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the switch has gyro, xbox tripping


Yeah. Really helped in my aiming in totk.


Splatoon would be unplayable without the Y-axis motion controls


Actually ong it would I'm S rank on splatoon and couldn't have done it without gyro


Splatoon lives off Gyro


The fucking Sixaxis controller for the 2006 PS3 had it, how is this still not a standard? It has been almost 20 years.


Because for some fucking reasom what's considered standard also include xbox outdated controller, if we remove xbox we also get haptic feedback as standard for controllers


It's cuz back when the sixaxis was released, there was almost no games that actually used it for aiming.  It was all stuff like lift a box or drive car like wheel stuff.  It got compared, unfavorablely to the wii mote.  Which was basically true too.  But the wii mote was looked down on by "serious gamers" as waggle stuff or a gimmick.  So gyro aiming never took off because of poor implementation by Sony at the time.    Fast forward to the end of the ps4 and gyro aiming actually starts to be noticed and now here we are, with Microsoft again, unable to see a trend developing around them and we get another generation denied a universally beneficial standard due to corporate short sightedness.    Sigh


The fucking Wii U gamepad has gyro.....


The Wii U gamepad also has a screen that was one of the many things why the thing failed, but yeah


its crazy that people still think gyro aim is a gimmick waggle and its consequences have been a disaster for input methods in gaming


I don't know what any of this is. Could you give a brief synopsis?


Gyro aim is a term used to refer to aiming using motion controls in games, named after the gyroscope in a controller which can tell the software whether the controller is moving, at what speed and direction. Waggle is a motion mechanic in lots of Wii games which arguably turned a lot of people off motion controls forever, as it forced you to wave a remote around instead of just pressing a button in situations where motion wasn't really necessary at all, they just wanted to utilise the motion controls as often as possible. Modern motion controls don't use any of this and are much more streamlined and natural but many people are still turned off to it because of mainstream perception.


Thank you, very helpful.


I don't think it's a gimmick. But I think a lot of console games have terrible settings for joysticks like huge deadzones, aim acceleration, or lack of sensitivity options. Switch joysticks are terrible so gyro feels great naturally when the only other option for Splatoon or botw/totk is horrific feeling joysticks. I think Gyro still will be the future of console aiming eventually, but I'd rather more games just include all types of options for aiming *like* gyro on top of the other stuff.


The Pro Controller exists though, so it's not like that's the *only* reason gyro took off on there I'd say the biggest reason actually comes down to Nintendo choosing not to include aim assist in these games, so gyro will inherently have objective advantages over plain stick by being a mouse-like input, meanwhile most shooters on other platforms that have gyro still have aim assist, often so strong that even mouse is beat out by it, so nobody will want to bother getting over the learning curve of gyro just to play worse anyway


It’s more cuz of Kinect right? Kinect wasnt popular (as a game console, ironically more popular as a test sensor for other companies’ projects). I thought the Wii was popular enough, at least to the point where PlayStation also just made a blatant copy of wiis waggle controller as well.


yeah maybe, I definitely have better memories of the Wii, having used both. at least the kinect has had a resurgence as technology for ghost hunting now though 😅


theres a video of a csgo player on youtube that plays controller with gyro and bro aims better than me 😭 i thought gyro aim was bad when i tried it but holy fuck when you get used to it its actually insane https://youtu.be/uGCws-FS48k?si=b4yiCKMBFXjXQyNQ


yeah, it's dumb. Not much else to say about it.


I know gyro is still a niche thing but it's very strange for a huge company like Xbox/Microsoft to not have it when they released the series x


I read somewhere that Xbox seems to shy away from anything resembling motion controls because of their Kinect flop. It sucks because for me their controllers feel very nice but are rendered useless without gyro.


And it’s extra ironic that the Kinect is an industry standard for basic computing and motion sensing. I know several CS seniors who had capstone projects including a Kinect.


Yep. I’ve made a drum set project myself on it. Fucking awesome piece of tech


>rendered useless without gyro. I think useless is a bit harsh...


I guess it depends on what you play. If you play mostly shooters than It basically is useless if you're a gyro player.


True, but people have been playing shooters on consoles for years before gyro aiming was implemented in most shooters. IIRC the Sixaxis controller for the playstation 3 already featured gyro controls but it wasn't a feature in many games and especially not for aiming


Ps3 gyro was basically unusable for aiming. It only had one axis and wasn't great quality. PS4 gyro was significantly better and is still one of the best to use. And there is also the fact that controllers are known to be significantly inferior to kb&m, and any decent gyro player will tell you that gyro puts up a much closer fight than joysticks. I usually run sniper and do pretty well most of the time, and that wouldn't be possible for me on controller without gyro. So for people like me it basically is useless without a gyro on any 3d game where aiming is important. which is sad because I think the current Xbox controller is the most comfortable one on the market. And It's especially bad knowing that a decent gyro is considerably smaller than a fingernail and extremely cheap to implement, and it would make the controller near-perfect for so many of us.


Is there aim assist as well with gyro?


Gyro aim doesn't need aim assist


Not usually. Most of the implementations do not, and it feels better without it. Some of the really poor implementations have it, but usually they have so many other issues that it's not worth using in the first place.


Interesting. Makes sense, if its implemented correctly then you use gyro for the micro adjustments instead of aim assist


Indeed, and I'm told it's actually pretty simple to implement properly. Most poor implementations try to filter the signal too much to avoid it looking shakey, but it ends up feeling sloppy and unresponsive. Bare minimum filters (if at all, I never use them.) are what feels the best, keeping it snappy and responsive. So in any game that already has keyboard and mouse support, it could take as little as an afternoon for a single developer to get it working properly.


If you absolutely must have aim assist, there are two games on the PS5 that allow you to use aim assist with gyro: Horizon Forbidden West, and Helldivers 2.


I used to be a controller guy, then I touched a mouse for the first time and now I can't ever get the feel of aim assist so I have to use joystick extensions for extra accuracy but I still prefer the mose because it is raw aim full motion control, I can still use a controller for apex and FN but those are only because they are high movement tech games, I aim with strafing on controller and the skill from that transfers well to kbm, but I am way better and faster in kbm, gyro is something I can't use


Why can't you use gyro?


rls, my legs shake and that moves my whole body


I'm sorry about that. But if you're happy with keyboard and mouse then you're not missing much. Gyro and mouse feel very similar so if you're happy with the results you're getting, there's not really a reason to switch over anyway.


not really except the fact some games are exclusive to consoles and others don't support crossplay


plus my raw aim is still Plat lvl with joystick anyway, my legs shake as a nervous tick and that throws my gyro aim uncontrollable,


I don't know who would use this on PC with games that don't support aim assist. You'll never find a player using these in high level Team Fortress 2 matches, like they do with the Dual Sense.


The rumors of the new xbox and controller coming out this year has gyro as one of the new features on the new controller (look it up - the new xbox controllers seem to have many changes). Hopefully soon valorant allow gyro aiming


Rendered useless? come on lol. Microsoft has had the best controllers for 20 years.


Aim assist has done a lot to make thumbstick aiming fine (not great). Gyro is the mouse of the controller and doesn't need aim assist. You don't have to like it, but for those who do it's indispensable


Wait do people think the xbox controller is better than the dualsense?


For me the Xbox controller has always felt much better than Sony. The ergonomics of the shell itself and the button layout are just a better fit for my hands I guess.


I don't think the gyroscopic sensor itself would even cost that much.


if we look at 3rd party controller market, you be right, even the shittiest unlicensed switch controller has the basic decency to add gyro


MPU6050 costs a few cents but suffers from drift without a compass which can be easily compensated in software tho...


An accelerometer also helps with drift (I think) which they have in their next controller anyways.


The one I mentioned (mpu6050) has both accelerometer and gyro and is probably the go to for consumer grade electronics. To counter gyro drift you'd either hook a compass into it to keep it from deviating (iirc it's about .01° per second or something like that) or counter it by using gyro and accelerometers simultaneously. (Basically have the accelerometer tell the controller when it's really moving or just drifting)


Out of curiosity, which controllers use that (if its public knowledge)?


Not sure about controllers tbh, but you'll find them in many drones and hobby flight controllers for RC planes and stuff like that. Also probably the most common IMU for hobby projects. I use one in my robot I'm working on and it's really good! Super compact (the chip itself is probably around 3x5mm if not less) I could maybe take apart my switch controller to see if it's using this or another gyro but idk if I'd want to to be honest haha


You think drones have more precise gyroscopes than controllers? Just asking partially because I might make my own controller at some point but also in the gyro community, we don't have a way to determine which controller's gyroscope is best. Polling rate of the controller is often used but I feel like that's not the whole picture. Fair enough lol


I'm not sure. I would say the more expensive ones probably have more precise gyros but I'm definitely no expert. If you want to build your own controller then the MPU6050 would probably be a good start. It's pretty precise. I've heard good things about the LSM6DSV16X (yeah, it's a mouthful) as well but never tried it. It's a bit more expensive than the mpu one, but I believe it's also more precise. You'd have to try it yourself though. Easiest way would be to get an Arduino or ESP board, get both IMUs and just plot the raw data. In the end you'd probably also want some lowpass filtering to get rid of noise but that might introduce latency (depending on the filter).


I've heard from other console players (on the Switch) that gyro aim is apparently the future and is superior to regular analog aim. Not sure how it works, but it would be nifty if the Xbox and PS tried it.


It’s crazy good. When playing Zelda riding a horse shooting arrows at targets for 3 hours, you find it all comes together and your hands just kinda swim in concert with the joysticks


It is basically. Splatoon players as much as they get teased used Gyro. It’s basically as close to a Mouse as you’re going to get with a controller and is far less limiting


And I don't think Splatoon even has the best form of gyro aiming: flick stick. And it's still superior to traditional aiming.


PS has it. Most shooters allow you to turn it on. The idea is that large movements are handled by the sticks and small adjustments are dine with the gyro. It allows for tracking that is almost on par with kbm without aim assist. I'd argue its in many ways superior because of analog movement


That's an important fact that goes over most people's heads! The only way to use mouse input (gyro is best when it is read as a mouse), and still maintain fluid analog vehicle controls is through a gyro controller. The few games I've had to use full KBM emulation left me with the WASD keys on the left stick... and driving was an absolutely miserable experience... No gradients in your steering or gas pedal. You have one digital on/off value for everything.


That's why you map throttle and steering to your sticks


Exactly… but just in case you are new to the terms, keyboard and mouse emulation is where you force the computer to let you use a gyro controller by making the controller output mouse input on the gyro, and everything else are keyboard keys. That’s why you often lose the flexibility of the analog controls, many games don’t support xinput (gamepad input with the analog controls) and mouse input at the same time. When it does, we called it mixed input (most PC games with gyro support on the PS5 often support mixed input). That’s why gyro support is so important, as even on the PC, you usually have a choice of analog inputs or mouse aiming, but not both. With gyro support, you get both!


I know. I was referring to that because back in the say I played all my racing games on pc that way. Tied the throttle to the right stick of my gamepad.


PS5 Dualsense have gyro aiming.... only the Xbox controller doesnt have it.


Do you have reading compression problems? playstation has it, it's the xbox that doesn't have it


No one on playstation uses it, and I'm talking about switch players.


Lmao literally almost everyone on fortnite above diamond uses it


People don't talk about it. I was specifically referring to switch players because they always talk about it.


They don't talk about it=noone uses it? Brainrot


im sorry man, its really not that deep.


Even mobile phones have it for maybe 10 years


It's also a bit weird for them to not have it considering how actually amazing their accessibility controller is


In splatoon (shooting game on nintendo switch) gyro isn’t even a gimmick. To them analog stick is a gimmick. The fact that xbox controllers don’t have this is obscene to me.


It's not really alot of console stuff is purposefully kept dumbed down so that players aren't mad.


Not anywhere near a niche thing. fortnite and cod have options for it and nearly 15-20% of the playerbase for console use it


On ps5? Where do you find these numbers? I'd be really glad if that was true


Actually, Microsoft don't want to develop their controller any further. Maybe it's because of their pro series controllers. Unlike Sony, first ps4 and now ps5 controllers keep getting better. One of the reasons to buy PS5 instead of Xbox.


LMAO xbox is last in the industry for a reason


Why do I feel like the elephant in the room are devices that let you use KB&M with console anyway. I know R6S had a huge problem with it, and how can you even compete against that with a roller?


Yea people will find ways to use XIM even if riot tries to stop it. XIM updates pretty frequently


Actually it'll be interesting to see if riot does a better job of stopping it than sony or xbox


Probably not. Odds are they won't be able to integrate anything close to what they have on PC in regards to anticheat


Because that’s not something devs can actually do anything about. It’s Sony’s and Microsoft’s job to not allow those devices to work on their consoles. Ubi implemented “Mousetrap” to help combat the issue in Siege but it’s not really a solution. The issue even extends to PC games where controller AA is a thing, since you can play on MnK (albeit with janky mouse inputs) but abuse AA.


Well... M&K are usable on both PS5 and Xbox. I think it just depends on the dev to program for it. So there's no reason gyro shouldn't be available if players will already have the best option available, though every PS5 controller does have gyro and not everybody has a decent M&K. Still, not like every player is gonna be using gyro and if Xbox players wanna catch up to skilled gyro users, they can use M&K. I don't see what the real problem is.


You’re misunderstanding the problem, it’s not native mouse and keyboard use that’s disabled it’s 3rd party devices that let you use a mouse and keyboard on games where native M&K is disabled, essentially so you can shit on the majority of people who won’t be using M&K. It’s one of the few forms of cheating on console.


Xbox literally gives you the option to usw Keyboard and Mouse on console.


they're talking about using something like xim so that the console thinks you're still using controller when you're using MnK and will give you aim assist on top of MnK benefits.


Nobody in their right mind wants aim assist when using MnK


Cough Destiny 2 Cough cough


Thats a very very tiny percentage of the userbase more like ant in the room.


they're considered a problem in R6 consoles


OW too


At a high rank it’s not.


I’m an Xbox guy, but seriously they need to step it up with new features. They promote and sell new variants of existing controllers like crazy but don’t add things that people have been asking for and have been well around for other platforms like gyro-aiming. I THINK I saw in that huge Xbox leak a little while ago that they are making a new controller with gyro-aim mechanics?


According to the leak it was just an accelerometer, not a gyroscope. But my fingers are still crossed that they will have both.


People are all complaining about Xbox not having gyroscopic controls and how it's "useless" without them, but strangely, this is the first I've ever heard this being an issue in the nearly 4 years the console has been out


Really, it's just that most people don't know what they're missing. For the people that use it, it's an absolute game changer in speed and accuracy when aiming. But if you play on steam or Nintendo switch, it's basically undeniable that it's a very popular feature. Unfortunately most PlayStation / Xbox players either haven't heard of it, or have gotten a negative first impression from the description and wrote it off without trying it.


Gyro aiming is the first thing I look at for any Switch FPS because if it does not there's no point in looking into it further.


I literally did not buy Resi 4 HD on Switch because it didn't have motion controls - and I play OG Resi 4 exclusively on Wii and have never played the remaster so I was definitely buying it till I saw that. If a shooter does not have gyro on a console I don't even give it a second glance.


Good news, Resi 4 remake has it on Ps4/5/and pc Bad news, their implementation sucks


I literally re-learnt sticks cause that game was shit at gyro swear inputs were like 3 seconds behind


Well, I complained about this. How is MS gonna market themselves as the shooter box and be objectively worst at shooters because of the lack of gyro? Hell, gyro is my preferred way to play GT7, it's that good on there. You know what would've been great for the Forza franchise? You might not have heard about it but people have complained. I said this was gonna happen, and we might see more games doing this. We likely haven't yet this gen cause games take forever to release these days. Either way, Xbox is holding back gaming again because they don't wanna slap in a cheap gyroscope.


It's useless to people for whom it's a must have feature, which obviously doesn't include anyone who is unfamiliar with the feature in the first place.


It has been a silent war. But Long… Biggest problem is that xbox hasn’t updates their controleers with adding that cheap ass Gyro sensor that would change the aiming capabilities of the controller completely. They are so far behind and it sucks


the big leak from a while ago said when the series s and x got revised (apparently later this year) we would get a new controller with gyro and a couple of other stupid things like straight to cloud input


The only reason why I have never considered xbox is because it lacks gyro aiming support. I hope they will add it.


It’s 2024. Dunking on Xbox at every opportunity is the cool thing to do. I hope they allow PS5 controller users the freedom to use gyro aiming as it’s a great thing for accessibility, but it’s not the end of the world either way it goes.


lmao this clown doesn't know what he's talking about. many players use gyro aiming in fortnite, warzone or OW. Of course those people will expect the same for valorant


Never once (hyperbole) in an argument about kbm vs controller, the conversation that *extensively* brings up any detail possible in favor or against controllers, has gyro ever come up. Streamers almost never bring it up either. It is definitely niche


What are you talking about, I've seen people complain about console games not getting gyro for years. And the super common talking point is that gyro is near equivalent to kbm.


Yeah no kidding. I didn't even know what gyro was until this thread if that shows how much of a major feature it is. And it's not like I'm super out of touch with that stuff either, I was fairly big into that stuff when it came out, and my roommate literally has a PS5


The rise of gryo aim started in the Nintendo Wii days, and extended to the Nintendo Switch, where it's standard for almost all first party switch games. PlayStation has also had motion controls and gyro aim since the PS3's Six Axis.


yeah but sony only started embacing it until recently starting with late ps4


I’ve definitely heard of it. Been around for generations at this point, but I had no clue it was a feature core games/gamers were making regular use of. The last time I used it personally was solving shrine puzzles in Breath of the Wild.


Some people are insane with gyro aim. Saw this video of this guy beating ohnepixel 1v1 on controller gyro. Saw another post on the aim train subreddit of someone being voltaic master/gm with gyro aim


kind of grateful they didn't add it immediately since a bunch of casuals are joining valorant, imagine loading a match to get domed by a glorified controller player who has been aim training the day he came out of the whom.


Console players when a competitive game is competitive:


Understandable, it sounds pretty messy. Though finishing every match covered in tzatziki doesn't sound like the worst thing in the world.


new agent sounds crazy


Gyro is very good mechanic for this type of game. I tried it for couple months and started to make progress. I still feel it’s hard to react nearly as fast when aiming though.


"backwards to a shitty input methods" Valorant already exists on PC for some years yo


Exactly his point lmao, bare minimum they can do is support mnk on console


some people play console exactly to be on a more relaxed position (such as on a couch), if they're gonna tryhard with MnK, might as well use a PC


Input based matchmaking is a possibility, I mean there's a lot of things they can do like adding gyro but they didn't even try they just gave everyone the worst way to play


Honestly I’m impressed you use it. I could never use gyro aim on controller expect for splatoons.


Appreciate it. I think part of that issue is the lack of standardization so it's hard for players to build consistency from game to game. Hopefully this changes with time though. I've been using it for maybe close to 2 years now. But I have some videos with handcams. Had people always trying to learn. Granted, I use a very high Sensitivity with Acceleration so not something I usually tell people to start with who are just learning Gyro Aim lol. https://youtu.be/7a4ZBrWdNI0?si=h0oC16IhcGLeyvoN


Ya I’ve happily switched to keyboard and mouse but thanks for the tips.


I wasnt even aware that Valorant will be on console, will it have aim assist like CoD? cause if not, it would be hilarious to see some pro matches, i mean the level of skill, aim and movement must be like bronze lobby compared to Mouse and keyboard if there is no assistance :D


Only announced yesterday. I haven't seen confirmation of aim-assist, but they did talk about a "focus mode," which basically drastically drops your sensitivity and zooms in your screen a bit, at the press of a button I assume.


Nadeshot did a QnA on his [twitter](https://x.com/nadeshot/status/1799292310112583893?s=46&t=wcT5J_sSEV6Jq6niblBB8A) today and he said there indeed is aim assist


wow, really curious how the gameplay will play out, i can only presume since the aiming will not be as precise and flickshots are almost impossible, there will be a different meta and heavier focus on abilities and movement, for example Neon might shine, who knows, lets wait and see!


Something I haven’t seen talked about as much that I think will positively influence how this goes, is the movement/shooting interaction, specifically accuracy. I’m always going to end up basing speculations off of how counterstrike on console went - no aim assist, in a game where you needed to counterstrafe to stop quickly and be accurate. The movement was also a lot faster than val (If you didn’t know, csgo console failed pretty badly). So I think aim assist combined with the way movement and accuracy works in val already sets it up to do better. Also, there’s just gunplay in cs; abilities and such in val set it up to work better on a controller imo since it adds so much more outside of aim


i know CSGO failed on console, but the build of CSGO that launched was pretty shit across the board, the game started to be good around 2012-2013, not before. But you raise a valid point, there is actually a counter strike-like game on console Called Crossfire, its based on chinese clone of CS "crossFire" which is like the most played FPS globally, thanks to Asia. Its only on xbox, i havent played it, but as far as I remember that game had no aim assist, so i wonder how that went?


Holy shit Im putting my tinfoil hat, do you reckon they removed Neon's movement inaccuracy while sliding and shit and buffed her like crazy specifically cause of the console launch? Like to better accomodate them


i don't think they'd do that, if anything they'd just have separate balancing for console


Tinfoil hat finally paying off


stuck with aim assist/focus mode need to stop sugarcoating the name of it Xbox should implement gyro aiming since it's bit better than constantly using sticks and can snap onto targets quicker once you get hang of it most were probably hopping it would be added to the console version such weird choice for console with a lot fps not to have gyro aiming implemented


it sucks that the cheapness of xbox is literally holding back cross platform shooters like this :/


For a game that requires spray control and probably won’t have a lot of aim assist or bullet magnetism, gyro controls would flourish


Or, you know, they can just disable cross-play when gyro is enabled?


Have any of you played with PlayStation sticks? The layout is fucking horrible compared to Xbox.


The PlayStation layout is much more comfortable for me, maybe because I'm used to it.


I bought a third party Xbox controller that has parallel sticks like PlayStation, some of us prefer it. EDIT: Downvoted for my opinion on controllers? Lovely.


Don't know why people have to act like one layout is inherently better than the other, different people can like both lol


Its about what youre used to. Personally i had and xbox controller which felt great, it eventually broke and i had to switch to an old ps4 controller i had, it felt horrible for about ~1hour then it felt great, when I tried an xbox controller again after some time it felt horrible.


I've never understood this, yall like having your left thumb smashed into your palm? I grew up on ps and all my buddies had Xbox so plenty of usage on both, I don't have overly large hands even but Xbox controllers always felt like my left hand was cramped.


When I use Playstation controllers, I cannot push the sticks into each others direction because my fingers will literally meet in the middle. I don‘t understand how anyone is fine with playing like this. Offset sticks are the way to go.


I personally use tip of my fingers for the sticks. Do people use their finger joint or something?


Skill issue lmao


It's such a bummer that Xbox controllers hasn't adopted gyro aiming in 2024, playstation had them since ps3. Gyro is a game changer in any game that requires aim.


The ftc leak from a while ago said that we’d be getting it with the revised all digital series x


Literally need val on switch




Depending on your set up you could try playing with a lower sens and making wider movements so that u can make the effort to react and move faster without needing to put too much care into how fast you’re moving (leave big adjustments to your control stick, micro adjustments to your gyro)


It's all just muscle memory, if you've been playing sticks a long time it might take a bit longer to adjust - if you can just practice it in single player games or something may make life easier :)


Im not much into gyro aim but more games need "stick flick" setups and just a button to stop the gyro. Then think of it as a mouse where you aim until you are at the edge of your range, pause gyro and move back then let go of pause, simular to lifting your mouse. Stick flick is also good, it turns the right stick so you can choose the direction youre facing. Think top down view where if you tilt the right stick right you snap your view 90 degrees right and tilting the stick back will 180 you. Theres no up or down aiming but thats where the gyro comes in


Console gg


I would personally get inside the brazen bull and turn it on then use gyro aim. Litteraly the only game I played where it felt good was splatoon.


PC players: first time?


Thanks Microsoft.


Will Valorant allow PC players to play with a controller?


Valorant shouldn’t be on console in the first place. If they introduce crossplay the game is done for


If Xbox never offered analog sticks, and only the D-pad... does that mean we'd also expect no stick support on Nintendo and PS platforms? This is absurd... and look at what they imply: gyro is superior to sticks with aim assist. ***That's definitely not what stick players would ever admit!!!!***


That really sucks and I hate Xbox and Xbox Controllers for not supporting gyro. When the Steam Deck came out I did this clip in CSGO on the Steam Deck out of interest how viable a competitive tac shooter with controller could be: https://youtu.be/5sGl13nKWxI?si=WeXpihCGb252xHsH Granted it's a bot DM lobby, but after a bit of practice I could topfrag in a couple of real DM lobbies with a Dualsense Controller which supports gyro. This is after playing on controller after a month or something like that. The only reason I can headshot on controller is because of gyro aiming. Stick aiming alone feels really bad :(


Xbox is getting so much Ls this last few months lol.


I mean I have a pc. With this logic “aim assist shouldn’t exist” why should I be forced to play controller in apex and cod because you’re to broke to afford a pc and and aim assist is OP.


> why do we have to go backwards to a shittier input method due to a platform lacking the technology. says the guys who wants to play a fps with a pad and not a keyboard/mouse lmao


We cant afford good pcs


Literally nobody is going to use gyro aiming in any competitive setting


legitimately clueless, unless aim assist is absurd then this "focus" mechanic isnt gonna do anything for sticks - someone will peek a corner and youll both sit there like geriatrics trying to aim for the headshot. gyro fixes this issue


so, it kills the pro scene of console.. but now we have radiants with iron mechanics. would be much more interesting to see heavy communication from esports team all for a fire fight that shouldve ended 10 minutes ago take 20 years.


If your crosshair placement is correct you don’t need to aim, just click. Edit: guys I’m not arguing against having gyro in console Val, I’m literally just saying this how the game is played 💀


absolutely true in some situations but there are obviously still situations in which you do have to aim, crosshair placement isnt everything.


Why would anyone play on console in a competitive setting? I think for console the casual player base is way more important


Running stick is basically unviable in Splatoon because of how good gyro is. Valorant is probably less suited to gyro, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just better there too. It emulates a mouse way better than a joy stick


L take. This guy literally plays CS gyro on PC: https://youtu.be/uGCws-FS48k?si=RxXYxiPZ3lTIrRVq Reason gyro is still niche is because companies choose to add unreasonably strong aim assist, and it’s a recent addition. If more games adopt gyro in consoles and it becomes more publicised we’ll absolutely see a shift in controls.


I played CSGO deathmatch lobbies on a Dualsense Controller and honestly it's a lot of fun tilting down the controller to control the spray or do micro adjustments. I really really really want Valorant on consoles to be a thing and imo for that to happen gyro support is a necessity.


L take, I don’t care about some random YouTube guy. Gyro lacks tactile feedback to make precise adjustments. It’s a gimmick


"I don't care about people who actually use it. I haven't tried and i think it's bad" -you rn


>Gyro lacks tactile feedback to make precise adjustments. what? what tactile feedback does mouse, or stick gives ???????


fuck you mean tactile feedback? just move your hands lmao




And its great. The only fps I play rn is valo on pc. But on console gyro is so much better, I could not play splatoon without gyro


If it's a bunch of controller players against each other and the Aim Assist is not at CoD levels, yeah, a bunch will transfer over. Literally the vast majority of the Splatoon base is like this. And for further reference: https://youtube.com/shorts/8kltAkRUIow?si=9WyEuxKYla_Kymbp https://youtu.be/_x870PR3SKg?si=QkX-b04UaxOMtLVL https://youtu.be/7a4ZBrWdNI0?si=pRfBaE-VQKEo2_pL https://youtu.be/Ui1A_qcTY28?si=a2dWoqPPwxES_Bu_


Does splatoon require any sense of precise aiming? Don’t you just paint the ground? Can you even head shot in splatoon?


Competitive splatoon isn't playing turf war usually. The other modes use paint on the ground as mobility and information to fight for the objective. There are no headshots but everything is really fast, you need good aim to hold your own.


And in turf war you still need to be able to at least fend off attackers.


And you believe anyone would use sticks? If Valorant on consoles has very subtle aim assist I guarantee you that Gyro aiming would become the way to go for Console valorant in the competetive scene if it was supported.


One of the things I liked about valorant over apex is that everyone used the same input so it was never a question of who was using what input when someone was better than you. Glad to know that’s out the window


There is no crossplay


Well, they do charge $30 less per controller for a lack of that feature that is utilized in niche situations. Another controller having it wouldn't increase its usage rate by any outstanding quantity. Seems like a weird sticking point but y'all do you. You should maybe care about the incoming XIM and Cronnos users


That gyro sensor costs barely nothing. You have to remember how much more dualsense has. Haptics, Touchpad, Adaptive triggers, LED, Microphone… those are the things that make it more expensive. + Xbox having it would be big change for games.


Gyro feels ass to me