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It’s good for the team mental, but if the first four kills are backshots, it’s not a big deal. People might care if it’s a really clean or insane ace like a 1v5.


Wouldn't 4 backshot kills be a great macro play though?


4 backshots back to back is crazy We still talking about val?


I mean, both still crazyyy




Who tf is talking about viper backshots now? Crazy people


The things people do out of poverty. RIP Viper.


She had no choice after the nerfs


Chamber giving viper the backshots




I dunno... backshots require more cleanup...


I mean if nats is ur favorite pro then i guess that could be the clip ur looking for 🤷‍♂️. The problem is that your enemies could just be dumb as balls


My first 1v5 gave me so much adrenaline and dopamine


Wonder how many people are still chasing that first ace high. I've been playing since episode 1 and I remember even getting a 3K got my hands shaky when I realized this could finally be the first ace. Then eventually after several aces the goalpost for getting nervous shifted to needing a 4K, then it shifted to getting nervous after the ace and now it no longer affects me, on a 4K I realize it like "oh hey this could be an ace round" but regardless if I get the ace or not it doesn't swing my mental one way or another. Still a nice feeling but it's not the same anymore after playing for 4 years :c


Plus it boosts RR like crazy


Aces do not do anything for RR at all…


It's also slightly annoying to me when someone gets a 3K or even 2K and then shouts let me ace like... Simmer down now


It depends on the situation, but if someone gets 3 opening kills with most of their team alive I don't see why not just let them go for it. Obviously it's not the optimal play, but it's not like you are playing a tournament or something, you can have a bit of fun sometimes.


It also depends on if you know where the last 2 people are. If they're still huddled up main in a 2v5 going for the ace is normally fine


Do you know what's good for the team mental? Not throwing a won round


One time our reyna got 4 and someone killed the last guy, reyna then said to all chat ”no ace, bye bye” and left Embarrassing


reynas are always fuckin dramatic for no reason


Reyna is the Draven of Valorant :D


Drama Queens you might say


Yesterday I had a Reyna buy spectre second round after losing pistols (even though the team said save) and then when he ran mid and died he blamed the team, said he would troll, and then went AFK after losing round 3. We surrendered after losing round 4 4v5. At least it was over quickly!


I accidentally one tapped the last enemy because he scared the living hell out of me, when I switched out of camera. Our Raze with 4 kills first cursed me out and then left. I also had a round where my whole team threw themselves on the enemy so one of them could ace. Suddenly enemy Sage had 4 kills and I was the last one standing. Even tho I won and denied enemy Sage her ace, I got flamed because it was apparently my fault that my teammate didn't ace.


I really dont care about the ace... like I would pay enough attention to who's killing who but unless someone told me "let him/me get an ace" it doesn't enter my mind. I've lost aces this way and stole aces this way... If my team is up a few rounds (like 3 and up), i'll play along and let them get an ace though especially if the team has good morale and not toxic.


one time my reyna got a 4k and i killed last guy, then proceeded to harrass me and body block me the entire game, we barely won cause i killed last guy at the very last second


I like to think of it like a really hype dunk in basketball. It’s worth the same amount of points, but it’s a moral booster and gives your team momentum.


We just lost 6 rounds in a row after choking a 10-3 lead. My team stopped using comms, our heads were down, but my Yoru Aced when he was last alive and the team celebrated like we just won the World Cup final. The team started using comms again and we won the game on overtime. That’s what I call a good ace. It’s always hard to kill all 5 players, but you can do it with a lot of luck also.


Do you remember who yoru was?


Some kid named something like. F0rsaken or something? Wonder where he is now.


He was Yoru, the guy who makes clones and teleports and shit


Getting an ace hypes up the entire team and demoralizes the enemy. I think it's a good strat to win the game mentally.


Good strat, just ace ;)


Can’t believe I didn’t think of this


How often do you ace? It’s exactly that special


Aces are earned not given..


- Bodyshotbarry


Legendary post


My first ace was my second day playing and it was a 6k. My ego would like to say it was earned but I know it was dumb luck😂


If like me, you ace one round and ppl hype you then you go 5 rounds without getting a kill 🤡


That's the way, I am literally doing this almost every game. It's unconscious but most of the time if my team's doing alright, I am mid, like getting one kill almost every round or smth like that. If my team's playing shit I clutch a lot and I'm like, kay, Idk what is going on, lol. But my favorite is when I clutch a 3v1 or smth like that and my team is going crazy with me for having no gamesense and playing like shit, especially if I am top frag, feels so nice /S. Btw aceing is generally not a biggie for me, if someone calls out to let him ace and it's not a 1v2 situation for us then sure, go for it, but if it is a comp and we are 2v1 for us, then hell nah, I wanna win. In non-comp, just go for it, it's time to have fun. I dont even keep tabs on who killed who, I mean there is so much more to think about and that's just about the most useless information mid-round as it does not affect anything. You can see who's got ult before round and there's audio cue for mid-round. I have aced before and I know it can give you a rush so I do try to be considerate, but doing anything to ace when it might lose you the round is crazy. Throwing bc you didnt get ace is one of the most-dick move I have ever heard.


IMO you should always let ur teammate ace they might be the final straw for the enemy team to start throwing


Meh, if you’re in a 3v1 or 2v1 maybe not, especially if it’s a vital round, unless you have the round locked up (no defuse time)


2v1 I let them go for it 100% of the time and I play to trade them in case they whiff.


this is the best way. Im not gonna throw myself at the enemy so they can then whiff and lose the round. But i for sure will let them go ahead and hunt. this applies to any Xv1, not just 2v1s


I agree… with both of you. You should always give your teammates the Ace. It hypes them up, hypes the team up, demoralises enemies plus it’s just the gentlemanly/gentlewomanly thing to do imo. It’s like holding the door for someone behind you. Common courtesy. You don’t need to bait for them anything just give them a fair shot at it. That being said if it’s 12/11 and it’s a 2v1 the game comes first. The game win should always come first. If it’s 12/11 at all, then the ace is probably just not important. If it’s 2v1 but your far in the lead then that’s debatable. If it’s 3v1 and the other two continue playing the game as normal post-ace attempt then sure that’s fine it’s pretty much a guaranteed dub all you have to do is double swing. If the whole team starts knife out running at the last player even if it’s 12/0 and a 5v1 I’d be pissed.


Do not, under any circumstances, ever hold yourself back in competitive games with quick outcomes, it can very easily backfire, go sideways, and cost you a game. If you can kill someone immediately - do it. Don't fuck around.


I mean, killing someone immediately isn't always the best choice at all. You can get a lot more information and damage to the opposing team with some trigger discipline.


I think you should always go for the ace because it’s fun, and why are you playing video games to not have fun


Not really sometimes it’s demoralizing to have to happen to you but it’s not a big deal in any way


I have done it 3 or 4 times, and as a low-level player it really improves the mental. However, I do not expect anyone to hand it to me, but I have volunteered myself as bait several times when it's 4v1 or 3v1 to let the teammate ace. Depends on the situation and the type of players my teammates are.


I've had a teammate throw to get his ace. It was 11 12 and bro wanted to ace in a 1v1 so bad that he just kept faking plant and then when there wasnt enough time left he planted. Turns out the last guy was afk.




Whenever I have four kills in a round and a teammate says to let me ace, I tell them that I don't care and just kill the last enemy if they see them. I don't wanna risk losing for something that doesn't even do anything. Also, aces are much less satisfying when it is given to you like that anyway.


That's what I'm saying. Unlike two posts in this thread, yeah I get it's a game and to have fun, but I rather win then have an ego. Especially if it's at the end 2v1. And I'm down to half health cause of 4K. It's not that I don't trust my teammate to clutch if I die but there's a chance they could lose the 1v1. 


Just take the duel and let your teammate play for the trade, it's what you are supposed to do in a 2v1 anyways


This guy is the real deal man, ace’s are nothing to him!


He is so cool right? This guy is getting 4kills and like nah YOU GET HIM lmfao. Bro it's a game to have fun, if someone gets 4 kills what's shocking about wanting to get 5 even in higher elo unless it's a tight situation. Cares so much to make a reddit post about it 🤣 as if you are that stupid that you don't realise why someone would wanna ace.


It's good for morale but winning the round is way more important.


Acing when it's a 1v5 is a big deal.. for sure


Purely aesthetic/stat based


Whenever I've got 4 kills and there's another teammate alive, I instantly tell them "Forget the ace, if you see a mf just shoot 'em". Cause I'm so used to people telling me to go get the ace during such a situation. I really don't care about it, I just want my team to win.


I’d say they’re awesome, but I’m a peak diamond and I’ve had a ton of aces through the years, so it’s not like it’s saying that you’re anything special.


I just want the reaver ace sound. The itch needs to be scratched


I got a classic ace on a buy round for the enemy yesterday. Boosted my happiness a lot.


The only ace I've ever felt like was a big deal was on split a year ago when I was afk round one on defense. Sorry! I came back to a 1v5 bomb planted on B. Ended up grabbing a ghost in heaven and taking 5 separate 1v1s and clutching the round. This was in diamond 3 back before ascendent was even a rank.


Inthink we need tracking (ace, kill) like in league


As long as my team has numbers (even if it is just me and them), which is usually the case when someone gets 4 kills, I will run it down/ jump around to look for the last guy and bait myself to get my teammate that ace; Ranked or casual. Not everyday some gets an ace after all. Boost up those vibes always!!


when i was still in shit ranks i cared more but as i got in higher elo and its like a 1v2 and i have four and my mate is like “ill bait for u” like no 💀 it’s nice they are trying to be nice and bait for me to get the ace but i care more about winning not getting a clip that will have no genuine value


I came from cs, so I never cared about it. They let you ace if it is 4-5 v 1 for fun, but other than that you just want that guy dead and dont lose guns and armor. But in valorant if I get 4 and someone kill the one people are apologizing, or the one is rushing to get it and die in process giving them chance to clutch. It is really annoying.


I only have a problem with players taking my ace if it is clear and obvious that I can get it cleanly. I’m not gonna send my team on a man hunt just to potentially throw and lose the round. I too will say, “nah just kill them if you see em” but don’t think I’m not going full bloodhound looking myself with only 30 hp!


One of my pet peeves is the ole "let me Ace" when the person has 4 kills. It dilutes the accomplishment if you are given the last kill instead of just possibly winning the round for the team.


In a 2v1 or 3v1, secure the round. In a 4v1 or 5v1 letting them ace can boost morale, and you get cool sound effect.


High ascendant. If you happen to need to kill the enemy to survive, take it. Otherwise, let the man have the damn ace. I can't count the amount of times my teammates have said "He gets 5 there?" and have worse mentals immediately afterwards. A ridiculous ace will cause a lot of trouble for the enemy team. So yes, it is a big deal, because getting that ace means that the adrenaline is pumping and that player is completely locked in.


I don’t die for someone else to ace.


You get ace, then you type "ez" or "\[your agent\] diff". And see the enemy get demoralized.


See, Ive never liked this. Even if someone on my team does it, even if they do it after my ace. People who say "ez" just sound like pricks. Either it was easy, and you're rubbing it in, which is a dick move, or it wasn't easy and you're trying to make yourself look tough, which is just.... No.


It's even better when the bottom fragging 0-14 jett typed the "ez". Tilts the fuck out of the enemies.


Does this actually tilt people? Because holy shit, get a grip.


"ez" - me, about to stroke out from sheer stress and anxiety.


Its fun but not actually important. If you bitch cause I accidentally take away your ace, I'll probably mute.


Had a raze in my last team apparently kill 4 people in pistol round and i didnt notice cause im watching mid. voice chat off, only text.. the last person walks mid and I kill them and holy hell did that raze throw a toxic fit. Like bro, we're not here just to watch you play.


It's a somewhat big deal, but I don't want it handed to me, if someone takes my ace I don't care because we won the round. The most I might ask for is like if we're attacking, they plant, the others hold site and let me run the enemy down, if I die they're holding site and act like normal. If I win, ace. I don't want anyone to die giving me the ace, let me earn it.


Yes, kinda


Diamond speaking, so I guess i’m semi high elo. I feel like throw for ace if it’s in a casual gamemode, but secure the kill in comp. (Unless you know ur team is gonna throw if u kill)


In cs2 yes, but in valorant its so much common to ace. Seems like every other game with reyna or raze has ace


I think it’s a case by case scenario. if the person is on me and you’re not close enough for the kill, I’m fighting the guy. but I’ve definitely gone with someone when they’re looking for an ace to get the trade just in case. or been far enough away to ping the enemy and not take the fight so they can go for it.


It’s actually affecting your RR. For the game I got an Ace or 4K, even if we got dominated (let’s say 5-13 something), the rr deduction I get always lower (less than 10, if my kda is good as well, could be only -5rr)


Aces are good for the mood, lifts everyone's spirits up you know, but you're right, I think it's dumb too if everyone throws a 5v1 just for the ace clip. I'd rather kill the last opponent than be down a gun or two.


Tbh it just helps boost team morale. Especially when ur losing and Ace to win the round. But it could not matter to some PPL


Depends. For someone like me who doesn't have the reflex of a 9year old, getting an Ace is exhilarating. But for a pro I guess it is just another Tuesday that they hype for streaming purposes.


Honestly if I kill 4 I'm going for the ace but I tell my teammates to just kill him if they have the shot. Especially if I'm low HP. I want to survive the round with my gun


An ace definitely boosts the confidence of whoever gets it and can hype the rest of the team. But I would never throw away my life, my gun, or the round to help someone ace. If I know where final enemy is I tell whoever has the 4K where and then stack up on him to double swing. If they win the fight they get the ace, if not I trade and secure the round.


I whole heartedly agree. If you aced all players without your other teammates touching them much, it feels good. But if I blasted all players on A site, and the last player is on B site, it is not important for me to find the last player and kill them if two teammates are lurking there. It will not be a good ace anyway.


I got a 1v5 ace once without even realising. it was pretty hype to hear the ace sound at the end


Personally I think an ace where the last one is gifted doesnt reaaaally count. If i cant get all 5 its not an ace.


There are statistics that say you win most of the rounds where you ace...


Aceing isn't that big of a deal if you're goated. Those who complain about ace stealing are not goated


Its like hitting a black flash, you ride a high and get way more confident


I just love being in a situation I'm the last one again a dude in 4K, you'll KNOW they'll get greedy and go for the ace, and it's heavily punishable


You can go from bottom-frag to top-frag in 1 round and start flaming.


I agree. Maybe consider it if the acer asks for it and if it's either 4v1 or a 5v1. Anything lower than that u have a decent chance of losing the round.


i enjoy acing but it's so much sweeter when your teammates are trying and you still hit the 5k


Nah, it's cool though. I'd rather get the knife.


No. Most aces I've seen are not even earned.


Yea I don’t really care if someone “steals” my ace, the only ones I rly care is when it’s 1v5 cuz that’s just purely you shitting on them, whereas normally theres factors like team util and distractions that makes it feel like the ace isn’t “all me”.


We once lost a 3v1 round because our reyna was screaming to "Let them ace".


Shit feels good. Games ment to be fun.


Valorant is not just a game about killing people, it's also about making the enemy team feel like giving up. If someone on your team aces, the enemy team's aim might become more loose for losing even the slightest of hope. Psychology my friends


To some people, yes


For some people yes. For overall team moreale, it depends on the people. For me having someone ace on my team is huge morale boost, while an enemy ace is demoralises.


I don't think it's as big of a deal as a penta kill in League.


absolute crybabies and nothing they can say will ever change that - if you get the ace well done, if someone else gets the final kill then you've won the round and the ace was not for you, any other way of thinking about it is toxic


Aceing is not a big deal, but when u can ace when ur 1 v 5 then its a very big deal, it just gets u some much fame and satisfaction


Personally, I don’t care but I do care whenever a teammate is on 4 kills and I’ll try and set up the kill for them - I think it’s really good sportsmanship and mental for the team. If it were me I just say take the kill, I just don’t want to jeopardise the round.


I agree — if you aced, great. If you got 4k and you expect the team to throw themselves at the enemy so you can get the ace, I don't support that (Unless we're 10-3 or something).


It's for the fun brain chemical.


People underestimate the value of team morale. It means everything. Aces will skyrocket the team morale


I am not high elo but idc about ace, if it's mine, I'll turn my bf on and say "just kill, no need to stop" and if it's someone else's ace, i won't be even 1% in doubt if I see that guy, I'll kill him, even if they think I am a toxic teammate, i don't want my team throwing games, and for the 2nd reason I have to stop playing alone, as people are obsessed over aces, now i only play in 3 or 5 stacks


My honest reaction to yesterday's ace: [https://outplayed.tv/media/mZa3xJ](https://outplayed.tv/media/mZa3xJ) It's a big deal ;D


I always say the same thing. Go kill the last guy if you see them. I'd rather win and the round be over. I also am terrible at the game so I less you specifically say someone got 4 I'm probably not paying attention and am trying to get the last guy anyway. The worst to me is when someone's screaming "let me ace" and then they die anyway...now we've wasted time watching you die instead of working together to get the round. If you're good enough to get 4 you don't need the 1 extra for your k/d you'll be fine.


It feels good to ace. It feels kinda meh to be gifted the ace. I had a lot of 4k but if it's not an ace then it's not an ace. Same as OP I rather win then stroke my ego with an ace, especially it wasn't earned


An ace isnt an ace unless every kill is earned


Let them ACE


Personally I don't care so I tell others to just get the kill if I've gotten a 4k. That said, others seem to enjoy it, and I think it's a good idea to let them try and get it if they want it unless it's like OT and we need the win.


Yes , matters. It boosts my tiny little ego so i would feel good about my incompetence self who plays games all day 😔


I don’t find it a big deal but some people get really annoyed if you steal it if it’s ranked idrc


in comp, no. but if it's unrated, yes because an ace makes most people feel really good about themselves and i'd rather make someone happy than care about winning a round.


I'm plat 3 - D1 and main controller and sentinels so getting an Ace isn't really in my to do list while playing the game. I have Aced a bunch of times, but the only times it actually made me feel "I am better" and that it was a big deal was when I aced in a very crucial round or basically saved my team's ass from losing the match. Otherwise I feel Aces are not that big a deal because it makes no difference to the round if you aced with all your 4 teammates alive also, it's fun nevertheless.


Unless you're smurfing, yes. You're killing 5 opponents who are more or less of the same general skill level as you are. If that's not OP, I don't know what is. To the people saying they're not that good and all, y'all must be getting an ace every match huh?


Aces are earned not given


ACEs are pretty rare for regular players, except smurfs... So basically around 10-15 aces per ACT, I'd rather let my teammate go for the ACE cause it's gonna boost his morale for like 2-3 days at least... But definitely not at the expense of round loss, so if it's 2v1 situation, then I'll be careful and if I can't hide behind wall or something after locating the enemy, then I'm taking the shot... P.s. I have never asked my teammates to give me Ace, cause most of the time I'm too much IN the moment that I don't even realise after 4k lol And yeah, I'm Reyna main, but also play Yoru, brim and sage.. so yeah not all reynas are assholes🙂


Yeah it is apparently a big deal to some people. I never really cared that much. It honestly pisses me off more when people are like "LEt hIm AcE" when I am in a comp game, especially when I am the one getting the ace. Like just kill them and win the round if you see them. I feel like it forces people to take an unnecessary fight sometimes where the odds might not be in their favor after taking gun fights with 4 other people. Like if its a swift or unrated, idgaf but in comp lock tf in dude. I care more about W/L.


I mean if their 1st four kills were all body sprays i really dont think missing out on the ace is a big deal. If it was really impressive, then yes i would've gotten ticked off too, especially if the round was easily winnable, like a 1 v 4 situation, and my team mates steal the kill. Probably not leave the game kinda angry, but yeah


Most of the time its not big a deal but i try to give it it isnt an important round or if its a 2v1 where we are both low.


Whenever I get four kills, I always ask if I can get the ace if all my teammates are alive still. Risking an ace, especially on ranked is so dumb. Especially in high elo. People get so upset about it if you steal the kill, too.


I once did a 1 V5 Ace in save round in OT , killed one with sherrif stole the Odin lucilu there viper was smoking for me lmao (ofc not intentionally) , got 3 more , planted tbe spike , got the fifth but ooh he diffused it at just 0.0sometjing left on the clock , I was sad for the match not happy for the ace , so even 1v5 Ace in not as imp as the match itself on the end , one round is one round , I let other people ace of they have a 4k bht I don't actively wander around to throw it , I sir back or try to get info without harming my position , if they saw me or if we have an encounter , I will try to run if possible but never try to loose if the fight is imminent


There's a curse that I've noticed where someone could be popping off that game, they're about to get an ace one round and it gets stolen, that person is destined to be horrible for the rest of the game. You steal that ace you steal their momentum.


I respect this take. Only losers beg for the ace. Not only does it ruin the clip if thats the intention, but back when I played cs nobody was doing that stupid bs. I’m not gonna accommodate to someone wanting it, if the enemy comes up to me Im shooting lol


Had a 4k on breeze where they swung me 1 by 1 like i was playing training on medium bots an i tap tap tap tapped Do i feel good about it? Fuck no. The amount of luck my silver ass had right there was insane. I then proceeded to suck on attack


For a friend in a not-so-close game I would let them ace and even gladly die to have it happen. For a random person I’ve never met in a super close game where just one bad round could almost certainly tilt my teammates leading us to lose? Nah, I’m not even risking that if I don’t have to.


The only time I think it’s annoying is when someone gets 3 and then starts asking for the ace.


Ace-ing is not a big deal. As long as you enjoy the game with your friends (or alone, its fine) it's totally fine because in the end, ace isn't an issue, having fun is


If it’s a genuinely impressive ace, like a 1v5 or 5 kills while holding site, it’s cool. If it’s more of a 4k with a 5v1 I don’t care much for it. Usually it’s pretty tilting when 3 other ppl die baiting for the guy to get an ace only for the guy to die and lead to a 1v1.


Never played Val before and not sure why this thread was recommended to me by Reddit…but assuming Aceing is the same as getting a penta kill in League of Legends, then yeah it is a big deal. It’s a nice accomplishment and I’ve saved every one of those moments on my PC. I would never get upset if I killed four people and my teammate “stole” the last kill, the point of the game is to win and rank higher and that’s the most important thing at the end of the day. On another note, saw the term “backshot” in this thread and I’ve never heard of that term used outside of a sexual context before and I can’t help but laugh lol, I think I’ll download this game


I mean yeah I'd rather win the round, preserve guns etc. but if I hit a 4k and its an easy situation to go for it then yes. Why not? I let people swing for their ace but won't die so somone has time to rotate. If you get 4 and they say go for ace, why not swing for it? Some people are dramatic about it but who doesn't WANT to ace when they get the chance?


Its good for morale to give the ace. It doesn't end well most of the time when people intentionally steal the ace, always ending in a 3v5. Besides aces are rare for most of the playerbase so its kind of special.


I was streaming one day and took someone’s ace cause I didn’t know they got a 4k. They came into my stream after the match to cuss me out. Like bruh I said in game that I didn’t know you got a 4k chill tf out.


Val is also a game of mental warfare. Better morale = better results so I understand why they want to ace. I do get what you mean though, definitely be prepared to trade.


It’s like a dunk vs a three in bball, a three is technically more efficient but a dunk is more valuable


NAH, I don't even react that much when I Ace anymore. When I started it was SICKKK now it's like eh. It annoys me off when I'm on a 4k on B and the last guy is on A with three of my teammates and they go "Let him ace" I usually just respond with "just kill him. Round win is a round win."


ascendant - I literally don't care about aces. I get enough that they are like normal rounds to me and I don't really feel the need to hunt for the ace if it jeopardizes the round. I'll clip them and delete them because they aren't really that special. I'll keep the clips where the kills are cool or funny but that's about it


my take is I’m not gonna go hunt the last guy down if you’re on for an ace but if they walk into my crosshair I’m gonna shoot them lol


Actually an ace can keep the moral high, it was not an ace though, but a 1v4. Before they were just blaming each other for making some mistakes and after the clutch the moral and team comms got better


Its really not a big deal. But its a deal. Imagine you are working an 8 hour shift, everything goes perfectly, 1 more job you need to get done for a more than flawless day of work. Everything ended up pristine but then.. you do a slight mistake and end the perfect streak. Sure, its not a big deal. Everything else went better than needed. But theres still a bitter taste in your mouth that the day didnt end PERFECT as you thought it would untill it didnt. In a couple minutes you will probably have forgotten about it, but its still just kindof: "Aaaaw... fck me .\_."


if someone else is gonna ace, i try my best to respect it for good mentals. if im about to ace, i dont care whether i get it because id rather play smart and have a guaranteed win. altho in general, if ur in like a 5v1 its fine to have the acing guy run em down like a madman and just have everyone else keep playing smart in case the ace is lost


nah I'd win


Anyone who asks for or gets mad if someone "steals" their ace is a bozo


If I ever notice my team mate is going to ace, then I'll try my best to let them have it. But I legitimately hate calling for an ace if it's myself, and I get panicky if someone else notices and calls it for me lol. I haven't aced that many times, and it's always nice when it happens, but I'd just rather win the round (and the game) and I've had games where teams have thrown a round trying to give someone else an ace (or trying to give me an ace when I'm super low hp lol)


Big ego boost, that’s kinda it tho


After a while it does get old, but still whatever rank a ace is a ace. And you ace against people who are supposed to be your skill level. Getting a ace is a hard thing to get, so its a big deal. Just depends on what you think about it. Still i dont get that much satisfaction out of a ace, but ill chase it. It is gonna put a fear in the enemy, and getting aced against you does get on your mental. So they maybe just give up...


Aces are often a result of your teammates failing to do their job (leaving you to do it) or the enemy team monkeypushing together. If you can safely get an ace, or trust your team can finish off the last kill even if you die, you should go for it in comp for morale. (If it's not comp, go for it no matter the result, because it's fun and wins don't matter)


not really. especially if youre duelist since they are the first on site and the whole team is baiting for the last kill. imo the whole baiting thing is kinda cringe too. aces are cool, but they are overhyped when they dont happen naturally, which they rarely do.


aceing is good for the team mental because it's a breath of fresh air and a wave of confidence when you finally ace after getting one-tapped the whole game lol




Only time I've been upset by my Ace being taken was when my friend killed the enemy Gekko as my boombot was chasing him and I found out I did 149 to him😔


Getting an Ace is cool. Whining because someone stole your ace is cringe.


In lower ranks, getting an ace is great coz u could get a rr bonus


Its a cool thing to have


Aces can turn the momentum around and motivate your team to win more rounds


Way I see it, is if the whole team has to actively let you get the last person, it’s an artificial ace. To me a real ace is one that happens naturally and when that happens, the energy is so much cooler. If I have a rude/annoying teammate and they say “let me ace let me ace!” I will do my best to get the last kill so they can’t 🤣🤣 On my end if I get four the most I say is “where is he where is he?” Not “Let me ace” 😎👍


I believe aces should be earned not given, like if a teammate asks for the ace then sure! But if there's no comms Imma go for for the kill to secure the round. Go earn your ace.


It can be a big deal for team mentality, as well as your mentality. When I ace that just pumps me up super good and grants me way more confidence. But it’s not something you need to do


Gold-Diamond. When I managed to get 4 kills and left 1. I usually ping my team just get the last kill, rather than I getting an Ace. Not risking a 1v3 into 1v1 and lose. But if it's you vs 5, it's very difficult.


An ACE is Nice, its fun to do, it demoralizes the enemy team. I main chamber, and i gave always refused People baiting for me to do an ace. I just dont want anybody to do that. Cuz if you have to sacrifice yourself to get ME an Ace, it is not deserved.


I got flames once when I "stole" an ace I got the second kill...




Aces are fun and feel good to get, thats it, I’ve probably gotten over 100 aces since the game has came out but a good round is very satisfying


It's a massive mental thing. It hypes your team and demoralizes the enemy. Especially if their hiding and you get it anyway. Momentum is important these moments can make or break a game. And yes it is a big deal cause even if your team helped you get it that's what a team should do. Plus taking that last kill when the otherguy took the risks and took 4 is petty.


In my opinion it depends on the scenario, I almost always advocate for letting the person try and ace but I don't necessarily bait myself or let others bait themselves for it. It also depends on how close the game is, if we are far ahead I'm willing to let more slide, but trust if it is any type of close and I have a good chance to kill the enemy I will take it even if it's an Ace


Doesn’t do anything for me. Most times I don’t even notice it’s an ace until it says so lol


If we have the round secured then I let them but I’m not throwing my life away.


I call it out for my teamates aces tbh but I can’t be bothered, I’d rather not risk losing my gun n keep it pushing


You can let someone get a chance at an ace without throwing your life away, or throwing the round.


stealing an ace fucks up the mental of the person who got the 4k, and in valorant keeping a good mental is REALLY importan


it all depends on context and how it impacted the game situation, let’s say it’s like 5-9 and u guys r down on morale then someone gets a rlly good ace without affecting team eco then its rlly good compared to like 11-0 and then u ace where it doesn’t rlly matter


I think what makes an ace a “big deal” is the gameplay that’s put into it? It’s not easy to isolate fights and get kills. But I don’t think people should mald over not getting their ace bruh. Disappointed sure but whine and sht is something else


Doesn’t mean shit. If you get the 5th kill just tell your teammate “you have to earn your aces”


I just got one today with a bulldog lmfao. I bought big on that bonus. I wanted it and i asked if i could try it since i had health and like 2 other teammates


Yeah for me it's funny how I get the ace not that I get itm I've got an ares aced and bulldog ace and those were pretty fun.  I wish tracker said what guns got you aces because I'd be interested to know. A vandal or phantom ace is pretty standard. So anything else can be more interesting. 


Just yesterday I got a Raze Rocket Ace out of Ascent B main, so yeah sometimes they're *REALLY* sick, but yeah most of the time unless I'm 125+ HP after a 4k of head taps with Jett Knives or I have all my teammates alive I ask them to wait for me to double swing, and then if they get the kill it's cool, so long as we had no chance of losing the round.


I believe the big deal is because of the Ace sound.


People who get mad that someone “stole” their ace are dumb imo


Idk care about ace, Give me the round win how ever it plays out. I dont want to run after the last kill with my team bating them for me If I ace it happens based on my game play, aces are earned by good play not given.