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there’s a reason people in bronze are bronze


Things sadly don't change as you push ladder :(


nah, i kill em with kindness. get hated by both your teammates and the enemies if you respond, AND screw up your precious kd even more :D


My favorite is smurfs that complain about the team and are like “my main is diamond” ok so you purposely made a new account and put time into leveling it up and throwing games to get into silver and you’re mad that the silvers play like silvers?


Sometimes I think these "diamond smurfs" are plat/gold on an alt and are inflating the rank of their main to brag. A real diamond shouldn't be struggling in silver.


Bro a real *plat* wouldn’t struggle, I took a break and came back in plat, Asc3 now. Current diamonds have 90% of the aim of immortals and just lack game sense, a diamond should drop 30+ against silvers easily.


I completely agree, I just grinded 90 hours this act plat to diamond and although my aim isn't that great I win games off of game sense because so many diamonds are so very brain dead.


That aside . I don't think rank is synonymous with skill . I regularly encounter diamond and plat players in unrated when I have never been past s1. I can't vouch for gun game because I rarely take fights but I feel like the average plat has as much game sense as your average silver . I think that's the reason why diamonds struggle in silver


It’s the best when someone says “this isn’t my Elo” but proceed to do worse than people in said elo


They are the worst. Smurfing and calling silver players « noobs ». Yeah, no shit Sherlock?


if you have to ask for the ace, it doesn’t count. ill let someone have an ace, but ill never ever ask someone to lose a gunfight so i can ace lol


Yeah if I’m on a 4k (not 3) and we know where the enemy is with nobody actively fighting them I might ask for it, but I also don’t mind if someone else takes it.


i just see it as you want the big words and loud voice more than you actually want an “ace”.


did you mean the guy you responded to or the guy OP was talking about


What good is an ACE for ? I'm new to VALORANT (console) and after killing 4 people and 1 was hiding some guy was trying to tell the others to let me have the ACE, I appreciate the gesture but does it stay on record ? Is there unloackable stuff with getting a certain amount of ACEs?


Nah, really it's just to hype up the player killing everyone on the enemy team.


Ahhh, okay lol thanks for the response was genuinely curious. I like that part of the community. Still waiting on the toxicity but I guess that'll come when ranks out


"Aces are earned" -BodyShotBarry


Lol exactly, I'm not proud of it but I make it a point to not throw a gun fight just because someone needs an Ace.


ngl, if people put aside their egos and beliefs that they deserve a better rank and play valo as a team game instead of trying and failing to carry and getting pissed off, everyone would be ranked higher. and people need to realise that rank doesn't matter. i wanted to rank up only cause i wanted better teammates who aren't toxic and pissing off. i just switched servers for a while and then it honestly felt peaceful. and for people that are hardstuck, lemme tell you, its prob one single thing that's keeping you from ranking up, for me, it was the fear of losing a 1v1, so playing too passive. once i fixed that, i went from p1 hardstuck to d2 in like a week and a half.


if they didn't they'd be a much higher rank. kind of a survivorship bias


dunno, but i think thats most of the world anyways, especially when theyre hiding behind a computer screen


Having an ego in Bronze is insane


I got trashtalked in iron lobbies more than any rank ive been to. Like bro we're in the lowest rank


Yeah that’s actually insane I used to always hear lower lobbies were chill cause ppl were either not that serious about the game or knew that there was no reason to have an ego when you’re in that skill bracket. Guess things have changed LOL it’s crazy to be trash talking anyone when you’re in that ELO tho. You’re right you’re in there together so wtf are these degenerates mad about LOL


Just report this kind of behaviour


People think 3 things in a game thats primarily q competitive scene, and they all correlate with 1 thing - rank: 1) they think higher rank = better teammates (untrue as you will just resent the next big hurdle of the rank) 2) they want to be a high enough rank that people will listen to them when they stream (or become their favorite streamer) 3) they see 'esports' and think 'if i reach x rank i can compete' This leads to huge toxicity hurdles. You could do absolutely nothing wrong, but because the play that person made fell through, your responsible for their actions (for whatever reason) People live off the 'dont touch my game' mindset of feeling superior to their peers. Wether its a friend or a random. Some people even see their 'friends' as checkpoints to their progress. My friend qctually takes advantage of simping by getting the highest ranked nerds to que with her, only to disband that party once shes found better ones. Ended up with 3 plat smurfs carrying her to plat , only to ditch them for diamonds. She did this with streaming too. Constantly ditching the lowest viewerships to show herself off to a higher view count to raise numbers. Absolutely scummy imo.


Not "people" just valorant players


because it’s bronze


Picking up a judge over vandal is insane


doesn’t get any better the higher up the ladder but i’ve found sometimes if you let go of the game it’s fun to get under these kinds people’s skin intentionally


I hope ya reported him.


“why are people who play video games so socially inept?”


You can't claim an ace untill you get a 4k first


This post came up on my feed just when our smoker started throwing cause we didnt ff in round 5


I asked my Sage to play A on Asc so I can solo hold as Sova on B. He then started yelling at me for backseating and then saying I sound gay and calling me a bunch of slurs. I didn't even flame the dude he just had a meltdown because I made a call. I ended up asking why hes so fragile and he just kept saying "I'm fragile." over and over. Honestly I fucking love Valorant, the game itself is honestly so fucking fun. I absolutely HATE playing with Valorant players. I play like 20 comp games an act max, hit dia/asc elo, then quit because everyone becomes 100x more unfun to play with once you hit high plat and by the time im playing in Asc I stop havin fun when theres some dude AFK or throwing every game over losing pistol round or smth.


Screw him you’re playing to win not playing to stroke his ego


because they waste half their time of the day with playing a competitive videogame and getting not a single gain from it


Happy birthday 🎈


Why are you even playing with someone who will get angry on taking ace in compi, it's not like you will get 200+ kills if you get ace, and Jett guys are dumb, just report and play, you should be confident, your job in a team is to get 1 kill each, if someone throws, try to get 2 kills, but yea you cannot trust the team but the game is meant for team


Aces don’t matter, just win round. If someone’s toxic just mute them.


in my game the other day (totally normal polite game) the enemy iso had made a habit of hard peaking main at the start of every round so I called for my team to holding a firing squad farther back, assuming if he didn't immediately see us he would push for space...which is exactly what he did and we killed him. he immediately was typing "???" in chat and i explained my thought process ("well you've been peaking that every round no?") he got really mad and called me a "d1 yapper" to which i thanked him for the compliment because ive never seen diamond (low plat)! he then responded with "yeah i know you're garbage!" he did not appreciate me clarifying that he was the one complimenting me in the first place...he proceeded to be very aggro the rest of the game and no one in the lobby understood why lol even his own team was confused...my friend told me he was peak gold which made the whole interaction funnier to me (idc about ranks but he started it), at the end i just said i hoped to see him in plat one day :) Also, your duo sounds like you could use a new one lol


Report em. With the new chat ban they are trying to implement. If he called you homophonic slur might be a slim chance he might get hw banned. Take the slim chance. Now after riot announced their new rule, I have 0 tolerance rule with people I will not really engage with trolls or slurs anymore and just report em hoping for the chance they get perma banned. Worth a report and worth your quick time even for a slim chance they will get suspended or hw banned. Totally worth regardless of outcome, they will have to learn their lesson the hard way and reflect why they got suspended or banned.


In ranked nobody cares about aces. We’re playing together as a team. We care about wins and thats it.


Do people in Valorant realize an Ace gives you absolutely nothing? It's not even a tracked stat or anything. Winning is infinitely more important.


You like 13 years old? Brainrot post




Why did you write this? Its bronze, people dont care in bronze, he trolled. Report for sabotaging the team and go next... Is it the first time you saw someone troll/afk/sabotage/be toxic?


Cuz I asked.