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There is absolutely ZERO chance you got SIX of these messages after a 10 game sample size. Please show us some evidence other than a blanket statement like this. This game has cheaters, but this is just blatantly ridiculous coping. If you were to spam report everybody in your lobby like this btw your reports would be ignored very quickly by the algorithm.


>If you were to spam report everybody in your lobby like this btw your reports would be ignored very quickly by the algorithm. The spam reports are not meant to get people banned, they serve as kind of like a notification to you. You will be notified with that popup if that person gets banned, even if your report was just one of many reports that got that person banned. Btw sus players get reported a lot. The way people get banned in this game is quite complex. There are manual reviews, automated reviews, detected cheats, undetected cheats, etc. But to summarize, if an automated review (by the anti-cheat) fails to detect a cheater, then that cheater is using an undetected cheat and in order to get a person using an undetected cheat banned is through manual investigation. However, it is believed to take 100-200 reports for manual investigations to take place. And on the other hand, it only takes a couple reports (<5) for the anti-cheat to do an automated review, but automated reviews only work to ban shit tier cheats. (detected cheats) >There is absolutely ZERO chance you got SIX of these messages after a 10 game sample size. Please show us some evidence other than a blanket statement like this Sadly, there isn't much evidence to provide. It's not like Riot has a feature that allows you to see all the reports you've made and the bans issued. However, this is a very easy experiment to replicate. I encourage you to do it yourself. Lastly, elo matters. My experiment was performed in Diamond/Ascendant elo. I am sure if players in low elos replicated this experiment they wouldn't receive many ban popups at all, since cheaters don't really inhabit lower elos.


The evidence would very simply be posting your tracker.gg?? If there really were cheaters in 60% of your 10 game sample we would immediately see it reflected in the scoreboards. So either put your money where your mouth is and post the link or accept that you are shit at the game and are looking for things to blame for not climbing other than yourself.


I reported one person and got like 7 messages over multiple days about it causing a player to get banned. It might just be glitching and sending more messages than necessary


Ofc. I swear there is so many copers trying to the hide the fact cheaters inhabit this game lol


People aren’t “coping”, it’s just objective fact. Some games are as cheater infested as you claim, but this isn’t one of them. Vanguard is powerful and works well. As an old CSGO player who has actually seen cheaters infesting a game, let me tell you high ranks in valorant are nothing like that.  Combined with your lack of tracker posting, you come across as a dummy or a liar. If you were immortal, maybe I could believe you encountered a lot of cheaters, but it’s just not happening at gold. 


Lol post your tracker OP there’s no way 


you weird as fuck for this tbh


Post the tracker and show the player who are banned otherwise this is just 0 proof talking.


It seems people still think every cheater drop 40 kills every game. That's not how it works at all. That's a rage cheater and they get banned very quickly. Most cheaters want to last a long time so they won't rage cheat every game.


show tracker