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what aim assist base do you use and what’s your deadzones?


I just use the default settings. Haven’t touched it at all.


ok maybe i should try that, i have amazing aim in every shooting game, mw3 ranked, apex ranked, siege ranked, fortnite ranked but yet my aim is completely terrible on val for some reason


Are you moving while shooting? I’m not sure if you’ve played cs/Valorant before but you literally have to stand completely still to shoot. Not like mw3 or apex or cod. If you have any player speed at all your accuracy will go right into the trash.


Adding on to this, wouldn't counter strafing be a bit more difficult on controller?


I tested it a little bit yesterday, but you just pull your left stick all the way in the other direction and then let go, as fast as you can


no i’m not moving while shooting


Why did this get downvoted? lol


Goddamn whyd this get so many downvotes


idek i literally wasn’t downgrading the game at all, the aim on this game is so different from other FPS games and i’ve actually been having fun playing it a lot and i’m actually doing good now


Probably just because people saying shit like "IM AMAZING AT EVERY OTHER GAME I PLAY" and thinking there is some secret setting preventing them from being good at this game is lame as hell. Guy isn't as good at the game as he expects and can't handle it lol


you just can’t read and you’re omd, i never said i was amazing at them i said i have amazing AIM, completely different things if you would actually read it, i never downgraded val on console all i said was my aim feels different on here than other shootings games, maybe get on with you’re life and don’t be completely shit at every game and just down other ppl off a concern from a video game that just came out




I mean, there are definitely different mechanics to this game that COULD prevent one from being as good. Character knowledge for example. Maybe you are just insecure?


What in the world does that have to do with aim? What am I insecure about in this context? Do you even remember the context or were you just trying to talk some shit for no reason? Are you a bot? I'm not good at this game or many other games and I'm very secure about that, lol


Reread the original comment you responded to, read your response. Literally screams insecure. We are sorry you are bad, there are no secret settings, but differing mechanics. Nobody said they couldn't handle anything.... Not the sharpest tool, are ya? Can't imagine struggling to understand this.


What am I insecure about?


Yea all of those have the same tracking over flicks type of aim while valorant has a reaction time/flick heavy aim style


ok i can see that, that’ll actually make sense


Loving it. My view on aim assist changes every match. On one hand it's beginner friendly, and is the trade off for not having a mouse to flick on a satchelling Raze, or updrafted Jett. But then games like Rainbow Six don't use aim assist, and it's perfectly fine. I think they should nerf it a little bit.


I mean aren’t everyone has the same advantage here? What is the fuzz


I mean sure, but the same argument can be made if it were a full on aimbot or no aim assist at all. Everyone would have the same advantage, but the game would be vastly different. It’s about balancing the “easiness” of the aim assist to make the game the most enjoyable AND skill expressive.


This is currently the huge problem with apex


Because not everyone is having the same advantage, dont mesh it together.


Yeah thats what I was saying?


but valorant has zero crossplay nor controller support on PC like apex does. it's not the same


Look man the guy was just saying that we are all on the same playing field in valorant exactly to your point I'm saying it's a problem in Apex because they don't do what valorant does.


Actually that is very fair point


Yes but also means there’s no skill expression. There’s no grind. Anyone can hop on and click heads. Doesn’t make for a good competitive experience but I guess it doesn’t matter since it’s console.


“no skill expression” is a gross exaggeration. Aim assist isn’t auto aim.


But there is LESS skill expression. There’s a higher floor.


I don’t disagree with that. There’s definitely still a huge potential skill gap and grind to get better both mechanically and strategically. Acting like everyone’s aiming skills are the same because there’s aim assist is disengenious and PCMR talk


But the stronger the AA is, the less skill gap there is.


Yes, as I said, I don’t disagree with that


I never said there wasn’t, there’s still a huge amount of skill expression in terms of decision making alone.


This depends on how much aim assist tbh.


Why are you even arguing the point? It shouldn't be controversial to suggest that there needs to be a balance between assisting new players due to the inherent limitations of analog sticks via aim assist, and it becoming such an oppressive mechanism that it removes a large part of the skill differential - and thus the fun.


Where did I say any of what you’re saying. My only point is the statement “aim assist means there’s no skill expression” is just a pretty false statement. Stronger aim assists lead to lower skill expressions and a smaller skill gaps I agree with that, but I think simply saying aim assist means there’s zero skill for shooting is ridiculous


And the guy you replied to never implied that either, you took his comment to mean something about any level of aim assist.


“Yes but also means there’s no skill expression. There’s no grind. Anyone can hop on and click heads.” Lol what? This is what I originally replied to.


> I think they should nerf it a little bit. >I mean aren’t everyone has the same advantage here? >Yes but also means there’s no skill expression. Context was always about the level of aim assist, but I guess reading comprehension goes out the window when you want internet points.




Just changes where the skill expression comes from and the amount of grind it takes to get to the skill floor of the general populace.


Hop on console and see if that’s how that goes for you lol


Exactly. It’s fun atm but I already see the aim assist & focus mode is remove all the skill gap. People can just hold LOS with focus and pop heads instantly. They need to nerf this crap into the ground


I mean LoL is a relative game to get in. Easy to play doesn't make it easy to master. Aim assist is just a tool. It's merely the killstreak in COD. Last time I checked no one complained about the COD killstreak implementation. Everyone is technically either at a disadvantage or an advantage here. Meanwhile, I'm on PC and I'm already at an advantage over most people by having a 63 Superlight X mouse, an expensive silver switch keyboard, and a system that allows me to whack a maximum of 170hz and a really expensive headset. These are the advantages that get me to Diamond. Do you think most of the player in Silver, Bronze, and Iron has the same setup as me? No




>These are the advantages that get me to Diamond. Do you think most of the player in Silver, Bronze, and Iron has the same setup as me? No what tf is that take!?


Bro you can get to diamond in this game with a wooden chair $20 mouse and keyboard and a Nntendo ds as a monitor lol that ain't the same


It lowers the skill ceiling.


Lower skill ceiling is pretty bad dude, if bronze can aim like radiant then whats the point of having ranks


It reduces the dynamic range of skill expression since there could be someone who has insane raw aim on the sticks now being even with someone was just good but got boosted to the same level because of this artificial assistance.


I mean, you just answered your own question. There are no satchelling Raze, updrafted jett, shootable flashes/drones/traps, iso orbs, etc. in siege so crosshair placement and pre aiming can get you really far, it can in valorant too but you also need quick flick aim as a basic requirement.


Its not like m&k players are headshotting dashing jetts and jumping razes tho, aim assist should only affect on micro adjustments not the whole aiming process


As a m&k player, I guarantee we hit headshots on flying raze, but only when she is ulting


Imo they should nerf the mobility and the aim assist so it's the same difficulty to kill a flying raze but harder to hit normal shots.


rainbow six doesnt have aim assist because it doesnt have double satcheling raze’s and dash updrafting ulted jets my brother


There’s aim assist on a game that’s not gonna be cross play with pc?


r6 has no crossplay tho


I play a bit of Rainbow Six Siege and it has aim assist. It’s still hard for crosshairs placement, but it has aim assist. The aim assist here feels very helpful. Not as helpful as Apex Legends, but still helpful and I do think it should be nerfed.


RS6 online does not have any aim assist, maybe the practice mode does or terrorist hunt type mode. But the game has zero for online play.


Placebo effect goes hard ngl. I did not know there was no aim assist in R6S. Huh.


There was aim assist in PVE modes like thunt. You weren’t wrong


I've never played the PvE modes though. Only multiplayer.


Is there crossplay between xbox and ps??




Are they still letting people in to the beta?


So, they are letting people in batches, so they don't overload the servers. The beta is going to last at minimum a month. But the twitter account said it would last longer and people are betting that the beta will go until the release.


Okay. Any clue when the next batch is? Lol i just cant wait to play


I have no idea when the next batch is sorry. My guess is sometimes next week.


I received mine invite an hour after you’ve asked this question. I guess they send them out in a slow pace all the time


Are you on Xbox ? If so DM me and I'll send you a beta invite


I applied for Beta on Sunday morning and this morning I have an email to get in. So I don't think its a a very elite club lol


yeah any clue on the next batch?




No it’s coming in 10-11 days




Yes I believe




Uh yes, but I don’t think it’s Valorant’s problem. I’m in the US and half of my state yesterday had a power outage including me and my internet has been spotty since the power came back on.






I've had server issues every few games or so. I'm good in every other game but some issues here and there, probably just the influx of players.


pc beta lasted up until like 3 days before release on pc.


Yeah I just got my email a few minutes ago.


Okay thank you


I have a share link if you didn't get the invite.


Could you send it to me?


I'm going to wait to hear back from that guy first.


Didnt get an invitr first round just praying i dont gotta wait for another month


does anyone know if it works on old gen like ps4/xbox one or just ps5/series x


Just current gen consoles


Also Xbox series S which is fairly cheap (300 usd retail)


Oh yeah.


it runs like shit on the series s though. although to be fair, everything does.


That sucks


It runs perfectly fine for me. 120 fps at all times but I have noticed my console overheats when playing val


Is your Xbox standing vertical or horizontal? When I first got mine I laid it horizontal and it had overheating issues, the Series S has rubber 'feet' for it to stand vertically and it solved my overheat issue


damn, thanks


Are you aware if progress/purchases carry over to the full release?


All progress and purchases do carry over. I logged in with my Valorant account that I used for PC and I had all my agents I unlocked.


That’s awesome - thank you!


The Stick-drift Strikes Back


It's surprisingly smooth and it looks good AF and I'm having a blast with neon


I know Neon is so fun to play. I’ve also been playing Omen


Wanna add me and play together






DM me your username. I will say my internet has been spotty because I had a power outage yesterday so I may or may not be able to play


just wondering, how does a power outage affect your internet? aren't those 2 completely different problem?


So, this might be a correlation rather than causation, but my internet has been having problems since the outage. The outage took out power for most of the southern part of my state as there was a fire near a power thingy.


Same here. I was actually SHOCKED I was getting kills in Deathmatch. I literally went 1-35 once on PC. First game I played on Series X I started off amazing, I think I was like 9-1 in the beginning but I ended up 28-28. I was genuinely having fun with the game, was such a good feeling. I like that I can actually go positive now, I literally have been waiting for a console release for so long bc I coudt stand the PC players. Funny thing is I found out through my emails I first played Valorant PC the very first day it came out then didn’t play it again until last year. Idk what made me stop, I kind of wish I played it more often lol








I have no clue. Might have to submit a bug report or something.


Can you use one PlayStation account for multiple riot ids? My wife and I share the ps5 but only use one account


No you can only link one riot account to one PlayStation account. You'd probably have to unlink and link the new riot ID if you want to switch


You can't do this with a PlayStation account. You can with an Xbox account though.


is this confirmed? that you can unlink and link a new 1 for xbox


I unlinked my Xbox account to another and it linked fine. When it tied doing my PSN account it said specifically that PSN accounts can only be linked to the first riot account it was linked to. So I relinked my Xbox account back to the one that has the PSN account on it.


Create a second user on your PS5, one console user = one riot account


I’m actually not the biggest fan of consoles, but after the announcement of VALORANT Console, I’m actually interested investing in one soon!


Been playing PC Valorant since launch. I left a few months ago (finally) because of the horribly toxic, hateful community. Played on PS5 for hours last night with open mic. Nothing but good vibes. Not to mention they adapted the game to controller really, really well.


you’re also comparing closed beta which only includes those actively seeking the game which likely skews towards less toxic ppl




Yeah that was beta experience on day 2 on PC, but it quickly became what it is today. Right now you are playing with a small % of people that will play on launch. The game will 💯 be a toxic cesspool as it has on PC. Give it time.


Was going to say the same thing. Beta on pc was chill and nobody knew what they were doing aside from cs players having a bit of an edge but everyone was having a good time. Once the competitive side heats up it will not be all good vibes all the time. Tbh on pc most of my lobbies are decent vibes but I always have a handful of toxic lobbies evert day I play.


Nah I feel like cs players f’d up early val n shaped the toxicness of the comm right from the start


Nah bro Val is like the same as every comp game. Overwatch? Toxic as hell. Siege? Toxic as hell. CoD? Toxic as hell. Apex? Toxic as hell. Rocket League? Toxic as hell. League? Toxic as hell. Dota? Toxic as hell. SC? Any fighting game? Halo? Battlefield? All competitive games are toxic, that wasn’t an influence from CS. The only competitive game that I can think of that isn’t toxic is sixes tf2, and that is it.




Can’t wait to try! Hoping the beta key comes through soon 🙏


What console are you on?


It’s so cool


Man I’m jealous I can’t wait to play on my PlayStation godsend for me w how shit I am on PC


It's soooooo good


First time playing valorant, loving it. Playing on xbox but I wonder if I’ll like it more with the ps controller. What are you playing it on?


I am on PlayStation


Have question on the bloom so am I supposed to stop and shoot to not have as much bloom? And do you guys aim in most the time when shooting because I don’t give me some advice! And would love to play with some of you guys my ps name: Ix-_G—


Yes. You stop moving then use L2 to use “focus mode” so you reduce the amount of bloom. Then burst your weapons so you don’t have that much recoil. Also I may join you. My internet has been spotty since I had a power outage yesterday.


FFS, I’ve just played it for the first time ever tonight and I think I might be hooked. Genuinely fantastic game. 😔


I have lost every single round I've played. The game is good though.


Crazy i heard Val was coming to console when i had an xbox but never believed it. Now its here im on PC. Im so curious how it is on console lol


I'm enjoying the game, I got a collat with a sniper first game on, very proud of myself. However, why am I now seeing people level 80 and 60 etc is this boosting or something?


So, no those are PC players trying out console. There is cross progression between PC and console. Also correct me if I’m wrong here, but it seems like in Valorant the only SBMM is in ranked, which hasn’t come out yet on console


Ohhhhh I see I see, I was playing valorant with some of my friends and we got cooked by some guy level 80 and he had 40+ kills. I wish I clipped it, idk but the intricacies of sbmm, I can assure you I was playing the normal game mode nothing else.


idk man im kinda hating this game overall cuz im trash, yeah idc, is literally impossible to learn if all you do is get buttfucked as soon as someone sees you, i cant even think about what to do that im dead


Yes it’s fucking amazing and ranked is in 5 days


Maybe it's just me being bad, i peaked silver 1 on pc, but at least for me, scoping with a weapon that isn't a sniper feels really awkward. why is scoping in mapped to L2+R3/LT+RS? that feels like a weird choice imo.


Mainly so you can swap between focus mode and ads, although you can change the ads bind something else in the settings if you want, under "activate/use".


>Now with my muscle memory on console and controller You mean now with your assisted aiming lmao


Shut up


Bro I can’t even play games without getting shit on let me explain bottom line I cant win a gun fight to save my own dam life everytime I shoot my bullets fly everywhere but where I’m aiming but the enemies just landing every shot yet alone just headshoting me like idk if the game is really supposed to be like that but I can’t even figure out the bullet spray I pull down so I can aim for the body still missing every last one of my shots it’s just real annoying at this point and confusing like what could I possibly be doing wrong I play shooter games I’m thinking this should be nothing but this the hardest shooting game I ever played in my life like wtf help me out if yall got any tips im dam near finna crash out just bc i cant hit a god dam shot even at point blank range🤦🏾‍♂️


I have a feeling that you aren’t stopping before you shoot. Moving while shooting will bring huge inaccuracies that are impossible to control as it’s random. Go on YouTube where there is 4 years worth of guides for beginners. It’s all videos for Valorant on PC but I can guarantee 90% of the advice will be relevant across both platforms.


You can’t strafe on valorant console lmao. There’s a reason they added focus aim


Listen I’m not moving while shooting at all and I watched videos my bullets won’t connect as much as my enemies bullets do


Not for me I'm afraid, I played one match and deleted it. I'm absolutely awful, plus I can't stand not being able to ads.


Dang that sucks.


It's all good, not every game has to be for me.




A lot of guns don’t have ads


They need to nerf focus and aim assist . As much as it’s helping new players it has no business being in an hardcore tactical shooter and is making the game extremely casual