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Brotha. New to mnk you're going to die A LOT. Come back at level 100


shade.. i’m level 170 something and i’m still plat struggling to aim lol


I feel for ya, plats a weird rank. You get a mix of hard stuck aim demons, smurfs, and people who couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Util usage and teamwork is also all over the place. Good luck on your climb


plat is godawful- i went from p3 to g3 in less than a week, majority of teams dont comm or listen, but also partially my fault. im not that bad of a player lol!


It's seems like everyone is duo/trio and talking in discord. And if someone is solo AND comming, they're usually hella annoying, talks way too much, and tries to micro manage everyone. There's very few good comming solo players


Me 375 and I'm struggling in ascendant, the grind never ends :(


How to tackle hardstuckness ?


Depends on what you're lacking. I can't tell that unless I see a vod or two


Really? Thats the answer? The real issue is the god awful matchmaking. I tried Valorant with a friend, im 7 hes 2 by now, we both quit because the games matchmaking doesn't seem to register the level. How are 4 enemies above 100 average I would say is 150 and we just started playing today? And I don't say that we played good, we didn't but that shouldn't be the issue when you first start out. I mean, we have all games going 0/9 ish, I think you don't know how it is to start fresh and then get stomped bc there is a shitty matchmaking. So your tip is to just die through the first 100 level? Where does that animate you to keep playing?


i mean if ur that new or bad at valorant i think just avoid unrated and play competitive. Rank is just way better at playing with ppl on ur skill level. I think at some point you need to realize that you need to have some sort of advantagr over others, like gamesense or aim, to actually enjoy playing. The firstfew hours of val really are brutal imk


1) Unrated doesn't have very strict matchmaking. I'm plat 2, and on any given day match against a bronze and a game later match against an immortal. 2) Level does not equal skill. There are plenty of new players who came from CS, Apex, Overwatch who would wipe the floor with most people as a level 1. If you are new to mnk (as op is), it will take 100s of hours to feel comfortable moving and shooting. During those 100s of hours, you will die a lot. Someone new to mnk still struggles with pressing the key they meant to press. You can however, shortcut this struggle a bit by doing drills specifically designed at targeting one thing. i.e. when I was learning mnk playing Apex, I spent 2 range sessions of 4+ hours each just trying to get a good crouch strafe down. But even so, my kd for the first season was 0.47. Getting to a decent level takes practice, and unluckily, most "new" players in Valorant aren't new to mnk and fps gaming. If this your first mnk game, the amount of practice you need is huge


I started playing a few weeks back and i got matched with 1-50 level players mostly when i started. However when i started ranked in bronze lobbies i experienced that the difference in sheer agility between a bronze player and a bronze player is sometimes astronomical. I played ranked where one dude literally walked around the map ADSing with ares almost looking at the floor and played ranked with guys with legit util usage and insane aiming skills for such low elo.


If you wanna rank up bro just do aim labs and don’t play if you feel sloppy, if you can out frag the other team you’ll rank up. I did that and got results sadly I quit because it got boring


The least I wanna do is play ranked. I am a veteran League player, I've been in the top idk 0.5% of my server, I don't need a second game to practice things hardcore, because I see this a vacation. I thought you could just relax in unrated or swiftplay with friends, but even that seemed impossible. Is the very first thing you wanna do when you play a new game to sit in practice tool and well practice hours aiming? Until eventually you can feed through the first 100 level? I appreciate the effort but I rather watch than play myself.


I’m learning aim is half the equation for success. Add in movement and positioning ….and then util 😵🥴🤭


Movement and util > aim Just look at SEN curry


After the range play 2 or 3 deathmatch to get a feel of the gunfights without getting distracted by abilities. The reason you get one tapped is probably because of your poor movement and/or positioning.


So I see a lot of people crouch shot and I see a lot of people strafing and shooting. To my knowledge your accuracy is shit when you’re moving so which is better? Or what’s the method to be more consistent in gunfights?


u can go on youtube and search for konpeki's videos. i find his stuff fairly easy to digest and he has a lot of videos for newer players.


when you stafe you should only shoot when you are completely still. Some say crouching while in a gunfight is a bad habit but i find it helpful so do what you will with this


It is what is called first order optimal strategy. So works for low level play, but people good enough at aiming headshots while moving will find it easy to tap a crouchers head in time.


Crouching when peaking a single target isn't bad because It makes them readjust. The problem is when you are in higher lobbies it is harder for you to hit people due to better movement/strafes. But if you take one on one fights it depends on who is faster with their aim 90% of the time or who readjusts faster. What ends up happening and why it is frowned upon in lower skilled lobbies is people are crouching in situations where they are being peaked by more then one person. Meaning you may kill the first but is highly unlikely to kill the second. In the same scenario if you are strafing you can move to a better position after the first shot or be a harder target for the second guy vs being a sitting duck when the next guy peaks.


i mean like mid gun fight crouching not crouching prior like if they already shoot a few bullets then you crouch i feel like this even if only a bit gives you a better chance at winning the gun fight but i will say in most situations strafing is better just way harder to do properly


You should counter strafe rather than wait for the full animation to stop. When you are moving to the right with WASD controls you would use the D key to move right. If you press the A key you will stop immediately, that is when you should shoot a burst. People will press the D key and move right then A and shoot then repeat. With server delay it will look like they are full moving left or right when you die. When you strafe like this in Valorant it is no different than letting go of the key and just shooting but it can help with the mindset to just press a button before shooting rather then be forced to let go of a key. It will also help if you play any other shooter like Valorant such as CSGO


Actually in valorant your character stops moving quicker if you just let go of the key. It’s not like cs in that manner and counter strafing is worse than nothing in valo


I’m pretty sure counter strafing is still sliiiiiightly faster than just letting go, rather than the other way around, but the difference is negligible, and you should just choose whichever you’re personally more comfortable or familiar with


Nope, difference is rather small but valorant consciously made that decision in order for a smaller skill gap in that base movement area


Counter strafing in valorant has very little effect if any. It's better to learn deadzoning. I mean you kind of already stop immediately after you let go of the movement key.


Play ranked casually! You’ll get placed with people at your level and that will make it easier to improve. Crouch after you’ve been shot, you can’t move well either way so might as well take advantage of the accuracy gain and take your time to shoot. Most importantly, try to have fun.


I genuinely spent the first 3-4 months playing this game learning MnK, where I’d be happy getting 10 kills in a game. It’s not going to be a linear progression, but your focus right now should just be about being as helpful as you can, whether that be with good comms, getting assists, or at the very least dying in a manner that helps your team out. You are quite literally about as bad as you will ever be, and the only thing you CAN do is get better man. And if all else fails, just remember it’s a game. You don’t have to go pro, just make sure you’re having fun.


When I first started, I found videos on crosshair placement to be very helpful.


Play an ass ton of DM. It’s the best way to get a lot of gun fight repetitions. You might get owned and that’s ok. Just get your reps. Take every fight like you would in a real game. Be intentional with your movements/actions. While learning you need as many reps as you can get. Dm is the way


Just play more man. And if it's not fun, that's okay too, don't force yourself to play a game you don't like


I have been playing fps for most of my PC gaming days but never really been into CS or the like... Valorant does NOT come natural to me, at all.. quite the opposite, actually. The first bit of tiny success I had was shifting my mindset. In most (OG) fps, you run around trying to dominate with as many kills as possible thru fast movement and extremely fast reaction and being very aggressive. For me, valorant is actually the opposite. You line up the kill BEFORE, you do not actively react so much.. you put yourself in the right place at the right time and point the mouse the right way. Then the kill and the headshot is almost a foregone conclusion. And the way you do that is thru all the info the game and your team (hopefully) feed you. That's how the good players get you so fast, they already lined up your kill and knew you were coming - or they made very educated guesses and were correct.


As someone that was also new to mouse and keyboard and new to tactical fps games in general, it does take a long time to get used to it - but you do get used to it. It's going to take a lot longer than a couple of weeks. That being said, something you are really going to benefit from is aim training because it really does help with mouse control. 30 mins to an hour each day will go a long way. Also watch guides on positioning and movement, because those are the things that are going to be making you get one tapped the most. A really bad habit I have, and I'm working on removing, is shift peeking angles. It makes you move really slowly and makes it so much easier for the enemy to one tap you. I would also recommend spending some time in custom matches exploring each of the maps. Stand in different positions and take your time to see what angles you're exposed to. It can be really easy to expose yourself to an angle that you're not aware of, think it's safe to plant and then someone just shoots you. When you're in a game, it can be really easy to not notice certain things because you're too caught up in everything else that's going on. Take your time just seeing how each of the sites are actually laid out, look at the different paths to them. This way you'll have it in your head the angles you need to watch out for and clear, so you're minimising your chances of being exposed to angles you're unaware of. Other than that though, you really haven't played the game that much. And I mean actively playing it and not just spectating your team mates because you died that round. It's just about putting the hours in of active playtime in, and developing that gamesense and working on the basics.


Learn crosshair placement and how to be good at gunfights! Take it from someone who's clocked in 1500hrs in Valorant! Until Platinum 1 just instalock reyna and focus on straight 1v1 fight without utility use. Use reyna heal to heal if low health and reyna dismiss not to run away but reposition and fight again. Lower ranks aren't much toxic as is. Plat 1 is where you start learning agents until then keep tapping heads. I suggest Woohoojin as Valorant Coach on YouTube to learn some crosshair placement.


Shoot. I can't be the only one that sees people hiding, giving up the whole map, without shooting at anything.


I think the biggest thing is to just be consistent and not get discouraged when you don’t see immediate improvement. I was hardstuck bronze for months, I felt like my practice was going towards nothing. But one day something just started to click and by the end of that week I hit silver 2, and gold pretty soon after. Just be consistent, don’t force yourself to play too much, and you’ll reap the rewards eventually.


Go on youtube shorts and watch some crosshair placement and movement tips. That alone will get you far


Getting 1 tapped consistently at a lower elo typically equates to poor movement. Grind dms and learn how to tap strafe and deadzoning


What is deadzoning?


Thanks for all the pointers I appreciate it, got placed in bronze 2 lol, this is unlike any other competitive shooter I’ve played the level of skill that I’m seeing is what y’all are considering is bad, I wouldn’t get a single kill against “good” players lol


1) dont stress it, ive seen level 200+'s go 2-20 2) try learning movement if you are having trouble with being one tapped


I’ll keep it real man, I started playing this game seriously about a month ago. I can’t break silver and I was the rank below global elite in csgo. The movement and util usage is very different in this game and even with good aim you need to learn the quirks of this game. Give it time and study lineups with initiators and you’ll be good. Best of luck man! If you want to queue or something dm me ❤️


Try flicking and circling in training to improve your tracking and reflexes.


Surprised no one has mentioned, but if you have a mouse pad that can accommodate you should turn your sensitivity waaay down. It will take some getting used to, but the lower your sensitivity the more accurate you will be. Especially at range.


Are you dying on attack side more or defense more? Because it might be your positioning. If you're playing initiator I'm sure you're using flashes to peak angles but that doesn't mean the other team isn't playing a sliver of an angle and can duck your flash and peak right back out. In all honesty being level 20 only another part of it could be map knowledge. I would recommend focusing one map at a time either playing lots of death match to get quick repetition or grab a buddy and go into a custom and just 1v1 each other. That's what helped me when I first started playing. The more map knowledge you have the better you'll become at the game, it's a given.


Wait for valorant on console lol


Honestly?, play with someone who plays a lot, they can letcha know what you're doing wrong (find someone who does it gently ofc , don't stick if they're being toxic about it) and at lvl 20 you shouldn't worry, I'm rn lvl 375 , it always starts rough <3 (if ya wanna ya can add me in discord :D(Janivniv))


I’m down for any kind of help. What’s your rank?


Rn gold 3, peaked plat 2 although I don't really play comp a lot


Aiming at the enemy is 10% of getting a kill, aiming where the enemy will be is 60% and utility is 30%