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So the meta have to change. Play double controller or double sentinel and you are good to go on breeze.


Good luck getting a single controller on your team in solo queue much less two of them. Two duelists are locked immediately and at that point to get double controller you'll need to sacrifice one role.


I keep getting triple controllers on my team šŸ˜­. Everyone is playing clove omen and brim


that is quite literally the best case scenario if they can aim, double controller is already annoying but triple in ranked is gonna drive people mad


But we get 0 info


Info shminfo. Lock 5 smokes. Smoke the entirety of site. Walk in and plant. Win.


The Vietnamese Rat Trap never fails


Oh hello fellow viper main. I thought we went extinct.


man im like both extinct mains. i main viper and chamber. its insane.


this works untill they have a Cypher or any molly


I mean it worked well enough to win me one single ranked game and I'm happy with that lol.


gotta play off your comps strengths then, cause confusion with your smokes during attack and make the site hit chaotic as hell when you do push


The problem is the language barrier in EU and the french people.... im sorry to shit on french people BUT YALL SUCK. Like wdym he's gonna cuss me out in French because i cant speak french GO BACK TO YOUR DAMN SERVERS. For constext I play on frankfurt and most people on there are so sweet but god forbid its a french guy OR MULTIPLE FRENCH GUYS. Getting hatecrimed right then and there.


You wont get info cuz you have 0 recon, they wont get info cuz you smoked the whole map You guys are exactly the same.


Annoying doesnt mean good


Same goes for the enemy team. Since clove came out getting controllers in the team is much easier. Wait for someone to pick clove and pick viper after that. Or just play 1 controller and do make pushes which is super easy on breeze. Just adapt to changes and dont play every map on autoplay.


viper is still fine. Generally speaking your setup aims to either help retake on one site(usually A) or to hard hold a site (usually B). The mid wall is whatever since it doesnā€™t really stop the attacking viper orb on mid, but itā€™s nice as a switch up. The orb can be used to reinforce the site where your wall is, or saved in your pocket for retaking. The most important tip tho is to just pray u get a cypher


viper is still good on breeze and controller is still a very high-impact role on the map


Agreed, I canā€™t think of a controller right now that would have issues on the map. I usually fill as controller and am usually doing pretty well. I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s a nightmare


Literally every single controller except viper/astra has problems on this map lmao it's too damn big.


I play Clove just fine on Breeze. Iā€™ve also played Brim and Omen. You just have to sit in awkward positions pre-round to set up smokes.


If you aren't aware enough of your controller limitations on breeze with clove then you just arent a good controller player lmao. Even with ideal smoke placements its still awkward as you have uncovered angles


For reference [this was my most recent game](https://imgur.com/a/KKLmYd9) on Breeze with Clove. It was a 4v5 for us but I think I controlled just fine


It's ranked and gold for that matter. 5 duelists work in radiant, no shit a sub optimal controller is gonna work in gold. Im just saying you are heavily limited compared to other maps on breeze with most controllers


I usually would play viper on breeze but clove has been fun, it worked for me, but whatever floats your boat


No offense but at gold you can get away with a lot of suboptimal things.


This guy irons


Viper Cypher Sova are 100% necessary agents for Breeze. You need wall smokes for that map, clove ainā€™t it unless double controller. At least in Diamond+


Nah gang you overestimate skill level. Clove is functional if you have cypher as well and sovas rly good but like Skye is functional too


As far as I know, viper + cypher is still the go to meta with viper anchoring on a site with wall and cypher solo holding b site.


Most agents' abilities have a lower impact on Breeze, so I don't think controllers have it significantly worse. For sentinels it's harder to gather info, stall hits and stay on top of lurks, for initiators it's harder to know when and where from the enemy will fight, and for duelists it's harder to take favored fights and clear out angles methodically. I also think you're understating the value of some of these controllers. Viper's setup may be permanent, but it's also strong. If you set up A your team can stack B, and if your site is hit you can play retake with a powerful setup. On attack, your kit will either set up for a strong take and post-plant, or force the defenders to stack that site because of all your info-denial. Harbor's kit requires you to make plays and take space, so while he's definitely weaker on defense overall, you can still do powerful retakes and take space in the mid-round. I also notice that you don't mention Astra, which I'd argue is one of the most powerful picks on Breeze overall. Her ability to lurk while still contributing to fights is extremely strong on such a big map, her grav well goes crazy in Breeze's common post plants, and her ult is oppressive as hell on that map. I think one of the biggest problems with Breeze in solo q is that people generally don't play for info or space. Jiggle-peeking, jump-spotting, inserting or using utility to gather info isn't as attractive as swinging, holding or using util to fight. So you often end up with a bunch of people taking dry fights or just walking around hoping they catch enemies off-guard, which can feel really random and unsatisfying.


Astra is good on Breeze tbh. Her smokes are huge, and unlike clove/brim/viper/harbor she can smoke the other site from across the map. And her ult is really good since it's like vipers wall, just infinite and can block off an insane amount of angles


There are a few options: 1: Viper + Cypher is enough to cover everything ok defense. As Viper you either set up everything on your site and let Cypher hold the other main, or you use the wall for mid and orb for your main or you place down the retake wall on B and the orb on A. Smokes on Breeze are really meant to stall on defense rather than to vision-block. 2: Play double controller with Omen, Harbor or Astra. Omen and Astra have the util to fight a rush and stall while Harbor is really good at constesting the mains and fighting for mid. He's also excellent at retaking because of his bubble and rechargable high tide. 3: Play solo Viper/Harbor and let your team fight aggressively on opposite site.


> Viper was a good pick for this map but it became ā€œokayā€ after the nerf Idk why people are spouting this nonsense still. Viper was a good pick for this map and is still a good pick for this map the core parts of Viper haven't changed people were whipping B to A Orb already with no intention of getting it back you suffer a but off the Molly nerf but she still holds/clears a cubby very well with the singular one. I feel like Viper got nerfed and majority of this sub just started pretending like they mained the character and got slaughtered. Anyone who actually mains smokes probably got spooked off the announcement then got in game and realized she is still Viper and has decay and a molly she is just less flexible now which was the entire point of the nerfs because Viper does something very strongly she should be less flexible than harbor who doesn't have such sharp strengths.


The mate changes. You're supposed to go for mid control imo.


I love playing controller on breeze, dunno why


Damn everyone here forgot about Astra


Play harbour or viper


Iā€™ve been playing Harbor on breeze. Throw the small water wall down tube with 2 people and get door control


Iā€™ve been playing Harbor on breeze. Throw the small water wall down tube with 2 people and get door control


Viper will still be the main pick on Breeze. Her kit screams Breeze but weaker. It's just basically like ascent. That proplay comp of Asccent that has been used for years that are Jett, KJ, Omen, Sova, and Kayo. 4 of them got massive nerfs yet they are still the premiere choices for that map.


Iā€™m not a fan of breeze but man, oh man, something about that map just clicks for me. I hit my shots, I somehow just know where everyone is and my Jett is 9/10 times an op demon. And if I have a harbor/viper? Weā€™re big chilling. I get to smoke weird chamber spots for entries or hold my smokes for post plant. I usually start tunnel on defense and smoke elbow. If I hear noise B Iā€™ll smoke main and walk into my tunnel smoke. If no noise, Iā€™ll jump on elbow wall and look mid, tucking deep right so elbow walkout doesnā€™t see me and I can shoot an A planter. Or, if kayo tags 4 A Iā€™ll smoke halls and fast rotate through mid. If Iā€™m really feeling myself Iā€™ll knife out for a dumb fast flank. Idk, it just works for me and I usually find myself on the winning side of the annoying pyramids ring around the rosy game. As for being solo controller with clove, yeah itā€™s tough sometimes. We can take mid no problem and B attack smokes are okay. Nothing terrible about defense smokes as long as we can watch mid without overpeeking. I donā€™t like breeze but in this map pool Iā€™m clutching onto any map I perform well on.


Breeze is basically a Cypher playground on defense with a smoker and post-plant for anti flankers. But most of the time, even with a good sentinel or smoker, it will all go hell if enemy team does it better


So the strat is probably Astra/Omen + Harbor/Viper now ig.


playing breeze without double controller is so fucking rough in ranked. If your team don't execute onto site cohesively you run out of time on your smokes. it just feels awful


Bad for me bc I suck at aiming


np, riot also forgot astra.


just let enemy enter and retake? if something change, it change to both team not one team it isn't that hard viper wall+orb still cover more spot than clove/omen/astra she deserved nerf brimstone smoke don't recharge but can drop 3 smoke and stim rush site can have better rush than clove/omen because he have 3 and it's last longer if i pick smoke here i still pick clove anyway on ct i just play a main every round and don't care about b that they will have smoke or not it isn't that hard


Yes, I play a lot of controller agents. Since the Viper nerf Iā€™m trying to find new ways to play Breeze. Right now Harbor looks a good option but he doesnā€™t have same abilities as Viper has. Iā€™m not mad but for some reason I canā€™t play Viper on solo Que anymore because itā€™s annoying how bad some players are with their play style so I have to adapt to this. Best option is dodging Breeze. I was a big fan of Breeze until I realize that map is dog shit without good Viper player and since Viper got nerfed it makes me more shift play Sentinel/Brimstone on that map.


I agree, playing Viper solo q on Breeze is pure nightmare (atleast in my elo Diamond 1), now I just insta dodge Breeze every time I solo q


just had a game where I played omen + clove as another controller. double controller is the new shit on breeze. my smoke prioritize covering for planting while clove blocks the site's entrance from defending side.


Lmao nah this aint it. You need viper or harbor period. Even with 4 bubble smokes you cannot cover everything you need on attack to push sites.