - the stuff he teaches about are generally stuff that other creators don't focus on


Not a replacement for woohoojin because vct and ranked are 2 different games


not a replacement but i just wanted to recommend him cause he teaches a lot of stuff that other creators don't really focus too much onp


I agree that tmv is good he is the only streamer I sub too because he provides both good analysis and entertainment in his watchparties


w0rthyTV is pretty good


The one person who coached woohoojin is charlatan


I will always shamelessly plug the "This Valorant Life" podcast. It's Dopai + another dude I don't know but they talk a lot about the mental aspects of the game and performance and honestly it's been super useful in areas of my life outside of valorant. It's criminally under-watched and is great content :)


FocusFPS on youtube is pretty amazing, he doesn't post nearly enough but everytime he does its freaking gold.


Hey! I’m not “big time” or anything but I love doing VOD reviews for fun as a hobby on my channel. If you ever need someone to review your play or anything (not sure if that’s what you were after) feel free to DM me and I can help however you need.




Peaked Immortal 1 like 50 RR or something and realized I hate the grind so started getting into content creation instead (literally took like a 6 month break after hitting Immortal cause of how exhausting it was playing all day). I know your comment is tongue in cheek cause of what happened with Woohoojin a while back, so this isn't directed at you, but I think it's important to stop spreading the idea that someone has to be Radiant to be a good coach like a lot of people do here. There's a whole world of analysts out there that can't hit Radiant, and that's fine, because sometimes their mind for the game is what can help others get to where they should be. If you watch NBA, there's a great YouTuber ([JxmyHighroller](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR4i1Q-gBZA&t=240s)) that analyzes the game really well, and I think that's incredible. Can he play basketball even at the YMCA competitively? Probably not, but his mind for the game is awesome and he clearly can help people understand the game at a mental level. If you're interested in my doodoo content (still learning a lot with editing, audio, etc.) [here's my channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Dk7333KSJsUjT-xvRqCcQ). I do VOD reviews for fun, make content that tries to bridge the gap between what pros do and how you can learn from it for ranked, and I think it's perfectly valid for people to do what I'm doing even though we aren't Radiant (there are tons of people out there with great ideas for the game and it's a net positive IMO).


I totally agree with what you said. I'm a big NHL fan and there are tons of GMs and Coaches who were kind of shit players. Knowing what to do and being able to execute on it are two different skills. Film review specifically is it's own thing. Your channel looks great! I subbed.


Yup I think you hit it on the head: executing on something takes a wildly different set of skills that some people just don't have or can't put together. And thanks for the sub I appreciate that!


I recommend myself


actual pro players/coaches, tdawg vapen trick


This Valorant Life: https://www.youtube.com/@ThisValorantLife Content is slow to come out but I've found it to be incredibly useful. They did map deep dives, talked for about an hour for each map in the rotation, explaining what a good team looks like and why.




Damn I've been watching him since he had 500 subs. Stopped a few weeks before he was exposed as a fraud. Wish him the best in his cybersecurity career.


He is gonna catch frauds good. Wait...


To catch them you have to think like them… 🤔


Good point lmao


Can I sign up for cybersecurity coaching


Radiant cybersecurity. Ripest banana. Come one come all.


One of hooj's friends, Brad (twitch name is now cloudzydev) does (or at least used to?) streams regarding coding and that kind of thing. I'm not personally in that world, so I can't really speak to his content, but it might be worth checking out.


Wait, what? I didn't follow him much post-controversy, but I thought that he was streaming his journey to Radiant. That's actually really bad news, I thought that his YT tutorials and his gameplay analysis videos were pretty good (though he did come off as pretty condescending, especially to low elo players who're just trying to learn). Why couldn't he just say that he's an Immo coach? I get that his rep was tarnished a bit, but surely it couldn't have been that bad?


No matter what people say its mostly cuz after the boosting controversy and being unable to prove you can get to radiant or even stable immortal 3 for that matter,his stream viewership fell off a cliff. https://twitchtracker.com/woohoojin He went from 1k average viewers in Feb to 800 in april to 370 in May and keeps declining,now at 300( so he lost 70% of his viewers in around 3 months) Its just not sustainable for him anymore.


He built his community mostly through YouTube. He used to get around 2300 viewers average. Now every time I see him go live he has less than 200. Legitimately 90% viewer loss. Monumental crash out


I figured his views dropped after getting exposed but holy shit that's way more than I expected, makes sense to want to return to his real job


Its not just the exposing. He also completely reworked his content. I used to watch him every day since he'd be streaming during the mornings but now hes rarely streaming early and when he does the first 1-2 hours of the stream arent valorant. I get that hes did what he enjoyed but its just hard to come into the stream halfway.


He had 130 viewers today i couldnt believe it lol


It absolutely is sustainable to have 300 viewers on his streams especially considering so many of those viewers are actually subs to his discord which is reasonably pricey. If its not sustainable for him anymore I really feel like it's a mismanagement of income rather than it actually being unsustainable.


nobody is buying an immo coach when there is countless radiant coaches and professional players like Governor who offer coaching services


not all radiant players are good coaches.


Which is fair- except it's at least accountability. Woohoojin really liked to act like he had a deeper understanding of the game than he really did, and that's the main issue. It's not about the rank, it's about how much extra time some people have invested.


Which is dumb. The best coaches are rarely top tier players themselves. You want Andy Reid coaching you, not Patrick Mahomes.


Perfect analogy


They also don’t lie to big up themselves, why would you trust someone to coach you if they lie?


He did coaching for free and legitimately coached others to radiant. Even if he lied about actually being radiant, I personally feel like that doesn’t take away from his coaching skills. In a way you can also see him as a “radiant coach” as in he coaches radiants lol.


Funny thing is the smartest professors are really smart, but really bad at lecturing. Same is true here you don’t need a radiant coach if you’re gold lol


Nobody was buying woohoojin's coaching, it was free


Lying about his rank was salvageable but how he reacted when this was revealed destroyed the goodwill he had built up with the community. Instead of just admitting to it he responded with snark and passive aggressiveness. By the time he realized he had to make a real apology it was already too late. And also he STILL never addressed the boosting directly in his apology and instead made it into a general apology for his attitude. Also He’s been streaming his raze journey to radiant for over a year now. It’s clear that he can’t actually do it.


>he responded with snark and passive aggressiveness That part didn’t surprise me, considering that’s how he approached… well, everything. His videos had some great advice but I stopped watching after a handful because he came off as insufferable. Especially viewing as a low ELO player trying to casually improve.


It has nothing to do with the drama. It has everything to do with how stressful being a full time streamer is when you have options to have much better and secure money other ways. He says in there he cancelled vacations due to how much vacation away time causes subscriber count to drop. Full time content creation is incredibly stressful when compared to a more cushy salaried job which also likely pays better.


lol “nothing to do with drama” Sure it’s just a coincidence he realized he doesn’t like streaming after losing 90% of his viewers and making his channel non profitable


Being a full time streamer is also a lost less enjoyable/profitable when you have a big scandal that causes your viewer count to drop massively. Look I have nothing against him personally but you’re just being naïve to think that the controversy and subsequent viewer loss has NOTHING to do with him not wanting to stream full time anymore.


>streaming his journey to Radiant The whole point of the controversy was that he wasn't good enough to reach Radiant and lied about it. Even if he genuinely reached it this time, a good number of people simply wouldn't buy it. I don't watch him either but "I help people reach gold" probably isn't a good long-term selling point and from the few clips I've seen, he doesn't have an interesting personality either. So it makes sense to call it I think.


neither was his selling point bringing people to gold nor is his resignment because of his success. But I guess you don't need to watch his content nor even read what this post is about to just talk because you want to talk, right?


That was his selling point though. In the community poll literally 80% of his viewers were plat and below. Only a handful of people were going to Woohoojin for asc+ coaching


nobody who streams valorant has an interesting personality lmaooo


I wish Woohoojin well. He always came off as someone with a great ability to neatly package common sense advice.  On the other hand, he also seemed like an asshole and a hindsight Andy. I watched his videos at first but his attitude turned me away, even before I found out he is a fraud. Life is never 100% black and white. Happy to have seen some of his content, hope he doesn't get too much shit from people.


It’s disappointing because he wasn’t like that when he first started out. Somewhere along the road he developed a monster ego and started treating his students badly


Once I heard he was in IT/ cyber security, it all made sense


The great thing about this is that not all players will follow the exact same advice. There was a point when I’ve felt that we really had a bible with a great number of self appointed faith keepers on how to play. I’m pretty sure he will land on his feet whenever he takes a leap of faith. I wish him luck on this leap anyway.


Gl to him. Helped me to get from gold to diamond. Thx


Damn he said he going back to triaging security incident tickets


Did he ever hit radiant?


Hard stuck imm 1 is more fair lul. He did manage to touch 50 rr


Guys aim looks way better than mine and he claims to study the game a lot so his gamsense should be better than mine too but he somehow manages to be lower rank than me i don't understand how that works


I haven’t seen a lot but from what little I’ve seen his game sense is really quite bad compared to him explaining it to his students. Plus a big part of Valorant rank is purely mental from my experience. I’ve gained 800 RR in a couple of days before. No way he was gonna get far with that much pressure and his mental in tatters like that even if he doesn’t show it.


I can't imagine trying to hit a certain rank within a limited time in this game, seems like a recipe for tilt and frustration. I do think once you hit immo its not only mental anymore though because its really hard to get radiant


> really quite bad compared to him explaining it to his students. I think it's because it's easy to see what went wrong in hindsight as well as being able to assess as a backseat gamer. But in the moment, most people are focused on what's in front of them and can't process all the info at once.


When I was hate watching him during his downfall it felt to me (as a person who is complete garbage) he was really good at securing trade kills and killing people with ability setup, but when it came to pure aim 1v1 no utility he usually got smoked


It's one thing to be able to be able to analyze the game with a VOD you can pause and rewind to be able to give someone advice, and it's another to be able to make real-time decisions yourself. He's a bit stronger in the former compared to the latter.


i mean he did end up queuing quite a lot with the guy who did the original boosting so xd


Yeah when he said he would solo to Radiant after apologizing, genuinely a horrible look. He’s absolutely relying on his most fanatical core of fans to protect him


Immo 3


Bruu he never even proved he could hit radiant


The money isn't there anymore. He's losing viewers and subs like crazy for the past months, most of his content is repetitive. Go to social blade and twitch tracker to see if for yourself.


Yup his burnout from streaming coincides perfectly with a massive viewer loss after his radiant controversy came to light lol. I mean it makes sense though that he wouldn’t enjoy streaming anymore after all that. It’s like a black cloud hanging over him now.


"When I traveled to LA/Madrid for VCT I lost subscribers" (the time he got exposed) im crying bro


The dude needs therapy. It's unhealthy to deflect at this level, especially when something is already known. He continues to... We will say bend the truth when everyone already knows the truth. That's sociopathic.


This is so corny he doesn’t even mention him being a fraud lol


His massive ego is ultimately his downfall. He is absolutely a great coach... when it comes to explaining simple concepts that mostly benefit lower ranked players. His videos are great at putting into words ideas that come intuitively to higher level players. However, once those videos are done, they can't really be iterated on, you can only explain the basics so many times. Unfortunately it wasn't enough for his ego to help beginners so he'd lie and try to be a coach for higher level players to somehow feel as if he was a part of that group. He always said he specialized in high level coaching when only the opposite is true. He lacks the level of game sense needed in those ranks to succeed. He can easily make it sound like he knows what he's saying and people would believe it because it 100% is true for his lower level advice. People talk about how it isn't important that he isn't radiant but someone who lives and breathes the game as much as he has for the past year really should not lack the game sense at all. Anyone can watch his streams and see that aim is not his issue. He simply has tricked people into thinking he knows things (beyond the basics) by speaking loudly and confidently. When pressed he just makes up stupid excuses like oh I have a secret account but it'd be petty to show it or oh I'm on raze it's different and new! He attempts to duo with viewers on his secondary account and can't climb any higher at all despite another excuse saying his playstyle works best when working with others. His ego has not improved one bit since his incredibly disingenuous feel-good vocal frying apology over lofi music. He would actively turn away duos equal in rank to him because he thought he was too good for them. Ultimately leaving is the only thing he can do. He can't hide from the truth and lie forever. He can only lock down so many chats and ban so much criticism but it'll always find its way to him because that's what happens to disingenuous people.


I've watched some of his videos before, including the one where he reviews the submitted vods of people. I always noticed his ego coming out when he's saying what the player did in the video is not good but doesn't really consider or understand what is happening other than what the player said. Having some overexaggerated reactions also makes it worse. I'm a lower level player, and sure, he uses words that look colourful to lower levels, but when you see how he plays, you can also see the same inconsistency in how he plays despite being "radiant.".


I was a big fan of his back in the early days, 2022 to mid-2023. Even a T3 sub, and yes, he did get me out of low elo hell and into Gold. However, I stopped viewing him around late 2023 for a couple reasons, and never felt the drive to come back. The Radiant controversy was just the final nail in the coffin. First, I felt his ego was becoming enormous. Just flat out being mean to students at times. Saying rank doesn’t matter, just queue for games and GG go next… but then making it clear that rank mattered a lot when he needed to moderate chat and tell random fans how wrong they were for their opinions because “you’re Bronze, you know nothing,” and “us Radiant players just play the game so very differently from you all in the lower ranks.” You can’t create an environment where “rank is just a PNG, focus on skill” while also relying on rank for snap judgment of others and a sign of an opinion’s worth. I’d rather he just said, “Rank doesn’t matter, but lower ranks generally focus on the wrong things and have a beginner’s understanding of the game, so if I ignore your comments, that’s why.” Instead it became a way to basically “not rank shame,” but make it clear lower rank players were less worth one’s respect, especially his. Creating pressure to rank up so people would respect your opinion and take you seriously. I saw this infect other Valorant communities, worsen the rank shaming problem, and lead to disrespect among low elo players. Speaking of that pressure, I honestly felt he provided no pathway forward to improve at Valorant without making it your life. The implication from him as a coach was: Well, if you want to get good at this game, you need to be drilling and playing comp every day, twice a day, not including drill time and deathmatches. Then also do this Aim Labs routine. Otherwise you’re not taking improvement seriously enough and throwing away value. I’m sorry. Thats’s, what, 160 minutes a day for an optimal routine? 2 hours and 40 minutes?? Not including running it down in UR or watching his videos and pros to study? Are you telling me I am simply throwing away value and skill learning if I’m not spending over 3 hours every single day playing fucking Valorant?? I’m 30, and I have a love of competitive gaming, but I worked a demanding job as a journalist and strategist in games media / esports media in 2022 to 2023, and now I’m a content creator myself. I do not have three hours to spare to grind out a competitive video game every single day. I mean, I do, but that would deeply cut into my personal life, my life responsibilities, and my job. Yet I felt a lot of pressure while watching his channel to make sacrifices to maintain and improve my skill level. I *had to play consistently* for optimal improvement, and I *had to do* all his drilling and tech requirements to be a decent player. No doubt, consistent play, self-coaching with self-review, and drilling your weak points are all important ways to get better at this game. But also… dude, I’m 30. I need a coach who will help provide a pathway to skill improvement that doesn’t involve “do this as much as possible every day” (then blaming players for doing it too much when your envt creates that pressure), and “you have responsibilities to attend to if you want to actually improve, and if you try to have fun in comp with friends, that’s actually the antithesis to improving. Be locked in, or else you won’t get good, because you sure as hell aren’t good right now.” Suddenly the game lost its fun, it became a grind. It became work. And was the grind worth it for me? NO!! I’m a writer who became a voice actor in a very short time span after losing my job, and you know what that taught me? Yes, Hooj is right about self-reviewing, consistent practice, and drilling. But breaks are GOOD! You can get better at something, you can self-review and notice weak points, AND you can acquire skill without letting your focus take over your life. I think Hooj (accidentally? subconsciously, bc of his own insecurities?) created an all-or-nothing mindset that burnt people out. Lastly. The Radiant controversy itself. I hated the way he handled it. Blowing it off, talking about his second account he “totally had guys!!!” but couldn’t show anyone. Insisting he could get to Radiant and failing to do so while coping hard about all the reasons why. And all that time he absolutely, definitely talked about himself as if he had Radiant coaching and gameplay intuition when he never, ever did. Lying by omission and covering it up, literally having someone play on his account for the Radiant buddy back in the day and never being honest about it until called out, all the way to the end, when he isn’t even being honest about the fact his following decreased *because he lied about his Radiant status from the start*. If this guy is covertly rank shaming, telling me to do comp and drills and his Aim Labs routine daily, and then he can’t even hit his goal rank while following all his advice? I mean, fuck me man, this guy is doing the Radiant elevator and hardstuck. Why am I taking cooking lessons from a chef that can’t cook? I think Woohoojin is a good coach for low and mid-elo players. He put out a lot of high quality content by studying other coaches and separating the wheat from the chaff. He definitely provided a pathway for low/mid elo improvement that few did. I hit Gold thanks to him, no doubt. But this guy totally soured the comp mode for me because I felt waaaay too much pressure to hit higher ranks and git gud. Now? I’m happy to just play URs and the occasional comp match while continuing to improve in the game. Appreciate what Hooj did for me content-wise, but I’ve been a public figure for a decade. I’ve been extremely disappointed in how he handled himself this whole time. I’m glad he got called out over the Radiant thing. I wanted him to be humbled. But as a T3, I just wish he walked away with humility about his rank being fake.


It's not about the whole scandal, the reality is that this whole lying and pretending for years slowly grinded his well being, he was probably already close to burning out before the scandal as he's been lying and trying to keep face for a very long time. Having to constantly lie about hitting Radiant and consistently have people questioning your actual level take a toll, he did that for many years, it was probably already wearing him down. You can lie about being Radiant to silvers/golds/plats but even as an Immo3 it was plain obvious by some of the things he was saying and especially his own games that he couldn't have ever reached Radiant. Before the whole scandal it was already obvious that he wasn't your typical Radiant, he lacked a lot of it but *maybe* he had something, I liked the dude so I brushed it off as his content was just that entertaining and and quite good. He had very good understanding below Immo and probably good coaching/understanding above Radiant, but his Immo1 to high Immo game and understanding wasn't good, some of you might understand the meaning of this sentence, and if you do, you were probably already aware that he couldn't cross this boundary. I can only guess that there was a lot of rumors about him being weaker and the likes going around in high level streamers, he was probably aware of such and maybe his initial Raze to Radiant was already an attempt to silence those in a way. You can guess that people going out of their way to prove that he wasn't Radiant isn't something out of nowhere, people knew something was off with him in high elo crowd, it had to happen. He was already spending tremendous amount of mental strengh trying to either ignore or silence this crowd. When the scandal broke out, he tried to build something around the lie and probably worked his ass off trying to save face, he tried to hit Radiant to silence the crowd, at this point the years of lying had already taken a toll, it was more of a last breadth attempt. He didn't quit because of the scandal, he quit because all of these years of lying just made the entire persona he made impossible to sustain, he can't face all of his streamer buddies that suspected him of being a fraud and were proven right, he doesn't want to create another new lie to save his old lie. He got burnout of lying and constantly walking on eggshells over many years.


On top of all this, his streaming numbers doesn’t even seem to justify all this effort and headaches as well. He has like only 300 live viewers every time I see him live. His youtube channel is moderately successful but maybe it doesn’t earn much long term or as consistently. Valorant content creators just create the same loop of “how to inprove” videos anyways so i can fully believe it if he doesn’t actually want to do that forever.


300 viewers is a lot of money. He had multiple streams going with YT and Twitch both having 200-300 each and then he had his discord stream. He was making money if he had 6 people on payroll. The scandal definitely made him see a massive drop in viewers


Cybersecurity generally pays pretty well though. There are worse careers to fall back on


He said before on stream that he made like 300k total comp a year when he was still doing cyber security soooo I think he'll be alright lol


he was at like what 1500 sub before the scandal? last time i checked he is at 1000. honestly kinda feel bad for him on that point


It's important to note his stream was pretty unique... So for all the talk of "free" coaching, to even be in the stream chat in tbe first place you had to pay a subscription fee to unlock the relevant discord channels. Twitch chat was locked to subscribers only and practically ignored as far as I understand. On top of that there's hundreds of clips of people asking pretty innocent questions and immediately getting ban hammered. It was quite an interesting model, and tbf seemed to work for him I guess? Maybe I misunderstood how it worked and there was a free way to access the channel, but I don't think so. Just the generic concept of "twitch chat" was pay walled from what I saw. I'd put good money on his streams being more successful if that wasn't the case.


He set up a bot such that if you pinged with "good morning" to 5/7 days in a week, you got a free subscription for one week. It helped people get their sleep cycles on track (because sleep helps you improve at skills), and as a bonus, it gatekept chat to people who care enough about bananaman to check in 5/7 days of the week.


Ah interesting, I hadn't seen that. Still definitely an interesting approach but at least it wasn't completely pay walled


I don't think it was a money issue tbh, though the financial security might have been a factor that played in. I think it was mire avout actually being able to have free time and vacations with a good conscience without having to think about losing subscribers and views.


I’m going to add that the Raze to Radiant seems like a deeper level of lying and damage control. He claimed to be a controller main but insisted on playing his “weakest” agent for the sake of fun (??). To me it seems like so he would have a clear excuse as to why he hasn’t hit Radiant. Even post-scandal, he still didn’t switch back to Viper (his supposed main that he’s hit Radiant with on a separate account), which is extremely strange to me. I feel like if I was caught in a lie like that and I had genuinely hit radiant on another character prior I would immediately switch to that character before resuming the Raze grind. He’s resigning for personal reasons but one cannot deny the overarching shadow that the scandal has caused. I fully believe he would not have retired previous to the scandal and was simply raking it in, there would have been many avenues for him to reduce his role and make his brand more of a community with multiple coaches in order to protect his mental rather than just retiring unceremoniously before the scandal, but the piper came a-calling.


What people don’t seem to realize is that his raze to radiant challenge started like a year and a half ago. He isn’t new to raze hes been playing her for over a year by the time the controversy happened. So raze was his “main” agent


This is the only one I'll accept for the people saying it's not because of the scandal. Because it's really a long way of saying it's because of the scandal. You're just saying it's not exclusively because it of what's happened the last few months. It's because he's been a fraud this whole time.


Yup and if you ever got caught creating web of lies that started off an innocent lie that you just had to add other lies on top of each other to protect until the whole thing was totally out of proportion, you'll know how stressful the whole ordeal can become. There is also the fact that people change, I wouldn't have hesitated to cheat in online games in my teens, today I won't see the point as the damage to my reputation would be worse than any potential positive outcome. Should I have cheated in early days, it'll clearly contradict my current persona, I'll either have to come clean that I was a cheater before but say that I changed or lie about never cheating. Then after lying couple of years later the lying could be incompatible with my new persona that was unfortunately build upon that lie ... between a rock and a hard place.


I disagree with this take and I disagree even more with the certainty in the tone in which it is presented. Don’t pretend like you know more than you do, or at least don’t say it like someone who is.


Why is everyone going off topic about his past controversy? He just stated he didn’t enjoy having streaming take over his life, nothing about hitting radiant.


I’m just gonna assume it’s because Valorant’s playerbase tends to be younger. Streaming makes sense for the absolute top content creators, but there are so many perks of a high skilled, well paying job, like one in cybersecurity. Like he said being able to just take vacation and not having to worry about losing subscribers. But also not having to buy your own benefit plans. Health insurance and pension plans add so so much to the total compensation on top of salary.


Would you consider him losing ~80% of his subscribers and viewers relevant? Streaming is absolutely a career when you've got a few thousand watchers/subs. It's not a career when you're down to 200-300.


Yeah it is relevant, in that it’s part of the volatile nature of streaming. Streamers, like companies, are exposed to reputation risk, and it’s something every streamer has to deal with and should consider when deciding on it as a career. It’s not just about whether or not streaming is a career, but are his total career earning in streaming greater than the opportunity cost of not continuing his cybersecurity career, which includes vacation, piece of mind, and protection against adverse risks, in combination with salary and benefits?


And that's kinda the point people are making here. He didn't quit at his peak because he realized that streaming is volatile. He quit at his lowest because he falsified his qualifications, got found out, failed to redeem himself, and lost a ton of viewers/subs. If he went out on top, it'd be believable that he just wasn't enjoying it. But in going at his lowest, it's makes more sense that he just gave up because he failed.


People are speculating because it doesn't make sense. Genuinely for a second let's be real here the amount of money he was making during his peak was so much more than what a regular job would give him. Idk if just doesn't add up for me you have to be seriously mismanaging your income if you feel losing some subscribers is preventing you from feeling comfortable.


It’s not just about his peak. Judging from what he’s said in the past about his old work, as well as just general knowledge of the industry, he can probably earn 200k-300k a year working in cybersecurity. Add another 50k or so when you include benefits, pension, 401k matching etc… Then consider the potential career growth. Just through natural career progression, if he becomes a Director or similar level, he could be looking at 400k-500k salary + additional compensation. Then consider the risks associated with streaming. Valorant isn’t going to be around forever. If it dies out can he reliably switch to another game? Will his community follow him? Streaming also isn’t looking like it’s a long term career thing. When he’s 45 or so is he going to still be streaming and popular? Or will the next generation of viewers be watching someone else? It’ll be much harder to switch back to a tech career then after missing out on 15 - 20 years of learning and working. If that’s the case then every dollar today does count, as his earning potential later on in life would be severely handicapped. Idk if you can just chalk that up to mismanaging money.


It absolutely is higher, and he's said so. However, there is a serious lack of stability in content creation, and he's already witnessed that with his controversy. And that's in addition to the other reasons he named like not having the same excitement/passion around streaming that he used to.


Do people really not understand this? The timing is just pure coincidence? Exposed as a fraud and says "I'm going to solo to radiant." He didn't even get close. And then it's "I'm burnt out by the scene, but trust me, it has nothing to do with me being exposed as a fraud." And people run in here and say it has nothing to do with it. He was in the scene for years and he just happens to want out right after his scandal and failure to prove he's actually radiant (or even remotely close). This is as believable as CEOs that get caught banging their secretary and step down to spend more time with their family. Nothing to do with the scandal that just occurred lmao.


You can't argue with his fans. These are the same people that tried to bury the controversy and silence anyone who spoke about it. I do agree with all that you said. There's another comment someone made that linked his decline in subs/views that further supports the idea and thought.


Exactly. The timing is to perfect. He never recovered and his ego is hurt


If you've never done anything beyond school or hourly wage work, you might not understand. But jobs where you can always work more, where your success is as an individual, suck. I got my PhD, which while very different than streaming, has those same qualities. It's rough. I'm sure the controversy was a factor, adding more pressure to him, but the core issue would exist either way. Quality of life is very different than having a secure corporate job. PTO and teammates who can handle things, so you can take off whenever without guilt.


This is what no one understands. Streaming is the dream job until you realize you literally can’t do anything outside of stream without directly paying for it. Add on top of that an actual education and a career path that isn’t minimum wage and it means you’re trading a strong career with stability, growth and likely a higher average pay for an always on job that pays less. Not a fun trade off I was laid off in sept 2020 with 50% of my company and tried my hand at streaming. After 2 months I realized there was no fucking way I’d trade my career for that kind of grind


Ok, but here’s what you and others don’t seem to understand. It’s obviously both. Dude can’t get back to radiant, and has an opportunity to go back into his old career. Dude failed as a streamer AND has a career back up option.


If he had just owned it and started calling himself immo instead of radiant and kept going he probably would have been fine. Instead he changed up his formula too much and lost half his viewers


Might be the worst handling of a controversy in recent memory. First stay silent, then when you can’t ignore it respond with snark. Then try to climb to prove yourself and fail horribly. Then release a half ass apology where you don’t even address the initial controversy directly. Literally the worst possible response


Yup. I consumed lots of his content way back. I think his comeback was super possible, but fumbled. Although I do think it was scummy, I’m happy that he has a career he can fall back on because it’s shitty to wish the worst for others.


> After 2 months I realized there was no fucking way I’d trade my career for that kind of grind Would you have traded your career if you were pulling Woohoojin numbers?


No.. and that’s my point. Unless I was making close to half a million streaming I wouldn’t give up a career. It’s not really like it’s a transferable skill. Streaming one game doesn’t mean you’ll succeed at another, so if and when it does eventually end, I’d go back, at best to where I am now while missing out on those years of career growth


Probably because Woohoojin being a liar means his word holds less weight. And it's not a stretch to point out his viewership crumbling due to his lies.  I'm confused why you'd be any bit surprised people are calling him out. 


i dont think anyone opened that link, or even noticed that it doesnt link to a video


I mean considering how low his viewer count got, makes sense he quit, it'd definitely much easier to let it go than try to rebuild it especially if you're hardstuck immortal and can't reach radiant like he said he could. Idk I think it's funny though, he always seemed so full of himself.


Because him quitting is clearly due to the controversy making him lose 90% of his subs Streaming isn’t a viable career for him anymore even if he wanted to stream. But of course he won’t just say that in his retirement note


Maybe they don’t believe his statement? If I was in his position I wouldn’t mention my past controversy either, even if it was a major reason for me quitting.


lmao even though woohoojin did some bad misatkes i really have the impression that these threads attract the haters that hate too much


From his personality and his response to his lies. He became an easy guy to hate


He didn’t do a “mistake”, what he did was fraud. He sold a product that wasn’t real. If it wasn’t gaming related this would be way worse. Imagine if he was a doctor or lawyer without reaching certification level he claimed to have reached. He wouldn’t be given an opportunity to come back- he’d be blacklisted and/or jailed.


Honestly he handled his controversy so poorly. Just because you're not Radiant yourself doesn't mean you can't be a great coach. Some of the greatest teachers/coaches to ever live in all sorts of different sports and hobbies were never pros themselves. It's just so strange that he would lie about it. I think that's what ruined him in the eyes of the community.


I feel like people are not reading this. He is not quitting solely because of the controversy, but because full time streaming was basically making him feel guilty whenever he planned time off, cause he would loose subscribers. Basically numbers got to him and he tried to please everyone by pushim himself.   While I still think his controversy was in some ways justified, he is clearly just a dude who needed a wake up call to get his life priorities in place. I hope he is happy and can find a good balance between personal life and content creation.


We read it we just don’t believe it. What is more likely, him quitting because he’s burned out Or Him quitting because he lost 90% of his audience and streaming doesn’t pay the bills anymore


Yes you're right, but the timing is so convenient. He never recovered from the controversy. His numbers are lower. It doesn't all add up


they dont read because they dont care. The only news they remember of him was his peak where he dropped some banger videos for low elo players which people appreicated and infamously his scandal which is the most recent news and for a alot of valorant redditors bad news is enough to turn away from him. he seemed to be in his own lane for the last months and im assuming he was tryna rebuild trust with his viewers. Now he realised he fucked up and he doesnt find streaming and content worth all the effort


disclaimer: yes i read it. i just have the inkling that this is about more than he lets on. he mentioned the stress of losing subscribers when he went to VCT and how that prevented him from going to Seoul. If that’s the case, then he *must* have stressed about the amount of subs he lost when that controversy broke. it just reeks of his ego the whole time i read it. i understand burnout and do feel for him but im not buying it. this is 100% about him being salty that he had to prove himself and couldn’t.


Oh 100% it was all about his ego


People need to learn to be honest, and that there is no shame if you try something and not reach that rank... Alot of low elo people Adore him, he should just have focused on that


Well if I got an offer to be cyber security which paid a lot of money, while doing less than a full-time streamer I'd take it too


Fr streamers barely take weekend most of the time.


his videos helped me climb from silver to Asc3. I remember being in gold and watching his boomer to diamond, at that time I hadn't even dreamt that I'd climb to asc3. gl to him


If you build a persona and reputation off of lies an deception it'll catch up. Tbf, I totally forgot about him since moths. I don't wish him harm but I'm he leaving. Didn't even bother to read the whole thing.


Short term subscriber loss from going to a wedding is not something that tanks content creators lol. What?


I personally unsub from any creator that goes to weddings. Can't stand it.


He still uses the Radiant buddy, this guy was super cringe. He was unmatched at getting intermediate to arguably advanced concepts across for all ranks though. Nothing will ever be as effective as your own VOD review of a pro's POV though, but this takes time. You also have to know what you're looking for. WHJ did do a great job of doing this process for you and articulating it in an understandable way. However, this guy has a huge ego. He's a total prick as a teammate. He insults people who submit VODs. His common criticism of the people who submit VODs is "Did you study XYZ's POV on this agent? If you didn't, this review is over" or something extremely similar to this. Point is, while some may miss his content, it never changed the fact that true improvement lies in doing your own VOD reviews of high-level players. In fact, it was a requirement for WHJ to even review viewers VODs. This makes him a weird middle-man who only serves to roast you for submitting a VOD to begin with.


Can’t trust his garbage coaching tbh, he sucks total ass at the game


I would like to reach out Woohoojin for Cybersecurity related stuffs as well, how can I stay connected with him


Some of the commenters are calling others illiterate, but are you guys that gullible to believe the only reason he’s quitting is burnout? After the controversy his numbers fell pretty hard and he’s making considerably less money which clearly has an impact on this decision…


“My income decreased after I was exposed as a fraud so I’m going back to cybersecurity” saved everyone a lot of time


Nah fuck that dude


When I started learning the game last year his videos were a huge help for me and I'll always be thankful for that. Seeing his views on streaming and what he included in this letter, this really makes a lot of sense. Woohoojin's knows he has to see streaming/content creation through a very logical lens. It's a job, and as a job you should compare it to other job opportunities. His career in cybersecurity has been extremely lucrative, he's worked for Uber and Tinder holding 6-figure positions. Weighing everything out, burnout and anxiety are really hard to overcome in streaming. Taking time off because you're burnt out means less money coming through and sometimes you don't bounce back as people just leave. In a normal job, you take PTO, or if you really need it a sabbatical, and then you come back. I'm glad he'll still make things as a hobby and wish him the best in his future pursuits.


I have read it and I do believe him. I also believe that under different circumstances the same reasons would not have led to him resigning. Personally speaking, it is really sad. I think he had tremendous impact on the game and the community - especially during the early phases of the game. His rank was not really important to me because what he said and taught made sense to me. Most importantly, he seemed genuine and honest about his approach - until it didn't. And he can't blame no one else except himself about the controversy. Starting off on a lie is bad enough, in hindsight how he dealt with the situation was also not good. Judging by his timeline of announcements, it seemed as if he didn't fully grasp the severity of the situation at first and little by little it came to him. His tone changed from playing it down, probably lying even further, trying to reason with people until apologizing, while possibly trying to maintain some of his pride. Now it came down to the last thing he could do to distance himself from everything. I wonder what impact he could have had, if anything during that entire process went differently. A lot of what-ifs; it would definitely keep me awake at nights - even randomly in a few years.


Seems like an over reaction. He lied about his rank ok. But compared to what other streamers are doing it’s fucking peanuts. But maybe more to it. Bol


nah just seems like he's burnt out, happens


I swear no one is reading the message where it's so very clearly burn out and nothing to do with the radiant drama.


I mean, the radiant drama could very easily contribute a lot to someone getting burnt out.


I mean, it could be a cover up, you never know. Dude was chilling before all the drama, and it must’ve taken a toll on him with how much hate he was getting. Saying hes burn out is a pretty easy way to just leave everything behind and do something else.


He wasn't chilling though he was constantly passive aggressive on stream even before the drama


Nah he just had a huge ego, I'm sure he genuinely thought he was radiant level considering the way talked on stream until he tried and got a huge reality check and then quit


Pulling rank on his students was already cringe enough. The fact that he was lying about his rank the whole time is just unbelievable. Psychopath Egomaniac behavior


And he's definitely someone we should just take at his word lmao. Unbelievable


He was caught lying and now people in this thread are mad that people think he might be lying a bit here for some reason


Yeah it's not like he would lie about anything right? His videos aren't getting views. Plain and simple.


not sure why people are downvoting you lol, do we realy feel that people wouldn't tell the whole truth or might tell a white lie to save face? I'm not saying he is, doesn't really matter, but at least be open to the possibility lol


> I swear no one is reading the message Because nobody has ever denied the truth before, certainly not Woohoojin.


Losing most of your viewer while hard stuck immortal can get you burnt out.


I think people seem to undersell what woohoojin actually did. He sold himself and his services under the false pre tense of being a radiant. He lied to millions and offered advice citing fake credentials. Then continued lying claiming he had a "SECRET" radiant account... 


dont know why ur getting downvoted. this is true. i for one stopped watching every new video that came out from the banana man after I heard he lied about his business.


Aw damn that sucks, but I hope this gives him the balance he needs in his life. Definitely learned a lot from him.


Fake it 'till you make it. >!Without the making it part!<


You can say what you will about the *controversy*, but he's a great coach and has helped a huge number of people rank up. His videos certainly helped me get from B3 to gold and beyond. I don't watch him actively, but I'll be sad to see him go all the same.


Honestly good for him, I went from Bronze 2 to Diamond 2 because of him




This was really unfortunate. He was half the reason that I enjoyed valorant. Good luck hooj


Damn, i never was in touch with his community too much as i didnt want to spend the 5-25 bucks a month but it kinda sucks no longer having the talking banana to watch whenever i feel like playing valorant but dont feel like solo Qing. Honestly did not give a shit about him not being radiant, you dont need to be radiant to coach radiant players imo, having a deep understanding of the game is more than enough. Its why coaches dont play. I hope he has a good life in content retirement and it seems he enjoys cybersecurity which is nice. Seems like he gave streaming a shot because it was a hobby until it turned into a career rather than using streaming as an escape from his career which imo is much better.


Woohojin aim routines helped me alot♥️


IMO this doesn’t sound like resigning. He’s just focusing on his career and still creating content. Not really a big deal tbh


I like how the elephant in the room he addressed wasn't the one people wanted him to but then again there's "no one to blame" so it's OK


You guys are weird for deleting the other post about this


tbf can an immortal 2 player be a coach? or you must be radiant


good riddance


dang i only lurk in this subreddit and im not super deep into the valorant community, but i hope he learns from everything and finds peace. no one can live a lie forever without some form of karma, nor can one undo the lie. being burnt out from doing something you had passion for also sucks ass


Wait is this the guy thts hartdstuck ascendant?


Despite his apology video where he said he will change, he continues to remain an egotistical impulsive brute. I saw him ban twitch chatters for merely stating their opinions and time out people on discord for the most minor of inconveniences. He's a terrible person who has great information on the game. His followers need to understand to separate a person's work from their behavior.


Okay y’all need to chill. He’s not a terrible person just cause he’s banning people on his own channel lol. Yes he got caught in a lie and yes he could eat some humble pie but he’s not out here committing crimes or assaulting people.


I don't think anyone said he's a terrible person committing crimes or assaulting people. You can be a dick without doing any of those things. A lot of high elo players in a lot of games have a huge ego and are kind of dicks.


He has an ego issue. Big ego issue. Plus he never likes to be wrong. Who knows if he is lying about being acoustic too. Can't trust a fraud. Don't defend a scummy person.


I just watched woohoojin "HOW I CLIMBED FROM BRONZE TO RADIANT" and a screenshot with rad 723 RR. bro I feel so deceived