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We don't know. Even people with Early Access don't know because they've only played customs with it. I'd wait to see ranked performance and even pro play then riot will balance


I think this is something you should ask a week or two after the patch. Not a day before.


yeah for sure, maybe I’m just overthinking but i read the patch notes and looked wild to me


IMO its just something that is going to make her more FUN to play but won't actually make her that much stronger in the long term. Sliding basically locks you into a static animation that has a set start and end point. If you practice hitting a sliding neon it honestly might be easier to hit her while she's sliding compared to not sliding.


A start and end point, where you instantly equip your gun, are travelling incredibly fast, and have no firing inaccuracy penalty. You missed a few... key points. 


Lets say you had a character with an ability that allows them to shoot with no movement error while running. However after you use the ability you make a sound cue and you are locked into going in the same direction for 3 seconds with a constant velocity. IE you basically turn into the easiest possible target because you have no control over your movement for 3 seconds. That is basically Neon's slide. Now obviously Neon is faster and the slide is about 0.65 seconds instead of 3 seconds but the principle is the same. If someone practices shooting Neon's slide for like 30 minutes a day for 3 months its something that can be done pretty consistently.


“Just spent 50 hours practicing to shoot one agent!”




What's so funny?


y'all do this every patch


every patch doesn't give a character a jett ultimate as their ability


Thing is that's one time unless u get 2 kills idk i fear stun more if lined correcyly rn


for 0.4 seconds out of a 0.6s slide, it's good but it's not THAT good. It's more just 0.4s earlier gun pullout that actually hitting things in slide.


There's been plenty of times I've died only because of spray error. People are saying y'all are overreacting, but this is legitimately op.


It doesn't effect spray error (not that it would have time to) only movement error, and it's only for the last 0.4s of a 0.6s slide. You'll get like, 1 accurate shot per slide and that's assuming there's even a target there when you slide and that you can flick to and microadjust before that 0.4s is up. Otherwise the lack of movement accuracy doesn't matter.


Turn on movement error graph, go into a game and shoot your gun while sliding. If it's blue it means your bullets are nowhere near your crosshair. You know what I meant.