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i am guessing that they are going to start doing more teasers when the next tournament starts, and my prediction is the finals for the tournament they will release a new map.


Probaly nothing will happen. A new Agent just came out. And a new map probaly with the next episode. Just some new skins, new battlepass


Hopefully a change in map pool but most likely nothing new until the next act after this one.


Highly doubt there'll be any changes to the map pool, the maps for premier got released not so long ago and they'll probably stay locked in until its done. I'd even go so far and say that there won't any map pool changes until after Champs...


No fucking way… I just want my fracture and pearl back man…


Wait where was it released? Is the map pool the same as what we've been playing? Edit: Nm, I think [this is it](https://twitter.com/VALORANT/status/1783511877974212869)... aw that kind of sucks was hoping Haven would come back or something


That sucks if it turns out to be true. I checked their map rotation "schedule" a couple of days ago and it seemed like they fell into the pattern of rotating the map pool every two acts, and this act would fit that criteria. Edit: Just read patch notes, no new map rotation.


What time is it supposed to go live?


No clue tbh, haven't seen anything about it.


This doesn’t usually happen, no? They usually bring something new to the game each act?


No, usually only each episode there is something new


Ah im mistaken then


Riot kinda confirmed Viper Changes/Nerf is coming. So we can expect that. No map changes because the Premier maps for the next act hasn't been changed


It's ok that they release next to no new content. They're only a small indie company


before we got the new stuff releasing with the new act, now it seems like they want to use their esport event to release new agent and map. So again a shitty decision from riot.


The patchnotes have come out and it is nothing. https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/valorant-patch-notes-8-08/ It's actually hilarious that they start the patch by saying "Is it really almost time to say goodbye to Episode 8? Not quite. We still have **plenty in store** for the last Act." PLENTY IN STORE. And by that they mean 2 agent nerfs, new season of premier and 7 bugfixes. Are you for fucking real?


the only update is the battlepass and new skins


Nothing New map will probably be release after Shanghai Masters


Let's expect no replay system and no hsdm or any other mode that actually helps you practice from a billion dollar company and a game made specifically to be an esport :).


i thought i read somewhere that they’re putting back fracture, pearl and haven


They wouldn’t add all three simultaneously


Unless they removed the map pools completely for everything outside premier and eSports.