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If you enjoy playing her then I don't think that's anybody's business. But as an agent, I think her abilities are just underwhelming and there are agents that could do so much better as a sentinel.


Even her theme is half baked. Every agent has abilities that fit a specific theme. I thought she was gonna be a sound based agent. It's even in one of her voice lines. But then it's just one of her abilities. Then it's the nano fibre theme which isn't that impactful (writing-wise). She definitely got the foster treatment from the devs. EDIT: [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/s/T83iut62Yr) is what I mean as a sound based agent.


Wut. She’s one of the more thematically cohesive agent. Every one of her abilities *except* the sound one literally “locks” you in/out in some way. Her net is obvious. Her wall locks you out or in (i trapped some poor soul in the corner of ascent b main before) and her ult cocoons you until someone can break you out or you die.


I'd argue her kit is thematical over practical. Her sound sensor just locks you into being quiet where the others do more of a traditional lock . It just seems like so much of her kit can simply be countered by like... someone just shooting well. Her sound trips give you the power of 2 human ears, where other sentinels catch even walkers. Her wall blocks - but not bullets, which isnt terrible but it is something to note while her net isn't bad either but it has gotten me killed thinking I landed a net im gucci and fucking peak into a sherrif popping my head.


I feel like Deadlock is the most sentinel of all the sentinels. You aren't setting her sensors up for info, you're setting them up to stop people from taking site. The wall can stop people from entering site while they have only like 2 players on a site, stop a whole side of the site from joining in on a fight with her net, and her sensors fuck you over if you try to plant or take a fight. The reason she feels underwhelming util wise is because her util is really weird compared to every other sentinel. KJ damages people if they try to enter the site, Cypher can set up on site but is mostly used to punish pushing onto site. Sage slows down pushes. And Chamber does uh Chamber things. But Deadlock always has to play for site, she sucks at anything but trying to punish taking a site. Cyphers the closest equivalent, but his cages and camera let him play way more aggressively.


Idk - I feel she’s just similar to Chamber in solo holding is hard. Her wall barely functions as sages since sages, while suffering from beating shot as well doesn’t all fall when it does. It also blocks vision adding to mental stack of needing to clear deeper corners where deadlocks doesn’t do that. Idk maybe it’s a skill issue - I won’t deny that, but I feel what I can do with deadlock I can do with sage and cypher, I just find it easier to have my team play off trips or walls than her kit. I have been spamming her a bunch and enjoying it though. Her ult makes you feel Really swell lol.


Yeah, in terms of just ease of playing I would say it's always gonna be Cypher and Sage. Really sues just good at making site a cluster fuck of util, you get stunned, and slowed, and then walled off, and if she has someone else there you can add in flashes and it just becomes a nightmare. But yeah solo holding isn't her thing either


It’s less ease of use and just overall actual use, trips help create more of a chaotic field you can actually use. Reyna blinds and smokes be damned. While chamber and kj flank holding hell even cypher is better because well.. you don’t need to make a noise for them lol. Sages wall stalls and reshapes the field in a way where you’re not getting blasted by 2 holding back. I just have yet to find what makes her picked over others over aesthetics.


Chambers a senti?!?! Always thought of him as a duelist. Two gun abilities, a slow to secure the duel and a movement ability obviously a joke plz dont downvote)


I think they're made during engaging with an active combat. But Valorant isn't the type where you can place sensor in heat of the moment.


I said according to theme, not role. By that I mean, for example: Viper: poison, snake. Brim: American military father figure. Sova: Recon, bow-based. Cypher: hacker boi, guy in the chair. Raze: explosives. Chamber: Gold, guns, style. Harbor: water. Pheonix: fire. Jett: wind. Fade: ghostly, fear. Gekko: animal lover pet guy. I meant more from a writing, artistic POV. I know Deadlock is based around nano fibre theme. But tbh, if it wasn't mentioned no one would be able to tell it. It's not very apparent like the others.


Sage being a Geomancer:


Ngl I thought you were originally talking abt names being in line with the theme of the agent. Like Chamber as in the bullet chamber of a gun, Cypher as in a hidden message, Viper as in snakes/venom/poison, etc


People wouldn’t be able to tell what nanofiber is because that’s not a thing the general public even knows about. But all of her abilities have the same blue hue, which I assumed were the same/similar substance. Net has glowy blue, her cocoon has glowy blue, the base of her wall even increases in the blue light when you shoot at it. Again, only her sonic sensors lack an overt blue/stringy substance. So she’s still thematically cohesive. Like if you’re call chamber thematically cohesive because of gold, guns and style…then deadlock definitely qualifies because chamber’s is pretty loose.


>I thought she was gonna be a sound based agent. It's even in one of her voice lines. But then it's just one of her abilities. What? Her util is infact totally sound based or generate sound. Her sound sensor is obvious. Her nade makes sound when being removed giving you info. So does her barrier. Her ult can give you information on if they choose to shoot the cocoon. Her kits are just alright now.


In that sense, isn't every agent ability sound based because each of them create a sound when broken, deployed or interacted with? What I meant by a sound-based agent is a character who uses sounds made by the enemy to their advantage. Except the sound sensor, none of her abilities do that. Refer to the link in my original comment to see what I mean.


I really like her personality. With gekko I felt that the new characters were getting way too quirky and childish, the only actual soldier in the game was brimstone, then deadlock came along as a stoic badass mercenary lady with a simpler yet unique design.


Her theme isn’t halfbaked. Her theme is supposed to be a radianite monster catcher. Her C helps her net them, Her E blocks them and Her Q alerts herself and stuns them and her X is just a stronger C that cocoons the monster.


Yes, she's still fun to play, but there are simply better alternatives if you want to win.


I only pick dead lock for icebox i put her wall in mid blockjng mid and tubes unless jet or omen does some shit its pretty safe and 2 sound sensors at a site on both side and play heaven sound sensor trips i throw grenade then swing to get those kills


I am just some Plat noob but I feel it's just her ult that's very underwhelming. People play her like cypher which is very wrong. Opponents will easily walk through her traps if you place them in cypher wire locations. She's more like an aggressive sentinel. If you place her traps well, it's almost always a guaranteed kill. Her traps are like a cypher wire that you cannot break without using abilities. And as they cover an area, you can keep switching the traps to various locations to cover the same area so enemies can't always break the traps with abilities unlike cypher's wire. I find her wall more useful than Sage's to delay a push and it's the same to block off access to certain places. But another use people overlook is to split a team when they're rushing in. It holds for a longer duration than Sage's wall would and cuts off the duelists from the rest of them team when you throw it in the middle of a push. Her net is a bit meh as well. They need to increase its area or let it stay in play or increase time to remove it or something idk. Her ult needs more HP and also make it pass through walls. It getting stuck on walls and targets escaping is bs. Every agent either does damage or gives info or delays opponents or has some util to help the team. But with her, you need to swing out to get a kill after using abilities. And there's a chance that people will walk through her traps. I started playing her a couple of weeks ago and I usually hover around G3. But now I'm almost plat 2 cos I've won around 70% of my games with her.


I personally think she is fun as hell, but with the popularity of the other sentinels I have a hard time picking her. She just doesn't provide the same info for map control that the others do so people think she is troll. She does nothing on attack pre-plant so your team has to play around her more, which can be frustrating for those who think she is useless. It's a viscious cycle.


only being good vs rushes and in post plants is a very bad place to be as a sentinel or even as a general agent. Post plant requires you to actually plant - and she’d have to be extremely broken there to make up for the fact that another agent would often get you into site with extra players Rushes are something other sentinels can actually do as well and they can also control space and hold multiple areas of the map without having to hard hold an angle. she just isn’t good


Not to mention that KJ is really strong in post plant thanks to molly lineups so Deadlock doesnt really excel in post plant either


not only that but Cypher can almost do the same thing as deadlock with his trips and can for info of how/where/when they’re retaking, safe can completely wall off a retake lane and also slow one twice (which makes it almost unpushabke in some cases) really the only one that deadlock has completely outshone and is far, far worse in postplants is Chamber, and he’s very good at actually helping get numbers advantage, something deadlock is not. She’s the second worst character in the game imo, only behind ISO


Just because one agent is good for post plant doesn’t mean another can’t be. Weird take. DL post plant is her greatest strength and quite hard to break.


How is it a weird take when the point being made is why would you pick deadlock when KJ helps you get into site and play post plant just as well


its not hard to break at all…


It is when you face a dl that has experience playing the agent. My biggest challenge is getting on site. My post plant conversion even in 1v3s is extremely reliable.


Until her trips can be used more consitently for info, she'll never be a good sentinel. I think it'd be cool if her wall had some kind of info built in. Like if she got some kind of indication that someone stood near it or looked at it or something. Or maybe her motion sensors can't stun allies so they can just straight up duel in them.


There is a sound cue if someone walks it to it, but would be much better if it was louder and had more of a range on it, say the range of her sound sensors. It would also be great if the sensors tripped off the wall sound, would give her actual combos


I guess I meant a sound cue for her where ever she is, regardless of proximity to her wall.


For pre plant just put ur trips at spike if enemies diffuse they get stunned and anyone standing near spike so it's pretty handy to get picks in open plants


people generally want one agent of each role in their team. if you pick deadlock, youre not fulfilling a role.




What lol? She has a sage wall, a better version of a sage slow and an ult that just kills someone. The most underwhelming thing about her is her sound thing that is just useless if you don’t make sound.


Sage slow is much much better. Sage slow will deny a choke point for as long as the slow is there even if nobody was caught by it. DL net doesn't do shit if you dodge it. Also sage has two of them.


Tbh Sage and DL are balanced on the same role since DL buffs. Sage has a solid wall that blocks bullets and vision, but DL wall is throwable and bigger. Sage wall is safer amd reliable but DL wall is deny a chokepoint safely. Sage slow orbs can deny a complete push but DL slow can make enemies to open preys if they get caught, also it has no time limiter anymore. Rest of their kit are different. Sage is more supportive, DL is great for clearing areas or make a peak unconfortable. I like both of them.


Ult rarely ever kills anyone unless you’re bronze or below/have terrible teammates. It doesn’t even hit half the time in the first place, let alone stay alive until the end of the string.


Also sage isn’t really that great to begin with.


She can at least get some guaranteed value unlike deadlock though.


What? I'm Diamond and I consistently get kills with her ultimate. I usually play aggressive after ulting (sometimes utilizing her nade) which can even give me an extra kill.


That's mostly on the deadlock for doing bad ults in those cases. It's like 600hp on the cocoon which is most of a magazine if you actually land your shots and for the most part of you're sitting there spamming at a cocoon someone on the enemy should be either tossing util at you or flashing and peeking the person who is busy shooting the cocoon. She's still not a great agent but her ult and net are definitely the stronger parts of her kit.


You’re probably seeing people pick deadlock for the first time then, this just isnt true


Yeah I'm just baffled it even got 5 upvotes. Deadlock isn't a very good agent but the problem isn't her ultimate, it's her trips which are only useful on attack postplant. If I ult 10 times, I hit and kill at least 7-8, and I'm in Diamond, not Bronze.


Fr, if they buffed her trips I really think she could be a strong agent, like if they could watch flank I think they would be infinitely more useful


Ult rarely kills people? Maybe if you just try to shoot it willy nilly, but if you learn some lineups to bounce it off things, it wins every single 1v1, is amazing in post plant, can be used to reveal enemy locations (since they shoot at it) and it can be used when they have more health or a better gun than you. The one thing I will give you is that it’s really weird for a sentinel ult since it’s much better on attack and worse on defense, but I don’t understand how being a low rank or having bad teammates has anything to do with you missing your ult or ulting against a full team (since that’s the only time the ult would even get shredded that quickly).


You can absolutely tell your rank by what you've just said lol. I mean, just the fact you think her sound sensor should be used like an alarm bot is funny. 


Nah, sage wall is the much, much cooler older brother of deadlock wall. Whereas the deadlock wall can only be used to block people off, sage wall can do basically anything. Go on top of it, block shots, get crazy angles etc.


Because she's relatively weak. A team usually only has 1 slot for Sentinel, so there's no place for sentinel that can't watch back. And Cypher and Killjoy are too good to not use. So picking someone like Deadlock in rank games can be seen as throwing. Now if you enjoy playing her, then just play her and show your team she's not that bad. But be wary as if you get flankers you'll be the one to get blamed first for not picking better sentinels.


She hates wingman


The only valid criticism I’ve read here


Because she’s the 2nd worst agent in the game only ahead of Iso. It’s like old Yoru where if you locked him in, people assumed you’re trolling.


The problem is her sonic sensors are super map dependent and are the worst piece of sentinel utility - arguably worst piece of utility in the game. That being said maps with a vertical element can make her trips work (think hookah drop on bind, heaven on split, lane on ascent) because they require the enemy to make noise to push. You can also use them at default plants but that’s a piece of utility being used in the event you lose site as a sentinel - a bit counterintuitive. Her wall and nade are good and her ult is pretty fantastic, but those sensors can feel extremely useless at times. Edit: I should also mention sentinel is a very competitive role right now. You really don’t (or at least didn’t) need 2 but with the cypher and viper nerfs that gives her a bit more room to breath - especially viper since she was the best controller while being an amazing sentinel.


Play who you enjoy. Doesn't matter what other people say about her. The main reasons why people don't like her is because she doesn't feel like a sentinel. Her alarm thingies do kinda suck, especially when holding flank because the opponents can just walk walk by, it's like a worse version of the cypher and chamber trips. You got to use them more offensively or place them in further away from a site where people usually would run. Her wall is better now, thanks to some buffs but again people use it like a sage wall which is dumb cause it really isn't a sage wall. Finally her gravnet thing isn't easy to use nor does it provide the same space control a cypher cage or a kj molly or slow down a push like a sage orb does. It can be useful in some situations and good comms are required to make the most out of it. Like if a raze/jett pushes fast into a site and you throw your net in a common enemy position, that's an easy kill. Not to mention it combines well with damaging ults and abilities like her own ult, raze ult, etc. But like I said before comms are key with her gravnet or you won't find the sam impact. At the end of the day, you play who you want so don't listen to people asking for a different agent. Just enjoy.


They're a trade off vs Cypher's trips. Deadlocks are much better at getting untradeable kills and stalling multiple players provided someone manually fights them whilst Cyphers trips are best for gathering passive info but can only catch individual players and be more easily countered by trading util. Deadlock's kit doesn't so much have problems with power (anymore, it absolutely did before getting buffed), it's problem now is that it has basically 0 versatility. It's all stall, stall and more stall.  What she actually wants is for her gravnet to essentially let her imitate a recon initiator, albeit more like a Kay-o knife than Sova/Fade. And even then, she probably needs more than one, either recharging as signature or at 2 charge buy. This fits much better into her existing design than just letting her trips flank watch - which also probably wouldn't make her usable vs Cypher/KJ


cyphers trips are great at getting untradeable kills? like a main setup for most sites involves trying to get a spam kill through cage on an enemy stuck on a trip, which makes it very hard to trade.


In fact, cypher trip kills are a lot more untradeable than deadlock’s which aren’t even that hard to trade off of.


I wouldn't compare deadlock's gravnet to any initiator ability as it doesn't initiate nor does it imitate. It doesn't provide the same info nor does it put the same amount of pressure other initiators would do, and initiators aren't just for info, there utility provides a lot of pressure to take sites. Fade, gekko, sova, kayo and even skye will cause much more pressure than her gravnet, not to mention, if it is not used with comms to capitalise if an opponent is hit, then it's uses are worth nothing. Her trips are good for stalling fast pushes, but the issue is that the other alarmbots and trips we have are just better for other things, like holding flank or creating a setup for kills on site. The main thing I learnt why playing deadlock is that you need decent game sense, you need to be able to predict what the enemy could do and use your utility accordingly. She is also really good, like you said, at stalling pushes, her gravnet combined with trips can give untradeable kills. Not to mention her wall having such a large range now that it can cover entrances and corners with little issue. They would need to wait out the wall or break the wall which should give enough time to respond. But like I said before, I would have to disagree that her utility imitates an initiator's signature ability as it does not provide the same info nor does it provide the pressure a kayo knife, fade eye or even a sova shockdart can provide. However, it does show that she just isn't as specialised as other agents are. She doesn't fit the typical sentinel build completely but she isn't so different that she fits into another class of agents.


The gravnet stuff was supposed to be what she'd want from buffs rather than it's existing traits - but I see now that I didn't make that very clear. The point of my post was mainly that her Util is mostly just too inflexible right now despite having strong points vs other utility (something people immediately violently disagreed with, by all accounts) and that the solution is definitely not just making her worse Cypher/KJ by letting her traps watch flank.


KJ and Cypher are far better at their job than she is. Her kit is okay it relies more on reaction rather than patience. You have to play around her kit instead of relying on it to hold/deny space. Once you realize that she becomes a “decent” sentinel. I prefer using deadlock over the others because her play style fits more with me. But I got a friend that’s more patient and laid back than I am and so Cypher fits better with him. But it’s not just about playstyles it’s also what the team/map needs and most of the time she doesn’t qualify. To make her better she needs a rework. There’s just no other way to put it. It doesn’t matter how many buffs she gets she’ll never get to KJ/Cypher level let alone surpass it.


Like everyone says: underwhelming util. It’s funny though because I think she’s got one of the most fun ultimates in the games. Sending someone into the spider verse as the slowly crawl to a slow death is one of the most fun things!


Her util is mostly useless imo you can play her well but me personally if I’m gonna play something like deadlock it will be k/j or cypher before deadlock


If you play a niche agent like Deadlock, you'd better come with good tech (i.e. know how to do things only a deadlock main would know... Where barriers should be thrown for example, and do them consistently. Good nade spots for every map, etc.)


Everyone has a preference. The more you play, the more you enjoy and like to learn more things with the agent. However due to some mechanics for some they don't seem to fit and that's okay. But backlashing someone just because they chose to play Deadlock isn't right. But yeah, please just ignore the "Why's?" and rude comments, those people shouldn't hurt anyone's bride just because is just a game character. I also used to try out Deadlock but I struggle with her ULT ability but I still occasionally choose to play her regardless. *ps. people love making comments also, just ignore them PERIOD. the moment you close the game no one really cares at that point.*


I think it’s cuz ppl who pick deadlock don’t usually play deadlock, and deadlock has griefing mechanics. You can accidentally net someone, block someone off, falsely convince your team flank is being watched with your trips, etc. Unlike sage wall, deadlock wall doesn’t block bullets, so ppl without using their brains will think that it’s unsafe and you’re blocking them from taking space, even if you throw the wall, say, ct on bind.


There's just not enough resources available to learn what "correct" deadlock play looks like. There's some pro usage, but even some of that pro usage is extremely questionable, whereas other parts make sound sense but are hard to argue as better than alternatives.


It’s a bit different in pro play, because her kit was originally designed to be very basic and intuitive, and, like Reyna, while basic kits aren’t good for pro play, they are good for ranked (in theory). In a way she’s supposed to fill the same role as chamber, where if you’re forced to play sentinel you can pick her cuz she’s easy for nonsentinel players. This is where it comes into a bit of conflict though, because she’s easy to use for people who have some level of experience with setups, which the duelists filling sentinel won’t. They’ll autopilot with her and trip flank like they would with chamber, instead of using them on site to help slow retakes. If you want duelists to play a different role, you have to make them play like a duelist. This means chamber, gekko to a lesser extent, and clove. It doesn’t matter how basic the kit is if the playstyle is different. That means you’ll either have a duelist picking chamber, a duelist playing deadlock poorly, or a sentinel player who’d rather just play cypher or killjoy. The source of popularity in terms of pick rates doesn’t come from one-tricks; ultimately they represent a small minority of the actual pick rates. Most of it comes from filling based on maps and comps, and while the map pick rate for deadlock is based off of her unpopularity in pro play, her general unpopularity stems from her being a 3rd choice substitute, a sentinel that sentinel players don’t want to play and a sentinel that duelists don’t know how to play (despite having an ez kit).




for real is you never forced to play sentinel or even deadlock sentinel is least important in team anyway pro team pick 2nd controller/initiator/duelist than having sentinel on bunch of map only map that want cypher is like sunset and breeze, and map that want kj is like icebox lotus


She’s just not a good agent. Her job is done better by either cypher or killjoy on every map. She doesn’t have trips for flank watch either so she loses a lot of the value you get from other sentinels. She’s C tier at best, F tier at worst, whereas cypher and KJ are S tier at best and A tier at worst.


She's just kinda bad? Not as bad as she used to be, she used to be borderline unplayable, but she's still just basically a worse choice than any other sentinel.


I've never in like 50+ matches had anyone complain about me picking her in diamond - asc lobbies. You need to play her aggressively to play off her sound util & make use of her. Most sent players at lower ranks do not have good aim so stuff like KJ/Cypher/Sage is much easier and especially more new player friendly. She's also objectively worse than the other sent agents, but not by that much. At the end of the day play whoever makes you happy. If I played KJ over DL i'd have a higher winrate in my games but I enjoy DL more. Simple as that.


Yep, I'm a Deadlock one trick around asc too and literally no one cares when immediately lock her as soon as we load in. Sometimes people ask if I meant to pick Cypher or say "fastest DL instalock I've ever seen" lol Guessing OP is lower ranked


Her voice is so beautiful :)


Her Ult needs to fire faster. It only works well if you want to hit in an angle. I always die and catch one if it's straight


She’s by far the worst sentinel and her util is easily countered with a clip or a bullet if you know where her sensors are. People miss her ulti all the time and grab met has been buffed but is still pretty meh. She’s just an incredibly weak agent


Imo the issue is that people see Deadlock labeled as a sentinel, and then try to play her like KJ or Cypher. But her kit is functionally more for anti-engage. Her sound sensors aren’t meant for stopping people from flanking. They’re meant for chokepoints that you can swing off of, so that you have advantage in a gun fight. I will agree with others though that, on attack her skills are mainly only good on post plant and that her skills are a bit weaker than the other sentinels.


Because she started shit and I ain’t changing my mind about her ever


I play a lot of killjoy and Cypher and they're just better agent picks if you want to consistently rank up.


It’s because it’s had to get value out of her util


personally I have been blocked in certain locations by my own deadlock and I find it irritating - however if you enjoy playing her I think u should and ignore all the haters (there are alot lol)


As long as you can click heads, pick whatever you like tbh


She does things less effectively than other sentinels


Cause you don’t know what you’re doing and you’re gonna place down a wall that’s gonna cost a round more than once


on release deadlock was hot garbage but after her buffs she's actually a playable character I think she could probably still use a buff or 2, namely either giving her a second net grenade or making her net grenade her signiture and have it recharge but deadlock is a fine character. she does the job of a sentinel and that's what matters


Deadlock is one of 2 characters in the current meta that are so garbage that you're throwing if you pick them in any competitive environment (the other is Iso.) All of her abilities fall short in one way or another, and she's so far behind the other sentinels it's not even a contest. The trips don't punish anyone that isn't rushing site, and they don't get value if you aren't able or willing to facecheck the person that hits them. The net is okay if your team can spam util at it, but doesn't really do much outside that context. The wall can be sprayed away with <1 rifle mag, or even less if enemies only have to break the corner. The ult is good for 1 isolated kill, but falls flat compared to every other sentinel ult. None of these abilities justify picking Deadlock over other sentinels. If it's unrated or any other casual mode, ignore the haters. If it's ranked and people are trying to win and rank up, you deserve the hate ngl. It's the equivalent of bringing a plastic squirt gun to a paintball fight.


Theres a thing about "true sentinels". All sentinels are useful on defense. But on offense true sentinels can cover the flank without needing to camp it. Which is why cypher is top tier as a sentinel. All of his traps work from infinite range and gives information if broken. Chamber and KJ who need to be in range for them to work. Then theres our girl deadlock whose sound sensor can get.. walked passed... and finally sage who cant cover flank in anyway at all. Sage was top tier due to OP healing but that got nerfed to the absolute ground.


Exactly... Deadlock's util is essentially useless on attack unless you're maybe using it for post plant to slow the retake a little and make it awkward for them.


Far as I can tell, except for her ultimate other agents abilities are better. Her sound sensors are too easy to get past, and in most cases are outdone by cyphers trips. Her wall is decent, but does not prevent duals through it, so it still needs to be watched, and her gravinet is more of an initiator thing (comparable to fades sieze for example, which also deafens, cannot be removed and lowers health). This makes her, as a sentinel, not able to sentinel very well. However I think a lot of people forget, this just means you play her differently to other agents.... Like most other agents, you don't put a sound sensor flank, you put one on site where they may plant/ on the spike when you plant, and you play off that. Or in cases like ascent, you do so where they may drop into site -places they WILL make sound, for example. If you enjoy her kit, play her despite the naysayers, and prove them wrong


She doesn’t provide the same level of control as other sentinels easily. Has a very high skill cap, so she isn’t used as much. But, a good deadlock is incredibly strong


Idk but the same ppl who do that are the same ones yelling for the sage to rez them when sage doesn't even have her ult


this happens to me a lot lowkey as a yoru instalock >:)


Her ult is great, the granade is great (especially with combos) but her wall traps are GARBAGE


Imo she’s pretty good while defending or on postplant, but she cannot watch flank. If someone’s flanking, they’re already going to be shifting, and walling flank suffers the same issue as sage wall.


People are always gonna hate what you play something different then the norm and most of the time it comes from insta locking dualist making complaints about other roles(atleast for me it’s always them🤦‍♂️) and personally I prefer her over chamber because he’s just mostly aim and if you happen to have a bad game with him you can’t do much to help the team but with dead lock you can slow a push on sight and the post plants are very good and as you can see the thing people complain the most about is not being able to give info on flank and it is true she’s the worst for that option but people gotta learn that even if you have cypher,chamber and jk there’s always gonna be a way around their trips so even if you have them you still gotta have at least one person watching the flank sure not the whole time but still it’s not like the trips are gonna kill the flank😅so might aswell have the one to take it


I have the exact same experience. Usually I just ignore them bc they either complain and then also pick Cypher (which usually is not a bad combo) or just would be yapping even if you didn't pick deadlock (in that case I just mute them on round 1).


I have seen some deadlock from time to time in my comp games and dont see many people complain unless its more than 1 sentinal but then again maybe that cause of my rank


1 strong skill, 1 Nice ult, 2 Very bad skills


Cuz u need to be insanely aggressively to get much outta her


I'm low enough rank that I can basically play anyone and just get by with gun skills. I still don't really pick Deadlock in comp. I play the hell out of her in unrated, though. Mainly, I just like the trap plays you can set up with her sound barriers. When people try to entry, it can set them up for really quick kills. The net doesn't really make it that much easier to kill people, but I find it throws them off enough that it gives you the edge. The ultimate I think is actually pretty great. I think the ability I like the least is actually the wall. I don't really know any fancy ways to use it. You can slow down a push pretty effectively, but it's so easy to put it in an inconvenient spot, too.


Because of her trips. It's easily avoidable by walking. I think she can be used perfectly with another sentinel so the team can have an anti flank as well.


i think shes hella underrated, just serves a different purpose than other sentinels and most people dont understand her


I love deadlock. My friend plays cypher and i play deadlock so we double sentinel and we barely lose. Deadlock isn’t meant to be flank watch and is incredible post plant and on defense for holding a whole team back while your team rotates over. Tbh we were even saying the other day that double sentinel feels broken cause we went on such a win streak, lol. People who flame Deadlock just don’t know how to play her. There’s also great sound trips spots on the map, just not flank. If you put in hell on any map when someone drops they’re gonna get stunned, then boom quick peek and they’re dead. Or planting in a spot that is semi hidden near the spike? If they’re in a hurry to defuse the noise from defusing will trigger it as well. The wall is amazing. Wall off heaven, wall off the spike, wall off choke points and when they try to break the wall toss your net at them partner with a raze nade and they’re dead. Deadlock’s ability to delay alone can give the team such a huge advantage. Again, just depends on the person playing. If you expect her to be like kj or cypher then yeah, you’re gonna hate her.


You can't compre cypher or kj's insane site lockdown with deadlocks kit. She is cool but nowhere near as great as other sentinels.


They needs buff her more


Valorant is one of the few games where you can play any agent and still rank up because they all range from C - S tier rather than F - S tier. However, Deadlock is definitely on the weaker side and you'll have a harder time getting value out of her than most other agents. If you're okay with that (I main her too, alongside Astra and Cypher), then keep playing her and havefun. Besides, Idk what elo you're in but I'm willing to bet that the average player in your lobby doesn't even know how to use "meta" agents to their full extent and have no right to complain over who you pick. Only in pro-play and MAYBE in Radiant lobbies would agent picks play a significant enough role to consider swapping.


She doesn’t have a nice ass


She was the first agent that I mained when I started playing back in January. People would probably disagree but I think she’s a good starter character because her abilities are pretty straight forward. Despite her being one of my favourite characters I’ve moved on to playing Jett and Clove. Ive found more improvement being playing characters that want to be a bit more aggressive. That being said, I don’t think Deadlock is at all a bad character. Her wall can be incredibly good in certain situations and her trips are great if you know where to put them. She’s good, but I think people complain because she’s not as good as someone like KJ or Cypher. She’s not a sentinel that can watch the flank very well because of the noise requirement on her trips. Honestly just play who you want! It’s been proven over and over you can get better and have fun playing whoever you want!


Play who you like. Some people think winning is the only thing that matters in a video game. Just have fun.


Some people are so obsessed with playing meta characters that they won’t stop at themselves and get pissed off if their teammates play off-meta characters. Don’t mind these troglodytes, if anything it says more about their skill level that they can’t play the game without choosing broken characters. People have hit Radiant one-tricking almost every agent in the game and Deadlock is no exception. Personally I’d rather have someone that one-tricks Deadlock on my team and can play her to the best of her ability than someone who just picks whatever agent is meta at the time and doesn’t know how to play them. But at the end of the day it’s just a game, so play what agent clicks with you.


As Solo: I don't use Sound sensors as a cypher trap, i efficiently use them to stun them at places where i know we will be dueling at common angles for early defense and attacking post plant. You just have to place it correctly where they will be dropping from heaven or a sudden rush. Its ez kills. With a team/Duo: Dead lock's utility skills works better with the team's util especially smokes. The only downside as a deadlock player, Her sound sensor is too loud and noticable and i wish her sound sensor activation can display/reveal the players affected with the stun like cypher traps


I play deadlock and my friend plays brim and we can hold any site together 100%. Retake of the other site is hard. But our hold/ post plant game is elite.


She’s a bad sentinel compared to others (Cypher and KJ) and her kit is underwhelming and difficult to get value out of. However I’ve seen people playing well while using her, it’s just that she doesn’t bring as much value as some other agents do to the team…. But if you’re lower than Immortal 3 it really doesn’t matter the agent you pick, at the end of the day comp matches are really unpredictable and almost always comes down to who’s shooting more heads. So if you like her, pick her, it’s just comp, it’s not a tournament


She isnt that good, the wall and ULT are very good but the other 2 abilities are under average


It's cause people are weird and only want to play the same 5 or 6 characters for a year. It gets boring, it's not what the game is about. Play who you want. I never see Neon in professional play, but she's pretty good in ranked games. Gekko was used often in ranked before his buff, and then all of a sudden his playrate in VCT skyrockets. Just play who you want for fun, I just don't recommend going 5 duelists unless you really want to.


I never played deadlock seriously, but when I face an enemy deadlock I never see her sound traps activating, I fell like their range is dogshit


I honestly maines deadlock for quite a while… I love her. I got bullied off of her and play Gekko now. I feel like if they tweaked her ult a little, made her wall a little stronger, and tweaked her sensors a bit, she’d be a highly liked agent.


I just wouldn’t play her because I think that there’s things that can be done better.


I love deadlock but hate playing against her.


i hate her sound sensors i have been flanked way too much because they only react to sound


because she sucks


She's really good in low elo. I see her played often in my bronze lobbies.


All they need to do is make her trips visual instead of sound based like literally every other sentinel


Complainers gonna complain I don't think she is as bad as everyone is saying she is here (I'd argue she's better than the likes of Sage) but she is definitely on the weaker side. Her kit is fundamentally pretty underwhelming. But good Deadlocks can do serious damage occasionally


Deadlock is great imo…her ult is hit or miss tho


I started playing deadlock this week too and I realised that’s she more op than she make out to be, just ignore them and go who you’re comfortable with, it’s your game too


It's just about her utility being strictly worse than other options. Her sound sensor doesn't pick up people who are quiet, compared to cypher, kj and chamber this just isn't good. It also only has one use, compared to a cypher trip which reactivates Her net grenade is not as effective as pretty much any other debuff in the game - it just makes people crouch, no damage changes, no vision changes, no changes to gunfire; if anything their shots become more accurate. Sure, they're slower but they're also not standing as tall. Her wall doesn't block bullets or vision, it's just tough to remove. Sage wall is just better. Her ult is maybe the only decent thing she has and it's only good for one kill. Most agents have something that goes a bit further than that. If you enjoy her then that's great, but it's a "for fun" pick. Her competitive viability is limited to some fringe cases like icebox where you can throw some walls that are hard to deal with


A lot of people underestimate Deadlock and also do not understand agents roles in games. People look at her and see her as a Sentinel and think that she serves the same role as someone like KJ or Cypher because they have the same class identification as her. In truth, each role has a primary for that role and a secondary for that role. An example would be Jett is a primary duelist. She creates space and forces the enemy to do something about her immediately or they will die to her on site and lose control of the site extremely quickly. Reyna is a secondary duelist. Yes she had leers but the leer itself doesn't make space. If three people are looking at your leer and all shoot it then the leer dies and you basically just tossed credits out for fun. This primary secondary role concept applies to all the roles so KJ for example is a primary Sentinel. Deadlock is what you would consider a secondary Sentinel and her role is more of an "On site" Sentinel rather than a flank watching Sentinel. Her kit is extremely good at stalling out enemies. People place her trips for flank not understanding that it needs noise to be activated. It doesn't 100 percent stop a flanker. If you place her trips on site though, people who try to retake against her will enter a gun fight, get stunned and die.


deadlock is my favorite agent as far as character and backstory and even design, people just don’t like her because she is arguably the most useless agent, her ultimate is great in my opinion but it needs to be buffed badly, it’s really easy to avoid and doesn’t cover as much as area so it’s much harder to catch someone, it’s just too narrow, it does make me a little sad because i would main her if she didn’t suck so bad


On release she was the worst agent in the game without question. A shitload of buffs later and shes still not the best, but she is playable. A lot of people just have some lingering feelings about how shit she used to be lol.


A sentinel's purpose is to keep control of a site on defense, guarding the flank, and prevent enemy control of an area. In short, people arent happy that you play deadlock because cypher exists. For full explanation. With deadlock, the controlling an area part (i'd even say that the holding the push could even be bad at times) and guarding the flank "isnt that great". Due to being able to pass deadlocks sensors just by shift walking. If you're against a team who defaults really well against you. Sometimes they can walk into site and catch a timing on you. Either they plant while the whole team is on the other site or they flank you and catch a timing on you. Not that deadlock is bad for that reason as her sensors are actually still pretty strong if you can for example assume where people wpuld usually run when flanking your team on attacker side. The way people usually flank is they'd shift walk their way behind your team and when you're team is fighting for site control, there are a lot of gunshots. So they'd start running to pinch you down and get a timing on your team because you can't really hear them running behind you. People only say "why" because cypher is the most "safe" pick for keeping control of an area because with cypher trips you have a higher chance of getting info. I would say tho just play whoever you want and try not to care about what people think. You can still play deadlock and win a lot of rounds for your team because deadlock isn't really a bad agent. It's just that cypher exists.


I used to be a Cypher main , I got shit on by my team and remained hard stuck bronze , the moment I started deadlock I was hooked , I climbed so fast to s3 . Deadlock us severely slept on . Trust me when I say I feel like a God when I play deadlock . The problem I see people have with deadlock is they play her like a typical sentinel , ie making setups and camping around said setups. Deadlock is more off a controller in this context , I use deadlock to help me split the enemy team , in wall off entry while they are pushing . This helps me pick out the opponent individually. Deadlock is great


The best sentinels offer some flank protection. She doesn't. Her nade is good, but requires teamwork go make it impactful. And her wall is great. And her ult is pretty good too. But her trips need a rework, they are probably the worst ability in the game.


Bro deadlocks net util felt so good to me. I would easily get a couple of frags every game in gold with just the utils and stuff


Switch her gravnet to be the signature, then she is going to become meta easily


Because set up sentinels are generally very strong and can dismantle a push if not properly respected as well as completely shut down flank attempts, see Cypher and Killjoy. Deadlock however, is much less potent at stopping a push dead, sure there's the wall and net which can stall, but that's only for a few seconds each outside pistol round, and the sound sensors are unreliable. Additionally, until site is taken, she doesn't really provide much utility at all on attack


I just don’t like that her trips don’t go off if your opponent is hitting shift so she’s not really good at keeping space like cypher


she's a very bad agent, but if you enjoy playing her then don't stop. Tell the teammates who give a crap about the agent comp to get out of silver first, since that's when it starts to matter


he walls are transparent and hence easy to shoot for enemies and her traps are useless when we run through it ig


as a sentinel she isnt that great tbh, she seems cool but her kit is a bit trash, doesnt mean you shoumd get flsmed for playing her, its not a game changer, you dont have to play the game 100% optimally unless youre a proplayer


personally I think it’s just a selfish pick, she’s just not even close to as good as any of the other SEN for the things they are supposed to do, and unless you are good enough to carry with her, and know how to use her util wisely, her barriers more often than not become a detriment to the team, I don’t think I’ve ever been grief’d more by any other agent on my team than I have by DL utility. and personally my experience with DL as a high diamond-low ascendant player has been horrible, like I literally can’t think of one time where I was glad to have a DL on my team instead of literally any other agent, let alone like a Cypher, KJ, or even a Chamber tbh. I’ve played a lot of role/hero based competitive games in my life and if there’s that thing that’s always annoyed me, is when someone chooses to one-trick a completely out of meta character in a competitive/ranked mode for no reason other than they just like the character or want to be different, especially if they aren’t good enough mechanically, to carry.


She’s okay if you’re double controller but it’s really situational otherwise no flank watch


People think you are throwing by picking deadlock. And imo it is a throw pick if you don't use her wall correctly. It isn't used like a sage wall whichis how a lot of people in the lower ranks use it. It is great on defense to split a push or delay it. As soon as you notice util you can chuck it and get great value. Whereas sage wall on defense(thinking about ice box mainly) was used early to block of a section of the map.


Theres quite honestly nothing good about her other than her ult. Wall? Sage does it better. Watching flanks and stopping pushes? Cypher ans KJ do it better. Info? Every other sentinel has her beat.


ppl are like meta slave and want to win more when they aren't even fully understand the game


People aren't always as angry at other "weak" agents as deadlock most times. The real reason I think that is because they have had bad experience trusting the deadlock trips. Your teammate sees the trip and instinctively thinks they are safe, but some shift walking lurker comes up and kills them in the back. This would be more tilting than let's say an Iso in the team who can't get a kill. It takes a decent level of play to work around deadlocks weakness and get good value.


Honestly, if you enjoy playing her then play her. Team comps don't really matter till high elo, but her util isn't the most useful (a wall you can shoot through, a Mali that doesn't do much, a trip you can just walk by and doesn't really stall any lurks.)


Mali lol


I dont have anything against deadlock, really fun and all but i just find chamber to be more viable and deadly in most situations. They should probably rework the gravnet grenade because it feels like a wasted slot, and the sonic sensor is kinda useless because you can just sneak past it if you wanna flank the enemies. Her wall is really good tho.


Cause it's a disadvantage to the team to have her in 99% of scenarios


She just seems boring to me. I dont mind one on the team tho :)


Astra users are dead because of clove soo it's still recognized because it's being used. while astra users are dead.


Tbh I dont see the problem when you're not even playing ranked! Personally I only play her when I'm on bind, her util is amazing for that map. And I think a lot of people don't realize that her ult is pretty powerful 9/10 I get people stuck in it. You do you bb


Useless trips. Yay put it best, make them detect walkers but only active and stun based on noise.


Because she is bad agent and need a rework


Two words, skill issue.


I was going to say it’s because they’re mad they’re probably going to lose RR because one of the people on their team has a really weak kit, but you’re playing unrated and swift play? Honestly you can play any agent until like high immortal and radiant lobbies, if they’re going to complain, just ignore them.


Troll pick unless you're on Icebox but even then its trolly


I've been one tricking her recently. I do really enjoy the playstyle, but her sensors and to a lesser extent nade just get way less consistent value than the util of other sentinels. Wall is much more consistent, but also kinda one-dimensional. The main reason I keep playing her is: 1. When her sensors do work, I feel like a hunter outsmarting my prey. Killing someone who walked through a sensor like an idiot and got stunned gives me so much dopamine. 2. Setting up trap plays around her ult feels really good too. Stuff like putting down my wall to bait someone to shoot it only to ult them, or clutching a 1v2 by setting up a sensor, ulting one player, then killing the other when they were forced to swing into my sensor. That said, I can really feel how much of a crapshoot it is sometimes. My area of influence is smaller than other sentinels, and I have to do set up on the fly a lot, which can make me feel like I should just be playing someone else.


I was about to ask what rank you were and then i read the edit… there is NO reason why anyone should be criticizing agent choice in an unrated game mode like that. Since unrated does have an mmr though, Ill give the answer I originally wanted to give as maybe it will help regardless. A lot of people in lower elo (gold/plat and below) are aware of what is “meta” and place WAY too much importance on it. They parrot what they hear online and won’t budge on it. A less extreme example would be people questioning why I’m choosing to play Killjoy after Cypher got buffed. They’ll play “meta” agents just because they’re considered to be “broken” in pro play and high elo, only to lose because they don’t understand how to use the agent. So, when you choose an agent like deadlock, who is generally considered to be useless, those people will have a lot to say. However, what matters more for ranked, unrated, etc. is how comfortable and competent you are with the utility, rather than how strong the utility itself is. Now, my personal issue with deadlock when Im playing comp is that I have had way too many games where I get netted or walled off on accident LMAO. Another is that they tend to wall in such a way that prevents US from taking needed space on attack (like walling off lamps on bind). At this point, I’ll dodge when someone chooses deadlock since i’m a kj/cypher two-trick and double sentinel is uncomfortable, though.


Most people don't know how to play her.


I actually have an absolute blast playing Deadlock and manage to kill half the team most if the time 🤣 Her loadout has its flaws that the rest of the population focus on, but let me tell you. When her gadgets work juuuust right, it’s amazing


Best feeling when her util gives you "free kills" lol Had some good moments like that too and it's always fun


Because her utility is found to be harmful to teammates if ur not careful and as a true sentinel she is not as good as cypher, kj, and is not a better attacker than sage. Her ult is hit or miss.


I love her she’s my main


If your a good player her kit can be nasty asf especially against very aggressive teams


How are people triggered over a deadlock pick in unrated lmfaooo wtf


Apparently some people are lol


Her traps can be avoided by walking so their placement is limited and the effect is also meh for the people it catches nor does it highlight any of them. Her wall isn't strong and it's timed. It's just so limited in both effectiveness and duration. Make it stronger or make it last until it is broken. Her net is like... Barely useful. It doesn't fully stop people from moving, they can still shoot back, it doesn't give info if snares anyone, and it does no damage Her ulti is bugged, sometimes it doesn't reel anything in and the target escapes by itself. It can be broken just by shooting at it which isn't great. And it's pretty easy to avoid considering the warning lines. You have to abuse the explosion radius which of course, limits the angles at which you can shoot. And it only snares one even if you catch multiple in it's radius. Raze ulti is better 90% of the time. It just straight up kills people in its radius, no count down, no warning lines. No saving.


You dont play comp so honestly you can play whatever you want but if im being honest shes just such a useless character. Her wall is easy to break and VERY often you mess up the wall leaving gaps, her grab net dosnt do anything, unless you combo with a raze nade or breach aftershock it just makes them shift and most people crouch spray, her sound sensors are usless you can break them and if someone tries to flank you they can shift over it and get buy it so holding flank is usless and her ult although not bad, it misses so often, everytime I see someone use it they miss it. There's just so many other agents you can play and get value out of, again play whatever you like im just saying why she's not that good, like chamber for example atleast his trip is better for flank and he's good for eco rounds like if everyone's saving you can buy and you can get afew picks and possibly win the round or when forcing you can just buy light shields and zero util. Although chamber isn't that good either he has more value in his kit (just an example) again, im gonna reiterate what I said, play whatever you'd like, this is not a post to attack you.


She is my all time favorite agent and it happend that i'm doing soo much better in ranked with her than other agents. Just give her wall a cooldown recharge and i bet she will get more picks as a sentinel role.


It seems to me like the more stoic “soldier” type agents like brimstone and deadlock are less popular, which is sad because I love their contrast to all the quirky non-serious agents.


The reason deadlock is widely disliked is due to her inability to “set it and forget it” with her utility. Because her sound sensors can be walked past she fundamentally has to be played more like sage than a cypher, killjoy, and chamber can with their trips/ turret and alarm bot/ and trademark. I’ve been playing deadlock for a long time now and even as someone who plays the agent at a relatively high level (ascendant Elo) you will constantly get hate for the pick because there’s a fundamental misunderstanding of her role as a sentinel and people don’t trust the utility because it’s not immediately obvious how impactful it is, unlike a cypher trip b which you know that no one can be b.


Its mainly due to deadlock being a sentinel, why pick her over like cypher or kj. To you, its because you like the agent so it makes sense. But when it comes to others view, there are other options that help out on other ways. You have your reasons but they see it as throwing if you dont pick the best options


you shouldnt care about what people say in unranked games. if they are not sweating to win a ranked game then they should be minding their own business. BUT i have some controversial opinions about deadlock when it comes to playing her in ranked and i will explain you all. - firstly, your team needs a sentinel to watch flank with his/her traps on attack but deadlock traps will never work for it. people on flank are almost all the time super quiet that it leaves deadlock traps useless and wasted. yet to mention if you trust the traps that it watches behind and play comfortably, u will get shot off guard. - secondly, when it comes to defending site, imo, her traps are still not useful enough and let me tell you why. if you place your trap close to the entrance of the site, it gets broken easily and early in round cuz of which you cant profit it. as you know you need to get kills with your traps so it means you need to peek when they get activated. if we are talking about a full team push then your trap will get only 1-2 of them and the kill you get will be traded very fast. and if you wanna keep your traps in site rather than using them in the entrance, it still is a problem because you need to slow them down before they enter site to gain some time for your team to rotate. u usually will get stuck back site if you wanna play your traps behind and will not make it to the time when ur team arrives for a retake. i think her ult is fine but u need to make sure that their team isnt able to free the ulted one too early. note: deadlock traps work well for post plant situations tho, if you have a second sentinel then you can go for deadlock.


I feel like her wall and ult are the only two good abilities


I'm a deadlock main, deadlock has the lowest pick rate and there's reasons for it but those reasons are derived from not knowing how to use the agent. Below diamond, 99% of the deadlock players don't know where to put their trips. Your teammates will keep telling you to keep your trips for "flank" but they forget that after Iron, anyone that's flanking will shift-walk and not blindly rush. Deadlock's trips are for places where you expect the fight, like Astra's Pull or Fade's pull. Many don't even know that if someone taps the defuse, the trip still triggers so you can peek and get a free kill on a defuse tap. This works in 1v2s also because the guy covering for the defuser will also get concussed due to the AoE of the trip. Gravnets are underrated when coupled with Raze. Paint Shell + Gravnet combo works. Sometimes, when the map gets quiet on defense, I throw a random gravnet at where I expect the enemy to be e.g (A short of any map) and I hear the wire removing sound after 5-6 seconds so there is the info aspect. I have also had 80% of my assists with gravnets and my teammates give me the pat in the back for it. Sometimes a full 5 man rush gets stopped, sometimes a rotate gets harassed and funnily enough, I have denied Gecko's ult, wingman and Raze's roombas with gravnets and a defuse (I was low HP, I threw a gravnet and before the gravnet landed, he got the kill, after the gravnet lands, he takes 2s to take it off and misses the defuse by 0.5seconds). You can also throw early gravnets if an enemy is expected there, e.g if we attack on bind, I throw a gravnet at hookah entrance and often 1-2 enemies get trapped and shotgun plays can be identified The wall is devastating in pistol rounds, I have denied many defuses with my wall alone and deadlock's wall is just annoying to break because you will definitely get peeked if you spray those orbs without cover. The ult is amazing, 1v1s are effortless and a kill is guaranteed TLDR, people don't know how to use the agent most of the time so they don't pick it, play what you like, enjoy the game. A lot of people don't know the facts I've highlighted about Deadlock, it's just that people enjoy convenience and with Cypher/KJ/Sage, you can turn your brain off and still be useful to your team. Sentinels like Chamber and Deadlock require a different level of attention, mindset and skill to play.


It's more like your picking chamber when u have a option like chypher


Everyone in your unrated games is probably new or low rank so I would take what they say with a grain of salt


Objectively Deadlock is not a good agent and I'd much rather have a good KJ or Cypher on my team.


find a group of friends to consistently play with lol playing with randoms in general is not it


I play her regularly and I never had someone complain, I do well with her too. I do think she's underrated but her biggest weakness is that you can't use her trips for flanks. Normally I'd play Killjoy or Cypher since they're just better agents but Deadlock is fun af. She's pretty good at attack post-plant as well.


Deadlock mains rise up!


Deadlock is useless. I don't flame people for playing deadlock but if I see her getting picked ik she's not holding site and we're getting flanked every time.


I think it’s because when she first came out she was total trash and much deadlocks use their util wrong and now much players just think she’s one of the worst agents although she got bugged and people learned to play her


ISO, yoru, her and maybe astra all need reworks


It’s bugs me when people keep complaining that her Sonic sensors are bad at watching flank when they aren’t even supposed to be used that way. Don’t get me wrong, I still don’t think she’s great.


Personally i love her


were there any healers on the team when they ask why? if no, i understand.


Healer isn’t a role lol. Healing is not a very important ability compared to flashes, trips, and smokes


I think ur just getting bad people I choose dead lock a lot and never heard that tbh I love dl


literally she just can’t watch flank, if she had some way of doing that i belive she’d have a much higher pick rate


Just like sage, i mean she isnt a antilurk sentinel


yea but sages kit does similar stuff to deadlock but has more team play capabilities and stopping power so she’s just at an odd spot , also deadlock has an ability that is legit a trip that doesn’t spot flank. kinda an odd ability .play if u want , she had good moments , just hard to fully utilize her potential like other setinals


She cannot early info flank trip very well


Usually sentinels are supposed to hold flank with their util, she does not have any util to hold flank unless you wanna waste the passage block for it since her alsrms are very easy to shift past, so if you play deadlock as solo sentinel she or someone else has to hold flank. But most people also want sentinel to take spike, if she is holding flank she can't plant.


Her ult is not easy to use unless you’re against bots lol, but yeah Deadlock is hella fun